Lampsakos: The Gold Staters, Silver and Bronze Coinages / by Agnes Baldwin

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cf. p. 63, note 1) .

1. Of these unique pieces without the ethnic, the drachm

op. cit., pl. ii, 1) seems certainly to be transitional in style, and

coins (ibid., pl. ii, 1-3) therefore may be regarded as sporadi

the Fifth Century. However, this does not affect our main
that the coins of our Group B are to be placed at about the
of the Fourth Century, and that their " archaism " is not a
such as occurs in the transitional period, but a deliberate rev
next Century. Compare further Dr. Regling's remarks on
nology in his review of Dr. Gaebler's paper (Zeit. f. Num.
373) . This writer would assign the extremely scarce issue
pl. ii, 2, 3) to 464-454; the coins that seem rightly to head th
" obols " and ' ' diobols ' ' (ibid., pl. ii, 4, 5 = our Pl. VI, 2,
415. In the period 405-387, Gaebler's third subdivision, he

clude not only the "diobols" (ibid., pl. ii, 26-34 = our Pl.

but also part of the "obols," while the great majority of the

he would place between 387 and 365. The smaller denomin

suggests, probably began earlier than the larger pieces, were

contemporaneously with these latter, and survived them.

interesting point of view, and it may be noted that the coins

VI, 19 and 30 would easily pass as contemporaneous issues,

reverses indicate. The distinction in style, Dr. Regling th
have been maintained as a method of distinguishing the two


(cf. Catalogue of Types, No. 17c) .

2. The Maenad head, No. 17c, formerly Caruso, was sold again in
Sotheby's Cat. "A Russian Nobleman", June, 1924, No. 176, and is

now in the Newell Collection.

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Attribution of the Electrum Staters of Lampsakos

At the time of the publication of the writer's paper on "The Electrum

Coinage of Lampsakos",1 it was proposed to follow this up with a revis

paper on the gold stater coinage, which had formed the subject of an earlie

essay by the writer, appearing in the Journal Internationale de Numis

matique,2 1902. The plates for this new publication of the beautiful go
staters have long been ready, but many causes have operated to delay i

In the meantime, since the issue of the monograph on the electrum staters

their attribution to Lampsakos has been strongly attacked by the lat

M. Svoronos in his work on the early Paionian coinages of the district whic

was later called Macedonia.3 With his accustomed originality and bread
of vision, M. Svoronos has uncovered a whole new chapter in Greek numis

matics. Besides re-attributing and assigning to definite mint-places an

tribes many of the uncertain silver coins known vaguely as Thrako-Macedonian, he suggests a new home for many gold (electrum) issues previousl

attributed to Asia Minor. Most of these gold coins are anepigraphic an

have always been classed as Uncertain of Asia Minor (loc. cit., pl. xv, 17-27

pl. xvi, 1-27). 4 But now, besides removing from Asia Minor the very

primitive electrum coins which bear chiefly geometrical or floral designs

as types, M. Svoronos proposes to assign to Macedonia also the well-known
electrum staters bearing the familiar types of Lampsakos and Chios, forepar
of Pegasus and Sphinx.
There are probably few attributions of uninscribed electrum stater

whose place is regarded as more securely established than the Chian an

Lampsakene staters. In the writer's monograph on the electrum coins o

Lampsakos, the sound basis for the attribution of the latter coins was ther
1 American Numismatic Society Monograph, No. 1, 1914, hereafter referred to as " Electrum Coinage."
2 Abbreviated to J. I. N.

3 L'Hellnisme primitif de la Macdoine, J. I. N. 1919.

4 In addition to the instances of a northern provenance cited by M. bvoronos, the small hnd o archaic

gold coins noted in the Cat. H. P. Borrell, 1852, should be cited. Types of Svoronos, pl. xvi, 1-3, a square
in relief, pl. xvi, 10, raised square with crescents, were found in the vicinity of Saloniki. Other archaic gold
coins from this find bear the types, rude Gorgon head, head of a horse and head of a fish, Borrell, 39-42.

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2 The American Journal of Numismatics

set forth - the fact that the electrum stater

the arms of the city, as the later gold state
common to other cities of Mysia, and amply c
the town by an inscription relating to Lamp
figure of the half-Pegasos1; the entirely palpa
uninscribed electrum and gold, and the bronze
and, finally, the very valuable evidence for th
electrum staters - namely, the inscriptions
that Lampsakos struck staters in electrum and
Centuries b.c., respectively.2 These inscripti
had an electrum stater currency c. 450 b.c.,

c. 350 b.c. ; and, when there are at hand coins w

ments, it is difficult to imagine that any wri
propose to separate the electrum issues from t

the gold and yet will not allow the electrum

the electrum staters, both those of Milesian
(217 grains) with the palmette symbol (fig.
weight, -stater of 15.36 gr. (237 grains) with

type (fig. 2) , to Myrkinos in the Pangaian dist

Fig. i

Fig. 2*

On account of the difference in weight standard and the difference in

types, both obverse and reverse, it has long been considered doubtful whether
the palmette staters belong to the mint of Lampsakos. They were excluded
from the regular series in the writer's article on the electrum coinage, as it
is difficult to fit them into the series and because they appear to belong
rather with a group of electrum staters with varying obverses of uncertain

mint, but of homogeneous fabric, alloy, weight and incuse type, which

Mr. P. Gardner and M. Jameson regard as the coinage of the Ionian Revolt.4
1 Electrum Coinage, p. 12.
2 Electrum Coinage, p. 10. Inscr. Gr., I, 301-311. The date of the earliest of these Accounts of the

Epista tai of Athens has now been fixed as 447 b.c. (Woodward, Jour. Hell. Stud. 1914, p. 277). They

contain mention of seventy Lampsakene and twenty-seven Kyzikene "gold", i.e. electrum, staters, since
Xpv<r6 s is naturally used to dscribe electrum. Pure gold coins were not coined as early as this. The
Boiotian inscription of 355-351 b.c. refers to the gold staters. Inscr. Gr., VII, 2418.
8 This coin is the Pozzi specimen, Cat. Pozzi, pl. lxvii, 2225. It is very close in style to Nos. 9-11
Electrum Coinage, Pl. I, and may be classed as No. 10a of Group I.
4 Jour. Hell. Stud. 1911, p. 151 f., Rev. Num. 1911, p. 60 f., and Electrum Coinage, p. 24 f.

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The Gold Staters of Lamps akos 3

Although the Revolt theory seems to have

M. Svoronos points out the weak points o

assign all of the staters of this class to

not incumbent upon the writer to defend

it is, and plausible, too, in many respects
to the originators of the theory. Our firs
staters, which are very awkward to expla
mint, but with the heavier staters which
stituting the regular issues of Lampsakos,
the Attic inscriptions.
It would seem that the special reason w
these staters to Paionia, is his interpretat
grams, which occur on these staters, as th
or rulers. Having already in his first es

theory of the close political and comme

Miletos, the leading city of Ionia, and t
Sixth Century b.c., and having thereaft

influence upon the art of the Paionian co

tyrant, Histiaios of Miletos, M. Svorono

sakene stater with the monogram A.2

when M. Svoronos was writing his epochedly revolutionize many of our basic theo
he had not seen the writer's paper on the

Otherwise, he might have hesitated to

represented the initial letters of the nam

was dynast of Myrkinos, situated at the f
early part of the Fifth Century; for th
another monogram on these same stater

that a particular one must represent

obliged to provide tyrant's names begin

fii (AE)5; and, also, to provide an histo
their issuing electrum coinage in Paionia,
and learnedly done in the case of Aristag
1 Num. de la Peonie, J. I. N. 1913, p. 193.

2 Electrum Coinage, Pl. I, 5, on the neck of the horse and

speaks of this stater as unedited (loc. cit., p. 238, No. 3), bu

the present writer to whom M. Jameson kindly sent a

Jameson Collection and other letters and a monogram on

hitherto unpublished, were first made known in the writer'

3 Electrum Coinage, Pl. I, 2.

4 Loc. cit., PL I, 4.
6 Loc. cit., PL I, 3.

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4 The American Journal of Numismatics

As regards the attribution of the staters of

I below the horse,1 to Boges, general of Xer

distinctly like an afterthought - a sort of

theory. Furthermore, the I staters are not

earlier Lampsakene staters of c. 525-500 B.c., b

which is too late for the governorship of B

satrap of Myrkinos for Xerxes should sign his

of the king's name, is very improbable. It is a
M. Svoronos even pushes his theory so far a
the type, a half-Pegasos enclosed in a vine w
myths and Pegasos and the vine are shown by

in the Pangaian district. But we have good

renown of the Lampsakene vineyards. Strabo,3

town, says "For their country abounds with v
their confines, namely, the territory of the P
It was for this reason that Xerxes assigned L

supply him with wine"4. The coin types of

to the importance of Dionysiac cults there.

ful, occurs on the gold staters, and the Maena

on Greek coins, is quite a distinctive featur

Histiaia in Euboia which was called 7ro'v<rT
Homer5, the Maenad head wreathed with th

so at Lampsakos the frequent occurrence of th

the vine was widely cultivated there, Thouk

sakos, tcei yp TroXvoLVorarov r&v Tore elvai.

Priapos6, who is represented on the later coina

beginning c. 190 b.c. and on the Imperial iss

whose chief product was the grape. As to Pega

termined its choice as parasema of the city,
(witness the later coinage), that we need not b
urgent arguments in favor of a Paionian habit

silver coinage of Lampsakos was struck on t

1 Electrum Coinage, PL I, 12a-k.
2 Loc. cit.y p. 13 f.

3 Geogr., Bk. XIII, 12.

4 So also Plutarch, Them. 29: Thouk. I, 138, and Athenaeus I,
5 Iliad II, 537.

6 Athen. 1, 54, Ti/aStcu ir ap Aa/juf/aicrivos IIpfa7ros ar

by the Lampsakenes, being identical with Dionj'scs."

7 According to Gruppe, Griech. Mythologie, I, p. 166, Pegasos,
Poseidon and Medusa at the source of Okenos, is an image of th
sea and commerce, Pegasos is an eminently suitable badge of a g


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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 5

the heavy weight electrum staters as is

these issues (see below).
Having now reestablished the tradition
to Lampsakos, let us consider the light-w
suggests that the palmette stater (see abo
tyrant of Miletos, in the town of Myr

when this city belonged personally to

Paionian origin is based upon the gener

to have been issued in a country of gold

that the Pegasos myth is strongly loc

Now, just at the psychological moment there has come to our knowl-

edge a stater of the palmette class, lacking, however the characteristic

$ symbol, (fig. 1) as is also the case with the Vienna specimen.2 This
stater, fig. 3, recently acquired by Mr. E. T. Newell who kindly allows its

Fig. 3

publication here, is unique in bearing on the obverse two symbols common

to the coinage assigned by M. Svoronos to Paionia. These are the symbols

which M. Svoronos calls the Pangaian rose, below the horse, and a fourpointed star, -J-, to the left of the type.3

The style of the obverse of this stater is very close indeed to that of
the half-Pegasos of the Vienna stater. In fact the same obverse die, altered
later by the addition of the two symbols, may have been used in striking

these staters, a point not quite demonstrable to a satisfactory degree on

account of the worn condition of the obverse of the new coin. The reverses

of both staters are at any rate unquestionably from the same die. As has
been noted, they differ from the other Pegasos staters of this group in not

bearing the palmette symbol. They are a shade earlier in style, and the
smaller, deeper incuse also distinguishes them from the other issues (Elee1 Histiaios' tenure of Myrkinos could not have been for long. Cf. P. N. Ure's remarks in the Origin
of Tyranny, p. 61, "Just after the Persian conquest of Thrace and Paionia, Histiaeus of Miletus, one of
the Persians king's Greek vassals, almost succeeded in securing from the Great King possession of Myrcinus,
a mining centre in the district from which Peisistratus had got so much wealth. He was in fact granted
the gift by Darius, who however, was persuaded by the far-sighted Megabazus to recall it."

2 Electrum Coinage, Pl. II, 1.

3 J. I. N. 1919, pl. i, 10, 11; pl. ii, 10, 11, 13-15, Derrones; pl. iii, 1, 2, 23, Laiaioi, etc.; pl. xvi, 28
32-34, 39, 43, etc. Pierians of Mt. Pangaion.

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6 The American Journal of Numismatics

trum Coinage, Pl. II, 2-3 f., and p. 30). Now as

belong to the same mint, and as the newly di

which M. Svoronos has shown to be distinc

seem to be no alternative but to attribute them to a mint in the Paionian

region - whether to Myrkinos or not, is uncertain with the evidence at

present available. The date at which Myrkinos was held by Histiaios,
according to M. Svoronos, 513-493 b.c. is appropriate for the style.
These two staters, however, are not the coins which M. Svoronos
selected as examples of the coinage of Myrkinos under the tyranny of
Histiaios.1 The coins which he cites (op. cit., p. 237, pl. xvii, 27) are those
bearing the palmette (fig. 1). If these half-Pegasos staters which, according
to the Revolt theory, are the Lampsakene issues of the Ionian Revolt coinage,
are to be transferred to the Paionian region, all of the other electrum staters
of the same fabric and weight belonging to the Revolt group, must be given
the same origin, and M. Svoronos has found a Paionian mint for each type.
This means the total abandonment of the Ionian League theory heretofore
so generally accepted.
The discussion of the arguments which M. Svoronos brings to bear in
his brilliant attack upon this theory (op. cit., p. 211 f.) is not properly speaking

a Lampsakene question, and need not detain us long. There can be no

doubt that M. Svoronos has shown up with great skill the weak points of
this theory. Whether, however, his new attributions constitute a better
solution of the problem than the Revolt theory supplied, seems at present

an open question. They are very daring and very ingenious, and after

reading the counter-arguments one cannot help feeling one's confidence in

the Revolt theory considerably shaken, even though this theory is so well

supported by the provenance of certain specimens, namely those which

occurred in the Vourla (Klazomenai) hoard.2
As we have given two of the Pegasos staters of the light-weight class to
Paionia on the ground of symbols alone, it is but natural to investigate the

palmette symbol which occurs on the remaining Pegasi. This symbol is

rare on Greek coins, although so common in Greek architectural decoration
and in vase-painting. A survey of the origin and evolution of this decorative
motive in Greek art enables one to recognize as identical a number of var-

iants on the coins which at first glance are quite dissimilar. On Greek
pottery of Rhodos, Naukratis, Melos and other wares of the Ionian class,
the motive occurs in a developed, fully Hellenized form. In Perrot and

1 The Vienna stater (Sestini, Stateri Antichi, p. 62, No. 1) was first published in Electrum Coinage,
Pl. II, 1, which had not been seen by M. Svoronos when he wrote his Hellnisme primitif, and the stater
with the Paionian symbols first became known a few months after the appearance of his great work.
2 Rev. Num. 1911, p. 60.

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The Golo Staters op Lampsakos 7

Chipiez's History of Art, IX, p. 452, it is st

ultimate origin of the design, is to be foun
decorative design was derived from the conv
in the familiar tree-of-life designs (see War
However, from the fact that the palmette
tion with the lotus forms (Perrot et Chipiez

palmette combination), on the early Ionia

Ionian wares, on Corinthian vases (Perrot et

de fleurs de lotus et de palmettes"), and the
tecture and vase-painting down to the lates
with Goodyear,1 to seek the origin of the p

undoubtedly a form of purely local devel

influence of Egyptian capital-forms which

and papyrus motives.2 Even in Mycenean

figs. 198, 202) the Egyptian fleur-de-lis wit

Cypriote products. Early Cypriote coins

the palmette motive, and the lotus with spi

survival from early Cypriote art.3
The palmette occurs on the following ar
of Paionia (Svoronos, op. cit., pl. i, 10, 11; pl
large triskeles which forms the reverse typ

pl. i, 12) below the ox-cart on the obvers

pl. xiv, 11, 12), a half-palmette which Svoro

after Imhoof-Blumer, Monn. gr., p. 105, No
symbole curieux occurred also on the octodr
man in cart drawn by two oxen (Svoronos,

longue palme ou aplustre"); Mende, in Macedonia, (Cat. Naville IV,

Geneva, 1922, pl. xviii, 438) under the Dionysiac ass of the obverse; Idalium,
Cyprus (British Museum Catalogue, pl. v, 38) beneath the body and raised

Fig. 4
1 Grammar of the Lotus, pl. xi, 1.
2 Dussaud, Les Civilisations Pre-hellniques, p. 303 f .

3 Idalium, B.M.C. Cyprus, pl. v, 3-8. Poulsen, Der Orient und die frhgriechische Kunst, p. 29,

also assigns the same origin to the formal palmette device of Cypriote art, although he ascribes this art
to the Phoenicians.

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8 Tuk Amkkicax Jovknal of Numismatics

fore-paw of the Sphinx; and finally, the Pegas

discussion. Later in the Fifth Century are the fo

450-424 b.c., a rare tetradrachm type, recently k
of coins found at Mende, fig. 4, (Cat. Naville IV
f. Num., xxxiv, pl. iii, 26) with a design of four p
reverse; Salamis and Paphos, Cyprus, 480-450 b.
in a corner of the reverse, British Museum Catal

6-9)1; Thasos, 411-350 b.c. (Cat. Naville, vi, Ber

a drachm with "enclosed" palmette on reverse
exergue of the reverse (British Museum Catalo

vignette) a palmette in the center, with lateral h

to explain the half-palmettes of the Crestonian a
cited; Metapontum, 466-413 b.c. (British Museu
No. 86, vignette), symbol, in field, of the freer
often called "honeysuckle pattern"; Corinth, 420Catalogue, Corinth, p. 15, pl. iv, 7-9) various desi
From the foregoing we may conclude that whi

so rare on coins, is found quite frequently in

district at an early date as well as in Cyprus, whic

the art motive was first evolved, still there is

regarding this symbol on the Pegasos staters (and

Electrum Coinage, Pl. II, 5, on which it is also

northern mint. One might be tempted to spec
with the triskeles, a solar symbol, on the Derr
instance it alternates with the , a Paionian si

ibid., pl. ii, 7) and in another instance occupies th

as a stellar design, an undeniable sun symbol (o

palmette had in this locality, a symbolic solar
be appropriate for the Mende coins on which
found,3 and also for the horse and cock types
question, which may also have a solar significa

speculation, for apart from these coincidences w

1 The B. M. C. Cyprus, states that the reverse type of Paphos is deri

(B. M. C. Caria, pl. xxxv, 1-5) which is similar. But as the types of Ia
Caria, p. cl.) it would rather seem the other way about. The type, ea
Cyrene (Num. Chron. 1891, pl. 1-7), was imitated from the Cypriote
this special form was at home.
2 Archaic coins of Kyme in Aiolis, B. M. C. Troas, pl. xix, 5-7 exh
incuse which may have its origin in the palmette-lotus chain design
3 Compare M. Svoronos1 interesting theories regarding the cul
Pangaian region, loc. cit., p. 127 f. and p. 181 f.

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Tuk Goij> Staters ok Lamtsakos 9


Plates I-IV


Only three new types of Lampsakene gold staters have become known
in the long interval since the publication of the writer's first paper on the
subject in 1902. These are, namely, the stater with the head of a youthful
Perseus (?), Pl. I, 5, which is in Paris.1 Another example was seen in the
Pozzi Collection some years ago, but this did not appear in the recent sale

of Dr. Pozzi 's coins. The second bears the figure of a kneeling archer in
Oriental costume, PI. I, 9, was acquired in 1895 by Herr Arthur Lbbecke
of Braunschweig, and has since passed with his collection into the Berlin
Cabinet. Through the courtesy of the late Dr. Dressel, the writer was
permitted some years ago to describe this beautiful and remarkable new
type.2 The third new type is a stater bearing the head of a youthful
Dionysos wreathed with ivy leaves and berries (see below, fig. 15), a recent
acquisition of M. Jameson, who most generously has allowed it to be published here for the first time. The Perseus head and kneeling archer staters
belong to the earliest group of the coinage, while the youthful Dionysos
stater is one of the latest issues.

In the former paper on these staters, the coins with figure-types were
described before those with head-types, since the series admittedly starts
with two figure-types, Herakles strangling the serpents and Helle on the
ram, the reverses of which show the winged half-horse to the left as on the
Fifth Century electrum staters, PI. I, 1, 2, and because the majority of the
figure-types are earlier in style than the head-types.3

No attempt was made, however, to arrange the whole series with a

uniform reverse type in chronological order. In the case of such a coinage

lasting less than a century (c. 390-330 b.c. or as some writers have thought,

394-350 b.c.)4, it seemed hardly possible to discover differences of style

sufficiently marked to enable one to determine the order of the issues. But
in casting about for a more satisfactory arrangement, an intensive study
of the details of the reverses, and of the sizes of flans and types, coupled
with the study of the style of the obverses, has furnished the clue to the
order of the issues. It is rather remarkable that there is only a single case
1 First published by Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2547, pl. clxxi, 14.
2 An Unedited Gold Stater of Lampsakos, Zeit. f. Num. xxxii, p. 1 f, pl. i, 1.
3 The scheme of classification of the Lampsakene gold staters was published in 1915 in the article
cited in Note 2. This article contains also the writer's view of the dates to be assigned to the gold stater
series. Much of the argument that follows as to the chronological succession of the issues, and the date of
the staters is matter repeated from that article, though not in the same form.

