How To Use The IT Hardware and Services Statewide Contract

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Contract User Guide

How to Use the IT Hardware and Services

Statewide Contract
Contract #: ITC47

Contract Duration: 04/01/2012 to 03/31/17

Options to Renew: Two one-year options to renew
(maximum end date 03/31/2019)

Contract Manager: Marge MacEvitt [email protected] - 617-720-3121

This contract contains: Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP), Supplier
Diversity Office SDO Contractors and Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP)
UNSPSC: 43-21-00, 43-23-00
Last change date: 09/14/2016
Quick Links
Recent Updates
General Contract Information (including pricing and locating contracts on COMMBUYS)
CATEGORY 2 - Desktops, Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets
CATEGORY 3 - Off-Lease Refurbished Desktops and Laptops
CATEGORY 4 Storage and CATEGORY 5 - Servers
CATEGORY 6 - Project Management, Maintenance, Integration, Incidental Hardware, One-Stop shopping
CATEGORY 7 Supplies and Accessories
CATEGORY 8 Rugged Mobile Devices (Laptops and tablets), including vehicle installation and support
CATEGORY 9 Apple Products and Services
Environmental Standards; Disposing of Used Equipment
How to Purchase in COMMBUYS
Tables - Available and Excluded Items and Services Categories 2-7
Table - One-Stop Shopping
Table - Vendors in Categories 2-7 with email addresses
Table - Category 6 vendors: Markups and which ITC47 OEM products they can resell
Table - Category 8 Rugged Mobile Devices - Configurations and Pricing

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Hewlett Packard Change

Hewlett Packard Company is now two companies: Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (Category 5,
Servers) and HP Inc. (Category 2, Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and Category 6, Project Management,
Maintenance, Integration). For MMARS users, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company appears on line 50,
and HP Inc. appears on Line 52.


Apple products and services previously available under ITC44, which expired 9/30/2015, are now available
under ITC47 Category 9. The same discounts offered to academic institutions are now available for all
Eligible Entities purchasing under this Contract. Please review the information under Category 9 carefully,
as Apple's practices, particularly relative to warranty, delivery, and returns, are significantly different from
those of other OEMs on this contract.
The following Category 6 vendors are still authorized as Apple resellers for non-academic entities ONLY:
CDW Government, En Pointe Technologies, GovConnection, SHI. Note that there may be some Apple
products that these vendors are not authorized to resell.

New Category 8 Rugged Mobile Devices (laptops and tablets; includes

vehicle installation)
This Category replaces the State Police Departmental Contract for Mobile Data Equipment (SP10-MDTE01, COMMBUYS C119167-vCurrent and PO-15-1084-POLGH-GHQ-00000001826). Please see below for
additional information.

ATTENTION K-12 BUYERS! Samsung and Acer Chromebooks now

The following ITC47 resellers are presently authorized to resell Samsung Chrome products: CDW
Government LLC, GovConnection, Inc., PJ Systems Incorporated, dba HiQ Computers, SHI International
In addition, these ITC47 resellers are eligible to resell Samsung Chrome products with deal-specific (caseby-case) authorization from Samsung/Google: AdvizeX Technologies, BNMC (Bredy Network Management
Corp), Continental Resources, Inc., Corporate IT Solutions, Inc., Custom Computer Specialists, Inc, En
Pointe Technologies Sales, Inc., ePlus Technology, Firstworld USA Inc (Terminal Exchange), Focus
Technology, Future Technologies Group, Inc. dba. FTG Technologies Solutions, Inc, HUB Technical Services,
LLC., International Integrated Solutions, Ltd. (IIS), IntraSystems, Mainline Information Systems, Micronet
Associates, Inc, NWN Corporation, OnX USA LLC, PC Enterprises, Inc dba Baystate Computer Svcs, PC-PLUS

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Technologies, Inc., Presidio Networked Solutions, Inc., RetroFit Technologies, Inc., Rutter Networking
Technologies, Inc., The Ockers Company, ViON Corporation, Whalley Computer Associates, Inc.

These ITC47 resellers are authorized to resell Acer Chromebooks: CDW Government LLC, GovConnection,
Inc, Micronet Associates, Inc, PC Enterprises, Inc dba Baystate Computer Svcs, PJ Systems Incorporated,
dba HiQ Computers, SHI International Corp, Whalley Computer Associates, Inc.

Contract Summary
This contract covers desktops, laptops, servers, storage solutions, computer supplies and accessories, and
hardware related services such as maintenance and integration. It replaces ITC16, ITC16a, ITC36 and
ITC44. The contract is divided into the Categories shown below:
Cat #
Category Name
There is no Category 1
Desktops, Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets
Off-lease (used, refurbished) computers, a NEW Category
Storage Solutions
Project management, integration, maintenance, incidental hardware, sales of IT products from
other ITC47 Categories and other IT-related Statewide Contracts
Supplies and accessories
Rugged Mobile Devices (Laptops and Tablets)
Apple Products and Services

Benefits and Cost Savings

Covers a broad array of products

Competitive pricing
Over 40 vendors including many small businesses

Who Can Use This Contract?

Applicable Procurement Law: MGL c. 7, 22; c. 30, 51, 52; 801 CMR 21.00
Eligible Entities:
01. Cities, towns, districts, counties and other political subdivisions
02. Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches, including all Departments and elected offices
03. Independent public authorities, commissions and quasi-public agencies
04. Local public libraries, public school districts and charter schools;

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05. Public Hospitals, owned by the Commonwealth;

06. Public institutions of high education
07. Public purchasing cooperatives;
08. Non-profit, UFR-certified organizations that are doing business with the Commonwealth*;
09. Other states and territories with no prior approval by the State Purchasing Agent
required; and
10. Other entities when designated in writing by the State Purchasing Agent*.
*Apple: Apple has sole discretion in accepting or rejecting orders from non-government
Eligible Entities based on such Eligible Entitys ability to demonstrate financial ability to pay
for orders and the Eligible Entitys qualification for credit with Contractor.

Pricing and Purchase Options (All Categories)

Purchase Options: Most purchases made through this contract will be outright purchases. Services
can be hourly rate or fixed price (such as an annual maintenance contract). Leasing is not available from
the vendors on this contract, but ITT49 can be used for leasing purposes (i.e., after receiving a quote from
an ITC47 vendor, you may arrange for lease payments through an ITT49 leasing vendor).

Pricing and buying details: For Categories 2, 4, and 5 (desktops/laptops, servers, and storage,
respectively), the price structure is a discount from list price for equipment. These are the OEM or
Original Equipment Manufacturer Categories. For Category 9, pricing is that on the Education Price List
found at Pricing for the other Categories is based on a
markup of the price paid by the vendor for the item. For Categories where services are offered, hourly
rates are provided for various job functions. See the information provided below for each Category for

Ordering: All orders placed under this contract must include language to make it clear that the order is
being placed under ITC47. If you are not using OSDs standard order form or other form with a place to
reference the Statewide Contract number, include the following statement on your purchase order: This
order is placed under Statewide Contract ITC47. Otherwise, the order will not be considered use of a
Statewide Contract for procurement purposes. In addition it is recommended that the following
language be included: All of the terms and conditions of the Statewide Contract ITC47 are incorporated
herein and made a part hereof. Conflicting or additional terms, conditions or agreements included in or
attached to this form shall be considered to be superseded and void.

