A Nazi Past
A Nazi Past
A Nazi Past
Recasting German Identity in Postwar Europe
Edited by
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List of Abbreviations
David A. Messenger and Katrin Paehler
Part 1. Recast Identities in War Crimes Trials and Interrogations
1. Hans Globke at Nuremberg: Testimony as Rehabilitation, 19481949
Daniel E. Rogers
2. Auditioning for Postwar: Walter Schellenberg, the Allies, and Attempts to Fashion a
Usable Past
Katrin Paehler
3. Bad Nazis and Other Germans: The Fate of SS-Einsatzgruppen Commander Martin
Sandberger in Postwar Germany
Hilary Earl
Part 2. Networks of Recasting
4. Petitions to Franco: Arguments and Identities of Ex-Nazis in the Effort to Avoid
Repatriation from Spain, 19451950
David A. Messenger
5. Siegfried Zoglmann, His Circle of Writers, and the Naumann Affair: A Nazi
Propaganda Operation in Postwar Germany
Susanna Schrafstetter
6. German Diplomats and the Myth of the Two Foreign Offices
Thomas W. Maulucci
7. Hitlers Military Elite in Italy and the Question of Decent War
Kerstin von Lingen
Part 3. Unique Recastings in Postwar Germany
8. I Am the Man Who Started the War: Alfred Naujocks and His Postwar Stories about
His Adventures
Florian Altenhner
9. A Man with a Wide Horizon: The Postwar Professional Journey of SS Officer Karl
Gerald Steinacher
10. Revision of Life Story/Revision of History: Gertrud Slottke, from National Socialist
David A. Messenger and Katrin Paehler
He made it through denazification without many problems. He was categorized as a
follower. He stood trial but was acquitted. He received a mild sentence. His sentence
was commuted. He went on to make a career in the Federal Republic of Germany or made
good elsewhere. At the very basic level, this book grew out of a deceptively simple
question: how did members of Nazi Germanys functional elites manage to recast their
past experiences in such a way as to move on to successful careers and lives in postwar
Europe? What type of active roles did these menand a few womenplay in the process
through which they recast themselves, their former activities, and their convictions? What
type of networks existed that made this process easier? This volume addresses these and
other questions by focusing on the career paths, ideas, and agency of select individuals
known to have had Brown Pasts. Some of these names are familiar; others are less
known. The eleven case studies assembled here investigate the private recasting processes
of Nazi functional elites, such as presumed lesser German war criminals, SS members,
party functionaries, administrators of spoliation and genocide, and intelligence agents, as
well as the networks they created and used to make these processes possible. Rather than
running from their pasts, these individuals embraced selective parts of their biographies
during the Third Reich and made them congruent with the conservative character of the
Federal Republic and the ideological contest of the emergent Cold War.
It is well known that a good number of former Nazi functionaries ascended to
positions of influence in the Federal Republic of Germany. Like clockwork, West
Germany encountered scandals. Some of them were of domestic origin, as for example the
case of Untersuchungsausschuss Nr. 47 (Investigative Committee No. 47), which, in
response to newspaper reports in 1951, dealt with former Nazis in the Foreign Office.1
Others originated outside of the Federal Republic, such as the infamous Waldheim affair,
when former United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheims past as a Wehrmacht
officer came to light during his run for Austrias presidency in 1985.2 More frequently
than not, such scandals emerged from the other Germanythe German Democratic
Republicwhich hoped to score points in the Cold Wars German-German propaganda
battle. Most notable in this context is the Brown Book, published in East Berlin in 1965
and designed to draw the worlds attention to former Nazis in positions of influence in the
Federal Republic. The materials, swiftly rejected by the West German government as
Communist propaganda, were an embarrassment for the Federal Republic. The Brown
Book was also, at least for the time being, the culmination of a constant flow of
information and accusations originating in the GDR. As Ulrich Brochhagen has shown,
these East German information releases did not remain domestic or even German-German
issues; rather, they often led to diplomatic issues for the Federal Republic.3 West German
journalists also did much to draw the West German publics attention to former highranking Nazis in position of power and influence. So did the Student Movement, which
from the late 1960s onward mobilized a counterpublic that challenged the West German
establishment and its fascist tendencies. Recent years have seen scholarly treatments of
the same issues. By and large, the studies confirm the reality that many former Nazis
moved more or less seamlessly into their postwar careers.4
Scholars have focused on the various reasons for this development. For example, they
have studied the policies that either made it possible for former Nazis to embark on
postwar careers or at least did not prevent them from doing so. One focus has been on the
limits of denazification. As established at the Potsdam Conference, denazification was
meant to destroy the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and its affiliated
organizations. The goal was to negate Nazi institutions and laws, arrest and intern war
criminals, remove Nazi officials from public and semipublic life, and eliminate National
Socialist influence from the German education system. The Allied Control Council (ACC)
took charge of these efforts and was aided by laws developed within each occupied zone.
Combining ideas of reeducation and punishment, the architects of denazification saw
internees as potential threats to security, order, and stability, and they sought to remove
Nazism from German political and cultural life. Similarly, they hoped to render
Germanys economy and politics less militaristic.5 The best way to do this, in the minds of
Allied planners, was to remove people from positions of influence and power.
In its implementation, denazification fell well short of its ambitions.6 For one, putting
every suspect on trial on the basis of his or her membership in Nazi organizations was too
impractical, given the nearly 2 million individuals who qualified in the U.S. zone alone.
As a result, both the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg and subsequent trials
emphasized major war criminals and representative institutions, like the SS, big business,
and the medical establishment. And even at Nuremberg, many people who qualified under
earlier definitions of war crimes were not included.7 In addition, daily occupation
operations on the ground demanded experienced individuals who might have had Nazi
pasts. In the summer of 1945, food shortages, high unemployment, and the need simply to
have functioning municipal governments compelled Allied soldiers and commanders to
enlist local businessmen, government employees, and others in reconstruction efforts
rather than arrest them. In the U.S. zone, the militaryfirst the fighting and later the
occupational forcewas responsible for carrying out investigations. Sometimes they were
assisted by members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and the Armys Counter
Intelligence Corps (CIC), but many times they were not. The public safety teams of the
military government, charged with primary responsibility for carrying out what came to be
the first round of denazification investigations, were sorely understaffed.8 The need for
German assistance in administration and the need for manpower to help with
investigations resulted in the creation of local denazification panels, or Spruchkammern,
run by Germans.9 Ultimately, the U.S. military governor of Germany, General Lucius D.
Clay, granted amnesties based on age, income level, and the existence of disabilities.10
What was true for the U.S. zone of occupation held true for the others, too, and even in the
Soviet zone, one found similar approaches to the same issues, albeit with a mind to
Stalins goal of future political and ideological dominance.11 In short, denazification never
achieved what it had set out to do. Among the most positive things to be said about the
denazification effort is Michael R. Hayses observation that, while as a program for
Two key questions attend the story of postwar recasting: How was it possible for so
many people to integrate almost seamlessly into postwar society? And why were they
accepted so readily? This volumes authors offer answers that go beyond issues of postwar
exigency and the need for people to administer the reconstruction of a devastated country.
