Comminution 2012 Meadows Starkey Scinto March 15

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Recent International Concentrator Start-ups

Do and Donts for Effective Grinding Mill Design.

Capetown, SA

David Meadows1, VP Global Process Technology

Paul Scinto2, BEng., Metallurgist
John Starkey3, Principal Consulting Engineer

7158 S. FLSmidth Drive
Midvale, UT 84047-5559 USA
PH: (610) 264-6011
E-mail: [email protected]

Starkey & Associates Inc.

212-151 Randall Street
Oakville, ON L6J 1P5 Canada
PH: (905) 849-6111
E-mail: [email protected]

Starkey & Associates Inc.

212-151 Randall Street
Oakville, ON L6J 1P5 Canada
PH: (905) 849-6111
E-mail: [email protected]

April 17 20, 2012

Key Words: SAG mill start-up, Comminution Tests, Bond Work Indices, Grinding Mill
Design, Ore Hardness Measurements, JK Dropweight Test, SMC Test, SAGDesign Test.



A review of recent concentrator start-ups has been done to examine the methods that were used
to design the grinding circuits for these new plants and the results achieved. A number of these
start-ups were reported at SAG 2011. Large differences between design tonnage and actual
tonnage were reported, with actual tonnage both above and below the design target by wide
margins. This paper will examine some of these international plant start-ups, compare design
tonnage versus actual tonnage achieved and review the sampling programs, the grinding test
procedures, and mill design and sizing methods that were used. From this, dos and donts for
effective grinding mill design have been derived.
At the same conference (SAG 2011), recommended design and test selection procedures were
presented. These have been compared to the findings from the projects referred to above and are
judged to be helpful in avoiding slow and delayed start-up and ongoing operational problems.



The importance of accurate grinding mill design for SAG grinding circuits cannot be overstated.
With the advent of large SAG mills up to and over 40 ft in diameter, the possibility for having all
of ones eggs in one basket is very real as single line circuits have become the norm except in
cases of extremely hard ore or extremely high tonnage requirements or a combination of both. It
is therefore incumbent on mill designers to understand the hardness variability in a new ore
deposit so that a SAG mill can be chosen that properly matches the ore body and the exploitation
method chosen for that ore body. Failure to achieve design tonnage during the early stages of a
plant start-up can seriously impair the cash flow during the first year and make the decision to
save capital cost on the purchase of a smaller than required SAG mill, look like a poor choice if
the net impact on Project NPV fails to meet the projects financial goals.
The purpose of this paper is to examine recent international start-ups and find out what works
and what does not. During the course of preparing this paper it was realized that in some cases
only the start-up was described and the design information was not presented. As we move
forward in creating good grinding circuit designs, there are a number of challenges that need to
be addressed. And perhaps the most important of these is to base a green field design on
hardness measurements from a clients own ore body and not to rely on simulation techniques
which make the design hard to confirm and subject to error because no two deposits are alike.
It is also important to realize that with the advent of SAG milling in the late 1950s, the design
techniques for SAG mills have been owned and supplied to clients based on technologies that are
privately owned and which use proprietary information. Prior to that, Allis Chalmers and Fred
Bond in particular, gave the industry the Bond rod and ball mill work index techniques that were

open and which have been used by all in our industry for more than 50 years. The authors
recommend that we step back to first principles and use methods that everyone can understand.


Five projects reported from the SAG 2011 Conference have been studied in this paper. They
include; Phu Kam (Cu/Au) in Laos, Andacollo (Cu/Au) in Chile, Gibraltar (Cu/Mo) in Canada,
Yanacocha (Au) in Peru, Damang (Au) in Ghana and are listed in Table 1 below.

D x L, ft

# BM

Phu Kam

34' x 20'
17.5' EGL
36'x20'EGL gearless
14.75'EGL twin
29.5' EGL gearless
26' x 18'
15.5' EGL single

24' x 40'

25' x 40.5'

13.5' x 20'


20' x 29.5'


D x L, ft

Cap, t/h kWh/t P80 -

@ start-up
94% calc. 2,420


91% calc.




92% calc.




~ 91.5%


300/400 on hard ore.



