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WI 650.1905 Scope and Effect Equations

(a) Applicable situations for use
(1) Basic Drainage Concepts
Agricultural drainage is defined as the removal of excess (gravitational) water from agricultural lands,
primarily for crop production purposes. Agricultural drainage is generally divided into two categories,
surface drainage and subsurface drainage.
Surface drainage removes water from the soil surface by promoting gravitational flow overland and
through channels for collection and conveyance to an outlet. Surface drainage can either directly remove
water from an area, or it can divert water away from an area. Surface drainage includes land grading,
ditching, tile surface inlets, and diversion by ditches, dikes, and floodways. Surface drainage systems
use elevation differences and hydraulic gradients to cause water to flow from one location to an outlet at a
lower elevation.
Subsurface drainage removes water from below the soil surface to a gravity (e.g. ditch) or a pumped
outlet. Subsurface drainage can either directly remove water from an area (relief drainage), or it can
intercept and divert water away from an area (interceptor drainage). Subsurface drainage includes tiling
or ditching to convey excess soil water to an outlet. In some cases a water table that is perched above
a restrictive or impermeable layer may be drained downward by drilling a vertical drain (or well) through
the restrictive layer. Subsurface drainage is accomplished by installing a drain (ditch or tile) with a
flowline below the surface of the water table such that the hydraulic head in the drain is less than the
hydraulic head of the water table in the surrounding soil. Hydraulic gradients are formed towards the
drain, which acts as a sink. This causes the soil gravitational water to flow to the drain. The sink is
maintained by continuing to remove the water from the drain by gravity or pumping. Figures 1 and 2
represent typical water table gradients towards a drainage tile and a drainage ditch, respectively.

Water table

Head for Water Table in

the Surrounding Soil

Tile flowline
Head for Tile
Figure 1. Typical water table gradients towards a drainage tile.


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Water table

Head for Water Table in

the Surrounding Soil

Ditch flowline
Head for Ditch
Figure 2. Typical water table gradients towards a drainage ditch.

Subsurface drainage theory is based on Darcys Law, a fundamental equation describing the flow of
water through porous material, where the velocity of flow is proportional to the product of the soil
hydraulic conductivity and the hydraulic gradient. Darcys Law is the foundation for the development of
scope and effect equations. Expressing Darcys Law in terms of discharge:



hydraulic conductivity
the hydraulic gradient
aquifer cross sectional area intersected below the water table

Drainage practice applies drainage theories to the design and construction of surface and subsurface
drainage systems. A basic knowledge of drainage systems and functions is a necessary prerequisite to
evaluating the scope and effect of drainage practices. To apply this Scope and Effect Equations
hydrology tool, one must use drainage principles to effectively investigate, analyze, and document the
effect of a drainage system on wetland hydrology. Several basic concepts related to drainage systems
are discussed in the following sections.
(i) Drainage maintenance
Ditches are often dug deeper than needed at the time of construction to allow for additional capacity for
future planned or potential drainage needs, and/or for expected future sediment deposition to increase
the ditch cleanout interval. Soil borings taken in the bottom of an existing ditch can assist in determining
the location of the original ditch bottom, with the in-place layered soil below it, and the depth of the
overlying sediment.
Tile systems that outlet into a ditch are often installed such that the tile outlet invert is a minimum of 1 ft
above the bottom of the ditch. This reduces the potential for blocking of the tile outlet with sediment, and
reduces the flooding of the tile outlet during large precipitation events.
Subsurface drains are most efficient in the first 5 to 10 years after installation. A large storm or a series of
smaller storms can cause sediment to build up in the tile, reducing its effectiveness. A hole or cave in
above a tile line may indicate that the tile line is damaged and needing repair. Tile can be damaged by
rodents, tree roots or high water pressure (a blowout). When the pressure in the tile is reduced after a
blowout, the saturated soil can flow back into the broken tile line, causing a hole in the soil above the tile
line. In addition, if a tile outlet is submerged, the system is not free-flowing, which may cause water to
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back up into low-lying areas until the outlet water level drops allowing the tile to flow again. This can
happen with increasing frequency if the outlet ditch is poorly maintained and filling with sediment. Such
deterioration of a system can often be seen in crop history slides or other aerial photographs over a
period of years. The site will appear wetter and wetter in normal precipitation years, through the
increased size, apparent increased depth of ponding, and more severely stressed crops.
(ii) Encirclement
Encirclement occurs when the groundwater inflow or surface water runoff, that is a major part of the total
water supply (inflow) to a wetland, is intercepted and diverted away from the wetland. Encirclement can
occur when a ditch or tile diverts groundwater inflow away from a wetland. Ditches, diversions or tile
surface inlets can also divert surface water away from a wetland. The ditch or tile does not have to
completely surround the wetland for encirclement to occur. If groundwater or surface water inflows on
one side of a wetland, a ditch or tile installed on that side of the wetland could divert away a significant
percentage of the total inflow to the wetland. This would also be encirclement. Encirclement can
significantly reduce groundwater and/or surface water inflow to the extent that the wetland hydrology is
severely impacted or eliminated. Some examples of encirclement are illustrated and described in
Figure 3.


