Dust Bowl Integrated Thematic Unit 1
Dust Bowl Integrated Thematic Unit 1
Dust Bowl Integrated Thematic Unit 1
Bowl Integrated
Thematic Unit
Kira Howe
EDU 555
Dr. Powell
Fall 2016
Table of Contents
Teaching provides a feeling of accomplishment each day, regardless of
how your lesson went, the modifications you had to make that were
unplanned, or the questions that were developed from the learning that
were unplanned as well, every day is different. As educators we have the
ability to change our teaching styles, techniques and strategies with each
passing year, month, week and day. Allowing us to provide our students
with an ever-evolving classroom centered on social-emotional development
and their academic success.
As an educator I strive to create an environment centered on the
growth of a student as a whole, beyond just the academics, but their
social-emotional development and how they handle day-to-day situations
that may arise. Much like Ralph Tyler and John Dewey I believe that
When I develop
(Charlotte Danielson
perseverance for the changes that the educational field faces. The most
important information I learned as an undergraduate student was that we
as teachers are life long learners. I remind myself daily that each day is a
new learning opportunity to share with my students and we as teachers
are always evolving.
Discovering Cultures
Lesson One:
- Discovering Cultures
- Anchor chart
- Traditions Paragraph
Lesson Two:
- Main Idea Worksheet
- Venn diagram worksheet
- Paper Doll
o Googly eyes
o Markers
o Glue
o Pencils
o Felt
o Other craft materials
Lesson Three:
- Story map
o Markers
o Brass fastener
- Opinion paragraph
Lesson Four:
- Graphic Organizer
- Hour in the Life paragraph
- Main Idea worksheet
- Clock Craft
o Markers
o Pencils
o Brass fastener
Lesson Five:
- Paper doll
o Markers
o Glue
o Googly eyes
o Pencils
o Other craft materials
- Venn diagram paper plate
o Glue
o Pencils
Lesson six
- Recording sheets
- Planning sheets
- Hair dryer
- Sand
- Pipe cleaners (grass)
- Foil pans
Lesson Seven
- Recording sheet
- Signs
- Dice
Lesson Eight
- Narrative
- Paper dolls from lesson five
Kira Howe
Lesson one
3rd Grade
Cultural Differences
Discovering Cultures
Context for Learning
Number of Students
Visual Impairment
Supports, Accommodations,
Modifications, and/or
Pertinent IEP Goals
Repeat directions often
Post a clear schedule
Teacher proximity
Follow behavior plan
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Breaks as needed
Follow behavior plan
Teacher proximity
Small groups
Sensory breaks as
Preferential seating
near board and teacher
Directions written on
board are to be written
on paper for them to
have at desk
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Repeat directions
Teacher proximity
Central Focus
The theme for the unit is the Dust Bowl and the cultural differences between the children then and
our students now. As third graders the students will look at the cultural influences that characters
in four books had that effect their way of life. They will make comparisons from cultural influences
from these characters to themselves.
Teaching cultural differences and diversity to our students bring a sense of awareness to the idea
that we all come from different traditions, backgrounds and cultures. The students will be able to
expand on these differences by creating a paper doll of themselves and comparing it to the main
characters in the graphic novel that their literature group has read.
The unit will provide the students with the opportunities to develop their speaking and listening
skills in ELA by having independent discussions surrounding a topic or idea, identifying the main
idea and character traits of characters in a story, read independently, create a book talk
presentation, a story wheel and a book tasting. They will also be completing a science activity that
will require them to complete a simulation about the hardships faced during the Dust Bowl. They
will make connections in social studies to identify the differences from cultures then and now and
they will create a paper to help them make those comparisons between themselves and the
characters from the books. Additionally in math they will create The unit identifies and addresses
many of the key common core standards and skills that third grade students need to read, read and
speak in ELA, social studies, science and math as well as the integrated portion of movement and
the arts.
Content Standards/Objectives
Learning Objectives
Academic Language
Geographic factors
This unit will be a follow up to what the students have learned about communities and cultural
differences from K-3. The students will have an understanding of the terms but at a beginner or
intermediate level. During the anticipatory set of this lesson the students will activate their prior
knowledge and background knowledge of cultural diversity and differences among communities by
making connections to their own geographic location and their own traditions. The students have
been researching different geographic regions in social studies throughout the school year this will
be a skill that is at the intermediate to mastery level for 3rd grade standards.
The lesson will reflect on cultural diversity and how it looks among their peers and students. They
will brainstorm their ideas about what is cultural diversity and what culture looks like. Students
will have key vocabulary terms and ideas introduced by the teacher through; reading and group
discussions. The students will be introduced to the vocabulary terms by the teacher where they (the
teacher) will read the term and define the term, each will be placed on the board for the remainder
of the unit and will be added to as needed. Students will revisit them at the close of the unit.
Students will be required to write a 3-5-sentence paragraph explaining a tradition that they
participate in within their family or their community. When the students are finished with their
writing they will turn and talk to heir neighbor. The neighbor will be required to present their peers
tradition; each student will be required to share out with the class what they learned about their
partners tradition.
The students will be exposed to the terms and ideas surrounding culturally repeatedly throughout
the unit to deepen their learning and understanding of the topic. The paragraph and share-out will
be used to assess the students understanding of the topics.