2nd BM will increase cap. From
1500 to 2000 t/h on hard ore.
Historical Started auto mill and 1 BM.
Ramp up to full prod 7 months
Operating SAG mill added to 3 line rod
ball mill plant. All mills same.
Bond BM Single stage SAG mill.
t/h exceeded at P80 of 150
JK & Bond 50:50 blend hard soft, 150
Lower tonnage on hard ore.

These projects involved SAG mills from 26 to 36 ft in diameter, with installed power in the
range 9.7 to 16.8 MW using single, twin pinion, and gearless technology for drives over 16 MW.
The ball mills used varied from 13.5 to 25 ft in diameter, with installed power in the range 1.85
to 14.2 MW using single and twin pinion technology. Results from these papers are now
discussed in order.
Phu Kam was successful using a combination of Bond RM, BM and DWI tests. The design
tonnage of 1,500 t/h was achieved easily and harder future ore was allowed for by ordering a
second 13 MW ball mill. This design reflects a number of solid decisions regarding staged
investment in grinding hardware versus required capacity to treat harder ores in the future.
The Andacollo start-up was orderly and well planned. Initially the primary mill was started with
no steel (as an AG mill). Steel additions and increasing tonnage followed with the achievement
of commercial production seven months after start-up. However, operational problem had to be
sorted out to do this. Larger (5.5 inch) SAG balls were added, a secondary impact bed for the
SAG mill discharge was provided to prevent wear and provide better distribution to the screen, a
second magnet was added to protect the pebble crushers, larger cyclone feed pumps were
installed, and cyclone underflow launders were modified to provide better transport of steel chips
to the ball mills. No design data was shown in the paper but it was clear that during over 25
years of studying this project, good design information was available.

Gibraltar was another successful SAG start-up. In this case a three line rod/ball mill plant was
converted to a SAG operation with six identical ball mills following in parallel configuration.
Although no specific test data was presented in the paper, it is clear that the operating data
obtained from previous years allowed the proper assessment of required SAG mill power.
The Yanacocha gold operation is a single stage SAG mill that was designed to treat 620 t/h at a
grind P80 of 75 microns. This was not possible to achieve and grind was sacrificed for tonnage
when it was realized that the recovery loss of gold at a P80 of 150 microns was less than 2%.
Optimization with JK data did not resolve the problem, probably because the mill lacked power
to achieve the final grind of 75 microns.
Damang was successful treating a 50:50 blend of hard and soft ore at the design rate of 650 t/h.
However hard ore alone was a problem because throughput dropped below 400 t/h. Here JK and
Bond test work was done to properly understand the situation but because the hard ore was SAG
limited, the problem could not be solved by adding a second ball mill. The treatment of design
tonnage will require the installation of a crusher to crush part of the SAG mill feed and by-pass it
directly to the ball mill.



Based on the above history and on recent experiences across a variety of projects, some relevant
observations are summarized.
1. The need for a basic understanding of a mineral deposit and it's exploitation must never be
underestimated. It is key from the onset of the project development to combine the geologist,
mining engineer and metallurgists skills.
2. There is a need to carry out multiple small scale tests for the comminution circuit design and
cross check the information back and forth for consistency. Homogeneous deposits may have
existed in the ferrous mining industry but for base metals and gold, multiple samples are required
due to the hardness variability of the gangue minerals that host the metallic minerals of interest.
3. Getting the appropriate number of samples and meaningfulness of the samples is key rather
than taking endless samples that are not always relevant to the goal of the program. Some tests
notably SMC and JK Dropweight are not effective on composite samples from many drill holes.
Other methods are excellent in using composite samples for hardness measurements.
4. In any comminution circuit development, consideration should be taken of the location of the
concentrator, the associated infrastructure, electrical supply and logistics. For example HPGR
roll replacement by normal freighting methods in certain countries may be unrealistic.

