Teaching Sentence Fluency Grade 34
Teaching Sentence Fluency Grade 34
Teaching Sentence Fluency Grade 34
AFTER READING book- tell students that we are now going to have practice lines
from the book to determine what type of sentences there are. Can I have 4 volunteers to
come to the front of the class and read aloud there chosen sentences- The rest of the
classroom will then take turns answering what they think is the correct answer for each
sentence (perhaps have students split into two different groups like a jeopardy. (Students
who are reading the examples- make sure that they over pronounce the words, and to add
PREWRITING/ WRITING ACTIVITY-Tell students that they are going to be writing
their own stories using varied sentence structures. This next activity will be completed in
Pairs and will be on a different type of weather. (It cannot be about rain)
-Lets brainstorm together different types of weather. Ie; Snowy, Foggy, Windy, Hailing,
Sunny, Thunderstorm/ lighting, Tornados.
-Ask students to select one type of weather with their partners, and explain that we will
be writing our stories to the rhythm of a song. Row, Row, Row, your boat gentle down
the stream, The Hokey Pokey, Old McDonald Had a farm, B.I.N.G.O. Write
these songs on the board and students will write their new weather lyrics to the rhythm of
the song that they chose.
-Encourage students to use each type of sentence as they can, interrogative, exclamatory
-Give students a copy of the scoring guide so they can relate back to their story to see if it
is their best work.
-Once Students have completed their rough drafts they will write their stories out on a
-Ask students to present their songs to the class.
-After, have class go through each final product and decide what songs sounded the best
for sentence fluency. Discuss how the fluent phrasing sounded more interesting and
catchy for the listeners.
(Extension Activity= Tie into Poetry Unit) Write a poem about the Weather!