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Historical Letter Rubric






Describe in detail all

of the required
information of who
you are, your
arrival, your job and
the challenges you
faced as outlined

Included all of the required

information: who you are,
your arrival, your job and
challenges. Descriptions
are detailed and provide
depth to show
understanding of
significance.The information
is compelling and engaging
for the reader.

Included all of the required

information: who you are, your
arrival, your job and
challenges. Descriptions are
brief and lack the depth to
demonstrate understanding of
significance. The information is
interesting for the reader.

Included most of the required

information: who you are, your
arrival, your job and
challenges. Descriptions are
minimal and do not provide
detail to demonstrate
understanding. The
information is unclear and
does not express significance.

Included some of the required

information but is lacking more
than one important required
contextual information about
who you are, your arrival, your
job and challenges. The
information may be included,
but is unclear and provide no

Include accurate
regarding the group
of people you have
chosen to be. The
date, job the person
does, their
location and their
arrival to Canada
must be correct

Included accurate factual

information that defines to
the group of people chosen.
The date and location is in
the appropriate timeframe
and place the person lived.
Their arrival to Canada and
the jobs they held are

Included accurate information

that relates to the group of
people chosen. Most of the
required information is correct,
but not completely factual. The
date and location place the
person lived, arrival to Canada
and the jobs they held are all
referred to.

Included mostly correct

information, however some
facts were mistaken or
inaccurate. Some of the
information may be confused
with another group of people.
Part of the required
information is lacking
necessary detail or is missing.

Included information that is not

historically accurate and not
factual about the group of
people chosen. The arrival, jobs
performed, timeframe and
location is not correct.
The information is lacking
necessary detail or is missing
completely .

Follow the correct

formatting for a
letter or journal
entry. Include the
correct date, your
address or location,
a salutation, body
paragraphs and a
closing statement

Included all of the correct

formatting for the type of
writing so that it is
organized and neat. The
information is in the correct
location and arranged
properly. There is an
introductory and closing
statement, and the body
paragraphs are organized
and fully developed.

Included the proper formatting

for letter or journal entry. The
formatting lacks clarity due to
organization or misplacement.
The information is correct, but
not in the correct location
There is an introductory and
closing statement. The body
paragraphs are somewhat
organized, but could have more
detail to express ideas.

Included some of the correct

information, but did not use it
in the correct format. The
writing lacks organization and
only slightly resembles a
letter. Some of the information
may be included, but not in
the correct location. No
introductory or closing
statement included. The body
paragraphs lack clarity or

Did not include the correct

information or follow the
required formatting outline. The
writing is unorganized and does
not resemble a letter or journal.
The formatting information is not
included. There is no
introductory or closing
statement, and the body
paragraphs are unorganized and



Historical Letter Rubric

Spelling and
grammar are
correct. You created
a draft, had it edited
and made
corrections. You
typed a final copy
and included your
planning draft.

Included your planning draft

that has been edited and
demonstrates all
corrections have been
made accordingly. The final
draft is error free and typed
on a computer.

Included a planning draft that

demonstrates improvements
were made to the final draft,
but did not include all the
corrections after having it
edited. The final draft is typed
and has 1-2 errors maximum.


Did not write a draft copy or

only created a brief plan. Only
one copy is produced, so there
is no demonstration of
improvement in writing. The
final draft is typed but has
more than 3 errors.

Did not create a rough draft or a

writing plan. Did not seek help to
edit draft. Writing is
grammatically incorrect and has
multiple errors. The final draft is
not typed.

Historical LEtter Self Evaluation/Teacher Assessment

Please refer to the front page of the rubric to evaluate your work on your own. Include a reason in every category along with a mark.
Scoring Guides

Student Assessment

Teacher Assessment

Please give yourself a score out of 4 and write two

reasons why you gave yourself this grade
Describe in detail all of the
required information of
who you are, your arrival,
your job and the
challenges you faced as



Include accurate
information regarding
the group of people
you have chosen to be.
The date, job the
person does, their
approximate location
and their arrival to
Canada must be



Follow the correct

formatting for a letter or
journal entry. Include the
correct date, your address
or location, a salutation,
body paragraphs and a



Historical Letter Rubric


closing statement
Spelling and grammar are
correct. You created a
draft, had it edited and
made corrections. You
typed a final copy.



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