Understanding The Entrepreneurs' Behavioural Intentions Towards Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study From Greece
Understanding The Entrepreneurs' Behavioural Intentions Towards Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study From Greece
Understanding The Entrepreneurs' Behavioural Intentions Towards Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study From Greece
DOI 10.1007/s10668-015-9681-7
Received: 4 June 2014 / Accepted: 6 June 2015 / Published online: 21 June 2015
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015
Abstract This studys aim is mainly to provide insights into the factors that affect sustainable tourism entrepreneurs behavioural intentions, employing data from Greece. Given
that intention is a powerful predictor of actual behaviour, to stimulate sustainable entrepreneurial activity in the tourism sector and achieve sustainable development, it is important to
study the factors that affect entrepreneurs behavioural intentions towards sustainability.
Findings through this empirical analysis support that entrepreneurs demographics parameters and firm characteristics have distinctive effects in explaining respondents behaviour
towards sustainable entrepreneurship and acknowledgement of sustainability options of a
community. In particular, results suggest that younger entrepreneurs are probably more
informed about the potential of the sustainability for the regions and are more likely to favour
sustainable tourism practices. Entrepreneurs income is also a statistical significant parameter
towards sustainable entrepreneurship intentions within the tourism sector. Finally, entrepreneurs reported as important for the promotion of tourism sustainability the creation of
knowledge networks and websites to focus on sustainable business and the promotion of
environmental labels and certified management systems in tourism businesses.
Keywords Sustainable tourism development Sustainable entrepreneurship
Demographics Socio-economic factors
1 Introduction
Tourism as an economic activity is closely linked to climate change, jeopardizing prospects for sustainable development. In 2005, carbon dioxide emissions generated directly
from the tourism sector accounted for 5 % of global emissions. Concerning emissions from
& E. Sardianou
[email protected]
Department of Home Economics and Ecology, School of Environment, Geography and Applied
Economics, Harokopio University, 70 El. Venizelou Av., 17671 Kallithea, Greece
E. Sardianou et al.
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2 Literature review
2.1 The concept of sustainable development
The concept of sustainable development was first introduced in 1972 at the United
Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm. It later gained
prominence through the Brundtland Report presented to the United Nations by the World
Commission on Environment and Development also known as Our Common Future.
The definition emerging from the report states that Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs (WCED 1987: 43; Brundtland 1987). This
report constitutes a critical expression of the increased need for environmental protection.
A commitment to sustainable development is expressed through Agenda 21. Agenda 21,
established at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, also
known as Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. Agenda 21 is a global action
plan for sustainable development into the twenty-first century that addresses the development of societies and economies by focusing on the conservation and preservation of our
environments and natural resources. Agenda 21 asks governments to integrate sustainable
development into their national strategies. Nations that have pledged to take part are
monitored by the International Commission on Sustainable Development and are
encouraged to promote Agenda 21 at the local and regional levels within their own
countries. These pledges paved the way for gradual inclusion of the social, economic and
environmental dimensions of sustainable development into governmental policy-planning
and policy-making at regional, national and international levels.6
Convened 10 years after the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio, the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), also known as
Earth Summit 2002, was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, to reaffirm sustainable
development. In particular, it was convened to review progress since the Rio Conference in
1992, and to agree a new global deal on sustainable development by setting implementation strategies, answering questions of accountability and forming partnerships beyond
traditional boundaries. It was clear that the concept of sustainable development was not
considered complete without mentioning three dimensions as key elements of sustainability: the economic, environmental and sociocultural dimensions. Unlike its predecessor,
it was primarily concerned with implementation rather than with new treaties and targets,
although a number of new targets were agreed. Article 14 of the Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation states that: Fundamental changes in the way societies produce and
consume are indispensable for achieving global sustainable development (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development 2005).
