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‘SHOWBOAT NMUSICAL NUMBERS MUSICAL, THE, ‘SCRIPT PAGE #1 [OVERTURE ttt #2 |ACTONE OPENNG List #3 JONLY MAKE BELIEVE, L115 #4 |INTRO & OLMAN RIVER Ltt #5 INTRO & CANTHELP LOVIN" (AB) 12.19 #6 | TILL GOOD LUCK COMES MY WAY. 13.25 7 MSY 14.28 #7A__|Valon US 14.34 #78 [Misery US 1.4.39 ‘#70 | Til Good Luck Make Believe’ OF Man River US 14.39 #8 |THAVE THe ROOM ABOVE HER. 15.44 ‘#3 [Cotton Blossom US. 1.6.47 #10 [UKE UPON THE WICKED STAGE, 1.6.49 #11 |QUEENIES BALLYHOO, 16.54 #12 [Parson's Bride US. 17.56 #12A__ [Eli's Violin Solo US 17.60 #13 [YOUARELOVE 1.8.63 #14 INTRO & HAPPY THE DAY-ACTIPNALE 19.66 wis |ENTRACTE 2170 #16 [WHY DO ILOVEYOU? 2.2.71 #17 [MONTAGE st 2.2.74 tai7: |Sellesa BEAUX 2.2.75 #178 |Oid Man River US 2.3.76 #170 |Why Do | Love You ?- US (Reprise) 2.3.77 #16 [letter US 2.4.84 #19 |ALMAREDEMPTORIS MATER MAKE BELIEVE (CONVENT) |___2.4.85, ‘#20 |Washington Post (Sousa) 2.6.88 #21 [BILL E maj) 2.6.90 #22 |CANTHELP LOVIN Repise 2.6.93 #23 [Palm Court Music ( How'd you lke to spoon) 2.7.98 #24 |A Hol Time in the Old Town 2.8:100, #25 [GOODBYE MY LADYLOVE. 2.8.100 #26 [AFTER THE BALL 2.8.103, #26-A [A Hot Time in the O@ Town Reprise 2.8.105, #27 [MONTAGE #2 28.108, #26 OL MAN RIVER (Reprise) 2.10.108) 728A |YOU ARE LOVE (Reprise) 2.10.103, #29 | Levee at Natchez US. PATER #20 |KIMS SONG. PAIREE] #31 [ACT FINALE 212.114 #32 [Bows #33 [Ext Music #2 Ak [INTROS OCMAN AIVER (©) ‘#5 At. |INTRO & CANT HELP LOVIN' (EB) #21 Alt |BILL (Bb Mai) ‘Appendix |Cant Help Lovin-gutar chart 816/93 5:49 PMNo.1 ‘ShowBoat OVERTURE (TORONTO) Moderato a Col’ & Has, we Sm, Wo ous 12194 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrol 1 AF oft Loa 14980:Not ShowBoat Act Se bur Piu Mosso Alllegro Giocoso" ‘Srgs. Music Preparation by Holy Carroll <2. AFolté Loe 1497802Not ShowBoat Act Set Poco Meno Mosso : id D Pre 3 eo ¥ re Women: Doo Deo DooDeeDoeDeoDe0 Dodoo Dee DeeDcoDooDo0 DeoDooDeeDee0 euctes Ea Majestically Be, Sts. rss Music Praparain by Hoty Carrol -3- AFM Loe. 1491802No ShowBoat ActI Set &« ? t Moderato = mp tugs ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carol! oa AFolM Loe 1491802No ShowBoat Act Se Grandioso _ g ff Applause Segue si2ti94 Music Preparation by Holy Carol Be AFotte Loe. 1493802No.2 wo Animando Chorus I Stevedores Co-lored folks ‘use Preparation ty Holy Carrot work while de ShowBoat ‘mf Co-lored folks work white folks play. LF 1 on de Act Sel Mis - sis - sip - pi, up boats wid de tiaiys AFM Loe. 149/802No.2 ‘ShowBoat Act Se. horus 1 Women &) my Chorus | Stevedores Drop dat bale and bales of cot-ton, Git-tin’ no rest tll de judge-ment day. Hey! it i} fl ar have some fun! Dere's a lot 0° lov-in' on de le-vee fer you, git a-tong, work all day, We know sym-pin’ bet-ter fer a 7 sis Music Preparation by Holy Caco Aro Loe. 149/80:No.2 ShowBoat Act Sel Chorus | Women rit tempo fel- ler to Co-lored folks work on de Mis - sis - sip - pi Chorus | Stevedores Co-lored foks work on de Mis - sis - sip - pi, Fa tempo a. Co-lored folks work while de white foks play. Co-lored folks work while de white folks play. Load-in’ up boats wid de - Chorus | Stevedores E] bales of cot-ton, Git-tin’ no rest till de judge-ment day. J Cot - ton bs- sé, ad isos AF oft Loe. 1491802 ‘us Preparation by Holy CarrollNo.2 ‘ShowBoat Act Set P grow - in’ free. Whe[PEAWBIEE pack you f Cot - ton blos-som, cot - ton blos- som, 2 Youre a heav-y load to met Youre a ™ F cot - ton les. fom, e2t- ton blos - som, heav-y 5s riaI98 sie Preparation by Holy Carrot “3. AFM Loe. 1291602No.2 Chorus | Women Love to | Chorus | Stevedores . 1 \usic Preparaton by Holly Carrot see you ShowBoat pocorit. p> ~ int wild De fo! dis po’ black 22)? dis po; black tempo > the > ActISe1 lev- ee, po Iai AFoItt Loe. 1497802No.2 ShowBoat ActISed ‘Chorus 2 Men (Boat Whistle) ‘The show boat! you go?. That's old Cap - tain An - dys "Cotton Blos - som", will rr et ‘i ¥ e Chorus 2 Women (Boat Whistle) Chorus! Women Twill be de-light-tul, mf i look iv ! whonus 2 Men Hyabi eo dere! — Let me take you to the show?. m 11s194 AFoltd Loe. 149/802 ‘Music reparation by Holly CarrolNo.2 ‘ShowBoat Act Se Chorus 2 Women but to right - ful-ly ac - cept to make Ma - ma. rr Chorus 2 Women (Boat Whistle) get per-mis - sion from Pa - pa. Chorus 1 Women mf live ere! 7H ryan Wsi98 Fok Loo. 1497802 \Wsie Preparation by Holy CaroNo.2 ShowBoat Act Se jorus 2 Women & Men Listesso ¥ IY ? o Y 7-4 7 ¥—y yr Cap-tain An dy has gath-ered a troupe in the great - est of dram-mers and Chorus | Women 4 il J f x $e T T Sfp Hol. Chorus 1 Men 4 Sp Hol. Liistesso f = 4 4 4 A 3 co-me-dies. Ste- phen Ba - ker, the hand-som-est lead - ing 1at94 -Masic Preparation by Holy Caro : AFoltd Loe. 1451802No.2 ShowBoat Act Se man And beau-ti-ful Julie Laverne as well. aio -10- AFoIM Loe. 1497802No.2 ShowBoat Act ISe.1 @ Chorus 2 f Cot - ton blos- som, "Cot - ton Blos- som", Cap-tain An- dys float-ing show! Chorus | Women F cor - ton blos-som, cot - ton blossom, Love to see you grow=i Chorus 1 Men F cot- ton bios-som, cat - ton blos-som, Love to see you —_gfow-in! ree, a Thrills and taugh-ter, con- cert af-ter, Ev - ty - bo-dys sure to 90. When dey pack you on de lev-ee Youre a heav-y load to me. When dey pack you Youre a heav-y toad to me. pq fe: r Fr 108 isis Masie Prparaton by Holy Carr ue AFofk Loe. 1487902No.2 ‘ShowBoat ActI Sel Chorus 2 rit, ff o | “Cot - ton Blos-som, “Cot - ton Blos-som™ Cap tain An- dys flot-ing show! Chorus 1 Women > e Cot - ton bios - som, cot - fon bos-som Love to see you —grow- in’ wild Wh cones 1 men Cot - ton blos - som, cot - ton blos-som Love to see you —grow- in wild a Thrills and taugh- ter, Con- cet af- ter Get your girl and go. the lev - ee youre too heav-y for dis child. PY gifp dda). On the lev ee you'e too heav-y for dis po’ black child. po’ black fa 113194 ‘use Preparation by Holy Carrot -12- AFoltd Loe 1251802No.2 ShowBoat Chorus 2 Women So. get your girl and go. Chorus | Women So. get your girl and 90. costing a3 =) your gt ard go. t i i) Calliope (on stage) ActI Set ‘Music Preparation by Holy Caro 213. T3194, AFofN Loc. 1433802No.2 ShowBoat . Act Set 1 Moderato Dialogue of so esie Preparation by Hoty Caro oie Folk Loe. 1497802No.2 ‘ShowBoat Act Sel (CUE: PARTHY: *..somuch for your plumiely!™ Brisk March . cy . . lpg} 3-4-4. $$ 4.4 BOR TOP CL |r 1s98 Music Preparation by Holy Carol -15- Aron Loe. 149802No.2 ShowBoat ActI Set Captain Andy ¢ Look it we got! Look it we got! How can we fail? How can we fail? You We'll try to make the even-ing bright An’ r if_you come a-round to-night, To- mor-row night you'll come a-round fof ? for more. a Chorus 1&2 Cap-tain An-dy, Cap-tain An-dy, you know how to make a show sound dan-dy. Listesso _ = z shes 119194 sie Preparation by Holy Carroll =16- AFoiM Loe. 1657802No.2 ShowBoat Act Sel _ . Play ®) ‘melody 8vb (U/S) FRANK & ELLIE Brite 2 Tis)94 Music reparation by Holy Carl! -17- AFM Loe 1491802No.2 ShowBoat Act Se - F 7 7 7 Under Dialogue - FRANK Well she got her wish! (Kicks him) oft - ? 