Wave Trough: Electric Force
Wave Trough: Electric Force
Wave Trough: Electric Force
The lowest part of the wave between crests. See also crest; wave
As the temperature decreases, the peak of the black-body radiation curve moves to lower intensities and longer
wavelengths. The black-body radiation graph is also compared with the classical model of Rayleigh and Jeans.
Electric field is defined as the electric force per unit charge. The
direction of the field is taken to be the direction of the force it would
exert on a positive test charge. The electric field is radially outward
from a positive charge and radially in toward a negative point
Magnetic field of an ideal cylindrical magnet with its axis of symmetry inside the image plane. The magnetic
field is represented by magnetic field lines, which show the direction of the field at different points.
Quantum mechanics attempts to explain the behavior of sub-atomic particles at the
nanoscopic level.
It is one of the most successful branches of physics under account less examples
under scientific experiments concerning predictions made by the lords of qm.
What is a particle?
One of the particles you will be most familiar with will be the electron. This orbit
(picture), the nucleus of atoms and the nucleus is made up of two other particles,
protons and neutrons. The electron is an elementary particle, one of the
fundamental constituents of the universe. Scientists have found that protons and
neutrons are made up of other particles called quarks. Quarks are also elementary
particles. Quarks are held together by gluons. Gluons are also particles but they are
different from the quarks. The other particles that produced the strong force that
holds the quarks together. Gluons are also behind the strong force which holds the
protons and neutrons together within the nuclei of the atom. Gluons do these by
mediating the strong force between the quarks or between the protons and the
neutrons as the case maybe.
The type of particles like electrons and quarks, we can think of as creating matter
and the types of particles like gluons we can think of as creating the forces. There
are four forces that we know of, the strong force, the electromagnetic force, the
weak force, and the gravity. The standard model of elementary particles
Fermions and leptons gauge bosons higgs boson
Introduction to Quantum Theory
Skills to develop
universe beyond the general perception of matter by our ordinary senses of tasting,
seeing, hearing, feeling, and sensing.
Furthermore, when coupled with the theory of relativity developed by Einstein, there
is no boundary between material and energy. Energy and mass are equivalent, and
they can convert into each other.
On this and some related pages that follow, you are introduced to the quantum theory
for the treatment of the hydrogen atom. The quantum theory does much more than
explaining the structure of the simplest atom, it rationalizes the existence of the
chemical elements. The most widely used periodic table of chemical elements today is
based on the results of quantum theory. What we tend not to appreciate today is the
hard work and ingenuity that went into the development of the quantum theory we
today take for granted.
A hydrogen atom is the simplest atom. It consists of a proton in the nucleus and an
electron around it. This type of atom is also the most abundant atom in the solar
system, as well as the universe. Closer to home, hydrogen is also very abundant on the
surface of the planet of Earth. Most hydrogen atoms are combined with oxygen to
form the water molecule. In organic substances, hydrogen atoms are mostly attached
to carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms. In terms of number, hydrogen is the most
abundant atom in our body. (This is the atom which causes problems in our body with
certain types of radiation -- Can you find why? -- This is a good topic to discuss with
your professor after class)
To learn the theory, some basic concepts are required. Thus, we present several
modules to explain quantum theory and the hydrogen atom.
To learn the theory, some basic concepts are required. Thus, we present several
modules to explain quantum theory and the hydrogen atom.
Here is a preview of these modules
Electromagnetic Radiation
Transmission of energy through space via no medium
is electromagnetic radiation. The visible region of the
electromagnetic radiation is light, but that is a very small
region. There is much more than light to meet the eye.
Diagrams showing the distribution of intensity versus
wavelengths are called spectra. Their study reveals the
fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation as well as leading to
useful applications. For example, the Hydrogen Spectra study
led Bohr and others to develop the quantum theory to describe
the atomic structures. For some cool spectrum demonstration,
check out the IR Tutor created by Charles Abrams. Here is one
of his animated pictures.
Quantum numbers
The states of electrons are represented by
wavefunctions. Each wavefunction has a set
of numbers, called quantum numbers. We
often use quantum numbers to describe
properties of electrons. This page gives a
simplistic but important view of quantum numbers.
Atomic orbitals
Electronic states, represented by wavefunctions, in an atom
are called atomic orbitals. Since we use quantum numbers to
describe them, atomic orbitals are labelled by quantum
numbers, such as 2sorbital, s represent quantum number l = 0,
that implies m = 0. Each atomic orbital accomodates two
electrons due to electron spin.
Periodic table
The beauty of quantum theory is its mathematical results not
only explain the arrangement of the elements in the Periodic
Table of chemical elements, but they seem rationalize the
existence of the elements. Its rationalization lies in
the Electronic configuration of atoms with more than two
electrons. Based on the electronic configurations, Atomic
properties are nicely explained.
Zests of elements - A delightful look at the chemical
elements. Elements review - A review and quiz.