4 Head, Hist. Num.2, p. 529. Wroth, B. M. C. Mysia, p. xx f.

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10 The American Journal of Numismatics

where two different obverse types have been

reverse die. This case is the reverse die of the Paris stater of the Herakles

and serpent type and the two staters bearing the Helle on the ram type,
Pl. I, 2, 3, and 4. But it seems reasonable to hope that as new specimens
of Lampsakene staters appear, more die connections will be found which
will then serve as a sure guide to the order of the issues. The chronological
scheme here outlined, while perhaps not infallible since it is based chiefly
on the data afforded by the details of the reverses, is convincing enough
when one follows step by step the evolution of the style of the Pegasos.
Besides the evidence furnished by the style of the coins, size of their flans,
and size of their types, there is also that presented by the two principal finds

of Lampsakene staters the Asia Minor and Avola hoards; and the analysis
of these finds entirely bears out the conclusions reached by the study of

The earliest issues which include both figure-types and head-types are

those coins which have in general smaller size flans and types. Without
intending to draw a hard and fast line between the groups, it may be said

that the coins on PI. I, Nos. 1-21, all fall within the earliest group. The
second group of coins is characterized by a much more advanced type of
Pegasos - the horse's head is better proportioned, a "ladder" design now

appears on the right wing and also on the left wing, or what represents the
left wing in an abbreviated scheme. The coins of this second group are in
general of a medium size of flans and types as compared with the third and

last group. They may be said to extend down to Pl. II, 27. It is difficult
to say just where we consider the middle style to end for it merges so easily
into the third style. However, the first coin of the middle group, the earliest
of the Hermes head types (Pl. I, 22) is a connecting link between the earliest
and the middle styles, for the "ladder" pattern is not yet worked out on the

wings of the Pegasos of this coin. The second Hermes type shows the

cross-hatching on the feathered portions of the wings which is usually found

on all the succeeding coins and is only omitted when the style begins to
degenerate, as it does most markedly at the end of the third group. This
type, therefore, is a satisfactory starting point for the middle group.
The middle group shows a Pegasos whose head is in better proportion
to the body than on coins of the earliest group. The style of the obverses
is delicate and compact as on the coins of the first group. When we reach
the third group, whose beginning is somewhat hard to define exactly but
which may be said to start with Type 28 of Pl. II, we meet with a style which

for breadth and nobility cannot be surpassed. The Zeus, Nike, Aktaion

and Hekte types are of an incomparable dignity and beauty. The reverses

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 11

now reach the highest development whic

of the Zeus and Nike issues. From this ty

begins to decline. The carefully evolv

wings, with fine cross-hatching and "lad

hands of less conscientious artisans than

the type. Carelessness in the striking

III, 12, 14, 16-18), while the obverse de
fine art. On the types following the Z
more marked decline in the reverse st

revealing a quite inferior Pegasos to that

of staters, which though awkward are n

types, Dionysos, Pl. III, 21 and Perseph

ably rough style.

In spite of the lack of die connectio

obverse types, there can be no uncertain
general lines, for there does exist such
dies of certain different obverses as to
identical dies would. For example, the A
die which resembles that of Pl. I, 26, so
to distinguish the two dies. The same m
9 and 10, in which the treatment of t
The reverse of Pl. I, 15, is like these tw
the treatment of the wings of the Pega

of the preceding reverses in the treatment

now begins to appear as though separa

on the far wing which gives this effect

almost without exception. The reverse

alike to admit of any hesitation as to
consecutive issues. The reverses of the
29 and 30, are almost but not quite ide

other reverses in the rendering of the

noticeable similarity in style on the ob

grouped together. The Maenad head o

which is the most advanced in style, Pl.

with the Hermes and Apollo heads, P

Nike heads, Pl. II, 30 and 31, and Pl. III,

PL III, 18 and 19, might be by the same
Here and there one finds deviations f
Pegasos wing is treated quite independ
type, Pl. II, 18, 19; it follows no traditio

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12 The American Journal op Numismatics

large. The head of Dionysos, however, is small

well in style with the satrapal head of the coins

This is a case where we might suppose that m

set of dies that would couple up and give a more

Yet reverses of individual style are found now

whole series. An example is Pl. II, 28, where t
than usual in proportion - the wings also. An
with the "archaic" Athena head, Pl. III, 29; its
on the coinage. The head which is directly co

Athens, in profile to left, however, is quite akin

This would fall at the very close of the Lampsak
dating, and the reverse may consequently be acc

as those here classed as the latest issue, Pl. III

breaking away from the traditional scheme of

are already manifested in some of the preceding

After the Nike type of PL III, 2, the Pegaso

fine and carefully perfected style characteristic

and of the first examples of the third group.
head, Pl. I, 21, which by reason of its small flan

obverse and reverse types, may perhaps belon

has been placed. It might precede the facing S

it could hardly come earlier. Note the way in wh

the feathered end of the near wing curls over t
The following reverses selected from the thre
staters fall, are representative of the evolution in
to the chronological order of the issues. This
to the stylistic development of the wing of the S
later Fifth Century coins of Chios.

Fig. 5

Fig. 5, Helle on the ram (Pl. I, 3), exhibits a Pegasos of semi-archaic

style. The reverse die is identical with that of the Herakles and serpents type
(Pl. I, 2), and these are the earliest reverse dies, as the direction of the horse
to the left and the kinship with the electrum staters indicate (type with ,

Electrum Coinage, Pl. I, 12a f.). By this we mean that the more naturalistic feathered form of the wing found on the archaic electrum staters is
still retained.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 13

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Figs. 6 and 7, kneeling archer and Nike sacrificing a ram (Pl. I, 9 and
10), of strikingly similar style, exhibit some advance over the earlier types,
but the wing behind the horse is not yet separated from the truncation of

the body, and the feathered portions of the wings are still more or less
naturalistic, as on the archaic electrum coins. The reverse type is now
turned to the right, and this direction remains unchanged in all the succeeding gold issues, as well as on all other silver and bronze issues struck

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Fig. 8, Maenad head (Pl. I, 19) shows the beginning of the separation
of the far wing from the body of the horse and the feathered parts of the
wings conventionally schematized.
Fig. 9, Hermes' head (Pl. I, 25) marks the complete development of
the schematic treatment of the wings, a sort of "ladder" pattern running
down the middle of the right wing and finishing off the inside of the left
wing, and fine cross-hatching appearing on the feathered portions of both

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

Fig. 10, Zeus head (Pl. II, 22) shows the same details of treatment and
a larger size of type and flan.

Fig. 11, Zeus with sceptre (Pl. III, 2) of still larger size of type and
flan, exhibits the highest development of style in a finely proportioned

vigorous Pegasos, of which several different dies exist.

The wing of the Sphinx on the coins of Chios shows a similar evolution
from the archaic style, which also prevails through the transitional period,
although this "modernization" is effected suddenly (in the tetradrachms of

c. 440-420 b.c.) and not by degrees as in the Lampsakene coins.

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14 The American Journal of Numismatics

Fig. 12

Fig. 13

Fig. 14

Fig. 12, Aktaion head (Pl. III, 14), Fig. 13, Kabeiros head (Pl. Ill, 26),
and Fig. 14, Aphrodite (?) head (Pl. III, 33), illustrate the gradual decline
in style which is most evident in the carelessly done reverse of the Kabeiros

head - a beautiful type, and the sadly inferior style of the Aphrodite (?)

Enough has been said in justification of our arrangement of the staters

from the standpoint of style. It was mentioned earlier that the evidence
of two hoards containing Lampsakene staters confirmed our arrangement.
Sometime ago, Six1, taking the style of the reverses as a guide, had arranged
the twenty types known to him in a chronological order which in many

points corresponds with our own. Mr. Hill, of the British Museum, was

once kind enough to give the writer a letter written to the late Mr. Wroth
by Six, dated Amsterdam, May 18, 1892, in which the distinguished numismatist, to whom our science is indebted for so many of its most original and
learned contributions,2 outlined his idea of the grouping of the Lampsakene

staters into two groups, according to the two finds. Lbbecke3 also, and
Greenwell,4 in publishing these finds which were made about 1888 at Avola,
near Syracuse, and in Asia Minor, probably in the Troad, made very just
observations upon the differences of style shown by the coins in the finds.
Of the latter hoard, Lbbecke wrote that all of the staters appeared to be
later than those of the Avola hoard, the flan of the former being larger and

flatter, and the incuse square almost disappearing - the workmanship in

certain staters showing already that a decline in style had set in. Greenwell
wrote of the facing Satyr head which came from the Avola find, "This fine
stater of Lampsacus, of an earlier issue than some of those presently to be

noticed,5 formed part of a hoard lately found in Sicily." And, again, in

discussing the Asia Minor find, he wrote, "Two of them appear to belong
to the later issue of gold staters of Lampsacus, and probably do not date
from a time earlier than that of Philip II of Macedn."
1 Num. Chron. 1888, p. 111.
* It was Six who first called attention to the Boiotian inscription of the middle of the Fourth Century

b.c., which mentions gold staters of Lampsakos (Electrum Coinage, p. 10), as this letter proves.
3 Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 179.
4 Num. Chron. 1890, p. 25.
6 Namely, those from the Asia Minor hoard.

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The Gold Staters of Lamps akos 15

The Avola find1 contained seven differ

type, Apollo seated (Pl. I, 6), and the h

Demeter r. (PI. I, 15), Hermes 1. (PI. I, 22)

(Pl. II, 8) and Maenad 1. with sakkos (Pl
contained these seven types: Athena 1. (P

(Pl. II, 10), Zeus with sceptre (Pl. Ill, 2),

(Pl. III, 19), Kabeiros 1. (Pl. III, 25 or 27)
The contents of these two hoards cor
nouncedly earlier and later styles notic

rather easily discerned at first view, for

staters which are of the later style, whil

none of the earlier staters. The most im

that the two staters common to both hoa

sakkos types, belong to our middle gro
late character of the two hoards respectiv
the types of an intermediate group are co
If, therefore, we can date the Athena a
have been consecutive issues from their r
the latest staters in the Avola hoard, we s
as the probable date of deposit. Now th

besides the Lampsakene staters, one hu

Corinth and her colonies, fourteen hun
one gold stater of Abydos, and four P

quite logically enough from his informat

c. 320 b.c., the limit furnished by the
on the suggestion of Sir Arthur Evans,4
a composite one, made up of two separate
in Sicily at about this same time. If the

separate finds - one composed of gold

period represented by the coins in the go

1 Num. Chron. 1890, p. 25; Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 169 f.

2 There were fourteen staters in the hoard but five of
were duplicates of the seven above enumerated.
3 Num. Chron. 1890, p. 26 f.; Zeit. f. Num., 1890, p. 17
4 Num. Chron. 1891, p. 297, note 22. " According to m
been discovered in the same Sicilian district within the las
two hoards of very different composition, one apparently d
and the other from the beginning of the Third. The co
belong to two distinct hoards, one of early gold coins incl
and Abydos and a Persian daric; the other of the late silv

Dr. P. Orsi, in the latest account of this hoard, Att

gold coins were contained in one clay vase, the silver in ano
that this report may have been incorrect and that there

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16 The American Journal of Numismatics

413 b.c., the date of the Syracusan gold coins, to

assign to the Athena and Maenad heads, the la

according to the criteria of style.

It so happens that these two types are very

reverses to the staters bearing a head of a Per
This type follows in our scheme next but one1

The Persian satrap type appears in three examples

esting coins. The specimen, Pl. II, 15, from th

Glasgow, was long the only example known. La
acquired the stater, Pl. II, 16; and M. Jameson
Pl. II, 17. The Glasgow coin does not give any s
than a typical head of a satrap, but the two ne

decidedly that portraiture is here intended, for t

both these heads. This portrait can hardly be

Orontas, who was satrap of Mysia and Ionia,

struck silver coins at Lampsakos bearing a head of At

not dissimilar in style to the Athena head on the

the reverse the Lampsakene arms, a fore-part


The occasion of the issue of these satrapal

undoubtedly as Six first pointed out, and Babel

the revolt of the satraps against Artaxerxes II

Orontas issued the staters of Lampsakos with the

occasion of the revolt against the Persian King, c
with Athena and Maenad heads were issued just b
our sequence of types be correct.

A consideration of the style of the coins wh

group will perhaps serve to strengthen this conc

on that rather unstable and shifting basis of s

staters begins, according to our arrangement, alm

Hera and Zeus staters (Pl. II, 30 f.) which represen

of art on Lampsakene staters. The Zeus head,

was clearly the earliest die, Pl. II, 31-35, is one of

1 A facing helmeted head of Athena, Pl. II, 14, intervenes.

2 Babelon, Traite II2, p. 105 f, explains the gold issue as insurrectio
of any royal inscription or type. The head has been ascribed to Tissa
but in the Hist. Num.2, p. 597, this eminent authority agrees with B
former satraps come too early in the Fourth Century for this Lamps
classification, was struck c. 360 b.c., and Spithridates, a third possibi
coins from our mint, comes too late, since his coins were probably st
Codomannus when the latter was preparing to resist the invasion of A
3 Babelon, Traite II2, pl. lxxxviii, 15.

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The Gold Staters of Lamps akos 17

of the die-sinker, a majestic yet genial ty

(Pl. Ill, 3-7), excellent as they seem by the
more expressionless than the first die, this

type first created was merely copied over

Nike, of Herakles as Omphale, of Aktaion an

plane of excellence. These types are the c

series and, given the number of types whic

admitted beginning of the coinage, c. 390
seem to suit the style of these staters and to
we have drawn from the study of the rev
soundly based date is that which we can in

seems likely, bears the portrait head of

issues is correct, the latest coins of the Avola

to 362 b.c., which furnishes us with an appr
this hoard.

The date of deposit of the Asia Minor hoard will depend upon the date

which is chosen for the end of the Lampsakene issues since it contained
examples of staters, which, according to our arrangement, are the latest of
the series. The date given in the British Museum Catalogue for the lower

limit of the stater coinage is "c. 350 b.c." This date according to the
foregoing hypotheses would be much too early. Six and Babelon have

supposed that the stater coinage of Lampsakos was not immediately ended
by the appearance of Philip's staters, c. 359-336 b.c., but only when Alexander's staters had begun to flood the markets of Asia Minor. This view
seems in itself more probable, and, it should be noted, is that accepted also
for the period of cessation of the issues of electrum at Kyzikos.1 Furthermore, there are two staters in the third group which ex hypothesi would
be subsequent to c. 350 b.c., which bear types quite possibly referring to
Alexander the Great. These are, namely, the stater with a youthful male
head without attributes, Pl. IV, 22, and the Zeus Ammon head, PL III, 23,

both unique coins in the Paris cabinet. The former has been called an
Achilles head, but this is obviously a mere guess. The head is the only
male head in the series which has no defining attribute to enable us to
describe it as that of some deity. There is also a female head without

attributes in the series which has been called that of the eponomous heroine
of Lampsakos, who was called Lampsake. This is far from being an improb-

able suggestion since the local nymph is one of the commonest of all the
Greek coin types. For the male head without attributes, we are at a loss
for a name. It can scarcely be a personification like that of the founder,
1 Cf. Die Elektron Prgung von Kyzikos by H. v. Fritze in Nomisma VII.

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18 The American Journal of Numismatics

for in this case the reputed founder was a woma

shown at Lampsakos in Plutarch's day. Six once

represented Alexander the Great. He consider
type and the Maenad head with the flying hai
Alexander's reputed father whom he claimed a

mother, Olympias, about whose participation in t

Bacchic cult many stories were told. The inte

head as that of Olympias may easily be dismissed

it is one of the early staters, not one of the late
ceded that the reverse of the young male head wi
nameless, has a somewhat Alexandrine characte
of the same style as that of the Zeus Ammon stat
a period which we should regard as towards the
being so, there is some reason for thinking that t
Alexander, the former being a sort of disguised
as Six ingeniously imagined, have been chosen by
tude to Alexander for his forebearance in spar
victorious march into Asia Minor in 334 b.c.1 I
connected with Alexander and only three more t

are known, we may assume that the coinage l

This dating harmonizes with the supposition
satrapal portrait stater, and perhaps also the A

this type would then fall into the exact middle of

and its style quite suits such a date.
The discussion of the date of the beginning of
up in connection with the discussion of the fir

serpent - the type which gives us the data fo

coinage began.
A valuable test of the order of the Lampsakene
is afforded by the opportunity to place an unpu
and to see whether the style of the reverse and
obverse, size of type and flan, height of relief,

stater, No. 38, fig. 15 (see Cat. of Types), a

is very easily recognized as one of the latest issu

obverse and reverse. The Pegasos is done in th

close of the series - a style which, at first gl

earliest issues in the treatment of the wings, bu

not the early imperfect style but the debased sty
perfection of the coins of the middle and third
1 Droysen, Hist, de l'Hellnisme, I, p. 189.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 10

of Pegasos is found in the staters, PL

mation to our stater is the reverse of
This position in the series is entirely in
the obverse type and flan, and the bro

mary treatment of the hair, the large siz

these features of the bearded Dionysos

lacks the delicacy of the early Maenad
female Satyr, Pl. III, 13, it is dignified a
of the Lampsakene types with the excep
nian coinage Pl. III, 29, it has beauty an

Infant Herakles, nude, kneeling to r., strangling a serpent w

arm raised, 1. lowered ; crepundia over 1. shoulder and under r. arm

Forepart of a winged horse to 1., rounded wings, feathered, 1.
ered ; 1. wing in three sections, the one joining the body plain, mid
one feathered ; row of dots at termination of horse's body.

a. 18 X 14mm. 8.44 gr. Boston (Green well- Warren); I -a.1 Plate I, 1

Cat. Ivanoff, No. 192 (S. W. & H., June, 1863); Brandis, Mnz. -Mass. u. Gewichtswesen, p.
409; Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1880, p. 1*2, pl. i, 11; Gardner, Types of Greek Coins, p. 33, pl. xvi,
8; Regling, Sammlung Warren, No. 1002, pl. xxiii ; Gardner, Gold Coinage of Asia, in the Pro-

ceedings of the British Academy, III, 1908, pl. ii, 9; Jour. Inter, de Num. (hereinafter abbreviated to J. I. N.) 1902, la, pl. i, 1.

b. 16mm. 8.43 gr. (pierced). Paris (Old Collection); II-/3. Platel, 2

Pellerin, Recueil, II, p. 51, pl. xlix, 22; Sestini, Lettere e Dissertazioni (Livorno, 1779) IV,
p. 70, pl. v, 2; Eckhel, Doctrina Num. Vet. II, p. 456; Mionnet, Cat. d'Empreintes, p. 42, No. 827,
and Descr. de Md. II, p. 559, No. 284; Sestini, Stateri Antichi, p. 64, No. 13, pl. vi, 10; Waddington, Rev. Num. 1863, pl. x, 5; Brandis, op. cit ., p. 409; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2529, pl.
clxx, 28; J. I. N. 1902, No. Ib, pl. i, 2.

a and different obverse and reverse dies.

2 Helle, wearing chiton and himation, seated sidewise on a ram which advances
to 1. with raised fore-legs.

a .2 16mm. 8.41 gr. Berlin (Prokesch-Osten) ; I -a. Plate I, 3

Prokesch-Osten, Arch. Zeitung, 1849 (Denk. u. Forsch. No. 10, p. 97), pl. x, 2; Gerhard,
ibid., 1853 (D. u. F. No. 58, p. 116), pl. lviii, 9; Prok.-O., Inedita meiner Sammlung, 1854, No.
282, p. 50, pl. iv, 8; Brandis, op. cit., p. 410; Zeit. f. Num. 1877, p. 5; J. I. N. 1902, 2a, pl. i, 3.
1 The Roman and Greek numerals following the weight and present location of each coin indicate the obverse and reverse dies in serial numbering for each type, and their combinations.
2 Example a was purchased in 1848 at Livadhia (Lebedeia, Boiotia), by Prokesch-Osten who
describes another specimen (Arch. Zeit. 1849, p. 97) of the same weight but less well preserved,

which he bought in Orchomenos and ceded to H. P. Borrell, in Smyrna. This second specimen
is doubtless the de Luynes coin, 6.

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20 The American Journal of Numismatics

b. 16mm. 8.44 gr. Paris (de Luynes); II-a. Plate I, 4

Brandis, op. cit., p. 410; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2530, pl. clxx, 29; Cat. Borrell, No. 134

(S. & W., London, 1852); J. I. N. 1902, 2b, pl. i, 4.

a and b , different obverse dies but same reverse die. Reverse die of Type 2 identical with that of Type 1 , the only case in the whole series where the same reverse
die is combined with two different obverse dies.

3 Young male head, Perseus (?), helmeted 1., hair falls in loose locks; visor of
helmet ends in a volute ornament ; above volute is a small wing ; below the wing, a

Similar, horse to r., r. wing raised, 1. lowered ; middle section of r. wing

widens out from a row of dots to an even row of feathers.

a. 16mm. 8.40 gr. Paris; unique.1 Plate I, 5

Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2547, pl. clxxi, 14. (" tte imberbe d'A

4 Orpheus, wearing " Phrygian " cap, with flaps at back

girdled at waist, and himation thrown back from shoulders, s

r. elbow on knee and supports chin with r. hand ; on 1. knee s
hangs a strap ; ground line.
Similar, no row of dots at termination of horse's body.

. 16mm. 8.40 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; I -a. Platel, 6

From the Avola Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 170, No. 9, pl. vi (x
1902, 4b, pl. i, 7.

. 16mm. 8.43 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; II-/3. Plate I, 7.

Babelon, llev. Num. 1897, p. 319, No. 868, pl. vii, 12 = Inv. Wadd. pl. ii, 12, and Traite
II2, No. 2532, pl. clxx, 31; J. I. N. 1902, 4a, pl. i, 6.

a and 6, different obverse and reverse dies.

5 Thetis or a Nereid, semi-nude, limbs draped, hair long, seated to 1. on dolphin

to r., holding in r. hand knemides, and on 1. arm, a shield (arms of Achilles?).

a . 16mm. 8.41 gr. Paris (Old Coll.) ; unique. Plate I, 8

Mionnet, Cat d'Empreintes, p. 42, No. 825; Sestini, Lett, e Diss. (Berlin, 1805),
pl. iii, G, and Stateri Antichi, p. 65, No. 16, pl. vi, 13; Mionnet, Deser, de Md. II,
285; Brandis, op. cit., p. 410; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2531, pl. clxx, 30; Imlioof-Blumer, J. I.
N. 1908, p. 134, pl. viii, 44; J. I. N. 1902, 3a, pl. i, 5.

