Bench Hooks
Bench Hooks
Bench Hooks
Designed for rough-cutting miters, the miter block is a combination of a bench hook
and a miter box. Forward pressure keeps it steady on the bench while the workpiece
is held tight against the stop block, and the sawkerfs guide the sawblade.
Stop-block dado,
⁄4 in. deep by
1 3⁄4 in. wide
steady as forward pressure is applied. A stop steady long stock. Both hooks are by a buildup of sawdust between the jig
block on top of the platform, perpendicu- the same thickness, and the stop on the nar- and the plane.
lar to the edge of the bench hook, supports row hook is set the same distance from the
the work while it’s being cut or planed. leading edge as it is on the standard hook. Two bench hooks for miters
The bench hook I favor expands on this I prefer to cut and fit small bits of molding
basic design. On the right side of the plat- Use solid, stable materials—Because I right at the bench. The precision this
form I cut a wide rabbet that serves two use the bench hook so often in my day-to- method affords is hard to beat: It cuts down
functions: First, it protects my workbench day work, I made it from 7⁄8-in.-thick hard on trips across the shop floor to the miter
from being damaged when I use the jig to maple, which is relatively stable. For larger saw or tablesaw; and I’ve found it to be the
crosscut material with a backsaw. Second, bench hooks you might consider using safest way to handle small and fragile
it guides a handplane when the bench thicker stock. Quartersawn lumber is ideal, pieces of molding. To make perfect miters
hook is used as a shooting board. I use this if available, because it’s more stable than consistently, I use a pair of bench hooks: a
feature often to square and true up end plainsawn stock. miter block for rough-cutting, and a miter
grain after crosscutting. I also cut dadoes in the platform where shooting board for fine-tuning.
The bench hook is handy for working the hook and the stop block attach, to en- A miter block is a version of the bench
tenon shoulders and cheeks, but I get fur- sure that they hold steady and remain per- hook designed to guide a sawcut at a 45°
ther use from it with a thick auxiliary plat- pendicular to the edge of the platform. angle in two directions. It serves as a simple
form, which raises the worksurface to I find one other detail about my bench version of a miter box. I made mine of solid
about 1⁄8 in. below the planing stop. In this hook useful. I cut a small groove in the in- alder. On the miter block, the hook and
configuration I can plane small, thin pieces terior corner of the planing step to collect stop block are attached to the platform with
such as loose tenons or splines. sawdust that accumulates when trimming a dado, similar to the standard bench hook.
I also have a second, narrow hook, which with a plane. The groove eliminates po- There’s only one secret to the miter
I use with the standard bench hook to tential inaccuracies that could be caused block, and that’s setting the 45° kerfs in the
Sawn miters often require fine-tuning. That’s Dust trap,
where the miter shooting board comes in handy. ⁄8 in. deep
Two 45° fences made of hardwood support the by 1⁄8 in. wide
workpiece as it is trimmed with a jack plane.
fence to guide a backsaw. Lay out the kerfs edge of the bench during use. However, it board. Any material that extends into the
with pencil lines and cut them by hand with requires a hook on both ends because the path of the plane will be trimmed off. Hold
a backsaw. Just make sure that the kerfs jig is designed to be reversed for trimming the stock snug against the fence, and pass
aren’t any wider than the blade on the miters in opposite directions. My shooting the plane over the stock with repeated
handsaw you plan to use with the jig, or board sits on the bench at a tilt, which isn’t strokes until it stops cutting.
sloppy miters will result. a problem; however, you can make it long
enough to straddle the bench. Other tips for using a shooting
Miter shooting board finishes the Two fences set at 45° (together forming a board—To keep a plane cutting smoothly
job—Cuts made at the miter block generally 90° angle) are secured to the platform with on a shooting board, apply wax to all of the
are rough. So I use a second bench hook— glue and screws. Care should be taken to working surfaces of the plane and bench
a miter shooting board—to tune miters to a ensure that the fences are accurate, be- hook. It also is important that the plane’s
perfect 45°. I made mine from two stacked cause they serve as a reference for all sub- side be perpendicular to the sole and that
pieces of 5⁄8-in.-thick Baltic-birch plywood, sequent cuts made at the shooting board. you tune up the plane correctly for the task.
which is relatively stable. I glued a strip of A step rabbeted into the edge of the Align the plane blade parallel with its sole,
hardwood in the location of the planing shooting board, as on my standard bench and adjust it for a light cut. Always make
step, which allows me to true up the jig hook, is used to guide a handplane. It also sure the side of the plane is firmly regis-
after construction without having to use a has a small groove for dust accumulation. tered on the planing step.
handplane on plywood. When using the miter shooting board, I When trimming harsh end grain, which
Like my other workbench accessories, generally align the layout line of the miter tends to dull the blade rapidly, dampen the
the shooting board is designed to hook the with the end of the fence on the shooting end grain with water prior to planing.