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Tile lines


Tile lines




Groundwater Inflow

Tile lines



(A) This is an obvious example of encirclement. The tile forms a ring entirely around the wetland at
a distance from the wetland of between the lateral effect and three times the lateral effect of the tile
(B) This is another example of drains completely encircling a wetland. Tile lines intercept
groundwater on three sides of the wetland and a ditch removes the water on the fourth side. The tile
and ditch are at a distance from the wetland of between the lateral effect and three times the lateral
effect of the tile or ditch (Le<x<3Le). This drainage system intercepts and diverts the groundwater
away from the wetland and this is encirclement.
(C) In this case, tile is only located on the north and west sides of the wetland, and the tile is at a
distance from the wetland of between the lateral effect and three times the lateral effect of the tile
(Le<x<3Le). However, groundwater enters the wetland from the north and west sides, and the
wetlands primary water source is groundwater inflow. Hence the tile acts as a groundwater
diversion, and this is also encirclement.
Figure 3. Examples of encirclement of a wetland with groundwater inflow as the primary source
for hydrology


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The potential for encirclement of a wetland can be minimized by keeping a drainage ditch or tile a
minimum of 3 times the lateral effect distance (3 x Le) away from the edge of the wetland on any side
where groundwater is likely to enter. This 3 x Le distance is applicable in areas of reasonably level
topography where groundwater is the primary source of hydrology to the wetland, and where an
impermeable layer is not near (within approximately 1 foot of) the drain invert. However, in areas of
sloping topography, this 3 x Le distance may not be adequate to prevent a significant interception of
groundwater inflow. In areas of sloping topography, a tile or ditch placed on top of, or just into a
restrictive layer can intercept the majority of the groundwater flow from an overlying porous soil layer. In
these situations, it is possible to intercept the majority of the groundwater flow and divert it away from a
down slope wetland area, even if the tile or ditch is at a distance greater than three times the Le distance
away from the wetland edge. This is another example of encirclement. Figure 4 illustrates this situation.



Potentially Impacted
Wetland area

Impervious Layer

Interception Drain

Figure 4. Example of interception and diversion of groundwater away from a wetland area (figure
adapted from a Purdue University illustration)

When analyzing the effect of a surface water diversion on the hydrology of a wetland, a water budget
computer program is the best tool. However, these water budget computer programs are relatively
complex and data intensive. The percentage of the total 2 year frequency surface runoff to a wetland that
is diverted away from the wetland can be used to approximate the effect of this diversion on the overall
wetland hydrology. As a general rule, in order to minimize the impact on the hydrology of the wetland,
any surface drainage system or combination of systems should not intercept greater than 9 percent of the
total 2 year frequency surface runoff (in inches) to a wetland which has surface water as its primary
source of hydrology.
(b) Data Required
(1) Hydraulic conductivity
Hydraulic conductivity (K), in this reference, is the saturated horizontal hydraulic conductivity, since the
flow to the drains is generally horizontal. Hydraulic conductivity is also known as the value, or numerical
expression, of soil permeability. Other applicable details related to hydraulic conductivity, including an
equation for equivalent K, are found in NEH-650-19, Part 650.1905(d).
Soil scientists in NRCS classify soil permeability in seven general classes. For use in the scope and
effect equations, the permeability range may be converted to an average permeability. Table 1 lists soil
permeability classes, the permeability range and the average permeability value for each class. A soil
scientist may be able to provide site specific soil permeability data from an on-site investigation. This is
preferable, whenever possible. Soil scientists may use on-site investigations, sampling and testing,
experience and professional judgment to determine the soil permeability data used for a specific site.
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Table 1. Soil Permeability Classes

