GGTB DC Hatchet by Gary Paulsen Expectations For This Google Document

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Ggtb dc Hatchet

By Gary Paulsen
Expectations for this Google Document:
1. This document is a portfolio of your comprehension of Hatchet.
2. Please use text citations for all answers. If you cannot back it
up, then your answers may not be strong enough.
3. Use conventions correctly! Spell check your document, ensure
all areas of punctuation and capitalization are correct.
4. Make sure you do not have random spaces between answers
or lack of spaces between answers.
5. Do Not Change The Font!
6. You can always press enter to create more room, the spacing is
not meant to be a limit on how much you can respond with or size!
7. You are responsible for your answers. If I comment on
something, so please correct it. Then, resolve the comment.
New Skills: Conflict in Literature, Plot, & Mood
What are the four types of conflict? Add them into the following table! Be sure to add a
heading labeled CONFLICT and a heading labeled EXAMPLES.

About the divorce
About heart attack

Clue less

What to do during his heart attack


About the lawyers and the divorce

Define Mood:mood is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers
through words and descriptions
Define Plot: a series of events that form the story in a novel

Plot Chart: Use later for reference to Hatchet. (Bullet points directly below to match)

Review Skills:
Reviewed Skills



Pg 149 they were fighting with the moose and the cow and
he was getting hurt when he got attacked.

Cause and Effect

He drops his hatchet and he has to go down deep and his

lungs hurt.Brian ate too many berries and had diarrhea.The
moose ran over brian and caused his ribs to hurt.

Point of View

Chapter 17 The author talks about how brian is changing and

thinking about tv and how he wants to be home at the
house.His hands began to tremble he did not want to touch
the pilot..

Problem & Solution

Pg 132 he had to get the bird pg 135 he got the bird and took
the stuff out of the bird and he got grossed but he craved and
craved and cooked the bird and he cooked it.


Brian changes to not himself to a new person.Because,The

new brian is just to the forest and the old doesn't like or is
used to the forest


Trying to make people have positivity.Some parts it makes

you learn about survival.Survival because,he had to find food
and make weapons and a fire to roast chicken and fish so he
can eat.Also because he has to make tools and he needs to
collect all the stuff for it.

Chapter By Chapter Summary

Chapter 1 Assignment: Create a bubble map that shows the varying emotions Brian felt in
Chapter 1. Be sure to cite specific text examples.

He felt clueless and had no idea what to do during the heart attack.
He was shocked when he saw him having a heart attack.
He was sad when his mom and dad had to divorce.

Chapter 2 Assignment: Create a list of survival supplies you would need in a plane crash and
why you would need them. (Google Doc tables)
Item for Survival

Reason I Chose It

A group of people

It will be easier to collect things because by

yourself it will take longer and won't get the
job done and youll be lonely


To light torches and fires so you can see well

through the dark and wont get lost.


To kill animals for food so we dont starve and

die from hunger and thirst.

Tents with built in beds

To stay away from predators and get out of

their business to stay safe.

Extra food and water

So we don't half to collect food every day so

we can take a break and eat the stuff we
brought .

Chapter 3 Assignment: How did you react to Brians thoughts and actions? Do you think that
he is sensible or unreasonable? Explain your answer.

My thoughts to him is when he was very brave and trying to rush out of the water and try to
survive hey didn't give up and he didn't try proud that he survied and lived im

happy.ifeel good for him becaus he wont die now that the plane isgone he was very herioc to
kick his way out of the plane and still live.

I think his strategy was kind of unreasonable, because he didn't think it through right
because i don't understand how hes is meant to land the plane when it's running out of fuel.if i
was in that situation since the palne is at tree level i would jump off on to the tree so i can be
stable then go on a tree branch then I will jump to the lake and land in side then get out and find
a way home, look for shelter and water and food.So i think his plan is not that good.I cant really
tell how he would work out his plan and land i would like to see him try because i dont really get
it.In the next chapter i hope he wakes up and finds food and shelter to be safe so he dosent die
and i hope he finds his way back home. In chap 3 i think it was courageous and brave for him to
survive a plane and kept going and moving on i think when somethings in his way he will keep
fighting on till he gets it done.

