DO 18-A Issues and Concerns
DO 18-A Issues and Concerns
DO 18-A Issues and Concerns
clarify and quantify substantial capital, which has been the source of litigation
(the amount is the high-end of DTI capitalization category for SMEs)
deter fly-by night and unscrupulous contractors from engaging in subcontracting
and profiteering through underpayment of wages, non-remittance of collected
SSS, Philhealth, or PagIBIG contributions, non-payment of other labor standards
benefits such as overtime pay, and non-observance of occupational health and
safety standards resulting to workplace accidents (to protect the principal or
user enterprises and the workers)
Subcontractor directly undertakes a specific job or service for a principal, and for this
purpose, employs its own workers.The PRPA merely recruits workers for the purpose of
placing them with an employer or company. It is not the employer of the workers it
recruited and placed. It is an agent of the employer.In subcontracting, the four-fold test
of E-E relationship should be satisfied by the subcontractor in relation to the employees
it engages to accomplish the subcontracted job or service. In such cases, the
subcontractor is also referred to as independent contractor. If the four-fold test is
satisfied by the principal, the principal becomes the employer of the employees engaged
by the subcontractor to accomplish the job or service. What exists is not subcontracting
but a direct employer-employee relationship between the principal and the employees.
5. In the employment of workers, is there a difference between an ordinary
employer-employee relationship and subcontracting?
In an ordinary ER-EE relationship, there are only two parties involved - the employer, who
directly hires the employee, and the employee. Jurisprudence is well-settled that to
ascertain the existence of an E-E relationship, the four-fold test is applied.In
subcontracting, there are three parties involved: the principal, the subcontractor, and the
employees. The four-fold test is satisfied by the contractor/subcontractor.
6. Is legitimate subcontracting different from a labor-only contracting ? How is
labor-only contracting define?
YES. Legitimate subcontracting is different from labor-only contracting. The former is
allowed and the latter is prohibited. Section 6: There is LOC where the contractor/
subcontractor merely recruits, supplies or places workers to perform a job, work or
service for a principal, and the following elements are present:
a)The contractor or subcontractor does not have substantial capital or investment to
actually perform the job, work or service under its own account and responsibility; and
b)The employees recruited, supplied or placed by such contractor or subcontractors are
performing activities directly related to the main business of the principal; or
c)The contractor does not exercise the right to control over the performance of the work
of the employees.
7. What is the basis of the state in prohibiting labor-only contracting? What is
the objective of the prohibition?
The basis in prohibiting labor-only contracting are:
The Constitution, which mandates that the State shall protect labor and promote its
welfare, and shall guarantee basic labor rights including just and humane terms and
conditions of employment and the right to self-organization.
Article 106 of the Labor Code, which allows the Secretary of Labor to distinguish between
labor-only contracting and job contracting to prevent any violation or circumvention of
the Labor Code.
8. What will be the effect of the labor-only-contracting arrangement?
Section 8 provides that all contractors employees are entitled to all the rights and
privileges provided in the Labor Code, and set out in subparagraph (e) the right to selforganization, collective bargaining and peaceful concerted activities
Section 7, subcontracting is prohibited activity when it results to:(1) the termination or
reduction of regular employees and reduction of work hours or reduction or splitting of
the bargaining unit as provided in Section 7(A)[1]); and(2) unfair labor practice (interfere
with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights to self-organization as
provided in Article 248 (c) of the Labor Code, as amended) as provided in Section 7(A)
13. Will it address the issue of violation of labor standards and occupational
health and safety standards by the subcontractors?
The new DO has improved on the existing enforcement and compliance mechanism.
Engagement of the tripartite partners in region-based tripartite monitoring team on the
observance of labor standards in contracting and subcontracting arrangement
Conduct of routine inspection regardless of the number of employees engaged by the
principal or by the contractor, excepted from the coverage of LSEF
The new DO also provides for an opt-out enforcement and compliance scheme.
Section 35, the principal and subcontractors may opt to enroll and participate in DOLE
programs on improving compliance with labor standards and OSH such as the KapatiranWISE-TAV Program and Incentivizing Compliance Program (ICP)
14. Is it "opt-out" enforcement and compliance scheme available to contracting
/subcontracting in specific industries?
Provisions of the new DO applies to contracting/ subcontracting arrangement in specific
industries, including those covered by separate regulations or issuances of the DOLE or
other government agency, unless expressly provided otherwise.
Construction Industry: it shall be covered by applicable provision of DO 18-A but continue
to be governed by DO 19, s. 1993; DO 13, s. 1998; and the DOLE-DPWH-DI.LG-DTI and
PCAB Memorandum of Agreement-Joint Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2011
15. What will happen to the workers, either the regular employees who are
terminated due to company's resort to contracting/subcontracting or the
workers employed by the subcontractor after the expiration of the Service
For the contractors employees, DO 18-A provides that the E-E relationship is with the
The workers it deployed to do the contract will continue to be his/her employees
regardless of the Service Agreement, unless the workers will opt to be separated after
every engagement and receive separation pay. (Section 2. Coverage and Section 13.
Effect of termination of employment)
There is also a provision on development of Financial Relief Program and Tripartite
Engagement on Co-regulation in Section 34 for workers in transition.
16. Will the substantial capital requirement of P3 Million be immediately
enforced on existing subcontractors? What is the effect of DO18-A on existing
registration and Service Agreements?
There is a period of compliance because the effectivity of the Certificates of Registration
acquired under DO 18, s. 2002, which has a life of 3 years, shall be respected until its
expiration. This is due to the Constitutional principle against impairment of contract.
17. What does non-impairment of existing contracts mean and why is this
Section 38 of DO18-A provides that rights or benefits being enjoyed by the parties to
existing contracting and subcontracting arrangements shall not be impaired.
Contracts referred to are those contracts executed and already being implemented
before the effectivity of DO18-A. Obligations, rights and benefits of parties to any
subcontracting arrangement prior to the effectivity of DO18-A shall not be diminished.
Service Agreements entered into upon the effectivity of DO18-A (on 5 Dec. 2011) and
onwards will have to observe the requirements of the Rules on standard contracts.
18. What will happen to the registry of subcontractors established under
Department Order No. 18, Series 2002?
DOLE registry of subcontractors that was established under DO 18, s. 2002, shall be
respected until the expiration of the Certificates issued in accordance thereto.
New subcontractors or those who will renew their registration shall be covered by the
requirements of the DO18-A. The requirements for registration includes full disclosure
and payment of P25,000.00 registration or renewal fee.
19. How do we know whether the subcontractor is legitimate or not?
Must be independent an employer and complies with the following: