Forty Ahadith On 'Ali

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ibn ab T lib
Forty ahadith
On a Well-known Stranger

Foreword and Translation


Abd al-Qadir Mandla Nkosi

Say (O Muhammad), I do not ask of you any recompense for
my preaching to you except that you love my near relatives.
[Surah Shura: 23]

O Allah, bless and grant peace from us to our leader Muhammad
and his family, the best of blessings and most perfect peace.

I am the brother of Mustafa, there is absolutely no doubt regarding my lineage

I grew up with him and his grandsons are my children
His grandfather and my grandfather is the same person
And Fatimah is my wife, theres no disputing that
I believed in him while all people were lost in darkness
Of misguidance, polytheism and hardship
All praise to Allah, the Unique, He Who has no partner
He does well to His servants and He is Eternal without a limit.
[Diwn of Imm Ali]

All praise belongs to Allah, the Most High, besides Whom there is absolutely none
worthy of worship, the eternally Living, the Self-Sufficient. May His blessings and
peace be upon our noble master, Muhammad, his purified and honorable family, his
illustrious companions and all those who tread in their tracks.
It is extremely unfortunate that whenever a person speaks about Ali or the
virtuousness of the Ahli l-bayt (the family of the Prophet, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam), some individuals irrationally react by spontaneously tossing the virtues of Ab
Bakr, Umar, Uthmn and other noble companions all over the discussion. The
eminence of Ab Bakr, Umar, Uthmn and others is immensely celebrated
throughout the Muslim World and their sanctified souls are venerated with minimum,
close to non-hostility, may Allah be well pleased with them. However, mentioning Ali
tends to go down the controversial route in most oblivious Sunni circles. Allegations
of Shia tendencies and other trivial speculative accusations weigh down heavy on the
person who initiates a discourse on Ali. The resentment of Shiism by certain scholars
or rather their sincere endeavors to cease its propagation has somewhat caused
hideous damage to the deen, depriving the English-speaking societies literatures about
the merits or the teachings of some of the family members of the Prophet, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam. If one is lucky, a watered down copy from a local bookstore
may serve as an appetizer, but unfortunately ancient politics cloud the main-course,
thus making it hard to swallow.
The historical injustices and the difficulties experienced by certain family
members of the Prophet, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, are ridiculously
disheartening. These sad atrocities range from the challenges experienced by Ali while
intelligently trying to unite the Muslims after the disastrous death of Uthmn; which
consequently led to lethal disagreements between Ali and other fellow companions,
to dealing with the self-righteousness and the revolt of the Khawrij, to killing those
who elevated him to godhood; intoxicated by their unregulated love for him, to the
atrocities of Karbala for his offspring and many such difficulties. The golden ages of
Islam were the dark ages for the family of the Prophet of Islam. Little is known about
the seventy years in which Ali was consistently cursed during sermons, up until Umar
ibn Abdulaziz put an end to this ferocious innovation. The great master of hadith,

Imam Nasi, hard-pressed by the verbal abuse on Ali and his family, wrote an
outstanding book reminding the Muslims of the high rank of Ali and the Ahli l-bayt,
for which he was brutally beaten and incurred injuries that subsequently led to his
death. The great scholar, Imm Muhammad ibn Idris, better known as Imm Shfi,
was also accused of being Shia due to some lines of poetry he penned in praise of Ali
and the family of Prophet, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam. Inadequate and
unimpressive efforts are constantly exerted in proving that some mysterious character
other than Imm Shfi composed such beautiful lines. Imm Shfi wrote;

They said, Have you become a Rfidi2? I said, No ways!

Being a Rfidi is neither my religion nor my doctrine.
However, beyond any shadow of doubt my heart is fond
For the best of leaders, the best guide (Imm Ali).
If loving the wali (saint) of Allah is considered Rafd,
Then indeed, I'm a Rfidi of the highest caliber

O family of the Messenger of Allah, loving you

Is an obligation from Allah, in the Quran He revealed
It is enough high rank for you (O family of the Prophet) that
Whoever doesnt pray for you theres no prayer for him
Diwn of Imm Shfi, the Dr al-kutub al-Ilmiyyah 1984 print page 58.
Literally the word Rfidi means the one who rejects. Technically it was used for some Muslims due to their
denial or rejection of the caliphate of Ab Bakr, Umar and Uthman.
3 Diwn of Imm Shfi, the Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah 1984 print, page 89.