Chapter 4 Assignment: Write 5 similes about Brians current state and explain their meaning.
Use a Google Table to do this.


As mad as a bird losing a worm

About his mom and dad divorcing

as sad as the only m&m left in a box

About being alone and in pain with no one to

help him recover

As angry as a bull ready to charge

About the mosquitos in his face and all the

other bugs

As brave as a fly hiking mountain dew

To keep moving on and not stopping and to

atleast try to get up

Brian is relieved as a owner finding his dog

That he is not dead and he's still alive.

Chapter 5 Assignment:Positive Thinking

Many people believe that if they have a positive attitude, good things will happen.They believe
that people with negative attitudes somehow prevent good things from happening. Write an
editorial in which you support the power of positive thinking. Use Brians experience as an

example of how positive thinking can help people. At the conclusion of your editorial, encourage
people to adopt positive thoughts and to see what happens.
Chapter 6 Assignment: Pick an example of a flashback in the chapter, summarize it, and
explain how it helps/hurts Brian emotionally.
One of the flashbacks were when he was resting on the edge of the pond and and he
looked up and saw his mom dad talking to each other and he was trying to think and then
he realized it was just a flash back.The second flash back was when he was hurt and
trying to think but then he saw his dad talking to a friend.That's all the flashbacks i heard
in the story.
Chapter 7 Assignment:Create a bubble map with 6 external bubbles. In the center, write
conflicts. Identify and describe 6 different conflicts youve seen in the book.

Chapter 8 Assignment:Retell a time when you had a dream that ended up being more of a
message to you

One time when i got a message in my sleep was.When i was at the doctor .They pointed
to the bed like they wanted me to sit on it or something so isat there then they kept on pointing
to the light over and over again like they wanted me to do something then i woke up and the
light was on i realized that i was supposed to wake up.
Chapter 9 Assignment:Create a chart of objects that would be useful to create a fire and not
useful. Explain each.

Useful items



So particles can catch that on fire


To scratch them up together


To help the fire going


To help the for get more hire

Non useful items



Doesn't really flame up


Does Not light


Doesn't help with fire

Chapter 10 Assignment: Create a table that lists at least two moods presented in the text and
give cited examples of each.



Happy that things worked out well with

the fire.


I believe he's confident because he

found food and he doesn't half to just
eat berries all the time any more


He is staying positive and hes keep

working hard and finding food and making a
fire and trying to make a signal with the fire.

!0. Pg94 The yellow and red flames Brightened up. You could think of the fall or the leaves

Chapter 11 Assignment:Put yourself in a catastrophic situation. How would it change you?

Hi, my name is Mckenzy and Im on a journey with my two friends Ava and Kaitlyn we
were sailing on a big ship.There were many toss in turns.Then that day the captain said we are
heading through a big storm prepare yourself. We as usual pretty laid back at that moment
because we really didn't think that there was going to be something huge. But we were wrong,
Boom! A big wave came crashing in I was so scared, BAM! It knocked over the ship me and my
friends saw a raft then we swam to it we all got in and survived but i don't think the captain did.
On the raft we saw land we thought it was carolina but it wasn't we were stuck in the
edge of hawaii in the big island. we got off and saw some boats so we looked around and
studied every part of land. Ava said maybe we should look for a place to sleep.That's a great
idea said Kaitlyn and I found food and supplies mostly like fish berries eggs axe and lots more
to make a fire.We were there for 25 days finding food we heard an engine and made a signal
fire that definitely changed us because we had no route or were we were going.It also changed
us because we kind of got used to the wild and we found a baby abdand boar so we kept it and
,even named him sniggles .That was are crazy adventure whats yours?