In 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development was also held in Rio
and is also commonly called Rio?20 or Rio Earth Summit 2012.7 The Conference decided
on topics within a number of fields, including sustainable tourism. As announced at the
Johannesburg Summit, the World Tourism Organization, in collaboration with United
Nations Conference on Trade And Development, launched the Sustainable Tourism-Eliminating Poverty initiative to develop sustainable tourism as a force in poverty alleviation.8
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Several researchers suggest that community involvement is important to pursue sustainable tourism development. That is why governance in sustainable tourism management
should gain attention. Governance concerns how societies are governed, ruled or steered
(Wang 2012: 988). Sustainable tourism governance requires engagement and coordination of tourism, environment, community and wider development interests at local level
(UNWTO 2013: 7).10 Aall et al. (2015) comment that although local authorities have more
effective control over sustainability issues, there is a need to have an overarching
framework at an international or national level to provide guidance. However, Hall (2011)
underlines that the potentials of improvements regarding sustainable tourism governance
should be based on policy learning from past experience.
Sustainable tourism is not an antigrowth approach (Bramwell and Lane 1993: 2). Quite
in the contrary, it is characterized as a positive approach that acknowledges that there are
limits to growth. A holistic approach to sustainable tourism development should combine
economic, cultural and social well-being to achieve a balance between growth and its
impacts (Swarbrooke 1999; Richards and Hall 2000; Bestard and Nadal 2007; Thompson
et al. 2011; Stylidis and Terzidou 2014). Hunter (1997) argues that sustainable tourism
encompasses a set of principles, management methods and policy decisions. Policies
towards sustainable tourism should not only be theoretically sound but also practically
feasible. Thus, a feasible policy would rely on applying the sustainability principles on
conventional tourism (Liu 2003), without contradicting the principles of development
(Tosun 1998). Lafferty and Hovden (2003) bring up the issue of sustainable tourism by
incorporating environmental concern apart from the traditional tourism schemes.
Sustainable tourism development should therefore focus on the implementation of all
four areas of sustainable development (economic, environmental, social and cultural) in
tourism industry. The most important issue is of being both sustainable and competitive.
Sustainable tourism development programs that respect environmental component can also
contribute to the tourism competitiveness (Hassan 2000). In such a case, environmental
commitment will be the forefront issue for the economic revitalization of the tourism
industry (Hassan 2000: 244). Pulido-Fernandez et al. (2015: 47) prove that progress in
tourism sustainability does not affect a countrys main economic tourism indicators in the
short term, and does not constrain profitability and competitiveness. Farmaki et al. (2015:
187) conclude that the development of a legal framework penalizing unsustainable
tourism practices could provide the driving force for encouraging sustainability.
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The Theory of Planned Behaviour is an extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action (for more details
see: Fishbein and Ajzen 1975).
3 Methodology of research
3.1 Study area
The study area encompasses a large part of the Thessaly region, a region located in the
middle of the mainland of Greece (Fig. 1). The region of Thessaly, consisting of the
following four prefectures: Larissis, Magnisias, Trikalon and Karditsas, is located almost
350 km from Athens, the capital of Greece. The climate can be characterized as transitional between Mediterranean and continental Mediterranean climate. Within the region of
Thessaly, two specific urban cities were chosen, namely Karditsa from the Karditsa prefecture and Kalabaka from the Trikala prefecture.
Both cities were chosen not only because they belong to neighbouring prefectures with
the most popular tourist destinations on the mainland of Greece, but also because they have
similarities and combine specific criteria, as described below, with high potential on
sustainable tourism development, corresponding to the aim of the present study. In particular, both cities are urban areas surrounded by an environment of outstanding natural
beauty and cultural heritage. Specifically, Karditsa city is very close to Plastira Lake, one
of the most beautiful tourist destinations of mountainous Greece, whereas Kalabaka city is
very close to Meteora, characterized as UNESCOs world heritage. The study areas have
been designated as Natura2000 site (codes: GR 1440001; GR 1440002; GR1440003) and
contain rich and rare fauna and flora and a high diversity of habitats. Apart from that, both
cities benefited from Leader? European Program, for the period of 20072013.
