Dijagnoza 1 PDF
Dijagnoza 1 PDF
Dijagnoza 1 PDF
Clinical Presentation
Chest pain is the usual symptom which brings these patients
to medical attention. Pain is severe, diffuse, retrosternal and
radiates to arms or from jaws to umbilicus. Pain does not get
relieved with sublingual nitrates or usual pain killers. It is often
associated with eructations and retrosternal burning. Commonly
patients mistake it for acid peptic symptoms and waste precious
time with antacids. It is accompanied with vomiting, sweating
and breathlessness. About 15-20% of infarcts can be painless
specially in elderly and diabetics. Equal number may have less
characteristic pain than described above. The pain needs to be
distinguished from other causes of acute severe chest pain which
can bring patients to emergency room.3-5
Pericarditis causes a steady substernal pain relatively rapid in
onset, relieved by sitting forward and increases on recumbence.
Radiation to the trapezius ridge is characteristic and highly
specific for pericarditis. Presence of pericardial rub and pain
characteristics usually help to distinguish pericarditis from
myocardial infarction.6
Aortic Dissection
The abrupt onset severe chest pain (tearing or stabbing) with
DM Student, **Consultant, ***Professor and Head of Cardiology,
Hero DMC Heart Institute, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital,
Grade I
Grade II
Grade III
ECG is generally the first investigation available for making
a diagnosis in a patient presenting with acute severe chest
pain.10-11 Tall T waves and ST elevation are the hallmarks of early
presentation within minutes of onset of pain. The third change
appearance of Q waves, is delayed and seen after 6 hours of
onset. Q waves denote significant myocardial necrosis. The initial
changes of upright and tall T wave with concave upward ST
segment elevation subsequently, gives way to T wave inversion
and ST coving with convexity upwards over one day to one
week. Q waves once they appear generally persist through out
life. T wave change is in larger area and it denotes ischemia,
ST segment change is in lesser number of leads and denotes
myocardial injury and Q waves overlie and denote central area
of myocardial necrosis. Arrhythmias are common during early
ECG specially frequent and complex VPCs and ventricular
tachycardia in some. Inferior wall infarct patients often have
sinus bradycardia early.
Shortly after occlusion of a coronary artery, serial ECG
changes are detected by leads facing the ischemic zone, as
shown in Figure 1. First, the T waves become tall, symmetrical,
and peaked (grade 1 ischemia). Second, there is ST elevation
(grade 2 ischemia) without distortion of the terminal portion
of the QRS. Third, changes in the terminal portion of the QRS
complex may appear (grade 3 ischemia).12 The changes in the
terminal portion of the QRS are explained by prolongation of the
electrical conduction in the Purkinje fibers in the ischemic region.
The changes of infarction are generally seen in the leads
overlying the infarct area. Thus, in inferior wall infarct changes
are seen in leads II, III, aVF; in anterior infarct in lead V1-V4 and
in anterolateral infarct in lead I, aVL and V5-V6. RV infarct is
diagnosed by ST elevation in V3R and V4R.13 In presence of RBBB
the changes of infarction are not effected and so are diagnosed
by usual principals. Pseudoinfarct pattern (false positive)
may be seen in early repolarization pattern, hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy, Brugada syndrome, peri/myocarditis and in
metabolic disturbances such as hyperkalemia.
Diagnosing infarction in presence of LBBB
ST-segment elevation with tall, positive T waves is frequently
seen in the right precordial leads with uncomplicated LBBB.
Secondary T wave inversions are present in the lateral precordial
leads. However, the appearance of ST-segment elevations in the
lateral leads with concordant T waves suggests IHD (sensitivity
73%, specificity 92%). ST-segment depressions and/or deep T
wave inversions in leads V1 to V3 also suggests underlying
Escape rate
QRS Complex
Responds to
Inferior MI
More common
Anterior MI
Less common
ischemia (sensitivity 25%, specificity 96%). More marked STsegment elevations ( > 0.5 mV) in leads with QS or rS waves may
also be caused by acute ischemia (sensitivity 31%, specificity
The presence of QR complexes in leads I, V5, or V6 or in II,
III, and aVF with LBBB strongly suggests underlying infarction.
Chronic infarction is also suggested by notching of the
ascending part of a wide S wave in the mid precordial leads
(Cabrera sign) or the ascending limb of a wide R wave in lead I,
aVL, V5, or V6 (Chapman sign).
Anterior wall MI : localization
In acute anterior wall infarction - ST elevation is usually
present in V2 to V4. ST elevation in V2 to V6 may represent LAD
occlusion proximal to the first diagonal branch.