Permeability Range

Permeability Class

Average Permeability
Rate (Inches/Hour)

< 0.06
0.06 0.2
0.2 0.6
0.6 2.0
2.0 6.0
6.0 20.0
> 20.0

Very Slow
Moderately Slow
Moderately Rapid
Very Rapid


(2) Impermeable Layer

An impermeable layer is a soil layer through which the vertical movement of water is restricted. Water
may still move through this impermeable layer, but at a slower rate. A soil layer that has a saturated
hydraulic conductivity of 1/10th or less of the saturated hydraulic conductivity in soil layer above it is
widely accepted to be an impermeable layer. The depth from the soil surface to the impermeable layer is
used in lateral effect equations to determine the lower boundary for the calculations. Immediately above
this boundary the flow lines can be assumed to be nearly horizontal.
If an impermeable layer is not encountered during an onsite investigation, one can be assumed to be
present at a depth equal to twice the drain depth, or 10 feet, whichever is less. With increased soil depth,
there generally is increased compaction due to the weight of the overlying soil, along with a significant
reduction in root channels and earthworm activity. These all can result in significantly reduced soil
Under certain conditions it may be more reasonable to assume that the impermeable layer is at or near
the bottom of the drain. This is true for clay soils (White 2006), soils with clay subsoils, or other similar
soils. In these soils, structure can develop in the more frequently drained zone, above the ditch or tile
invert, which may be due in part to repeated swelling and shrinking of the soil from cycles of wetting and
drying from precipitation and drainage. In addition, the increased action of plant roots and worms within
the more frequently drained zone above the drain invert facilitates movement of water within that portion
of the soil. In these soils, the soil structure would be less developed in the more frequently saturated
zone below the drain invert, and the movement of water in this zone would be significantly restricted.
Several unique impermeable layer situations are discussed in greater detail in the van Schilfgaarde
Equation section (e)(2) and the Hooghoudt Equation section (e)(3).
(3) Effective radius
In several drainage scope and effect equations, a parameter known as the effective radius, re, is used.
The effective radius is considerably smaller than the actual drain tube radius to account for the resistance
to inflow due to a limited number of openings in the otherwise solid tile. A gravel envelope around a drain
tile increases the effective radius of the drain by allowing free movement of water to the drain openings.
The effective radius values given in Table 2 were taken from the DRAINMOD Reference Report (Skaggs,
1980), with extrapolated values for corrugated drain tube diameters in excess of 8 inches (USDA
NRCS, 2005). A value of 12 inches is recommended for ditches.


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Table 2. Effective Radius of Drainage Tile or Ditch

Effective Radius, re
Drain Type and Size

In Inches

In Feet

Corrugated Drain Tube Diameter:

12 or larger



Clay Tile Diameter:

4 (1/16 space between tiles)
4 (1/8 space between tiles)







Ditch (any size)

Drain tube surrounded by a gravel

*Chosen by practical experience

**Gravel envelope with a square cross section of length L on each side

(4) Drainable Porosity

Drainable porosity is the volume of water that will be released per unit volume of saturated soil by
lowering the water table. For drainage design or analysis, drainable porosity is used to represent the
fraction of the total soil volume that is water that can be drained by a subsurface drain. Drainable
porosity is a dimensionless value (cm /cm or cm/cm), and is often represented as f. The drainable
porosity of a soil can be evaluated in a laboratory by measuring the amount of water released when the
water table is lowered a certain amount. The drainable porosity for a given soil can also be approximated
by the MUUF computer program. The MUUF computer program was developed by Baumer et al. (1987)
to estimate soil hydraulic properties (including drainable porosity) for use in the computer program
DRAINMOD (Rodrigue, approximate date 2000). A list of the drainable porosities is available for many
soils mapped in Wisconsin, and is included (on a separate sheet) in the Wisconsin Lateral Effect


