Annex A Urban Design Guidelines For Developments Within Museum Planning Area About The Museum Planning Area

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Annex A


About the Museum Planning Area
The Museum Planning Area forms part of the Civic District and is strategically
located close to the Orchard Road shopping belt and Bras Basah. Bugis Art,
Learning and Heritage district. The area is rich in heritage, and is home to the
historic Fort Canning Park, as well as many arts and cultural facilities housed in
monuments and conserved buildings like the Singapore Art Museum and the
National Museum of Singapore.
The guidelines aim to guide the physical development of the area to ensure that
individual buildings contribute to, and strengthen the planning vision for the area and
create an attractive and pedestrian-friendly physical environment.
Innovative designs that do not fully conform to the guidelines or standard building
typologies can be considered, subject to URAs evaluation of the detailed proposal.
Gazetted monuments and conserved buildings are subject to specific conservation
guidelines, which will take precedence over the guidelines below.
The planning parameters and urban design guidelines are as follows:
Positioning &
Land Use
Master Plan

Appendix 1:
Boundary Plan

Envisioned as an institutional hub and the green lung of the
Central Area, the Museum Planning Area features a mix of uses
and building types, offering commercial, residential, arts and
cultural as well as educational uses. Larger scale commercial
developments are predominantly located around the Dhoby Ghaut
MRT station, while smaller scale Civic and Community Institution
uses (many of which are heritage buildings) are predominantly
located on and around Fort Canning Hill.
The guidelines aim to achieve:
a) An Attractive and Unique Streetscape
Sensitive design of the building forms and scale is important to
complement and reinforce the greenery, civic and heritage
characters of the area.
b) A Pedestrian-Friendly District
Connectivity between major developments and the MRT
stations via a comprehensive network of covered walkways
and underground pedestrian links in between buildings will
make the area a more walkable district. For the larger-scale
developments, permeability at the ground level is important to
allow pedestrians to walk through the buildings.

Building Form
and Massing

The building form and massing have to consider how the building
will be viewed as well as impact views from major approaches and
key open spaces, such as Fort Canning Hill.


Developments are not permitted within the safeguarded view
between Singapore Art Museum and National Museum of
between SMU Green and Cathedral of Good Shepherd;
between The Cathay and Orchard Road Presbyterian
Consideration is to be given to the scale, form and architectural
expression of the surrounding buildings many of which are
gazetted heritage buildings.


Appendix 2:
Building Form

Building Edge
Appendix 2:
Building Form

Different building heights are specified to respond to the context

and to reinforce the character of the district. In general, the overall
building height steps down towards Fort Canning Hill to retain a
lower-rise character around the hill.
The maximum allowable building height is subject to the prevailing
Master Plan controls and technical height controls imposed by the
technical agencies. Storey height controls will take precedence
over technical height controls, whichever is lower.
In general, developments around the foothill of Fort Canning are
to be set back from the Line of Road Reserve to provide a green
buffer. This is envisaged to provide a park-like setting for the
developments and to reinforce the character of the district.
Developments around the Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station - Orchard
Road, Penang Road, Handy Road and Clemenceau Avenue - as
well as along Hill Street are to be built up to the Line of Road
Reserve for minimum 2 storeys high to provide a well-defined
Up to 40% of the length of the building faades between the
corners of the development can be set back for articulation of the
building form, to create a variety of spaces and interesting building




Selected developments are to be built up to abut the common

boundary of the development to create party wall developments.
This allows developments to maximise the building footprint and
creates a continuous pedestrian walkway between developments.

Building Form

Window openings are not permitted along the party-wall.

Guidelines for Commercial Streetblock
Party wall developments are to be built up to the common
boundary, up to the full height of the building.

The development is required to be

built up to the common boundary
with a party wall, up to the full
height of the building.

Party Wall
Minimum Height: full building height

Guidelines for Handy Road Streetblock

Party-wall developments are to be built up to the common
boundary up to a minimum of 2 storeys and not exceeding 4
storeys, and up to a minimum depth of 15m. Beyond the height
and depth of the required party wall, the building is to be set back
from the common boundary according to the Development Control
Guidelines for Residential Developments. This allows for more
window openings in the residential developments.

Tower Setback
Setback from the common
boundary shall comply
with the Development
Control Guidelines for
Residential Development
Building Edge
Minimum Height: 2 stys


Party Wall
Minimum Height: 2 stys
Maximum Height: 4 stys
Minimum Depth: 15m

The roof areas are to be considered as the fifth elevation and

designed to complement the overall form, massing and
architectural treatment of each development. The roofs can be
designed to be usable outdoor spaces.
All service areas are to be fully integrated within the overall
building envelope and visually well-screened from the top and on
all sides.


Relevant Circulars:
Guidelines to Encourage More Innovative and Better Design of
Rooftops. A. Relaxation of the Gross Floor Area (GFA)
Exemption Guidelines for Rooftop Covers. B. Screening of
Mechanical & Electrical Services and Car Parks, on Roofs and
Building Facades within the Central Area.

Night Lighting

All developments within the Civic District are to provide night

lighting to enhance the district character at night.
Relevant Circular:
Revision To The Night Lighting Guidelines For The Civic
District And Bras Basah.Bugis (BBB)

Public Open

Selected developments are required to provide public open

spaces within the private development site so as to provide visual
relief, safeguarded views, and public space for gatherings and
events. These open spaces are to be well landscaped, to achieve
Singapores aspirations to be a City-in-a-Garden. The open
spaces are to be well-integrated with the adjacent open and
covered walkways, and be publicly accessible at all times.