6 An archer kneeling to r. on r. knee, 1. elbow resting on 1. knee, holding in 1.

hand an upright bow, together with an arrow ; his r. arm drawn back from the body
hangs down with open palm ; he wears a cap with loose flaps bound with a ribbon of

which the ends are tied in a bow-knot ; a long-sleeved chiton girdled at the waist ;
anaxyrides , and shoes turned up at the toe ; over the chiton, he wears a close-fitting
jacket of some padded material or leather, laced down the front, with short caps over
the arms ; ground line.

1 Another example was once in the Pozzi Collection, but it was possibly not genuine. It
does not appear in the Pozzi Sale Catalogue, 1920.

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Tuk Gold Staters of Lamps ak os 21

a . 16ram. 8.42 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; unique. Plate I, 9

J. I. N. 1902, p. 8, and Zeit. f. Num. xxxii, pp. 1-14, pl. i, 1.

7 Nike, winged, semi-nude, with drapery about the legs, kneels 1. on a ram seat
to 1. ; .with her 1. hand she seizes 1. horn of ram, and holds back its head, while in
r. hand, she holds a knife pointed at the ram's throat.

a. 16mm. 8.42 gr. London (formerly Sir H. Weber) ; unique. Plate I, 10

Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1885, p. 10, pl. i, 9; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2534, pl. clxx, 33;
Head, Hist. Num. p. 529, fig. 276; J. I. N. 1902, 6a, pl. i, 9.

The example in Cat. Monn. gr. ant., No. 509, pl. xi (Rollin et Feuardent, Paris,
May, 1910), weighing only 3.40 gr., was a forgery and withdrawn from the sale.

8 Head of a Satyr, facing, slightly to 1., with straight hair brushed back from
the forehead, and flowing beard cropped short between the long drooping moustache,
and with pointed animal's ears.

a. 15mm. 8.41 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; I-a. Platel, 11

From the Avola Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 169, No. 3, pl. vi (x),
1902, 32b, pl. iii, 16.

b. 15mm. 8.43 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; 1-. Plate I, 12

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. 851, pl. vii, 9 = Inv. Wadd. pl. ii, 9, and Trai
No. 2561, pl. clxxii, 5; J. I. N. 1902, 32c, pl. iii, 17.

c. 16mm. 8.39 gr. Boston (Greenwell-Warren) ; II-. Plate I, 13

From the Avola Find. Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1890, p. 25, pl. iii, 11; Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1011, pl. xxiii; J. I. N. 1902, 32a, pl. iii, 15.

d. 16mm. 8.33 gr. Jameson, Paris ; II-. Plate I, 14

Cat. Sandeman, No. 236, pl. iv (S. W. & II., London, June, 1911); Cat. Jameson, No

pl. xcv (Paris, 1913).

a-d, two obverse dies - a and 6, c and d identical ; two reverse dies d, identical.
9 Head of Demeter r., wearing corn wreath, hair rolled.
1$ Similar.

a. 15mm. 8.38 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; I-a. Plate I, 15

From the Avola Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 169, No. 4, pl. vi (x), 4; J. I
1902, 17b, pl. ii, 10.

b. 14mm. 8.42 gr. London; II-. Plate I, 16

From the Avola Find. Wroth, Num. Chron. 1890, p. 324, No. 24, pl.

Mysia, No. 23, pl. xix, 1; Farnell, Cults of the Greek States, III, Coin P
II2, No. 2545, pl. clxxi, 12; Num. Chron. 1891, p. 116; J. I. N. 1902,

a and 6, different obverse and reverse dies.

JO Head of Dionysus 1., bearded, wearing ivy wreath with a
over the forehead.
I? Similar.

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22 The American Journal of Numismatics

a. 16mm. 8.41 gr. London (formerly Sir H. Weber

Greenwell, Num Chron. 1893, p. 85; Weber, Num. Chron. 1

Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2553; J. I. N. 1902, 24a, pl. iii, 1.

ti Head of a Maenad 1., hair rolled, loose locks fallin

wreath with berries, ear-ring with a single pendant, and n


a. 17mm. 8.42 gr. Berlin (Fox) ; I -a. Platel, 18

Numismata Antiqua (Pembroke Coll.), 1740, pl. iv, 9; Sestini, Stateri An

pl. vi, G; Cat. Pembroke, No. 880 (Sotheby, London, July, 1848); Brandis,

Num. Ilell. (As. Gr.) p. 72; Six, Num. Chron. 1888, p. Ill, No. 9; Babelon
pl. clxxi, 24; J. I. N. 1902, 27a, pl. iii, 10.

b. 16mm. 8.45 gr. (Formerly Philipsen) ; II-/3. Plate I, 19

Cat. Philipsen, No. 1791, pl. xxi (Hirsch XXV, Munich, Nov. 1909); Cat. Monn. gr.
pl. xxix, 794 (Naville et Cie, Geneva, 1922).

c. 18mm. 8.38 gr. Jameson, Paris; III-. Platei, 20

Found in Egypt. Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2550, pl. clxxi, 23; Cat. Jameson
lxxiii, Paris, 1913. From the Avierino Coll. = (?) Dr. Edd, Ras. Num. 1909, p. 55.

a-c , three obverse dies ; two reverse dies - b and e identical.

'2 Head of young Pan 1., beardless, with a goat's horn.


a. 16mm. 8.37 gr. Boston (Perkins); unique. Platel, 21

Found in Crete. Svoronos, J. I. N. 1899, p. 301, pl. IA', 12; Cat. of Perkins Col
428; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2500, pl. clxxii, 4; J. I. N. 1902, 31a, pl. iii, 14.

3 Head of young Hermes 1., hair short, wearing flat petasos, without w
top of which, a button ; band of petasos visible.

B? Similar, but middle section of r. wing has now evolved into a " lad
tern " which begins to be seen also on the lowered 1. wing.1

a. 16mm. 8.45 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; I -a. Plate I, 22

ii, 12.

From the Avola Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num. 1890, pl. vi (x), 7; J. I. N. 1902

b. 17mm. 8.55 gr. (Formerly O'Hagan) ; ll-. Plate I, 23

Cat. O'Hagan, No. 535, pl. ix (S. W. Sc IL, London, May, 1908).

c . 16mm. 8.38 gr. Jameson, Paris (formerly Durufl) ; III-7. Plate

Cat. Jameson, No. 1430, pl. lxxiii (Paris, 1913).

d. 17mm. 8.45 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; IV-7. Platel, 25

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. 800, pl. vii, 4 = Inv. Wadd. pl. ii, 4, and T

No. 2540, pl. clxxi, 13; J. I N. 1902, 18a, pl. ii, 11.

e. 18mm. 8.40 gr. Boston (Green well- Warren) ; V-S. Plate I, 26

Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1897, p. 258, pl. xi, 11; Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1013, pl.

xxiii; J. I. N. 1902, 18c.

a-e , five obverse dies ; four reverse dies - c and d identical.

1 The feathered end of the wing also from now on shows a fine cross-hatching visible first
on types Nos. 11 and 12.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 23

4 Head of Apollo 1., hair rolled, wearing a l

lette, or fillet, which passes over his front hair,
either side.

jy Similar.

a . 17mm. 8.40 gr. Munich; I -a. Plate I, 27

Sestini, Stateri Antichi, p. 63, No. 9, pl. vi, 7; Mionnet, Descr. de

544; Brandis, op. cit. p. 410; Six, Num. Chron. 1888, p. Ill, No. 7, also
Trait II2, No. 2543, pl. clxxi, 9; J. I. N. 1902, 15a, pl. ii, 6.

b. 18mm. 8.41 gr. Jameson, Paris (formerly Warren); II-/3. Platel, 28

Cat. Jameson, No. 1440, pl. lxxiii (Paris, 1913); Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1010, pl.
xxiii; Cat. Well-known Amateur (Warren), No. 99, pl. iii (S. W. & H., London, May, 1905);

Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2543, pl. clxxi, 10.

a and , different obverse and reverse dies.

5 Head of bearded Herakles 1. in lion's scalp.


a. 15mm. 8.40 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; unique. Plate I, 29

From the Avola Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 169, No. 6, pl. vi (x), 6; Ba

Trait II2, No. 2557, pl. clxxii, 1; J. I. N. 1902, 28a, pl. iii, 11.

t Head of Demeter 1., wearing a corn wreath and veil, ear-ring with tr
pendant, and necklace.

. 17mm. 8.50 gr. Paris (Old Coll.) ; I -a. Platel, 30

Cat. Wellenheim I, 4890 (Vienna, 1844); Six, Num. Chron. 1888, p. Ill, No. 8
p. 310; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2544, pl. clxxi, 11; J. I. N. 1902, 16b, pl. ii, 8.

.1 17mm. 5.29 gr. (plated). London; II-/3. Platel, 31

Wroth, B. M. C. No. 27, pl. xix, 5; J. I. N. 1902, 16a, pl. ii, 7.

a and 6, different obverse and reverse dies.

'7 Head of a Maenad thrown back, with flying hair, wearing ivy wreat

berries over the forehead, ear-ring with triple pendant, and necklace ; interwo
her hair is a diadem, ends flying, sometimes fringed.

. 16mm. 8.44 gr. Boston (Perkins, formerly Ashburnham) ; I -a. Plate I, 32

Cat. Ashburnham, No. 151, pl. iv (S. W. & H., London, May, 1895); Cat. of Perkins Coll.

pl. v, 429; J. I. N. 1902, 25e.

. 17mm. 8.46 gr. London; II-a. Plate I, 33

Head, Guide, p. 37, No. 15, pl. xviii, 15; B. M. C. Mysia, No. 2
25c, pl. iii, 6.

1 The second example 6, is a plated coin, which has been regarde

authorities as an ancient forgery. Its appearance at first glance is n
impulse is to condemn it from its brassy look as a modern product
the single-drop ear-ring), looks like ancient work, and in the absence
fabrication, it seems safe to consider it, with Wroth, as an ancient p

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24 The American Journal of Numismatics

c. 17mm. 8.46 gr. (Formerly Caruso) ; II-/3.

Cat. Monn. gr. ant. (Durufl), No. 508, pl. xii (R. et F., Par
Caruso, No. 68, pl. ii (C. & E. Canessa, Naples, June, 1923).

d . 16mm. 8.49 gr. Jameson, Paris; III-7. Platel, 34

Cat. Jameson, No. 1444, pl. lxxiv (Paris, 1913) = (?) Dr. Edd, llass. Num. 190

e. 16mm. 8.46 gr. Cambridge (McClean) ; III-S. Plate I, 35

/. 16mm. 8.47 gr. Bement, Philadelphia ; IV-8.

Cat. Gr., Rom. u. Byz. Mnzen, No. 465, pl. xv (Hirsch, XXXIV, Munich, May, 1914);

Cat. C. S. Bement Coll., pl. xvii, 256 (New York, 1921).

g . 16mm. 8.54 gr. Yakountchikoff, Petrograd (formerly Hoskier) ; V-S.

Cat. Hoskier, No. 371, pl. xiii (Hirsch XX, Munich, Nov. 1907 = Hirsch XVIII, No. 2440,

Munich, 1907).
A. 16mm. 8.45 gr.

Cat. Hirsch XII, 1904, No. 230.

i. 16mm. 8.40 gr. (Formerly Pozzi) ;

Cat. Monn. gr. ant., pl. lxvii, 2229 (aville et C

j. 16mm. 8.38 gr.

Cat. Monn. gr. ant., pl. xxix, 792 (Naville

k. 16mm. 8.42 gr. (Formerly Consul Weber) ; Vl-e.

1 . 16mm.
m . 16mm. 8.40 gr.

Cat. Monn. gr. ant., pl. xxix, 793 (Naville et Ci

w. 17mm. 8.43 gr. Berlin (Prokesch-Osten) ; VII-??. Plate II, 1

Cat. Thomas, No. 1998 (Sotheby, London, 1844); Von Saliet, Knigl. Mnz-kabinet, 1877,
p. 86, No. 212; J. I. N. 1902, 25d.

0. 17mm. 8.48 gr. Glasgow (Hunter) ; VIII-0. Plate II, 2

Combe, Mus. Hunter, p. 165, No. 2, pl. xxxi, 23; Mionnet, Descr. de Md. II, p.

290; Sestini, Stateri Antichi, p. 63, No. 7, pl. vi, 5; Brandis, op. cit., p. 410; Macdonald, H
Coll. II, p. 271, No. 4; J. I. N. 1902, 25f.

p. 17mm. 8.44 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; IX-. Piateli, 3

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. 862, pl. vii, 6==Inv. Wadd., pl. ii, 6, and Trait I
No. 2554, pl. clxxi, 21; J. I. N. 1902, 25b, pl. iii, 5.

q. 18mm. 8.45 gr. Paris (de Luynes) ; IX-. Plate II, 4

De Luynes, Choix, pl. ix, 18; Blanchet, Monn. gr., pl. v, 5; Brandis, op. cit., p.
hoof-Blumer, J. I. N. 1908, p. 130, pl. viii, 35; J. I. N. 1902, 25a, pl. iii, 4

a-q (seventeen specimens) nine obverse dies - b and c; d and e ; g and

p and q , identical. Ten reverse dies - a and b ; e-g , i, j ; A, Je; p, q , identical.

8 Head of Athena 1., wearing crested Athenian helmet with raised chee
and scroll ornament ; ear-ring with triple pendant, and necklace.
B? Similar.

a. 18mm. 8.42 gr. Paris (Waddington); I -a. Piateli, 5

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. 858, pl. vii, 2 = Inv. Wadd., pl. ii, 2, and T
No. 2540, pl. clxxi, 6; J. I. N. 1902, 12a, pl. ii, 1.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 25

b. 17mm. 8.42 gr. Boston (Green well-Warren) ; 11-a. Plate II, 6

From the Asia Minor (Troad) Find. Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1890, p. 20, pl. iii, 12; Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1008, pl. xxiii; J. I. N. 1902, 12b, pl. ii, 2.

c. 16mm. 8.37 gr. Glasgow (Hunter) ; III-/S. Plate II, 7

Macdonald, Hunter. Coll. II, p. 271, No. 3, pl. xlviii, 3; J. I. N. 1902, 12d.

d. 17mm. 8.42 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; IV-. Plate II, 8

From the Avola Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 169, No. 5, pl. vi (x),
1902, 12c, pl. ii, 3.

a-dj four obverse dies ; two reverse dies - a and 5, c and d, identical.

9 Head of a Maenad 1., wearing a wreath composed of vine leaves an

of grapes, ear-ring with triple pendant, necklace and sphendone.
W Similar.

a. 16mm. 8.41 gr. Jameson, Paris ; I -a. Plate II, 9

Found in Egypt. Cat. Jameson, No. 1437, pl. lxxiii; Dr. Edd, Rass. Num. 1

b. 17mm. 8.42 gr. Boston (Greenwell- Warren) ; 11-. Plate II, 10

From the Asia Minor Find. Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1890, p. 26, pl. iii, 14; Regling,

Samm. Warren, No. 1015, pl. xxiii; J. I. N. 1902, 26c, pl. iii, 8.

c. 17mm. 8.44 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; III-. Plate II, 11

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. 863, pl. vii, 7 = Inv. Wadd., pl. ii, 7, and Tra
II2, No. 2555, pl. clxxi, 22; J. I. N. 1902, 26a.

d. 16mm. 8.45 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; IV-7. Plate II, 12

From the Avola Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 170, No. 8, pl. vi (x), 8

1902, 26d, pl. iii, 9.

e. 18mm. 8.40 gr. Berlin (Imhoof-Blumer) ; V-7. Plate II, 13

Imhoof-Blumer, J. I. N. 1908, p. 130, pl. viii, 34; J. I. N. 1902, 26b, pl. iii, 7.

a-e , five obverse dies; three reverse dies - b and c?, d and e , identical.1

20 Head of Athena, facing three-quarters to r., wearing triple-crested helmet,

round ear-ring, and necklace.
R? Similar.

a. 16mm. 8.42 gr. Paris (Waddington); unique. Plate II, 14

Num. Chron. 1894, p. 310; Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. 859, pl. vii, 3 = In

Wadd., pl. ii, 3, and Trait II2, No. 2541, pl. clxxi, 7; J. I. N. 1902, 18a, pl. ii, 4.

2 Head of the Persian satrap, Orontes, 1., bearded, wearing tiara with loose,
tied flaps.
11/ Similar.

a. 17mm. 8.43 gr. Glasgow (Hunter) ; I -a. Piateli, 15

Combe, Mus. Hunter, p. 165, No. 1, pl. xxxi, 22; Sestini, Lett, e Diss. IY (Livorn
p. 69, No. 1, and Stateri Antichi, p. 63, No. 5, pl. vi, 4; Mionnet, Descr. de Md. II,
289; Leake, Num. Hell. (As. Gr.), p. 148; De Koehne, Mmoires, pl. xii, 36; Rev. N
p. 16, pl. ii, 3; Num. Zeit. 1871, p. 425; Macdonald, Hunter. Coll. II, p. 271, No. 2, p

P. Gardner, Gold Coinage of Asia, Proc. of Brit. Academy, 1908, pl. ii, 12; J. I. N. 1902,
iii, 21.
1 The reverse dies c and d have become interchanged in setting up the casts.

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26 The Ameiucax Journal of Numismatics

b. 17mm. 8.43 gr. Paris; II-. Plate II, 16

Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2503, pl. clxxii, 7.

c. 16mm. 8.34 gr. Jameson, Paris ; III-7. Plate II, 17

Cat. Jameson, No. 1443a, pl. xcv (Paris, 1913).

a-e, different obverse and reverse dies.

22 Head of Dionysus 1., bearded, wearing ivy wreath with a bunch of ivy b
over the forehead.

Similar; middle section of r. wing feathered as on types 3-12 and 32 ff.

a . 17mm. 8.30 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; I-a. Plate II, 18

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. SGI, pl. vii, 5 = Inv. Wadd., pl. ii, 5, and Tra
No. 2553, pl. clxxi, 20; J. I. N. 1902, 24c, pl. iii, 3.

b. 18mm. 8.30 gr. Jameson, Paris (formerly Durufl) ; I -a. Piateli,

Cat. Jameson, No. 1443, pl. lxxiii (Paris, 1913).

a and 5, same obverse and reverse dies.

23 Head of Helios 1., hair in loose locks, on a radiate disk.

I i} Similar.

a. 16mm. 8.43 gr. Jameson, Paris ; I -a. Plate II, 20

Found in Egypt. Cat. Jameson, No. 1435, pl. lxxii (Paris, 1913). From th
Coll. = (?)Dr. Edd, llass. Num. 1909, p. 50.

b. 17mm. 8.43 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; II-a. Piateli, 21

Head, Hist. Num., p. 530, fig. 281; Six, Num. Cliron. 1888, p. ill, No. 5; Babelon
Num. 1897, p. 319, No. 857, pl. vii, 11 = Inv. Wadd., pl. ii, 11, and Trait II2, No. 2551, pl.
18; J. I. N. 1902, 22a, pl. ii, 21.

a and 6, different obverse, but same reverse dies.

24 Bearded head of Zeus 1., wearing laurel wreath.

1$ Similar.

a. 18mm. 8.43 gr. Jameson, Paris ; I -a. Piateli, 22

From the Avola Find. Cat. Gr. Mnzen, No. 017 (Hirsch XVI, Munich, 19
eson, No. 1438, pl. lxiii (Paris, 1913).












c. 17mm. 8.45 gr. Paris (de Luynes) ; III-a. Piateli, 24

De Luynes, Choix, pl. x, 17; Blanchet, Monn. gr., pl. v, 6; Brandis, op. cit.. p. 4

lon, Trait II2, No. 2530, pl. clxxi, 2; J. I. N. 1902, 8c, pl. i, 13.

d . 18mm. 8.40 gr. In commerce (1902) ; IV-.

J. I. N. 1902, 8a, pl. ii, 11.

a-d , four obverse dies ; two reverse dies - identical.

25 Ge, wearing girdled chiton, and himation, rising 1. from the earth, holding in
r. hand three ears of corn ; behind her, two ears of corn and vine bearing two bunches
of grapes ; she wears corn wreath (?) ; ground line.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 27

a . 17mm. 8.37 gr.. London (Payne-Knight) ; I -a. Piateli, 25

Payne-Knight, Nummi Veteres, p. 130, No. 1; Millingen, Anc. Greek Coins, p. 69, No. 1,
pl. v, 7 ; Mionnet, Descr. de Md., Supp. V, p. 371, No. 556; Head, Guide, p. 37, No. 16, pl. xviii,
16, and Hist. Num., p. 529, fig. 277; B. M. C. Mysia, No. 26, pl. xix, 4; Gardner, Types, p. 174,
pl. X. 25; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2533, pl. clxx, 32; Gardner, Gold Coinage of Asia, Proc. Brit.
Academy, 1908, pl. ii, 11; J. I. N. 1902, 7a, pl. i, 10.

b. 17mm. 8.37 gr. (Formerly Sir H. Weber, London) ; I -a. Piateli, 26

J. I. N. 1902, 7b.

a and same obverse and reverse dies.

26 Nike, winged, semi-nude, kneeling r. before a trophy ; in 1. hand, nail ; in r.

hand, a hammer with which she is about to attach a helmet to trophy ; her hair is gathered up into a knot on crown of her head ; she wears necklace.

a . 18mm. 8.43 gr. London (Bank of England Coll. ex H. P. Borrell) ; unique.