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(e) Methodology
(1) Scope and Effect Equations Background Information
Scope and effect, as related to drainage, describes the physical extent, or dimensions, of the drainage
system itself (scope) and the surface and/or subsurface drainage impact, or influence (effect) of the
system. Therefore, the scope of a ditch or tile system would be the lengths, locations and extent of the
system itself. The effect of the drainage system refers to the extent of the removal of surface water
ponding or soil saturation by the system.
Scope and Effect or lateral effect (Le) equations were developed to determine the effect of drainage
systems on water table drawdown. These equations can be used to evaluate the effect of existing or
proposed drainage systems, and determine whether a drainage system removes the wetland hydrology
from a site. According to Phillips, Skaggs and Chescheir (2010), the lateral effect of a drainage ditch or
other drain or similar structure may be defined as the width of a strip of land adjacent to the ditch which is
drained such that it no longer satisfies the wetland hydrologic criteria. Note that this definition is
applicable to tile as well as ditches. The Le can also be described as the distance from one (or potentially
both) side(s) of a ditch or tile that is drained to a specified depth below the ground surface within a set
period of time. Lateral effect equations applicable to Wisconsin conditions are described in this section.
The ellipse equation, originally developed to approximate economical spacings and depths of drain tile or
tubing and ditches for agricultural crops, is not recommended for Wisconsin drainage scope and effect
evaluations. While it has a history of wide applications in drainage work and is relatively simple to use,
several limitations of the ellipse equation resulted in discontinuing its use for scope and effect evaluations
in Wisconsin.
One limitation of the ellipse equation is that it is a steady state equation. It is based on the assumption
that the drain steadily removes the rain that falls at a constant rate. However, Wisconsin rainfall events
are typically sporadic, and not continuous for the length of time that a drain is functioning. In addition, the
equation does not have a factor for time. Other parameters in the equation must be artificially adjusted in
order to specify a drainage time other than the 24 to 48 hours normally assumed for crop production.
Furthermore, the ellipse equation does not consider the convergence of flow near the drain. Therefore, it
does not accurately represent flow lines near the drain.
Three lateral effect equations are recommended for use in evaluating the impacts of drainage systems on
the hydrology of Wisconsin wetland sites. The three equations that are recommended for use in
Wisconsin are the van Schilfgaarde, Hooghoudt, and Kirkham equations. Each of these equations has
limitations and is only recommended for certain site conditions. Therefore, it is important to understand
the limitations of the equations and to select an equation that is applicable to the given site conditions.
(2) van Schilfgaarde Equation
(i) Applicable situations for use
The van Schilfgaarde equation may be used where the soil saturation is the result of a high water table
and the hydrology has been altered with ditch or tile drainage. It is a non-steady state equation. This
equation is appropriate for Wisconsin where the rainfall is sporadic.
Although the van Schilfgaarde equation should not be used when a drain invert is at or near an
impermeable layer (see limitations section, below), when a ditch or tile is installed through an
impermeable layer and into a layer of higher permeability, the van Schilfgaarde equation can be used for
the analysis. The ditch or tile in this case can act as a vertical drain, especially if the lower soil layer is
fairly rapidly permeable. For this situation, the entire depth from the ground surface to the free water
surface in the drain (ditch or tile) should be used for d, which is described below. The upper restrictive
layer should not be modeled as the impermeable layer in this case, since this restrictive layer should not
be considered the lower boundary of the calculations. This restrictive layer should be included as a layer
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in the calculation of the equivalent hydraulic conductivity. Another, deeper, impermeable layer should be
used for the lower boundary of the calculations.
(ii) Data required
The following parameters are required for the van Schilfgaarde equation (see Figures 5 and 6 for
illustrations of many of these parameters):

Equivalent saturated hydraulic conductivity, K

Initial height of the water table above the drain, mo, which is often equal to d
Height of the water table above the drain at the midpoint between the drains (or the lateral effect
distance) after a specified drawdown time period t, m
Depth from the ground surface to the water table at the midpoint between the drains (or Le distance)
after drawdown, c
Depth from the ground surface to the free water surface in the drain, d
Time for the water table to drop from the initial height to the drained height, t
Depth from the free water surface in the drain to the impermeable layer below the drain, a
Drainable porosity
Effective radius of the drain


Initial water table

Water table after



mo d

Impermeable Layer
Figure 5: Variables for van Schilfgaarde Equation for Tile Drainage System


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Initial water table

Water table after


mo d

Impermeable Layer
Figure 6: Variables for van Schilfgaarde Equation for Ditch Drainage System