7 ? r 7 ? isto asic Preparation by Holy Carrot -18- AFotd Loe. 1491602No.2 ShowBoat ActSe.) SX'S (Bsn. Lead ard) TE : a Dialogue 4 f Ce a te (CUE: STEVE: “reckon! wor'tdo any moretalkin about” = z t 114194 ‘music Preparaton by Holy Carrol 219+ AFoftd Loc. 148260.No.2. ShowBoat Act Set - Aw ANDY: usta sampl ANDY: “One bighappy family." S @ oO oO aD 't (CUE: PARTHY: “Ihave morete say to youlater™ ~ Gal Giocoso (ParthyExt) ' te [td me 2 Parthyott stage: “Andy!” ‘Andy Dialogue Lento (melos) tie = Meno - Dialogue -—. (Ganley I 88 © 7 T1a94 use Preparation by Holy Carrot -20- AFM Loe. 149802No.2 ShowBoat Act Se ‘CAPTAIN ANDY: ‘Justonebig happy family" T1si94 Music reparation by Holy Cerro oe AFotM Loe. 1493802No.3 ShowBoat ACTISc.1 ONLY MAKE BELIEVE Dolce e Moderato Ravenal — Some-times 1 thank my luck-y stars my heat is free, ad ditdag ‘And oth-er 627194 AFolM Loe. 149/802No3 ‘ShowBoat Act Se.3 won-der where's the mate for me?. = Broadly Enter Valon Prater fF SHERRIF:No offense,Gay~__ Andante Moderato OB) ss. : PP 37 3 Hp. ro x 7298 Music Preparation by Holy Carol -2- Fett Loe. 1497802No3 ShowBoat ActISe3 Pianoot stage. Ravenal listens, amusedat the poorrendition. D oO a > mf fatteringly Ravenal drift- wood float - ing over the sea Some-day finds a shel-ter-ing lee, So some-where there surely must be 2 russ AFofh Loe. 1498802 ‘Mase Preparation by Holy CarrolNos SbowBoat Act Se3 ‘Magnolia enterson upperdeck. ‘har - bor meant for me. . Py drift a - long — Some-times 1 thank my luck-y stars my heart is free,________ And oth- er z Hoses Magnolia and stops shor. ‘Magnolia times | won-der where's the mate? Hel - lo aot oe sub p Tugs AFofN Loe. 1491802 Music Preparation by Holy CarrolNo3 ShowBoat Act Se.3 Ravenal = 5 Tiss Music Preparation by Holy Caro -5- AFoIMt Loz 1483802No3 ShowBoat Act 1Se3 fealing blue, and all ofa sudden! lookedup, anc MAGNOLIA: "I mustgonow.* ‘Animato 18 [H] Moderato Armoniose ww. Deliberato ‘Stgs. 1 , 727198 Music Preparation by Holy Carol ~6- Aon Loe. 149802No3 7 in pre - tend - ing: pF? 7 Music Preparation ty Holy Caroll ShowBoat deliberato that you love me. —3— Could - nt Ter you? Could- n't Act Se.3 Oth- ers find peace of 12 Could- nt we?. Aron Loe. 141802No3 ShowBoat ActISe3 Ravenal [RAtempo — Make be - lieve 8 phan - tom kiss, __ ———— Might as well_ make be- : Ff poco rit. ~ love you._______ For, to tell the truth, I f Fort it rit, 6727194 sie Preparation by Holy Carrol ~8- AFofht Loe. 1490802No3 ShowBoat Act Se.3 Ravenat a (E Atempo Your par-don | pray, Twas too much to say—___ ‘Magnolia the words that be - ray We on-ly pre- 3 Magnolia 3 3 tend, You do not of - fend. Ree In play-ing a lov - ee 18 6127194 AFoIM Loe 1492802 Music Preparation by Holy CarolNo3 ShowBoat Act Se3 fa}, Allegretto game of just sup - pos-ing— is Alllegretto sweet-est_ game | © know;———_ Our—dreams are more— than the world we see. if the things we dream a - bout Tiuss Music Preparation by Holly Carrol -10- AFoItd Loe. 1491802No3 ShowBoat ActISe3 Ravenal poco rit, hap-pen— to be so,—___ That's just an un im-port-ant tech - ni-cal- i - tr P P Pr ‘Magnolia Tho’ the cold and brut - al fact Poco Animato You and | have nev-er met, We need not mind con ven- tion's T2948 asic Preparaton by Holy Carrot =u AFoltd Loe. 149802No3 ShowBoat Act Se3 Magnolia If we put our thoughts in prac - tice, We can ban-ish all re - gret Im-ag- in - ing ‘most an- y - Be (01 atempo thing we choose, —________ ?, make be-lieve. ATempo 712194 ‘Wasie Preparation by Holly Caroll -2- AFolM Loe. 145.802No3 ShowBoat Act ISe3 Magnolia —s— We could make —be-lieve______that you love —3— 2 F ORF Both (unison) Ravenal Oth- ers find peace of mind in pre tend - ing, Could = nit Magnolia Both poco rit. ATempo our tips you? Could - nt 1? Could - nt we? Make oO be- feve r => 2 7 | tempo 22 w einti94 Music Preparation by Holy Carol -13- AFoltd Loe. 149080:No3 ShowBoat Act ISe3 Ravenal — Ina phan - tom kiss,. 2F RF Both cerese, Magnolia on top notes Might aswell make be - feve fove you—__ — For fo tell the truth, 282 segue ‘i298 ‘sie Preparation by Holy Cart ~4e Ao Loe. 169802— Nos ShowBoat ~ TISC.1 OL' MAN RIVER (B flat Major Version) mf Ravenal:*..Jongbeforenightfal.” @ Ravenal drt a + fong with my — fan = cy, Sometimes 1 ai94 Music Preparation ty Holy Carrol at AFoftt Loe 148802Not ‘Show Boat ActISel — Ravenal thank my luck-y stars my heart is free, ‘And oth-er times. . ad| 4 eee ) ru94 Music Preparation ty Holy Carrot -2- AFoltd Loe 1497802Not Show Boat Act Set Joe Dere's an ol’ man called de Mis- sis- sip- pi, Dat’ de of man dat Id ike to be; What doeshe care if de world's got trou- bles? What doeshe care if de land ain't free? Ben moderato sostenuto Of man Riv- er, dat of" man Riv- er, He mus’ know sump- in’, But don't say noth in’, He Ben moderato sostenuto Trios ‘Music Preparation by Holy Caro AFM Loe. 149/802Noa Show Boat Act Seat Joe just keeps rol- lin, He keeps on rol- tin’ a= lon don't plant ‘ta- ters, He don't plant cot- ton, An’ dem dat plants ‘em is soon for- got ten, But Or man Riv- er, He jes keeps rol- fin’ a - lon ti298 Music reparation by Holy Carrot AFM Loe. 1483802‘Show Boat ActI Set Poco Piu Mosso You an’ me we sweat an' strain, Bock y all ach- in’ an’ racked wid pain. “Tote dat barge!" Poco Piu Mosso "Lift dat bale” Git a lit - tle drunk an’ you fand in jail. Ah its. wear- y an’ olla voce pw rear | erese. poco a poco Anim tired of livin’ an’ scared of dy: in’, But ol’ man Riv- er, He Thos Music Preparation by Holly Carrot! “Se Fett Loe. 1492802Not Jes’ keeps rol - lin’ a= lon’ ‘Show Boat a ActISel — [D) Piu Mosso Co- lored folks work on ® Mis- sis- sip- pi, Co lored folks work while de white folks play Pul-[in’ dose boats, from dawn to sun- set Music reparation by Holy Caro Git- tin’ no rest de Chorus! Men Listesso judge- ment day. Don't look up, an ‘tisi94 AFoft Loe. 149802Nos ‘Show Boat ActI Sel Chorus I Men don't look down, You don't dast make de white boss frown. Bendyour knees 3 a) Joe ral, (E] Freely bow yo' head, An’ pull dat rope un- ttl youre dead. Let me go ‘way from de ad Mis- sis- sip- pi, Let me go ‘way from de white man boss. Show me dat stream called de kg molto all... 97 i294 ‘Msc Proparaon by Holy Carol Aron Loe, 149802Not ‘Show Boat ActTSel — Riv- er Jor- dan at's de ol’ stream dat | long to cross. Chorus I Men P Of man Riv- er, dat,| ol man Riv- er, He] must know sump- in’, but | don't say noth- in’, He pict js sa dud : ii94 _Masic Preparaton by Holy Carrot -8- FoI Loe. 149802Noa Show Boat ActTSeL Lon’, old fiv-er for - ev er keeps rol- fin! —_— jes! keepsrol-lin, He| keepson rol- tint a gi did Don't plant ‘ta- ters, he | don't plant cot- ton an‘ dem dat plants ‘em is | soon for- got ten; But a rues Music Proparaton by Holy Carol -9- Fett Loe. 1493802Nod ‘Show Boat Act Se Lon’ of riv- er keeps hear- in’ dat song. Of man Riv- er, He] jes’ keeps rol- lin! J Piu Mosso You an'' me, we sweat an strain, Bod y all ach in’ and racked wid pain. Chorus | Men —. —. — Ties ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carell =10- AFoIM Loe. 149/802No Show Boat Act Set Joe rit a “Tote dat barge!” an’ Lift dat bale” Git a lit - tle drunk an’ you lands in jail, Chorus | Men (Humming) ‘An gits wear-y an’ sick of try in’, Ah'm tired of fiv- in’ an’ scared of dy: it cerese. ‘mp An gits wear-y an’ | sick of try- in’, An’ | tired of liv- int an'| scared of dy: | T2198 Muse Preparation by Holy Carrot “1 AFM Loe 1493802Nos ‘Show Boat Act Sel FF or man River he jes! keeps rol fin’ a - Chorus | Men Sf of man Riv- er he jes’ keeps tol- lin’ a - ff d,s iy Talos Mesie Preparation by Holy Cara! 12. Fels toe 1490802— Nos ShowBoat ACT I Sc. 2 Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man (A flat Major Version) d | i 4 eee CUE: MAGNOLIA:“Td stop lovin’ him. a 71494 ‘Musle Preparation by Holly Carroll a AFotM Loe.149:802Nos ShowBoat ActISe.2 P Fish got to swim and birds got to fly, se man til 1 die, Cant help lov-in’ dat _man— of _—mine.. Tell me he's la - zy, Tell me he's slow Tell me I'm cra - zy, ° r 72M4 ‘este Preparation by Hoty Caro! Font 190. 