Leader program was one of the most proactive EU initiatives aiming to diminish
regional inequalities and contributing to the integrated development of the rural sector in
Greece. LEADER I Community Initiative at first, followed by LEADER II and LEADER?
reinforced the local identity of the regions in which they were implemented, enhancing
their natural and cultural resources, bringing together for the first time local productive
sectors like agriculture and tourism together with revived local skills. In several cases,
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Leader program enforced the competitiveness of rural areas, by elaborating through the
implementation of pilot applications, on environmental, social, economic and cultural
assets. Therefore, as expected through Leader programs, actions aimed at aspects of sustainable rural development were integrated (Mitoula et al. 2008).
was set as a goal due to the expected low rate of return. Given the purpose of this study,
entrepreneurs were interviewed at their tourism businesses. To increase the probability of
participation in the survey, the questionnaires were kept anonymous. As a prerequisite, the
respondents were solely the decision makers of the tourism enterprises, excluding managers and employees of the company.13
The survey took place during the summer of 2013. The surveyed entrepreneurs sampled
in each city were randomly selected by the researchers. The sampling frame used to the
present study was as follows: (1) researchers obtained the list of the population of all the
tourism businesses in each city, (2) a number was assigned to each tourism business,
different for each city. Numbers in the list were arranged so that each digit has no predictable relationship to the digits that preceded it or to the digits that followed. Thus, the
digits were arranged randomly. (3) A random number generator was selected in each case/
city to choose the sampled business, taking into account the population size in each city
and the sample size, and (4) the tourism business corresponding to the selected number was
included to the initial sample. A business could be selected only once. Thus, a random
sampling without replacement was performed. Surprisingly, the response rate was high,
reaching almost 82 %, and the survey resulted in a total data set of 287 entrepreneurs.
Specifically, 146 questionnaires were selected from the area of Karditsa and 141 from the
area of Kalabaka.
The questionnaire was a structured questionnaire, which included closed-type questions.
Given the limited number of empirical studies (as analysed in the literature review section),
the questions were formed not only by taking into account relevant previous studies but
also regarding eco-entrepreneurs who are favourable to sustainable practices. Feedback on
sustainable tourism business practices was provided by several experienced entrepreneurs,
resulting in the formation of the last part of the questions. Specifically, the questionnaire
consisted of two sections: the first section included closed-type questions on demographic
characteristics of the entrepreneurs such as gender, age, educational background and
family status. In addition, fourteen questions were included, which aimed to describe the
economic performance of the business. In particular, entrepreneurs were asked about their
revenues and their monthly private income, the type of employmentseasonal or full
yeartheir employees and the marketing strategy they follow. In the second section,
entrepreneurs were asked about the environmental performance of their businesses and
their attitudes towards sustainable tourism management. The initial draft was pilot tested to
an initial sample of 50 tourism entrepreneurs from the sampled city, requesting feedback
on wording, presentation and relevance of the question included on it. The results of the
respondents showed no significant changes to be implemented other than wording, and the
final questionnaire was reproduced.
The following definition is followed: entrepreneur is someone who exercises initiative by organizing a
venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as the decision maker, decides what, how, and how much of a
good or service will be produced. The entrepreneur is usually a sole proprietor, a partner, or the one who
owns the majority of shares in an incorporated venture (available at: http://www.businessdictionary.com/
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Given the above-proposed theoretical framework, the novelty of the present research is
based on the fact that the study is handled based on primary data from entrepreneurs in the
tourism industry and the application of econometric methods for drawing conclusions.
The objective of the study is to estimate the factors affecting the promotion of sustainable
tourism management, as expressed by the entrepreneurs intention to adopt relevant actions.
To address the research questions of the study, empirical analysis is performed based on the
estimation of logistic regression models. First, a binary logistic model is estimated to predict
the probability of entrepreneurs intention to adopt sustainable business practices, identified
by the values of the explanatory independent variables Next, an ordered logistic regression is
used for predicting the awareness of entrepreneurs towards potential development on sustainable tourism in their area. In both models, the independent variables where chosen by
taking into account previous relevant studies towards factors affecting entrepreneurship,
green entrepreneurship or environmental behaviour in general (Tzschentke et al. 2008; Steg
and Vlek, 2009; Akrivos et al. 2014; Koe et al. 2014). Therefore, in the empirical study, the
following expanded specifications were estimated.