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Seeking multiple quotes: Each of the Categories in this contract except Category 9 (which has only
one vendor) includes recommendations for seeking quotes from multiple vendors for orders over
specified price thresholds. Please note that these recommendations do not override any requirements
that your Agency, municipality or other organization has in place. For example, if your organization
requires seeking multiple quotes for orders over $25,000, then you must do so, even if this Contract User
Guide states that multiple quotes are recommended rather than required. Please check with your
organizations Purchasing group if you are not familiar with the quoting requirements for your

Additional Information
Please see the following sections for additional information on each Category.
Prior to requesting quotes or issuing orders, contract users should check COMMBUYS to see whether the
vendor is currently in Active status. Vendors may be suspended for several reasons, including failure to
comply with their contract obligations. New orders may not be issued to vendors whose status is
Inactive", who have been suspended from new business or dropped from the contract. In addition,
contract users should review the new attachment, Vendors in Jeopardy of Suspension. These vendors
have failed to comply with one or more contract requirements, and unless they remedy the issue, they are
liable to be suspended in the near future. The Vendors in Jeopardy of Suspension attachment will
identify the specific issue. Contract users who would like to continue to be able to issue new orders to any
vendor appearing on that list may wish to contact the vendor and urge that they remedy the problem.
To locate the Contract on COMMBUYS without logging in:
1. Select COMMBUYS under OSD Programs at OR Enter in your browser
2. Select Contract & Bid Search
3. Select Contracts/Blankets
4. Enter ITC47 (no quotes) as the Contract/Blanket Description (NOT the Contract/Blanket #)
5. Select the Find it button
a. C129452-vCurrent is the record containing the vendor-specific information attachments
on rates and configurations that was imported from Comm-PASS. If you are not logged in,
all of the attachments appear together under Agency Attachments, and it will be
difficult to find the attachments you need.
b. PO-14-1080-OSD01-OSD10-00000001451 is the Distributor Model record with the
current vendors. Use this record to request quotes from multiple vendors. See Using
COMMBUYS for ITC47 to determine whether you should use the Distributor Model.
c. The individual vendor records are to be used for Direct Requisitions See Using
COMMBUYS for ITC47 to determine whether you should use a Direct Requisition.

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If you are logged in:

1. Select the magnifying glass
2. Select Module = Purchasing Module and Document Type = Contracts/Blankets
3. If the Header Major Status appears on your screen (this will not usually be the case), select 3PS
4. Follow steps 4 and 5 above
This view of the contract allows you to look at the contract information in separate tabs. The
Attachments tab includes a description of each attachment. For vendor-specific attachments, such as
price sheets, the vendors name appears under the Description. Although you cannot sort the records
by the Description field, you may use Ctrll F to bring up the Find box, and enter the vendors name to
highlight all of the attachments for that vendor.
In addition to the Vendor-specific attachments, you will also find:
Contract User Guide (this document)
RFR incorporating all amendments
Bidders by Category spreadsheet incorporating the information in Vendor Listings 1 and 2 of this
Guide into a single spreadsheet that can be searched and sorted.
Key information for each vendor is found in tables below. Vendor Listing 1 shows the vendors category
and email address. Vendor Listing 2 includes markup percentage and shows which Category 6 vendors are
allowed to act as resellers for the ITC47 OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers of
desktops/laptops/netbooks, storage solutions, and servers).

CATEGORY 2 - Desktops, Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets

Types of Equipment and Services
Only Dell, HP, and Lenovo Desktops, Laptops and Netbooks may be obtained under ITC47. Vendors may
provide the following services relative to their own equipment: planning and purchasing support,
warranty support, other maintenance and support, installation, integration, training.
Tablets made by these vendors are also allowed if they do not come with a contract for internet access.
Tablets made by other manufacturers may be sold under Category 6.
OEMs may also sell peripheral devices, including printers, with computers or by themselves, provided that
the peripheral devices will be used with desktops, laptops, netbooks or tablets made by the OEM.

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Quote recommendation
All OEMs have indicated that additional discounts may be available if purchasing 100 or more units.
Therefore, the Eligible Entity should request quotes by contacting the OEM Account Representative rather
than using the OEMs website or contacting a reseller. Quotes should be requested from all three OEMs
for quantities of 100 or more, unless the Eligible Entity has already standardized on one type of equipment
and does not wish to change their standard or support multiple types of equipment.
Quotes for special pricing for quantities over 100 may take a few days more, as the ITC47 representative
may need to get corporate approval for lower pricing.

Pricing is based on a discount off list price. See Additional Information to locate the spreadsheets with
pricing and details of the standard configurations for each vendor.

Standard configurations have been developed for desktops and laptops. These configurations offer
substantial savings over build to order configurations and should be used whenever possible. Users may
find that it is less expensive to buy a more powerful system than to special order a less powerful system.
All OEMs allow some customization of the Standard Configuration (for example, omitting the monitor,
changing disc size, etc.).
Prices vary considerably among the three OEMs, as follows (prices shown are AFTER discount has been

Laptop 1

Laptop 2


% Discount

% Discount

Desktop 1

Desktop 2

Desktop 3









5% - 11%

HP Inc.







3% - 14%

3% - 14%










Buying from Resellers rather than the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
All Category 2 OEMs have authorized resellers on ITC47. These resellers may sell equipment at a cost no
greater than it would cost to buy from the OEM. Eligible Entities may prefer to deal with a reseller if they
are also requesting services or equipment not available from Category 2. Vendor Listing 2 attached to this
document shows which ITC47 companies may resell equipment from each OEM.
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Additional Information
Quote turnaround time: Maximum 2 days (may be longer for special pricing)
Equipment delivery: Maximum 30 days
Free telephone support: 3 years, 4 hour response to call
Warranty: 3 years parts and labor, 4 hour response to call, next business day on site response time
from call-back
Freight charges: Allowed only if identified in quote

CATEGORY 3 - Off-Lease Refurbished Desktops and Laptops

Types of Equipment
Vendors may only sell desktops/laptops made by top-rated manufacturers, including Dell, HP, Lenovo and
Fujitsu among others. Contact the vendors for pricing and to determine what equipment they have in
stock. These are used computers which have been reconditioned and are warrantied for at least 5 years.
Warranty claims are met by mailing replacement parts or a replacement computer.

Quote recommendation
It is recommended that quotes be requested from all three Contractors for orders of 10 computers or
more. Although the maximum markups are set by each vendors contract, there may be significant
variations in the costs paid by the vendors to obtain the computers, so the vendor with the lowest markup
may not have the best price for any particular order.

Pricing and Warranty


Warranty (via
mailing replacement

First World dba Terminal Exchange

5 yrs


PC Enterprises dba Baystate Computers

5 yrs


IT Xchange dba Partstock Computer

6 yr desktop, 4 year

Maximum Markup

7% - 14% depending
on age of equipment

Additional Information
Quote turnaround time: Maximum 2 days
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Equipment delivery: Maximum 30 days

Free telephone support: Yes
Warranty: See above
Installation: Available for additional charge
Freight charges: Allowed only if identified in quote

CATEGORY 4 Storage and CATEGORY 5 - Servers

Types of Equipment and Services
Category 4 covers Storage Area Networks (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS). Category 5 covers
servers. Both Categories also allow sales of peripherals and services (including planning and purchasing
support, warranty support, other maintenance and support, installation, integration, and training) used in
conjunction with their own equipment. Category 5 server vendors may sell storage solutions to work with
their own servers, but Category 4 storage vendors may not sell servers. The only types of storage
solutions and servers allowed under this contract are shown below. They may be sold only by the OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturer) and their Category 6 authorized resellers.
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company

Category 4 Storage Solutions

Category 5 - Servers



All vendors have indicated that the discounts shown in their Cost Tables (see Additional Information to
locate the Cost Table attachments for each vendor) are minimum discounts and that specific orders may
be eligible for larger discounts. Some are willing to provide discounts for aggregated purchases and will
accept purchase orders submitted from multiple Eligible Entities over a period of time.