149802Nos ShowBoat Act Se2 Julie be * * Cant help lov- int dat man of 712194 ‘Musie reparation by Holly Carrott AFoMM Loe 1491802Nos ShowBoat ActTSe2 _ Gute Vecat ast 1 ove my Mis- ter = why I should love dat — tell yor why, Dere aint no rea-son must be sump-in’ dat. 712194 ste Preparation by Holly Carrot! AFon Loe.1487802Nos ShowBoat Act Se.2 Jute + gels done "Pech got to siim— and bids got to fy. 1 got 10 love one Wo ST E se Cant help fov-in’ dat man— of mine. 7284 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carrot AFotM Loe 1491802Nos ShowBoat Act Se.2 Julie Tell me he's la - zy, tell me he's slow, a Tell me I'm cra aw E bi " 7 lov- in’ dat man— of 9} When he goes a - ———— el mp eres poco a poco 6727/94 Music Preperation by Holly Carrol 6 AFofM Loe.149/802Nos ShowBoat Act Se.2 a= Dats a rain-y day, And when he comes TL a—d ade d fl mf back dat day is“ fine, The sun will shine. He can come home— as _—_—_—_—_—_—= late as can be, Home with-out him aint. no home to me, — = > 6127/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carroll AFotM Loe 149/802Nos | ‘ShowBoat Act Se2 Cant help lov- int dat man ‘QUEENIE: “Thatwasjust beautiful Miss Jul Queenie all. fis- ten sis - ter, mf atempo wT 1 love my mis - ter And I cant tell you why. 6/27/94 -Musie Peparation by Holly Carroll 8 AFofM Loc.143/802Nos ShowBoat ActlSe.2 ‘There aint no rea-son 1 should love that z Itmust besome-thin' dat the _an - gels done plan. Queenie De chim-tey's smok-in’, De root is — seem to care, ‘There aint no rea-son why I should love dat Tt |* ‘Musle Preperation by Holly Caroll z AFofM Loe.149/802Nos ‘ShowBoat Act Se.2 Queenie It must be some- thin’ And why you love dat = gels done planned. 7204 ‘Muste Preparation by Holly Cerroll -10- AFoMM Loe.1431802Nos ‘ShowBoat Act Sed [[] YullerSopranos oO af Fish got to swim— birds got to 1 got to love— one Queenie "Srich got to swim — ——— | gp to love one Altos oat = Fish got to swim— birds got to fy, 1_ got to love one Joe/Tenors Fite Baritones fly up in de 6/27/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carrot a AFonM Loc. 1497902Nos ‘ShowBoat Julie/Sopranos man till 1 die, Altos man till 1 die, Joe/Tenors world Baritones ‘Musle Preparation by Holly Carrol “12. Act Se2 712194 AFonM Loc 1491802Nos ShowBoat Act Se2 dulie/Sopranos me he's la me he's la mine or else. she aint Baritones 627/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carroll, -13- AFoft Loe. 145802Nos ShowBoat Act TSc2 and Baritones 6727/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carroll a AFoM Loe.1491802Nos ShowBoat ActISe2 Julie/Sopranos Cant help— ov - in 6/27/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Caroll A5- AFofM Loc.1493802Nos ShowBoat Act 1Se.2 Julie/Sopranos She's jes as cra- zy ‘bout me Dats lov - int 627194 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carrol 16- AFotM Loe.1491802Nos ‘ShowBoat Act Sc.2 Julie/Sopranos Dats a rain-y day—___________ An’ when he comes back dat day is Queenie eresc. SS ‘An’ when he comes back dat day is Altos eresc. —==== Dats a rain-y — day, ‘An’ when he comes back dat day is voe/Tenors erese. —= lo All de rain-y day, ‘Ané when 1 comes back dat day is Baritones erese. ==— All de rain-y day, An’ when 1 comes back dat day is erese. —=== 18 6727/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carrol a7 AFoMM Loc.149802Nos ShowBoat Jutie/Sopranos Ff fine The sun will shine, Yes ‘The sun will shine, Yes The sun will shine, Yes FF, fine. Baritones ‘Musle Preparation by Holly Carroll “18- Act Se2 6727194 AFofM Loe.149/802NoS ShowBoat ActISe2 Jutie/Sopranos Home with out late as can be, Home with-out him aint’ no. home to. me, Home with-out him aint no home to me, fate as can be, Home with-out her aint no. home to. me,. Baritones Ro home to Home with- out a 6727/94 ‘Mosle Preparation by Holly Caroll “19. AFoMM Loe.149/802Nos ShowBoat Act Se2 Julie/Sopranos love in’ dat man (Magnolia Dances) Tutth t Sf cr * 714194 Mosie Preparation by Holly Caroll -20- AFoIM Loe.149/802Nos ‘ShowBoat Act Se.2 71294 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrol te AFoIM Loe 159/802Nos ShowBoat ActISe2 ‘Magnov/Sop/Julle 8vb se He can come home— late as can be, Home with-out him He can come home— Home with-out him— He can come home— late as can be,. Home with-out him He can come home— sis-ter, He can come home— Home with-out him He can come home— ——— Home with-out him 7/2194 uste Preparation by Holly Caroll 22 AFofM Loe 149802Nos ShowBoat ‘Magnol’Sop/Jalie 6vb ro home Queenie/at ‘no home voe/Tenors no home Baritones Music Preparation by Holly Carroll Act Se2 7298 AFoIM Loc. 145:802Nos ‘ShowBoat Act Se.2 ‘Magnol/Sop/Julle 6vb Baritones mine! 712194 Mose Preparation by Holly Carroll 24 Foti Loe.149/802No.6 ‘Show Boat ACTISc.3 ‘TILL GOOD LUCK COMES MY WAY Allegro si2ti98 ‘Msc Proparaton by Holy Carol ve AFotM Loe. 149802Nos Ravenal A] Allegro good luck Ravenal — while there's a Chorus 2 Men —— while there's a game on —— while there's a ‘Mase Preparaton by Holly Carrot ShowBoat high- way high - way tH play Act Se3 Tiss AF ot Loe. 149802Nos ShowBoat Act 1Se3 Ravenal With just the tum of a wheel or the flip of a card as my gui Chorus 2 Men Ravenal = oF rH Chorus 2 Men let fate de- cide L walk or ride “3 o_o MI tet fate de- cide itt walk or ride el 5 let fate de- cide —3 I walk or ride 3 T1294 Music Preparation by Holy Carrot AFoIM Loe 149802Nog ShowBoat Act Se.3 Chorus 2 Men verture, vermture, Chorus 2 Men venture, caustion Men of caution 9s -Masie Preparation by Holy Carol AFoftd Loe. 1497802Nos ‘ShowBoat ActISe3 Ravenal will change ke So 1 will wait till good So 1 will wait till So 1 will wait il Ravenal luck comes Chorus 2 Men i T2948 Music Preparation by Holy Carrol Folk Loe. 1483802Nos ShowBoat Act Se3 Tiri94 Music Preparation by Holy Caro -6- AFotM Loe. 1437802Nos ShowBoat Act Se3 Dialogue 35 ps, 8 m3 3 8 Ti94 Music Preparation by Holy Carrot “9. AFoMM Loc. 189802Nos ‘ShowBoat Act Se3 Chorus 2 Men Nev-er ven-ture, never