When in a gathering mentioning Ali
And the two grandson (of the Prophet) and the purified Fatimah
It is said, These are people who have exceed the limits
Such are statements of the Rfidi
I disassociate myself from such people (who say such things)
Those who consider loving the associates of Fatima as Rafd
How these historical politics evolved into theological arguments is a mysterious topic
for another distinct publication. The Imamah (Imamate) as presented in the Shia
articles of faith and/or the Tafdl (Superiority) as extensively documented in Sunni
doctrinal manuscripts, or any other Sunni-Shia differences, such educational
discussions can only take place when proponents from both sides sober up and Allah
and His Messenger become the only decisive purpose. Typically, the trend has
constantly been egoistic, dogmatic, heroic and gang-related debates rubbing salt into
the wound of disunity and lack of harmonious coexistence. It is merely a pipe dream
to envision a uniform Ummah; that is a Shia only or a Sunni only Ummah. In present
day times, anyone trying to solve a millennium-long puzzle with six to ten years
scholarship under his belt is taking a Chinamans chance. Good luck, may the best
dawah movement win. So, while others base their deen on who should have, could
have and would have, and others waste their lives scrutinizing the beliefs of their
fellow Muslim brothers and sisters later declaring them infidels, we will strive hard to
strike a lost balance between these two ancient extremes. That was a nation which has
passed on. It will have the consequence of what it earned, and you will have what you have earned.
And you will not be asked about what they used to do. (Surah Baqarah: 134)

Diwn of Imm Shfi, the Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah 1984 print, page 113.

Be it as it may, Ali ibn Ab Tlib is neither a Sunni nor a Shia Imm but one of
the foremost Imms of Islam. Herein lies an English rendition of Husn ul-Mb F
Dhikri Ab Turb by Dr. Muhammad Thir ul-Qdr, a collection of some Prophetic
narrations about virtues of Ali. There is about forty hadith in this particular body of
work but in reality; what has been reported from the Messenger of Allah, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, regarding Ali is much more than forty. Imm Ahmad ibn
Hanbal said that there is no companion concerning whom are reported as many
virtues as Ali ibn Ab Tlib. I hope and pray this work will dilute street corner
quarrels and create a sincere desire to inherit from those who inherited the most from
the best of creation, Prophet Muhammad, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam. After all,
Ab Nuaim recorded that al-Husain ibn Ali reported that his father (Ali) said, The
most sincere of people in their actions and the most knowledgeable of Allah are the
ones who are the most passionate and show reverence for the inviolability of the
people of l ilha illallh.5
Abd al-Qadir Mandla Nkosi al-Mliki
12th Rabi al-Awwal 1437
South Africa

Ab Nuaim related it in Hilyat al-Awliyyah.

A brief biography of Ali ibn Ab Tlib

He is Ab l-Hasan, Ali the son Abdumanf, better known as Ab Tlib, who was
the son of Abdulmutalib (Shaybah) the son of Hshim; evidently, closely related to
the Prophet, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam. The Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi
wa lihi wa sallam, addressed him as Ab Turb, literally meaning the dusty one. This
was because of a particular incident when the Prophet, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, found him dusty, lying on sand and he said to him; Get up O Ab Turb.
This title Ab Turb was the most beloved titled to Ali and he used to be very
cheerful when addressed by it. Even though it was the same name which was used to
insult and belittle him by his enemies. He was addressed by numerous other titles,
Asadallh (Lion of God), Murtad (The Chosen One), Amr al-Muminn (The Leader
of the believers), to name but a few. Most of these names were a reflection of his
unsurpassed traits.
His mother was Ftimah the daughter of Asad, the son of Hshim. Ali was the
youngest of her children and she was also the mother of other well-known
companions; Jafar and Aql. She embraced Islam at a very early stage; it is said that
she was the eleventh person to become Muslim. She was blessed with the opportunity
to make Hijra (migrate from Makkah to Madinah). The Messenger of Allah, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, used to honor and respect her dearly and he, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, used to address her as his own mother. He, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, prayed onto her when she died.
Ali was born in Makkah in the month of Ramadan, with different views about
the specific day. While he was still very young, his tribe (the Quraish) were afflicted by
a drought which made it extremely difficult for his father to fully support all his
children. The Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, suggested to his
uncles, Hamzah and Abbs to relieve Ab Tlib by taking some of his sons into their
homes. Ab Tlib refused to let go of Aql, because he was very fond of him,
however, he allowed Abbs to take Tlib, Hamzah took Jafar and the Messenger of
Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, took Ali into the prophetic household. Ali
was in the Prophetic house from a very early age, it is said, from the age of six. The
Prophet, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, raised him with utter excellence and
compassion as if he was returning Ab Tlibs favour upon himself when his
grandfather, Abdulmutalib died, and Ab Tlib also took the Prophet into his
household. Being raised in the prophetic household afforded him an unparalleled level

