Mat 719 Reflection

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MAT 719 Reflection

Adan Rodriguez

Reading for our students continues to be an area of stress. It impacts both students and
educators, as students continue to under achieve in reading comprehension. The focus of the
failure is often shouldered by educators who are continuously pressed to produce higher test
scores. I chose to provide an area of focus that will increase student reading comprehension with
my students. I believe that reading is what provides us with the foundation of our education. My
goal is to increase reading comprehension for all my students, regard less of reading level by
twenty percent.
The reason I selected the reading topic is because diverse students struggle at reading
grade level material more than their peers. This includes students with learning disabilities
(LDs), English Language Learners (ELL), economically disadvantaged (EDs), and immigrant
students. As I conducted my research analysis for the local school district I realized how much
diverse students are struggling with reading. The largest eye opening statistic was that of ELL
students were 85 percent of all students did not meet grade level requirements.
The next step for my area of focus statement to make changes to meet the
recommendations of the experienced educators I presented the action research plan too. Since I
do not have a current classroom I need to be able to remain engaged with the local school
district. It will be several years before I can step into a class but I will ensure that I stay relevant.
The area focus statement is a live document that continues to evolve to as students either
improve reading scores or is adjusted if you are not getting the results that you expected.
Using action research allows for educators to become a researcher in their own
classroom. By allowing for research to be conducted on their own students. It gives us a picture
that previously took an outside entity to come in and evaluate. The teacher knows their students
better than any other educational professional. They are able to identify weaknesses and

strengthens for their students due to the time they spend in the classroom with them. They are
truly another set of parents for our children. What I enjoy most about action research is it gives
me an opportunity to directly affect students in the classroom.
Action research and USM Knowledge in Action (KIA) are very similar models. They
both are great ways to identify a problem area or premise. Both KIA and action research have
progressive steps that allow you to conduct research. In Knowledge in Action you develop and
implement your action plan. After a successful implementation of your action research you
reflect on the process and either continue or adjust the process based on the students outcome.
Once you have completed your plan, the cycle starts over.
The five core propositions of National Board Profession Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
are directly aligned to action research. The first NBPTS core propositions states Teachers are
committed to students and their learning this is what action research is about. Putting the
student in the front of our educational goals. The second core proposition Teachers know the
subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students is directly aligned to MAT 719.
Knowing the curriculum and how to apply it to ensure all students are provided with a
meaningful learning experience is a fundamental rule of teaching. During all action research
projects you meet NBPTS standard number three Teachers are responsible for managing and
monitoring student learning.
The Graduate Program Outcomes (GPOs) that were addressed during my areas of focus
were number one, four, and eight. The first GPO that best aligns with MAT 719 is Candidates
apply their knowledge of curriculum content and design to support learners construction
knowledge. Knowing the curriculum is key to ensure you are able to present it to all students
regardless of academic achievement level. The second outcome is Candidates demonstrate the

ability to be reflective practitioners by identifying a problem examining research, advocating

solutions, implementing a plan, and measuring and evaluating outcomes. My daughter has an
IEP and it is important to me as a father and educator that all teachers are searching for
innovative ways to improve not only my daughters learning potential but that of everyone in the
We must get back to the basics of education and putting the focus back on to the students.
Getting away from focusing so much on standardized tests and more of teaching the students and
not the subjects we teach. There is so much more that a student learns in a classroom that has
nothing to do with academics. Action research is another tool that needs honed and sharpened
for educators to teach students holistically.

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