Students will gather and interpret data, a key social studies practice for third graders. They will
work to make connections between their culture and the culture of the characters in readings,
pictures and videos. They will work to develop their literacy, speaking and listening, and writing
skills by:
Listening to teachers read-aloud from informational texts
Partner-Share about a topic
What is Culture?
What does culture look like?
How are we culturally different from one another?
What is a tradition?
Type of Assessment
Description of assessment
Anchor Chart:
Take 5 minutes to
brainstorm and write 1sentence using background
knowledge answering:
What is Culture?
Traditions Paragraph:
Students must write 3-5
sentences about a tradition
they share with their
family. They will then pair
up with a peer to share
their tradition.
Teacher will:
1. Introduce the theme
of the lesson: Culture
Diversity and the
Unit theme of the
Dust Bowl: Present
the anchor chart with
the Question; What is
2. Ask students to
brainstorm ideas
surrounding culture
3. Ask students to write
at least one sentence
describing their
understanding of
What is Culture?
1. Ask students what is
2. Define culture for the
students, ask them if
any one has changed
their minds about
culture and ask them
to share their new
3. What does culture
Students will:
1. listen to the
2. brainstorm ideas
about culture,
words, phrases,
3. Record at least one
answering; what is
Practice/Exploration of
30 minutes
10-15 minutes
look like?
Ask students to share
their ideas
Instruct students to
write a 3-5 sentence
paragraph about a
tradition. Ask students
to answer what is a
Give the students 2530 minutes to write
with details a tradition
their family shares
Call students back to
learning groups or rug
Read aloud
Discovering cultures
Ask the students to
share the tradition
they hold within their
How are we
culturally different
from one another?
Set expectations for
the literature groups
with new books.
Group 1: The Great
American Dust Bowl,
Group 2: Voices of the
Dust, Group 3: The
Dust Bowl and Group
4: Dont Forget
Winona. You will read
the stories over 2 days
and each group will be
1. brainstorm about
what a tradition is
2. write a 3-5
paragraph about a
tradition their
family shares using
1. Move back to
designated area
2. Listen to
3. Share your families
4. Answer how are
we culturally
different from one
5. Follow teacher
directions for
responsible for
completing activities
to follow their
characters and
themselves to help us
make comparisons
between the culture
during a specific time
period: the Dust Bowl,
and our lives
Student Product:
Anchor Chart
Traditions Paragraph
Instructional Resources, Materials and References: (Including all images used.)
"Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth) - Learning Theories." Learning Theories. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
Figure 1. The Structure Of A Human Activity System (Engestrm, 1987, P. 78. ACTIVITY THEORY AND EXPANSIVE
DESIGN (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
What Is Culture?
Draw a picture of your tradition:
Kira Howe
Lesson two
3rd Grade
The Dust Bowl
Various Literature Groups
Approx. 120 minutes
Number of Students
Visual Impairment
Supports, Accommodations,
Modifications, and/or
Pertinent IEP Goals
Repeat directions often
Post a clear schedule
Teacher proximity
Follow behavior plan
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Breaks as needed
Follow behavior plan
Teacher proximity
Small groups
Sensory breaks as needed
Preferential seating near
board and teacher
Directions written on
board are to be written
on paper for them to
have at desk
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Repeat directions
Teacher proximity
Central Focus
The theme for the unit is the Dust Bowl and the cultural differences between the children then and our
students now. As third graders the students will look at the cultural influences that characters in four
books had that effect their way of life. They will make comparisons from cultural influences from these
characters to themselves.
Teaching cultural differences and diversity to our students bring a sense of awareness to the idea that we
all come from different traditions, backgrounds and cultures. The students will be able to expand on these
differences by creating a paper doll of themselves and comparing it to the main characters in the graphic
novel that their literature group has read.
The unit will provide the students with the opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills in
ELA by having independent discussions surrounding a topic or idea, identifying the main idea and
character traits of characters in a story, read independently, create a book talk presentation, a story wheel
and a book tasting. They will also be completing a science activity that will require them to complete a
simulation about the hardships faced during the Dust Bowl. They will make connections in social studies
to identify the differences from cultures then and now and they will create a paper to help them make
those comparisons between themselves and the characters from the books. Additionally in math they will
create The unit identifies and addresses many of the key common core standards and skills that third
grade students need to read, read and speak in ELA, social studies, science and math as well as the
integrated portion of movement and the arts.
Identify 4 details from the text to support the main idea
Construct a Venn diagram identifying 4 similarities and 4 differences
Create a paper doll representation of a book character
Work in a group to create a project
Present ideas on a topic with a group
Objectives (should be specific and measureableusing Blooms Taxonomy Word List)
Content Standards/Objectives
Learning Objectives
Visual Arts:
Students will make works of art that explore
different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes,
and metaphors. Students will understand and use
sensory elements, organizational principles, and
images to communicate their own ideas in works
of art. Students will use a variety of art materials,
processes, mediums, and techniques, and use
appropriate technologies for creating and
exhibiting visual art works.
NYS ELA CCLS R.L.3.3: Describe characters
in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or
feelings) and explain how their actions contribute
to the sequence of events.