First, a logistic regression model is estimated to answer the first research question of the
LogitPrY 1 c0 c1 genderi c2 agei c3 incomei c4 owneri c5 employeesi
c6 previousi c7 envii ei
where the dependent variable is a binary variable indicating whether the entrepreneur
i intend to adopt sustainable practices into their tourism business or not;14 specifically, the
variable has a value of 1 when the entrepreneur expresses a positive attitude and zero
otherwise; genderi is a dummy variable accounting for 1 if the respondent is female and
zero if male; age refers to the entrepreneurs age; incomei is the entrepreneurs monthly
private income in euros; owneri is a dummy variable accounting for 1 if the respondent is
the owner of the business and zero otherwise; employeesi is a qualitative variable
expressing the number of employees per business; envii is a dummy variable accounting
for 1 if the entrepreneur is aware of environmental problems of his area and zero otherwise;
previousi is a dummy variable accounting for 1 if the entrepreneur has previously
implemented an eco-friendly action to his company such as recycling and zero otherwise;
and e is an error term.
Next, an ordered logistic regression model is estimated to predict the level of agreement
regarding the statement I am aware of potentials for sustainable tourism in my area
(Answers: totally disagree: 1, disagree: 2, neutral: 3, agree: 4, totally agree: 5) and is
estimated regarding the second research question. The general specification of the proposed model regarding the second research question is the following:
yi b0 b1 genderi b2 agei b3 incomei b4 owneri b5 employeesi b6 previousi
b7 envii ei
is the latent variable measuring the level of entrepreneurs awareness towards
potentials for sustainable development in their area; genderi is a dummy variable
More precisely, the formulation of the question was: Do you intend to adopt sustainable practices in
your firm? Sustainable practices are defined those associated with all the pillars of sustainable development
(economic, social-cultural and environmental) (Dichotonomous choice answer: Yes or No).
accounting for 1 if the respondent is female and zero if male; age is the entrepreneurs age;
incomei is the entrepreneurs monthly private income in euros; owneri is a dummy variable
accounting for 1 if the respondent is the owner of the business and zero otherwise;
employeesi is a qualitative variable expressing the number of employees per business; envii
is a dummy variable accounting for 1 if the entrepreneur is aware of environmental
problems of his area and zero otherwise; previousi is a dummy variable accounting for 1 if
the entrepreneur has previously implemented an eco-friendly action to his company such as
recycling and zero otherwise; and e is an error term. The empirical results from the
estimation of Eqs. (1) and (2) are presented in the next section of this study.
4 Results
The results of the statistical and econometric analyses to estimate the determinants that
affect entrepreneurs behavioural intentions and beliefs towards sustainable tourism
practices and development of the area are as follows:
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infrastructure with continuous improvements or the effort to enhance the economic benefits
from tourism is an essential element for sustainable tourism. Lastly, only 11.3 % chose the
training of tourists on sustainability issues. The aforementioned question was based on
several studies that have linked the issue of the relationship between attitudes and practices
from the side of entrepreneurs and the topic of sustainability. According to several studies,
it is high of interest that a holistic approach to sustainable tourism development should
combine economic, social and environmental benefits for a local area (see e.g.: Bramwell
and Lane 1993; Swarbrooke 1999; Voon and Voon 2012; Webster and Ivanov 2014;
Stylidis and Terzidou 2014).
Finally, it is known that entrepreneurs decisions can also bring benefits not only for
their business (Schaltegger and Wagner 2011; Figge et al. 2002; Young and Tilley 2006;
Parrish 2010) but also for the sustainability of a local economy (Hertin et al. 2001;
Schlange 2007). Thus, entrepreneurs were asked about the actions that they consider as
important to support tourism sustainability. In particular, 56.7 % of entrepreneurs reported
that the creation of knowledge networks and websites focused on sustainable business are
important and 26.2 % selected the promotion of environmental labels and certified management systems in tourism businesses. According to the entrepreneurs, important factors
for tourism sustainability were the promotion of initiatives or innovative ideas on sustainability amongst business (36.2 %) as well as the idea of informing tourists about the
benefits of sustainable tourism (33.3 %). No statistical significant differences were found
between the previously mentioned questions and the demographics of the entrepreneurs or
firms characteristics.