Buying from Resellers rather than the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
All Category 4 and 5 OEMs have authorized resellers on ITC47. These resellers may sell equipment at a
cost no greater than it would cost to buy from the OEM. Eligible Entities may prefer to deal with a reseller
if they are also requesting services or equipment not available from Category 4 or 5. Vendor Listing 2
attached to this document shows which ITC47 companies may resell equipment from each OEM. At this

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time, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and HP Inc. have the same authorized resellers, and appear
under the joint name of "HP."

Additional Information
Quote turnaround time: Maximum 2 days
Equipment delivery: Maximum 30 days
Free telephone support: 3 years, 4 hour response to call
Warranty: 3 years parts and labor, 4 hour response to call, next business day on site response time
from call-back (extended warranty and faster response times available by agreement)
Freight charges: Allowed only if identified in quote

Project Management, Maintenance, Integration, Incidental Hardware, One-Stop
Types of Equipment and Services
Reselling equipment/services from the ITC47 OEMs (Original Equipment
All of the ITC47 OEMs have designated one or more Category 6 vendors as authorized resellers Vendor
Listing 2 shows which vendors can resell equipment/services from each of the OEMs. Category 6
vendors may not mark up the pricing they get from the OEMs and may not charge more than the OEM
contract price for equipment/services. Eligible Entities may prefer to deal with Category 6 vendors if
they require additional equipment/services that are not available from the OEM or at their discretion.

Reselling equipment/services from other Statewide Contracts One-stop shopping

Some of the Category 6 vendors may provide equipment/services from other Statewide Contracts to
Eligible Entities, as long as the cost does not exceed what it would cost the Eligible Entity to buy the
equipment/services directly from the other Statewide Contract. The purpose of One-stop shopping
is to allow an Eligible Entity to deal with a single vendor when they need products that are available
from multiple Statewide Contracts. The Category 6 vendor may charge a Project Management fee
to coordinate orders and perform other tasks related to an order.
The Statewide Contracts available for use under One-stop shopping include ITC47 and contracts for
software, firewalls, networking, cabling, audiovisual equipment and services, and copiers/faxes.
Please see Goods and Services Available under Contract and Excluded Items below for details.
Although the One-stop shopping concept is simple, many questions have arisen about what is
permitted. Two points to keep in mind are:
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1. If all of the goods/services needed can be obtained from a different Statewide Contract, use
that contract, not Category 6.
2. Category 6 vendors cannot be used only to supply goods/services that are available under
other Statewide Contracts. The Category 6 vendor must provide some goods/services to the
Eligible Entity directly, either by using their own staff (or subcontractors) to provide services
or by providing equipment that they are allowed to sell directly.

Equipment/Services not available from other Statewide Contracts but included in

Category 6
Services that may be provided directly by the Category 6 vendor or their subcontractors include:
Network Integration
Deployment and Integration Services
Support Programs (backbone; post installation support, maintenance, warranty)
Maintenance and support for broad range of installed IT equipment (hourly or by contract)
Engineering services (installation, integration, deployment, training)
Image Management Services (hard drive)
Help Desk Services
Equipment that may be provided directly by Category 6 vendors includes items such as adaptive
devices, networking equipment, tablets, equipment carts, appliances, and other IT-related devices
that are not available from other Statewide Contracts as core items. Although Eligible Entities may
only purchase desktops/laptops/netbooks, storage solutions, and servers made by the OEMs in
Categories 2, 4, and 5 respectively, and Apple products, this restriction does not apply to other
Statewide Contracts. For example, HP routers are not available on ITT29, the network contract, so an
Eligible Entity could buy HP routers from any Category 6 vendor authorized by HP to sell them. See
Goods and Services Available under Contract and Excluded Items for details.
There are two important restrictions:
1. Price: Hardware items that are not available on other Statewide Contracts and have a unit
price of over $50,000 require approval from OSDs Contract Manager. Send an email to
[email protected] with a description of the item and its price.
2. If the unit price is more than $300,000 for such an item, it may not be purchased under ITC47,
with the exception of Oracle Engineered Systems. Oracle Engineered Systems are purposebuilt, integrated systems that are architected, optimized, and tested, to work together. These
systems are engineered for performance, for reducing complexity, and for streamlining costs.
Oracle Engineered systems include, but are not limited to, Exadata, Exalogic, Exalytics, the Big
Data Appliance, the Private Cloud Appliance, SuperCluster, the ZFS Storage Appliance, the
Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance, and FS1 Flash Storage. Selected Oracle Engineered
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Systems were available under ITC44 until its expiration, and Oracle's ITC44 Contract has not
yet been replaced. Oracle Engineered Systems may be purchased only from the following
Oracle partners on ITC47, Category 6: CDW, Continental Resources, OnX, SHI.
3. Category 7 overlap: Category 6 may not be used for supplies and accessories available
through Category 7, Supplies and Accessories, except if:
a) The number of units is 5 or less
b) Supplies/accessories are being purchased as part of an order for desktops/laptops
for use with the systems being ordered.

Peripherals, software and services as part of a purchase order for a

Some items/services of the types available from other Statewide Contracts may be obtained directly
from the Category 6 vendor as part of a computer purchase to make the process of obtaining and
provisioning equipment more efficient. Unlike One-stop shopping, these items do not have to be
purchased from other Statewide Contracts, and the Category 6 markup may be applied. These are:
1. A small amount of cabling (10% or less than already existing installation, not to exceed $2500).
If more cabling is needed, it must be obtained from ITC45, either directly by the Eligible Entity
or by the Category 6 vendor in One-stop shopping mode.
2. Interactive whiteboards (one per order) and document cameras (two per order). If not being
purchased with new computers, OFF30 or OFF30a must be used. The Eligible Entity may
purchase directly from OFF30/30a, or, if the equipment is needed for a project involving
multiple Statewide Contracts, the Category 6 vendor may purchase from OFF30/30a and resell
to the Eligible Entity in One-stop shopping mode.
3. K-12 schools and libraries only: Application software (i.e., Adobe, MS Office). For other
Eligible Entities, or for K-12 schools and libraries who are not buying software for installation
on a new computer, ITS58 must be used. If the software is needed for a project involving
multiple Statewide Contracts, the Category 6 vendor may purchase from ITS58 and resell to
the Eligible Entity in One-stop shopping mode.
4. Operating System software can always be purchased from the vendor selling the computer.

Quote recommendation
It is recommended that quotes be requested from at least three Vendors for orders of $50,000 or more.

Services: Hourly rates for services are shown on an attachment to each Vendors record on the
Vendors tab (Labor rates).

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Hardware: Category 6 vendors bid a maximum percentage markup for equipment obtained from
vendors other than Statewide Contract vendors, which is shown in Vendor Listing 2, below.

Additional Information
Quote turnaround time: Maximum 2 days
Equipment delivery: Maximum 30 days
Free telephone support: If offered by manufacturer
Warranty: As offered by manufacturer (if transferrable)
Freight charges: Allowed only if identified in quote

CATEGORY 7 Supplies and Accessories

Types of Equipment and Services
Services: The only service offered is purchasing assistance. If the equipment manufacturer (OEM) offers a
transferable warranty, it will be passed through to the Eligible Entity. Extended warranties may be sold
under this Category if offered by the OEM, for an additional charge.
Equipment: Input/Output: Keyboards, Mice, Monitors, Printers, Barcode readers and other data collection
devices, barcode and other labels, Storage: internal and external drives, including Hard, Floppy, Optical,
USB, Flash, CD, DVD, other drives; magnetic tape readers, data cartridges and cassettes, and associated
supplies (diskettes, CDs, DVDs, magnetic tapes, cleaning tapes and supplies); Cables: Internal, external;
Cards: Video, Network;
Power related: UPS, Batteries, Power Supplies; Printer supplies ONLY if unavailable through OFF32, which
includes a wide variety of new and remanufactured supplies for all of the top printers (12 OEMs), Memory
(RAM), System Boards, Modems, Adapters, Other: laptop carry cases and docking equipment, computer
racks and housing, security locks and devices, specialized computer tools and kits, technical books and
manuals, other desktop, laptop, server, network and related supplies.
Note that all of the above can be purchased under Category 6 in quantities of 5 or fewer, but it is likely
that Category 7 will offer better value. In addition, the return policy is established by the contract for
Category 7, which is not the case for other Categories.