(iii) Limitations

This equation does not yield a reasonable solution when the drain rests on an impermeable layer. If
the bottom of the drain is at or near (e.g., within one foot of) an impermeable layer, the Hooghoudt
Equation should be used.
The equation must use the equivalent depth to the impermeable layer instead of the actual depth to
give the best results. Additional equations are used to convert from actual depth to the impermeable
layer to equivalent depth.
The van Schilfgaarde equation evaluates water table drawdown. It does not analyze the removal of
surface water from a site. If surface water is present, it must be removed with a ditch, the natural
ground slope or a tile inlet, in order for the van Schilfgaarde equation to be applicable to the site, and
the evaluation of this surface water removal must be done using another method.
Drains are assumed to be in good, operating condition with adequate outlets.

(iv) Factors affecting the accuracy of the results

The van Schilfgaarde equation includes a parameter for time, and it can be used to compare the water
table drawdown that occurs over different time periods. The calculated spacing (and Le) distance is
significantly affected by the assumed time period. The calculated spacing is also affected by the selected
drainable porosity value. However, drainable porosity values of similar magnitude, such as 0.120 and
0.126, result in minor changes in the calculated spacing.
(v) Sources of data
Some soils data are described in section (b), along with information related to determining (or estimating)
the depth to the impermeable layer. Values for the effective radius of the drain are given in Table 2, of
section (b)(3). Additional information, including the procedure to compute the equivalent saturated
hydraulic conductivity, is given in NEH-650-19, Part 650.1905(d).


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(vi) Methodology
The van Schilfgaarde equation is:

9 Ktd e

f ' [n(mo (2d e + m )) n(m(2d e + mo ))]

Le =



= Lateral effect distance, ft

= drain spacing, ft
= equivalent depth from the drain to the impermeable layer, ft
= equivalent hydraulic conductivity, ft/day
= time for water table to drop from mo to m, days (14, per the National Food Security Act
Manual (NFSAM))
f = drainable porosity of the water conducting soil expressed as a fraction (voids drained at
60 cm tension), ft/ft, cm /cm , or cm/cm
f = drainable porosity adjusted for surface roughness = (f + s/12)
s = water trapped on the soil surface by soil roughness, in
mo = initial height of water table (m) above centerline of tile (or water surface in ditch), ft
m = height of water table at the midpoint between the drains (or Le distance) above the
centerline of tile (or water surface in ditch), after time t, ft
= [(ground surface elevation at the Le distance) (centerline or flowline elevation of
drain) 1.0 ft drawdown], per NFSAM


The procedure for using the van Schilfgaarde equation involves an iterative approach as described below.
Step 1 use the van Schilfgaarde equation with the known depth, a, in place of the equivalent depth, de,
to determine an estimated spacing, S. Where, a is the depth from free water surface in drain to
impermeable layer (ft), as indicated in Figures 5 and 6.

9 Kta
S' =

f ' [n(mo (2a + m )) n(m(2a + mo ))]


Step 2 Use the estimated spacing, S, in the appropriate equation to determine the equivalent depth, de,
which replaces a in the van Schilfgaarde equation for the final computations. Note that re is the
effective radius of the drain in feet.

de =

de =

a 8
n 3.4
S '

S '

8n 1.15

for a /S < 0.3

for a /S > 0.3


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Step 3 Use de in the van Schilfgaarde equation to calculate the spacing, S.

9 Ktd e

f ' [n(mo (2d e + m )) n(m(2d e + mo ))]


Step 4 Compare the estimated S to S; if they are within 10 percent of each other, the difference can be
assumed to be negligible. If the difference is more than 10 percent, use the calculated S value as S,
repeating Steps 2 through 4 until the S and S values are within 10 percent.
(3) Hooghoudt Equation
(i) Applicable situations for use
The Hooghoudt equation, a modification of the ellipse equation, has a long history of use in designing
drainage systems across the United States. One limitation of the Hooghoudt equation is that it is a
steady state equation. It is based on the assumption that the drain steadily removes the rain that falls at
a constant rate. This equation has been used to determine economical spacings and depths of
agricultural drain tile and ditches for agricultural crops using the requirement that the water table should
be lowered below the root zone within 24 to 48 hours after saturation. This equation can also be used to
determine whether the hydrology of a wetland has been modified by drainage.
The Hooghoudt equation is similar to the ellipse equation, except that the hydraulic conductivity is
calculated separately for the layers above and below the drain. In addition, the depth from the drain to
the impermeable layer is modified to be equivalent depth. This calculation for equivalent depth accounts
for the convergence of flow near the drain and therefore corrects a major shortcoming of the ellipse
In Wisconsin the primary application of the Hooghoudt equation is for sites where the bottom of the drain
is at, near (within about a foot of) or into, but not through or below, an impermeable layer. When a ditch
or tile is installed into an impermeable layer, the Hooghoudt Equation should be used to analyze the
lateral effect, with the drain depth set equal to the depth to the impermeable layer, which is the effective
depth (Deffective) in this situation. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate examples of this situation.