Plate II, 27
Found in Egypt. Cf. B. M. C. Mysia, p. 82, note; Borrell, Num. Chron. 1843, p. 155;
Brandis, op. cit., p. 410; Head, Guide, p. 37, pl. xviii, 19; Gardner, Types, p. 173, pl. x, 24; Head,

Hist. Num., p. 529, fig. 278; B. M. C. Mysia, No. 31, pl. xix, 9; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2535,
pl. clxxi, 1; J. I. N. 1902, 5a, pl. i, 8.

27 Female head, the nymph Lampsak (?) 1., wearing ear-ring with triple pendant,
and necklace ; hair rolled ; linear circle.
15? Similar.

a. 17mm. 8.40 gr. Paris (Old Coll.) ; I -a. Piateli, 28

Pellerin, Recueil II, p. 51, pl. xlix, 2; Sestini, Lett, e Diss. (Livorno, 1779),
Mionnet, Cat. d'Empreintes, p. 42, No. 826, and Descr. de Md. II, p. 560, No. 2
Stateri Antichi, p. 64, No. 10, pl. vi, 8; Brandis, op. cit., p. 410; Six, Num. Chron
No. 6; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2565, pl. clxxii, 9; J. I. N. 1902, 36a, pl. iii, 23.

b. 18mm. 8.32 gr. London (formerly Sir H. Weber) ; I -a. Plate

J. I. N. 1902, 36b.

a and b , identical obverse and reverse dies.

28 Head of Hera 1., wearing Stephane decorated with a palmette, and


a . 18mm. 8.42 gr. London (formerly Sir H. Weber) ; unique. P

Weber, Num. Chron. 1896, p. 23, pl. ii, 18; Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2538, pl. clxx
N. 1902, 10a, pl. i, 19.

29 Head of Zeus 1., bearded, hair long, wearing laurel wreath ; beh
sceptre (not thunderbolt ).
IT Similar.

a. 19mm. 8.41 gr. Boston (Perkins) ; I -a.

Cat. of Perkins Coll., pl. v, 426; J. I. N. 1902, 9j.

b . 18mm. 8.45 gr. London; 1-. Piateli, 31

Erom the Asia Minor Find. Wroth, Num. Chron. 1889, p. 257, pl. x
No. 28, pl. xix, 6; Journ. Hell. Studies, 1897, p. 85, pl. ii, 12; J I. N. 19

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28 The American Journal op Numismatics

c. 19mm. 8.42 gr. Brussels (du Chastel) ; I-. Piateli, 32

J. I. N. 1902, 9i.

d. 18mm. 8.41 gr. London (formerly Sir H. Weber) ; I-. Piateli, 33

J. I. N. 1902, 9o.

e. 17mm. 8.35 gr. (Formerly Late Collector) ; I-y8.

Cat. Late Collector, No. 325, pl. vii (S. W. & H., London, May, 1900); J. I. N. 1902, 9m.

/. 18mm. 8.41 gr. Munich; I-7. Piateli, 34

Riggauer, Mitt, der bayer Num. Gesellschaft, 1901, p. 142, pl. v

g . 18mm. 8.41 gr. Boston (Perkins) ; I-7. Plate II , 35

Cat. of Perkins Coll., No. 427; J. I. N. 1902, 9k.

A. 18mm. 8.42 gr. Newell, New York ; I-7.

i. 18mm. 8.42 gr. Yakountchikoff, Petrograd ; I-7. Plate III, 1

J. I. N. 1902, 9n.
j. 18mm.

Cat. Monn. gr. ant., No. 507, pl. xii (R. et F., Paris,

k. 19mm. 8.46 gr. Warren Coll. (Lewes); I-7.

Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1005, pl. xxiii.

1 . 18mm. 8.44 gr. (Formerly Pozzi) ; I-7.

Monn. gr. ant., pl. lxvii, 2239 (Naville et Cie, Geneva, 1920).

m. 18mm. 8.40 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke) ; 1-8. Plate III, 2

From the Asia Minor Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num. 1890, pp. 8, 178, pl. i, 11; J. I. N.
1902, 9d, pl. i, 17.

n. 19mm. 8.47 gr. (Formerly Warren) ; 1-8.

Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1004, pl. xxiii; Cat. Well-Known Amateur, Warren, No. 97,
pl. iii (S. W. & H., London, May, 1905).

o . 17mm. 8.43 gr. Paris (Old Coll.) ; 1-8.

J. I. N. 1902, 9c, pl. i, 16.

p. 18mm. 8.39 gr. New York (Metropolitan Mus., Ward) ; I-e.

Hill, Cat. of Ward Coll., p. 100, pl. xv, 611; J. I. N. 1902, 9f.






























































v . 19mm. 8.47 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; III-e. Plate III, 3

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. 857, pl. vii, 1 = Inv. Wadd., pl. iii, and Trait II2, No.
2537, pl. elxxi, 3; J. I. N. 1902, 9a, pl. i, 14.

w. 18mm. 8.45 gr. (Formerly Frst Ch. v. A.) ; III-e. Plate III, 4

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 29

Cat. Gr. Mnzen, No. 539, pl. xvi (Egger, Vienn

No. 3050, pl. 28 (Merzbacher, Munich, Nov. 1909).

X. 19mm. 8.45 gr. Jameson, Paris (form

Cat. Jameson, No. 1442, pl. lxxiii (Paris, 1913).

y. 19mm. 8.41 gr. Cambridge (McClean,

Plate III, 6
Cat. Montagu, First Part, No. 520, pl. vii (S. W. & II., London, March, 1890); J. I. N.
1902, 9p.

z. 17mm. 8.45 gr. (Formerly de Molthein) ; IV-.

Cat. W. de Molthein, No. 1884, pl. xiv (Ii. et F., Paris, 1895); Cat. Prowe, No. 1242, pl.
viii (Egger, Vienna, Nov. 1904); J. I. N. 1902, 9q.
aa. 18mm.

Cat. Monn. d'or antiques, pl. i, 34 (C. Piatt, Paris, 1

bb. 19mm. 8.42 gr. (Formerly Warren)1;

Regling," Samm. Warren, No. 1003, pl. xxiii; Cat. Am

No. 51 (S. W. & H., London, 1910).

cc . 18mm. 8.43 gr. Bement, Philadelphia (

Cat. C. S. Bement Coll., pl. xvii, 255 (New York,

dd. 17mm. 8.56 gr. Petrograd (Hermitage) ; V-f. Plate III, 7

a-dd (thirty specimens), five obverse dies - a-r ; %-u ; v,w9 x-cc , identical; seven
reverse dies - b-e ; f-l ; m-o ; p-w ; x-cc .

30 Head of Nike 1., wearing wreath of myrtle (?) ; hair rolled ; small win
springs from her neck.

a. 18mm. 8.45 gr. Yakountchikoff, Petrograd; I -a. Plate III, 8

J. I. N. 1902, 35c.

b. 17mm. 8.36 gr. Paris (de Luynes) ; II-. Plate III, 9

Brandis, op. -cit., p. 410; Six, Num. Chron. 1888, p. Ill, No. 10; Babelon, Trait II2, No.
2552, pl. clxxi, 19; J. I. N. 1902, 23a, pl. ii, 22.












d . 17mm. 8.45 gr. London ; III-7. Plate III, 10

Wroth, Num. Chron. 1894, p. 10, pl. i, 11; Jour. Hell. Studies, 1897, p.
N. 1902, 23b, pl. ii, 23.

e. 17mm. 8.38 gr. Jameson, Paris (formerly Durufl) ; H

Cat. Jameson, No. 1441, pl. lxxiii (Paris, 1913).

a-e , three different obverse dies - b and c ; d and e, identical. T

verse dies - c-e , identical.

1 The stater, formerly of the Warren Collection, No. 1000 (19mm. 8.43
seen by the author in cast or photograph, and it is therefore uncertain whet
tical with any of the above thirty examples.
2 The left background of the obverse die has been cut away to make roo
which appears on the coin in front of the head of Nike. The reverse die als

countermarks below and in front of the Pegasos. The inscription appe

characters, but seems indecipherable.

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30 The American Journal of Numismatics

3 Head of Herakles, as Omphale, bearded ; hair rol

hind neck, a club,
fy Similar.

a. 18mm. 8.37 gr. Boston (Green well- Warren) ; unique. Plate III, 12
Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1893, p. 84, pl. vii, 7; llegling, Samm. Warren, No. 1017, pl. xxiii;
Babelon, Trait II2, no. 2558, pl. clxxii, 2; J. I. N. 1902, 29a, pl. iii, 12.

32 Head of a female Satyr 1., hair long, several stray locks over forehead and
cheek, with pointed goas ear ; she wears an ivy wreath with bunch of ivy leaves over
forehead ; ear-ring with single pendant, and necklace.

Similar, but the middle section of r. wing is no longer of "ladder pattern",

first seen in Types 13ff., but reverts to style of earlier Types, Nos. 3ff., a narrow feathered section.

a. 18mm. 8.32 gr. London; unique. Plate III, 13

Knight, Num. Yet., p. 131 (B), 6; Head, Guide, p. 37, pl. xviii, 18; He
530, fig. 282; Six, Num. Chron. 1888, p. Ill, No. 18; B. M. C. Mysia, No.
lon, Trait II2, No. 2559, pi clxxii, 13; J. I. N. 1902, 30a, pl. iii, 13.

33 Head of Aktaion, beardless, hair short, curly, with stag's h

7 Similar.

. 18mm. 8.39 gr. (Formerly Warren) ; I -a.

Cat. Late Collector, No. 326, pl. vii (S. W. & H., London, May, 1900); Regling, Samm.
Warren, No. 1019, pl. xxiii; Cat. American Artist and well-known Amateur, pl. ii, 50 (S. W. &
H., London); J. I. N. 1902, 33d.

. 18mm. 8.45 gr. London; l-. Plate III, 15

Wroth, Num. Chron. 1893, p. 9, pl. i, 16; Jour. Hell. Studies, 1897,
N. 1902, 33a, pl. iii, 18.

c. 20mm. 8.44 gr. Boston (Greenwell-Warren) ; I-/3. Plate III, 16

Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1018, pl. xxiii.

d. 18mm. 8.38 gr. (Formerly Pozzi) ; I-.

Cat. Monn. gr. ant., No. 2230, pl. lxvii (Naville et Cie., Geneva, 1920).

e . 18mm. 8.46 gr. Paris (Old Coll.); II-7. Plate III, 17

Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2562, pl. clxxii, 6; J. I. N. 1902, 33b, pl. iii, 19.

/. 17mm. 8.45 gr. Jameson, Paris (formerly Durufl) ; II-7.1 Pla

Cat. Jameson, No. 1434, pl. lxxiii (Paris, 1913); Ann. de la Num. fran., XIV, 189
Yerbeaux, p. 21.

g, 17mm, 8.35 gr. (Formerly Frst Ch. v. A.) ; II-7.

Cat. Gr. Mnzen, No. 540, pl. xvi (Egger, Yienna, Jan. 1908).

h. 18mm. 8.40 gr. Berlin (Lbbecke); II-7. Plate III, 14

1 This Aktaion stater probably was not from the Avola (near Syracuse) hoard as M
man conjectured at the meeting of the Soc. Fran. de Num., when M. Durufl presente
before this body, for this type was not mentioned by either of the two collectors who sa
in this hoard (see the reports of Lbbecke and Greenwell in the discussion of hoards pre
Catalogue of Types). It was more probably from the Troad hoard which was found sho

fore the Avola hoard.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 31

From the Asia Minor Find. Lbbecke, Zeit. f. Num

and Regling, Die Antiken Mnzen, pl. 33; J. I. N. 1902,

a- two obverse dies - a-d ; e-h, identical ; thre

34 Head of Hekte 1., hair rolled at back and

the head ; she wears laurel wreath, ear-ring with
neck, a flaming torch.
Iff Similar.

a . 18mm. 8.40 gr. Boston (Green well-Warren) ; I-a. Plate III, 19

From the Asia Minor Find. Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1890, p. 26, pl. iii, 13; Regling,

Samm. Warren, No. 1012, pl. xxiii: J. I. N. 1902, 20a.

b. 18mm. 8.39 gr. London (formerly Sir H. Weber1); I-a. Plate III, 20

Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2549, pL clxxi, 16; J. I. N. 1902, 20b, pl. ii, 17.
a and b, same obverse and reverse dies.

35 Head of Dionysos 1., bearded, wearing ivy wreath with bunches of ivy berries

over the forehead.


a. ,17mm. 8.36 gr. Boston (Green well-Warren) ; unique. Plate III, 21

Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1893, p. 85, pl. vii, 8; Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1014, pl. xxiii;
J. I. N. 1902, 24b, pl. iii, 2.

36 Youthful head 1., beardless, hair short.


a. 17mm. 8.40 gr. Paris (Old Coll.) ; unique. Plate III, 22

Sestini, Stateri Antichi, p. 64, No. 11, pl. vi, 9; Mionnet, Sup. Y., p. 371, No. 558, pl. lxx

3; Brandis, op. cit., p. 410; Six, Num. Chron. 1888, p. Ill, No. 20; Babelon, Trait II2, No

pl. clxxii, 8; J. I. N. 1902, 35a, pl. iii, 22.

37 Head of Zeus Ammon, bearded, facing, slightly to 1., wearing ram's horn

a. 17mm. 8.30 gr. Paris (de Luy nes) ; unique. Plate III, 23

Sestini, Lett, e Diss. IY (Livorno, 1779), p. 69 (" ex. Mus. Ainslie"), and Stateri Antichi
p. 63, No. 6; Millingen, Anc. Coins, p. 69, No. 2, pl. v, 8, " ex. Lord Northwick " ; Mionne
Sup. Y, p. 371, No. 557; Cat. Northwick, No. 963 (S. & W., Dec. 1859); Brandis, op. cit., p. 41
Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2539, pl. clxxi, 5; J. I. N. 1902, lia, pl. i, 20.

38 Head of youthful Dionysos, 1. with long hair wreathed with ivy, and a bunc
of ivy berries over the forehead.2 Fig. 15.

Fig. 15

1 The Weber coin is the one figured in J. I. N. 1902, pl. ii, 17, not the example in the Boston
Museum, formerly Greenwell-Warren.
2 This subject is new in the series, although Maenad and Dionysos heads are found in each
of the distinctive styles of the coinage. The absence of ear-ring and necklace (what might appear
to be a beaded necklace on the truncation of the neck is really the curling end of the front hair),

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32 The American Journal of Numismatics

m? Similar.

a. 18mm. 8.41 gr. Jameson, Paris ; unique.

Erom the Avierino collection (?), said to have been found i

39 Head of the elder Kabeiros 1., bearded ; wearing

B? Similar.

a. 17mm. 8.37 gr. London (Payne-Knight); I -a. Plate III, 24

Sestini. Lett, e Diss. IV (Livorno, 1779), p. 69, pl. i, 2, and Stateri Antichi, p. 62, No. 4,
pl. vi, 3; Mionnet, Sup. V, p. 369, No. 543; Payne-Knight, Nummi Veteres, p. 130, No. 2; Leake,
Num. Hell. (As. Gr.), p. 72; Brandis, op. cit ., p. 410; Head, Guide, p. 37, pl. xviii, 17, and Hist.
Num., p. 530, fig. 280; B. M. C. Mysia, No. 25, pl. xix, 3; J. I. N. 1902, 21c, pl. ii, 20.

b. 20mm. 8.38 gr. Boston (Greenwell-Warren) ; II-. Plate III, 25

Erom Asia Minor Find (?), cf. Num. Chron. 1890, p. 26; Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1016,
pl. xxiii; J. I. N. 1902, 21a, pl. ii, 18.

c. 17mm. 8.33 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; II-7. Plate III, 26

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 319, No. 866, pl. vii, 10 = Inv. Wadd., pl. ii, 10, and Tra
II2, No. 2550, pl. clxxi, 17; J. I. N. 1902, 21b, pl. ii, 19.

d. 19mm. 8.47 gr. New York, Metropolitan Mus. (Ward) ; II-7. Plate III,

Erom Asia Minor Find(?), cf. Num. Chron. 1890, p. 26; Hill, Cat. Ward, No. 612, pl.
J. I. N. 1902, 21d.

e. 18mm. 8.45 gr. London (formerly Sir H. Weber) ; II-7. Plate III, 28

J. I. N. 1902, 21e.

a-e , two different obverse dies - b-e , identical ; and three reverse dies, c-e , identical.1

40 Head of Athena I., wearing crested Athenian helmet ornamented with three
olive leaves and scroll, round ear-ring, and necklace.
IP Similar.

a. 18mm. 8.40 gr. Boston (Greenwell- Warren) ; unique.2 Plate III, 29

Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1893, p. 85, pl. vii, 9; Regling, Samm. Warren, No. 1009, pl. xxiii;
Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2542, pl. clxxi, 8; Gardner, Gold Coinage of Asia, Proc. of Brit. Academy, 1908, pl. ii, 10; J. I. N. 1902, 14a, pl. ii, 5.

4 Head of Aphrodite (?) 1., wearing wreath of lotus (?), sphendone, and earring with single pendant.

a. 17mm. 8.42 gr. London; I -a. Plate III, 30

Wroth, B. M. C. Mysia, No. 30, pl. xix, 8; J. I. N. 1902, 19c.

b . 18mm. 8.41 gr. Paris (Waddington) ; I -a. Plate III, 31

Babelon, Rev. Num. 1897, p. 318, No. 864, pl. vii, 8 = Inv. Wadd., pl. ii, 8; J. I. N. 1902,
19e, pl. ii, 16.

c. 17mm. 8.39 gr. Paris (de Luynes) ; I -a.

Babelon, Trait II2, No. 2548, pl. clxxi, 5; J. I. N. 1902, 19d, pl. ii, 15.

and the strength of the features are in favor of considering the head as the youthful and more
effeminate Dionysos, rather than a Maenad.
1 For the obverses, this is certain ; the reverses are too indistinct to be certain, but c, d and e
appear to be identical.
2 A second example has recently been seen in the market at Constantinople.

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The Gold Stateks of Lampsakos 33

d. 18mm. 8.40 gr. Jameson, Paris; I-/3. Plate III, 32

Cat. O9 Hagan, No. 530, pl. ix (8. W. & II., London, May, 190S); Cat. .Jameson
pl. lxiii (Paris, 1913).

e. 18mm. 8.45 gr. Berlin (Imhoof-Blumer) ; II-/8. Plate III, 33

J. I. N. 1902, 19a, pl. ii, 13.

/. 17mm. 8.41 gr. Boston (Perkins) ; II-/3.

Cat. of Perkins Coll., pl. v, 430; J. I. N. 1902, 19f.

g. 18mm. 8.41 gr. Bement, Philadelphia (formerly Sir H. Weber, London);








Plate III, 35
From the Asia Minor Find. Greenwell, Num. Chron. 1<S90, p. 27, pl. iii, 15; Ilegling, Samm.

Warren, No. 1007, pl. xxiii; Cat. Well-Known Amateur (Warren), No. 98, pl. iii (S. W. & II.,
London, May, 1905); J. I. N. 1902, 19b, pl. ii, 14.

a-A, two different obverse dies, a-d, e-h, identical ; two different reverse dies, a-c,
rf-A, identical.


As remarked above under the description of Type 2, there

one case of connecting reverse dies between the changing obverses.

has been shown in discussing the sequence of types, we find reverses so

identical that they serve about as well for determining the general s
of the series as though they were identical. There are a number of
types and several which are represented by only two examples, and
may as well be mentioned first, and then we may turn our attention

sequence of examples of the same type where there are more th

examples known. The unique staters are the following: Perse

Pl. I, 5; Thetis on dolphin, Pl. I, 8; Persian archer, Pl. I, 9; Nike sacr

ram, Pl. I, 10; Dionysos head (small size type and flan), Pl. I, 17; Pan

Pl. I, 21; Herakles head, Pl. I, 29; Athena head facing, Pl. II,
erecting trophy, Pl. II, 27; Hera head, Pl. II, 30; head of Her
Omphale, Pl. Ill, 12; head of a female satyr, Pl. Ill, 13; Diony
(large size type and flan), Pl. Ill, 21; young male head, Pl. Ill, 2

Ammon head, Pl. Ill, 23; head of youthful Dionysos, fig. 15.
Those types of which there are only two examples known are: He
and serpents, Pl. I, 1, 2; Helle on ram, Pl. I, 3, 4; Apollo seated, P

Demeter head r., Pl. I, 15, 16; Apollo head, Pl. I, 27, 28; Demeter
veiled 1., Pl. I, 30, 31; Dionysos head (medium size type and flan
18, 19; Helios head, Pl. II, 20, 21; Ge rising from earth, Pl. II, 2
Lampsake (?) head, Pl. II, 28, 29; Hekte head, PI. Ill, 19, 20; Ath

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34 The American Journal of Numismatics

copied from the Athenian coins, Pl. Ill, 29. 1 W

known from two examples only, there is naturall

which to base inferences as to the order of issue o
Still in some cases there is a difference in style w
different, which gives us a clue to the order of i
first instance, that of Herakles strangling the ser
I, 2, has the connecting reverse die with the He
and that fact settles the order of the two obve
reverse of the Boston example, Pl. I, 1, has an ear
The obverses of Helle on the ram (with identica
indeed. On the Berlin coin, Pl. I, 3, Helle is bendin
the Paris example, Pl. 1, 4. The two examples of A
similar in style to allow any inference as to their
are nearly identical. The same may be said of t
15, 16; but the reverse of Pl. I, 16, is closer to t
head, Pl. I, 17, and hence is placed second. The A
are of just slightly different obverse and reverse d
Pl. I, 28, may be more developed, and the reverse

27, is very closely allied with the preceding He

two coins with a Demeter head (veiled), Pl. I, 30
the obverse; the reverse of the Paris coin is clo
head type placed just before it. This latter ty
well in this position, the wings of the Pegasos

first developed under the Hermes head type, and

larger than on the types placed before it, as it is o
Herakles head is correctly placed in the sequence o
of Demeter veiled belongs just following. The t

18, 19, are from the same pair of dies. The re

style, but as the obverse bears a head of mediu

though different, still has a general resemblance

and following types with rather disproportioned

larger wing, the type is placed here. The two

20, 21, are of identical reverse dies, but the obverses

dies of which the Jameson coin, Pl. II, 20, seem

Pl. II, 25, 26, are from the same dies; the reve
truncation of the Pegasos has the lower corne

of the Lampsake(?) head type, Pl. II, 28, 29, are f

The reverse die is crude by comparison with the
is too large for the flan, and awkward in design.