Academic Language
The Dust Bowl
This unit will be a follow up to what the students have learned about communities and cultural differences
from K-3. The students will have been introduced to the topic of culture and diversity. During this lesson
they will identify characteristics of a book character including what they infer their culture was like
during the Dust Bowl. They will have a large depth of background knowledge on characteristics and how
to identify them. They will be at the very beginning stages of the understanding the Dust Bowl and the
vocabulary terms used throughout presentations and discussions. These terms will appear frequently
through the remainder of their lesson and they will complete a vocabulary worksheet at the close of the
Students will gather and interpret data, a key social studies practice for third graders. They will work to
make connections between their culture and the culture of the characters in readings, pictures and videos.
They will work to develop their literacy, speaking and listening, and writing skills by:
Listening to teachers read-aloud from informational texts
Work collaboratively in groups with their peers
Create work of art to build an audience understandings on a topic/character
Identify the main idea of a text using key details from that text
Develop important social skills by working collaboratively with others on a project
Students are expected to understand different cultures; their communities and their geographic make up
for third grade social studies. Making this lesson an important introductory lesson for a unit surrounding
the comparison of cultural differences from now to another time period. They will work individually, with
a group, and one-on-one with partners to develop and deepen these skills. They will use the document
read aloud to help develop their knowledge of culture. They will work together to collaborate using the
document and their knowledge to produce the definition for culture. (Engerstrom, 1987) For the students
who struggle with writing it will allow them peer support as well as a chance to present ideas orally to
their partner during an area of instruction that they may otherwise struggle.
The lesson will require students to use various learning styles to meet the need of our visual learners,
auditory learners as well as the kinesthetic learners. The lesson will start by introducing a simple idea and
continue to build to a more complex order so that subsequent ideas can be integrated within our unit
plan.(Reigeluth, 1999)
Essential Questions
(Focus Questions)
Type of Assessment
Description of assessment
Introduction of their
character: Students will
work in their literature
groups to create a paper doll
that looks like their main
character. They will be
required to identify 5
characteristics of their
character and present these
ideas to the class.
Students will be evaluated on how they work
collaboratively to create a project.
They will be expected to identify 5
characteristics of the main character and create
a paper doll that showcases the characteristics
and culture of the character using the materials
Practice/Exploration of
Teacher will:
1. Show a video
about the Dust
Bowl: Brainpop
Students will:
1. Watch a video about the
dust bowl
60 minutes
10-15 minutes
will be given 25
minutes to work to
complete this project.
They are expected to
share their character
with the class so if they
finish early they may
work together to
develop how they want
to introduce their
character to their peers.
1. Call students back
to attention to begin
share out.
2. Ask each group to
share their book
character paper doll
3. What is the dust
bowl? And using
details from your
book and your book
character doll give
examples of how
their culture may
have been different
then ours
1. move back to
desks and or rug
2. share their group
book character
3. Answer questions
Student Product:
Main Idea Graphic Organizer
Venn Diagram
Paper Doll character
Instructional Resources, Materials and References: (Including all images used.)
"Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth) - Learning Theories." Learning Theories. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
Figure 1. The Structure Of A Human Activity System (Engestrm, 1987, P. 78. ACTIVITY THEORY AND EXPANSIVE
DESIGN (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
Main Idea:
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:
Detail 4:
Kira Howe
Lesson Three
3rd Grade
The Dust Bowl
Story Map
Context for Learning
Learning Needs Category
Central Focus
Number of Students
Supports, Accommodations,
Modifications, and/or
Pertinent IEP Goals
Repeat directions often
Post a clear schedule
Teacher proximity
Follow behavior plan
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Breaks as needed
Follow behavior plan
Teacher proximity
Small groups
Sensory breaks as needed
Visual Impairment
Preferential seating near
board and teacher
Directions written on
board are to be written
on paper for them to
have at desk
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Repeat directions
Teacher proximity
The theme for the unit is the Dust Bowl and the cultural differences between the children then and our
students now. As third graders the students will look at the cultural influences that characters in four
books had that effect their way of life. They will make comparisons from cultural influences from these
characters to themselves.
Teaching cultural differences and diversity to our students bring a sense of awareness to the idea that we
all come from different traditions, backgrounds and cultures. The students will be able to expand on these
differences by creating a paper doll of themselves and comparing it to the main characters in the graphic
novel that their literature group has read.
The unit will provide the students with the opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills in
ELA by having independent discussions surrounding a topic or idea, identifying the main idea and
character traits of characters in a story, read independently, create a book talk presentation, a story wheel
and a book tasting. They will also be completing a science activity that will require them to complete a
simulation about the hardships faced during the Dust Bowl. They will make connections in social studies
to identify the differences from cultures then and now and they will create a paper to help them make
those comparisons between themselves and the characters from the books. Additionally in math they will
create The unit identifies and addresses many of the key common core standards and skills that third
grade students need to read, read and speak in ELA, social studies, science and math as well as the
integrated portion of movement and the arts.
Content Standards/Objectives
Work collaboratively to create a visual project
Write to inform someone of their opinion
Present on an idea or topic
Common Core Content Standard
Learning Objectives
NYS ELA CCLS: W. 3.1- Write opinion pieces
1. Students will write a 3 sentence
on topics or texts, supporting a point
opinion paragraph about their
of view with reasons.
favorite part of a story
NYS ELA CCLS: 3.7- Use information gained
from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and
the words in a text to demonstrate understanding
of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key
events occur).