Soil Surface



Impermeable Layer
Figure 7: Ditch constructed into an impermeable Layer


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Soil Surface



Impermeable Layer

Figure 8: Tile installed into an impermeable Layer



Impermeable Layer

Figure 9: Variables for Hooghoudt Equation for Tile Drainage System

(ii) Data required

The following parameters are required for the Hooghoudt equation (see Figures 9 and 10 for illustrations
of many of these parameters):
Equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity above the drain (K1)
Equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity below the drain (K2)
Height of the water table above the drain at the midpoint between the drains (or the lateral effect
distance) after a specified drawdown time period t (m)
Depth from the ground surface to the water table at the midpoint between the drains (or Le distance)
after drawdown (c)
Depth from the ground surface to the free water surface in the drain (d)
Time for the water table to drop from the initial height to the drained height (t)
Depth from the free water surface in the drain to the impermeable layer below the drain, a
Drainable porosity
Effective radius of the drain


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Impermeable Layer
Figure 10: Variables for Hooghoudt Equation for Ditch Drainage System

(iii) Limitations

The Hooghoudt equation is limited to situations were the horizontal hydraulic conductivity equals or
exceeds the vertical hydraulic conductivity.
The Hooghoudt equation is limited to sites where an impermeable layer underlies the drain. The
actual depth to the impermeable layer cannot be more than twice the depth of the drain, and the
depth from the ground surface is not to exceed 10 feet.
Homogeneous soils are assumed in applying the Hooghoudt equation. Where site conditions differ,
another method of analysis should be used.
The equation does not have a factor for time. Therefore, other parameters in the equation must be
adjusted in order to assume a drainage (drawdown) time other than the 24 to 48 hours normally
assumed for crop production.
The equation must use the equivalent depth to the impermeable layer instead of the actual depth to
give the best results. Additional equations are used to convert from actual depth to the impermeable
layer to equivalent depth.
The Hooghoudt equation evaluates water table drawdown. It does not analyze the removal of surface
water from a site. If surface water is present, it must be removed with a ditch, the natural ground
slope or a tile inlet, in order for the Hooghoudt equation to be applicable to the site, and the
evaluation of this surface water removal must be done using another method.
Drains are assumed to be in good condition, with adequate outlets, and are evenly spaced a given
distance apart.

(iv) Factors affecting the accuracy of the results

The value used for the drainage coefficient, q, has a significant affect on the spacing (and Le) distance
calculated using the Hooghoudt equation. The depth to the impermeable layer affects the calculated
spacing most significantly when the hydraulic conductivity is high, such as with sandy soils.
(v) Sources of data
Some soils data are described in section (b), along with information related to determining (or estimating)
the depth to the impermeable layer. Values for the effective radius of the drain are given in Table 2, of
section (b)(3). Additional information, including the procedure to compute the equivalent saturated
hydraulic conductivity, are given in NEH-650-19, Part 650.1905(d).


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(vi) Methodology
The Hooghoudt equation is:

8 K 2 d e m + 4 K1m 2

Le =




= Lateral effect distance, ft

= drain spacing, ft
= equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity above the drain, in/hr
= equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity below the drain, in/hr
= height, after drawdown, of water table above the drain at the midpoint between the
drains, ft (m = d c)
= depth to the free water surface in the drain from the ground surface, ft
= depth from the ground surface to the water table at the midpoint between the drains (or
at Le distance) after drawdown, ft
= drainage rate, in/hr (q = v/(t x (24 hrs/day)), where v is given below
= volume per unit area of soil water removed (= f x c x 12 in/ft), in
= time to remove soil saturation (drawdown time), days
= drainable porosity of the water conducting soil expressed as a fraction (voids drained at
60 cm tension), ft/ft, cm /cm , or cm/cm
= equivalent depth from the drain to the impermeable layer, ft

The procedure for using the Hooghoudt equation involves an iterative approach as described below.
Step 1 Use the Hooghoudt equation with the known depth, a, in place of the equivalent depth, de, to
determine an estimated spacing, S. Where, a is the depth from free water surface in drain to
impermeable layer (ft), as indicated in Figures 9 and 10.