Pricing and Return Policy

Contractors have a maximum allowable markup over their invoice cost for accessories and supplies.
However, because the contractors cost to obtain the accessories and supplies may vary, the lowest
markup may not result in the lowest cost, which is why multiple quotes are recommended below. For
Eligible Entities that pay their bills promptly, the Prompt Pay Discount (PPD) can be significant.

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PJ Systems
First World

3% to 4%


Return Policy
30 days no charge for defective/incorrect items
30 days no charge
30 days no charge

Quote recommendation
It is recommended that Eligible Entities seek quotes from at least 3 vendors for orders that
exceed $5,000.
Additional Information
Quote turnaround time: Maximum 2 days
Equipment delivery: Maximum 10 days
Warranty: As offered by manufacturer
Freight charges: Allowed only if identified in quote

CATEGORY 8 Rugged Mobile Devices (Laptops and tablets), including

vehicle installation and support
Types of Equipment and Services
This Category covers rugged laptops, rugged tablets, associated peripherals, and services, including invehicle installation, support, maintenance and warranty services. The OEMs in Category 2 will continue to
be able to sell rugged laptops and tablets from their own product lines. Awarded vendors in Category 8
ITC47 Vendor
MHQ (Natick Auto Sales)
TransCOR (Haywood Associates)





All vendors have fixed prices in their Cost Tables (see Additional Information to locate the Cost Table
attachments for each vendor) for laptop and tablet standard configurations, including 5-year warranties
and in-vehicle installation. In addition, fixed markups from the OEM list price are provided for items not
included in the standard configurations. See also Vendor Listing 3 which compares standard configuration

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pricing. Some vendors included optional items and difference choices for some equipment and services.
Vendor Listing 3 summarizes pricing using the lowest cost choice that met the mandatory requirements.
The Cost Tables for the vendors awarded for Laptops include semi-rugged laptops as well as rugged
laptops. These may be purchased but were not evaluated for price or conformance with the mandatory

Additional Information
Quote turnaround time: Maximum 2 days
Equipment delivery: Maximum 30 days unless otherwise agreed in writing
Free telephone support: 3 years, 4 hour response to call
Warranty: 3 years parts and labor, 4 hour response to call, next business day on site response time
from call-back (extended warranty and faster response times available by agreement). Standard
configuration pricing includes extension to 5 year warranty.
Freight charges: Allowed only if identified in quote

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CATEGORY 9 Apple Products and Services

Types of Equipment and Services
Hardware and software - desktops, laptops, tablets, servers, computer supplies and accessories,
operating and application software which operates on Apple hardware, applications for iPads and mobile
phones in connection with the Volume Purchase Program, and third party software (e.g. mobile device
management software such as JAMF) and other software as approved by the Commonwealth Contract

project planning and/or implementation services;

installation services and/or network integration;
software installation (including third party software pursuant to Apples Solution Software
Installation Agreement);
technical support;
Apple Limited Warranty (at no charge)
extended warranty services (additional charge);
on-going preventive maintenance (for an additional fee if requested during the warranty period);
hourly or contracted maintenance/repair (after warranty expiration); and
Apple Professional Learning as described below:
-Onsite: Learning is in-person and available at Eligible Entitys institution
-Offsite: Learning is in-person and takes place at an Apple-hosted destination
-Online: Learning is accessible anytime, anywhere through self-paced iTunes U courses
-More information is available at:
-The APD Offerings Catalog is available at:

Not Available under ITC47 - data plans for iPads; iPhones

Although you will find iPads with data plans in Apple's catalog, data plans are not available under ITC47.
See "Multiple Quotes" for information on how to obtain iPads with data plans. iPhones must be
purchased from ITT46.

View Apple products and services on the Apple Education website at Find
pricing at
Pricing is the same for government and other Eligible Entities as it is for education/academic entities.
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Apple may change discounts and pricing at any time and without notice to the Commonwealth or Eligible
Entity. Apple may offer further discounts for volume purchases or other reasons. Eligible Entities with
large orders may check with their Apple representative to see if further discounts are available.
For services not covered in the Education Price List, pricing will be as stated on the applicable ordering
document or statement of work.

How to Order
Special COMMBUYS Instructions
Apple's individual contract on ITC47 is Contract/Blanket # PO-16-1080-OSD03-SRC01-00000006470.
Because you will be ordering following Apple's process rather than using COMMBUYS, document the
order/payment using the RPA transaction and following instructions for "Partial Payments."

How to Order from the Apple Store (hardware, devices, accessories, some software)
Getting started with Apple on ITC47
If you do not have an Apple Account:
Register at Follow the steps to register for a new account. The Apple
Contract # is CCN#1077468. Your registration will be acknowledged via email; an account will be
established within 2-4 days and an email message will be sent to you.
If you already have an Apple Account:
Call 1-800-793-9378. Reference the Apple Internal Contract CCN#1077468 to link your purchases
with ITC47 and receive the associated discounts. Or, contact your Apple Sales Representative - if
you are not sure who your Apple Sales Rep is, email [email protected].
Ordering after you have followed the applicable "Getting Started" step above:
See How to Order Apple Apps below for information on ordering apps for iPads or phones. The ordering
information immediately below is for the Apple store, which offers all types of Apple hardware (including
Macs and iPads), hardware accessories, and certain types of software. Software (other than apps) that is
not available here may be obtained through ITS58, the Software Reseller contract.
Educational Institutions
Submit purchase orders online at -orSend your order via email to [email protected] -orCall 1-800-800-2775 Option 4, Option 1 -orFax your order to 1-800-590-0325
Reference the Apple Internal Contract CCN# 1077468 in your order.

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Other Public Purchasing Organizations

Submit purchase orders online at Apple - Apple Store for Government -orSend your order via email to [email protected] -orFax your order to 1-855-438-0486
Reference the Apple Internal Contract CCN# 1077468 in your order.
Requesting Multiple Quotes
Academic/Education and other Eligible Entities who wish to obtain an iPad with a data plan:
Data plans may not be sold under ITC47. Contract users have a choice to either order the iPad from ITC47
and the data plan from ITT46, or to purchase both the iPad and the data plan from ITC46. Because pricing
under ITT46 may vary, contract users may wish to seek quotes from ITT46 for separately for the data plan
by itself, and for the data plan with the iPad, and also request quotes from Apple for the device with WiFi
only. This will allow contract users to determine the best price available at that time.
Non-academic/education Eligible Entities ONLY:
There may be instances in which ITC47 vendors (see list on page 1) can provide slightly lower prices than
available in the Apple store. For large purchases, other eligible entities may choose to seek quotes both
from Apple and from the ITC47 vendors.
Academic/education Eligible Entities may not purchase from other ITC47 vendors.