The stories these Nazi functional elites told about the past made sense not only to
themselves but also to many ordinary Germans who were also trying to come to grips with
their experiences during the Nazi years. In the early 1930s, many Germans negotiated
their way into Nazism, as Peter Fritzsche has shown.22 In the late 1940s, they were
negotiating themselves out of it. And what had helped people in the 1930s to embrace the
Nazi projectthe grab-bag nature of much of the Nazi Weltanschauungnow helped
them disassociate from it. George Browder suggests that the existence of ideological
conjunctions (antiliberalism, anti-Marxism, nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism) between
radically racist Nazis and a broader swath of conservative Germans of different stripes
allowed the former to suck in vast numbers of allies.23 Twelve years later, it allowed
these very allies to recast themselves in a national conservative fashion. Shed of its most
unsavory elements, such as genocidal anti-Semitism, many elements of the Nazi
Weltanschauung remained salonfhig, now domesticated for consumption in the Federal
Republic. There is, of course, anti-Communism and the barely deracialized reference to
Asiatic hordes poised to overrun Western Europe; there is a more generalized xenophobia;
there is the strong law-and-order approach; and there is a focus on communityno longer
phrased in clearly racial terms as a Volksgemeinschaft but as a value-conservative,
postdefeat, broadly Christian Schicksalsgemeinschaft (community of fate). And it was
there to stay for many years to come.
The volume is organized in three sections, each one looking at a particular type of
recasting. Part 1 deals with war criminals and their postwar trials and interrogations.
Daniel E. Rogers begins with an examination of Hans Globke, the most prominent among
West German political figures and civil servants to have survived and prospered in the
Federal Republic despite involvement in Nazi Germanys anti-Semitic policies. In the
Third Reich he had held the moderately high civil service rank of Ministerialrat in the
Reich Ministry of the Interior; he coauthored a commentary on the Nuremberg race laws
of 1935. Nonetheless, Globke served as Konrad Adenauers chief adviser and chief of
staff from 1949 to 1963, although he did not achieve the title of Staatssekretr until 1953.
During his long service by Adenauers side, Globke drew the fire of those who believed
him an unacceptable holdover from the Nazi era. Rogers argues that a decisive factor in
Globkes resurgence was his willingness to testify at trials in Nuremberg in 1946 and
1948. The quality and quantity of his testimony created the image of a man who had
nothing to hide about himself, even though he had been so close to the apparatus of mass
murder that he knew of it early. In later years, Globke and his defenders therefore could
assert truthfully that he had been checked thoroughly by the Allies, had revealed the full
extent of his involvement with Nazi Germanys anti-Semitic policies, and represented no
danger to the fledgling liberal democracy being established in West Germany.
Similarly, Katrin Paehler investigates Walter Schellenbergs late-wartime and postwar
attempts to fashion a usable past, a profitable future, and a worthwhile place in German
and Allied history books out of the ashes of his career as the head of Heinrich Himmlers
intelligence service and as Himmlers self-appointed foreign minister. Basing her analysis
mainly on Schellenbergs postwar interrogations by the Western Allies and on testimonies
and writings about his career, role, and associations in Nazi Germany, she argues that
Schellenberg took an unusualand largely successfultack in his defense. Rather than
downplaying his role in Nazi Germany or disavowing his relationship with many members
of Nazi Germanys state and party hierarchy, Schellenberg attempted to use them to his
advantage, as he cast himself as the ultimate insider, Western-leaning diplomat, and
humanitarian thwarted in his attempt to bring peace. Thus, Schellenberg created a usable
past for himself and, even if he was not able to make a future out of it, a narrative that still
holds influence.
To conclude the first section, Hilary Earl examines the postwar trial and subsequent
life of Martin Sandberger, one of the fourteen Einsatzgruppen leaders originally sentenced
to death in one of the twelve subsequent trials held in Nuremberg. Sandberger had been
leader of Sonderkommando 1a, one of the four SS-Einsatzgruppen, or mobile killing units,
that operated in the Baltic States between June 1941 and August 1943. The units under his
command killed tens of thousands of people, if not more. Because of good timing and
luck, Sandberger was released from prison in May 1958. From then on until his death in
March 2010, he lived his life in anonymity, never speaking to anyone about what he had
done during the war, that is until Walter Mayr, a Spiegel reporter, found him in an
exclusive Stuttgart nursing home a month before he died. Mayr was surprised by the
remarkable mental acuity of the elderly man who, at age ninety-nine, had the presence of
mind to keep silent. How could one recast oneself after being found guilty? Sandberger, as
one of the few individuals who served time among all the cases examined in this volume,
offers an interesting perspective on how some of the most notorious SS leaders
reintegrated back into German society after they were tried and sentenced. Having served
his term like a man contributed much to Sandbergers ability to reintegrate into society.
The second section examines a variety of efforts through which networks of
individuals came together to assist one another, either directly or indirectly, in the process
of recasting. David A. Messenger begins by examining an unusual network: former Nazi
intelligence agents and diplomats who remained in Spain after serving there in World War
II. After the cessation of hostilities in Europe, the United States demanded that Spain,
which remained a dictatorship after 1945, repatriate more than sixteen hundred of these
individuals to occupied Germany, where they would face the usual denazification
procedures. Spain was reluctant and agreed to do so only in certain cases and after a
drawn-out process. As a result, these men, part of the well-connected German colony in
Spain, took up their own defense. The language and arguments used by these exfunctionaries and agents of the Nazi regime in Spain offer a unique insight into the
recasting of identities far from the center of denazification processes in occupied
Germany. It shows how Nazi elites in Spain explained their wartime activity, drew on
explanatory models germane to their environment, and made a claim for apolitical,
economic, and activist futures in Francos Spain.
Susanna Schraftstetter examines another network that gathered in North Rhine
Westphalia around Siegfried Zoglmann, who had been an official in the Hitler Youth and
in the Office of the Reichprotector of Bohemia and Moravia as well as a member of the
Waffen-SS. Zoglmanns postwar career benefited from a network of Nazis from the
Sudetenland in post-1945 West Germany. Active in the Witikobund, an ultra-right-wing
organization of expellees, and in the Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft, Zogelmann and
other former members of the Reichsjugendfhrung in the Sudetenland found their way
into the North RhineWestphalian FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei). Schraftstetter
examines to what extent this network helped in the denazification process and also
provided Zoglmann and his colleagues a spiritual home.