Please note that as presented elsewhere, Braun (2010) concluded that women had stronger environmental
attitudes and commitment to the green entrepreneurship program than males. The author(s) believe that the
results are not comparable since the stated research question in our case is different, focusing on intention to
adopt sustainable business practices.
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Table 1 Estimated binary logistic regressions of entrepreneurs intention to adopt sustainable tourism
practices in his/her company (yes: 1 no: 0) (n = 287)
Independent variables
Estimated coefficients
Odds ratio
eb 1
Log likelihood
Pseudo R2
2.19 (0.544)
***, **, * Represent levels of significance at 1, 5 and 10 %, respectively. Z statistics are presented in
remaining fixed. Similarly, entrepreneurs in the high impact group are more likely in
greening their companies, with an increase of 0.127 in relation to at 5 % level of
Finally, as the number of employees increases the probability of being positive to
sustainable practices in the company increases too, by almost 3 %. This relation was at
a 10 % level of statistical significance. Entrepreneurs who stated that they were aware
of the environmental problems of their region showed the same significance.
Results imply that an increasing negative correlation exists between the level of
awareness of the potentials for sustainable tourism development in the area and the age
profile. Each added year of age is associated with a 9.7 % (OR 0.097) decrease in the
odds of reporting agreement in relation to awareness, with all other values remaining
Females are more likely to be aware of the potentials for sustainable tourism
development in the area when compared to men. The odds of reporting awareness are
1.185 times greater for female in comparison with men.
An increasing positive correlation exists between the level of agreement regarding
awareness of the potentials for sustainable tourism development in the area and the
income of the entrepreneurs. This means that in relation to entrepreneurs in the highincome group, the odds of agreeing to be aware of the potentials for sustainable
tourism development in the area increases by almost 19 % (OR 1.188) with all other
Table 2 Estimated ordered logistic regression of entrepreneurs awareness towards the potentials for
sustainable tourism development in their area
Marginal effects
SE: 0.553
SE: 0.536
SE: 0.528
SE: 0.552
Log likelihood
Pseudo R2
LR v2
124.90 (0.0008)
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variables remaining fixed. Similarly, the variables advertisement and price are
not statistically significant.
Results indicate that ownership status (owner) and an entrepreneurs past experience
regarding eco-friendly practices in their business (previous) are not statistically
significant variables. Contrary, the odds of an entrepreneurs awareness of the
potentials for sustainable tourism development in the area are lower by 0.951 times in
relation to the number of employees occupied in their business.
An increasing positive correlation exists between the level of awareness of the potentials
for sustainable tourism development in the area and entrepreneurs awareness of the
environmental problems of the area, at 1 % level of significance. The odds of confirming
awareness of the potentials for sustainable tourism development in the area are 1.126
times greater for persons who know the environmental problems of their region, in
comparison with others, ceteris paribus. Thus, it is confirmed that a positive relation
exists between entrepreneurs environmental awareness and awareness of the opportunities towards sustainable development within the community.
5 Discussion
The objective of this paper was to investigate parameters behind entrepreneurs favourable
decisions towards sustainable business management. Specifically, this study tried to
explore the determinant factors affecting respondents intention towards the adoption of
sustainable entrepreneurship and their awareness of the potentials for the sustainable
tourism in the study area. The interconnection between sustainable development and
sustainable entrepreneurship is established through reviewing topical literature. In order to
fulfil the objective of our study, emphasis was paid to differences in the attitude of
entrepreneurs towards sustainability issues in regard to their demographics and their firms
characteristics, running regression models. All variables included in these models to
explain intention towards sustainable entrepreneurship (Eq. 1) and acknowledgement
towards sustainable opportunities (Eq. 2) were also incorporated in other similar surveys,
regarding the entrepreneurs profile or eco-friendly attitudes in general, but not yet in the
context of tourism, nor within a regression modelling approach.