NYS ELA CCLS: R.I. 3.3- Describe the
Academic Language
The Dust Bowl
Story Map
This unit will be a follow up to what the students have learned about communities and cultural differences
from K-3. The students will have been introduced to the topic of culture and diversity. During this lesson
they will identify characteristics of a book character including what they infer their culture was like
during the Dust Bowl. They will have a large depth of background knowledge on characteristics and how
to identify them. They will be at the very beginning stages of the understanding the Dust Bowl and the
vocabulary terms used throughout presentations and discussions. These terms will appear frequently
through the remainder of their lesson and they will complete a vocabulary worksheet at the close of the
Students will gather and interpret data, a key social studies practice for third graders. They will work to
make connections between their culture and the culture of the characters in readings, pictures and videos.
They will work to develop their literacy, speaking and listening, and writing skills by:
What is an event?
Why are events important when telling a story?
What is an opinion?
Who is your opinions on the dust bowl?
Type of Assessment
Description of assessment
adult to write
Teacher will:
Students will:
1. Show a video about the
1. Watch dust bowl video
dust bowl: History Channel
2. Answer: where was the dust
2. Where was the dust bowl?
1. View timeline
2. Answer: what are
3. Answer: why are events
important when telling a
4. Answer: what is an
Practice/Exploration of
60 minutes
4. What is an opinion?
5. After learning all we
have what is your
opinion on the dust
bowl and the events
that have been
happening in your
1. Send students back
to their desks to
write an opinion
paragraph their
books about the
dust bowl. They
will be given 15
minutes to write
and illustrate.
2. Set timer for 15
minutes, when
timer sounds
students will hand
in their writing.
3. Ask students to
complete their
reading Group 1:
The Great
American Dust
Bowl will read 30
pages. Group 2:
Voices of the Dust
Bowl will read 15
pages. Group 3:
The Dust Bowl
will read 15 pages,
and Group 4:
Dont Forget
Winona will read
1. write an opinion
paragraph about their
favorite part in their
book about the dust
bowl and include an
illustration. They
will be given 15
minute to complete.
2. Move into their
literature groups at
the end of the timer.
3. Read within their
literature groups the
allotted pages
4. Complete a story
map with their
partners describing 4
major events that
have taken place thus
far. They must write
at least 1 sentence
per event and include
an illustration.
All Students:
Visually Impaired Students:
preferential seating to the board or
visuals used, handouts enlarged,
highlighted directions
Autism and ADHD Students: teacher
proximity, one-on-one support from aide
or peer, repeated directions or phrases
10-15 minutes
10 pages
4. Instruct students to
complete a story
map like the
example they have.
It must include 4
major events with
illustration and at
least 1 sentence to
describe the event.
1. Have students
come to the rug
with their literature
2. Allow the groups
to present their
literature groups
story map.
Student Product:
Favorite part of their story writing
Story map
Instructional Resources, Materials and References: (Including all images used.)
"Dust Bowl Major Events." Dust Bowl Major Events Timeline | Preceden. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.
"Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth) - Learning Theories." Learning Theories. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
Figure 1. The Structure Of A Human Activity System (Engestrm, 1987, P. 78. ACTIVITY THEORY AND EXPANSIVE
DESIGN (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
History.com Staff. "Dust Bowl." History.com. A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.
Kira Howe
Lesson Four
3rd Grade
Context for Learning
Central Focus
Number of Students
Supports, Accommodations,
Modifications, and/or
Pertinent IEP Goals
Repeat directions often
Post a clear schedule
Teacher proximity
Follow behavior plan
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Breaks as needed
Follow behavior plan
Teacher proximity
Small groups
Sensory breaks as
Visual Impairment
Preferential seating
near board and teacher
Directions written on
board are to be written
on paper for them to
have at desk
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Repeat directions
Teacher proximity
The theme for the unit is the Dust Bowl and the cultural differences between the children then and
our students now. As third graders the students will look at the cultural influences that characters
in four books had that effect their way of life. They will make comparisons from cultural influences
from these characters to themselves.
Teaching cultural differences and diversity to our students bring a sense of awareness to the idea
that we all come from different traditions, backgrounds and cultures. The students will be able to
expand on these differences by creating a paper doll of themselves and comparing it to the main
characters in the graphic novel that their literature group has read.
The unit will provide the students with the opportunities to develop their speaking and listening
skills in ELA by having independent discussions surrounding a topic or idea, identifying the main
idea and character traits of characters in a story, read independently, create a book talk
presentation, a story wheel and a book tasting. They will also be completing a science activity that
will require them to complete a simulation about the hardships faced during the Dust Bowl. They
will make connections in social studies to identify the differences from cultures then and now and
they will create a paper to help them make those comparisons between themselves and the
characters from the books. Additionally in math they will create The unit identifies and addresses
many of the key common core standards and skills that third grade students need to read, read and
speak in ELA, social studies, science and math as well as the integrated portion of movement and
the arts.