Heart blocks in MI
AV conduction blocks are commonly seen with inferior
and anterior infarcts. Patients with anterior infarct commonly
have fascicular blocks. Early diagnosis of bifascicular block
(RBBB with left axis deviation) and trifascicular block (RBBB,
left axis deviation with prolonged PR) can help in predicting
subsequent complete heart block. The pattern of heart blocks
and their significance in anterior and inferior infarcts is as shown
in Table 1.
Right ventricular infarction
Globally reduced left ventricular contractility
Papillary muscle rupture and severe mitral
Ventricular septal rupture
Free wall rupture and tamponade
Left ventricular aneurysm
Mural thrombus
Pericardial effusion
Echocardiography is helpful in the evaluation of chest pain,
especially during active chest pain. The absence of LV wall
motion abnormalities during chest pain usually but not always
excludes myocardial ischemia or infarction, and the presence
of regional wall motion abnormalities helps in confirming the
It helps in diagnosis and exclusion of acute MI in patients with
prolonged chest pain and nondiagnostic electrocardiographic
findings; estimation of the amount of myocardium at risk and
final infarct size after reperfusion therapy; evaluation of patients
with unstable hemodynamic findings and detecting mechanical
complications; evaluation of myocardial viability; estimation of
ejection fraction; and any associated abnormality (Table 2). Echo
also helps in ruling out other causes of chest pain like aortic
dissection, pericarditis and acute cor pulmonale associated
with pulmonary embolism. Patients with hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy and aortic stenosis can also present with chest
pain and similar ECG changes and can be diagnosed with an
echo in the emergency room itself.
For purposes of regional wall motion analysis, the ASE has
recommended a 16-segment model or, optionally, a 17-segment
model with an addition of the apical cap. A scoring system for
grading wall motion has been developed depending upon the
appearance on echocardiography and is shown in Table 3. On
the basis of this wall motion analysis scheme, a wall motion
score index (WMSI) is calculated to semiquantitate the extent
of regional wall motion abnormalities: WMSI=Sum of wall
motion scores/Number of segments visualized. A normal left
ventricle has a WMSI of 1, and the index increases as wall motion
abnormalities become more severe.20
The prognostic indicators after MI are the degree of LV systolic
dysfunction, LV volume, LV sphericity, extent of coronary artery
disease, MR, diastolic function, and presence of heart failure.
Therefore, it is reasonable to predict that patients with a high
WMSI have a greater chance for subsequent development of
cardiac events. Most patients in Killip class II-IV have a WMSI
of 1.7 or higher. In addition to the WMSI, restrictive Doppler
filling variables derived from mitral inflow velocities correlate
well with the incidence of post infarction heart failure and LV
filling pressures. LA volume, a surrogate for chronic diastolic
dysfunction and chronic elevation of LA pressure is also a
predictor of outcome.
The presence of normal systolic function in a critically ill or
hemodynamically unstable patient should lead immediately to
the suspicion of a mechanical complication like 1) ventricular
septal rupture, 2) papillary muscle rupture, 3) acute outflow
obstruction. This may be suspected on clinical examination by
appearance of a systolic murmur on precordial auscultation.
Wall motion
Echocardial motion
Diastolic deformity
Wall thickening
Absent or thinning
Paradoxical septal motion
Tricuspid regurgitation
(large MI)
Highly sensitive for cardiac necrosis. It is the first biomarker
to rise with myocardial necrosis but since the specificity is less
so now it is rarely used in clinical practice.
(small MI)
Creatine Kinase
Cardiac biomarkers have conventionally being used for
diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. These have also been
used in patients with NSTEMI and unstable angina for finding
high risk individuals. Elevation of CPK, CPK-MB and Troponins
I and T occurs in all patients with myocardial necrosis that is seen
in myocardial infarction. Serial CK-MB estimations were done
earlier for estimation of infarct size before echocardiography.
Biomarkers are useful in patients with equivocal ECG changes
although their clinical relevance in acute myocardial infarction
is receding.23,24 They are still extremely useful in NSTEMI for
risk stratification. In periprocedural myocardial infarction, rise
of CK-MB is important for diagnosing the infarction25. In routine
myocardial infarction elevation of CK-MB and troponins though
a. Ischemic symptoms
Type 2
Myocardial infarction secondary to ischemia caused by
increased oxygen demand or decreased supply (e.g. coronary
artery spasm, coronary embolism, anemia, arrhythmias,
hypertension, hypotension)
Type 3
Sudden unexpected cardiac death, including cardiac arrest,
often with symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia, but
death occurring before blood samples could be obtained.
Type 4
Myocardial infarction associated with PCI (a) during PCI,
(b) Stent thrombosis.
Type 5
Myocardial infarction associated with CABG.
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