1 The second example was not seen by the writer, and hence canno

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The Gold Stateks of Lampsakos 35

than the fine dies of the following Zeus he

of a badly proportioned Pegasos on coins of

and Helios types, Pl. II, 18-21. The Hekt

are from the same dies. The obverse is of v

the Aktaion head, and the reverse has the
makes its appearance in the Herakles as Om
staters, and which according to our chron
the Zeus and Nike types of this same plate
The types represented by three or more

for an arrangement of the different die

coins with head of a Satyr facing, Pl. I, 11

die. The first coin, Pl. I, 11, has a reverse d

earlier types; compare Pl. I, 10 for exam

probably made before II. The Maenad h

are from different obverse dies, but the re

examples are identical. As the obverse d

refined (note the heavy ear-ring and mor

and eye, and compare the Dionysos type
also is less advanced than those of the oth

to be the earliest. Between the other tw

there is little to choose, except that No. 1

head staters, Pl. I, 22-26, are of differen
determined chiefly by the style of the re
two, Nos. 22, 23 on the plate, are more prim
The reverses of Nos. 24 and 25 are ident

very clearly to be in accordance with ou

course No. 23 may have come before No. 2

of the five staters as its reverse is barely
following Apollo type, Pl. I, 27. The stater
with flying locks, rank second in the li
examples of which the Zeus with scepter,
types, according to the extant specimen
the largest issues; seventeen specimens o
the Zeus type being known. The obverse d
nine, and the reverse dies, ten.1

1 While the reverse dies of the seventeen known specimen

number of obverse dies known, yet an examination of thei
that more reverses were needed in striking than obverses,

with two reverses a and ; die III with y and 5. It is tru

and VI, but it was not in good condition at any time, havi
When it was used in combination with V, the crack was v

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36 The American Journal of Numismatics

When we compare the Boston and London ex

with the Paris coins Pl. II, 3, 4 (same dies), the lin
to be parallel to that of the Maenad heads of Typ
from a head with more animal character in the ex

ized head. The head on the Paris coins is the finest of all the coins with

this head, and is one of the most beautiful Maenad heads on Greek coins.
The reverses of these staters have dies very similar to those of the Athena
and Maenad heads, placed after them on the plate. The Glasgow specimen,
Pl. II, 2, approaches the Paris coins most nearly in the style of both obverse

and reverse. The coins intervening between the earliest, Pl. I, 32, and

latest, Pl. II, 2-4, all appear to show a line of ascending development which

reaches its culmination in the fine style of the coins, Pl. II, 2-4. The

Atliena head staters Pl. II, 5-8, have different obverse dies, and two reverse

dies, Nos. 5 and 6, and Nos. 7 and 8 of Pl. II, identical. Their sequence
is probably as here given because of the affinity of the reverse die of Nos.
5 and 6 for that of the latest Maenad head, Pl. II, 4; and that of No. 8 for
the die of the Maenad with hair in a saccos, Pl. II, 9, which it greatly resem-

bles. This latter Maenad type appears on dies hard to distinguish from

one another.

The order of issue of the three satrapal heads, Pl. II, 15-17, is likewise
determined by the reverse dies, for No. 15 has a die of closely similar style
to the type of Athena facing, Pl. II, 14, after which it is placed, and the dies
of Nos. 16 and 17 are developments of the die of No. 15, and are rather like
the die of Nos. 18 and 19 of this plate. Furthermore the first obverse die,
No. 15, has more of the typical, and the two following obverses, Nos. 16

and 17, look more like real portraits. The dies of Type 24, Pl. II, 22-24,
do not afford any data for placing them satisfactorily in a series. The

reverse die bears a great deal of resemblance to the reverse die of Type 26.
Hence it might be the last of the four reverse dies of Type 24. But Type 26,
Nike and trophy, might be placed just before Type 24, and 24d be the first of
the Zeus heads. The heads themselves are all on about the same level of

style, though the coin on Pl. II, 24, may perhaps seem earlier than the others.

The Zeus with scepter, Type 29, PL II, 31 - Pl. III, 7, has the most
numerous examples in the whole coinage - thirty or more; and the order

of the various obverse dies which are five in number is not difficult to deter-

mine. This arises from the fact that we have among the obverses one die
go with V. The old die 5 was, however, used again with a new obverse VI. With VI there were used
reverse dies 5, e, s, four to one obverse. Thus, although in this small group of coins of the same
type, the total number of reverses is not greatly in excess of the total number of obverses, the fact that the
reverse dies wore out more quickly is evident.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 37

which is a most perfect die, artistically one of

a Zeus head on this scale among Greek coins, a
approach it in perfection of style. Now, that t

types is as here arranged, from the most delicatel

descending scale to the hard and dry style of

very obviously declining tendency in the de

The Pegasos of these Zeus staters has now r

artistic and technical perfection, all parts of t

proportion. Note the size of the horse's head,
and the fine rendering of the minute details o

and . The dies 7 - e show a progressive decline of art. There is the

same loss of expression and carelessness in details (note the horse's mane)
that from now on begins to be apparent in the series at large. Again the
difference in style observable in obverse dies I-II as compared with the
succeeding dies is of a kind which is clearly due to copying. Note the
finesse of the rendering of the lock of hair which falls loose from the occiput

of the head in dies I, II, and the less skilful copying of this lock in dies
III, IV. Observe also how the back of the hair sags down in dies III, IV,

and the less profound expression of the eye.2

The dies of the Nike head, Type 30, PI. Ill, 8-11, however, do not

show any signs of progressive decline due to copying although two of them
are distinctly inferior to the third, PI. Ill, 10, 11. In this case the evolution
of the obverse dies seems to be in an ascending scale up to the remarkably

fine die, PI. Ill, 10, 11. The other dies seem to be leading up to this one,
for there are no details repeated in the manner of the careless copyist.
Besides these reasons, there is also the fact that the style of Type 31, Herakles

as Omphale, PI. Ill, 12, is as close as could be possible to the Nike head of
die III. The similar rendering of the turned-up hair and the deep-set eye,
and of the hair over the forehead - in short, the whole treatment of the
hair - are the points to be noticed. The Pegasos of this Herakles type is of
a style which is decidedly inferior to those of the preceding Hera, Zeus and
Nike types. From now on the horse is never engraved in the fine style
which is characteristic of our middle and early third groups. The "ladder"
1 We omit from our discussion here die V, the Petrograd specimen, PL III, 7, which is peculiar and
unlike the other dies; its reverse, too, is also quite different from the other reverse dies.

* As in the case of the Maenad head, Type 17, the disparity in the number of obverse and reverse
dies is not as great as might be expected. But the coupling of the dies gives the true answer to the question
of the relative durability of obverse and reverse dies. For die I was coupled with five reverses a - c, and
there are eighteen examples of staters bearing this obverse die - more than half of the known specimens
of the Zeus with scepter type, which of course explains why so many reverse dies cou pled with I are known.
With a sufficiently large number of examples of a given obverse die, there will regularly be found two or

more reverses which were used in combination with it.

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38 Tue American Journal of Numismatics

pattern is dropped altogether after this Herakles

to the earliest style of our first period ; careless str

in the horse's head are the rule. The obverse d

PI. Ill, 14-18, are very similar in character; in

be separated as varying dies, the sole difference

the eye - the Berlin stater, No. 14, may be the s
If it is die II, as seems probable, though the cast
tainty impossible, then there are two obverse di
nated I is the finer. This die seems likely to be t
fact that it is coupled with reverse die a, an unq
or 7, and probably the earliest, since the diffe

described as a decline.

The Kabeiros head stater, Pl. Ill, 24-28, has two obverse dies only,
and of these, No. 24 is probably earlier; the reverse of this stater is of better
style than those of the other coins of this type. The last type, Aphrodite(?)

head, Pl. Ill, 30-35, has but two obverse dies I and II, and reverse dies a
and . The connecting link which occurs in the middle of the series,
No. 32, dies I- , indicates the sequence of the issues as die is most
plainly more debased than a. It is the last of the series and is vastly

inferior to the fine dies of the Zeus and Nike types, and in fact to any of
the preceding reverse dies.

The generally accepted date for the beginning of the issue o

gold staters is c. 394 b.c. According to style, the staters d

begin in the early part of the Fourth Century b.c. and they
to the middle or third quarter of this century. The reason fo
commencement of the issues c. 394 b.c. is that the stater unive
to be the earliest type Pl. I, 1, "2, Herakles strangling the serp
from the type of the so-called Alliance Coinage of Asia Mi

assigned by Waddington (Rev. Num. 1863, p. 223) to th

coinage issued by Rhodos, Ephesos, Knidos, lasos and S

common obverse type, the infant Herakles strangling two se

panied by the inscription 5YN, the first letters of SYN M AX

"Alliance," and varying reverse badges of the respective m

Samos; 9, Ephesos; 10, Knidos. The coins are silver tridrach


Waddington formulated the interesting theory that the Symmachia

was a political alliance made by certain powerful coast towns, Ionian and

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Tuk Gold Staters of Lampsakos 39

Carian, directly after the Athenian gen

towns from Spartan control through his n

This league was of an ephemeral nature bec

us (Hellenica, IV, 8; 17, 22, 23), Ephesos

again to Sparta. It is not mentioned by

Waddington wrote, a new member of the

has become known through the discover

Byzantion published by Dr. Regling (Ze
coin, Dr. Regling argues, cannot have b
Byzantion was until that year still unde
and only when democracy was re-establ

expedition in 389, would the Alliance type

political liberty, be appropriate.1 One

Byzantion came into the confederation f

389 b.c., which would be quite extraordi
three out of the five original members, E

according to Xenophon, become parti

historians Beloch2 and Meyer3 have alway

the issue of the Alliance coins with SYN

type,4 as they do not accept the theory o

the part of these towns of Asia Minor a

Knidos. This date is the year of the Peac
Greek cities, except Klazomenai, were s
Artaxerxes II Mnemon, King of Persia.
Byzantion, at any rate, seems to make W
Spartan confederation immediately afte


Whatever the opinion of historians may ultimately be in regard to

the date of the Alliance issues, the Lampsakene stater which borrowed the
Alliance type cannot be placed any earlier than 389 b.c. for the reason that
it is copied with utmost fidelity of detail from the Byzantian tridrachm.
The axis of inclination of the kneeling Herakles, the coils of the serpents,
position of the arms, all indicate that the Byzantian coin served as a model
1 A singular coincidence is the choice of Herakles as infant, strangling serpents, for the reverse of the

Libertas Americana Medal, 1791, designed by Benjamin Franklin, to represent the victories of the infant
Republic of the United States at Yorktown and Saratoga.
Gr. Gesch., 2nd ed., 1922, III, p. 95. a Gesch. des Alterthums, V, p. 308, 310.
4 Holm, History of Greece, III, ch. iii, note 11, discusses Waddington's theory at length, concluding
that the cities of Asia Minor would not be in a position to form a defensive league after the King's peace,
and further suggests that if a later date were sought, we might assume the time of the Second Athenian
Confederacy, 377, which was anti-Spartan. He was, of course, not cognizant of the Byzantian tridrachm
with SYN. Bury, History of Greece, p. 553, accepts the date 387 b.c.

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40 The American Journal op Numismatics

for the Lampsakene die-engraver. Moreover, this coi

be the type which was copied at Lampsakos.
The commencement of the issue of gold staters at t
rather upsets the theory that the Persian king res

right to issue gold coin. This question on which nu

divided is one which is not to be decided by any refe

ancient historians, for we have no evidence of this s
M. Babelon (Trait II,2 Introd.) holds that the Persi
fered in the slightest degree with the issuing of coin
cities. Mr. Gardner maintains the theory that the ex
gold was jealously guarded by the Persian kings, and
struck by Greek cities under Persian rule are instanc

This in the case of Lampsakos seems rather absu

gold staters, begun probably around 387 b.c. as w

surely to have been suppressed by a monarch jealous

issue gold. Lampsakos issued electrum, as did Kyzi

tury, before Persian control was ended by the strug

Salamis; and similarly in the Fourth Century both

coinage in gold (or electrum). There does not seem

assuming that the Persian kings would not permit th

electrum or gold by the cities over which they had s
conquest of Lydia in 546 b.c., and then explaining all
such coinage did exist, as, for example, at Chios, K

exceptions. These mints certainly struck electrum

and 500 b.c. Why were they especially privileged

there are known only the very scanty issues of state

Klazomenai and Abydos which were all probably earl
Persian control, 387 b.c.; Abydos struck one type Pl.
on one of the earliest Lampsakene staters, Pl. IV, 2
prototype of the latter. But in none of the above
existence of a series of issues begun before 387 b.c. an
end at this date. If this were the case, there would
the argument that coinage in gold was not permitted

The Lampsakene stater coinage begins with a ty

Alliance silver coins, and this scarcely looks as thoug

of freedom in the choice of type. The weight stan

identical with that of the Persian daries. Hence w

that the Lampsakene staters were issued without any

rance as to the choice of metal, weight or type. As M
ically, "La lampsacne tait cree pour lutter contre

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 41


The recorded weights of the staters here catalogued show

range from 8.30 to 8.56 grams. The tabulated weights of 13

are as follows:

Grams Specimens Grams Specimens Grams Specimens

8.30 3 8.40 17 8.46 4
8.32 2 8.41 15 8.47 3
8.33 2 8.42 17 8.48 1
8.34 1 8.43 12 8.49 1
8.36 2 8.45 19 8.54 1
8.39 5

Total coins =30 Total coins =87 Total coins =15 Total 132

More than half of the specimens weigh from 8.40 to 8.

over one-ninth weigh more than 8.45 gr., and a little under

less than 8.40. As we should expect, there are more coin

weight than there are coins of excessive weight. The norm

where between 8.40 and 8.45 gr. This is about the same

by Dr. Regling in his analysis of the average weight of th

found was c. 8.40 gr.1 There are forty-nine coins within th

gr. as against thirty-eight within the range 8.43-8.4

accepted norm of 8.415 gr. for the Lampsakene stater whos

on the Persian daric is amply confirmed by this analysis.
These are the staters, which, of pure gold and full Pers
struck around 387 b.c. to compete as a circulating medium
which had already for a century past been the chief stater
ancient world.

Naturally the coinage of an autonomous Greek city, and

one of the most prominent, was not very abundant as com

of a great nation. Less than one hundred and fifty exa

beautiful staters have come down to us, and this is a ve

in comparison with the number of daries which have survi

times, as many as three hundred having once been found in

near Mt. Athos. Still the inscription relating to the sum

the allies of Boeotia in the Sacred War (see above, p. 2, not
realize that the Lampsakene stater coinage was of consider
as a circulating medium, for it mentions sums of five hundr
four gold staters of Lampsakos, I. G. VII, 2418, 11. 10, 11,
1 Klio, 1914, p. 91 f.

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42 The American Journal of Numismatics

A ai^cucavo) ar[aTpa ] ySoetcovra Trrrapas, pyvpc

"Byzantion (contributed) eighty-four Lampsake

Attic silver drachms") and 11. 20, 21, B vtrvrioi [

Karm <rraTelpa[<i xpv<r]w Aa ^aKavw . . . , " Byzan
five hundred gold staters of Lampsakos."

The date when the Lampsakene staters ceased

in the British Museum Catalogue as c. 350 b.c. It is noted, however,
in the introduction to this catalogue (p. xxvi) that Six supposed the coinage

to have ceased about 330 b.c. This view of Six seems the more probable
as the staters would naturally not cease abruptly with the introduction
of a new stater coinage, that of Philip II, but only came to a gradual end
when Alexander's gold staters had begun to be very abundant in the markets

of Asia Minor. Six's reason for suggesting the later date was his interpretation of three of the Lampsakene types as relating to Alexander. The
Zeus Ammon head, PL III, 23, the Maenad head, PI. 1, 32, and the youthful
beardless head, PI. Ill, 22, he took as a group struck at the same time in
honor of Alexander; Zeus Ammon, as the divine parent claimed by the

hero; the Maenad, as Alexander's real mother in the guise of a Maenad,

recalling the orgiastic worship in which Olympias was reported to indulge;
and the young male head as Alexander himself in the character of the hero

Most of these interpretations seem fanciful, for, to begin with, the

Maenad type is only one of many Maenad heads that appear on the coinage,
and was not issued at the end of the series but rather in the second group,
considerably before 350 b.c. The Zeus Ammon type falls into the third and
last group of the coinage according to the evidence of its reverse, and the
same may be said of the young heroic head. Now this latter is without
attributes and cannot be identified as a divine head. There is one other

case similar to it in this respect, namely, the female head, Pl. II, 28, 29,
which has been called conjecturally, Lampsake, the eponymous heroine
of the city. Of her we read in Plutarch and this is a fair conjecture. But
there is no name to be found for the young male head. Can it possibly be
that the head was intended as a heroic head meant to embody Alexander's
likeness? The suggestion which grows out of Six's interpretation does not
seem entirely improbable - the head has a somewhat Alexandrine character, and occurring as it does at about the date when Alexander was submissively received by the inhabitants of Lampsakos, it may not be out
of the way to regard the choice of the two types, PI. Ill, 22 23, as selected out
of compliment to Alexander who spared the city when it gracefully submitted
to his invasion in 334 b.c.

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The Gold Staters of Lamfsakos 43

A retrospective glance at the publication

gives an idea of the frequency with which

come to light. The earliest stater known

(Type 11), Berlin (Fox) example. In 1763

and serpents, and Lampsake were published

satrap and Maenad with diadem (Type 17

to list ten types in his Stateri Antichi. Gr

additions to the types became known, bein
New types appeared occasionally in finds
Avola and in the Troad about 1890. A possi
ring near Alexandria in Egypt in 1908 br
types already known. In the J. I. N. 1902,
six types, and since then only the Perseu
youthful Dionysos types have been made k

to thirty-nine. But as a result of the r

three groups, it becomes clear that the t
formerly listed as one type are not merel

for a single issue, but are rather three chr

ing respectively to the earlier style, the

mediate style, the Paris and Jameson coins

the Boston coin, PL III, 21. These three h

of the same subject treated according to t

cernible in the coinage. By classifying the
more, and arrive at forty-one as our total

Of these forty-one types, sixteen are

the most numerous specimens are known

Type 17, and Zeus with scepter, Type 29
of the former, and thirty of the latter h
which has brought down to us so many mo
but it seems reasonable to infer in this cas
that there were larger issues of these part
Only two instances of struck forgerie
come to the writer's attention, the Nike o
1910, No. 509, an obvious case, and the fem

a number of years ago, of which the ob

hair of the head unskilfully executed gi


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44 The American Journal of Numismatics


Type 1, Herakles kneeling to the right and strangling tw

Pl. IV, 6, 7, was copied from the Alliance coinage of Byzan
Samos, Pl. IV, 8, lasos, Knidos, PL IV, 10, and Ephesos, PL I
in turn was borrowed from the coinage of Thebes, Pl. IV,
first occurred on the Theban staters of 446-426 b.c. (Britis

Catalogue, Central Greece, pl. xii, 7) where it appears with oth

subjects, and was used apparently in a symbolical sense as t

struggle for freedom from external domination. On later T
and on the pale gold issues of 426-387 b.c., Pl. IV, 3, 4, the ty
used. On one of the latter pieces, Pl. IV, 4, the infant Her
longer represented as seated and facing, but kneeling (type to
Alliance pieces, and wrestling with the serpents in the same f
these latter coins. The hekte of Kyzikos, Pl. IV, 5, may hav

intermediary in the transmission of the type, though not nece

type is in the facing pose seen in the Theban gold coin, Pl. IV

Incidentally the study of the Alliance issues of Knidos

some interesting points of chronology through the comparison

of Aphrodite Euploia which occur on the reverses. The head of
distinguished as Euploia by the symbol, a prow, on the Allianc

IV, 10-12, appears to be earlier in style than the same head

drachm series, Pl. IV, 13, where it occurs as obverse type comb

lion's head reverse. The tetradrachms, however, are dated earlier in

Head's Hist. Num.2, p. 615, and in the British Museum Catalogue ' Caria.
The prow symbol was not first placed beside the head on the tetradrachm,
for it occurs on a drachm, Pl. IV, 14, of the transitional style. The only

point against the order here suggested is the fact that the ethnic in

full KNIAIQN occurs on the Alliance issues, Pl. IV, 10, whereas on the
tetradrachms the short form KNI is used. This may have been the determining reason for placing the tetradrachms before the Alliance issues.
But there is an example of an Alliance coin with KNI, Pl. IV, 11, and
the evidence of style is very strong. Knidos, according to Head, adopted
the Rhodian weight standard on which the tetradrachms are struck, about
400 b.c., following the example of Rhodos. But under Rhodos, Hist.
Num.,2 p. 638, the arrangement of the issues is at variance with this
statement. After the initial silver coinage of 408-404 b.c., is placed the

Alliance coinage (of c. 394 b.c., according to the theory). Then there
follows the gold stater coinage, and next the tetradrachms of Rhodian

weight, 400-333 b.c. This places the introduction of the Rhodian standard

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 45

at Rhodos after the Alliance issues; or, i

as Rhodian tridrachms, as coincident w
at any rate, of the Knidian tetradrachm
for placing them quite a little later than the Alliance coins. Also, at
Ephesos and Samos, the tetradrachms of Rhodian weight, parallel to the
Rhodian tetradrachms and bearing magistrates' names in full as at Rhodos,
begin after the Alliance issues.
Type 2, Helle on the ram, is a rare subject on Greek coins. The
myth of Phrixos and Helle, the children of Athamas who were about to be
sacrificed by their father to Zeus Laphystios in pursuance of an oracle,
and were rescued by their mother Nephele who sent the ram with the
golden fleece, was localized at Lampsakos, as is shown by an imperial coin
type with Phrixos and Helle (Zeit; f. Num., VII, p. 25). Athamas was
said to have founded Halus in Thessaly whose coins show Phrixos or Helle

on the ram.

