L36 Marston Theory
L36 Marston Theory
L36 Marston Theory
Module 6:
Lecture -1: Buried Structures
Ditch conduit
Compacted soil
projective conduit
Ditch conduit
Positive projecting
Projecting Conduit
Ditch Conduit
Soil arching
Arching can be best described as a transfer of forces
between a yielding mass of geomaterial and
adjoining stationary members.
A redistribution of stresses in the soil body takes place.
The shearing resistance tends to keep the yielding
mass in its original portion resulting in a change of
pressure on both the yielding parts support and the
adjoining part of soil.
Soil arching
If the yielding part moves downward, the shear
resistance will act upward and reduce the stress at
the base of yielding mass.
If the yielding part moves upward,
the shear
resistance will act downward to impede this
movement and cause of increase of stress at the
support of the yielding part.
Active arching
Active arching
Active arching occurs when the structure is more
compressible than the surrounding soil.
If the structure deforms uniformly on plane AA and
BB, the stresses on it tend to be lower toward the
edges due to mobilized shear stresses in the soil.
Passive arching
Passive arching
In passive arching, the soil is more compressible than the
As a result, the soil undergoes large displacements, mobilizing
shear stresses which increase the total pressure on the structure
while decreasing the pressure on the adjacent ground.
Assuming the structural deformations are uniform, the stresses
are highest at the edges and lowest at the centerline.
Rigid pipe
When the side columns of soil or the external
prisms are more compressible than the pipe due to
its inherent rigidity, this causes the pipe to assume
load generated across the width of the trench.
The shearing stresses or friction forces that develop
due to the differential settlement of the external
prisms and the central prism are additive to the
load of the central prism alone. Rigid pipes
Rigid pipes show signs of distress before being
vertically deflected 2%
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Flexible pipes
Rigid pipes
Semi-rigid pipe
Some pipe materials exhibit characteristics of both rigid
and flexible pipes, primarily controlled by their
diameters, are referred as Semi-rigid pipes.
Semi-rigid pipes deflect between 0.1% to 3% without
causing harmful or potentially harmful cracks.
For example, bar-wrapped concrete cylinder
B = Bd
tan =
Width of trench
Less load on
the pipe
More load on
the pipe
The load carried by pipe increases with the width of the trench.
So, the width of the trench should just be enough for compaction
of the soil on the sides of the pipe.
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Well compacted soil provides
good lateral support to pipes
Poorly compacted soil provides
reduced lateral support to pipes
Structural strength and well compacted
soil provides good lateral support to pipes
Poor structural strength provides
reduced lateral support to pipes