8 K 2 am + 4 K1m 2
S' =


Step 2 Use the estimated spacing, S, in the appropriate equation to determine the equivalent depth, de,
which replaces a in the Hooghoudt equation for the final computations. Note that re is the effective
radius of the drain in feet.

de =

de =

a 8
1 + n 3.4
S '

S '

8n 1.15

for a/S < 0.3

for a/S > 0.3


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Step 3 Use de to determine the spacing, S, in the Hooghoudt equation.

8 K 2 d e m + 4 K1m 2


Step 4 Compare the estimated S to S; if they are within 10 percent of each other, the difference can be
assumed to be negligible. If the difference is more than 10 percent, use the calculated S value as S,
repeating Steps 2 through 4 until the S and S values are within 10 percent of each other.

(4) Kirkham Equation

(i) Applicable situations for use
Under conditions where ponded water exists, the drainage rate can be determined using equations
developed by Kirkham. It is applicable only for calculating the removal of ponded water (and not the soil
saturation) through a tile drainage system with no surface inlets. The tile line(s) need to be located
directly under the ponded area in order to apply this equation correctly. Flow net analyses show that
streamlines are much closer together immediately over the drain than at some distance from it. This
means that water enters the soil over the drain more rapidly than midway between the drains. There are
two versions of the Kirkham equation(s), one for parallel drains and another for a single drain.
(ii) Data required
The following parameters are required for the Kirkham equation:

Saturated hydraulic conductivity

Depth from the soil surface to the center of the tile
Average depth of ponded water (based on hydrologic and topographic input)
Depth from the ground surface to the impermeable layer
Effective radius of the drain
Spacing between the drain lines
Total length of the drains under the depression
Estimated evapo-transpiration

Typically, one must have a good topographic map of the site to determine available surface storage. A
topographic survey will be required if maps are not available. Calculations must be performed to
determine the volume of runoff from a 2-year (50 percent chance) rainfall event. Details of the subsurface
drain system are needed.
(iii) Limitations

The Kirkham equation is applicable to conditions where tile lines are located directly below the
ponded area.
This equation is only applicable to removing ponded water via a subsurface tile drainage system.
Therefore, the removal of ponded water with surface inlets or any surface drains (ditches) must be
evaluated using other means.
The Kirkham equation must be used in conjunction with the van Schilfgaarde equation or the
Hooghoudt equation to determine the total time needed to remove ponding and soil saturation from a
site. The Kirkham equation determines the time needed to remove the ponded water, and another
equation must be used to evaluate the effects of the tile on the soil saturation.
Drains are assumed to be in good condition, with adequate outlets, and are evenly spaced a given
distance apart.


January 2011


(iv) Factors affecting the accuracy of the results

The equation is quite sensitive to the depth of ponded water to be removed. Thus, the topographic
survey of the site and the hydrologic modeling of the runoff volume from the watershed are both very
important. In many cases it will be critical to consider evaporation and transpiration by plants (evapotranspiration).
(v) Sources of data
Data sources for the soil hydraulic conductivity and the effective drain radius are the same as those for
the van Schilfgaarde and Hooghoudt equations.
The average monthly evaporation values for Wisconsin listed in Table 3 are from the Companion
Document 313-5 of the Wisconsin Supplement WI-25 (January 2005) to the NRCS National Engineering
Handbook, Part 651 Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook. Evaporation and transpiration
data is also available from other climatological data sources.

Table 3. Monthly Precipitation and Evaporation in Wisconsin





Open Water**

Net Precipitation
less Evaporation
Open Water
Condition (Inches)













*Source for Precipitation Data: Climatological Data Annual Summary, 1976,

NOAA. Average Values from several Stations.
**Source for Evaporation Data: Mean Monthly Evaporation From Shallow
Lakes and Reservoirs; Standard Drawing ES-1016 (13 sheets). Material from
deleted section of SCS National Engineering Handbook, Section 4.

