endowed with a certain mysticism to the precious stones, give them different uses: for the
ornamentation, as symbol of power and exclusivity, associated with the worship of certain deities
and enclosed using them to recover or for everything opposite. The precious stones are, almost in
the main, mineral; some of them, nevertheless, are organic. Between the mineral stones we find
the Tanzanite. Inside the stones of the New Age, the Tanzanite would associate to the sign of the
zodiac of born during December. It is a stone discovered in the middle of last century, is a
transparent variety of the mineral zoisito or zoisita. We go away to studying it in deeply in this
text. His history, wherefrom it comes, her color, her importance and her values are among the
points that we are going to develop.
His History
It was discovered by the first time in 1967 in Mererani's hills in Manyara's Region to the north of
Tanzania in 1967, it is the variety blue / purple of mineral zoisito.
His name goes out of the condition of Eastern Africa of Tanzania, where his deposit has been
exclusively opposing. The legendary jewelers of New York, Tiffany and Co, were the first ones
in promoting Tanzanite as a precious thin stone.
It is very estimated in the jeweler's shop of high value of consumption, there is characterized by a
fort tricoismo that could include the blue zafioro, violet or the green one; and even, in very
rare(strange) some, the quoit, the yellow one and the amber; in both cases according to the
orientation of the crystal. The Tanzanite also changes appearance according to the conditions of
lighting. The blue ones become more evident when it is exposed to fluorescent light and the
tones violets are estimated better under incandescent light. In brute, the Tanzanite is habitually of
a brown reddish color. Due to his relative low hardness, minor hardness (6.5-7 in Mohs's scale),
the Tanzanite is in the habit of being mounted in necklaces and earrings. Tanzanite is not very
lasting. Therefore, they must be used carefully.
Tanzanite has managed to be so popular that in October, 2002 the Association of Trade Jeweler
of America (AGTA), announced that Tanzanite it had joined to zircon and turquoise in the list of
natal stones for December.
Lighting and Clarity
Typical of Tanzanite is the appearance of several colors in one and the same stone, which it
means, according to the point of view, the stone turns out to be blue, purple, brown or yellow. In
artificial light, Tanzanite amethyst looks alike more to blue.
Tanzanite is a transparent gem, and the specimens clean eye can be often. Tanzanite eye of cat is
Tanzanite needs cutters experienced to treat her carefully, since it has perfect cruise in an alone
direction. The stone is cut in all the forms and imaginable types, from the round classic cuts to
cuts of imaginative design.
Location and Tanzanite's Deposit
The only deposit known of Tanzanite is a summit of five kilometers squared in Merelani Hills,
near Ausha, ten miles to the south of the International Airport Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
Tanzanite's Common treatments.
The majority of the rough crystals show a great proportion of dyes yellow - parduzco, that vanish
when they warm up to 752-932 degrees F (400-500 degrees C).
Tanzanite's World reputation
Tanzanite earned world reputation as a precious thin and rare stone for yes same. Tanzanite in
specially good qualities and bigger sizes, is in the serious demand and reaches high prices. It is
not only for the spectacular color. Provided that the stone only is in a special place all over the
world, it is very rare.
Chemical composition: Ca2Al3 (SiO4) 3 (OH) silicate of aluminum and calcium
Since we see it, the Tanzanite, it is one of the most valued precious stones at present. It is of
recent discovery in the country that gives the name, the Tanzania, now approximately 49 years
ago approximately. It is Zoisita's variety and even it manages to be call him blue Zoisita.