EURO2013 Creation of Conflict-Free Taxi Routes For Aircraft With Evolutionary Algorithms

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de Chart 1

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for

Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms
I. Gerdes, M. Schaper
EURO|INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, 30.June - 4. July 2013 Chart 2

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Taxi Routing on Airports: Todays Situation

Aircraft ground movements are guided and controlled by Air Traffic Controllers
(Apron / Ground).
The controllers issue instructions when to start taxi and which route to take.
Controllers carry out conflict detection and resolution.
The mental plan of the controller is nearly nowhere visible to any system.
Taxi speeds are not determined and on pilots decision.
Commands to the pilots are transmitted via radio.
The speeds vary in different areas of the airport (lower on apron, higher on
other taxiways). Chart 3

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Taxi Routing on Airports: Future Vision

All aircraft have pre-planned, conflict free, time-based taxi routes each including
a speed profile.
Conflict detection and resolution is done automatically.
Route and time conformance is monitored and route/times are adapted for all
moving aircraft.
Controllers are supported by advisories to guide the aircraft as planned.
Clearances are given by data link.
Aircraft are able to follow speed advisories with absolute values (taxi 20 knots
instead of expedite taxi).
Combination of all planning tools like arrival and departure manager (AMAN /
DMAN), stand and gate manager (SGMAN) and surface manager (SMAN). Chart 4

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Taxi Routes for Aircraft: Creation and Controlling
TRACC is a Surface Management System supporting time-based taxi.
Calculates optimized and confict-free taxi routes with speed
Supports the Air Traffic Controller to archieve the proposed time-based
Adapts planned routes in case of deviations, e.g.
Controller wants other route.
Pilot deviates accidentally. Chart 5

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

TRACC-Approach: Creation of a Conflict-free and Optimized

Taxi Routes
Based on former work about using evolutionary
algorithms for free-routing of aircraft inside the
The airport structure is presented as a system of
nodes (waypoints) and links (taxiways).
A waypoint holds information about position of
this point and the standard speed.
Taxi routes are a sequence of waypoints where
each waypoint holds additional information
(planned speed, holding time and time the
waypoint is reached).
Links can be considered as a vector in space:
= + + (+ ) Chart 6

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Workflow of TRACC Chart 7

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Optimization Concepts
Implementation of two different optimization Algorithms:
TOA (Time Optimization Algorithm):
Usage of a pre-defined standard taxi route and adaption of taxi speeds and
holding times for the creation of a new conflict free route.
The probability for inserting a holding time depends on the difficulties to
create a conflict-free route (Safe-Node).
ROA (Route Optimization Algorithm):
Modification a the complete taxi route referring to the run of the route,
speed profile and holding times.
Holding times are created with a predefined probability from the start.
For both algorithm a special operator flats the speed profiles by removing speed
changes within a defined distance. Chart 8

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Evolutionary Algorithm of TRACC

Based on modGA of Michalewicz.
Chromosomes are taxi routes with waypoints as genes and additional
Trying to prevent super-individuals from overtaking the population.
Population selected for the next generation is divided in 3 different groups:
Group of unchanged routes (including a fixed number of best and different
Group of chromosomes which will undergo mutation.
Group of chromosomes which will undergo crossover.
Evaluation function depends on the number of conflicts with other aircraft,
number of speed changes, difference to expected time at route destination
(target time) and length of route.
Selection probability depends on the evaluation value of the chromosome. Chart 9

I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Problem Dependent Operators: TOA

Mutation of speeds:
Small probability for each waypoint (gene) for a speed change.
Crossover of speeds:
Selection of a pair of chromosomes.
Selection of two indices as crossover-points.
Exchange of speeds between selected pairs of chromosomes. Chart 10 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Problem Dependent Operators: ROA

Mutation of speeds:
Small probability for each waypoint (gene) for a speed change.
Mutation of routes:
One mutation for each route.
Random selection of two indices of the waypoints of the route.
Removing the part of the route between the selected indices.
Random selection of a new waypoint and inserting the route from the
start point of the selection via the new waypoint to the end of the
selected part of route. Chart 11 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Problem Dependent Operators: ROA

Crossover of taxi routes:
Selection of a pair of chromosomes.
Selection of two indices for crossover.
Exchanging the parts of the routes between the selected indices.
Insert connections (taxi route) between the last point of the first
remaining part of original route to the start of the exchanged part and
from the last point of the exchanged part to the beginning of the
second remaining part. Chart 12 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Visualization of Crossover Chart 13 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Problem Dependent Operators: Other

Add holdings on waypoints:
Insertion of holdings in a taxi route in dependence of the success of
Probability to be selected as holding point depends on the Safe Node of a
route (last safe holding position in case of conflicts) and the type of the
nodes (already holding point, stop bar exists for this node, no runway node).
Random selection of node.
Adapt speed changes:
In case of more than one speed change within a certain distance the second
speed change is moved behind the prescribed distance. Chart 14 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Example for Adaptation of Speed Changes

Speed correction for a minimum length of 400 meters
Distance for the speed correction marked by red lines.















Original Route

Speed Control




1000 Chart 15 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Core Element: Conflict Detection

Position p on the link W:

= i + i (i + i ) ((i+1) i)

Minimum distance between two links U and W (Calculation of extreme values):


dis 2 = (wi , j u k , j + (v1t + v1t 2 )1 ( wi +1, j wi , j ) (v2 t + v2 t 2 )2 (u k +1, j u k , j )) 2

j =1 Chart 16 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Monitoring and Adaption of Actual Position:

Possible deviation types:

All: Adaption to actual position

and speed.

Correct taxi route, no conflicts

and a negligible difference to
target time.


Correct taxi route, no conflict

and the difference to target
time is to high.

New optimization for a

smaller difference to target

Wrong route


New route including

actual position.
New optimization.

the Chart 17 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Reality Check: 1st Workshop at DLR



Real Controller Chart 18 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII



Tables Chart 19 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

Introduction of conflict-free time based taxi routes.
Problem solution done with evolutionary algorithms.
1st Workshop gave go for further development. Chart 20 I. Gerdes, M. Schaper Creation of Conflict-free Taxi Routes for Aircraft with Evolutionary Algorithms EURO|INFORMS MMXIII

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