Type 3, youthful head in a winged helmet, is also unusual. A stater

of Kyzikos of early style has a similar subject but there is no resemblance
to the Lampsakene type. M. Babelon has called this head "Atys", but
from the circumstance that the helmet on one piece seems to have terminated
in a griffin's head, now mostly off the flan, the head seems reasonably to be
identified as a very youthful Perseus.

Type 4, Orpheus, in Phrygian cap and long garments, seated on a

rock in a musing attitude and holding his lyre, was first published by
Lbbecke (Zeit. f. Num. 1890, p. 170) and thus designated because of the
Phrygian cap which is clearly indicated on the coin. The type is earlier
than the type of Apollo seated on the omphalos struck in 346 b.c. by the
Amphictyonic Council at Delphi. On the Lampsakene coin, the seat,
partly covered by the mantle thrown back, is a rock,1 not the omphalos, and

there is no laurel branch. Orpheus is represented as seated on a rock

and playing the lyre on a coin of Traianopolis in Thrace (Head, Hist. Num.2,
p. 288). The musing attitude, however, reminds one of the Delphic stater.
Still the Phrygian cap and the absence of any Apolline attributes inclines
one to consider the figure as Orpheus rather than Apollo.
Type 5, Thetis on a dolphin, was probably copied from the Kyzikene

stater c. 450-400 b.c. of somewhat similar type, Pl. IV, 15, 16. On this
latter piece the Nereid or Thetis holds a wreath and shield, while on our
stater she holds greaves and a shield. This type was long ago identified

as Thetis, the sea-goddess, bearing the arms of her son Achilles. However,

on coin types representing Thetis at Larissa Kremaste in Thessaly (Head.

1 Apollo on a rock with lyre is a Sikyonian type. Head, Hist. Num.2, p. 410.

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46 The American Journal of Numismatics

Hist. Num.,2 p. 300) and of Pyrrhus, King of Epir

is riding on a hippocamp. On the former coin, t
and there is therefore no doubt regarding the int
however, the sea-nymph rides a dolphin, and ther
cult to support the interpretation as in Thessaly,
Type 6, a kneeling archer in Oriental dress, shou
and action with the kneeling nude Apollo on the s
17, 18, dating c. 450-400 b.c., of earlier style, as the

indicates. On the Lampsakene stater the kneeli

done although it would be interesting to know just

with the left foot now off the flan, as the left le

too far in advance. A similar pose is found on

and Artemis, Pl. IV, 19, 21, and at Orchomenos in

Artemis, Pl. IV, 20, 22. On the silver coins of Siky

arrow with the bow in the left hand; and on th

Kyzikene stater, Apollo holds an arrow also whi

examples. On the Lampsakene stater the shaft of

the archer's left hand, held horizontally. Whether
coins of Orchomenos and Chersonesos is also hol
is not clear, and some specimens have been describ

on the ground which Artemis is about to lift w

figures therefore are best described as about to sh

the effect of an arrow which has just been disc

Museum Catalogue Mysia (p. 26, No. 64, note) on

Type 7, Nike sacrificing a ram, is a copy of the

(British Museum Catalogue Troas, pl. xl) which i
b.c., and much inferior in style. The subject is

motive with the bull as the animal of sacrifice.

The facing Satyr's head of Type 8, is probably not connected with the
facing Satyr head on gold staters of Pantikapaion as the head is so differently
treated on the latter, the neck in profile to the left and the head in threequarters view.

Type 9, the Demeter head, is an exquisite gem-like piece of work,

and may of course equally well be designated as Persephone since a veiled
Demeter occurs soon after on the coinage.
Type 10, the head of Dionysos, should be compared with the two later
heads, Types, 22, 35 (Pl. II, 18 and III, 21). Its style is quite superior to

the rather coarse work of the latest head and to the more formal rendering
of the middle type.
Type 11, the Maenad heads, like the Dionysos head just preceding, are

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 47

noteworthy for their successful rendering

human head.

Type 12, the small Pan head and the Hermes head, Type 13, call for
no special comment. The latter Pl. IV, 26, is probably copied from the
Kyzikene stater, Pl. IV, 25.

Type 14, the Apollo head with fillets is an unusual type. When the
Munich specimen, PL I, 27, alone was in existence, the head was variously

described as Aphrodite (the laurel wreath being supposed to be myrtle, and

the fillets, a string of pearls woven in the hair), as Demeter, and sometimes

as Apollo. The Boston specimen, Pl. I, 28, makes it clear that the head is
not feminine and that it is a bandelette of wool terminating in a triple
fringe which is woven in the hair.

The next two types, Herakles in the lion's scalp and Demeter veiled,
Types 15 and 16, need not be noted particularly.
Type 17, the Maenad with flying hair, is of great originality and very
interesting to study in its artistic development which culminates in the
beautiful Paris staters, Pl. II, 3, 4. The heads on all the different dies are
full of spirit and expressive of the Maenad in flight.

Type 18, the Athena head, and the facing Athena head of Type 20,
are well done though perfectly conventional renderings.

Type 19, Maenad head in a sakkos and wearing a wreath of grapes,

is entirely human in expression and it therefore seems most fitting that it

should come after the other Maenad heads.

Type 21 , the bearded head in a satrapal tiara, was formerly identified

as Pharnabazos who struck coins at Kyzikos in 410 b.c., but M. Babelon,

following Six, has more persuasively identified the head as that of Orontas,

satrap of Mysia and Ionia, c. 362-345 b.c. Bronze coins bearing the name
of this satrap,1 showing a head resembling somewhat the head on the Lampsakene stater, but very small, and silver coins with the name of Orontas and
the Lampsakene arms, forepart of Pegasos as reverse type, were struck at
Lampsakos. The latter piece2 has for obverse type a helmeted Athena very
like the head on the Lampsakene staters, Pl. II, 5-8. These staters, accord-

ing to our chronological arrangement, appear to belong to the very same

period as the satrapal staters. The date of issue of these interesting portrait
staters is, therefore, c. 362 b.c., when Orontas was in revolt against Arta-

xerxes II Mnemon, king of Persia, on which occasion the other coins of

Orontas were struck at Lampsakos.3

1 Babelon, Trait1, pl. lxxxviii, 19, 20.
2 B. M. C. Ionia, pl. xxxi, 8.
* Babelon, Trait II2, p. 105 f. Head, Hist. Num.,2 p. 597.

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48 The American Journal of Numismatics

Type 23, the head of Helios on a radiate dis

found on a silver drachm of Megiste, Pl. IV, 27

the Fourth Century b.c. The type is unusual,

certain that the Carian coin is later. The Lam

is an improvement on the other piece for the ra

of the disk.

Type 25, the figure of Ge, rising from the e

been modelled upon a corresponding figure o

29, 30. The pose of Ge, or Gaia, on the Kyzike

the Lampsakene; her mantle falls over the left

staters she bears the same fruits of the earth,
ferently disposed. On the Lampsakene coin, the
is thrown back which accentuates the impression
as does also the ground line which is uneven an

Type 28, the Hera head, is so close to the

head that here again we seem to have a case of

instances the Kyzikene staters are anterior to 4
Types 29-32, Zeus with scepter, Nike head,
female Satyr, represent the four highest dev

Lampsakene staters. The symbol behind the

a thunderbolt as it has always been called, but a

is visible below the beard, Pl. II, 34, PL III, 4.

Alexander the Great, and of the kings of Syria

of Cilicia, show this type of scepter which termina

The identification of the bearded head wearin

club behind the neck, Type 31, was made by Head. M. Svoronos was
formerly inclined to consider it a Pan head, from the appearance of the
front locks which resemble upright horns; the symbol behind the head
would then have to be a pedum. But the latter looks more like a club and
the Stephane is unexplained and quite anomalous on a head of Pan. The
back hair, too, is turned up in feminine fashion; compare the heads of Hera,

Pl. II, 30, of Nike, PL III, 10, and of Hekte, Pl. III, 19. The appearance

of horns is probably accidental, and Head's brilliant identification stands.

Furthermore, the Omphale legend of Herakles, of Lydian origin, according
to which Herakles underwent a voluntary servitude, donning female attire
as an atonement for homicide, seems to have been localized at Lampsakos
since there exists an imperial coin type (Macdonald, Hunter. Cat. pl. xlviii,

5) of Herakles and Omphale, Pl. X, 11.

The Nike head, Type 30, has been called an Eros (J. H. S., 1897, p. 85)

on account of the wreath which seems to be certainly of myrtle. The

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The Gold Stateks of Lampsakos 49

coin from which the identification was ma

Pl. Ill, 10, but although this die has a som

dies, Pl. Ill, 8, 9, would never suggest t


The head of a female Satyr, Type 32, wi

is a most beautiful type, and the subjec

hardly call it a Maenad head, for Maenads

do not have pointed ears. In fact the poin
unusual in Greek art. There are a few in

in Reinach's Rpertoire, but in none of

presence of the pointed ear. Several yer

wandering through the Muse du Louvre i

was rewarded by the discovery of a Fourt

marble, of which the ears are pointed

ture antique du Muse national du Louv

The nose and the bust associated with this

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50 The American Journal of Numismatics

itself is antique.1 The sculpture is not a perfect

is a purely human type, whereas the coin show
shevelled female Satyr, characterized as female b

lace. But the subject is so rare in Greek art th

able to find it on a marble of the same period as

Type 33, the head of Aktaion, is also a rare on
occurs on a Kyzikene stater of the period 450-400
blance of style between the two staters.
Type 38, the young and beardless Dionysos, i
fine example of a Fourth Century rendering o
in Thrace, the youthful Dionysos type occurs on
400 b.c. (Head, Hist. Num.,2 p. 250), and this is on
of the type on coins. A beautiful head on the c
of the period 400-344 b.c. (cf. the coin in the Poz

is very close to our Lampsakene stater in sty

rather full, soft chin, and the hair and wreath a

manner, though the gold stater is immeasurab
piece. At Kyzikos also on staters of the Fourth C

young Dionysos head occurs (Babelon, Trait,

however, is not orderly but dishevelled, and the t

Lampsakene head.
Type 39, the bearded Kabeiros head, is again
prototype, Pl. IV, 33, 34, the latter dating c. 4
formerly described as Odysseus or Hephaistos

pilos which is also worn by Odysseus on th

Hephaistos on coins of Methana in Argolis. How

discussed the cult of the Kabeiroi at Birytis an
Num. xxiv, p. 105 f), and has shown the existe
Kabeiros and an elder (bearded) Kabeiros at Kyz
tion has been generally accepted.
Type 40, the Athena head, is copied from th
Athenian tetradrachm (British Museum Catalogu
closest in style to our Lampsakene stater, Pl. IV,
b.c. The head is done in the pseudo-archaic mann

Athenian issues and it at first glance looks most o

Lampsakene types. It is executed, moreover, i

lacks style and beauty altogether.

1 Froehner, loc. cit., "Satyre Femelle. Buste. Les oreilles de che

remarque sur la figure de cette femme la caractrisent comme Satyre f

trs rare et trs interessante. (Le nez et le buste sont modernes. La

pentlique. Muse Campana. Hauteur totale 0.52.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 51

The head of Type 41 is done in a curious

to say what goddess is here represented, f
the sakkos and hair is unidentifiable. On t
bud at the base of the flower, but this is

on die I, in place of the flower there is a leaf

sakkos, which might pass as a lotus leaf. T

on the second die. If the wreath is a lotus
Aphrodite who was associated with this pla
and Nagidos, Head, Hist. Num.,2 p. 718, 72
p. 739). If the wreath is not a lotus, it is di
As evidence of cult, the Lampsakene sta
special value, since they do not represent
nence as usual. The distinctive badges of t
of Pegasos found on the earliest coins in e
the janiform female head found on the
staters bear constantly varying obverse ty

Pantheon, while the arms of the city oc

parable to the choice of types on the elect

badge proper is relegated to the position
of animal and figure types are used for th
are types which are found earlier on othe
inferred, were suggested by those coinage

copied. At Lampsakos there are cases of

from other coinages, as already shown,

have to eliminate therefore these copied o

conclusions as to the principal deities wor

Of the higher Olympic gods, Zeus and

important position. A Zeus head occurs a

and 31 and in the latter his head is entire

scepter which is the adjunct symbol. Athe

and Pl. Ill, 29, the last, however, being

head occupies the reverse of the majorit

and her head is the obverse type chosen by

sakene issues (British Museum Catalog

also placed the head of Zeus on one of h
Perses Achmn. pl. ix, 12). From the ab
that these deities were in particular kn
bronze coinage, Pl. IX, 19-24, also employ
Demeter is found on three types, Pl.
Pl. I, 30, a wreathed and veiled head, an

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;VJ Tuk American Journal of Numismatics

the ground, and on a bronze coin, Pl. IX, 35. The

have been suggested by the Kyzikene stater, Pl. IV,

triple occurrence of Demeter on the gold coins seem
clusion that her cult was prominent at Lampsakos. N
ties are especially conspicuous on these staters, thou

Dionysos are found. Apollo occurs on the Fourth

36-30, and on later bronze, and hence his cult see
coinage of Lampsakos, however, discloses what wa
of the city, namely, that of Dionysos-Priapos. O
drachms struck after the battle of Magnesia in
when Lampsakos received its autonomy from Rom
horned head occupies the obverse. On the latest
recurs again, Pl. X, 2-7, and the figure of Priapo
coins, Pl. X, 8, 17, 19. Priapos is an hypostasis of

lier. He wears the wreath of ivy leaves with berries

betoken his animal nature as a fertility god. This

prominent on the Imperial issues.

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The Goi.d Staters of Lampsakos 53


It was the writer's original plan to issue a separate arti

and bronze coinages of Lampsakos thus completing th

presented on the Lampsakene electrum and gold stater

had already been gathered from the collections of London,

and Glasgow, and the plates were prepared when word wa

Dr. Gaebler in August, 1922, that he was about to publ

on the silver coins of Lampsakos left by the late Dr. v

then decided to append the plates to the present article on

and restrict the text mainly to a brief summary of the ch
of the issues.

The whole publication was, however, retarded in the autumn of 1922

by the writer's more extended researches in the field of the Alexandrine
and Lysimachian issues at Lampsakos, and subsequently by a complete
cessation of numismatic work, due to the agreeable but all-absorbing task
of serving on the Publication Committee of the Exhibition of American Sculpture held by the National Sculpture Society on the grounds of the Numis-

matic and the adjoining Museums. Since taking up again the task of completing a much-postponed publication, the paper by Dr. Gaebler on the
silver coins has come out in Nomisma, XII, 1923. It is accompanied by
two plates which do not duplicate but rather complement Pis. V and VI
here given, since so many examples have been drawn by Dr. Gaebler from
Berlin, Copenhagen, Brussels and other foreign museums, not included
in these plates. The dates assigned to the autonomous silver issues and
the arrangement of the same are practically identical in the two articles,
but Dr. Gaebler's views as to the dates of certain issues, notably, the second
group of the Janiform head series, and the Alexandrine. tetradrachms diverge

considerably from those that the writer had formed, and in these two viewpoints will be found a fruitful topic for discussion. The writer wishes to
express to Dr. Gaebler her appreciation of his kindness in forwarding a copy
of his paper so promptly and of his careful review of her paper on the electrum

staters (Numismatisches Literatur-Blatt, 1921, No. 216-217, p. 1798).

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54 The American Journal of Numismatics


c. 510 b.c. or earlier

I. Forepart of Pegasos to 1. or r. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Pl. V, 1-7.

Denominations : didrachms, tetrobols and diobols.

Group A. c. 500-470 b.c.

I. Archaic Janiform female head with round ear-ring, necklace an

Athena head in Corinthian helmet 1. within a square incuse. Pl. V

Denominations : tetrobol Pl. V, 8 ; drachms, Pl. V, 9-13 ; obols,

tritemorion, Pl. V, 17.

Rev. details: 15, olive wreath on helmet ; 16, wheel, countermark
olive spray in field.

II. Similar head, more advanced style ; border of dots. Rev


Denominations : drachms, Pl. V, 18-23, and obols, Pl. V, 24-27.

Rev. details in lower r. field: 18, olive spray; 19, x ; 20, amphora; 22, caduceus; 25, ; 26, f ; rev. details on helmet: 18, serpent; 19, 25, 26, olive wreath.
Group B. c. 400-300 b.c.
I. Archaistic Janiform head with round ear-ring and diadem. Rev. AAM, AAM Y,
AAMYA Athena head in Corinthian helmet r. in circular incuse. Pl. VI, 1-21.

Denominations: tetrobols and diobols (Pl. VI, 1, triobol). Dr. Gaebler publishes
also a drachm, Nomisma XII, Pl. II, 1 ; an obol, Pl. 2; and a tritemorion, Pl. II, 3.
Obv. details: 1, border of dots; 13, dolphin to 1. on neck; 12-14, dolphin to r.
on neck; 15, GEO; 16, IAO; 17, 18, KPI on neck; 21, later style with drop ear-ring.
Rev. details on helmet: 5, 17, 18, olive wreath ; rev. details in field : 9, ivy leaf ;

10, serpent; 17, 18, kantharos; 19, fly.

II. Similar head, not archaistic. Rev. AAM ; helmet usuitlly crested. Pl. VI,

Denomination : tetrobols.

Obv. details: 22, pendant ear-ring and necklace.

Rev. details: 23-25, half-Pegasos on helmet; 28-32, serpent on helmet; 31, star
in field ; 32, grapes in field.

III. Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet r. Rev. AAM Forepart of

Pegasos r. ; below, ear of corn. Pl. VI, 33-35.
Denomination : tetrobols.

IV. Apollo head r. Rev. AAM Half-Pegasos r. Pl. VI, 36-39.

Denomination : diobols.

Rev. symbols: 36, dolphin; 37, mouse ; 38, bee ; 39, helmet.

V. Zeus head r. Rev. AAM Half-Pegasos r. Pl. VI, 40.

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Tuk Gout Staters of Lampsakos 55


The silvei' coinage of the half-Pegasos types is very scan

difficult of attribution. Two coins in the Paris collection, T

ami 17. should not he given to this mint on account of the styl

and reverso. The half-horse of No. 13 of the Trait is very

of coins assigned by Svoronos (L'Hllnisme primitif de la M
10 and 17) to the Crestonians of primitive Paionia, while th
of both Nos. 13 and 16 of the Trait also resemble the Paion

nos. pl. xiv. 16 and 17.) The small coin No. 15 of the Tra
Xo. 7 of our Plate V which has three globules around th
uncertain, and No. 17 of the Trait, with the Satyr's he
is certainly not Lampsakene. The London coin, British M

Mysia, pl. xviii, 6, similar to a piece in the Cambridge colle

belong to our mint, as the incuse is of a different design.
The other coins of Pl. V from the Paris and London coll

Pl. V, 1, from the Newell collection are all surely of Lam

possible exception of Pl. V, 7, as above indicated. They r

different denominations, the didrachm, Pl. V, 4, 5, the tetr

and the diobol, Pl. V, 6, of the same standard which wa

striking of the contemporary electrum coinage, which is c

" Phocaic reduced." Dr. Gaebler separates the half-Pegaso

two groups, an earlier, comprising all the smaller denomin

calls diobols and obols (but which are really tetrobols and d
local Lampsakene electrum standard, and a later issue, inclu
denomination, the two didrachms, Pl. V, 4, 5 (Gaebler, G
of which nine examples are known, and a small unique p

(Gaebler, Group I, No. 11) which he regards as struck on

standard, which is the same as that of the electrum staters

with the palmette symbol, the supposed Ionian Revolt s

staters have been discussed earlier in this paper, and rea

questioning the Ionian Revolt theory. Stylistically, at least,

appear to the writer as more closely allied to the undoubted
of Lampsakos, note particularly the stater figured on Pl. I,
trum Coinage.2 In general there seems to be no cogent reas

1 Comparo Babelon *s table of weights for the Lampsakene electrum standard a

the Trait II,1 p. 343, which is as follows: tetradrachm (electrum stater), 15.36 g
drachm, 3.84 gr.; tetrobol, 2.65 gr.; diobol, 1.28 gr. There is evidently a miscalcula
part when he writes (Nomisma XII, p. 4) of a diobol of c. 2.57 and an obol of c. 1.2
agrees however with Dr. Gaebler's deduction that this silver coinage follows the sa
Lampsakene electrum "Phocaic reduced," and not the Milesian as given on p. 19 of

2 A detail, but an important one, is the fact that these didrachms show a rather l
of the near wing of the Pegasos, a characteristic of the regular Lampsakene stater

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56 The American Journal of Numismatics

a change of monetary standard for the didrachm

be admitted that the nine examples known are
theory that they belong to the usual Lampsak
sakene standard would require a didrachm of 7

didrachm would call for one weighing 7.07 gr., bot

those of the extant examples (see Gaebler, be. cit

6.95 to 6.66 gr. But the reason underlying the

standard is entirely bound up with the attribu

electrum stater coinage of the palmette class. If

is proved to be correct, then these didrachms ma
coinage which goes with the electrum coinage, an
between these didrachms and the Revolt staters m
the hypothesis that the silver pieces were struck
electrum staters issued at the common mint of t
which joined in the Revolt.

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Tiie Goi.d Staters of Lampsakos 57


Group A. c. 500-470 b.c.

