Question 13
Question 13
Question 13
Elizabethan Period
The Elizabethan Period was the age of the Renaissance, of new ideas and new thinking. The introduction of the printing press during the Renaissance
one of the greatest tools in increasing knowledge and learning, was responsible for the interest in the different sciences and inventions - and the
Picture of Queen Elizabeth I
The new ideas, information and increased knowledge about science, technology and astrology
led to a renewed interest in the supernatural including witches, witchcraft and ghosts which led
to belief in superstitions and the supernatural. Facts about all of these subjects are included in
this Elizabethan Period section, the content of each has been summarised on this page.
Elizabethan England
Queen Elizabeth I
The hysteria and paranoia regarding witches which was experienced in Europe did not fully
extend to England during this turbulent period. However, Queen Elizabeth I passed a new and
harsher witchcraft Law in 1562 leading to witch hunts and the prosecution of witches. Facts,
Witchcraft Timeline and information about Witchcraft and Witches in the Renaissance Period.
Fear of the supernatural and forces of nature or God resulted in the belief of superstitions during
the Elizabethan period.
Elizabethan Times
Elizabethan Clothing
Elizabethan Sitemap
Elizabethan Theatre
Elizabethan Life
Elizabethan Sports
Elizabethan Index
Elizabethan Music
Elizabethan Food
Elizabethan Recipes
Elizabethan Age
Age of Exploration
Elizabethan Dictionary
Renaissance Superstitions included those related to Witches Sneezing, Eclipse and the 7th son,
of a seventh son, Peacock Feathers, Shoes, Spilling Salt and Pepper, Touching wood, Ladders
and Black cats. Find out about the strange superstitions of the period, and compare them to the
beliefs we have in the modern age. Facts and information about Superstitions during the
Elizabethan Period.
Elizabethan Astrology
John Dee
Elizabethan Superstitions
Elizabethan Ghosts
Elizabethan Period
Additional details, facts and information about the Renaissance period can be accessed via the links to the Elizabethan Era Sitemap.
Elizabethan Period
Elizabethan Period
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By Linda Alchin