of knowledge. Attesting to his knowledge, Abdullah Ibn Abbs said, If a reliable

source tells us of a legal ruling by Ali, we do not search any further concerning it.
Likewise the mother of the believers, Aishah, said, He (Ali) is most knowledgeable
about the Sunna among those who remain, and the most striking comment on his
knowledge was Umars supplication, I seek refuge in Allah from a difficulty that Ab
al-Hasan cannot solve. Contrary to the modern day methodology wherein everyone
jumps to answer questions, the common practice among the companions of the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, was to defer questions to others
than themselves, however, Ali was the only one who used to say, Ask me. The
chains of all the spiritual paths go through him with an exception to the Naqshabnd
Tariqah, in fact some may dispute and say that even the Naqshabnd order goes
through him since they have a spiritual connection with Imm Jafar as-Sdiq, who
took it from his maternal grandfather, Shaykh Qsim ibn Muhammad ibn Ab Bakr,
who give his spiritual credit to both, Ali and Ab Bakr.
Ali got married to the leader of the women of Paradise, Ftimah az-Zahra, the
daughter of the Messenger of Allah, who gave birth to the leaders of the youth of
Paradise, al-Hasan and al-Husain. Ali married other women after the death of
Fatimah, from which he had other children.
Regardless of the minor disagreements, Ali was very instrumental and very
active during the caliphate of Ab Bakr, Umar and Uthman, he became the fourth
caliph of the Muslims which only lasted for about four years and six months until his
son al-Hasan took charge, after Alis death. During his reign, he was confronted by
deadly challenges. The unfortunate conflicts between Ali and other fellow
companions are well-documented: the battle Jamal and the battle Siffin.
Ab Nuaim recorded: Al-Hasan ibn Ali related that in the morning in which
his father (Ali) was murdered, Ali said, Last night I woke my family up for night
prayers, since it was the night preceding Jumuah (Friday) and the morning of Badr
(the 17th of Ramadan) then I slept and the Prophet came to me in a vision. I Ask, O
Messenger of Allah, What corruption and conflict have I found coming from your
Community. He, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, said, Supplicate against them. I
said, O Allah, Substitute them with something that will be better for me, and replace
me with something that will be worse for them. Then Ali went out to pray lead by
the muadhin Ibn al-Nabbah and Hasan. Ali came out calling the people to prayer and
was tackled by two men armed with swords. Ibn Muljam struck him on the head with
a poisoned sword, while the other fled. Ali said, Feed the prisoner and give him

water, if I live I will decide about him, and if I die, kill him as I was killed without
further enmity. Indeed, Allah does not love those who transgress the limits (Surah Baqarah:

First Hadith
Zaid ibn Arqam, Allah be well please
with him, said, The first person to
embrace Islam was Ali. [Tirmidh,
Nasi, Ahmad, Ibn Abi Shaybah and
In another narration, on the authority
of Anas ibn Mlik, Allah be well please
with him, he said, The Prophet,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, rose
(as a Prophet) on Monday and Ali
began praying on Tuesday.
Second Hadith
Aishah, Allah be well
pleased with her, said
the Prophet, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam,
went out one morning
wearing a striped cloak of the
black camels hair and al-Hasan ibn
Ali, Allah be well pleased with him,
came. He wrapped him under it, then
came al-Husain, Allah be well pleased
with him, and he wrapped him under it
together with him. Thereafter, Fatima
came and he took her under it, then
came Ali and he also took him under it
Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on
Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali.
Imam Nasi related in his Sunan al-Kubr.
Ahmad recorded it in his Musnad.

and thereafter said, Allah only desires to

remove uncleanliness from you, O people of the
household, and purify you a thorough
purifying. (Surah Ahzab: 33) [Muslim,
Ibn Abi Shaybah and Ahmad]7
Third Hadith
Umar ibn abi Salamah said that when
the verse: Allah only desires to remove
uncleanliness from you, O people of the
household, and purify you a thorough
purifying, (Surah Ahzab: 33)
was revealed to the
Prophet, salallhu alayhi
wa lihi wa sallam, in the
Salamah. He called
Fatimah, Hasan and
Husain, Allah be well
please with them, and
he covered them with the
cloak, while Ali was
standing right behind him, he
covered him with the cloak as well and
thereafter said, O Allah, these are the
people of my household, so remove
from them uncleanliness and purify
them a thorough purifying. [Tirmidh
Imam Muslim related it in his Sahih collection, in
the book on the virtues of the companions, in the
chapter on the virtues of the people of the
household of the Prophet, salallhu alayhi wa lihi
wa sallam. Ibn Abi Shaybah related it in his book,
Al-Musannaf. Ahmad ibn Hanbal related it in his
book on the virtues of the companions and Imam
Bayhaq related it in his Sunan al-Kubr.

and Al-Hkim: He said this hadith is

authentic on the conditions set by
Forth Hadith
Ibn Abbs, Allah be well please with
him, said, when this verse was revealed,
Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it
except love for my near relatives. (Surah
Shura: 23) They asked, O Messenger
of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, who are your near
relatives, upon which our
love is compulsory? He
said, Ali, Fatimah and
their sons. [Tabarn
and Ahmad]9
Fifth Hadith
Sad ibn Abi Waqs,
Allah be well please with
him, said that he heard the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, when he left Ali ibn abi
Tlib while going out for one of his
expeditions when Ali remarked to him,
O Messenger of Allah, do you leave
Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book of
Tafsir, in the chapter on Surah Ahzab. He also
related it in the book of Virtues, in the chapter on
the virtues of the people of the household. AlHkim related it in the Mustadrak.
9 Imam Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam alKabir, Ahmad ibn Hanbal related it in his book on
the virtues of the companions and al-Haytham in
Majmau az-Zawid.

me behind with women and children?

The Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi
wa lihi wa sallam, said, Are you not
please with being unto me like what
Aaron was unto Moses, except that
there would be no prophet after me?
Sad also said, on the day of Khaybar,
he heard him say, Indeed, I am going
to give the flag to a man who loves
Allah and His Messenger and who is
loved by Allah and His Messenger. All
of us were eager to see. He said, Call
Ali for me. He was brought
to the Prophet with sore
eyes. The Prophet rubbed
his eyes with his saliva
and gave him the flag
and Allah conquered
Muslims through him.
And when the verse: So
say: we call our sons and your
sons (Surah Aali Imraan:
61) was revealed, the Messenger
of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, called Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and
Husain, and he said, O Allah these are
my family. [Muslim and Tirmidh]10

Imam Muslim related it in his Sahih collection,

in the book on the virtues of the companions, in
the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn abi Tlib and
Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, in the book of
virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn abi

Sixth Hadith
Jbar related that Ali carried the gate
on the day of Khaybar, until the
Muslims climbed on it and conquered
Khaybar. They tried to pick up the
door afterwards and it was only
possible for forty men to carry it. [Ibn
abi Shaybah, Al-Khatib, al-Bayhaq and
Ibn Askir]11
Seventh Hadith
Sad ibn Abi Waqs said
that the Messenger of
Allah, salallhu alayhi
wa lihi wa sallam, left
Ali ibn abi Tlib
behind when he went
for the expedition of
Tabuk. Ali inquired,
O Messenger of Allah,
do you leave me with
women and children? The
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, said, Are you not please
with being unto me like what Aaron
was unto Moses, except that there
would be no prophet after me? [This
Ibn abi Shaybah related it in his book, AlMusannaf, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Al-Khatib al-Baghdad related it in his
Tarikh al-Baghdad. Al-Bayhaq recorded it in his
Dalail an-Nubuwa. Ibn Askir related it in his
Tarikh al-Madinah ad-Damishq. Ibn Hisham
related in Sirah Nabawiyyah, Imam Suyuti
recorded in his Tarikh al-Khulafa

agreed upon; this is the wording in

Sahih Muslim]12
Eighth Hadith
Zirr related that Ali, Allah be well
pleased with him, said, I swear by the
One who splits the seed and wheat,
that the unlettered Prophet, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, told me that no
one loves me other than a believer and
no one hates me except that he is a
hypocrite. [Muslim, Nasi
and Ibn Hibbn]13
Ninth Hadith
Ali said that the
unlettered Prophet,
said to me, that no
one loves me other
than a believer and no
one hates me except that he
is a hypocrite. [Tirmidh]14
Imam Bukhari related it in his Sahih collection
in the book of Maghzi (expeditions). Imam
Muslim related it in his collection in the book
about the virtues of the companions. Tirmidh
related it in his Sunan in the book of Manqib, in
the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn abi Tlib.
Imam Ahmad recorded it in his Musnad and Ibn
Hibbn related it in his Sahih collection.
13 Imam Muslim related in his Sahih, in the book
on Iman in the chapter entitled: Proof that loving
the Ansar and Ali is part of Iman. Nas recorded
it in his Sunan Kubr. Ibn abi Shaybah related it in
his book, Al-Musannaf. Ab Yala recorded it in
his Musnad, Bazzar in his Musnad and Ibn abi
Asim recorded in his book as-Sunnah.

Tenth Hadith

Twelfth Hadith

Umm Salamah, Allah be well

please with her, reported
that the Messenger of
Allah salallhu alayhi
wa lihi wa sallam,
used to say, A
hypocrite does not
love Ali and a
believer does not
hate him. [Tirmidh,
Eleventh Hadith
Ab Said al-Khudr, Allah be well
pleased with him, said, We, the people
of Madinah, used to recognize the
hypocrites by their hate for Ali ibn abi
Tlib. [Tirmidh, Ahmad and Ab

Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, in the book of

virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn abi
15 Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, in the book of
virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn abi
Tlib. Ab Yala recorded it in his Musnad and
Imam Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Kabir.
16 Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, in the book of
virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn abi
Tlib. Ahmad ibn Hanbal related it in his book on
the virtues of the companions and Ibn Askir
related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah ad-Damishq.