How to Order Apple Apps VPP (Volume Purchase Program) for Educational
Only Education Institutions may use the VPP program under ITC47. To enroll in the VPP program, please
If you are an education institution purchasing 20 or more Apple Apps, they are available at a 50% discount
by following the ordering and payment process below:

identify the Apps you wish to purchase within 30 days (must be at least 20 Apps)
order vouchers to pay for those Apps using a Purchase Order
redeem the vouchers for the Apps by downloading the Apps
pay the invoice for the vouchers within 30 days of ordering the vouchers

Following these steps is necessary to comply with municipal purchasing requirements to receive goods
prior to payment.
Ordering specifics for VPP program:

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Visit for additional details regarding the Volume

Purchase Program and to determine which Apps you want to purchase, so that you can calculate the
number of vouchers to buy.
If you have questions you may call: 1-800-800-2775 (APPL)
Send Purchase Orders to:
Apple Education Sales Support
P.O. Box 149116, MS 198-ED
Austin, TX 78714-9116 OR
Fax: 1-800-590-0063
All purchase orders must be received on an education institution purchase order. Please include the
following information:
Statewide Contract Number: ITC47
Purchase order number
Email address
Product description
Part number
Quantity requested
Total purchase price
Bill-to address Must be an education institution address, not a PTO, PTA, or school organization.
Ship-to address Must be an education institution address.
Authorizing signature Principal, Dean, Purchasing Agent, Accountant, etc. (someone who has
the authority to make the purchase).

Additional Information
Quote turnaround time: within a commercially reasonable period of time upon receiving the request,
unless otherwise agreed to in advance
Equipment delivery: Prices include standard freight and insurance using an Apple-selected carrier. Use
of other shipping methods will incur additional charges. IMPORTANT: If the Eligible Entity chooses a
shipping method other than shipment by an Apple-selected carrier, Apple will not issue credits or
replace Products returned due to damage in transit or that are lost in transit.
Warranty: Apple presently offers a one-year Limited Warranty for Macs and iOS devices. Extended
services agreements are also available. See the attachment entitled "Apple RFR Response" for
additional information. Warranty provisions may change during the life of the Contract. Eligible
Entities must review Contractors Limited Warranty or extended warranty, as applicable, at the time
of purchase.
Telephone Support: Under Apple's one-year Limited Warranty, every Mac or iOS device includes 90
days of complimentary technical support from the date of purchase. Devices with an extended service

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agreement (AppleCare Protection Plan or AppleCare+) are offered telephone support for the term of
the extended service agreement.
Return Policies:
Apple's Sales and Return Policies are found at:
As of the date of Contract execution, these policies are summarized as follows, however, they may be
updated without prior notice:
Unopened Products
Apple only permits the return of unopened products in the event of Contractors shipping or
order processing error. All other sales are final. If you order the wrong product, or the wrong
quantity of products, Apple will not accept return of those products. If you have received an
incorrect product due to Contractors shipping or order processing error, use the return process
on the above link.
Opened Products
Products purchased hereunder shall be subject to Contractors then-current policies for defective
and inoperable at delivery Products. Eligible Entity has fourteen (14) days to determine if the
Product fails to meet the manufacturers published specifications on

Environmental Standards and Requirements

EPEAT Registered Equipment
All desktops, laptops, and computer monitors procured under this contract are required to have
achieved Silver registration or higher under the Electronic Products Environmental Assessment Tool
(EPEAT). EPEAT is a procurement tool designed to help large volume purchasers evaluate, compare,
and select desktop computers, laptops, and monitors based upon their environmental attributes as
specified in the consensus-based IEEE Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Personal
Computer Products (1680). The registration criteria and a list of all registered equipment are provided
On rare occasions when no EPEAT Silver equipment model meets the special and specific performance
requirements set by the Eligible Entity, Contractors may sell equipment that is not compliant with the
requirement above but, in such cases, must do the following:
Consider EPEAT Bronze equipment for compliance with the Eligible Entitys needs before
considering non-EPEAT registered equipment
Inform the OSD Contract Manager of the name of the agency or department procuring the
equipment, the specific and special needs that could not be met by EPEAT Silver or higher registered
equipment, and the quantity of units sold to that Eligible Entity.
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Over the duration of the contract, as new equipment categories are added to EPEAT, the Strategic
Sourcing Team reserves the right to set requirements for equipment in those categories to be EPEAT
registered, as well as to specify the required EPEAT registration level and the dates after which nonregistered equipment may not be sold.

Energy Star Technology Equipment and Guidelines

In order to reduce energy costs and comply with the Commonwealths climate protection goals, all
Eligible Entities are instructed to:
Maintain and use Energy Star power management features on any existing and newly purchased
computer hardware and other electronic equipment.
Turn off desktop computers and other electronic equipment when not in use and/or overnight.
In order to assist Eligible Entities in these actions, all ITC47 Contractors have the following
requirements (where applicable):
All such equipment must be shipped with the Energy Star features enabled.
All installation, service and any other technical support must ensure that the power management
features remain installed and functional at all times and the energy efficiency of the installed product
is maximized.
Eligible Entities must treat the malfunction of power management or duplexing features as
functional failures of the equipment, and must have those problems repaired rather than disable the
power management features.
All product-related training delivered under the contract must include information on the benefits
and use of Energy Star power management features and the proper recycling and/or reuse of the
It is the intention of the Commonwealth to issue a power management policy and standard for
computer equipment, including applicable Energy Star settings for standby and/or sleep mode. All
equipment that is specially imaged or otherwise altered for the Eligible Entity under the contract must
comply with such guidelines.

What to do with used computer equipment

Eligible Entities purchasing new equipment should dispose of the used hardware in environmentally
responsible ways.

1. Use your organizations surplus property policies and procedures.

State agencies must utilize the State Surplus Property Program available at the OSD home page at

2. Use the statewide contract for the disposal of electronic equipment (FAC82).
Statewide Contractors offer pick-up and disposal services for used computer equipment. Please visit
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the OSD Website for information on this contract:, Buy from a Statewide Contract
(left hand panel), Contract User Guides (center panel), scroll down to FAC82.

3. Explore take-back services offered by ITC47 contractors.

The vast majority of contractors offer take-back and environmentally safe disposal services for used
computer equipment. These programs range in terms and associated costs. Some of the programs
offer disposal services for specific equipment types at no cost while others charge an upfront disposal
fee that may later be offset by revenue generated from the resale of recycled hardware components.

How to Purchase in COMMBUYS

There are several ways that contracts may be structured on COMMBUYS. One way facilitates obtaining
quotes from all vendors on the contract. This is the Solicitation enabled Distributor model (the
Distributor Model) in which all the vendors appear on one COMMBUYS MBPO (Master Blanket
Purchase Order or Statewide Contract).
Another model makes it is straightforward to order an item from a single bidder. In this model (Separate
Contracts for Each Vendor), each vendor has their own MPBO.
Because ITC47 recommends seeking three quotes for many types of purchases, the Solicitation enabled
Distributor model is offered. However, seeking multiple quotes is not required, and the Distributor
model is not conducive to issuing direct requisitions, BOTH models are available for ITC47.

Obtaining Quotes Using the Distributor Model

If you are not familiar with how to post a requisition on COMMBUYS that enables you to request quotes
from multiple vendors on a Statewide Contract, download the Job Aid How to Create a SolicitationEnabled Release Requisition. The following instructions customize that Job Aid.
1. General tab left side (Job Aid Step 4)
a. Select Release as the Requisition Type.
2. General tab right side (Job Aid Step 5)
a. If consistent with how your Department is handling the Short description field, please
include ITC47 somewhere in the Short description.
b. Check the Solicitation Enabled box
c. Select Statewide Contract as Type Code.
3. Items tab (Job Aid Steps 6-8)
a. Go to the Items tab and select the Search items button.
b. Click the symbol next to Advanced Search to see more search criteria.

