LotR SBG Ambush

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Special Scenario - Ambush on

the way to Weathertop!

Dark things are once again roaming the land. Strangers threaten the
innocent and the Rangers who once protected these fair borders seem to
have disappeared.

Models used

Special Rules
Frodo does not have Sting, his Mithril Coat nor do any of the Hobbits
have Elven cloaks in this scenario.
The Southerners may be represented by using Uruk-Hai models.
Their statline is as follows:
Southerners with shields will have a Defense of 5.

Forces of Good:
Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and Aragorn
Forces of Evil:
10 Southerners with hand weapons and shields
5 Southerners with bows
You can use Uruk Hai models to represent the Southerners.

Brigands from the south are being displaced by the fighting and are slowly
traveling north, creating havoc along the way. Even the lands around the
Shire are not free of these trouble-makers. On their path to Weathertop the
Hobbits and Aragorn find themselves ambushed by these would-be

On a table 4x4 or larger, set up a path that runs through heavily wooded

Starting Positions
The Evil forces start anywhere on the board, but no closer than 12 to any
of the forces of Good.


The Good models are placed in the middle of the board.

The forces of Good must fight their way out of the ambush!
If the forces of Good manage to slay all the Evil models or if Frodo escapes
off any table edge the Forces of Good will win.
If all the forces of Good are slain or if Frodo is slain the Evil side wins.
The game is played for 1 hour or until one side has met its objectives. If the
1 hour lapses before the game is over then it is considered to be a Draw.

2001 New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Lord of The Rings, The Fellowship of The Ring and the
characters and places therein, TM The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line
Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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