Shubah related that Salamah ibn

Kuhayl reported, I heard
Tufayl say something that
Saruhah or Zayd ibn
was not sure), said
that the Prophet,
salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, said,
He who considers me
his master, Ali is his
master too. [Tirmidh]17
Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, in the book of
virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn abi
Tlib. Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Kabir.
A similar hadith has been related on the authority
of Hubsh ibn Junadah in the following books: AlHkim is his Mustadrak, Tabarn recorded it in
al-Mujam al-Kabir, Ibn Ab Asim in his book
entitled: as-Sunnah, Al-Khatib al-Baghdad related
it in his Tarikh al-Baghdad, Ibn Kathir in his alBidayah wa Nihayah, Ibn Askir related it in his
Tarikh al-Madinah ad-Damishq and al-Haytham
in Majmau az-Zawid. It is also related on the
authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah in the following
books: Ibn abi Asim in his book entitled: asSunnah and Ibn abi Shaybah related it in his book,
Al-Musannaf. A similar narration is recorded
through Ayub al-Ansari in the following books:
Ibn abi Asim in his book entitled as-Sunnah and
Tabarn in al-Mujam al-Kabir and also in his alMujam al-Awsat. A similar hadith is related
through Buraidah in Abdurrazaaqs al-Musanaf,
Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Sagir, Ibn
Askir related it in his Tarikh ad-Damishq
Kubr, Ibn abi Asim in as-Sunnah and Ibn Kathir
in his Bidayah wa Nihayah. Finally, Malik ibn
Huwayrath is recorded to have related that same
hadith by Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam alKabir, Ibn Askir related it in his Tarikh adDamishq Kubr and al-Haytham in Majmau azZawid.

Thirteenth Hadith

Fifteenth Hadith

Imran ibn Husain, as part of a long

narration, reported that the Messenger
said, Indeed Ali is from me and I am
from him, and he is a master of every
believer after me. [Tirmidh, Nasi,
Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Al-Hkim]18

Buraidah, Allah be well pleased with

him, said, I went out on an expedition
to Yemen with Ali and I notice an
unfriendly attitude (from him), and so
when I came to the Messenger of
Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, I
complained to him about Ali. Then I
saw his face change and his said, O
Buraidah, Am I not more concerned
about the believer than their selves? I
said, Indeed, O Messenger of
Allah. He said, He who
considers me his master,
Ali is his master too.
[Ahmad, Nasi, Ibn
abi Shaybah and AlHkim]20

Fourteenth Hadith
Sad ibn abi Waqs, Allah be well
pleased with him, related, I
heard the Messenger of
Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, say, He
who considers me his
master, Ali is his
master too. And I
also heard him say,
You are unto me like
what Aaron was unto
Moses, except that there will
be no prophet after me. And I
heard him say, I will give the flag today
to a man who loves Allah and his
Messenger. [Ibn Majah and Nasi]19
Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, in the book of
virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn abi
Tlib. Nas in Sunan al-Kubr, Imam Ahmad in
his Musnad, Ibn Hibban in his Sahih, Ibn abi
Shaybah related it in his book, Al-Musannaf, Ab
Yala in his Musnad, Al-Hkim in Mustadrak and
Tabarn in al-Mujam al-Kabir.
19 Ibn Majah related in his Sunan, in the virtues of
the companions of the Messenger and Nas in
his book on the special characteristics of Amir ulMuminin, Ali ibn abi Tlib.

Sixteenth Hadith
Amr and Zaid ibn Arqam,
Allah be well pleased with them
both, said that the Messenger of Allah,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam,
addressed them on the day of
Khandaq, saying, He who considers
me his master, Ali is his master too. O
Allah, befriend whoever befriends him
and be hostile to whoever is hostile to
him, and help whoever helps him and
Ahmad ibn Hanbal related it in his Musnad,
Nas in Sunan al-Kubr, Ibn abi Shaybah related
it in his book, Al-Musannaf and Al-Hkim related
it his Mustadrak.

support whoever supports

[Tabarn and Nasi]21


Seventeenth Hadith
Ab Hazim related that a man came to
Sahl ibn Sad and said, This so-and-so,
referring to the governor of Madinah,
is calling Ali with derogative names on
the minbar (pulpit). Sahl ibn Sad
asked, What is he saying? he said,
He is referring to him as Ab Turb
(the dusty one). Sahl
laughed and said, I
swear by Allah, none but
the Prophet, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, named him so,
and there was no
name dearer to him
[Agreed upon]

Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Kabir.

Nas related it in his book on the special
characteristics of the Amir ul-Muminin Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Ibn Kathir reocred it in his Bidayah wa
Nihayah. al-Haytham recorded it in Majmau azZawid.
22 Imam Bukhari related it in his Sahih collection
in the book on virtues on the chapter on the
virtues of Ali ibn abi Tlib al-Qurayshi alHashimi. Imam Muslim related it in his collection
in the book on the virtues in the chapter on the
virtues of Ali ibn abi Tlib.