Chapter 12 Assignment:Suppose that Brian has a pencil. To help sort out his feelings about
his parents, he writes to one of them on a piece of birch bark. Write the letter that Brian might
write to his mother or his father. Keep in mind the issues and the details that are revealed in the
novel. Remember, too, that for certain reasons, Brian does not want to tell his father the Secret.

Dear mom
I know this might sound crazy,but im lost.I got into a
crash,because the pilot had a heart attack luckily i survived
because he kind of taught me a little bit before he died so i took
the wheel it ran out of fuel and i hit a tree and landed in a lake i
was stuck i managed broke the glass and2 swam out i found a
cave made a fire and i'm eating berries and turtle eggs raw and i
made a spear trying to catch fish and when you come and try to
take me i will have a signal fire ready

Love Brian
Ps i know what you did
Cp!3 upload symbol drawing

Chapter 14 Assignment:Create a new invention that could help Brian survive in the wilderness.
Hey,If i could help brian i know exactly what to do!I will invent a machine for him,It will
have a button you can press it i'll have i con pictures of clothes ,tools ,food,house's,interior, and
drinks then you tap which one you want.It's pretty simple.Then you get a choice so example you
wanted coke or water you tap on the drink icon and it has a list of drinks.and for the clothes you
tap it and you pick your gender then you pick shorts or shirt and comes right out through a tube
pretty cool right.
My invention could help brain because he can easily get food and drinks when he
pleases. and he can get a house there and interiour for it so he can easily stay away from
predators. so he will be safe, and he can do this any time and wont half to go hunting and chop
wood all the time for a fire.

Chapter 15 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this chapter
and the text support to justify your answer.



Because it took him a long time time then he

got mad pg 133


I think he was happy when he caught the bird


Grossed out

Because he had to take the stuff out of the

bird pg135-136


That he knows what to do and eat pg 136

Chapter 16 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this chapter
and the text support to justify your answer.




That he couldn't catch any of the birds pg 140


When the cow charged at him pg141


That he didn't get hurt really bad and has

food. pg 142


He feels lonely when he gets stuck in mud.

When the moose runs him over pg141

Chapter 17 Assignment:Make a pro/con chart about Brian getting into the airplane wreckage.
Then, write a summary paragraph of this information. Please use in text citations.


Might get survival pack


He could find food

Die (Dround)

There might be a healing kit

Waste of time

Might get tools

Waste of energy

Useful items to kill and fish with

Might get hurt

A walkie talkie that works and has a signal

to use

There might be water in kit and ruin


I think brian will get the package but all the stuff will be ruined.Because of the water
that's in it and he won't have anything cause it's all wet and there will be nothing in there
but water.I also think he's not going to get it because the water might close the way he
got in and he might drown and won't have enough time to swim up for air and he die.I
don't think he will get it because he said that there's no way in the plane and he might not
be able to think of a way to get in the plane and it's just a waste of time and effort.

Chapter 18 and 19 Assignment:Create a chart in for possible themes and cited reasons for
each them. You must use at least 3.

End of Book Project (Presentations/Projects Linked Here)



Hard work

He has to collect food

to not starve (when
he collected berries
and found eggs)

He was positive when

he made the fire it
was going to
work(When he kept
trying to make the

He was chopping lots

of wood for the fire
and signal fire(when
he wanted to have
extra wood and to
build a signal fire)

He has to build a
shelter to keep him
safe away from
predators(at the
beginning when he
had to have a shelter)

He was positive that

he was getting youst
to the forest and
being one with
nature(When he was
talking to himself)

When he had to make

tools to fish and hunt
for meat (when he
wanted other food he
made tools)

He has to collect
wood for his fire to
keep mosquitoes
away and he has to
wake up at night and
put more logs in the
fire to keep it
burning.(when the
fire almost went out)

He was positive that

he would catch fish
and get meat to
eat(when he craved
for meat he needed to
catch the bird)

When he had to go
through the crash he
had to break the
window (he needed
to get out of the
plane because he
was in a lake and he
could of died /

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