Spring Selection
Spring Selection
Spring Selection
Table of contents:
1. Need for Spring Hangers
2. Types of Spring Hangers
3. Selection Procedure of Variable Effort Springs
4. Selection procedure of Constant effort springs
5. Spring Selection procedure in Caesar II
Variability (%)
Variability (%)
14. However, if the load variation exceeds the allowed value, in the same load range selects a spring
with lower spring rate. Else, select higher size spring.
15. Repeat the steps no. 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 until suitable load variation is achieved.
16. Depending on the structural availability the spring can be installed as Hanger Type or CAN Type
(Bottom Type).
17. In case of Hanger type spring the height of the box above the Pipe is also important for proper
functioning of the spring. Note down the height and pipe lateral movement. Calculate the angle of
this lateral deflection with respect to the spring box. This angle shall not exceed 4 Degrees. If it is
more than try to install the pipe at a lower height from the pipe.
18. In case of CAN type spring, Stress Engineer must check the eccentricity of the spring load flange
and the spring base plate while providing foundation information to civil.
A. A no. of Hangers at a given location can be selected e.g. 1 for spring on Horizontal line and 2 for
spring on vertical line with trunnions.
B. Calculate Actual Cold Loads:Indicates that CAESAR II makes one additional pass after the hanger
design is completed and the hangers are installed, to determine the actual installed loads that
should be used when the hangers are first installed and the load flanges adjusted in the field. This
calculation tends to be important in the following situations:
A. The stiffness of the piping system is small
Note down the Hot load at Operating temperature and enter in the Operating load cell
Select Maximum load and travel case (Usually Maximum design temperature)
Free Restraint at node: Anchor or Restraints from equipment connections which are very near to the
hangers are usually freed during the hanger design restrained weight run, so that loads normally going
to the equipment nozzle are carried by the hanger. The hanger can be designed to take almost the full
weight of the pipe between the anchor and the hanger.
Using this field enter the node number & the direction in which free code is to be used.
Predefined Hanger Data: After finalizing the spring enter the Spring Rate and Cold Load for Variable
Spring Hanger or Constant Effort for Constant Spring Hanger.
1.Determine the hot load required and the pipe movement (up or down).
2.Estimate the travel range from the catalogue.
3.Select the smallest spring size which has the hot load within the working travel (mid range).
4.Ensure that the cold load lies within the working range of the spring i.e. between the two dark black
lines shown in the selection chart.
Generally for non critical systems, the variability is limited to 25% through out the total travel. For critical
systems such as steam connections terminating at turbines and pipes connected to rotating equipment
Like compressor etc. variability is limited to 10%.If the variation exceeds the allowed value, choose
higher size spring or smaller spring rate at same load range.
7.Select the type and check the feasibility of the spring depending on space available and type of
structure available.
Selection procedure of Constant effort springs:
Constant Effort spring shall be selected where the vertical movement exceeds 50 mm, or where it is
necessary to restrict transfer of load to adjacent terminal of equipment or where the Spring variability
exceeds 25%.
2. Select the spring from the load chart keeping in mind that the spring selected must lie within the
working range (Between red and black line)
3. Select the type and check the feasibility of the spring depending on space available and type of
structure available.
4. The Spring box must be able to move freely without any restriction.
5. Stress Engineer must check the eccentricity (See Fig 1 below) of the spring load flange and the
spring base plate while providing foundation information to civil.
Before making input for spring selection it is always better to make a default Caesar setting for hanger
During spring selection at a particular node the following auxiliary spreadsheet appears. The setting of
this spreadsheet is to be done as illustrated in below diagram.
For can type springs the spring height should be kept minimum from stability point of view. If
spring height is less the moment on spring will reduce and tilting of spring (Fig. 5) can be avoided
or significantly minimized.
The spring which has lower spring rate will have lower load variation.
While designing the spring hanger the sustained sagging should be minimized within +/-1 mm
so that original piping system is not strained much.
Spring hot load, Cold load, Spring rate, Variability: It is intended that vendor datasheet should meet the client
datasheet exactly. If in the start of project the spring vendor is decided and the offer is taken from that decided
vendor then all the above mentioned data will match exactly. However sometimes it is not possible to determine the
spring vendor at start of the project and all springs are designed based on any standard spring vendor (such as
Lisega, Carpentar and Patterson, PTP, Anvil or any other) and when finally order is placed from some other vendor
the data varies. So in this context Piping Engineer (Materials engineer or Stress engineer) should check the
acceptability of each Spring hanger. Normal practise is to match the hot load exactly. And because of different
spring rate depending on vendor the cold load will vary. However it is required to match the Spring rate as nearer
as possible So the Cold load will also be nearer to the client datasheet value. A mismatch of roughly +/-5% is
acceptable for Static equipment and Centrifugal Pump connected lines. For highly strain sensitive critical rotary
equipment like Steam turbine, Centrifugal compressor etc connected lines the stress engineer should input the
exact offer values and check the stress results. In addition to the above it is to be checked that the hot load and
cold load lies within the range provided by the catalogue. The variability is also to be checked and to be kept within
25% (10% for rotary equipment connected lines).
Overall Spring Height with all attachments: One of the major points which sometimes missed out for checking
is Elevation or overall spring height (In certain cases Spring casing diameter). One should critically check the actual
space available and the space required for placing the spring hanger. If the overll height with all attachments is
more than the available space in construction site then the Spring hanger need to be rejected or vendor is required
to provide separate revised offer for that spring. During initial design phase it is better to keep some extra space for
the spring hanger assembly as that can be later adjusted after receipt of actual vendor offer by adjusting rod length
for top mounted springs or by adjusting dummy length or shoe height for bottom mounted springs.
Attachment materials: The spring hanger (top mounted Springs) attachments which will be directly in contact with
the pipe like lug, clamp etc should of similar material as that of pipe. This must be ensured while doing TBE.
PTFE or SS plate requirements: Sometimes for bottom mounted spring hangers PTFE or SS plate is required
above the spring load flanges. While performing TBE it is to be checked whether the PTFE/ SS plate of proper
dimension is provided by vendor or not as well as provided as a loose item or attched with load flange. The height
of this items to be included in over spring height while designing or making datasheet.
Other Miscellaneous data: Few other miscellaneous data are required to be checked which are listed below:
o Whether the items supplied are corrosion resistant or not?
o Whether Spring coil is coated or not?
o Whether all testing requirements are met?
o Vendor should properly indicate the cold (Blue mark) and hot loads (Red mark) properly
o Whether travel stoppers/preset pins are properly installed or not?
o Whether all items are painted as per governing specification or not?
Any additional data from experienced engineers are welcome. Please provide your input in comments section.