Thomas W. Maulucci looks at an even more united group of recasters: career
diplomats in the German Foreign Ministry who had begun their service before 1933. Very
quickly they developed a strategy that emphasized the differences between themselves as
the core group of officials in the Auswrtiges Amt on the one hand and Nazi outsiders
brought into the ministry on the other. The latter became convenient scapegoats for the
Foreign Offices activities during the Third Reich. Maulucci stresses that interned German
diplomats interviewed by Allied authorities were developing this storythe idea of two
foreign offices in existence during the Nazi era, which remained important for the
Foreign Offices self-image well into the 1970sas early as mid-1945.
The books second section, with its focus on the role of networks in the recasting
process, is rounded out by Kerstin von Lingens examination of former Wehrmacht and SS
officers who had served at the Italian front. A sharp distinction between the clean
Wehrmacht on the one hand and the dirty Nazi War of the SS on the other framed the
discourse among army veterans between 1945 and 1955. Affiliation with one group or the
other, as defined by War Crimes Trials and denazification courts, divided the former
comradesin-arms and became a determining factor in who was to receive a second chance
in postwar West German society. In Italy, however, there was no visible divide between
the two groups, in contrast to other theaters of war. Lingen explicates how personnel who
had served in Italy insisted that the Italian war had been fair and decent and how, once
evidence presented in court challenged this narrative, these men engaged in feverish
behind-the-scenedebates and discussions about concepts such as military honor and
service. The debates became particularly prevalent as war crimes trials got under way in
Italy in the late 1940s and as movements for release began to appear in the 1950s. What
emerges is a coordinated, scripted recasting meant to serve these men and whatever
futures they sought for themselves.
The final section of the volume considers a series of case studies in which the
uniqueness of the individual defined the process of recasting. It draws attention to the
underappreciated facts that there existed many, very different options for recasting ones
past in postwar Germany; that many met with considerable success; and that many
audiences were receptive to them. In chapter 8, Florian Altenhner investigates the unique
case of Alfred Naujocks. Naujocks was a hit man, counterfeiter, agent, and terrorist who,
on the last day of August 1939, led the raid on the Gleiwitz radio station, which Nazi
propaganda used as a pretext for the German invasion of Poland. From 1934 to 1941 he
was a high-ranking member of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) of the SS. By 1944 he headed
1. For a recent discussion of Untersuchungsausschuss Nr. 47, see Das Amt und die Vergangenheit: Deutsche
Diplomaten im Dritten Reich und in der Bundesrepublik, ed. Eckart Conze, Norbert Frei, Peter Hayes, and Moshe
Zimmermann (Munich: Karl Blessing, 2010), 46688.
2. International Commission of Historians, The Waldheim Report (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, University of
Copenhagen, 1993).
3. Albert Norden, Kriegs- und Nazi-Verbrecher in der Bundesrepublik: StaatWirtschaftVerwaltungArmee
JustizWissenschaft (Berlin: Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republic, 1965); Ulrich Brochhagen, Nach
Nuernberg: Vergangenheitsbewltigung und Westintegration in der ra Adenauer (Hamburg: Junius, 1994), chap. 15.
4. See, for example, Norbert Frei, Ralf Ahrens, Jrg Osterloh, and Tim Schanetzky, Flick: Der Konzern. Die Familie.
Die Macht (Munich: Blessing, 2009); Ulrich Herbert, Best: Biographische Studien ber Radikalismus, Weltanschauung
und Vernunft (Bonn: Dietz, 1996); Ernst Klee, Was sie taten, was sie wurden: rzte, Juristen und andere Beteiligte am
Kranken- und Judenmord (Frankfurt: Fischer TB, 2004); Philipp Gassert, Kurt Georg Kiesinger 19041988: Kanzler
zwischen den Zeiten (Stuttgart: DVA, 2006); Norman Goda, Tales from Spandau: Nazi Criminals and the Cold War
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008); Lutz Hachmeister, Der Gegnerforscher: Die Karriere des SS-Fhrers
Franz Alfred Six (Munich: Beck, 1998); Lutz Hachmeister, Die Herren Journalisten: Die Elite der deutsche Presse nach
1945 (Munich: Beck, 2001); Lutz Hachmeister, Schleyer: Eine deutsche Geschichte (Munich: Beck, 2004); Kerstin von
Lingen, Kesselrings Last Battle: War Crimes Trials and Cold War Politics, 19451960 (Lawrence: University Press of
Kansas, 2009); Kerstin von Lingen, SS and Secret Service: Verschwrung des Schweigens; Die Akte Karl Wolff
(Paderborn: Ferdinand Schningh, 2010); Daniel E. Rogers, Restoring a German Career, 19451950: The Ambiguity of
Being Hans Globke, German Studies Review 31, no. 2 (2008): 30324.
5. Konrad H. Jarausch, After Hitler: Recivilizing Germans, 19451995 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 25,
6. See, for example, Perry Biddiscome, The Denazification of Germany: A History, 19451950 (Stroud, UK:
Tempus, 2007); Tom Bower, The Pledge Betrayed: America and Britain and the Denazification of Postwar Germany
(Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982); Klaus-Dietmar Henke, Die Trennung vom Nationalsozialismus, Selbstzerstrung,
politische Suberung, Entnazifizierung, Strafverfolgung, in Politische Suberung in Europa: Die Abrechnung mit den
Faschismus und der Kollaboration nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, ed. Klaus-Dietmar Henke and Hans Woller (Munich:
DTV, 1991), 2183; Lutz Niethammer, Die Mitluferfabrik: Die Entnazifizierung am Beispiel Bayerns (Berlin: Dietz,
1982); Hinrich Rping, Zwischen Recht und Politik: Die Ahndung der NS-Taten in den beiden deutschen Staaten nach
1945, in The Nuremberg Trials: International Criminal Law since 1945/Die Nrnberger Pro zesse: Vlkerstrafrecht seit
1945, ed. Herbert Reginbogin and Christoph J. M. Safferling (Munich: K. G. Saur, 2006), 199208; Clemens Vollnhals,
ed., Entnazifizierung: Politische Suberung und Rehabilitierung in den vier Besatzungszonen 19451949 (Munich:
DTV, 1991); Patricia Heberer and Jrgen Matthus, eds., Atrocities on Trial: Historical Perspectives on the Politics of
Prosecuting War Crimes (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2008).
7. Hilary Earl, The Nuremberg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial, 19451958: Atrocity, Law and History (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2009), 40.
8. Perry Biddiscombe, The Denazification of Germany, 19451950 (London: Tempus, 2006), 62.
9. Ibid., 63, 7273.
10. Ibid., 65.
11. Norman M. Naimark, The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 19451949
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995), chap. 1.
12. Michael R. Hayse, Recasting West German Elites: Higher Civil Servants, Business Leaders and Physicians in
Hesse between Nazism and Democracy, 19451955 (New York: Berghahn Books, 2003), 147.
13. Niethammer, Die Mitluferfabrik.
14. Daniel E. Rogers, The Chancellors of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Political Legacy of the
Holocaust, in The Impact of Nazism: New Perspectives on the Third Reich and Its Legacy, ed. Alan E. Steinweis and
Daniel E. Rogers (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2003), 232.
