Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Different Preparations of Calcium Hydroxide
Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Different Preparations of Calcium Hydroxide
Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Different Preparations of Calcium Hydroxide
: 22-12-09
Review completed : 03-05-10
: 03-10-10
Background: Intracanal medicaments have an antibacterial effect on the root canal flora. The
effectiveness of such vehicles has to be tested and substantiated against the normal bacterial
flora. The various vehicles that were tested for their effectiveness were commercially prepared
calcium hydroxide (Metapex), saline, glycerine, CMCP, and Rexidine-M gel. The bacterial cultures
tested for sensitivity were aerobes (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus
pyogens, Enterococcus faecalis), anaerobes (Lactobacillus, Bacteroides melaninogenicus) and
a commonly found fungus (Candida albicans). One hundred and twenty-five samples were
divided into five experimental groups consisting of 21 samples each and one control group of
the same size.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro the influence of four different vehicles
on the effectiveness of calcium hydroxide against the commonly found aerobic and anaerobic
bacteria in endodontic infections.
Materials and Methods: The samples were taken and transported using standardized techniques
and pure growth of each bacterium was isolated. Petri dishes were prepared for the various
calcium hydroxide combinations for each bacterium and incubated. The inhibition zone was
recorded at three intervals of 24, 96and 168 hours. Results were tabulated and sent for statistical
Results and Conclusions: It was seen that calcium hydroxide and CMCP combination showed
the maximum zone of inhibition, and maximum inhibitory effect was seen at 24 hours. The
bacteria most susceptible was found to be S. aureus and the least susceptible was E. faecalis.
Further clinical studies are required to substantiate these results.
Key words: Calcium hydroxide, in vitro, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis
Collection of sample
Incubation of samples
Samples collected from the patient were inoculated in
Robertson's cooked media and incubated at a temperature
of 37 1oC.
Indian Journal of Dental Research, 22(1), 2011
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyogens
Streptococcus viridans
Enterococcus faecalis
Candida albicans (fungi)
Lactobacillus species
The aerobes were isolated from clinical trials. The anaerobes
were obtained from Department of Microbiology, Sanjay
Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences,
Each microbial strain was evaluated against calcium
hydroxide formulation prepared with different vehicles as
follows [Figure 1]:
a. Metapex
b. Calcium hydroxide + N-saline
c. Calcium hydroxide + glycerine Excela R
d. Calcium hydroxide + camphorated paramonochlorphenol
e. Calcium hydroxide + Rexidine-M gel (chlorhexidine +
f. Control group (no preparation used)
The antimicrobial effect of various calcium hydroxide
formulations was evaluated at various time intervals, i.e.,
1 hour, 24, 96 and 168 hours. The antimicrobial effect was
evaluated by measuring the zone of inhibition.
The various calcium hydroxide pastes were prepared using
calcium hydroxide powder. The consistency of various
calcium hydroxide pastes was similar to that of tooth paste,
with the viscosity of 3501 cP at 0.1 rpm and pH of 12.5 as
determined by a digital pH meter.
Analysis of zone of inhibition around each medicament
against microorganisms was done [Figures 2 and 3].The
zone showed no changes after 1 hour and no inhibition of
bacteria was seen in the control group.
The mean inhibition scores for different groups after 24
hours were as follows:
Group D > Group C > Group E > Group A > Group B
The orders of mean inhibition scores for different groups
after 96 hours were as follows:
Group D > Group C > Group E > Group A > Group B
The mean inhibition scores for different groups after 168
hours were as follows:
Group D > Group C > Group E > Group A > Group B
Figure 4 shows the overall scores for different bacterial strain
Experimental group
Control group
No preparations
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Ca(OH)2 + N saline
Ca(OH)2 +
Ca(OH)2 +
Ca(OH)2 +
(Group F)
Microorganisms Microorganisms
In the past, numerous antimicrobial agents had been
used as root canal medicaments. These included
traditional phenolic and fixative agents such as
camphorated monochlorophenol, formocresol, eugenol,
metacresylacetate and halides (iodine, potassium iodide).
The current intracanal dressing of choice is calcium
hydroxide, a white odorless powder with high pH and
low solubility in water. Delivery of dry calcium hydroxide
powder alone is difficult or impossible to use in smaller
or curved canals. In most cases, calcium hydroxide must
be mixed with a liquid to facilitate placement. Calcium
hydroxide is normally used as slurry of calcium hydroxide
in a water base.
Calcium hydroxide + camphorated paramonochlorophenol showed the best results in inhibiting microbial
Among the microorganisms tested, S. aureus was found
to be most susceptible to the bactericidal action of
calcium hydroxide preparations, whereas E. faecalis
was found to be least susceptible.
According to the time taken in achieving the
antimicrobial efficacy, maximum inhibitory effect was
noticed after 24 hours.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the study
The author would like to thank Dr. Pandey, Dr. Loomba, Dr. Amita
Jain and Dr. Vandana Tiwari for all their assistance in thsis endeavor.
The author also would like to acknowledge the help of all her Post
graduate colleagues, and teaching staffs and non-teaching staffs of
Department of Pediatric Dentistry.
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