Examples - Atomic radii in picometer (10-12 m): H 37, He 50, Li 152, Cs 265,
Fe 124, I 133 pm. 1 nm = 1000 pm.
What is approximately the length of nuclear radii?
Hint . . .
Skill - Describe the duality of wave and particle for subatomic particles.
Classical Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the motion and behaviour of objects
on a bigger scale. eg, cars, humans.
Quantum Mechanics is another branch of physics that deals with the behavior of sub-atomic
particle. Eg, electrons, photons
In simple terms,
Classical mechanics deals with finding force, acceleration, velocity, displacement and their
angular analogues exactly. Basically everything in the world is deterministic and can be
found exactly.
But classical physics failed to explain-blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, the
discrete atomic spectra and the electron as a subatomic particle.
These limitations were overcome by quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics deals with finding probability of the above mentioned variables mainly
momentum and position.
Another difference is that classical mechanics treats objects as particles while quantum
mechanics takes into account the wave nature of the particles (the particle wave duality) as
It is non-deterministic and probabilistic.
It's used at the microscopic level/atomic level.
Classical mechanics deals with the phenomenon happening at the classical scale. Means we
deal with big things such as a ball or something. In classic mechanics, equations can be used
to predict specific things that would happen and when they would happen and other details.
Quantum mechanics deals with the phenomenon happening at the quantum scale. Means
we deal with very small things such as an electron or a quark. In Quantum Mechanics, the
equations only give the probability of something happening. We can never be sure what
might happen.
Classical mechanics deals with the phenomenon happening at the classical scale. Means we
deal with big things such as a ball or something. In classic mechanics, equations can be used
to predict specific things that would happen and when they would happen and other details.
Quantum mechanics deals with the phenomenon happening at the quantum scale. Means
we deal with very small things such as an electron or a quark. In Quantum Mechanics, the
equations only give the probability of something happening. We can never be sure what
might happen.
In brief, the main difference between quantum and classical physics is the difference
between a ramp and a staircase.
In classical mechanics, events (in general) are continuous, which is to say they move in
smooth, orderly and predictable patterns. Projectile motion is a good example of
classical mechanics. Or the colors or the rainbow, where frequencies progress
continuously from red through violet. Events, in other words, proceed incrementally up a
In quantum mechanics, events (in particular) are unpredictable, which is to say "jumps"
occur that involve seemingly random transitions between states: hence the term
"quantum leaps". Moreover a quantum leap is an all or nothing proposition, sort of like
jumping from the roof of one building onto another. You either make it or you break it!
Events in the quantum world, in other words, jump from one stair to the next and are
seemingly discontinuous
Electrons, for example, transition between energy levels in an atom by making quantum
leaps from one level to the next. This is seen in the emission spectra, where various
colors, indicative of energy level transitions made by electrons, are separated by dark
areas. The dark areas represent the area through which electrons make quantum -- and
therefore dis-continuous -- leaps between energy levels.
There are many other differences between quantum and classical mechanics involving,
for example, explanations of the so-called "ultraviolet catastrophe", but these are too
technical to discuss in detail here.
Let me just say the final difference between classical and quantum mechanics is the
quantum notion of the "complementary nature of light", which states that light is BOTH a
particle, which has mass, and a wave, which has none. This seemingly contradictory
concept shows how weird quantum physics can be when compared to classical physics.
Classical mechanics consists of the work done in the areas of chemistry and physics
prior to the 20th century. This includes the organization of the periodic table,
thermodynamics, the wave theory of light, and Newtonian mechanics. Quantum
mechanics was born out of the inability of classical mechanics to reconcile theory
with experiment.
The branch of mechanics that deals with the mathematical description of the
motion and interaction of subatomic particles, incorporating the concepts of
quantization of energy, wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the
correspondence principle.
Max Planck suggested that the energy of light is proportional to its frequency, also showing that light
exists in discrete quanta of energy.
photoelectric effect
The emission of electrons from the surface of a material following the absorption of
electromagnetic radiation.
electromagnetic radiation
Radiation (quantized as photons) consisting of oscillating electric and magnetic fields
oriented perpendicularly to each other, moving through space.
Source: Boundless. Planck's Quantum Theory. Boundless Chemistry. Boundless, 08 Aug. 2016.
Source: Boundless. Planck's Quantum Hypothesis and Black Body Radiation. Boundless Physics.
Boundless, 26 May. 2016. Retrieved 19 Nov. 2016
from https://www.boundless.com/physics/textbooks/boundless-physics-textbook/atomic-physics29/overview-184/planck-s-quantum-hypothesis-and-black-body-radiation-682-6361/
Light (red arrows, left) is shone upon a metal. If the light is of sufficient frequency (i.e. sufficient
energy), electrons are ejected (blue arrows, right)
a kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, and X-rays, in which electric
and magnetic fields vary simultaneously.