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c. Enter ITC47 - Refer to attachments as the Description (this is the record with up-todate information for all vendors on ITC47)
d. Select Find it.
e. The Items are the different contract Categories. Select the Category you will be using.
f. Select Add to Req and Exit.
4. Items tab (Job Aid Step 9)
a. You will be returned to the Items tab, where an error message will appear.
b. Enter Quantity 1.0
c. Select Enter Info under Catalog Price/Unit Cost
d. On the new screen that comes up, enter 1.0 for the Quantity and 1.0 for Catalog
Price/Unit Cost.
e. Select Save and Continue.
f. Skip Job Aid Step 7.
g. Select Save and Continue
5. Distributors Tab
Skip Steps 10 and 11 to send the quote request to all bidders. If you wish to select particular
vendors to receive the Bid:
a. Select Distributors
b. Check, then Uncheck, the box under Select in the top row of the table. Now the boxes
next to all vendor names will be unchecked.
c. Check the boxes next to the vendors to whom you wish to send the bid
d. Select Save and Continue
6. Follow the steps in Job Aid Step 12
7. Attachments tab (Job Aid Steps 13-17)
a. Use the Add file function to add the document you are using to specify the items on
which you wish to obtain a quote, including the product description, OEM, quantity, etc.,
as you would if requesting a quote via email.
8. Summary tab
Submit the requisition for approval.
Once it has been approved, follow the Job Aid How to Create a Bid Using a Requisition. Start with
Step 25, except, on the General tab, check Informal Bid if you wish to be able to award a bid prior to
the close date of the Bid.
The above are the steps to follow if the order will result in a single invoice and payment. However, if
the order is for a project or a maintenance contract where there will be multiple payments (for
example, as project deliverables are completed, for hourly payments billed monthly, or for a
maintenance contract where services are provided on an "as needed" basis and billed when they
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occur), you will need to set up the Purchase Order to issue partial payments, see "Establishing a
Purchase Order for Partial Payments."

Issuing an Order if Quotes Are Not Needed

Access the Job Aid How to Order from a Master Blanket Purchase Order
The following directions customize this Job Aid for this Contract:
Logging in (Job Aid Step 1)
Select COMMBUYS under OSD Programs at OR Enter in your browser
General tab (Job Aid Step 4)
For Requisition Type, select Release
If consistent with how your Department is handling the Short description field, please include
ITC47 somewhere in the Short description.
Items tab (Job Aid Step 5 and 6)
Do not use the key word search open the Advanced Search function by clicking on the plus sign
(+) by the Advanced Search Criteria title
Enter ITC47 (no quotes) into the Description field and select Find It
Select the Vendor
Select the Category
Enter Quantity (number items or other metric) and click Add to Req & Exit.
Next enter the Catalog/Unit Price Cost (the amount on the quote) by selecting the Enter Info link;
you can now enter the unit cost.
Select Save & Exit
Continue with Job Aid Step 7 and the remaining steps if the order will result in a single invoice and
payment. However, if the order is for a project or a maintenance contract where there will be multiple
payments (for example, as project deliverables are completed, for hourly payments billed monthly, or for
a maintenance contract where services are provided on an "as needed" basis and billed when they occur),
you will need to set up the Purchase Order to issue partial payments, see below.
Establishing a Purchase Order for Partial Payments
In these cases, enter the PO for the full amount (known or estimated), as per the instructions above, and
process partial receipts as you receive billing from the vendor. In such purchase orders insert the
following language in the special instructions box of the PO: This Purchase Order represents the total
estimated expenditure for this engagement (insert brief description), against which (identify department)
will execute partial receipts in COMMBUYS upon receipt and approval of invoices, in order to record the
work accomplished according to the agreed upon engagement terms. All estimated expenditures are
subject to reconciliation based on invoices rendered for agreed-upon delivery of goods and/or services.
Attach your Purchase Order to the Attachments tab of your requisition.
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Strategic Sourcing Services Team Members

Brad Steele

[email protected]

Information Technology Division

David Harvey

[email protected]

Department of Public Health

Robert Howell

[email protected]

Springfield School District

Jim Morrison

[email protected]

University of Massachusetts Boston

Rachelle Hersey

[email protected]

Administration and Finance

Robert Stone

[email protected]

Randolph Public Schools

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Contract User Guide

Goods and Services Available under Contract and Excluded Items See Separate Table for Category 8, Rugged Mobile Devices; see Category9 for Apple.
ITC47 Eligible Products

Off-Lease (used)

Storage Products


Products that can be purchased from ITC47 Categories 2, 4, and 5, and

Incidental Hardware

IT Accessories and Supplies







Manufacturers: Dell, HP
and Lenovo

Products include desktop,

laptop, netbook and tablet
Peripherals available are
those major sub-system
components or equipment
necessary for the
customary operation these
products, which may
include, but are not limited
to: local storage, input and
output devices, printers,
controllers, ancillary
devices and accessories,
memory boards, incidental
Category 2 Contractors
may also market their own
mobile computing devices,
with the exception of cell
phones/smart phones.

Manufacturers: EMC,
Manufacturers: Cisco, Dell, HP,
NetApp, IBM (Oracle may be IBM
added at a later date)
Dell, HP, Lenovo, Equipment:
Fujitsu, or other top
Products include storage
systems and subsystems that
desktops and laptops. provide a data repository for
Products include workstations,
enterprise systems to which
servers and/or enterprise
they are attached.
servers including midrange or
These systems include
large scale mainframes with
Storage Area Network (SAN)
operating systems that support
systems and Network
multiple concurrent users.
Attached Storage (NAS)
devices, peripherals and
Peripherals available are major
ancillary devices, which are
sub-system components
defined as equipment
necessary for the customary
necessary for the customary
operation of the servers
operation of the system.
including, but not limited to:
Examples: Hard disk systems
storage, (including the types of
and storage arrays,
storage solutions covered by
controllers, storage switches
Category 4), input and output
and other networking
devices, controllers and
equipment essential to the
ancillary devices, UPS,
operation of the system,
expansion cabinets specific to
incidental hardware.
the server, tape drives/
Contractors awarded in
libraries, processor cards
Category 4 may sell storage
(blades and chassis), incidental
solutions to work with other
OEMs servers.

Updated: September 14, 2016

Off-Lease (used)

Desktops, Laptops, Servers, & Storage

Input/Output: Keyboards, Mice, Monitors, Printers,

Contractors authorized by the OEM to do so may resell the
Barcode readers and other data collection devices,
products available under Categories 2, 4, and 5. The products provided
barcode and other labels Storage: internal and
must be the identical models, brands and configurations offered under
external drives, including Hard, Floppy, Optical, USB,
ITC47 categories 2, 4, and 5 at a price no higher than the eligible entity
Flash, CD, DVD, other drives; magnetic tape readers,
could obtain the same equipment directly from the OEMs. Apple products
data cartridges and cassettes, and associated
may be sold by Apple-authorized vendors to non-academic entities only.
supplies (diskettes, CDs, DVDs, magnetic tapes,
No other types of desktops, laptops, servers or storage systems may be
cleaning tapes and supplies); Cables: Internal,
obtained under ITC47.
external; Cards: Video, Network;
Power related: UPS, Batteries, Power Supplies;
Tablets and similar devices, other than Apple products (see above),
Printer supplies ONLY if unavailable through OFF32,
ONLY if purchased without any type of plan for cellular network
which includes a wide variety of new and
remanufactured supplies for all of the top printers
Document cameras and whiteboards ONLY as part of a desktop/laptop
(12 OEMs), Memory (RAM), System Boards,
purchase, with no more than two cameras and one whiteboard per
Modems, Adapters, Other: laptop carry cases and
docking equipment, computer racks and housing,
Other IT hardware, provided that it is not a core product offered under security locks and devices, specialized computer tools
a different statewide contract (Incidental Hardware) AND has a UNIT and kits, technical books and manuals, other desktop,
COST of less than $300,000. Please see below for excluded products.
laptop, server, network and related supplies.
Supplies and Accessories (see list under Category 7), ONLY as part of a
larger system purchase OR in quantities of 5 or fewer (larger quantities
*Note the products which are excluded from sale
of supplies and accessories purchased independently of a larger system
under this Contract below.
purchase must be obtained from Category 7, Supplies and Accessories).
*Note the products which are excluded from sale under this Contract
below, as well as products that can be purchased in Project Management
mode (also known as one-stop shopping). This refers to products
/services that the Category 6 Contractor obtains from another Statewide
Contract and provides at a price no higher than the Eligible Entity would
pay if purchased from the other Statewide Contract.