ven- ture, Ravenal ven-ture, nev-er gain, Chorus 2 Men 9s Music reparation by Holy Carol -10- APO Loe. 149/802No.6 ShowBoat Act 1Se3 Ravenal For-tune fill change tke For-tune change lke Ravenal a vain, So 1 will wait til good Chorus 2 Men wait til good wait til good 3 3 YU Applause Segue i294 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrol ue AFoIh Loc 149802No.7 ShowBoat ACT I Sc. 3 MISERY com: in! a- roun,, De mis- ‘y's com-in! = i op? CLF ‘Sempre sotto voce ¢ mpnotono 5 13198 Music Preparaton Services by Holy Caroll a AF Loe. 1483502No ShowBoat Act Set com: in a= rou i comin’ a- roun, TRF Ts 2 ‘Music Preparation Services by Holly Caro AFoNM Loe. 149802No7 ShowBoat Boo - doo - doo- doo- doo - doo- doo doo- doo Solo Soprano Hea- ven keep dat dev-il_a- way 4 Sopranos Tutti Act Sea —S Doo - doo - doo- do0- do0 - do0- do0-doo- doo 2 Sopranos Keep dat Mis-er- y far a- way. rit = comin’ to-day Heaven, don’ cha _Iet_ him stay! Music Proparaton Services by Holy Carrol — 713194 AFM Loe. 1491802No7 ShowBoat ActI Sea Chorus 1 Women ATempo. ceresc. Queenie done an ‘Humming Chorus 1 Men —— s 71394 Music Preparation Services by Holy Carat! : AFoIM Loe. 1457802No7 ‘ShowBoat ActI Sed Den tit yo! feet off de groun’. An’ tly a> way. Chorus 1 Women Humming Chorus 1 Men you "te Chorus 1 Women dim. ¢ rit, A > y wrong— Jes‘ lift yo feet of de groun'__An' fly a - way, An’ fly a dim. ¢ rit, T1394 Music Proparaton Services by Holy Carrol AFM Loe. 1497802Not ‘ShowBoat Act I Seat Chorus 1 Men A Tempo 3 Chorus 1 Women Chorus 1 Men zt ™ Solo Soprano 6 394 Msc Preparaton Sevicas by Holy Carr -6- AFolt Loe. 149/802No.7 ShowBoat ActISe4 Solo Soprano Solo Soprano 2 ‘QUEENIEsNothingyet” a Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. rit a (C) Queenie 1 dont know why it is here, Queenie - —____——_ Dont know for wh, Chorus 1 Men Dont know for on - ly knows its near, Don't know for who, - C4 T1394 - ‘Musi Proparation Services by Holy Carrot AFoIMd Loe. 148/802No.7 ‘ShowBoat Act Sea Queenie + ny's near. Solo Bass 1 dont know for e@ = ays near. Andante Moderato ‘Solo Soprano D. Andante Moderato D on my breast. Some give nick - el, Some give ‘Tsi94 ‘Music Preparation Sondoes by Holly Carrot - Fett Loe.1497802No ShowBoat Act Set Solo Soprano + Queenie Ff, dime: All dem folks is fren's o' mine.” On my _ back, Chorus 1 Women F On my back, Chorus 1 Men F up-on F Up- on fi. alle eresc. —= foh-ty dol-lar hack. No mo’ gin, No mot mise ry's done foh- ty dol-lar hack. No mo' gin, No mo" mis- e- ry's done within a liv= ry hack mis - e- ry’s done 's done mis-e- $F valle crese. fii 102 13194 ‘Music Preparation Series by Holy Carol AFolM Loe. 149/802Noz -StowBoat Act Sea Queenie UE: Sepsarahateten seg CUE:STEVE:"tnomthotmich* oan UEtmSteveBaker” J eee 113194 Msc Preparation Services by Holy Carell -10- AFotd Loe. 149802No7 ShowBoat Act Set 398 Music Preparation Services by Holy Cara 1 AFoIM Loe 1493802No.7 ShowBoat Act Set poco crese. ror r 113194 ‘Music Preparation Series by Holly Carll o12- AFoIM Loe. 149/802No7 ‘ShowBoat Act Sed Chorus 1 Women fi] Andante Moderato P Humming Andante Moderato T1394 Mesic Preparation Sonices by Holy Carrol =13- AFofM Loe. 1481802No ‘ShowBoat Act Se Chorus 1 Women Chorus 1 Women F on my back, in a hack, In a foh-ty dol-lar hack; No mo! F Up-on my poor of back Within a fiv- ty hack with-in 2 hack 113/94 ‘Music Preparation Services by Holy Carol 14. AFofh Loe. 1427802Nov ShowBoat Act Sed Chorus 1 Women rallecrese. = =~ ff. . mis - e - y's done mmis- e- ry's done tranquillo Va 29 394 Music Preparation Sendces by Holly Carrol 15 AFoltt Loe. 1483802No. 7C ShowBoat ACT ISc.4 MISCEGENATION U/S (CUE:FRANK: "Hey Mister, wilyoucome up here?” Andantino ‘Says. 7198 Music Preparation by Holy Carrot ale AFoIM Loe. 1491802No.7C mes ShowBoat ACTISea 3 3 asic Preparation by Holy Caroll 62198 AFM Loe. 143/802No.7¢ ShowBoat ACTISc4 ATempo 6127 _Musie Preparation by Holy Caot -3- AFoIN Loe. 1423802No.7 ShowBoat ACTISc.4 08 13194 Music reparation by Holy Carol! o4- AFotd Loe. 149802No.7C ‘ShowBoat ACTISc.4 PARTHY: “Magnolia” andante uy 32 Y ‘2nd X: ANDY:"Miss Lucy, willyoubs mine?” 19 dled. RavENAL:-wissLucy wityoubo mie’ PAVENAL: “Miss Lucy, RAVENAL:“Iunderstand* _willyoube mine? ———,. 2 tape. mf Theykiss - _————,: - cerese. ppeo a poco = 1s Music Preparation by Holly Carrot 394 AFoft Loo 1431802No.7C ‘ShowBoat ACTISe.4 oe ” a Frau ot -man Riv-er he just Keeps rol-fin’ a - ton’ 13/94 Mic reparation by Holy Carol -6- AFM Loe 149802No.8 ShowBoat ACT I Se. 5 I Have The Room Above Her Maestoso Andante Moderato 6/27/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carrol! at AFofM Loe 149802Nos ‘ShowBoat Act Ses Dialogue. _——. ee RAVENAL:*..bolongto . 4 Miss Magnolia Hawks?..~ o>. es 2 [B]_ RAVENAL: “tcantatkto youbetterthan leantalkto her Ravenal She does - nt know | love her, & ————., ; could she know 1 love Sit - ting in __her room be - > 2 71394 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Caroll 22. AFoMM Loe 149/802Nos Ravenal Muzic Preparation by Holly Carrot ShowBoat Poco Rubato dream how far a dream could 90? Poco Piu Mosso este FEF She smiles, and Act Ses + bw How could she Some-times we meet, fe) t's such a treat 6127/94 AFoMM Loe 149802Nos ShowBoat Act SeS Ravenai Commode [GA Tempo = | blush and stam-mer — to hear her say: “Hasn't the wea-ther been fine?" My heart is beat-ing mad-ly, Then she goes in - — g z 2 a A Tempo oO to her room And 1 go sad-ly up to mine. frp yr 6127/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carroll o4e AFotM Loe.149202Nos ShowBoat Act Ses Ravenal —— —_ ——. a Tyr eer | oer Pore fl ‘A lov- er more im - pet - u-ous than | Would say his say or - ——_———_—. - know the rea-son why, But when | get my chance | let my chance go 627/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carroll 5+ AFofM Loe.14580Nos ShowBoat ActI Ses Ravenal [F] A Tempo i hhave the room a- bove her does- n't know | 23 Sit = ting inher room 7 Sit - ting in her room be~ fe ¢ Fo 627/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carrol -6- AFofM Loe.1451802Nos ShowBoat Act Ses Ravenal low How could she dream = how fara dream could go? -_ we (5) macnoua Some - times we meet,___________ He smiles, and oh, —_—ihis smmile's 3 siace, sim 9 so | cr er27194 ‘Musle Preparation by Holly Carrol AFoMM Loe.148802Nos ShowBoat Act Ses MAGNOLIA Commogo (4 env ‘Has- nt the — wea-ther been fine?” 1 blush and stam-mer cy = —— — cola voce My heart is beat-ing mad-ly, he goes up 4tempo to his room And 1 go. sad- ly in- to mine, > 6/27/94 Music Preparation by Holy Carroll -8- AFomm Loc-1450802Nos ShowBoat Actl Ses ——, > cad rr = Jal m 6727/94 ‘Musle Preparation by Holly Carroll “9. AFofM Loe. 149802Nos Showboat acttses | Oren, 6727/94 Matic Preparation by Holly Carroll -10- AFoIM Loe.149/802Nos ShowBoat ActISe5 — —— = — = = PPE Err ee nop They kiss Fey poy - 1 "peer tempo PARTHY: "Nola!" RAVENAL Hums ad lib rit [A Tempo 7394 Musie Preparation by Holly Carroll 1 AFoIM Loe.149/802Nos ShowBoat Act Se re Ravenal Then she