Common Symptoms of ALS Include
Common Symptoms of ALS Include
Common Symptoms of ALS Include
The symptoms of ALS develop at different rates for different people. In the early stages
of ALS, signs and symptoms can be so slight that they may be overlooked, at least until
they develop into more obvious weaknesses or visible atrophy.
Common symptoms of ALS include:
Increased clumsiness
ALS can make the leg muscles weaken, meaning that simple actions such as walking can
become difficult.
Diagnosis of ALS
There is no single test used to diagnose ALS. Instead, a health care provider will make
a diagnosis based on the patient's symptoms and results of tests used to rule out other
conditions that can cause similar symptoms.
MRI scans can be used to locate problems such as herniated disks that cause symptoms
similar to ALS.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not reveal evidence of ALS, but can be used
to show other problems that could be causing the patient's symptoms. These problems
include spinal cord tumors and herniated disks in the neck.
Doctors can also request that blood and urine tests are carried out, as well as tests on
spinal fluid samples extracted through a lumbar puncture. A muscle biopsy may also
be carried out in order to rule out myopathy.
As well as the conditions mentioned above, the following medical problems can also
produce similar symptoms to ALS, and thus may need to be ruled out during the
diagnostic process:
Multiple sclerosis
The presence of both upper and lower motor neuron symptoms is believed to be a
strong indicator of ALS. Upper motor neuron symptoms include stiffness and resistance
to movement in the muscles, and brisk reflexes. Lower motor neuron symptoms include
weakness, muscle atrophy and twitching.