In general, the results, justified by the conceptual framework adopted in the study, are in
line with previous approaches. Specifically, variables included in logit models have the
anticipated signs as examined elsewhere. Dean and McMullen (2007) pointed out that the
growing interest of many entrepreneurs for the cessation of environmentally degrading
activities was combined with a willingness to pay for a reduction in relevant activities. It is
confirmed that environmental awareness has a positive effect on entrepreneurs intentions
to adopt sustainable practices. This positive effect is also seen regarding their awareness of
sustainability potentials within the community. These results confirm previous studies
which reported that the decision to become environmentally involved had been influenced
primarily by the development of environmental consciousness (Tonglet et al. 2004;
Tzschentke et al. 2008). Akrivos et al. (2014) also concluded that resources were not used
in a sustainable manner because of the attitude amongst entrepreneurs disregarding tourism
as being harmful to the environment.
Demographics explain statistically significant differences towards an intention to adopt
sustainable entrepreneurship. In our case, age has a negative impact on both the intention to
pay in order to adopt sustainable tourism practices as well as the acknowledgements of
6 Conclusions
This studys aim is mainly to provide insights into the factors that affect entrepreneurs
behavioural intentions regarding sustainable tourism practices, employing data from
Greece. Summarizing the findings of the empirical analysis, it is concluded that entrepreneurs demographics parameters and firms characteristics have distinctive effects in
explaining respondents behaviour towards sustainable entrepreneurship and acknowledgement of the sustainability options of a community. This study also shows the
importance of environmental awareness on entrepreneurs intentions towards sustainable
entrepreneurship. In addition, it is estimated that elders are less informed about the
potentials for sustainable development and less intended to adopt sustainable practices
compared to younger ones. Another important factor that positively affects tourism
entrepreneurs choice to act eco-friendly is income. Results suggest that entrepreneurs
value adopting relevant sustainability actions within their business, such as the promotion
of environmental management systems, or by supporting similar actions independently
such as participating in campaigns to inform tourists about the benefits of sustainable
A key question is why analysing sustainable entrepreneurship matters. It matters
because sustainable entrepreneurship is directly related to achieving sustainable development goals. Within this context, there are several implications. Particularly, managers are
confronted with environmental issues in their decisions, not only in considering environmental responsibilities and business ethics, but also strategically, to ensure profitability in
todays competitive market (Molina-Azorin et al. 2009). Sustainable entrepreneurs could
expand their market share by focusing their advertising campaigns on the eco-friendly
customers. The research has also implications for practitioners in identifying under which
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firms are most likely to make moves towards sustainability innovation. (Schaltegger and
Wagner 2011). The results are crucial for policy-making because the identification of
sustainable tourism entrepreneurs points to the needed direction in order to achieve sustainable development (Tosun 2001); change is highly dependent on entrepreneurs personality and characteristics (Crnogaj et al. 2014). Thus, in order to achieve sustainable
tourism development, it is important to study the factors that affect and stimulate entrepreneurs behaviour geared towards sustainability. Market segmentation would help policy
makers formulate differentiated informational strategies specifically targeting those
entrepreneurs groups that were identified as being inclined to make sustainable decisions.
Targeting and influencing entrepreneurs in becoming more eco-friendly will limit the
impact of their business on their environment.
This paper is not without any limitations. First, this study only focused on intentions for
adoptions of sustainable entrepreneurship practices. Thus, further research is needed on the
actual sustainable entrepreneurship and the specific sustainable practices taken by the
entrepreneurs. Second, the explanatory variables used in the empirical models are only
entrepreneurs demographics and firm characteristics. Thus, future researchers are recommended to examine the impact of social norms or peer groupings. Third, given that the
sampled tourism entrepreneurs came from a specific urban part of Greece, the findings are
specific for that region and did not take into consideration business differences within the
different geographic areas of Greece. Lastly, further research is needed on specific motives,
including economic ones, that can encourage a tourism entrepreneur in adopting the
principals of sustainability in their business strategies. For this purpose, a national sustainable tourism development framework should be formulated.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Editor and the three anonymous reviewers for
their insightful and constructive comments from which the present paper greatly improved. Any remaining
errors or deficiencies are solely the authors responsibility.
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