5. Sizing grinding circuits on bond ball mill work indices can lead to erroneous results. The
authors have seen several examples that were based only on bond and the SAG grinding
characteristics were either masked, misinterpreted or not measured at all.
6. Relevance of spacial separation between drill holes, samples and hardness variability with
depth needs to be considered.
7. Plant availability information should be benchmarked with corresponding projects in the
region and knowing the maintenance/operational support and logistical challenges. Many circuits
in North and South America are typically designed at 90 to 92 % availability. Over a period of
three to five years this matures to greater than 94 %.
8. Make sure the P80 grind size versus metal recovery are well understood in the early stages and
that the sensitivity analysis is run for the optimum economical grind size. Changes in the grind
P80 will affect the ball mill sizing and overall cost of the circuit.
9. Make sure testing laboratories understand the relation of actual grind size requirement and
closing screen size for Bond Ball Mill Work Index testing. Sometimes the Bond BM Wi varies
dramatically at other than the design product size. A good rule of thumb is to multiply the P80 in
microns by 1.33 to estimate the closing screen size in microns. In addition, make sure the test
mill geometry and conditions are industry standards and not unusual.
10. Once the preliminary mill sizing requirements have been established always look at industry
benchmarking. For example what size 36 ft diameter SAG mills have been supplied and what is
the related F/F and EGL, together with the corresponding motor. At the same time be aware that
high SG of the ore to be processed, high steel load, and allowance for overspeeding the SAG
mill, all cause the size of the SAG mill motor to be increased.
11. Make sure all the mill terminology i.e. F/F and EGL are well defined and clearly understood
by all parties. Stay within the industry norms of D:L ratios and have full practical back up. In
the results reported in this paper it is clear that in some cases EGL and F/F measurements may
have been misreported.
12. Check the corresponding mill motor size and review in terms of power per foot length etc.
Make sure the power rating is validated by an operating mill and that the mill motor is
sufficiently sized to take into account a series of operating scenarios mill speed, total and ball
charge, liner conditions etc.

13. Dont let commercial decisions override the technical requirements of the grinding circuit
design. The grinding circuit is a significant capital cost requirement and should not be
compromised. There have been some recent events relating to saving on motor costs and drive
train requirements that have been irresponsible. The SAG mill is the income generator for the
project and must be sized according to what is required for throughput, not what is cheapest to
14. Check the SAG to Ball Mill power split falls within industry norms and is fully defendable.
There are now ways available to measure the SAG and ball mill pinion energy and these methods
should be used when hard ore will be treated in the SAG mill.
15. Always make a benchmark review against other similarly sized projects in terms of capacity,
power rating etc and make sure it holds up to this test. Consider visiting some of the similar sized
projects for lessons learned from operating conditions and maintenance aspects for these ores.
16. Pay attention to all the ancillary equipment including cyclone feed pumps and cyclones
together with the mill relining equipment.
17. Keep the grinding circuit layout simple, proven and maintenance friendly. Pay particular
attention to how liners are brought in and out of the plant, access to the cyclone feed pumps etc.
18. Start off the plant with a standard proven robust control strategy and then develop a plan to
implement an expert control system however emphasis should first be to understand the
operation and capability of the plant itself. Then consider implementing an expert control
system. Until manual control is well understood it is difficult to automate the grinding process.
19. Finally spend the necessary money on sample acquisition, testing and variability studies to
ensure a robust design. As time progresses, the need to get a faster more accurate design will
emerge as a way to overcome long lead delivery times for grinding equipment.
20. A truism that emerged from the Timmins camp in the early sixties was good engineering
does not start until the money runs out. We are not suggesting that the money is running out but
simply that prudence is required when spending money on mill designs. We the suppliers of
grinding test work, grinding circuit designs, SAG and ball mills, and our clients should expect
nothing less than excellent designs in a timely fashion and at reasonable cost. When big test
programs are undertaken, there is a delay involved in getting the results in time to be used. In
times of high demand for grinding mills, the value of an accurate answer in two to three months
can significantly improve mill delivery times.



