Cox News Volume 6 Issue 9
Cox News Volume 6 Issue 9
Cox News Volume 6 Issue 9
Dr. Clayman and I would like to wish all our families a wonderful winter break
and a great start to the New Year!
See you on January 3, 2017!
Parent Teacher Conference Week
(Elementary Schools Only)
Tuesday, Night Conferences
Wednesday, No School For Students
(no clubs or practices on Wednesday)
Cub Cheers: Way to go to Mrs. Perkins Students theyve did our Friday Morning
Announcements and were awesome! Congratulations to the following students for
receiving Cox Cub of the Week: MaiLee Wachter, Jace Bird, Charlotte Means,
Justine Antipolo, Juliana Antipolo, Vincent Ramirez, Kano Biesinger, Cadence
Phillips, Jesse Jaime, Hailey Harris, Alex Spencer, Jasmitha Basavaraju, Thomas
Friesz, and Gabriella Keppie. Congratulations to the following Cox Staff for
earning Staff of the Week: Mrs. Segal and Ms. Vargas.
PTA News: Our PTA President, Mrs. Steffener, needs your help! Parents if youre interested in helping out during the lunches
in the Holiday Shop please contact our front office. Lunches run from 11:20-12:55 pm. Mrs. Steffener could also use
volunteers to work the shop before and after school.
A Look Ahead:
Jan 26 First and Second Grade Honor Roll Assembly
Jan 27 Third Fifth Honor Roll Assembly
Jan 27 Reportcards Sent Home
Feb 3 Drama Club Performance
Feb 7 PTA Mtg. 6 pm Library
Feb 7 Greenspun Arts Assembly
Feb 10 Progress Reports Sent Home
Feb 13-17 Multi-cultural Week
Feb 16 Mutli-cultural Fair
Feb 20 Presidents Day No School
Feb 28 Bookworm Breakfast 8 am MP Room