goes down to her room and > 713994 ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carrol -12- AFonM Loe.149/602No.9 ShowBoat Act I Sc. 6 COTTON BLOSSOM U/S Allegretto 6127194 Music Preparation by Holy Carrol! te AFolté Loe. 149/802No.9 ‘ShowBoat Act Se6 % Violin Soto (Country Fiddle) CUT on Gunshot is ‘Msc Preparation by Holly Carrol +2 AFoIM Loe. 1491802No.9 ‘ShowBoat ActI Se Violin Solo (Country Fiddle) roms D.S.alD.S. (till Gunshot) 1s194 AFoltd Loe. 1490802 ‘Music Preparaon by Holy CarrolNo.10 ShowBoat New York ACT I Sc. 6 LIFE UPON THE WICKED STAGE (C Version) CCUE:ELLIE(Sadly):"Yoh,yourestaloto actors~ 4] eme mp Why do stage struck maid ens clam - To be act- in’ in the dram-mer? ELLIE (spoken)"Oh go way Girts We've heard say, sight and day 7 Girts (5) Me atte water from a dip-per, You drink cham-pagne from a slip-per, Tho’ it seems eee = mf 1 1219194 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Caro ote AFoltd Loe. 1498802No.10 ‘ShowBoat New York Act Se6 o Cruel to bust All your dreams, ‘Sail 1 must, (Gl Brights f E fmt 1 tol you: fa) Life up - on the wick-ed stage Aint ev - er what a git eet Ie ‘Stage door John nies are - nt rag- ing 0 - ver you with gems a When you let a fel - ler hold your hand, (which © means an ex- tra a rere 2 12/9/94 sic Preparation by Holy Carrot AFIS Loe. 1491802Noo beer or sand-wich) Ev - ‘ry-bo- dy whis- pers: Aint it a whirl? whirl, Music Preparation by Holy Carrot ATempo All Girls ShowBoat New York Bete “Aint her lite a whin? Act Se.6 Aint ita whirt? ‘Though you're wamed a-gainst a rou-e mw Herlite's a (py whi have played a-round the fone night trade —s 1 Her fite's a +in-ing_ your ‘A-round a 1219194 AFoth Loe. 1489802No.10 ‘ShowBoat New York Act Se Elie rit big na tion, —f_some gen-tle-man would tak with rea-son 1 would can- cel ie Rid Fad a ATempo next sea- son. Life up - on the wick- ed stage thing tor RF Remeo Though we've lis-ten’d to you moan and grieve, You must par-don us if we do 1isies Foi Loe. 149802 ‘sie reparation by Holy CarolShowBoat New York Act 1Se6 be-lieve you, There is no doubt you're cra-zy a bout your ([F] Ele P 1 ad-mit it's fun to smear my face with paint Caus-ing ev- ‘ry one to - think I'm what 1 aint, ‘And | like to play a de-mi mond-y role ot 115/94 AF Loe. 149802 Music Preparation by Holy CaroNo.0 ShowBoat New York Act Se6 ‘Ask the he-ro does he ike the way 1 lure When | play a hus-sy or a par-a- mour, Yet when once the cur-tain's down my fife is pure how 1 dread it! Poco Meno Mosso rd [5] Men Wnistie Moving Line m «=f on 12igi98 AFoIM Loe. 149602 sie Preparation by Holy Carrot -6-No.l0 ShowBoat New York Act Se6 fon the wick-ed stage aint ev - er what a gid Stage door John - nies are - nt rag- ing o-ver you with gems 29/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot 7 AFoIM Loe. 1491802No.10 ‘ShowBoat New York Act ISe.6 Elio Parthy 1 got vir- tue but it aint been test- ed No one’s e- ven in ter- est- ed. oj] i Colla Voce up - onthe wick - ed stage aint no thin’ for a ATempo ue ATempo Lasttwo bar divisi: Girt! Aint no- thin’ for a gil! Top lino: Gibbs/Witist indsay (High-©) Cassidy/Muiritshey (High-G) ze = \LaFleche/B. Walon/L Wattor/Menrier (HighG-E) GurleesSiyter (Low G-Low©) In2 partharmony LWalton singstopline 129/94 sie Preparation by Holly Caroll AFottt Loo. 1497802No. 104, ‘Show Boat ACTISc.6 WICKED STAGE PLAYOFF (CUE:Parthyctaps e794 Music Proparaton by Holy Carroll ol AFoIM Loe. 1480802No.l ShowBoat New York - ACT I Sc. 6 QUEENIE'S BALLY-HOO CUE:QUEENIE: “This is what you gotta do to get em" Queenie Allegretto ~ E vey! Where yo" think yo’ go- in’? Yeah, you! Donit yo’ know dis —_ 1 Queenie ~ show is start - in’ soon?. Jes’ a few seats - felt yerel_—______ i's fight in- side an’ out- side dere's no moon. 17I94 ‘Msc Preparation by Holy Carol a APO Loe: 1497802Nott ‘ShowBoat New York Act. 1Se6 Queenie | — What for you gals dress up do 4? Where's yo" all A A A Queenie dose stingy men o yours to step up here in “cy + wry Queenie a mon, folks, we'se @ Stopped FZ crmean 119s Music Preparation by Holy Carroll AFoltd Loe 149/802No.l ‘ShowBoat New York. Queenie rar = in’ to go, aint you see- in’ dere'll be no let up, —_herel. - cit = ed all night, Grip - pin” yo" an man asic roparation by Holy Carrot 3 F List-en to dat dis show? gal taki hol - din! Act TSe6 Youll be ex - him tight, 1794 AFotd toe 1438802Nott ‘ShowBoat New York. Act. S06 Two seats for twen- ty cents aint So dear——___ Chorus 1 All: Whispered Us-ten to dat gal talk! ‘Queenie Sto- y's ‘bout a la- dy in love, Loves her man, but, Hea-vens a- bovel Queenie Dere's a vil - lain bad as you ev - er Chorus 1 (not sung) i719 ose Preparaton by Holy Carrot “4 AFoi Loe 1493802No.l ‘ShowBoat New York Act. 1Se.6 Queenie White out- side but black in de heart, ‘Swears dose two young lov- ers to part, Queenie Het de worst - est scal- la- wag dat canbe. — | Shoms 1 : (not sung) Queenie o - He tes to gether a- lone, You hear dat lit- tle gal _moan, G) wp - — => =— ; PvPEP pL So 207194 x Music Preparavon by Holy Carrol AFotké Loa 1487802Nott ‘ShowBoat New York Act 1Se6 Queenie vil- lain mak in’ her groan What does he do? What does Queenie He ties to choke her to death, Den when she's al- most vs — he do? Tell ust 1277/94 susie Preparation by Holy Caro AF ot Loe. 149802Nout ‘ShowBoat New York Act. 1Se.6 Queenie out o' her breath, Some-bo- dy comes a rap pin’ at dat of — doorl__ Queenie Op-en the door, oh, Lord! —Op-en the door, oh, Lord! Op-en the door, op- en— Aisiog AFoIne Loe. 1433802 Music Preparation by Holly CarrotNo.l ‘ShowBoat New York Act. 180.6 Queenie Is yo! or aint yor — the door, Oh Lord! How does the rest of it go? Queenie ‘Step up ant 8 Queenie show! Poco Piu Mosso 7 poco accel... 88 1yrisa susie Preparation by Holy Carol 8 AF Loe. 149802No. ShowBoat New York Act 1Se6 - "EF |, aman Jes a few seatsNodt Queenie Queenie Chorus 1&2 9 Chorus 1 & 2 Op-en the door, Where you all goin? ‘oh Lord, ‘ShowBoat New York Op-en the door, = the Op-en op- en show the door, the door, ALT Se is stan-tin'? oh Lord, Oh Lord ‘usie Preparation by Holy Carrot -10- 1219/95 AF oth Loc 1498802No.l ShowBoat New York Act. 1806 Queenie = We're ar-in' to go! Is you or aint you see-in’ dis show? ic Chorus 1 Get. het up there'll be no let up. Chorus 2 (soprten) here (AtorBariy contcolBva =. Dont you know the show is start Queenie Youll be ex - cit-ed all night, Grip- pin’ yo man an’ —hold-in’ him tight! Music Preparation by Holy CarrotNo.l ‘ShowBoat New York Two seats for twen-ty cents aint so Queenie twen-ty cents aint so Chorus 1&2 ‘Wasi Preparaon by Holy Caro dear. 1 Queenle/Capt. Andy Act. 180.6 Queenie Two seats tor 17/94 Fon Loe 1493802Nol ShowBoat New York Act. 1Se.6 Chorus t/Queenie Let's see the NOTES:S. Smithsings A2 Bar 142 Girardi, Scottwith Ten, Bar 187 Mennier Atay with Ai Bar 187 Hairston,Cassidy, Bagby,Beasley-highC see the 107/94 ‘Music Prparaton by Holy Caro 213° Fond Loe. 148/602No. 12 ShowBoat ACTIS' PARSON'S BRIDE UIS (CUE: Eightthumpson stage Andante con moto prop PPR RPP Onstage Violin 1ai94 Music Preparation by Holy Carrol a AFM Loe. 145802No. 12 8 a ShowBoat F Act Se7 ror ‘ANDY: “That's twilight” ‘sie Preparation by Holy Carrol 1iaI94 AFolM Loe. 149/802No.12 ShowBoat Act. 1807 MAGNOLIA:"Oh Hamilton” Appassionato Be MAGNOLIA“Litleci think a couldeverbe sohappyagain.” RAVENAL: “hs fivao'leck” ? Gongs Onsage FET Tiai9s ‘Muze Preparation by Holy Carol AFoIM Loe. 1451802No.12 ShowBoat Act. 180.7 ror UF 7 MAGNOLIA: “Goodbye,my owndear Hamiton.