15. Jeffery Herf, Divided Memories: The Nazi Past in the Two Germanies (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1997), 221.
16. Norbert Frei, Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past: The Politics of Amnesty and Integration, trans. Joel Golb
(New York: Columbia University Press, 2002); Robert Moeller, War Stories: The Search for a Usable Past in the
Federal Republic of Germany (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001).
17. Moeller, War Stories.
18. Donald Bloxham, The Genocidal Past in Western Germany and the Experience of Occupation, 19456,
European History Quarterly 34, no. 3 (2004): 327.
19. Frank Biess, Homecomings: Returning POWs and the Legacies of Defeat in Postwar Germany (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2006), 145.
20. Gavriel D. Rosenfeld and Paul B. Jaskot, eds., Beyond Berlin: Twelve German Cities Confront the Nazi Past
(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2008), 15. Moeller, War Stories.
21. Kim C. Priemel and Alexa Stiller, eds., Reassessing the Nuremberg Military Tribunals: Transitional Justice, Trial
Narratives, and Historiography (New York: Berghahn Books, 2012), 215, as well as a number of the individual
chapters. See also S. Jonathan Wiesen, West German Industry and the Challenge of the Nazi Past, 19451955 (Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001), in particular the fascinating case study on Siemens in chap. 1. Also on
this issue, see Hayse, Recasting West German Elites.
22. Peter Fritzsche, Life and Death in the Third Reich (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2009).
23. George C. Browder, Hitlers Enforcers: The Gestapo and the SS Security Service in the Nazi Revolution (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1996), 7.
Part 1
Hans Globke at Nuremberg
Testimony as Rehabilitation, 19481949
Daniel E. Rogers
Throughout Konrad Adenauers tenure as the first chancellor of the Federal Republic of
Germany, between 1949 and 1963, Hans Globke remained at Adenauers side as his
closest adviser, while the new chancellor built agencies, formulated policies, and reacted
to challenges and crises. But during the first four years of that period, because of
controversies surrounding Globkes career during the Nazi era, Adenauer satisfied himself
with giving Globke merely the reality, rather than also the title, of his closest adviser. Only
after Adenauer won his first reelection in 1953 by a comfortable margin did he promote
Globke to the office of Staatssekretr, analogous to the position of chief of staff in an
American administration. Globke was the gatekeeper, paperwork manager, and chief
adviser on process to the chancellor. With this promotion, Globke became the most
prominent among West German political figures and civil servants to have survived and
prospered in the Federal Republic despite involvement with Nazi Germanys anti-Semitic
policies. Even after withering and repeated attacks on Globke by opposition Social
Democrats, journalists, and the East German Communist government, Globke held
Adenauers confidence and made himself, deliberately or not, indispensable.1
The attacks on Globke were possible in the first instance because of Globkes career
path and actions during the Nazi era. Although a member of the Catholic Center Party
when Hitler became chancellor, Globke continued as a bureaucrat in the Reich Ministry of
the Interior, reaching the high midlevel rank of Ministerialrat. He worked in the
department handling issues surrounding marital status. From 1935 until the end of the
Nazi regime, his immediate supervisor was Wilhelm Stuckart, a Nazi Alter Kmpfer (old
fighter) who had been a party member since before the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. In 1936
Stuckart and Globke coauthored a commentary on the Nuremberg race laws of the
previous year. While the legal community might have been more widely aware of Stuckart
because of the commentary, Stuckarts later, historical infamy stemmed largely from his
attendance at the Wannsee Conference of January 1942, where he represented the Interior
Ministry at a meeting called to settle procedural, jurisdictional, and legal questions
hindering the speedy mass murder of Europes Jews.2 Captured by the Allies in 1945,
Stuckart was ultimately placed on trial in the Wilhelmstrasse, or Ministries, case from
1947 to 1949. He was charged, among other offenses, with crimes against humanity.
In August 1948, Globke was called to testify at Nurembergunusually, he was a
witness for both the prosecution and the defense (not merely called by one side and crossexamined by the other).3 It was not the first evidence Globke offered in a war crimes trial.
He provided written testimony at the most famous trial of all, the International Military
Aachen, one must take into account a certain self-interest in portraying Stuckart mildly.6
Despite recognizing that Stuckart was a convinced National Socialist and even enjoyed
wearing his SS uniform, Globke pictured the defendant as a moderate or even kindly
Nazi.7 The likelihood that Globke himself did anything reprehensible while working for
the kind of boss he portrayed on the witness stand remained low indeed.8 If Globke had
served such a man, his activities during the Third Reich could have easily remained
As portrayed by his former subordinate on the witness stand, Stuckart believed it
essential that the law exist independently of its political context, that Germany, even the
Nazi Germany he had helped create, be a Rechtsstaat, a government of laws. Stuckart
resisted some measures he regarded as arbitrary and cruel.9 Globke provided specific,
albeit limited, examples of cases in which Stuckart intervened to assist certain so-called
half Jews10 and even so-called full Jews: Through the measures prepared and issued by
Department 1 numerous people, among which there were full Jews, ahd [sic] been spared
the treatment as Jews and they owed their lives to Department 1 under the leadership of
According to Globke, Stuckart did not totally support the Nazi Partys measures
toward either full Jews or less-than-full Jews and frequently subverted the wishes of the
party chancellery on Jewish questions.12 Stuckart believed that mixed race individuals
should be absorbed into the entirety of the German people and not excluded, much less
eliminated.13 If necessary, he favored sterilizing the mixed race rather than more
extreme measures such as deportation or murder.14 Not only did Stuckart object to the
most extreme policies toward those considered less than fully Jewish; he and his
department also interceded to save the lives of numerous people, Globke alleged from
the witness stand.15
His attitudes as a boss made him tolerant of a regime critic in his midst, namely
Globke, who was not silenced when he uttered criticisms of the party or the regime in
Stuckarts presence.16 And Globke could make himself look like a daring anti-Nazi while
testifying that it was only Stuckarts intervention with security services (RSHA) leader
Ernst Kaltenbrunner that allowed Globke to escape arrest after the July 20, 1944,
assassination plot against Hitler:
After the 20th of July and as a result of my participation in the attempted
revolution, Kaltenbrunner wanted to have me arrested. Subsequently, Kettner, who
was Stuckarts adjutant, told me that Stuckart went to Kaltenbrunner and he told
him if he was able to introduce evidence against me, in that case, of course he had
to arrest me, but if it was only a question of suspicion against me, he was to abstain
from undertaking any arrest, and Kaltenbrunner, for the time being, adhered to this,
at first at least, and the arrest warrant was issued subsequently only but could no
longer be put into actual effect when it was issued because the Gestapo officials
who were charged to carry out the arrest, in view of the approach of the
Americans, were compelled to recede.17
Furthermore, Stuckart was openly critical of the partys radical claims in front of Globke
and other subordinates and had clearly expressed, for instance, his opposition to the
violence of November 1938, Kristallnacht.18 Stuckarts frequent opposition to party
initiatives led to bureaucratic infighting of the highest order, at least for Nazi Germany:
Globke recalled that Stuckart asked him to participate in investigations of a rumored
Jewish ancestry of RSHA chief Reinhard Heydrich, not because Stuckart especially hated
Jews, but to try to undermine Heydrichs radical leadership of anti-Jewish policies.19
Stuckarts opposition to including those considered less than full Jews in the most
extreme measures of discrimination and violence earned him the suspicion and enmity of
certain party and SS officials.20 He might have tried to placate them by acting tough in
meetings, but when back among his colleagues, he acted moderately and sometimes
subversively.21 Globke believed that Heinrich Himmler, who assumed the role of
Stuckarts superior as minister of the interior in 1943, shunned Stuckart and would not
often take his phone calls. Globke also estimated that Stuckart probably was in Hitlers
presence only about ten times in total and thus had no influence at the highest level of
all.22 In short, he was no SS insider, despite his honorary SS rank and the uniform he liked
to wear.23
Second, Globke elaborated a theory of successful bureaucratic obstruction in the Third
Reich, of which he and Stuckart had been a part. Globke could truthfully state that he had
never been a member of the Nazi Party, while keeping quiet about the fact that in 1940 he
had applied for membership and had been rejected.24 Instead of being a party member, he
asserted, he had participated for years in the resistance movement.25 On the stand at
Stuckarts trial, there were ample opportunities for Globke to portray his service in the
Interior Ministry as helping Jews rather than hurting them. For instance, in 1935, when
some courts had been following the Nazi spirit rather than the letter of the law by refusing
to marry Aryans and Jews, Globke had, he testified, attempted unsuccessfully to
intervene with the Justice Ministry. He sought to have the Justice Ministry remind the
courts of the law. Before that effort could have borne fruit, though, the Nuremberg Laws
were issued, flatly forbidding interracial marriages.26
As Globke saw it, those such as himself who wished to hinder Nazi racism in general,
or like Stuckart, who desired to block merely some isolated policies, could only succeed if
they could articulate some danger to Germans at large or to the regime. Appeal to the
letter of the law or humanitarian objections always led to a strengthening of party resolve
to push through the most radically oppressive measures.27 As a specific example, Globke
offered Stuckarts opposition to Heydrichs efforts to treat so-called full and half Jews the
samein other words, to subject to deportation and death all those with two or more
grandparents who were deemed fully Jewish. The only chance to block party zealots was
to discuss the disadvantages to Germany as a whole, not to argue for the humane treatment
of anyone.28
Globke offered another important example of his bureaucratic resistance, this time
concerning regulations requiring Jews to add the forenames Israel or Sara. In 1938,
Stuckarts department had been confronted with party demands, specifically from Martin
Bormann, chief of staff to the deputy Fhrer, that all Jews be forced to identify themselves
with the mandatory last name of Yid (Jdd or Itzig in German).29 At first, with
Stuckarts approval, Globke attempted to circumvent the party demand through the timetested technique of bureaucratic inaction.30 When the party and Minister of the Interior
Frick insisted anyway, Globke and his colleague Hermann Hering suggested a
compromise that would lessen the impact: requiring Jews to identify themselves with an
additional forename. Globke asserted that this was a milder solution, although Jews who
never knew of the debates behind the scenes regarded the change to forenames as a harsh
and humiliating new policy, for which Globke would often be criticized later in his life.31
Knowing that if the Interior Ministry did nothing, the proposal might reach Hitler, who
always agreed to the most radical proposal, Globke believed his had been a milder and
therefore better policy for Jews: It was generally known within the Ministry of the
Interior that Hitler, in all basic questions as far as Jews were concerned, always agreed to
the more intensified measure. As a consequence of this, one had to try to deal with the
matter without a final decision on the part of Hitler and achieve the best possible result
and [Bern-hard] Loesner [sic] always again and again tried to do this and in that he had the
full support of Stuckart.32
The trial allowed Globke to enter this perspective into the record, which later gave him
and his defenders evidence to support a more benign take on his involvement in the namechange policy.
Perhaps the most difficult thing for Globke to try to explain away, both during the trial
and later during his revived career, was his 1936 coauthorship with Stuckart of a
commentary on the Nuremberg Laws.33 Nazified courts would use Stuckart and Globkes
commentary (and three others) to help them apply the Nuremberg Laws to individual
cases. Globke and his defenders would often argue that his and Stuckarts commentary
was the mildest of the four.34 Regardless, Globkes name was on the title page of an
instrument of persecution, and he had earned at least modest royalties from it. Yet here as
well, Globke would cast his work as benefiting Jews if one understood the full context of
the times, as an act of hidden bureaucratic obstruction. When the prosecution asked him
about Stuckarts racist introduction to the commentary, Globkes immediate response,
which earned him an admonishment from the prosecutor, was a rare display of
defensiveness. He tried to explain his motives for helping to write the commentary rather
than addressing the query about Stuckarts words that had been posed to him:
Q: Didnt Stuckart in this preface vigorously endorse the racial ideology of Hitler,
quoting Mein Kampf again and again?
A: That is true. I was sorry to read that preface, but since I considered the purpose
of the commentary to help wherever possible those discriminated against, we had
to put up with this preface if the National Socialist authorities were to get by this
commentary [sic] at all.
Q: Im not asking about you, Dr. Globke, but only about Stuckart.35
Third, Globke admitted knowledge about the mass murder of Jews without being
compelled by his questioners. Stuckarts trial gave him the opportunity to place on the
record, under oath and before a hostile cross-examiner, statements about his knowledge of
the mass murders of the Holocaust. But he set what he felt were important limits to his
knowledge that would free him from any self-incrimination regarding the genocide.
Globke denied ever hearing of the Wannsee Conference directly from Stuckart, who
had been in attendance (and who has, in subsequent cinematic renditions of the
conference, been made to look like the only mildly good guy in attendance).36 He further
denied ever discussing the murder of the Jews directly with Stuckart.37 Yet Globke did
immediately admit that he came to learn about the systematic mass murders of Jews. He
asserted that he only heard the term Final Solution after the war38 but learned during the
war of the mass murders themselves. This knowledge came from informal discussions in
official circles and from returning soldiers, not because policies or official directives were
passing through his department.39 When Stuckarts defense counsel, Curt von Stackelberg,
offered him a chance to downplay his level of knowledge about the killings, Globke did
not take it:
I have just told you I did not know the final solution of the Jewish question as a
terminus technicus until after the capitulation. Consequently, although the
expression final solution of the Jewish question might have been used, I never
took it to mean the physical extermination of all Jews. I knew that Jews were being
killed in large numbers, and I was always of the opinion that there were Jews who
were not killed, who were still living in Germany or in Theresienstadt or
elsewhere, in a sort of Ghetto.
You thought that there were excesses but no systematic extermination?
No, I dont want to say that. I am of the opinionand I knew that at the time
that the extermination of the Jews was carried on systematically, but I did not
know that it was supposed to apply to all Jews.40
Globke also denied ever having seen the infamous Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing
squads) reports that had recounted in exact detail the murders of Jews inside the Soviet
Union in 1941.41 Yet, he acknowledged without any hesitation his knowledge of plans and
procedures to kill the disabled among the German Aryan populace. He knew, he
testified, of plans to kill those no longer worthy of life.42 Likewise, he asserted that he
was aware that the interior minister who supervised Stuckart and himself, Wilhelm Frick,
was responsible for killing the mentally insane.43
Fourth and finally, Globke provided for himself the beginnings of a consistent story as
to why he had remained behind at his job in the midst of such horror, why he had not
In Department 1 it was possible to help many people who had been discriminated
against by National Socialist methods and this actually happened in numerous
cases. I had, all the same, the intention every now and then to leave the Ministry of
the Interior voluntarily, especially when Himmler took over the leadership of this
ministry. The reason, I remained in office, was that my friends in the resistance
movement, the Bishop of Berlin and others, requested me and urged me to
disregard my own personal interests and to remain in office, because if I left, their
last source of information about the Ministry of the Interior would vanish and thus
the last possibility to gain an insight into their plans. It was comparatively easy for
me to make up my mind in their direction because I was convinced that Dr.
Stuckart would not request me to do anything which was against my conscience or
would never request me to do any punishable act. And finally, after all, what more
could I have done in the Third Reich than participate in a conspiracy for years, an
activity which had as its ultimate aim the killing of Hitler.44
While Adenauers and Globkes political opponents argued that Globke could have
done less, rather than more (namely, by not writing the commentary or participating in the
renaming regulations for Jews), Globke was providing himself and his later defenders with
a line of argumentation that proved daunting, not the least because it may well also have
been correct. As Adenauers Christian Democratic Union deliberately and successfully
courted the support of millions of Germans who had gone along with the Nazis (the socalled Mitlufer), having a man at his side who had advanced his career during those years
while keeping himself free of personal guilt proved to be no political hindrance.45 It gave
the domestic opposition and many abroad something to complain about or lament, yet
Adenauer ultimately served as chancellor longer than Hitler. Globke, of course, was by
Adenauers side the entire time. With an exculpatory version of his past documented under
oath before an American military tribunal, Globke had helped himself rise high long
before he knew he would ever have the chance.
In that Nuremberg courtroom in August 1948, Globke could hardly have dreamed that
only a year later he would be one of the closest aides of the newly elected federal
chancellor. Rather than deliberately furnishing the court with a version of his and
Stuckarts pasts that would enable total rehabilitation, it is more likely that Globke was
framing his experiences in the most helpful way possible so that his future would be less
hindered. Having already successfully emerged from his own denazification process the
year before as unbelastet (cleared), Globke need not have worried that he would be worse
off than any other German who had lived through the Nazi regime as an adult.46 It was,
instead, a question of his suitability for a career like the one he had been building during
the Weimar Republic, in the highest reaches of the Prussian civil service. An extended
network of mutual connections brought him to Adenauers attention in the late 1940s.47
Yet it was Globkes careful, self-exculpatory, and unrefuted testimony at the trial of
Wilhelm Stuckart that allowed him to put down in that most weighty of all public records,
the transcript of a war crimes trial, a version of his life that made his astounding rise and
extended tenure possible.
1. Also indispensable is the only full biography of Globke to date: Erik Lommatzsch, Hans Globke (18981973):
Beamter im Dritten Reich und Staatssekretr Adenauers (Frankfurt: Campus, 2009). Specifically on Globkes postwar
resurgence, see Daniel E. Rogers, Restoring a German Career, 19451950: The Ambiguity of Being Hans Globke,
German Studies Review 31, no. 2 (2008): 30324.
2. See Mark Roseman, The Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution: A Reconsideration (New York: Picador,
3. RG 238, U.S. Military Trials at Nrnberg, M897, roll 14, 15422, U.S. National Archives and Record
Administration, College Park, MD (hereafter NARA).
Auditioning for Postwar
Walter Schellenberg, the Allies, and Attempts to Fashion a Usable Past
Katrin Paehler
For the time being, my services were no longer required.1 Thus ends the memoir of
Walter Schellenberg, formerly the head of Office VIForeign Intelligenceof Heinrich
Himmlers Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt [RSHA]). The pithy
phrase provides a telling coda to Schellenbergs almost decade-long effort to remake
himself from Himmlers spymaster, closely connected to the highest rungs of party and
state and many of Nazi Germanys key projects of racial and political surveillance and
policing, into a well-meaning and daring German diplomat with strong Western leanings, a
cosmopolitan outlook, and a proven humanitarian track record.
When Schellenberg wrote about his services no longer being requiredclearly
implying that he would have been all too happy to render them againhe was already a
very sick man. He did not live to see the eventual publication of his memoir.2 He had
begun crafting the narrative and its main tenets much earlier, and while it did not gain for
him a role in postwar diplomacy or intelligence, Schellenberg managed to fashion a usable
past that helped him evade many of the potential consequences of his earlier activities.
And with the posthumous publication of his memoir, hailed in Alan Bullocks introduction
to the English version as a piece of historical evidence, for none of those who have so far
published their memoirs of this period were in a good position to know and to have seen at
first hand what took place at the center of power, Schellenbergs recast identity and the
narrative connected with it took on tremendous staying power. To be sure, Bullock
cautions his readers, noting that it would [not] be wise to accept Schellenberg as a
trustworthy witness where his evidence cannot be corroborated. Naturally enough he
presents his own part in these events in as favorable a light as possible and often with
some exaggeration of his own importance.3 In reality, though, Schellenbergs memoir has
taken on an oft-uncontested life of its own in historical writing, especially when it comes
to Nazi Germanys foreign intelligence efforts and to the very last months and weeks of
the war. His recast identity looms large.
lack of apparent guilt oftentimes paved their way into postwar futures of considerable
Schellenberga party man, SS and SD member, spymaster, and closely associated
with a good number of the postwar btes noires of Nazi Germany, for example, Himmler,
Reinhard Heydrich, and Ernst Kaltenbrunnertook a different, seemingly
counterintuitive, and most certainly audacious tack in recasting his past. Rather than
disavowing his role in Nazi Germany, Schellenberg created a coherent narrative around
three images of himself: the ultimate insider, the cosmopolitan diplomat, and the
humanitarian and thwarted bringer of peace. He proffered these images in a constant and
stable narrative. It was laid out in writing before his transfer into Allied custody,
reinforced during his interrogations, and expanded upon in his memoir. In other words,
Schellenberg entered Allied custody with a coherent narrative as his proverbial calling
card and stayed on message thereafter. Tripping him off became difficult and increasingly
undesirable, because Schellenbergs persona as the ultimate insider established him as a
fountain of seemingly valuable information to the Allies; in the process, he helped to
shape and to reinforce Allied perceptions about Nazi Germany and its main players.