Eighteenth Hadith
Abdullah ibn Masud related that the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, said, Indeed it is Allah
who commanded me to marry Fatimah
to Ali. [Tabarn and Haythami, who
said that narrators are trustworthy]23
Abdurrahman, Abdullah ibn Ahmad
ibn Muhammad ibn Hanbal, said that
he found written in the book of his
father, Imm Ahmad ibn
Hanbal, in his own
handwriting a narration
that the Prophet said,
Are you not pleased
that I have married
you to earliest to enter
knowledgeable and the
greatest in intelligence?
Tabarn and Haythami, who said
that the narrators are trustworthy]


Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Kabir. Ibn

Askir related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah adDamishq. Al-Haytham recorded it in Majmau
az-Zawid. And for the other narration: Ahmad
ibn Hanbal related it in his Musnad. Abdurrazaaq
related it in his Musanaf. Tabarn recorded it in
al-Mujam al-Kabir. Ibn Askir related it in his
Tarikh al-Madinah ad-Damishq.

Nineteenth Hadith
Jbar, Allah be please with him, said
that, on the day of Tif, the Messenger
of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, called Ali and whispered to him.
The people began saying that he is
whispering to his Uncles son for too
long. So, the Messenger of Allah,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, said, I
did not whisper to him, but rather it is
Allah who whispered to him.
[Tirmidh, Ibn abi Asim
and Tabarn]24

other than me and you. [Tirmidh,

Bazzar and Ab Yala]25
Twenty First Hadith
Umm Atiyyah said that the Prophet,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, came
upon a crowd and Ali was among
them. She said, I heard him, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, while he had
his hands raised, saying, O Allah, do
not cause me to die until I see Ali.

Twentieth Hadith
Ab Said related
that the Messenger
of Allah, salallhu
alayhi wa clihi wa
sallam, said, to Ali, O
Ali, no one else is allowed
to be in this masjid (mosque) in
the state of janbah (major impurity)
other than me and you. Ali ibn
Mundhir said, I asked Darr ibn Surad
what this hadith meant. He said, It is
not permissible for anyone to walk in it

Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on

Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Ibn abi Asim recorded in his book asSunnah. Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam alKabir.

Twenty Second
Hubshiy ibn Jundah
Messenger of Allah,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, said Ali is from me
and I am from him and none will
represent me except myself or Ali.
[Tirmidh, Ibn Majah, Ahmad and
Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on
Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Bazzar recorded it in his Musnad. Ab
Yala related it in his Musnad. Al-Bayhaq
recorded it in his Sunan al-Kubr.
26 Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on
Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Ahmad ibn Hanbal related it in his book
on the virtues of the companions. Tabarn
recorded it in al-Mujam al-Kabir and also in alMujam al-Awsat.

Twenty Third Hadith

Twenty Forth Hadith

Abdullah ibn Umar, Allah be well

pleased with them both, related that the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, made brotherhood
between his companions. Ali came
with tears in his eyes and asked, O
Messenger of Allah, you have made
brotherhood between your companions
but you did not pair me with anyone?
The Messenger of Allah,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, said to him, You
are my brother in this
[Tirmidh and AlHkim]28

Abdullah ibn Amar ibn Hind al-Jamali

reported that Ali said, Whenever I
asked Messenger of Allah, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, he used to give
me and whenever I was silent he would
engage me. [Tirmidh, Nasi, Ibn abi
Shaybah and Al-Hkim]29

Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on

Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. 27 Ibn Majah related in his Sunan, in the
virtues of the Ali ibn abi Tlib. Ahmad ibn
Hanbal related it in his Musnad and also in his
book on the virtues of the companions. Nas
recorded it in his book on the special
characteristics of the Amir ul-Muminin Ali ibn
abi Tlib and also in his book on the virtues of the
companions. Ibn abi Shaybah related it in his
Musanaf and in his Musnad.
28 Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on
Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Al-Hkim related it in his Mustadrak.
Ibn Askir related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah adDamishq. An-Nawawi related it in Tadhhi alAsmai.

Twenty Fifth Hadith

Anas ibn Mlik related that
the Prophet, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam,
had a bird with him
and he supplicated,
O Allah, send to
beloved of your
creation to eat with
me this bird. Ali came
and he ate with him.
[Tirmidh, Nasi, Al-Hkim
and Tabarn]30

Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on

Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Nas related it in his Sunan Kubr. Ibn
abi Shaybah related it in his Musanaf. Al-Hkim
recorded it in his Mustadrak. Al-Maqdsi recorded
it in al-Ahadith al-Mukhtar.
30 Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on
Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Nas related it in his Sunan Kubr. AlHkim recorded it in his Mustadrak and Tabarn
recorded it in al-Mujam al-Awsat. Bazzar in his

Twenty Sixth Hadith

Twenty Eighth Hadith

Jumay ibn Umayr at-Tamimi related,

My aunt and I entered upon Aishah,
Allah be pleased with her, and I asked,
Who was the most beloved person to
the Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi
wa lihi wa sallam? She replied,
Fatimah. And it was further asked,
And from the men? She said, Her
husband. That is if what I know is
accurate and precise. [Tirmidh, AlAl-Hkim and Tabarn]31