* - crrens nc ag ten | iso | -Aasic Preparation by Holy Carrot 4 AFoIM Loe. 145/802 |No.12 ShowBoat Act.ISe7 S&% Molto Agitato ae rs (CUTon BACKWOODSMAN:"Let her go tell yal" RESUME whoreyou latoff on MAGNOLIA: “I haventgot..” CUTon Gunshot % D.S. (no Repeat) ‘uncut 113194 AFoltt Loe 1497802No. 124 ShowBoat ACTISc.8 I MIGHT FALL BACK ON YOU Allegro fs . " 2 T1sI94 Music Preparaton by Holy Garrod oe AF Loe. 14980:No.lzA, ShoeBoat ActISe8 ‘Segue as One ais ‘Msc Preparation by Holy Carol Fett Loe. 1492802No. 13, ‘ShowBoat : ACT I Sc. 8 YOU ARE LOVE Chorus 1 Men Humming off stage Pp i. “Is that you Nola?” Enter Windy Tisi94 AFoiM Loe 14980: Music Preparation by Holy Carol oteNo. 13 ‘ShowBoat ActISc8 Sopranos [] Women humming ot stage ‘™P Humming —Vva Valse Moderato Pa mp =——. ial9s Music Preparation by Holy Carrol -2- AFofM Loe. 149/802No.13 ‘ShowBoat Act Sc PE 2 EF 2 TEE Tempo di Bolero Women Tempo di Bolero ‘SAFETY py: NF Ss poco rit. RAVENAL-"Iknewit fromthe firstmoment Iseteyeson you." we Tals: Music Preparaon by Holy Caro -3- AFoNM Loe. 14898No. 13 ‘ShowBoat ActISe8 Molto express (Women) Here in my arms Where you_be - Fog ‘And here you will stay, MM not let you a - way, oo 78 aig ‘Muse Preparation by Holy Caro 4. Foi Loe. 149/602No.13 ShowBoat ActISe. taught me to see ST FF Music Preparation by Holy Carol -5- AFoM Loe 14980:No. 13 ‘ShowBoat Act I Se8 Here in my where you be - tong, 1 want day af-ter iai9s ‘Muse Preparation by Holy Carr “6. APN Loe. 1497802No. 13 ShowBoat Act Se: Bud of 0 - mance un - turted, tui 4 Z One tuth for- ev - = - a Tt Fe Together Appassionato ‘on F vou Appassionato snti9s ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carol “7. AFoINd Loe. 14980.No. 13 ‘ShowBoat ActISc8 ‘Magnolia ; Heav-en will iai94 AF of Loe. 149802No.13 ‘ShowBoat Good - Tempo di Bolero - pdolee night, Dream Act I Se, it you ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot ial AFoIM Loe. 149780,No. 14 Show Boat ACTISc. 9 ACT I FINALE (The Wedding) Captain An- dy! Cap- tain An- dy! My, but does- nthe look fine and dan - dy! found her mate, you know wee. «hap - py to con- b, e298 ‘Msc Proparaon by Holy Carol 1 Foti Loc. 149802No.l grat - u- late. We fiend-ly thus to tet SS a ‘Music Proparaton by Holy Carol ShowBoat Act Ses thank you for in - vit-ing us to see the wedding, it was us share your hap-py day and see you give the bride a- ‘ios AFoIM Loe. 1499802Nod ‘ShowBoat ActISe “Magnolia “gr ~ Chorus 2 all... G] Valse Brillante Hap- py the day—________ When the hand of a Valse Brillante tPF? F als. -Mesic Preparaon by Holy Caro -3- AF Loe. 1498.No.l¢ ‘ShowBoat ActISe9 _ Chorus 2 maid has been if pur- su it ‘The fran-tic looks of the ‘Msc Preparaon by Holy Carrot 45 AFolt Loe. 1491802Nod Chorus 2 bride- groom and care that his ‘Music Preparation by Holly Carroll lte's ‘ShowBoat Quakes of the bride whom he — takes now or one and the © on- ly one; rot lone - ly one while she's the Act Se, nev - er, and ‘Who will take e294 AF oth Lo. 349.80No.l4 Chorus 2 the bride. heath = and wealth at-tend ShowBoat May the great - est - an - y- one charm-ing ot Act Se - Fett Loe.1490802No.l¢ Chorus 1 Women find your —. ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrol af ShowBoat Cant 1 share some of my man who'd be lov = int you hap - pi- ness, true! Act Se dear friends with 1a. AFoth Loc 149:Nols ShowBoat Magnolia A Tempo f Fish got to swim an birds got to 2 2 man til 1 die, 2 b Cant help we ‘Music Preparaon by Holy Carroll -8- lov int dat man of Act Sc9, 1 got to love— one isi94 AF Loe. 1490802No.l ShowBoat Act Sc. : } t sls ‘Music Preparaton by Holy Carroll -9- AFotM Loe. 149380Nos ‘ShowBoat Act Se.9 6127198 Music Preparaton by Holy Carrot =10- AFM Loc.1491802Not ShowBoat Act Ses Chorus 1 & 2 Tempo I Yes, sis-ter He can come home—— as _late as canbe, 114198 Music Preparation by Holy Carrot “ne AFoIM Loe 14980:No.ld ‘ShowBoat ActISe9 Home with- out him—— aint no. home tom PARTE “Andrew” Molto Agitato — and birds got to tly, 1 got to love— one (CUE: Captain Andy: Good!Thenwecan ‘goon with the weddin'™ oO 6121194 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot -12- AFoit Loe. 149802No.l ShowBoat ActISe Chorus 1&2 allarg. Grandioso man til 1 die, help of lov = in’ that man, D — Grandioso SF eppassionato Pr = Tas Muse Preparation by Holy Carol 213+ APofM Loe. 14980No. 15 ShowBoat Act II Se. 1 - ENTR'ACTE | | | aan Maestoso be 2 cq 6127194 ‘Music Proparason by Holy Carroll oe AFoltd Loe 1493802Nols ShowBoat ActIT Set Scherzando ~ rit CURTAIN UP. = > - : 73I94 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot! -2- Fond Loe. 1481602Nos ‘Mase Preparation by Holy Carrot ShowBoat Act ITSet T3948 AFotts Loe. 149802No. 16 ShowBoat ACT II Sc. 2 WHY DO I LOVE YOU (New York) ‘Selo Viva, Dialogue Starts oa cre, 713994 ‘Mace Preparation by Hoty Carol ote AFoft loc 129802No. 16 ShowBoat ‘ActITSe2 PARTHY +8095 VPerrit: Hp. PRI FR PET? 71394 ‘Msc Preparation by Holy Carol 22+ AFM Lee.149802No.16 ShowBoat Act ITSe.2 PARTHY Sings In this sweet, im - pro-ba-ble and un - real Suge Find - ing you has giv-en me my i - deal Why do you ve me? Why should there be a 27194 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Caro -3- Foti Loe. 149802No. 16 ‘ShowBoat hap-py as we?-________Can you see. 2 | should be the one you care ‘Music Preparaton by Holy Carrol Act IT Se2 the why or All our dreams of 71384 AFoftt Loe. 149802No. 16 ‘ShowBoat Act IT Se: Seem to come true; May-be that's - May - be that's why Hp. - wave 713194 __ Masie Preparation by Holy Carol! “8. AFM Loc 149802No. 16 ShowBoat Act I Se2 Eng Hn Lead J 6/27/94 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carol “8. AFott Loc 149802No.16 ShowBoat ‘Act Se2 All our dreams of joy seem to come true. ww 713194 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot -T- Fo Loe. 149802‘ShowBoat Act It Sc2 (CUE: RAVENAL:"Thankyoubut Idontneedthat.” SAFETY 2 F MAGNOLIAZ| wil, Papa” 738 AFolté Loe. 149802No. 17 ‘Show Boat ACT I Se. 2 MONTAGE 1 Moderato ‘marcato 113194 Music Preparation by Holy Caro oe AFofM Loe. 1489862No.7 ShowBoat Act Sed Chorus 1&2 dressed in the here they 394 Music Proparaion by Holy Carrot : AFon Loe. 149802No.7 ‘ShowBoat Act II Sez are- nt they swell? Well 1 should ‘i394 Muse Preparation by Holy Carrot Foi Loc. 1492802No.7 ShowBoat ActITSe2, the sports of gay Chi- ca - - - Brisk March RIF vis- it tov the fair nies ‘Musi Proparaton by Holy Carol 45 AFot Lee. 149802— Neat ‘ShowBoat do cre-dit to Chi- ca - clothes the lat-est clothes all tai- lor clothes the lat-est stare ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot on made. 2<——————=a when they see + Act Se2 the dan-dies a AFM Loe 149802No.7 ShowBoat Act Se2 BANJO Solo Stowly Jaco 627194 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot -6- AFM Loe. 149/802Nod? ‘ShowBoat Act Sez Piu Mosso THe Tr le - om tr ia tr r ? 