Schellenbergs gamble almost paid off. His efforts likely helped him to secure a lighter
sentence in Nuremberg and, most certainly, a better postwar image than he deserved. It is
anyones guess what would have happened had he lived longer: after interrogating him at
length, the Allies were decidedly unimpressed. However, as a relentless self-promoter and
good storyteller, Schellenberg might have been able to secure his professional or economic
well-being after all; he did not perceive himself as made for obscurity. Lastly, professional
historians have quite frequently all too readily accepted Schellenbergs self-serving
renditions of events. This holds true in particular when it comes to information about the
last months and weeks of the war, when there are comparatively fewer contemporaneous
documents. In short: Schellenbergs narratives, meant to recast his own role in Nazi
Germany, hold sway over important swaths of history.7 For that reason alone, tracing the
process through which Schellenberg remade himself is an important undertaking.
Born in Saarbrcken in 1910, Walter Schellenberg studied law at the universities of
Marburg and Bonn.8 He passed his first exam in 1933, roughly around the same time that
Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor. He joined the NSDAP and the SS in 1933 and
became involved with the SD shortly thereafter. Over the course of the next six years,
Schellenberg carved out a position for himself in the new states administrative and
policing universe. Traditionally trained in law, Schellenberg was clearly an asset for
Reinhard Heydrich and a fledging SD that was trying to secure and to define its role.
Between 1938 and the summer of 1941, Nazi Germany began to move even more
aggressively against perceived domestic racial and political enemies and also began its
assault on the neighboring states; in a sense, the state moved from ideological theory to
the theoryssometimes pragmaticpraxis. Schellenbergs professional trajectory
mirrored these developments. He remade himself from a talented bureaucrathe was
intimately involved in the negotiations about the deployment of the Einsatzgruppen as
designated killing units in the upcoming attack against the Soviet Unioninto a
of events would come handy under those circumstances. Schellenberg subtly suggested
that neither the idea for the piece nor its ultimate format originated with him. The former
was Bernadottes suggestion and the latter due to his realization that voluntary surrender
would be the best step to take. The implication was that Schellenberg had little reason
either to be concerned about his past or to be exceedingly proactive about his future. In
reality, he was clearly both and had found a perfect format to address these concerns in his
autobiographical sketch. Nine-tenths of the text deals with Schellenbergs good deeds in
the last months of the war, which he depicted as the logical outcome of his beliefs and
earlier activities.
Schellenberg did not write this autobiographical sketch, the proverbial Urfaust of his
defense, in a vacuum. Either shortly before Schellenberg began writing it or concurrently,
Bernadotte embarked on a similar project. His book The Fall of the Curtain: Last Days of
the Third Reich was published in London in 1945.13 Bernadottes thin book included
passages authored by Schellenberg and clearly identified as such, yet it seems that the
inclusion of these passages, as well as Bernadottes overall fairly positive evaluation of
Schellenberg and his activities, led to the persistent claim that The Fall of the Curtain was,
indeed, ghostwritten by Schellenberg. These claims, lacking in solid evidentiary support,
have largely been debunked. However, it seems extremely likely and only natural that the
two men, who spent much time together, discussed their respective writing projects or, as
Doerries put it, their reading of events and appraisals of people.14 This was clearly a
writers collective of contaminating closeness, for it is reasonable to conclude that
Schellenberg and Bernadotte smoothed out seemingly minor discrepancies that might have
existed. Conversely, though, it is likely that Bernadottes plan to publish his recollections
reined in most inclinations to overreach that Schellenberg might have entertained. He
needed Bernadotte, his contacts, and his influence; there was nothing to be gained from
contradicting or alienating the Swede.
Relationships worked differently in the case of his assistant Franz Gring, whom
Schellenberg asked to write an eye witness account, in order to supplement and confirm
certain parts of his story. It is reasonable to assume that Gring took very seriously the
implications of Schellenbergs request when he wrote his account, which he claimed to be
an extract from his diary.15 Gring had several reasons to hitch his horse to Schellenbergs
wagon: for one, Gring was safe and sound in neutral Sweden in the company of his
fiance, Schienke. Second, his role in Schellenbergs humanitarian activities would help
Gring with any questions that might arise in the future about his own record. The better
his boss did, the better the outcome would be for Gring as well. This is not to suggest
that the three accounts were sanitized beyond recognition, but they did not emerge in a
vacuum. The Autobiography was Schellenbergs first attempt to control the narrative.
He crafted a coherent story that could be confirmed in a seemingly independent fashion:
by checking it against the accounts by Bernadotte and Gring, two of the other main
players in the events in question. Few people, then and now, were or are aware of the
context in which these three pieces came to be.
The Autobiography proved a successin Sweden and beyond. Schellenberg gave
copies of it to a number of prominent and influential Swedes.16 In late May, Schellenberg,
ably assisted by Bernadotte, began to negotiate his transfer into American custody. The
negotiations were fairly protracted and did not work out exactly as Schellenberg had
hoped, for he was to be taken to London after a short time in Frankfurt.17 When
Schellenberg boarded his plane for Frankfurt on June 17, 1945after almost six weeks in
Swedenthe American Assistant Military Attach Charles E. Rayens, who had negotiated
the transfer and seemed reasonably taken by the German, was with him. Also on board
was Bernadotte, who was willing to vouch for him and who wanted to ensure that all went
well. Schellenberg carried his calling card: additional copies of his Autobiography. He
had pulled off the almost impossible, for he had morphed into his own character witness.
In the following months, Schellenberg was interrogated intensely, at least most of the
time. Upon his arrival in Frankfurt and registration at SHAEF, he was initially stashed
away in one or several local safe houses. Doerries notes with surprise that Schellenberg
was not transferred to one of the two main Allied detention centers for Nazi bigwigs,
which were the sites of interrogations about the structure and nature of Nazi Germany.18
Since Schellenberg had been the head of Nazi Germanys foreign intelligence service, it
only made sense, though, to have him interrogated separately and exclusively by members
of the Allied intelligence services. And the war in the Far East was not over yet. In his
initial talk with Rayens in Sweden, Schellenberg had tried to capitalize on American
concerns and made intimations that Rayens could not ignore in good faith, for he reported
that Schellenberg believed that his Japanese section, personnel, specialists and records,
could be assembled for the benefit of our army.19 Schellenberg was selling the mirage of
an omnipotent spymaster with global assets. The interrogations began ten days after
Schellenbergs arrival in Frankfurt and involved a number of British and American
intelligence officials.20 Their findings were summarized in a lengthy report. Doerries
describes the report as not overly impressive in analysis and conclusion but densely
packed with information and data gathered in the obviously rewarding sessions with
Schellenberg.21 Schellenberg was a fountain of information and entirely cooperative and
particularly willing to denounce Kaltenbrunner.22
On July 7, 1945, Schellenberg was flown to London for further interrogations.23 He
was immediately transferred to Camp 020, an internment center theoretically under the
oversight of the British Home Office but practically run by MI5, the domestic branch of
the British Intelligence Service. Over the course of the war, the interrogation of suspected
spies and others had been made into an art form in this facility. Interrogators made ample
use of psychological intimidation and sensory deprivation; recent research also provides
strong circumstantial evidence that some prisoners were tortured. In addition, interrogators
used the mystique of the omnipotent British Secret Service to their advantage.24 For
Schellenberg, Camp 020 was a rude awakening. Prominent Swedes had handled him with
utmost care, Rayens had afforded him quite a bit of consideration, and it appears that the
interrogations in Frankfurt conformed to Schellenbergs expectations. Camp 020 did not.