Ali, Allah be well pleased with him,

said, The Messenger of Allah, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, said, I am the
abode of knowledge and Ali is its
gate. [Tirmidh, Ahmad and Ab

Twenty Seventh
Buraidah, Allah be
well pleased with
him, said, The most
beloved woman to the
Messenger of Allah,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, was Fatimah and the
from the men, it was Ali. [Tirmidh,
Nasi and Al-Hkim]32

Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on

Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Fatimah.
Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak. Tabarn
recorded it in al-Mujam al-Kabir. Ibn Askir
related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah ad-Damishq
32 Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on
Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Fatimah.
Nas related it in his Sunan Kubr and he also
related it in the book about the virtues of Ali. AlHkim recorded it in his Mustadrak. Tabarn
recorded it in al-Mujam al-Awsat.

Twenty Ninth Hadith

Ibn Abbs, Allah be well please with
them both, related that the
salallhu alayhi wa lihi
wa sallam, said, I am
the city of knowledge
and Ali its gate, so
whoever seeks to
enter the city let him
go through the gate.
In another narration it is
recorded that Ali, Allah be well
pleased with him, said, I swear by
Allah, there is no verse that was
revealed except that I know why it was
revealed, where it was revealed and
about who it was revealed. Indeed, my
Lord has given me an intelligent heart
Tirmidh related it in his Sunan, the book on
Virtues, in the chapter on the virtues of Ali ibn
abi Tlib. Ahmad ibn Hanbal related it in his book
on the virtues of the companions. Ab Nuaim
related it in Hilyat al-Awliyyah.
34 Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak and
Daylami in Musnad al-Firdaus

and fluent tongue. [Ab Nuaim in

Hilyat al-Awliyyah and Ibn Sad in
Tabaqat al-Kubra]

insulted me. [Nasi, Ahmad and AlHkim]36

Thirty Second Hadith

Thirtieth Hadith
Hanash said, I saw Ali, Allah be well
please with him, sacrificing two goats
and I asked him, What is this? He
said, The Messenger of Allah, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, requested me
to sacrifice on his behalf, and I sacrifice
for him always. [Ab
Dawud, Ahmad, Ab
Yala and Al-Hkim]35

Ab Said al-Khudri related that people

complained about Ali. Thereafter, the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, stood and cautioned us. I
heard him say, O people, do not
complain about Ali, for I swear by
Allah, he is indeed firmly rooted in the
service of Allah. [Ahmad,
Ab Nuaim and AlHkim]37

Thirty First Hadith

said, I entered upon
Umm Salamah, Allah
be well pleased with her,
and she said to me, Are
you insulting the Messenger of
Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam?
I sought refuge in Allah or I said,
Subhanallah! or a word to express
shock. She said, I heard the Messenger
of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, say, Whoever insults Ali has
Ab Dawud recorded it in his Sunan in the
chapter on sacrifice sacrificing on behalf of the
dead. Ahmad ibn Hanbal related it in his Musnad.
Aby Yala recorded it in his Musnad. Al-Hkim
recorded it in his Mustadrak. Al-Bayhaq recorded
it in Sunan al-Kubr.

Thirty Third Hadith

Umm Salamah, Allah
be well pleased with
her, said that when the
Prophet salallhu alayhi
wa lihi wa sallam, got angry,
he would not allow anyone from
among us to talk to him except Ali ibn
abi Tlib. [Al-Hkim, Tabarn and
Ab Nuaim]38

Nas related it in his Sunan Kubr. Ahmad ibn

Hanbal related it in his Musnad and also in his
book on the virtues of the companions. Al-Hkim
recorded it in his Mustadrak. Al-Haytham
recorded it in his Mujma Az-Zawaid. Ibn Askir
related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah ad-Damishq.
37 Ahmad ibn Hanbal related it in his Musnad and
also in his book on the virtues of the companions.
Ab Nuaim recorded it in Hilyat al-Awliyyah. Ibn
Abd al-Barr recorded it in al-Istib.

Thirty Forth Hadith

Thirty Sixth Hadith

On the authority of Ibn Abbs, Allah

be well please with him: the Prophet,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, looked
at me and said, O Ali, you are my
master in this life and the next. I love
whoever loves you and he whom I
love, Allah loves him. Your enemy is
my enemy and my enemy is Allahs
enemy. Woe unto the one who will
hate you after me. [Al-Hkim, adDaylam and al-Haytham]39

Aishah, Allah be well please with her,

related that the Prophet, salallhu alayhi
wa lihi wa sallam, said, I am the master
of the children of Adam and Ali is the
master of Arabs [al-Hkim]41
In another narration: Aishah, Allah be
well please with her, said that the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, said, They address me
as the master of the Arabs. And I
asked, Are you not the master
of the Arabs? He said, I
am the master of all the
children of Adam and
Ali is the master of
[AlHkim, Tabarn and
Ab Nuaim]