Category 5 Vendor may also

market their own storage
solutions under this category.

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ITC47 Eligible Services

CATEGORIES 2 (Desktops/laptops), 4 (Servers) and 5 (Storage)

CATEGORY 7 (Supplies and Accessories)

Purchasing assistance (help Eligible Entities

Eligible Services:

Planning and purchasing support

Warranty support
Other maintenance and support

find products), provide quotes as requested

Project Management (This includes one-stop shopping whereby products/services are ordered from a

Contractors, upon request, are expected to provide any or all of the

above services relative to their own equipment.

Updated: September 14, 2016

CATEGORY 6 (Project Management, Maintenance, Integration and Incidental Hardware)

variety of Statewide Contracts or contract categories by the Category 6 contractor, who will provide these at
the same price as if purchased by the Eligible Entity directly from the OEM or other Statewide Contractor. This
replaces the Project Management contract ITC16. When operating in one-stop shopping mode, Category 6
contractors may only bill on their own account for project management services, all other billing is passthrough to other contractors.) See the next page for contracts eligible for one-stop shopping services and
the exclusions that apply.
The following services may be provided directly by the Category 6 vendors without going through
another contract:
Network Integration
Deployment and Integration Services
Support Programs (backbone; post installation support, maintenance, warranty)
Maintenance and support for broad range of installed IT equipment (hourly or by contract)
Engineering services (installation, integration, deployment, training)
Image Management Services (hard drive)
Help Desk Services
Incidental non-construction, low-voltage cabling. Incidental cabling is defined as the total number of
links to channel cable runs not exceeding ten percent 10% of the total number of existing cable installations
or $2500, whichever represents the lesser dollar amount.
Services such as those listed above as needed to support items sold directly (not in pass-through mode) by
the ITC47 vendor, and to support items purchased from the OEM Categories of ITC47 if authorized by OEM.
Category 6 Contractors that provide IT hardware equipment to the Eligible Entity must provide the same
service levels required of the OEM.

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Contractors are prohibited from offering the following products and services for sale under ITC47: Desktops and laptops other than Dell, HP, Lenovo and Apple (Apple from Apple authorized vendors to non-academic entities only).

Storage Solutions manufactured by OEMs other EMC, IBM and NetApp, and, if added to ITC47, Oracle, EXCEPT that Servers (Category 5) may be purchased with, or augmented with, storage systems made by other OEMS.
Servers from OEMs other than HP, IBM, Dell
Software development (available through ITS53ProjServ)
Web hosting or any Internet Service Provider Services (available through ITT37)
Telephony, IP Telephony and other voice/data services offered under ITT46 (Updated 10/18/2013)
Any voice/data or cellular plan with charges for voice or data usage
Tablets or other mobile devices if purchased with any type of cellular connection plan (voice or data). These are available from ITT09 or replacement contract.

The following items may not be obtained under ITC47 except from Category 6 Contractors in one-stop shopping mode (i.e., at a cost no higher than the Eligible Entity would pay if purchasing directly from the other Statewide
Contract). One-stop shopping use of the Statewide Contracts below is not permitted unless products or services available directly from ITC47 are being obtained also, see specific restrictions below for each of the various

Software licenses available through ITS58 (Reseller contract), ITS19 (Oracle Contract), ITS41, (IBM contract), or ITS48 (ESRI contract). Since the ITS58 resellers can obtain virtually any type of software, very little software can be
purchased under ITC47. The exceptions are a) software required for the hardware to operate at all, such as operating system software, b) software that only operates on specific hardware and is not sold separately from that
hardware, and c) K-12 schools and school districts may purchase ONE copy of application software with each complete desktop/laptop system, provided that it is part of a single purchase with one vendor (for example, a
desktop with the MS Office Suite, Virus Protection and Adobe Printshop could be obtained as a single purchase from one vendor)
Checkpoint/Nokia firewalls and other Checkpoint/Nokia products/services. These are available under ITC10.
Networking/Communications products available under ITT50, including those manufactured by the following: Aastra Techlologies, Alcatel-Lucent, Arista Networks, Avaya, Brocade Communications, Cisco Systems, Dell
SonicWALL, Digium, Enterasys Networks, Extreme Networks, H-P Networking, Huawei, IBM, Interactive Intelligence, Juniper Networks, Microsoft, Mitel Networks, NEC, ShoreTel, Siemens Enterprise Communications, Teleware,
Toshiba (Updated 10/18/2013)
Cabling services: Non-construction, Low-Voltage cabling (ITC45), except as provided on the second page of this guide under Eligible Services
Audio/Visual/Multi-media equipment available under OFF30/OFF30A (for example, projection screens, other presentation equipment, televisions, cameras, loudspeaker systems, and other AV devices. Please see
OFF30/OFF30A as the list of AV equipment available is too extensive to list here), except as provided on the first page of this guide under Eligible Products. Exception: whiteboards and cameras can be purchased directly
from Category 6 ONLY when buying new computers, ratio of at most two cameras and one whiteboard per computer. OFF30/OFF30A can be used in one-stop shopping mode ONLY as part of a complete system solution.
Copiers, faxes and digital duplicating equipment and associated supplies and services from OFF32 (ONLY as part of a complete system solution, for example, setting up a document reproduction center that included printers in
addition to OFF30 equipment).
Security products offered under FAC64 (such as security cameras and access control systems ONLY as part of a complete system solution).

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VENDOR LISTING 1 AWARDED CATEGORIES AND EMAIL ADDRESSES (See Separate Table for Category 8, Rugged Mobile Devices; see Category 9 for Apple)
Vendor Name

AdvizeX Technologies
Akibia, Inc. (See Zensar Technologies)
BNMC (Bredy Network Management Corp)
CDW Government LLC
Cisco Systems Inc
Continental Resources, Inc.
Corporate IT Solutions, Inc.
Custom Computer Specialists, Inc
Dell Marketing LP

Cat 2 Desktops,

Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 "Off



En Pointe Technologies Sales, Inc.

ePlus Technology
Firstworld USA Inc
Focus Technology Solutions, Inc

Updated: September 14, 2016

Cat 7 Supplies &


Category 6 exclusions (if email


Note 1
NetApp Reseller ONLY

EMC Corporation

Future Technologies Group, Inc. dba. FTG

GovConnection, Inc.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
HP Inc.

Cat 6 - Project
Hardware, Sales
from Other


Does not offer reseller

services (sales of other
vendors' products)
Can provide
integration only


Cannot provide Project


Does not offer reseller

services (sales of other
vendors' products) or
incidental hardware

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
jdonegan@corpitsol;[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

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Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |

HUB Technical Services, LLC.