The Janiform head series began to be issued about 500 b.c. The
closest parallel to these double heads on which the hair is rendered in rows
of dotted lines on the crown and in pearl-like strands falling straight over
the forehead is to be found in the Arthusa head on the early tetradrachms
of Syracuse (British Museum Catalogue Sicily, p. 146, No. 4; Head, Coinage
of Syracuse, pl. i, 3; Babelon, Trait, pl. lxxiv, 7). These latter coins, it is
true, are always given to the period 485 b.c. by our chief authorities (British

Museum Catalogue Sicily, p. 146; Head, Coinage of Syracuse, p. 7, and

Hist. Num.,2 p. 172; A. Evans, Contributions to Sicilian Numismatics,
Num. Chron., 1894, p. 197f; Babelon, Trait II,1 p. 1519-20). 1 But even a
cursory study of the archaic coinage of Syracuse will suffice to throw doubt

upon this date long accepted as definitely established. The first objection

to it lies in the consideration that there would be far too brief an interval

then remaining between these very archaic issues and the Demareteion,
c. 479 b.c.,2 which breaks forever and finally with archaic tradition in the
treatment of the hair and eyes. And, in support of this theoretical inference

as to the length of time required for the development in style from the
archaic tetradrachms of the type shown in British Museum Catalogue
Sicily, p. 146, No. 4, to the Demareteion type, there is extant a very abundant series of archaic tetradrachms in numerous varieties illustrating every
shade of progress from the early archaic to the transitional style, and these
numerous issues constitute the main practical proof of the longer interval
which must have intervened. It is impossible to crowd all these different
types of heads into the space of some six years. In order to surmount this

difficulty, it has been proposed to place these too-abundant issues which

are at once felt to be superfluous for the short period to which they have
1 This universally accepted date is based solely on R. S. Poole's conjecture (published in an article
entitled, "On the use of the coins of Camarina, etc.," Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, X,
pt. 3) that the Victory figure was first placed over the quadriga of the obverse type of the earliest Syracusan
tetradrachms by Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse, 485-478 b.c. in commemoration of his four-horse chariot victory

won at Olympia in 488 b.c.

2 Evans, loc . cit.f assumed 488 b.c., the date of Gelon's Olympic victory, to be the date of issue of
the earliest Syracusan coins with the Victory figure, but Gelon was not master of Syracuse until 485 b.c.
Hence the interval between the earliest tetradrachms supposedly issued by Gelon and the Demareteion
would be only six years instead of ten as stated by Evans (see Holm, Geschichte Siciliens, III, p. 570).

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58 The Amf.kk-ax Journal of Numismatic

been given, in the period immediately after t

our numismatic authorities, however, have ad

their entirety, although Babelon has arranged th

according to this scheme in his Traite, pls. lxxiv
tetradrachms with ? in the ethnic after 480 b
Catalogue Sicily, Head's Coinage of Syracuse an
(all written before Evans expressed these view
alogue, a recent work, these archaic tetradrachm
preceding the Demareteion, but the series is al

in 485 b.c.

Certain writers, Gardner, Xum. Chron.. 1876. p. 7, and Headlam,

op. cit., 1908, p. 9, have found an additional reason for supporting the
Gelonian date by pointing out that the obverses of the early coins of Leontini

and Cela bear the same type as that of Syracuse, a quadriga crowned by
Nike, and that this can only be accounted for by the assumption that these
pieces were issued when the three cities were under the same dynastic control
which could only have been under Gelon.
According to Gardner. Gelon introduced the quadriga type on the coins
of Leontini and Gela after his victory in 488. and subsequently, after 485,

on the coins of Syracuse. Headlam regards the quadriga on the coinages

of these, three cities as simultaneously introduced after 485 b.c. Either
theory calls for a coinage in the three cities about contemporaneous. With-

out entering too deeply into the intricacies of this question, the writer
believes that it can be shown that the quadriga types of both Gela and
Syracuse are considerably more ancient than those of Leontini, that it

1 Evans, loc. cit., p. 190, originated this theory that the tetradrachms which form an overwhelming
proportion of the early currency of Syracuse, which, he admits, seem at first sight much more archaic than

the Demareteion (Du Chastel, Syracuse, pl. i, 5 f , and pl. ii, 13-22) were a wholesale coinage struck after
480 b.c. from the booty won by the victory of Himera, on such a vast scale that second-rate die-cutters
must have been employed, resulting in a "wholesale artistic debasement" of the coinage; so that what at
first sight appears more archaic, in this case is simply rude. This argument is a patent case of special
pleading to solve what would be undoubtedly a first-class numismatic puzzle, an attempt to date the earliest

Victory tetradrachms in 485 b.c. and then to connect the Demareteion as the next issue in sequence, and
squeeze all the remaining archaic coinage into the same general period as the Demareteion. It has not been
refuted hitherto, so far as the writer is aware, and has been reflected in later writings, as Headlam. Some
Notes on Sicilian Coins, Xum. Chron., 1008, p. 10 f. This latter article, too, labors under the theory of
the Gelonian origin of the Victory type on the obverse. It was only a chance detail, the occurrence of the
fine circular line around the Arethusa head of the Demareteion which led Evans to connect the latter so

closely with the early tetradrachms on which this circle also occurs, and which Evans correctly derived from

the circular inset of the incuse reverse (Head, Coinage of Syracuse, pl. i). The Demareteion artist happened to revive this archaic detail, but of course it does not follow that the Demareteion is an issue consecutive upon the earliest types.
* On p. 1533 of the Trait II,1 Babelon remarks that some of the archaic tetradrachms which he has
placed after the Demareteion are anterior to it, but that in general they are almost contemporaneous with it.

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 59

would be very difficult to select the coi

had struck in these cities at about the

borrowed from Syracuse had appeared on

the other two cities of apparently con

three cases, and of Gelon's period, we

Gelonian control which is a matter of historical record for these three

mints. Such an example of Gelonian influence may be found in the cas

of a tetradrachm of Leontini which does bear a peculiarly Syracusan type,

the Arethusa head, otherwise foreign to the usual quadriga and lion's head
types (Babelon, Trait, pl. lxii, 9; British Museum Catalogue Sicily, No. 9
If now we search in the Syracusan series for the type most nearly corres-

ponding to this coin of Leontini, we shall discover just which coins of

Syracuse may properly be regarded as belonging to Gelon's period, for

is the most natural inference in the world to account for the intrusion of

a Syracusan coin type at Leontini at this period as due to Gelonian influence.

A coin which is generally similar is that shown on Babelon's, pl. lxxv, 12,
although it may be somewhat earlier than the tetradrachm of Leontini, as

the hair over the forehead is still represented by dotted lines. Somewhat
closer is a tetradrachm formerly in the Sandeman Collection, No. 297,
with the hair executed in fine wavy lines. The head on both these coins
of Syracuse is rather small for the flan, as is the case at Leontini, and, in
the sequence of types as worked out by Babelon and others, these Syracusan
pieces belong quite well along in the series. Hence, if the whole group of
archaic tetradrachms be placed in the period preceding the Demareteion
as the writer contends is correct, these types with the small head would be not

far antecedent to the Demareteion types. They therefore could easily fall
within the period of Gelon, 485-478 b.c. This parallelism helps to strengthen
our argument, for it throws back the earliest tetradrachms with the Victory
figure, which the writer maintains cannot be Gelon's coinage, to a date at
least a decade previous, as a detailed study of the sequence of the abundant
archaic issues will demonstrate.

The chariot type alone without the Victory floating above it which
occurs on the first Syracusan coins of the period of the landed aristocracy,

the Geomori, of the latter Sixth Century must have been selected as an

agonistic coin type by the rulers who patronized the sport before the days
of Gelon I, and there is no reason why the Victory figure could not have

been introduced previous to this tyrant. Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium,

placed a biga without the Victory figure on his coins to record his Olympic

victory with the mule team (Babelon, Trait II,1 p. 1470, pl. lxxi, 13).

That Gelon introduced the Victory figure into the type is in absolute dis-

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60 The American Journal of Numismatics

accord with the numismatic facts, as has been s

then be on the one hand a period of more than fi
first issues of Syracuse, quadriga and incuse type,
issues of 485 b.c., with the scantiest possible coina
gap, while as stated for the interval between 485 b
Demareteion was struck, there would be a supera

cannot be condensed into this short period. The

that the Victory figure types began about 500-495

if guided only by style, would naturally have plac
The writer has dealt elsewhere (Electrum Coinag
theory that the Janiform head types commenced t

during the period 513-511 B.c.^at about which ti

its appearance on a trihemiobol of Athens (Babe
This theory that an alliance between Hippias, ty
poklos, tyrant of Lampsakos,2 is indicated by th
of coins with a similar type, supposedly borrowed

kos, is upset by the fact that at Lampsakos ther

Janiform head type as archaic in style as that of
ing this head, and that the Lampsakene silver
the half-Pegasos coinage (Pl. V, 1-7) which was struck as the " small
change" of the electrum stater issues.
Turning now to the Janiform head types of more developed style,
Pl. V, 18-27, there is shown a marked relaxation from the strict severity
of the earlier coins, Pl. V, 8-17 which we have just dated in the decade
500-490 b.c. The coins on Pl. V, 18-19, exhibit the same stage of development as the Athenian tetradrachms of the style following immediately
upon that of the dekadrachms (British Museum Catalogue Attica, pl. iii,
Class a). The expression of the head (or heads) is milder, the front hair
is rendered by wavy bands that suggest the Athenian coinage. Unfortunately we have to wrestle here again with the dating problem as our
authorities are at variance as to the date of issue of the dekadrachms.

Dr. Gaebler (Nomisma VII, p. 10) uses the coins of Athens as a term of
comparison for these issues of Lampsakos, and the writer entirely concurs

with his view of the parallelism in style between the Lampsakene issues
of more advanced style Pl. V, 18-19, and the archaic Athenian tetradrachms

of the usual type with the olive leaves and palmette or scroll device on
1 Note Babelon's independent dating of the non-Victory figure coinage as before 500 b.c., while all
other authorities have dated the coinage as starting in 500 b.c.
* P. N. Ure, The Origin of Tyranny, p. 63, note 7, cites this theory as numismatic evidence of Hippias'

personal ties with the tyrant of Lampsakos. Under b his note should be amended to read " Athens, ob v.
type of Lampsakos, rev . Athena head."

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Tiie Gold Staters of Lampsakos 61

the helmet issued just after the dekadr

the Athenian dekadrachms were not struck before 480 b.c. is a view

with which we do not agree. The dekadrachms are of such strong archaic
style that it would seem incongruous to associate them with the Syracusan
dekadrachms, the Demareteia, for which we have a positive date founded
on historical evidence. Dr. Gaebler points out forcibly the strong
evidence afforded by a group of archaic Athenian tetradrachms, none of
which are published in the British Museum Catalogue nor in Babelon's
Trait (Gaebler, op. cit., pl. i, 34-37 ; Svoronos, Tresor des Monnaies
d'Athnes, pl. 8, 1-6) which antedate the dekadrachms of Athens, as the
dotted hair over the forehead, the more primitive eye and profile convincingly

prove, and which nevertheless show the olive leaves on the helmet. If this
latter decoration contains a reference to the victory at Marathon, as has

generally been thought in regard to the dekadrachms, then these very

rare early tetradrachms of Athens were struck soon after the victory of

490 b.c. Dr. Gaebler concludes that since the battle of Marathon is com-

memorated by these tetradrachms, the dekadrachms which are certainl

of later style must have been struck to commemorate Salamis. Of cours
it is only an inference that the olive leaves were placed on Athena's helmet
to commemorate one or the other of the two great victories. The olive
not the laurel of victory, and is part of Athena's personal symbolism like
the owl and olive which had previously been on the coins. Still, of course,

the change or rather modification of type would seem to require an explana

tion in terms of an historical event. But granted that the battle of Marathon is celebrated by the early tetradrachms with the olive leaves which w
may assume to represent a wreath of victory, there would then be a gap o
ten years between these early tetradrachms and the dekadrachms for which
there are no coins at all during a period which is elsewhere as at Syracuse,

characterized by abundant coinage showing a steady progression from

archaic to transitional style.

In support of the date 490 b.c. as opposed to 480 b.c., the find of 100
tetradrachms of Athens, said to be "of the early style" in company wit
300 daries in the canal of Mt. Athos, supposed to have been deposited by
Xerxes at the time of his invasion of Greece (Gardner, History of Ancient

Coinage, p. 162; Gaebler, op. cit., p. 10, note 3), has been invoked. It is
pointed out that in this find there was at least one Athenian tetradrachm

with the olive leaves on the helmet, and this fact has been regarded as

lending support to the date 490 b.c.1 But this coin is a late tetradrachm of
the "Athenian imitation" style, probably a Fourth Century Indian imita
1 Babelon, Trait II1, p. 766.

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62 The American Journal of Numismatics

tion as would plainly appear from the drawing of t

d'Athnes, p. 44, as well as from Beul's descript

What the other tetradrachms looked like is not known, but there is no
reason whatever not to infer that they were coins of the ordinary "olive

wreath" type (British Museum Catalogue Attica, pl. iii, 2 f), since the
phrase describing them as "of the early style," while vague, pretty certainly

indicates this well-known type. But the one coin upon which so many

writers base their proof is of no value at all, since, as Beul showed, it could

not possibly have been in the hoard. So also the debate over the presence
of one tetradrachm of the "olive wreath" type in the Akropolis hoard of
1886, supposed to have been buried about 480 b.c., a coin which has been
both refused and claimed as rightfully belonging to the original hoard, is
of no significance, though Svoronos, a champion of the date 480 b.c. for
the first appearance of the olive on the helmet, has stated that the coin
showed no traces of fire as did the remainder of the hoard, and hence prob-

ably did not belong to it. According to our dating, such a type might
perfectly well have figured in the hoard, for it seems inconceivable that
Athens should be issuing coins genuinely archaic in style, like the dekadrachms and succeeding tetradrachms after 480 b.c., thus lagging so far
behind Syracuse, and that there should be the long interval between the
coins of Marathon and those of Salamis, a ten year period for which there
is no coinage.
The dekadrachms are of course most reasonably brought into connection with a great victory, and if this, according to our thinking, is rather the

Marathonin than the Salaminian, the early tetradrachms bearing the

olive and sometimes the scroll, which are noticeably more archaic than

the dekadrachms, may have no reference whatever to Marathon.

The archaic Janiform types at Lampsakos are therefore to be dated as

follows: Coins of Severe Archaic Style, Pl. V, 8-17, 500-490 b.c.; coins of
Strong Archaic Style, Pl. V, 18, 19, c. 490 b.c.; coins of Modified Archaic

Style, Pl. V, 20-27, later than 490 b.c. - possibly as late as 470.

Group B. 400-330 b.c.

The coins of the class shown on Pl. VI, 1-32, obv. Janifor
Athena head in Corinthian helmet, are dated by Head, Babel

(British Museum Catalogue Mysia) in the Fourth Centur

Dr. Gaebler, however, would assign the beginning of this se

half of the Fifth Century. Starting with the premise that t

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 63

on which the old chief badge of Lampsakos,

duced anew, Pl. VI, 33-35, must be later t

c. 387 b.c., whose reverses bear the ancient cit

as a constant reverse device, Dr. Gaebler assu
Athena series, Pl. VI, 1-32 ended in 387 b.c. H
the group, Pl. VI, 1-32, and taking political ev

at the date 470 for the commencement of the Janiform head - Athena

group (Gaebler's Group III). This chronological scheme would place our
coins, Pl. VI, 1-3, in the period 464 b.c., date of Themistocles' overlordship
of the city which Dr. Gaebler indicates was merely nominal, the city having
actually entered the Delian League at that date, passing thus from Persian
to Athenian possession. The coins which are then assigned to a still earlier
date than 464 are three rare pieces not here represented (Gaebler, pl. ii, 1-3)

which are given to 470-464 b.c. They bear no ethnic on the reverse, and

are stylistically the forerunners of the series1 shown on our Pl. VI.

The implied inference in Dr. Gaebler's chronological scheme is that

once the half-horse badge became the regular city emblem again on the

gold coinage, c. 387 b.c. (but considerably later on the silver, Pl. VI, 33-35),
the Janiform head-Athena types were discontinued. In support of this, he

points to a single coin, Athena head with Attic helmet and half-Pegasos
types (op. cit., Pl. ii, 35) of fine Fourth-Century style, comparable to that
of the gold staters before 350 b.c., which may with probability be referred
to the years, 365-355 b.c. This coin does not bear any inscription, but its

Lampsakene reverse indicates its connection with our mint. It appears

nevertheless to belong with the other satrapal silver and bronze coins of
Orontas, satrap of Mysia, 362 b.c. It has no affinity whatsoever with the
Athena head - half-Pegasos coins, Pl. VI, 33-35, which are much later in
style. These latter pieces, as we hope to show, were not struck until after

330 b.c. Dr. Gaebler places them as late as 300 b.c. On Dr. Gaebler's

showing there would be but scanty silver issues from the Lampsakene mint
during the period when the gold staters were issued, only the Athena head

triobol struck under Orontas, just mentioned. But does the style of the
coins shown on Pl. VI, 1-32, warrant our placing them all before 387 b.c.

and the earliest before the middle of the Fifth Century?

The Janiform heads on the coins, Pl. VI, 1-21, are consciously archaistic
in the retention of the archaic style of treatment of the hair, but the Athena

heads were surely executed in the period of advanced art of the Fourth
Century. The most obvious types with which to compare these reverses

are the Athena heads on the coins of Corinth and the result of this collocation

is to demonstrate that the Lampsakene coins, in spite of the deliberate

1 See further the Addendum on p. 77

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64 The American Journal of Numismatics

archaism of their obverses, are really most closely a

ters of the period, 400-338 b.c. The style of the A
figured on Pl. VI, I f. would seem to make it imposs
of our series as early as 460 b.c., the date of the sev

sented by the Corinthian coins shown in Oman

Century Coins of Corinth (Corolla Numismatica, p

the later issues of the Janiform head- Athena grou

Athena is crested and bears various symbols, ch

Pl. VI, 28-32, which Dr. Gaebler places between

the writer most palpably later than 387 b.c. They are
from the coins on which the helmeted Athena head

Now, the type of crest which appears on these l

head obverse and half-Pegasos reverse, Pl. VI, 33-35

the staters of Alexander the Great. We note that

been made by Dr. Lederer in his paper, Ein Go

Grossen (Zeit. f. Num., xxxiiij Sonderabdruck. Nach

dieser letzteren Mnzen scheint mir aber dem Stile nach bereits der Zeit

Alexanders des Grossen anzugehren und von seinen Goldstateren beein-

flusst, wie so manche Mnzen anderer griechischen Stdte." The

particular pieces to which Dr. Lederer here refers, Pl. VI, 28-32, may perhaps
be influenced by the type of Alexander's gold staters, but it seems extremely
probable that the peculiarly Alexandrine type of helmet on the coins immediately following, Pl. VI, 33-35, was imitated from the staters of Alexander.
The Apollo heads, Pl. VI, 36-39, are very likely to have been suggested by
the small gold and silver coins of Philip II, 359-336 b.c., as Dr. Gaebler suggests (op. cit., p. 28), and antedate the issues shown on Pl. VI, 33-35.
Adramytion and lolla in Mysia issued bronze coins with a reverse type,

forepart of Pegasos, beneath which an ear of corn to the right (Antike

Mnzen Mysiens, pl. i, 1, and pl. x, 12-14). These are dated by von Fritze
about the middle of the Fourth Century, and this type has apparently been
copied at Lampsakos on the Athena-head-half-Pegasos coins, Pl. VI, 33-35,
which we should be inclined to date towards the end of the Fourth Cen-

tury. Dr. Gaebler dates these pieces about 300 b.c. at the earliest, and
since, s he points out, they are over-struck on flans of the preceding
Janiform head types, it would seem most reasonable to connect them with
the earlier series rather closely ; although the style of both obverse and reverse

is decidedly inferior to that of the latest examples of the Janiform head

group. This is all the more reason why the Janiform head-Athena types
should not be considered as ceasing in 387 b.c., but should be brought well
down below that date. Dr. Gaebler while placing the types with obverse,

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The Gold St a teks of Lamps a kos 65

Athena head in Corinthian helmet, about 30

coinage as earlier. Both types he considers

fluenced by the types of Alexander's and

of the Apollo head coins are unquestionably

the Athena head coins, and they are consequ
the latter.

In conclusion, then, on grounds of style, only a few of the JaniformAthena head coins of the new style can be dated in the Fifth Century, and the

mint of Lampsakos must be assumed to have been almost quiescent during

the period c. 470-400 b.c. On the other hand, the Fourth Century witnessed
a fairly abundant and continuous scries of issues with native types down
to about 330 b.c., the approximate date of the introduction of Alexandrine

coinage at Lampsakos. The Athena head coins, Pl. VI, 33-35, were doubt-

less struck after the Alexandrine types had been introduced.


First Series, c. 330-302 b.c.

Staters, tetradrachms and drachms

The Lampsakene gold stater coinage had ceased at abo

most of the silver issues, as we have seen, came to an end a

When Alexander crossed the Hellespont in 334, Lampsakos
destruction through the personal intervention of Anaxim

citizens, who persuaded Alexander to be merciful (D

l'hellnisme, I, p. 139). Shortly after 330 b.c. Lampsako

of staters, tetradrachms and drachms of Alexandrine
these coins lack the half-Pegasos mint-mark, but have b
Lampsakos on other grounds.3 Only coins of later date,

of the style of his Nos. 915-917, bearing the Lampsakene

be here treated in detail. When the half-horse is employe
of the earlier Fourth Century staters, it would seem to be

1 Exceptional silver issues of much later date are the coins figured on Pl. IX,
cussed below with the bronze coinage.
2 Dr. Gaebler (op. cit., p. 29) has attributed a selection of staters and drachms be

symbol from the list of Mller (Num. d'Alexandre le Grand, Nos. 602-619, Inc
Lampsakos in the Fourth Century. Mller's Nos. 912-913, drachms with th
which Mller placed in his Class VI, belong among the earlier issues. Mller ha
Nos. 615-619 might probably belong to Lampsakos (Num. d'Alexandre, p. 196 and
3 In Numismatic Notes and Monographs, No. 21, Alexander Hoards II, Demanh
has attributed tetradrachms to Lampsakos. He has also assigned a large numbe
issues to this mint during the Fourth Century, though this material has not ye
Mr. Newell has most generously placed this material at the writer's disposal, and
Fourth Century jsjsiies hpre given owes much to his assistance.