Considering these five SAG 2011 start-ups, the conclusion is obvious that three plants achieved
target production, one plant was successful at start-up but could not easily be modified for hard
future ore, and one plant achieved t/h but not grind.
It is not clear why these latter two plants had problems. Probably a combination of things were
involved. Lack of enough test data, lack of a definitive design procedure, lack of understanding
of how a SAG mill operates and lack of agreement with other methods may have been involved.
We can say however that three recommended features of a good design were missing in these
cases. First, adequate power was not provided to treat the start-up ores in two cases. Provision
to treat harder ore was omitted in one case and failure to provide an easy path to expand tonnage
on the same ore was not included in the same case.
Even though Yanacocha could not achieve design grind, the addition of a ball mill would solve
that problem and allow for expansion as well, depending on the size of ball mill added.
Hard ores in the SAG mill are called SAG limited ores. Expansion of such plants cannot be done
by adding a ball mill. Damang should have considered the SAG to ball mill hardness ratio and
installed a larger SAG mill that could have better matched the required or expanded tonnage
capacity. SAG limited ore demands that SAG mill power be greater than the ball mill because
fine grinding can be done in a SAG mill but coarse grinding cannot be done in a ball mill.
There are many ways to accomplish a satisfactory mill design. Some are intuitive and the ore
hardness measurements and mill sizing results can be understood by all. SAGDesign technology
including mill sizing methods are being taught in undergraduate courses in Canada and in other
countries on special occasions. Other methods are proprietary and are the output from
simulation or other proprietary computer programs. We encourage clients to use methods that
they are familiar with but also to recognize that new and better methods are emerging that are
transparent and teachable.
Finally, always spend time and effort on due diligence reviews of similarly sized plants,
examining design versus actual performance, and pay attention to the lessons learned after
commissioning is complete.

1. Starkey, J.H., Hindstrom, S., and Nadasdy, G.N. SAGDesign Testing What It Is and Why
It Works; International AG and SAG Grinding Technology, 2006, Vol. IV. 16 p. 240-254.
2. McKen, A., Verret, F-O., and Williams, S. Digging Into a Large Testing Database.
International AG and SAG Grinding Technology, 2006, Vol. IV. 16 p. 331-346.
3. Starkey, J.H., Meadows, D. Comparison of Ore Hardness Measurements for Grinding Mill
Design for the Tenke Project. CMP Conference Proceedings, January 2007. 13 p. 19-31.
4. Starkey, J.H., Meadows, D., Thompson, P., Senchenko, A. SAGDesign Testing Review
Case Studies. XXIV IMPC Congress 2008. Vol. I. 10 p. 554-563.
5. Starkey, J.H., Samuels, M. New Discoveries in the Relationship Between Macro and Micro
Grindability. CIM Conference in Toronto, May 13, 2009.
6. Starkey, J.H. Impact on Mill Design and Flotation Control of New Discoveries in the
Relationship Between Macro and Micro Grindability. Metsoc Sudbury, ON. August, 2009.
7. Starkey, JH. Impact on Grinding Mill Design of Recent New Discoveries. SME Mineral
Processing Plant Design, Tucson, AZ. October 2009.
8. Starkey, J.H., Samuels, M. Successful Design of the NICO Grinding Circuit for Unusually
Hard Ore. CMP Conference Proceedings, January 2010. 10 p. 509-518.
9. Bailey, C., Lane, G., Morrell, S., and Staples, P. What Can Go Wrong in Comminution
Circuit Design. Tenth Mill Operators Conference, Adelaide, SA, 12-14 October 2010. 7 p.
10. Meadows, D.G., Scinto, P.A., Starkey, J.H. Seeking Consensus How Many Samples and
What Testwork is Required for a Low Risk SAG Circuit Design.*
11. Hadaway, J.B. and Bennett D.W. An Overview of the Design, Construction, Commissioning
and Early Years of Operation of the SAG/Ball Mill Grinding Circuit at Phu Kam.... in Laos.*
12. Rondestvedt, C.S.R., Bustos, M., and Torres, L. Carmen de Andacollo Start-Up of Tecks
New Copper Concentrator.*
13. Rotzinger, R.J., and Major, K.W. Gibraltar SAG Mill Expansion Design.*
14. Burger, B., Arevalo, L., Vicuna, S., Seidel, J., Valery, W., Jankovic, A., Valle, R., and
Nozawa, E. Yanacocha Gold Single Stage SAG Mill Design, Operation, and Optimization.*
15. Amoah, C., Kock, F. and Khalil, D.D. Optimization of the Damang Mine.*
Note: *Denotes paper given at the International AG and SAG Grinding Technology, 2011
Conference held in Vancouver B.C. Canada. Six papers are referenced herein.

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