Content Standards/Objectives
Learning Objectives
Academic Language
Cultural differences
This unit will be a follow up to what the students have learned about communities and cultural
differences from K-3. The students will have an understanding of the terms but at a beginner or
intermediate level. During the anticipatory set of this lesson the students will activate their prior
knowledge and background knowledge of cultural diversity and differences among communities by
making connections to their own geographic location and their own traditions. The students have
been researching different geographic regions in social studies throughout the school year this will
be a skill that is at the intermediate to mastery level for 3rd grade standards.
The lesson will reflect on cultural diversity and how it looks among their peers and students. They
will brainstorm their ideas about what is cultural diversity and what culture looks like. Students
will have key vocabulary terms and ideas introduced by the teacher through; reading and group
discussions. The students will be introduced to the vocabulary terms by the teacher where they (the
teacher) will read the term and define the term, each will be placed on the board for the remainder
of the unit and will be added to as needed. Students will revisit them at the close of the unit.
Students will be required to write a 3-5-sentence paragraph explaining a tradition that they
participate in within their family or their community. When the students are finished with their
writing they will turn and talk to heir neighbor. The neighbor will be required to present their peers
tradition; each student will be required to share out with the class what they learned about their
partners tradition.
The students will be exposed to the terms and ideas surrounding culturally repeatedly throughout
the unit to deepen their learning and understanding of the topic. The paragraph and share-out will
be used to assess the students understanding of the topics.
Students will gather and interpret data, a key social studies practice for third graders. They will
work to make connections between their culture and the culture of the characters in readings,
pictures and videos. They will work to develop their literacy, speaking and listening, and writing
skills by:
Work collaboratively with a group
Identify hour and minute time increments
Identify activities that can be completed in hour and minute increments
Identify the main idea of the text using details from the text to support their main idea
Create a clock to represent 6 activities their character can complete in an hour
Students are expected to understand different cultures; their communities and their geographic
make up for third grade social studies. Making this lesson an important introductory lesson for a
unit surrounding the comparison of cultural differences from now to another time period. They will
work individually, with a group, and one-on-one with partners to develop and deepen these skills.
They will use the document read aloud to help develop their knowledge of culture. They will work
together to collaborate using the document and their knowledge to produce the definition for
culture. (Engerstrom, 1987) For the students who struggle with writing it will allow them peer
support as well as a chance to present ideas orally to their partner during an area of instruction that
they may otherwise struggle.
The lesson will require students to use various learning styles to meet the need of our visual
learners, auditory learners as well as the kinesthetic learners. The lesson will start by introducing a
simple idea and continue to build to a more complex order so that subsequent ideas can be
integrated within our unit plan.(Reigeluth, 1999)
Essential Questions
(Focus Questions)
Type of Assessment
Description of assessment
Teacher will:
1. Show a video:
BrainPop Time
Students will:
1. Watch the video about
1. Introduce the
vocabulary terms,
hour, minute, clock.
2. When we look at our
clock how many
minutes are in one
hour? How do we
know this?
3. If there is 60 minutes
in one hour What is
an activity we can
complete in an hour?
1. Define/ brainstorm
definitions for
vocabulary terms
2. Answer: How many
minutes are in one
3. Answer: what is an
activity we can
complete in an hour?
4. Watch the video
5. Answer: What is any
activity we can do
Practice/Exploration of
4. Show a video: 60
5. What is any activity
we can do that will
take 1 minute? (place
answers from 5-10
students on anchor
6. Explain directions for
Hour in the life writing
piece: Now that we
have identified all of
these activities we can
do in a minute and an
hour. You now will
write an informative
paragraph to tell us
your audience about
an hour in your life.
You must include 6
events or activities
that happen in one
hour of your life. You
can use your home life
or school life.
7. Set timer for 20
minutes at the end of
the timer students will
hand in their work.
Uncompleted work
will be saved to makeup during free choice
1. Explain that today
they will finish their
readings in their
60 minutes
literature groups
2. Explain directions for
main idea worksheet.
You will have 15
minutes to complete
the main idea
worksheet like we
have done for other
readings. Please use 4
details from your book
to support the main
3. Set the timer for 15
minutes. When timer
sounds the students
will come to the rug to
hear the directions for
the remaining activity.
4. Explain they will now
have 45 minutes to
work with their group
to create a clock. Just
how we created a
graphic organizer for
an hour in our life we
will now make a clock
that is broken into 6
events. The clock will
represent an hour in
your book characters
life. The 6 sections are
for 6 events that could
happen in an hour in
their life. Use details
from the text. You will
use a brass brad to
10-15 minutes
Student Product:
Graphic organizer
Hour in the life paragraph
Main idea worksheet
Clock activity
Instructional Resources, Materials and References: (Including all images used.)
"Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth) - Learning Theories." Learning Theories. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
"Elapsed Time - BrainPOP." BrainPOP. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.
Figure 1. The Structure Of A Human Activity System (Engestrm, 1987, P. 78. ACTIVITY THEORY AND EXPANSIVE
DESIGN (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
Http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Otqvcomhl4VHMdP4mG6Tw. "Welcome To FD Videos - 10 Things That Can Happen In 60 Seconds." YouTube.
YouTube, 09 May 2015. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.
Using your graphic organizer and the 6 activities you would complete in an hour please write a paragraph. You
need to have enough details for your audience to understand what spending an hour in your life is like. Follow
your writing with a drawing.