13194 — Music Preparation by Hoty Carrot -7- AF oft Loc. 1481802NoJT ShowBoat ActITSe2 Appassionato larg, ————| ff a tempo Z 3 ‘Music Prparaton by Holy Carrol -8- AFof8 Loe. 149802No. 18 ShowBoat ACT II Sc. 3 LETTER U/S susie Preparation by Holy Cart oe ‘Font Loe 1490802No. 19 ‘ShowBoat ACT II Sc. 4 ALMA REDEMPTORIS/MAKE BELIEVE (CUE: FRANK: “Elia and me'ltwentythroe skidoooutot here.” Joe Andante Sostenuto + ma Re - demp - to-ris, Ma - ter, © Al- ma Re- Ma - ter, Al = ma Re- demp - to- ris en7i9s Music Prparation by Holy Carrot ote AFOIM Loe. 1491802No.9 ShowBoat Al = ma Re - demp - to-tis ‘Music Prparation by Holy Carrot rollin’ He’ keeps Ma = ter, Re-demp - to- tis, Act IT Se Re - demp - ro-ris, Re demp - ro-ris, Re. ‘iai98 APO Loe. 148802Not9 ShowBoat ‘Act Ses ma Re - demp - to-ris Music Preparation by Holy Carol -3- AFoih Loe 14980:old ‘ShowBoat ActItSea Un poco Appassionato poco erese. KIM:"...make believe.” near you, 67 113198 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot 4. Aro Loe. 148802Nola ‘ShowBoat Act IT Sed — That youre with me. Girls and boys find it a fun Just pre - tend - ing; Could- nt you? Could-nt 1? Could-nt we? rF Best of all make be-fieve 1 love you, 113194 -Masic Preparation by Holy Carrot “5. AFotM Loe. 1491802Nola Ravenal Music reparation ty Holy Caroll to tell ‘ShowBoat Hebreaksdown (Dialogue) the truth Un poco Appassionato ‘Poco crese, ‘Vamp and cut orf Cue to #20 Act IT SetNo. 20 ShowBoat ACT II Sc. 5 THE WASHINGTON POST MARCH Tiai9s Music Preparation by Holy Caroll, ate APO Loo. 149802No. 20 ‘ShowBoat Onstage Piano ‘Orchestra Fades only —<— si94 Music Preparation by Holy Carroll -2- aro toe eiNo. 21 ‘ShowBoat ACT II Se. 6 BILL (E Major Version) Julle sostenuto Tused to dream that 1 would dis - ‘The per-fect lov - er, 5/20 eins ‘Music Proparaton by Holy Carol ole AF Loe. 14980:No2t ‘Show Boat Act Seb Julie al-ways used to fan- cy then He'd be one of the god-like kind of 7? uti Gi- ant brain and a no- ble head lke the her-roes bold in the books Ive ao me ong came Bill, Who's not the type at all, You'd meet him on the street and nev- er 8 62798 ‘Music Proparaton by Holy Caro! 22. AFM Loe 149802No2t ‘Show Boat Act IT Se.6 Jute His form and face, His man-ly grace are not the kind that you Would Cat 5 utie find in a sta-tue And 1 cant ex-plain, I's sure-ly not his brain That makes me NY Julie ~ _—__ love him Be-cause he's won-der-ful,__.Be-cause he's sin7isa ‘Musi Preparation by Holy Carol AFoftt Loe. 148802No2t Julie Julie Jule ‘Masic Preparation by Holy Carroll Show Boat Bil He cant play golf, or ten-nis He is not half as hand - some olla voce He VF F is not tall and straight and Act Se As doz - ens of F| ‘sim, And he f nis AFoftd Loc 149/802No2t Show Boat Act IT Seb Jutte Gres-ses far worse than Ted or Jim. And | cant ex-plain why he should be just the— => fone, one man in the world for just my Bill, An or-i-nar-y guy, He Slower D. has-nt got a thing that | can brag a-bout; And yet to be Up-on his knee So. FF 627194 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot +5. AFM Loe. 149802No2t ‘Show Boat Act IT Se.6 Julte com-fy and room-y Seems nat-ur- al to me And | cant ex- plain, tts oe — 4) sure-ly not his brain That makes me hill 1 love him be-cause he's ——_. 1 dont know, Be- cause he's just my s entiss Music Preparation by Holy Carol Foil Loe 1483802No. 22 ShowBoat ACT II Sc. 6 CAN'T HELP LOVIN' DAT MAN (Reprise) (Toronto) MAGNOLIA Fish got to swim,— and birds got to tly, On Stage GUITAR Cue (Rehearsal Pno. play 8vb) 6 c Dm c Ant Da? 1 got to love one man til 1 die Cant help Tov int dat man of Dav® En? e7 c Art? Fé Am? Ab Tell me he's la - zy, tell me_ he's slow, c An? Dn? : @7 Tell me tm cra = zy, may-be, | know. Cant_ help Ani? Dav Em? Am? uo oe rhe ‘Msc Proparation by Holy Carll ate AFotts Loe 149902No22 When he goes a - way Dmc co? c7 Fé when he comes back cg Prue can come home— c ‘no home to me, Cant Dav help FS En? Am (CUE:JAKE:"We couldtickt. Something ike this.” Onstage Pianoonl ty Allegro —— 38 ‘Msc Preparation ty Holy Carrot nT ‘ShowBoat that lov-int dat_man— Ab # Fyo7 day is late as can be, Om? G7 of 62 That's 2 rain-y cre Act It Seb day, D7, Home with-out him ain't c Ant + 2 T3904 AF ott Loe 163:802No22 ‘ShowBeat Act Se. “Oh, you mean rag it” A “IEF “Just follow Jake" 627195 ssc Preparation by Holy Caro +3. A ott 00. 149980:No22 MAGNOLIA ShowBoat CUT as Jim interupts Fish got - ta swim and Birds got - ta fly. I got - ta love one man til da dat da— da da ‘Muse Preparation by Holy Carol (continues ad tb) FRANK Sings ‘Act Se. Ide. Da dat da dat dat da dat da Da dat da dat dat nies AFotht Loe. 149/802No22 MAGNOLIA he's la - zy, Tell Music Preparation by Hoty Carrol ‘ShowBoat me he's slow. Tell me Act ITSe.6 tm cra - zy, e194 AF Lec. 148802No22 ShowBoat Act Seb ‘asic Preparation by Holy Carrot 627194 AFottt Loe. 1492802No. 23/24 ShowBoat PALM ‘CouRT) MUSIC (HOW'D YOU LIKE TO SPOON WITH M1 WASHINGTON POST REPRISE CUT to Last X as Andy goes thnu revolving door & T3i94 ___ Mesie Preparation by Holy Carol ae AFott Loe 148802No2s/24 ShowBoat Act I'Se.7 WASHINGTON POST 11398 Music reparation by Hoty Carrot 22+ AFomM Loe 149802Msc Preparation by Holy Carrot ShowBoat Act Se7 i394 Foti Loe. 1493802No. 25 ‘ShowBoat Sc. 8 GOOD BYE, S MY LADY LOVE (CUE:JIM: *.those international favorites, Schuttzand Schutz!" te / f Be-cause my T1398 ‘Music Preparation ty Holy Carol AFoft Loe. 149802No2s tur-tle dove, You are Masie Preparaion by Holy Carol 7 cood-bye, the ‘ShowBoat I~ dot my Act Se la- dy love, Fare-well, my (Eiie.on botom notes) of my heart, But some - day sn7194 AFofM Lee.149802No2s ShowBoat Act IT Se8 me ten-der- Both Elle Fare-well, my tur- tle dove, You are =the i- dol = and. dar-ling. of ‘your (Eton Ooh's) ‘Oohis r heart, But some-day you will come back to me, And love me__ten-der- ly, Cari9s ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot : AFoft Loe.149802No2s ShowBoat Act Se Frank (Elie on botom notas) ‘Slide my la- dy love, good - bye. ml Elie Balances bes S arri94 Music Preparation by Holy Carrol 4: / AFM Loe. 148802No2s ‘ShowBoat Act IT Se 3 Bourees - Light & Sweet Molto Pesante ‘Muse Prparaton by Holy Caro sins AF of Loe. 1490802No2s ShowBoat Act I Se.8 - ‘accel poco... sn27194 AFottt Loe. 149802No2s ‘ShowBoat ActltSea Ellie & Frank So good-bye = my la-dy ove. Good-bye my la-dy love. 194 ‘Music Proparaton by Holy Carol APO Loe 149802No2s Ellie & Frank ‘ssc Preparation by Holy Carrot ShowBoat Frank Ellie my la-dy love— Good - bye. ActIT Sc Applause Segue 927194 AFM Loe 149802No. 25A ‘ShowBoat ACT II Sc. 8 LADY LOVE PLAYOFF 621198 ‘Music Preoaraton by Hoty Carol “1 AFM Loe. 149802No. 25B ‘Show Boat ACT I Sc. 8 ISTILL SUITS ME _@E. So. « — FADE of CUT