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66 The American Journal of Numismatics

emblem of a particular moneyer rather than a

Fig. 16

found only occasionally, and is not universally used on this series. In fig. 16,
there is shown a drachm of the type of Mller, No. 913 (Num. d' Alexandre)

bearing the half-Pegasos, and the monogram AA under the throne. This
monogram has been interpreted by Mller (op. cit., p. 235) as containing the

initial letters of the ethnic AAM. But since this is found also in the variant

AA, and since it alternates with other Greek letters and symbols on the

reverses of the drachms, it probably should be regarded as a private mark.

These drachms were struck about 330-302 b.c., and are considerably earlier
in style than the Alexandrine coinage consisting of gold staters and silver
tetradrachms which regularly bear the mint-mark of the city, which will be
discussed below. From about 330 b.c. to 302 b.c., when Lysimachos gained

control of the city, Lampsakos probably continued to issue Alexandrin

oinage more or less uninterruptedly. This coinage was a regal coinage
begun by Alexander and continued after his death.
302-281 b.C.
Staters and drachms

Lysimachos at first struck drachms at Lampsakos with the types and

name of Alexander, bearing his own personal emblem, the fore-part of a

lion beneath the half-Pegasos, Pl. VII, l,((P, under the throne, Rome,
Museo delle Terme). This issue would most naturally be placed in the
early period of his tenure of Lampsakos, perhaps in 302 b.c., when he first

gained the city (Niese, Geschichte der Griechischen und Makedonischen

Staaten, I, p. 342) or after the battle of Ipsos in 301 b.c. when Lampsakos
was definitely alloted to Lysimachos (ibid., p. 352). The name of Alexander
still continues to be used on this drachm although Lysimachos had adopted

the royal title some years previously, i.e., 306 b.c. Drachms of Alexandrine types but with BASIAEQS AY5IM.AXOY and the badge of Lampsakos

together with Lysimachos' own personal badge, PI. VII, 2 (Mller, Die
Mnzen des Knigs Lysimachus, No. 24) have the symbol, a torch, beneath
the throne, and the inscription AYSIMAXOY below and upside down (r, to

1.). A stater in the British Museum, PI. VII, 3, bearing the mint-mark

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The Gold Stateks of Lampsakos 67

of Lampsakos, the half-lion symbol of L

symbol, torch, belongs with this drachm. Ce

symbol and the inscription AYIMAXOY

upside down, but without the Lampsake

here (Amer. Num. Society, with monogram

Collection, with dolphin in similar positi

of the Warren Collection (Regling, Samm

23) is like the coin here shown, PI. VII, 2, b

throne;. This torch symbol which is a th

andrine tetradrachm surely of Lampsako
placing of the inscription make it probab
which lack the mint-symbol are neverthe
with monogram pS above the half-lion,

belongs to our mint, so may also a gold stat

adjunct signs (Newell Collection). All of

Lysimachos appear somewhat later than t
name. The above drachms and the gold st
we can at present assign to Lampsakos un
bearing Lysimachian types, horned Alexa

appears to have the fore-part of a winged an

(British Museum) but the symbol is partly o
and the far wing of Pegasos which is regular

half-Pegasos is here lacking. Moreover, th

as a tetradrachm belonging to a long serie
bearing the same monogram as seen on our
issued at Lysimachia in Thrace. There is
tetradrachm coinage of Lysimachos at L
own types.1

Second Series, 280-250 b.c.

Staters and tetradrachms, municipal issues

After the death of Lysimachos in 281 b.c., Antiochos I

ruled the whole coast of Asia Minor, with the exception of

kingdom, from Kyzikos to Miletos (Niese, be. cit., II,

Troas and the Hellespontine region. There is a tetradrachm

1 In the catalogue, Die Mnzensammlung des Stiftes Schotten in Wien, 1920

Lysimachian types, p. 164, No. 1803, having the forepart of Pegasos in the exergue i

sakos. We cannot judge without seeing a reproduction of the coin, but the Lam

not appear in the exergue on other types of Lysimachos or Alexander from our mint.

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68 The American Journal of Numismatics

II, 261-246 b.c., or Antiochos Hierax (not Antioch

Mnzen des Knigs Lysimachus, p. 16, note 26)

bearing the mint-mark of Lampsakos, PI. VIII,
No. 197). This tetradrachm however, has as pri
field, a long burning torch which is usually inte
of Kyzikos, to which Babelon assigns the coin

p. lvi ; on p. lvi Babelon mentions the half-Pegasos

as a mint-symbol of this city on the coinage of A
shown on PL VIII, 8, is the only one known to th
half-Pegasos) . But as this would constitute the o
of the mint-mark of Lampsakos on the coins of t
be very dubious evidence of the issue of Seleucid
There can be little doubt, however, that Lamp
early Seleucid rulers, for in 240 b.c., as the resul

Seleukos II (246-226 b.c.) and Antiochos Hierax

to seek the protection which Seleukos II alone
Attalos I of Pergamon (241-197 b.c.) and afterw
this king (Niese, loc. cit., II, 158 and 391). Sub
died in 197 b.c., Antiochos III demanded the r
condition of dependence and subjection to tri
Seleucid rule (Niese, loc. cit., II, p. 642). But La
her independence finally by the help of the R
Magnesia, 190 b.c. (Niese, loc. cit., p. 669, 680,
of Lampsakos under the Seleucid monarchs up
seems to have varied considerably. At all event

prove, Lampsakos issued a local Alexandrine coinag

the Third Century.
Mller mentions three tetradrachms of Alexan

mint mark of Lampsakos, Nos. 915-917, which

follows: Pl. VII, 9 and 10 with K beneath th

Museum and Dr. W. Giesecke Coll. from the same

with beneath the throne=M. 915 (Paris Coll.); PL VII, 13, with t
beneath the throne =M. 916 (P. Saroglos, Athens). All of these tetradrachms have the same monogram above the half-Pegasos, with a variation of . in the tetradrachm signed under the throne. This same monogram or its variation occurs also on the gold staters here figured, Pl. VII,
4-6. From the position of this monogram on the coins, and its occurrence
on gold and silver alike, we may designate it the primary monogram. Two

of the gold staters, Pl. VII, 5, 6 bearing the primary monogram- ,

bear secondary monograms, K and <ft, similar to those found on the tetra-

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The Gold Staters of Lam psa kos 69

drachms, Pl. VII, 9-11. Again, a gold sta

drachm, Pl. VII, 8, having the same pri
Pegasos,<bear the same secondary symbol,
found on the Alexandrine coinage of Ly
The three gold staters here shown, Pl
issues in gold of the mint of Lampsakos
from the Anadol hoard (q.v. below). As

account written in Russian1 of this hoard,

in the find, and there may have been m

show here. The majority and perhaps all of

have not hitherto been figured. Four of

by Mller: Pl. VII, 7, 8, 12, 14. Pl. VII, 1
and has another variety of the primary

8, is from Mr. Newell's collection with sec

is from the Museo delle Terme, Rome, w

the throne; PI. VII, 14, is a coin from Mr.
primary monogram, bearing a thyrsos
the mint symbol. The tetradrachms, PI. V

gram, and are of closely similar style. N

this group. Nos. 13 and 14 are closer in

No. 7, but just a degree later.

It would appear then that the above st
which, except No. 14 of Pl. VII, bear the s

variants, are about contemporaneous, an

the first half of the Third Century b.c. f

hoard in which these staters were foun
de la Com. Impr. Arch., 1920) was compos
total of which 979 were received at the
number there were 11 staters of Philip II
Philip III, 250 of Lysimachos, 2 of Demetr
I. Since the latest coins in the hoard are
b.c., and those of Demetrios, 306-283 b.c
(royal coinage), 306-281 b.c., the date of b
than 306 b.c. But our concern is to try to

the hoard could have been deposited. No

(306-281 b.c.) to judge from the plates,
can scarcely have been deposited so very

1 A brief abstract in English of the account of the Ana

the writer is indebted for free access to his collection of A

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70 The American Journal of Numismatics

unless a more intensive study of Lysimachus' coin

of the Lysimachian staters in this hoard are po

careful study of this hoard from this point of view

themselves would doubtless yield a more exact dat
shown on Pl. VII, 4-6 (Pridik, op. cit., pl. x, 420 an

assigned to a period ranging from c. 280 b.c. to 250 B.

which we should be inclined to bring down the po

The tetradrachms which, as we have shown, bear s
are closely united inter se by stylistic similarity
given to the same period.
The period to which Dr. Gaebler (op. cit., p. 32)
tetradrachms noted by Mller (loc. cit., Nos. 915-9
he assumes that Lampsakos, now a completely fr

after the defeat of Antiochos at Magnesia in 19

her freedom by the issue of silver coins of large d

it is true that the Battle of Magnesia marks an epo
of Asia Minor which finds its numismatic express

long popular coin types of the Alexandrine tetr

newly freed cities of Ionia (British Museum Cat

and also probably of northern Asia Minor, these S

no stylistic parallel for the Lampsakene Alexand
pare the coins illustrated by Head in Coins of the

to draw the obvious conclusion that our Lampsa

to Head's Period V, c. 280-190 b.c., rather than to

Having now reached the determination of the broad limits of

period within which, on grounds of style alone the Alexandrine coin

Lampsakos must have been issued, let us examine some of the Third C

coinages bearing similar types with a view to limiting our Lam

Alexanders within narrower dates. The Alexandrine types of Ant
Soter, 281-261 b.c., issued early in his reign (Babelon, Rois de Syrie,
3 and 4) are manifestly more akin to the posthumous Alexandrin
of 323-307 b.c. than to our coinage. An Alexandrine coinage comm
in the latter part of the Fourth Century and continuing through th
Century would be an ideal term of comparison, and such a one fortu
is available in the coinage struck at the mint of Arados. Happily
aided here by the fact that the latter half of the series is dated
and therefore such comparisons as we may be able to make, will
greatly increased value. The Aradian Alexanders are not illustra

any one work in a continuous series as fully as one could wish for our

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 71

purpose, but from the plates of Rouvier's

Phnicie (J. I. N., 1900), we may very quick

resembling our Lampsakene issues. On p

two Alexandrine issues which, according
fall within the period c. 260-240 b.c. Th
Rouvier dates between 259-240 b.c., and H

earlier and no later in style than our tetra

monogram (and variants), Pl. VII, 7-13

(op. cit., pl. Z1, 2) which bears the date "
mencing in 259 b.c. and was consequently

in style to the tetradrachm of Lampsakos

which seems to be the latest issue among t
mint. While of course we shall not push ou
that our Lampsakenes commenced in 260 a
justified in deducing that they fall approx

The Third Century issue of Alexandrine staters and tetradrachms o

Sinope1 is another series with which we may compare our Lampsakene
coinage of the same denominations. The style of the Sinopean coins, is
however, peculiar to the locality of the Black Sea, so that the compariso

of styles is rendered more difficult. On the whole, the style of the Sinopean

Alexanders would seem somewhat later than the Lampsakene. But exam
ples of staters of both mints occurred in the Anadol hoard so that th

coinages cannot be very far apart.

The tetradrachms attributed to Kyzikos in the Third Century (Head,
Coins of the Ancients, pl. xxxvi, 1) are about contemporaneous in style wit

the Lampsakene tetradrachms. This Mysian city (a near neighbor of

Lampsakos, both belonging in this period to the province of Hellespontin
Phrygia) first appears as an independent community in 218 b.c., but ha
probably obtained full autonomy much earlier under Antiochos II (Nies
op. cit., p. 135). Now, considering the numismatic evidence in full, tha
derived from the dated Third Century coins of Arados, and that derive
from the analysis of the Anadol hoard, we are most naturally led to th

conclusion that Lampsakos also was a free city during the reign of Antiocho

II, 261-246 b.c. Niese considers that Antiochos II, pressed by the politic
situation, must have granted the Ionian coast cities their autonomy, an
states that Miletos, Smyrna and Erythrai are definitely known to hav
won autonomy from Antiochos II. Autonomy does not mean necessaril
freedom from tribute, and Lampsakos may have possessed this semi1 Newell, The Alexandrine Coinage of Sinope, Amer. Journ. Num., Ul (1918).

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72 The Ameku ax Journal of Numismatics

autonomy, which it seems probable Ivyzikos and ma

of Asia Minor had obtained from the Seleucid king

To this period then, we should tentatively ass

issues of the city of Lampsakos. They are but th
interval of the Fourth Century Alexandrine coin
issues. They form a very compact group not di

hence we cannot (with the material extant) postula

issue. The only really obscure point is the political
relation to the empire of the Seleucids, but from
command, the inferences we have made seem all

possible period, politically considered, when Lam

able to strike a sovereign coinage is when she ca

of Attalos I of Pergamon, 240-197 b.c., but there is

we can bring forward to support a thesis that Lam
omous city-state under Attalid protection; and, as
matic evidence is all in favor of our placing the co

after 250 b.c. The tetradrachms show a conside

compared with the drachms of Lysimachos from o

more inclined to date their issue under Antiochos II than under Antiochos I.

The autonomy which Lampsakos enjoyed was probably not very

complete nor of long duration, so much we may conclude from the character

of the issues. Also, as we already have stated, under Seleukos II (246-226

b.c.), we find Lampsakos obliged to appeal for protection to Attalos in
240 b.c. which would seem to indicate the precarious nature of her independent position.

After 190 b.c., autonomous issues

The issue of small silver of local types at Lampsakos pr

as was shown above about 330 b.c. During the last quar
Century and the early Third Century, the coinage con
humous Alexandrine types bearing only occasionally th

mint-mark (regal) and (2) of Alexandrine types bearing th

of Lysimachos (regal) . Before the middle of the Third Ce
began the issue of Alexandrine coinage invariably bearing

city (autonomous).
The political fortunes of Lampsakos after the death
323 b.c. can only be traced by following that of the prov
the Hellespont in which it was located. This former Pe
given to Arrhabaios after the meeting of the Diadochi

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Tuk Gold Staters of Lampsakos 73

321 b.c. Two years later the satrapy was

gave it to his nephew, Ptolemy. In 309-30

Ptolemy I, of Egypt and the satrapy given t

I), but soon it returned to Antigonos' side.
Allied Successors against Antigonos as a res
contest at Ipsos in 301, Lysimachos and Sel
followed the assignment of the satrapy to

sakos had already surrendered in 302 to

machos' death in 281, we have to assume

Antiochos I, 281-261, although we know no

mint during his rule. Under Antiochos II

the autonomous coins shown on PI. VII. It w

sakos did not maintain complete autonomy
we have seen in 240 b.c. she appears to ha
after that date until 190, the city was allie
When Antiochos III (222-187 b.c.) came into
b.c.) in the year 218, Lampsakos renewed h

lid monarchy, and later on was rewarded

maintained and defended her independence

III. After the final defeat of the Seleucid
conclusion of peace in 188 b.c., the city w
and autonomous, having no dependence w
Pergamene monarchy.
At this time began the issue of the Priap
PI. VIII, 1-6, begins with a tetradrachm of
over a period of some ten decades. The ea
drachms, Nos. 1 and 2, as the finer treatm
The coarser rendering of the head, the hea
of the inscription of No. 3 would seem to
Nos. 4-6. On the other hand, the style of t

is quite superior to that of the Apollo of

of No. 3 is so closely akin to that of No. 6,

edly later character, that the correct order

4-6, 3. This arrangement is supported als

gram on the coin of Sokrates, No. 3, as on
5-6. Hence the order of issue by mint-of
of Demetrios, Nos. 1 and 2; Ephesios, son o
son of Lampn, Nos. 5 and 6; Sokrates, son

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74 The American Journal of Numismatics

A. Fourth and Third Centuries b.c.

This series begins with the Janiform head and Pegasos types, PI IX
1-3, parallel in style with the silver issues of the same types shown o
Pl. VI, 22-32, and may therefore be dated about 350 b.c. There follow
next a series, Pl. IX, 4-8, with a head which has been called Nike, with

query, in the British Museum Catalogue Mysia. The earliest of these heads,

Pl. IX, 4, 5, are akin in style to the heads of the Nike and Hekte of th
gold staters, PI. Ill, 8-10, and 19-20, which were placed after 350 b.c. T
small heads on the coins, Pl. IX, 9-11, with laurel wreath, upturned ha
and a small hrn over the forehead, may represent a river-nymph or
(Num. Chron., 1917, p. 11), a rare representation in Greek art. It may b
noted that the hair is treated identically on these and the so-called Ni

heads just preceding them, with the hair gathered in a top knot from whic
fly curly ends, as on the Hekte head of the gold staters. The Athena head

PL IX, 12 and 13, the Zeus or Poseidon (?) heads, Pl. IX, 19-24, are late

issues of the Third Century, as may easily be judged from their style.

B. Second Century b.c. and Later.

The coins of the latest date before the Imperial Coinage are the Apollo
head, Pl. X, 1, surely of the Second Century, and the Priapos heads, Pl. X,

2-5, all with AAMYAKHNflN on the reverse. The two Priapos heads, P
X, 6 and 7, with the kantharos reverse and split inscription AAM (obv
Y A (rev.) are the crudest appearing of all these heads, and are therefo
placed at the end of the autonomous series. In fig. 17, is shown a coin

Fig. 17

which recently came into the writer's possession through the kindness of

Miss Isabel F. Dodd of Constantinople College. It is said to have been

found near Smyrna. The obverse is counter-marked with a bunch of grapes

in round depression; the reverse bears the inscription A AM Y A, a monogram

and half-Pegasos symbol (cf. Mionnet II, p. 562, No. 313).

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The Gold Staters of Lampsakos 75


C6BACT0Y Laureate head of Augustus, to r. Rev. AAMYAK Priapos

standing 1., r. hand raised. Plate X , 8


Senate r. (cf. Mionnet II, p. 563, No. 319). Plate X, 9

3 KAI3AP 3EB[A] Bare head of Augustus to r. Rev. A AM- Y A
Priapos r. Plate X, 10

4 B. M. C. 80. Rev. Statue of Priapos on basis to 1.


5 B. M. C. 81. Rev. Type of No. 20.

6 AVT KA-ANTQNIN Bare head of Marcus Aurelius, bearded to r. Rev.

AAMYAK H NQN Herakles, bearded and wearing chiton, standing to r., holding in r.
hand a lion's skin which he is about to throw over the shoulders of Ompliale who
is standing half-draped, seen from the rear, with club (?) in her r. hand. Plate X, 11

7 B. M. C. 82. Type of No. 10.


8 AOV AVP[HAIOC] Bust of Lucius Verus laureate and draped r. Rev.

AAMYAK-HNQN Bust of Lucilla draped to r. Plate X, 12

9 B. M..C. 83. Rev. Nike to 1. with wreath and palm.

0 [AVA?] KO-MMOAOC Bust of Commodus, slightly bearded to
cuirass and paludamentum. Rev. AANY-AKH-NQN Half-Pegasos r.





t B. M. C. 84. Rev. Type of No. 3.

2 B. M. C. 85. Rev. Type of No. 20.

3 lOVA [OMNA]-CGBACT Bustr. Rev. AAN-YA-KHNQN Similar

Plate X, 14


4 [AVT] MAVPH-ANTQNIN Bust of Caracalla to r., laureate, we

and paludamentum. Rev. AANYA-KHNQN Bust of Priapos drap





















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76 The American Journal of Numismatics


17 AV[. ...]0C CeiTTreTAC Bust of Geta r., laureate, wearing cuirass and
paludamentum. Rev. AANY-A-KHNQN Similar to No. 10. Plate X, 16

18 Carlsruhe. Zeit. f. Num. VII, p. 25, No. 2, pl. i, 15. R

TTPEIMOY AAMYAK-HNN. Phrixos on ram ; below, Helle lying


9 B. M. C. 88. Rev. Priapos within hexastyle templ


20 AVTKOVIBTPrAAAOC Bust of Trebonianus Gallus to r., laureat

uirass and paludamentum. Rev. AANYAKHN-Q-[N] eiTICTPCOC-C

Priapos on basis 1., holding in r. hand, kantharos over lighted altar, and th
Plate X, 17

21 B. M. C. 89, 90. Rev. Athena holding Nike in r., standing 1


22 B. M. C. 91. Rev. Type similar to No. 21, but TTIAA-4


23 AVTOr-AAAIHNO-C Similar to No. 20. Rev. AANYAKHN-QN Similar to






Alliance Coin of Lampsakos and Phokaia


city-goddess of Phokaia on 1., turreted and leaning 1. arm on spear, clasping r. hand
of city-goddess of Lampsakos hel meted and resting 1. hand on shield ; between two,
QMONOI[A] in three lines; in exergue, +QKAICQN AAMYA (cf. Mionnet II, p. 565,

No. 330 where the proper name *QKAIQN is read IOVAI6QN). Plate X, 18

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Pisie I


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Plate U


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Piate Ili


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Plate IV



This content downloaded from on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:54:06 UTC
All use subject to

Plate V



This content downloaded from on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:54:06 UTC
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Plate VI



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This content downloaded from on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:54:06 UTC
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pute VII

Plate Vlil



This content downloaded from on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:54:06 UTC
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Plate IX



This content downloaded from on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:54:06 UTC
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Plate X



This content downloaded from on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:54:06 UTC
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