Main Idea:
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:
Detail 4:
Kira Howe
Lesson Five
3rd Grade
Paper Doll
Context for Learning
Central Focus
Number of Students
Visual Impairment
Supports, Accommodations,
Modifications, and/or
Pertinent IEP Goals
Repeat directions often
Post a clear schedule
Teacher proximity
Follow behavior plan
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Breaks as needed
Follow behavior plan
Teacher proximity
Small groups
Sensory breaks as
Preferential seating
near board and teacher
Directions written on
board are to be written
on paper for them to
have at desk
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Repeat directions
Teacher proximity
The theme for the unit is the Dust Bowl and the cultural differences between the children then and
our students now. As third graders the students will look at the cultural influences that characters
in four books had that effect their way of life. They will make comparisons from cultural influences
from these characters to themselves.
Teaching cultural differences and diversity to our students bring a sense of awareness to the idea
that we all come from different traditions, backgrounds and cultures. The students will be able to
expand on these differences by creating a paper doll of themselves and comparing it to the main
characters in the graphic novel that their literature group has read.
The unit will provide the students with the opportunities to develop their speaking and listening
skills in ELA by having independent discussions surrounding a topic or idea, identifying the main
idea and character traits of characters in a story, read independently, create a book talk
presentation, a story wheel and a book tasting. They will also be completing a science activity that
will require them to complete a simulation about the hardships faced during the Dust Bowl. They
will make connections in social studies to identify the differences from cultures then and now and
they will create a paper to help them make those comparisons between themselves and the
characters from the books. Additionally in math they will create The unit identifies and addresses
many of the key common core standards and skills that third grade students need to read, read and
speak in ELA, social studies, science and math as well as the integrated portion of movement and
the arts.
Content Standards/Objectives
Learning Objectives
Academic Language
This unit will be a follow up to what the students have learned about communities and cultural
differences from K-3. The students will have an understanding of the terms but at a beginner or
intermediate level. During the anticipatory set of this lesson the students will activate their prior
knowledge and background knowledge of cultural diversity and differences among communities by
making connections to their own geographic location and their own traditions. The students have
been researching different geographic regions in social studies throughout the school year this will
be a skill that is at the intermediate to mastery level for 3rd grade standards.
The lesson will reflect on cultural diversity and how it looks among their peers and students. They
will brainstorm their ideas about what is cultural diversity and what culture looks like. Students
will have key vocabulary terms and ideas introduced by the teacher through; reading and group
discussions. The students will be introduced to the vocabulary terms by the teacher where they (the
teacher) will read the term and define the term, each will be placed on the board for the remainder
of the unit and will be added to as needed. Students will revisit them at the close of the unit.
Students will be required to write a 3-5-sentence paragraph explaining a tradition that they
participate in within their family or their community. When the students are finished with their
writing they will turn and talk to heir neighbor. The neighbor will be required to present their peers
tradition; each student will be required to share out with the class what they learned about their
partners tradition.
The students will be exposed to the terms and ideas surrounding culturally repeatedly throughout
the unit to deepen their learning and understanding of the topic. The paragraph and share-out will
be used to assess the students understanding of the topics.
Students will gather and interpret data, a key social studies practice for third graders. They will
work to make connections between their culture and the culture of the characters in readings,
pictures and videos. They will work to develop their literacy, speaking and listening, and writing
skills by:
Create a paper doll representation of themselves
Use various materials to create a doll that is unique to them
Create paper plate Venn diagrams to compare and contrast similarities and differences
Students are expected to understand different cultures; their communities and their geographic
make up for third grade social studies. Making this lesson an important introductory lesson for a
unit surrounding the comparison of cultural differences from now to another time period. They will
work individually, with a group, and one-on-one with partners to develop and deepen these skills.
They will use the document read aloud to help develop their knowledge of culture. They will work
together to collaborate using the document and their knowledge to produce the definition for
culture. (Engerstrom, 1987) For the students who struggle with writing it will allow them peer
support as well as a chance to present ideas orally to their partner during an area of instruction that
they may otherwise struggle.
The lesson will require students to use various learning styles to meet the need of our visual
learners, auditory learners as well as the kinesthetic learners. The lesson will start by introducing a
simple idea and continue to build to a more complex order so that subsequent ideas can be
integrated within our unit plan.(Reigeluth, 1999)
Essential Questions
(Focus Questions)
How is our life different from the people who lived during the dust bowl?
How might our lives be similar?
Would you want to have lived in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl?
What is a characteristics
Type of Assessment
Description of assessment
Teacher will:
1. Review the paper doll
that was created by
each group. What is a
1. Brainstorm
similarities between
our life and people of
the Dust Bowls lives
write the ideas on
Venn Diagram anchor
2. Brainstorm
differences between
Students will:
1. Answer: What is a
1. Brainstorm
similarities between
our life and people of
the Dust Bowls lives
2. Brainstorm
differences between
our life and people of
the Dust Bowls lives
Practice/Exploration of
30 minutes
1. Work at stations
where they spend 15
minutes on venn
diagram and 15
minutes making their
paper doll.
10-15 minutes
All Students:
Visually Impaired Students:
Autism and ADHD Students:
All Students:
Visually Impaired Students:
Autism and ADHD Students:
Student Product:
Instructional Resources, Materials and References: (Including all images used.)
"Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth) - Learning Theories." Learning Theories. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
Figure 1. The Structure Of A Human Activity System (Engestrm, 1987, P. 78. ACTIVITY THEORY AND EXPANSIVE
DESIGN (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
Kelly. "Paper Plates Make Great Venn Diagrams!" Homeschool Parent. N.p., 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.
Students will be given two paper plates that will be glued together to make a
Venn diagram. The students will label the Venn diagram and fill in their
similarities and differences. Below is an example of the expectations for this
Kira Howe
Lesson Six
3rd Grade
Cultural Differences
Creating Prairies
Creating a Prairie
Math Concept:
Dust Bowl Prairies Simulation
Measurement and Data 2.MD
2.MD.2: Measure and estimate liquid
volumes and masses of objects using standard
2. Essential Questions:
units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters
(l).1 Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to
What was the dust bowl?
solve one-step word problems involving
Where did the Dust Bowl happen?
masses or volumes that are given in the same
units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a
If we were farmers what do you think
beaker with a measurement scale) to
we could do to help stop the storms?
represent the problem.2
3. Essential Academic Terms:
-measure and estimate the sand/dirt needed
Dust Bowl
for the two prairie habitats.
-record the measurement used for the
sand/dirt amounts
-Draw the plan of the prairie habitats before
the planting of the grass
4. Learning Outcomes/Objectives:
When given the set of materials students will
work in their challenge groups to brainstorm
Technology Concept:
4.Innocative Designer- Students use a
variety of technologies within a design
process to identify and solve problems by
creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.
4d. Students exhibit a tolerance for
ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to
work with open-ended problems.
6.Creative Communicator-Students
communicate clearly and express themselves
creatively for a variety of purposes using the
platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital
media appropriate to their goals.
6b. Students create original works or
responsibly repurpose or remix digital
resources into new creations.
- Brainstorm ideas to build the prairie
- Use a pan to represent the field and
fill it with the sand/dirt
- Use a blow dryer to represent the
record what happens when the
window blows on both the sandy
prairie and the prairie with the newly
planted grass
Science Concept:
NYS NGSS: 3-LS4-3:Construct an argument
with evidence that
in a particular habitat some organisms can
survive well, some survive less well, and
some cannot survive at all.
NYS NGSS 3-ESS3-1: Make a claim about
the merit of a design solution that reduces
the impacts of a weather-related hazard.
Inquiry and Process Skills:
Communicating giving oral and written
explanations or graphic representations of
Creating models displaying information,
using multisensory representations
Manipulating materials handling or
treating materials and equipment safely,
skillfully, and effectively
-Represent a weather phenomenon that has
Engineering Concept:
5. Assessment:
- Students will complete a planning
- Use pipe cleaners to represent the
prairie grass needed
- Fill one pan tightly with prairie
grass and one loosely with the
prairie grass
Who has the problem (question)? The teacher and the students
Why is this problem (question) important to solve (answer)? If we dont find a solution the soil will be eroded and it will continue
to be picked up by the wind creating violent dust storms that cause damage.
My Ideas
Group Ideas
List the materials being used and complete a final drawing of both Prairies
Describe what happened when the wind was blowing on each of your prairies. Did the newly planted grass help? Why or why not?
Illustrate a picture of what you saw happening.
Prairie 1:
Prairie 2:
Kira Howe
Lesson Seven
3rd Grade
Cultural Differences
Math Concept:
Measurement and Data
3.MD.1.:Tell and write time to the nearest
minute and measure time intervals in
minutes. Solve word problems involving
addition and subtraction of time intervals
in minutes, e.g., by representing the
problem on a number line diagram.
-simulate an hour in the life of a farmer
during the dust bowl
Technology Concept:
Dust Bowl
9. Learning Outcomes/Objectives:
When given the set of directions students will
Science Concept:
NYS NGSS: 3-LS4-3:Construct an argument
with evidence that
in a particular habitat some organisms can
survive well, some survive less well, and
some cannot survive at all.
NYS NGSS 3-ESS3-1: Make a claim about
the merit of a design solution that reduces the
impacts of a weather-related hazard.
Inquiry and Process Skills:
Communicating giving oral and written
explanations or graphic representations of
Creating models displaying information,
using multisensory representations
Manipulating materials handling or
treating materials and equipment safely,
skillfully, and effectively
Engineering Concept:
Key idea: Engineering design is an iterative
process involving modeling and optimization
used to develop technological solutions to
problems within given constraints.
Elementary Performance Indicators:
Student(s) will:
10. Assessment:
solution better
-identify how to solve the problem the farmer
is having
-simulate the life of the farmer
Guiding Questions for Project-Based or Inquiry-Based Activities:
What is the problem (question) that needs to be solved (answered)? We are farmers during the Dust Bowl how are we going to make
money to survive?
Who has the problem (question)? The teacher and the students
Why is this problem (question) important to solve (answer)? If we do not find a job or we cannot get to California how will we make
money to support us and our families?