(vi) Methodology
The Kirkham equation is:
For Parallel Drains:


4k (t + d re )


January 2011


sinh 2 (2 n h / S ) sinh 2 e

sinh[ (2d re ) / S ]

g = 2 ln
2 ( 1) ln

n =1
sinh ( re / S )
sinh 2 (2 n h / S ) sinh 2 (2d re )

For a Single Drain:



2k (t + d re )

= Drain flow rate per unit length of drain, ft /hr/ft

= hydraulic conductivity, ft/hr
= effective radius of the tile, ft
= spacing between the tile lines, ft
= depth from the soil surface to the tile center line, ft
= average depth of the ponded water, ft
= depth to the impermeable layer, ft

Impermeable Layer
Figure 11: Variables for Kirkham Equation for Tile Drainage System


January 2011






Figure 12: Depressional Area with Tile Drainage System

Important points to consider to determine whether the Kirkham equation is being correctly applied include:

Is the runoff volume reasonable for the watershed and the storm (e.g. 2-year 24-hour) analyzed?
Is the depth of ponding reasonable for this type of site?
Does the length of tile under the wetland seem reasonable/correct?
Does the surface area seem reasonable?

(5) Lateral Effect Spreadsheet

An EXCEL Spreadsheet, developed in Wisconsin, is available to perform the computations for the van
Schilfgaarde, Hooghout and Krikham equations. This Lateral Effect spreadsheet also gives guidance (on
the Intro tab) as to which equation, or combination of equations, is recommended for use for a given


January 2011


(g) References
Alumadi, Mirkhalegh. Z. 1999. Use of Piezometers to find the depth to impermeable layer in the design
of drainage systems. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 44(1). 25 31
Baumer, Otto W. and John W. Rice. 1988. Methods to Predict Soil Input Data for DRAINMOD. ASAE
Paper No. 88-2564. St. Joseph, MI.: ASAE.
Burke, Christopher, et. al. 1999. Indiana Drainage Handbook. Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD.
Indianapolis, Indiana. Section 5.2
Cooley, Eric. 2006. Tile Talk with Discovery Farms, Third Edition. Discovery Farms Newsletter.
University of Wisconsin Discovery Farms. Volume 5, Issue 4.
Kirkham, D. 1945. Seepage of Steady Rainfall through Soil into Drains. Transaction of the American
Geophysical Union, Volume 39, pages 892 - 908.
Phillips, B. D., Skaggs, R. W., and G. M. Chescheir. 2010. A Method to Determine Lateral Effect of a
Drainage Ditch on Wetland Hydrology: Field Testing. Trans. ASABE 53(4): 1087 1096.
Rodrigue, Paul B. Approximate Date 2000. Evaluation of the Baumer and Rice (MUUF) Procedures
used by NRCS for Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Parameters Used in the Scope and Effect Equations and
the Program DRAINMOD. Oxford, MS: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wetland
Science Institute.
Skaggs, R. Wayne. 1980. DRAINMOD Reference Report, Methods for Design and Evaluation of
Drainage-Water Management Systems for Soils with High Water Tables. Fort Worth, Texas: USDA Soil
Conservation Service.
Van Schilfgaarde, Jan. 1974. Nonsteady Flow to Drains. In Drainage for Agriculture, 254-255. Madison,
Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.
USDA-NRCS. 1971. National Engineering Handbook. Section 16, Drainage of Agricultural Lands.
USDA-NRCS. January 2005. Standard 313 Companion Document 5. Wisconsin Supplement WI-25 to
the National Engineering Handbook. Part 651. Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook.
Chapter 10
USDA NRCS. 1990. Chapter 7, Scope and Effect Equations. Hydrology Tools for Wetland
Determination - Student Workbook. Fort Worth, Texas: USDA NRCS, National Employee
Development Center.
USDA NRCS. 2005. Hydrology Tools for Wetland Determination. Minnesota Supplement to the
National Engineering Handbook. Part 650. Engineering Field Handbook. Chapter 19
White, Robert E. 2006. Chapter 13: Problem Soils. In Principles and Practice of Soil Science: The Soil
as a Natural Resource. 307. Fourth Edition. Wiley Blackwell Publishing


January 2011

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