Fairy Tale Lesson
Fairy Tale Lesson
Fairy Tale Lesson
Grade Level: 1
Students will engage in a discussion about
fairytales they have heard and recognize the
similar story elements. Teacher will assess
students oral responses for accuracy.
Students will create a personalized fairytale
using a Mad Libs template. Teacher will assess
student work for completeness.
Materials/Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)
Example fairytales (Jack and the beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three
Little Pigs)
Mad Libs worksheet
Teacher will write an anchor chart outlining the key elements of a fairytale
Classroom Management:
Teacher will have students sit in assigned seats on rug for the lesson beginning
Teacher will walk around to prompt students having trouble thinking of a story element
Teacher will monitor student behavior during activity to keep them on task
Teacher will allow students who finish early to draw or write in their writing journals