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
International Integrated Solutions, Ltd. (IIS)
IT Xchange Corp DBA PartStock Computer
Lenovo (United States) Inc.
Mainline Information Systems
Micronet Associates, Inc
NetApp, Inc.
NWN Corporation
PC Enterprises, Inc dba Baystate Computer Svcs
PC-PLUS Technologies, Inc.



Cannot provide



Cannot provide Project


[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

PJ Systems Incorporated, dba HiQ Computers

Presidio Networked Solutions, Inc.
PSR, Inc


RetroFit Technologies, Inc.

Ricoh Americas Corporation
Rutter Networking Technologies, Inc.


SHI International Corp

Signature Technology Group, Inc.


The Ockers Company

[email protected]

Unisys Corporation
ViON Corporation


[email protected]
[email protected]

Whalley Computer Associates, Inc.

Updated: September 14, 2016

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

IBM Reseller ONLY

(Categories 2 & 5)

Cannot provide Project

Can provide
maintenance and
integration only

Cannot provide Project


[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]

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Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |

Winslow Technology Group LLC

World Wide Technology, Inc

Zensar Technologies (formerly Akibia)

Dell Server Reseller

Cisco Server Reseller
Can provide
maintenance only

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Note 1: Advizex does not provide maintenance directly, but can resell maintenance in conjunction with hardware sales and support.

Updated: September 14, 2016

Page 31 of 37

Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |


Vendor Name

Cat 3

Cat 3 Markup

AdvizeX Technologies

Cat 6
re and

Cat 6 Markup



Cat 7

Cat 7 Markup

Can sell
Hardware &

Can sell
Hardware &

Can sell
Hardware &

Can sell

Can sell


Can sell
Can sell
Len-ovo Can sell HardHardLen-ovo ware &


Akibia, Inc. (see Zensar Technologies)

BNMC (Bredy Network Management Corp)



CDW Government LLC



Continental Resources, Inc.



Corporate IT Solutions, Inc.



Custom Computer Specialists, Inc



En Pointe Technologies Sales, Inc.



ePlus Technology

7.9% 15.9%

2.9% 10.9%



Focus Technology Solutions, Inc



Future Technologies Group, Inc. dba. FTG


5% - 9%

2% - 6%

Firstworld USA Inc

Updated: September 14, 2016



3% - 4%

1% - 2%
















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Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |

Cat 6
re and

Cat 6 Markup

GovConnection, Inc.

15% 20%

15% 20%

HUB Technical Services, LLC.

6% - 9%

Cat 3 Markup

Cat 7 Markup

Can sell
Hardware &

Can sell
Hardware &

Can sell

Can sell

Can sell
Can sell
Len-ovo Can sell HardHardLen-ovo ware &


3% - 6%


International Integrated Solutions, Ltd. (IIS)

10% 25%

10% 25%





Vendor Name

IT Xchange Corp DBA PartStock Computer

Cat 3

7% 14%

5% 12%

Mainline Information Systems

Micronet Associates, Inc



NWN Corporation








PC-PLUS Technologies, Inc.



PJ Systems Incorporated, dba HiQ Computers

5% 10%

4% - 9%

Updated: September 14, 2016



5% 12%
4% 10%



6% 12%

PC Enterprises, Inc dba Baystate Computer Svcs

Cat 7

Can sell
Hardware &













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Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |

Vendor Name
Presidio Networked Solutions, Inc.

Cat 3

Cat 3 Markup

Cat 6
re and

Cat 6 Markup



Cat 7

Cat 7 Markup

Can sell
Hardware &

Can sell
Hardware &

Can sell
Hardware &


PSR, Inc.****

Can sell

Can sell

Can sell
Can sell
Len-ovo Can sell HardHardLen-ovo ware &

RetroFit Technologies, Inc.




Ricoh Americas Corporation



Rutter Networking Technologies, Inc.



SHI International Corp



Signature Technology Group, Inc.




The Ockers Company




Unisys Corporation

0% 17%

-1% 16%

ViON Corporation



Whalley Computer Associates, Inc.








Winslow Technology Group LLC***



World Wide Technology Inc**

Zensar Technologies

Updated: September 14, 2016

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Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |

Notes on resellers:
*See Vendors tab for additional partners not on ITC47 (these partners may not accept purchase orders or issue invoices, order goes to OEM)
**Cisco Server Reseller Only
***Dell Reseller Only
****IBM Reseller Only
who can work with customers but PO and Invoices are direct from OEM
Note 1 - IBM resellers can resell maintenance and perform installation activities for system x and other "CSU" products.
Note 2 - Can resell HP except for servers and storage

Updated: September 14, 2016

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Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |

Vendor listing 3 Standard Configurations for Rugged Mobile Devices (Laptops and Tablets) and Vehicle Installation
This table provides a high level listing of the standard configurations for Rugged Laptops and Rugged Tablets. Each vendor provides various options; see COMMBUYS for details on
the equipment offered. Where vendors offered multiple options, the least expensive option meeting minimum requirements is shown in this table.
Standard warranty is 5 years unless otherwise stated.
Rugged Laptops, Peripherals, Installation


Bar Code Scanner

In-Vehicle Mount


Updated: September 14, 2016

and Model
Upgrade to 5year
and Model

Dell and Reseller PC Enterprises,

Inc dba Baystate Computer Svcs
Latitude 14 Rugged Extreme

Haywood Assoc DBA TransCOR

Natick Autosales DBA MHQ

Panasonic CF-31XBLSHLM

Panasonic CF-31XBLSHLM




Brother PJ663-K PocketJet 6 Plus

with car adapter (LB3691-002 )

Brother PJ623-SK-508 PocketJet 6 Plus with

car adapter

Upgrade to 5year
and Model
Upgrade to 5year
and Model

Included in price

Brother BR-PJ663 Pentax

PocketJet 6 Plus with car adapter
(One-year warranty)

Honeywell 1300G-2USB

Code Corporation CR1011-C500

Datalogic GD4430-BKK1

Included in price


Included in price

Primarily Havis, see Vendor Cost

sheet for details

Primarily Havis, see Vendor Cost sheet for


Upgrade to 5year

Included in price

Panasonic/Gamber/Havis, see
Vendor Cost sheet for details.
Antenna has one-year warranty.






Page 36 of 37

Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |

Rugged Tablets, Peripherals, Installation




In-Vehicle Mount


Updated: September 14, 2016

Haywood Assoc DBA TransCOR

Natick Autosales DBA MHQ

and Model

Panasonic FZ-A1BDAAV1M

Panasonic FZ-A1BDAAV1M

Panasonic FZ-A1BDAAV1M




Upgrade to 5year warranty

and Model




Brother PJ663 with includes car

adapter and USB cable (One-year

Brother BR-PJ663 Pentax PocketJet

6 Plus with car adapter and USB
cable (One-year warranty)

Brother PJ623-SK-508 PocketJet 6

Plus with car adapter and USB

Upgrade to 5year warranty

and Model




Motorola DS4208-SBDU000ZWR

Code Corporation CR1011-C500

Datalogic GD4430-BKK1




Upgrade to 5year warranty

and Model



Included in price

Panasonic/Gamber/Havis, see
Vendor Cost sheet for details

Havis/Gamber Johnson, see

Vendor Cost Sheet for Details



Panasonic/Gamber/Havis, see
Vendor Cost sheet for details.
Antenna has one-year warranty.

Upgrade to 5year warranty

Included in price







Bar Code Scanner

Dell and Reseller PC Enterprises,

Inc dba Baystate Computer Svcs

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Operational Services Division | One Ashburton Place, Suite 1017 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617-720-3300 |


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