Uses at the
Basement and
1st Storey

Activity-generating uses (AGU), such as retail, food & beverage,

entertainment, sports and recreation (such as gymnasiums and
fitness centres, etc) and other similar uses are to be provided at
the following locations:

Appendix 3:
1st Storey
Network &
ActivityGenerating Use

The 1st storey of developments along Orchard Road as a

continuation of the retail experience on Orchard Road; and

Alongside the underground pedestrian walkways at the

basement levels of the developments.

Appendix 4:
Network &
ActivityGenerating Use

Outdoor Refreshment Areas (ORA), i.e. alfresco/outdoor dining

areas, can be considered within the public areas or open spaces
within private development sites. The scale and design of the
ORA and its structures (if any) are to complement the adjacent
building. They can only be considered as an extension of an
adjoining indoor F&B unit and are for seating only.
If provided, the Gross Floor Area (GFA) for the ORAs are to be
computed as part of the maximum permissible GFA for the
development and subject to the prevailing Development Control
Guidelines under the Planning Act.


Developers are encouraged to incorporate spaces for ORAs at the
design stage. The ORAs are to be clearly defined to prevent
encroachment onto the adjacent pedestrian thoroughfares e.g.
through the use of different floor finishes or planters, etc.

Appendix 3:
1st Storey UD
Network &

The Museum Planning Area is planned as a pedestrian-friendly

area with a comprehensive pedestrian network at the 1st storey
and basement. This network provides convenient, comfortable
and seamless connections between developments, transport
facilities, key spaces and attractions, and ensures all-weather
comfort. The pedestrian network on all levels is to be designed
for universal access.
Covered Walkways At Grade
All developments are to provide covered walkways. Where
building edge is required, the covered walkway is to abut the
Road Reserve or building setback line. Along other streets, the
covered walkway can be set back from the line of Road Reserve,
following the articulation of the building form.
The covered walkway is to be minimally 3.6m wide, unless
otherwise specified. Where colonnades are provided, the internal
clear width of the covered walkway is to be minimally 3.0m wide.
To provide adequate weather protection to pedestrians during
inclement weather, the external soffit heights are to minimally
match the width of the covered walkway.
The covered and open walkways within the Civic District are to be
paved in Rossa Porrino (pink) granite tiles or Green Quartzite
(green-grey) granite tiles, in accordance with the prevailing
Relevant Circular:
Guidelines for Design of Covered and Open Walkways
within the Civic District
Through-Block Links
Selected developments are required to provide through-block links
to improve permeability and accessibility at the street level. A
network of through-block links has been planned to improve
access towards Fort Canning Park and Mount Sophia Residence
The minimum width of through-block links is 4.0m to 7.0m, unless
otherwise specified.



Fig 1. Through-block link at Atrium @ Orchard, connecting Orchard Road to

Oldham Lane

Underground Pedestrian Links (UPL)

The Underground Pedestrian Network (UPN) complements the 1st
storey pedestrian network and provides direct connection to Rapid
Transit System (RTS) stations. As a guide, the UPLs are to be at
least 6.0m wide (with AGUs on one side) or 7.0m (with AGUs on
both sides) with a minimum 4.0m (clear) internal ceiling height of
the walkway, unless otherwise specified.
UPLs are to include vertical pedestrian circulation points within the
building envelope to connect to the covered walkway at the 1 st
storey. Each vertical circulation point is to include a pair of twoway escalators, staircases, and a passenger lift. The entire UPL
and the associated vertical circulation points are to be kept open
for public access during the opening hours of the RTS, unless
otherwise specified.

Relevant Circular:
Guidelines for Underground Pedestrian Links to Rapid Transit
System Stations.
Access & Car

To maintain an attractive streetscape, any above-grade car park

loading/unloading bays and vehicle ingress/ egress, storage
lane(s), and lay-bys, etc are to be fully integrated within the overall
building form, and visually well-screened from above and on all
sides. Electrical substation(s), where required, can be located atgrade but are not to front onto the main roads, pedestrian malls,
or public spaces.
Sufficient holding bays for the vehicular access points to the car
parks and service areas are to be provided within the
development to ensure the smooth flow of vehicles along adjacent
Relevant Circular:


Guidelines to Encourage More Innovative and Better Design of
Rooftops. A. Relaxation of the Gross Floor Area (GFA)
Exemption Guidelines for Rooftop Covers. B. Screening of
Mechanical & Electrical Services and Car Parks, on Roofs and
Building Facades within the Central Area.

Works within
the Road

Open Walkway
As a guide, the open walkway within the Road Reserve is
safeguarded for pedestrian use. Any proposed new paving within
the Road Reserve is to be paved according to the Guidelines for
Design of Covered and Open Walkways within the Civic District
and coordinated with the existing paving pattern within the
covered walkway. The detailed design, paving pattern and choice
of materials will be subject to URA and LTAs requirements and

Connection to Commuter Facilities

For developments with commuter facilities (e.g. bus stop and taxi
stands) located in front of their buildings, sheltered linkways are to
be provided between the covered walkways at the 1st storey to
these facilities to provide direct continuous sheltered connections.
Relevant Circular:
Guidelines for Design of Covered and Open Walkways within
the Civic District

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