Chariot Rules
Chariot Rules
Chariot Rules
Please read these rules carefully. A limit of two chariots per school is
allowed. Failure to comply with the rules may result in disqualification:
Chariots will be judged in two contests. First, they will be judged for their
appearance and creativity. Second, they will race one another. Depending on the
number of entries, there will be qualifying races of 3 chariots each. Winners of each
of these races will then compete in a final race for first, second, and third places.
Chariots must be able to hold one student during the race and be pulled by no
more than 2 students acting as the horses.
All students involved must wear shoes (no sandals) and protective helmets (no
costume helmets allowed). You may not race without a protective helmet (such
as a bike or football helmet). We also recommend elbow and knee pads.
The race will be a distance of about 50 yards ??? and will be clearly marked on
the field.
The front end must be fully enclosed up to the chest area of the driver
The back end must be open
The sides may taper down towards the back