Thirty Fifth Hadith

Amr ibn Ysir,
Allah be well please
with them both, said,
Messenger of Allah,
salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, saying to Ali, Let
him rejoice, he who loves you
and speaks the truth about you, and
woe unto he who hates you and lies
about you. [Al-Hkim, Ab Yala and
Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak.
Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Awsat. Ab
Nuaim recorded it in Hilyat al-Awliyyah. AlHaytham recorded it in his Mujma Az-Zawaid.
39 Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak. AdDaylami recorded it in his Musnad al-Firdaus. AlHaytham recorded it in his Mujma Az-Zawaid.
40 Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak. Ab
Yala recorded it in his Musnad. Tabarn recorded
it in al-Mujam al-Awsat.

Thirty Seventh Hadith

Abdullah related that the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, said, Gazing at the face
of Ali is worship. [Al-Hkim and
Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak. Ibn
Askir related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah adDamishq. Sakhaw recorded it in Maqasid alHasanah
42 Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak.
Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Kubr. Ab
Nuaim recorded it in Hilyat al-Awliyyah. AlHaytham related it in his Mujma Az-Zawaid. Ibn
Askir related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah adDamishq through Anas ibn Malik, Ab Hurairah,

In another narration: Taliq ibn

Muhammad said, I saw Imran ibn
Husain, Allah be well please with him,
staring at the face of Ali and when he
was asked, he said, I heard the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, say, Gazing at the face
of Ali is worship. [Tabarn]
In another narration: Aishah, Allah be
well please with her, said, I saw Ab
Bakr, Allah be well please with him,
constantly gazing at the face of Ali and
I said to him, O my father,
I see you starring at the
face of Ali? He said,
O my daughter, I
heard the Messenger
of Allah, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, say, Gazing at
the face of Ali is
worship. [Ibn Askir]

Thirty Eighth Hadith

Umm Salamah, Allah be well pleased
with her, said, I heard the Messenger
of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa
salaam, say, Ali is with the Quran and
the Quran is with Ali and they will
never separate until he arrives at the
Jabir ibn Abdullah and Aishah. Ad-Daylami
related it through Muadh ibn Jabal in his Musnad




Thirty Ninth Hadith

Jbir ibn Abdullah, Allah be well
pleased with them both, related that he
heard the Messenger of Allah, salallhu
alayhi wa lihi wa sallam, say to Ali, O
Ali, people are on different trees but
you and I are on one tree. And the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, recited,
gardens of grapevines and crops
and palm trees, [growing]
several from a root or
otherwise, watered with
one water; (Surah Rad:
04) [Al-Hkim and
Fortieth Hadith
Abdullah ibn Asad ibn Zurarah
relates that his father said that the
Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa
aalihi wa salaam, said, Three things
have been revealed to me regarding
Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak.
Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Awsat. AlHaytham related it in his Mujma Az-Zawaid.
44 Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak.
Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Awsat. AlKathb al-Baghdad recorded it Mawdih Awhab.
Ad-Daylami recorded it in his Musnad al-Firdaus.
Ibn Askir related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah adDamishq. Al-Haytham recorded it in his Mujma

Ali; He is the masters of the Muslims,

the leader of the righteous and the
foremost of the esteemed luminaries.
[Al-Hkim and Tabarn]45

salallhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallam had

said. [Al-Hkim, Ahmad, Nas and AlHaytham]46

Forty First Hadith

Ab Sad al-Khudr, Allah be well
pleased with him, narrated that the
Messenger of Allah, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam said: There is amongst
you he who will fight on the
interpretation of this Quran
just as I fought on its
revelation. So we
around inquisitively,
and Ab Bakr and
Umar were also
amongst us at that
time. Ab Bakr asked
if he was that person
and so did Umar and the
Prophet, salallhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallam, said, No, he is the one
who is busy mending the shoe. Ab
Sad al-Khudr narrated further So we
went and conveyed these good news to
Ali and he did not even raise his head
but kept on with his work, as if he had
already heard that from the Prophet,
Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak.
Tabarn recorded it in al-Mujam al-Sagir, Ab
Nuaim recorded it in his Tarikh Asbhani. AlKathb al-Baghdad recorded it Mawdih Awhab.
Ibn Askir related it in his Tarikh al-Madinah adDamishq.

O Allah shower blessings and

peace upon our master
Muhammad, his wives;
the mothers of the
believers, his offspring
and his pure family as
you have showered
blessings and peace upon
Ibrahim and the family of
Ibrahim. Indeed, You are the
Most Worthy of praise, the Most


Al-Hkim recorded it in his Mustadrak. Ahmad

ibn Hanbal related it in his Musnad Al-Haytham
related it in his Mujma Az-Zawaid. Nas related
it in his book of the special qualities of Ali ibn
Abi Tlib.

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