to CODA on CUE: ANDY: *..excuse fornotbeinghomeby ine.” T13i94 Music Preparation by Holy Carll ote AFM Loe 1493802 _No2sB ShowBoat ‘Act I Sc.8 ee copa 127194 se Praparaion by Holy Caro wo. AFoltl Loe 149802No. 26 Show Boat i ACT II Sc. 8 AFTER THE BALL (CUE: JIM: *.whowillsing you an old favorite.” Valse Moderato 6127194 ___-Masc Preparaton by Holy Cart ole AF ot Loe. 148802No26 ShowBoat Act Se Un - cle, please, 627194 Music reparation by Holy Carot -2- APO Loe. 1482802- No26 ‘SowBoat Act IISc sang Music Peoparation by Holy Caro 23. AFottt Loe 149802No26 ‘ShowBoat ActIT Se Poco meno mosso Alter” the ball accel. poco a poco ‘accel. poco a paco enti9s ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrol - Foi Loe. 1492802No26 ‘ShowBoat 1 you could read Man-y the hopes that have van AL ter At-ter the break of mom, ished Act Se. them alt PPR IE the ball w- er, FP LP PF Af-ter the dan - cers 713194 AFM Loe 14980:No26 Show Boat Act IT Se Af-ter the stars are gone; 4 you could read — them Man-y the hopes that have van Crowd: °10,9,8,7, ANDY: “Happy 6,5.4,3,2,1" NewYearh crash Music Preparation by Holy Carroit -6- AFoit Loe. 149802No.27 ‘ShowBoat . ACT II Sc. 9 MONTAGE 2 & 7 1394 “____ Masie Preparation by Holy Carrot ote (AF Loe. 1491802No27 ShowBoat Act Sc9 fiv-er He mus’ know sump- in’ But roth-in’ He rollin, He keeps on dort plant ta-ters he don’ plant cot-ton An’ dem dat plants ‘em is soon for-got-ten But of man riv-er, He jes keeps rol-fin’ a - at ‘Music Propaation by Holy Caro AFM Loe. 149/802No27 ShowBeat Act IT Se9 Joo Bright4 tong) Wg ___ Msie Preparation by Holy Carol 1398 Foi Loe 1481802No2T ‘ShowBoat Act I Se9 Piu Mosso cerese. ¢ accel... Jounty 2 Garang 6127194 Foi Lee. 1491802 Music reparation by Holy Carrot :No27 ‘ShowBoat Act Ses | | 88 93 7 ames 1917 Door Spin iu Mosso = Soporte Linete ms Kavbeey i Elegant -Old Lady all, | 1 T13I94 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Caro 5 AF Loe. 148802No27 ShowBoat ‘ActIT Sc Msc Preparation by Holy Carrot AFond Loe 1497802No27 ShowBoat ActIT Sc: 1820's Door Spin Hoy Feta 27198 Music Preparation by Holy Carrot “7. AFM Loo. 149780:No27 ShowBoat Act It Se9 198 AFM Loe. 149802Noa? ShowBoat New Listesso things Act Ses. 1 keeps taugh- in’ in - AFofM Loe. 1457802No27 ‘ShowBoat Act Se SF, stead of cry-in', I must keep fight-in’ un - til I'm dy-in’ But Zor man tiv-er, he id A 27/94 ‘Mesic Preparation by Holy Carrot -10- AFoft Loe. 149802No27A ShowBoat ACT Il Sc. 10 DANCE AWAY THE NIGHT Maestoso. oa ii pj © ‘Magnolia (On Radio) a-way the night, ‘And we can all be hap-py till the mom - ing. 6121195 ‘Music Proparation by Holy Carrot ate AFcttt Loe 169802No27A ‘SbowBoat ‘Act IT Se.10 a-way the night, And we can stick to-geth-er til the dawn. CUT as Andy tums radio off (after “National Cruller Company") 13/98 Music Preparation by Holy Caro AFoth Loe. 1491802No. 28 ShowBoat ACT II Sc. 10 YOU ARE LOVE REPRISE (CUE: ANDY: “Holdon a minute,Gay.* & i IPF PRROR RR OR OFF t T1394 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Caro 1 AFoIk Loe. 149802No.28 ShowBoat Act I Se. ere FE ANDY: “Sho'sgotameancisposiion!” is 2 13I94 ‘Mase Preparation by Holy Carrot 22. AFoft Loe. 1499802No. 28 ‘ShowBoat Act Se. - RAVENAL Tr3I94 ‘Msc Proparation by Holy Carol -3- AFotM Loe. 148802No.28 RAVENAL = ——Tt RAVENAL ffl -ri- RAVENAL ways: ShowBoat FF ‘mp cresc. Grandioso Act IT Se, Heav-en will op Music Preparation by Holy Caroll T1394 AFottt Loc. 1497802No.29 ShowBoat Se. IT'S GETTING HOTTER IN THE NORTH Brisk March Tempo d=No. 29 ShowBoat ACT IISc. & Trai9s Fon Loe 149802 Music Preparation ty Holy CarrolNo. 30 ShowBoat ACT II Se. 11 ’ KIM'S CHARLESTON deze Moderate 2 PARTHY:"Watcha upto now?... ‘Why do | love you? Kim, you behave yourselt.. Dont footwith me... ~-Stopit now! Why should there be two hap-py as we?. 13194 ‘Msc Preparation by Holy Caro ot. Foi Loe. 149802No30 ‘ShowBoat Act IT You're anaughty git. Can you see the why or where 1 should be. 4 LP ~-Alfight itll yousomething." PARTHY — the one you care jt - Ki “Iknow.ltoldyouso." BOTH All our dreams of joy ‘Seem to come true;— ‘T1si94 sie reparation by Holy Carrol 22. AFottd Loe 1490802 _No30 ‘ShowBoat Act IT May-be thats. be-cause you love 1 May - be that's why 627198 ‘Music Preparaion by Holy Carol -3- APO Loe. 149802No30 ‘ShowBoat ‘Act ITSe.t1 EVERYONE KIM Tep Solo KIM& RON r3i94 Music Preparaton by Holy Carol -4- AFoltt Loe. 149802No30 ShowBoat Act It Set, oF AFoIM Loe 149780:No30 ShowBoat Act IT Se.11 ee & Be oe ge “Charleston up- Charleston down r27194 ‘Msc Preparation by Holy Carrol +6. FoI Loe. 1497802NO eando = Showboat AettSea Whispers Splash | Chatles-ton* Me 1398 AF ol Loe. 14880:No30 ShowBoat Act IT Set Wai Music Preparation by Holy Caro! : AFoD« Loe. 149802No30 OT ceewost (seenseat \ A? 27194 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot -9- AFofl Loe 149802No30 ShowBoat Act Tra94 ‘Mase Prparaton by Holy Carol -10- AF Loo 14038021No30 Back-up Step Music Preparation by Holy Caro ‘Act It Se.ll si2tiss AFotM Loe. 149/802No30 Guys turn Kimin aie ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carrot ShowBoat o12- Act I Sell “Roll Down Big Gls Applause Segue T1394 AF on Loe. 149/802No. 30A ShowBoat ACT II Sc. 11 SHOW'S STARTING March Tempo ‘Segue (as Andy reaches steps Coe Mase Preparation by Holy Carrot ae AFM oe. 149780No. 31 ‘ShowBoat ACT II Se. 11 FINALE CUE: Andyreachessteps Andante 2194 Music Preparation by Holy Carrot vie AF oft Loe. 149805No3t Chorus 1 & 2Men Pp Humming Ey Chorus 1 & 2 Men Music Preparation by Holy Carrol ‘ShowBoat MAGNOLIAFather,thisis anice surprise." Act IT 2 T13I94 Fett Loe. 1497602No3t ShowBoat Act ll Sect. Chorus 1 & 2 Men i yougo upfront you'lfinda waterbearrll Aint muchaitferenttromthe oldone™ MAGNOLIA "Look Gay, there'sKim.” 2 113/98 ‘Mesic Preparation by Holy Caroll AFoih Loe 149802No3t Ah. Chorus 1 & 2 Women ff Ah But | of man tiv-er, == iF ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carol ShowBoat he jes keeps rollin’ a - he | jes keeps ro-tin’ a - lon ‘Act Sell T13I94 AFoftt Loe.149802No. 32 Show Boat BOWS 398 ‘Music Preparation by Holy Carol oe AFM Loe.149802No32 ShowBoat Maestoso TH3I94 AFoftt Loe 149802- No32 ShowBoat Julie T3i94 AFoftt Loe 149802No32 ShowBoat - all Tempo Ff Fish got to swim and 13I94 ‘Music Proparation by Holy Carol 4 AFM Loe. 1497802No32 ShowBoat birds got to ty, 1 got to love— one | man til 1 die. Cant help 13i98 AF Loe. 1492802No32 ShowBoat 713194 ‘asic Preparation by Holy Carrol AFotM Loe. 1481802No.3 ‘Show Boat EXIT MUSIC (Toronto) TisI98 Music Preparaion by Holy Carol! oe APO Loe. 149802No33 ShowBoat Ath siz7i94 Music Preparation by Holy Carrot 22. AFoi Loe 149802,No33 ‘ShowBoat Act e798 Music Preparation by Holy Carrot <3. AFotl Loc 12980.No33 ShowBoat Act en7i94 Music Preparation by Holy Carrol AFotM Loe. 1492802Noss ShowBoat ett 627194 Music Preparation by Holy Carrol aeons tonesNo33 ShowBoat ‘Act \ 6127194 -Mesie Preparation by Holy Carrol -6- Felt Loe. 1490802
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