Teaching in the Fast Lane Dust Bowl Simulation Materials
Kira Howe
Lesson Eight
3rd Grade
Cultural Differences
Wrap-Up: Cultural Differences
Number of Students
Visual Impairment
Supports, Accommodations,
Modifications, and/or
Pertinent IEP Goals
Repeat directions often
Post a clear schedule
Teacher proximity
Follow behavior plan
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Breaks as needed
Follow behavior plan
Teacher proximity
Small groups
Sensory breaks as needed
Preferential seating near
board and teacher
Directions written on
board are to be written
on paper for them to
have at desk
Collaborate with special
education teacher
Repeat directions
Teacher proximity
Central Focus
The theme for the unit is the Dust Bowl and the cultural differences between the children then and our
students now. As third graders the students will look at the cultural influences that characters in four
books had that effect their way of life. They will make comparisons from cultural influences from these
characters to themselves.
Teaching cultural differences and diversity to our students bring a sense of awareness to the idea that we
all come from different traditions, backgrounds and cultures. The students will be able to expand on these
differences by creating a paper doll of themselves and comparing it to the main characters in the graphic
novel that their literature group has read.
The unit will provide the students with the opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills in
ELA by having independent discussions surrounding a topic or idea, identifying the main idea and
character traits of characters in a story, read independently, create a book talk presentation, a story wheel
and a book tasting. They will also be completing a science activity that will require them to complete a
simulation about the hardships faced during the Dust Bowl. They will make connections in social studies
to identify the differences from cultures then and now and they will create a paper to help them make
those comparisons between themselves and the characters from the books. Additionally in math they will
create The unit identifies and addresses many of the key common core standards and skills that third
grade students need to read, read and speak in ELA, social studies, science and math as well as the
integrated portion of movement and the arts.
Write a narrative
Present on your own personal topic
Content Standards/Objectives
Learning Objectives
1. Students will construct
a narrative paper with 7
out of 7 details from
their worksheet.
Academic Language
Dust Bowl
This unit will be a follow up to what the students have learned about communities and cultural differences
from K-3. The students will have an understanding of the terms but at a beginner or intermediate level.
During the anticipatory set of this lesson the students will activate their prior knowledge and background
knowledge of cultural diversity and differences among communities by making connections to their own
geographic location and their own traditions. The students have been researching different geographic
regions in social studies throughout the school year this will be a skill that is at the intermediate to
mastery level for 3rd grade standards.
The lesson will reflect on cultural diversity and how it looks among their peers and students. They will
brainstorm their ideas about what is cultural diversity and what culture looks like. Students will have key
vocabulary terms and ideas introduced by the teacher through; reading and group discussions. The
students will be introduced to the vocabulary terms by the teacher where they (the teacher) will read the
term and define the term, each will be placed on the board for the remainder of the unit and will be added
to as needed. Students will revisit them at the close of the unit.
Students will be required to write a 3-5-sentence paragraph explaining a tradition that they participate in
within their family or their community. When the students are finished with their writing they will turn
and talk to heir neighbor. The neighbor will be required to present their peers tradition; each student will
be required to share out with the class what they learned about their partners tradition.
The students will be exposed to the terms and ideas surrounding culturally repeatedly throughout the unit
to deepen their learning and understanding of the topic. The paragraph and share-out will be used to
assess the students understanding of the topics.
Students will gather and interpret data, a key social studies practice for third graders. They will work to
make connections between their culture and the culture of the characters in readings, pictures and videos.
They will work to develop their literacy, speaking and listening, and writing skills by:
Write a narrative
Presenting about their culture
Dress to inform peers and teachers about their culture
Students are expected to understand different cultures; their communities and their geographic make up
for third grade social studies. Making this lesson an important introductory lesson for a unit surrounding
the comparison of cultural differences from now to another time period. They will work individually, with
a group, and one-on-one with partners to develop and deepen these skills. They will use the document
read aloud to help develop their knowledge of culture. They will work together to collaborate using the
document and their knowledge to produce the definition for culture. (Engerstrom, 1987) For the students
who struggle with writing it will allow them peer support as well as a chance to present ideas orally to
their partner during an area of instruction that they may otherwise struggle.
The lesson will require students to use various learning styles to meet the need of our visual learners,
auditory learners as well as the kinesthetic learners. The lesson will start by introducing a simple idea and
continue to build to a more complex order so that subsequent ideas can be integrated within our unit
plan.(Reigeluth, 1999)
Essential Questions
(Focus Questions)
1. What is culture?
2. What is diversity
Type of Assessment
Description of assessment
Teacher will:
4. Set directions
for writing the
narrative piece
that uses lesson
7 sevens
activities for
1. Set students up to write
the personal narrative
about the students
journey they had during
the dust bowl
simulation in lesson 7.
Students will:
1. Follow directions for
the personal narrative
1. Write a narrative
containing 7 out of the
20 details they formed
yesterday on their
Practice/Exploration of
45 minutes
10-15 minutes
Student Product:
Narrative paper
Presentation of items
Instructional Resources, Materials and References: (Including all images used.)
"Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth) - Learning Theories." Learning Theories. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.
Figure 1. The Structure Of A Human Activity System (Engestrm, 1987, P. 78. ACTIVITY THEORY AND EXPANSIVE
DESIGN (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
Narrative writing
Name:______ ___________ _______________________________
You will use your recording sheet from the Dust Bowl simulation to help you write
a narrative writing piece about their journey through the steps of the simulation.
Use at least 7 details from your recording sheet! Have fun!