Schellenberg, described by the camp commandant as a priggish little dandy, fetched up
rakishly, was shocked by his stern reception and sulked peevishly until he was brought
face to face with the reality of British contempt for him and his evil works.25 While there
is no indication that Schellenberg was tortured, he was treated more poorly than he
expected. He clearly did not appreciate the light, being hollered at, [or] cold water baths,
and he noted that he had been finished. After eight weeks in a dark cell, he had been
ready to kill himself but did not find the opportunity to do so. Or so he claimed in a later
exchange with R. W. M. Kempner.26
As a witness, Schellenberg was as loquacious and eager as ever. Nothing suggests that
his interrogators had to force [information] out of him.27 From the first (Frankfurt)
interrogation on, it was clear that Schellenberg would talkand talk he did. The
interrogation then formed the basis for the Final Report on the Case of Walter Friedrich
Schellenberg, a detailed summary report of more than 120 pages and twenty-three
sometimes extensive appendixes on various topics.28 The Final Report was not the
Allies last word on Schellenberg, but it came close. It is of central importance, for it
established a core understanding of Schellenberg, his activities, and his role in Nazi
The interrogations in London were driven by two main motivations: the wish to
understand the man and his serviceboth of which had been shrouded in mystery and had
been sources of anxiety among Western intelligence agenciesand the need to arrest
developing security threats, such as postdefeat networks. As such, they sated the
immediate interest of the intelligence communities. However, the realities these
interrogations unveiled turned out to be an exasperating letdown.29 Neither Schellenberg
nor the service he led lived up to Allied expectations.
Schellenberg was transferred to Nuremberg in early November 1945, where the
International Military Tribunal was about to get under way. Amt VI had turned out to be
largely a mirage and far from a security threat, but Schellenberg had come to be known as
a fountain of information. Slated as a witness for the prosecution, he was further
interrogated in view of the upcoming trial. It is a fair assumption that the new
surroundings agreed with Schellenberg. For one, he had been trained in law and thus was
in his element. His role as a witness also allowed him to flaunt his knowledge of the inner
workings of Nazi Germany and its leading personalities. In addition, it gave him an
opportunity to settle some scores and to hone his persona as a friend of the West.30
The best thing Schellenberg had going for him after the war was that he had
developed the right internal enemies, Richard Breitman quips shrewdly and very truly.31
They included Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the last head of the RSHA and thus Schellenbergs
superior; Foreign Minister Joachim Ribbentrop; the head of Office IV (Gestapo) Heinrich
Mller; and sabotage expert Otto Skorzeny. These men counterbalanced nicely
Schellenbergs wrong friends, a category in which Heydrich and Himmler took pride of
place. Schellenberg was able to exploit his enmity with Kaltenbrunner to the fullestthere
was no love lost between the two men, a fact well known at Camp 020 and apparently a
source of amusementand to use their antagonistic relationship to recast his own past.32
The Allies, for their part, regarded the enigmatic Kaltenbrunner as particularly unsavory,
and after Himmlers suicide, he was the highest-ranking member of the RSHA in Allied
hands. His name connected to the much feared, yet largely imaginary alpine redoubt,
Kaltenbrunner was considered a security threat and a potential postwar player.33 He also fit
the image of the proverbial ugly German, down to his dueling scars, which was a nice
visual bonus for the upcoming trial. Schellenberg expertly delivered on Allied
Schellenbergs Autobiography focused on the last few months of the war, and it
presented Kaltenbrunner as the tales main villainhis relationship with Kaltenbrunner
had long before shifted from general cooperation to outright conflict. Schellenberg left
little doubt that it was the head of the RSHA who obstructed his efforts to make contact
and negotiate with the Western powers and to free concentration camp inmates. Yet
Schellenbergs narrative goes even further: he notes that even Himmler feared the head of
the RSHA, since Kaltenbrunner was close to Hitler, subtly implying that Kaltenbrunner
might have held influence over Hitler. In effect, the Autobiography created two
competing centers of power, a dichotomy of good and evil, of reasonable and
unreasonable: the former consisted of Himmler and Schellenberg, while the latter
comprised Hitler and Kaltenbrunner.
In Schellenbergs narrative, Kaltenbrunner is the man who reproached him for
supporting too strongly Count Bernadottes plans to move Scandinavian concentration
camp inmates out of the collapsing Germany; who issued orders in Himmlers name that
had not originated with the RFSS; who did not comply with orders coming from Himmler;
and who got Hitler to stop any further trains [of freed Jews] to Switzerland.34 Whatever
went wrong with Schellenbergs plans, the blame was Kaltenbrunners.
Schellenberg portrayed Kaltenbrunner as an outright dangerous man on two different
yet interconnected levels. On the one hand, his eagerness to harm Schellenberg presented
an immediate and personal danger to the latter; on the other hand, Kaltenbrunners
proximity to Hitler and his alleged influence with or over the Fhrer made him dangerous
in a broader sense. Schellenberg set the stage for this story line in the opening pages of his
Autobiography, noting that in late 1942 and early 1943, Hitler and later Himmler
wanted to imprison me and my associates in a concentration camp for defeatism. The
alleged reason was an intelligence report on Russia, and the instigator was Kaltenbrunner.
There is no independent confirmation of this threat against Schellenberg, but he very
skillfully created the impression of a man under siege. Himmler, who had taken a
personal liking to Schellenberg, became his shield. In the world that Schellenberg
created in his Autobiography, Himmler was the voice of reason; with him, Schellenberg
said, [I] could always be sure that I myself and my work would always be judged by
non-party-political standards.35 In other words, in a political system in which an
intelligence report could lead to accusations of defeatism and in which a man like
Kaltenbrunner held power, Himmler became a beacon of nonideological common sense
and a natural ally to a man like Schellenberg.
In the broader sense, Kaltenbrunners influence with and proximity to Hitler made him
dangerous. Kaltenbrunner got Hitler to stop any further trains [of camp inmates as part of
the negotiations with Musy] to Switzerland, and Hitler then forbade any German, under
threat of death, to help not only one Jew more, but interestingly enough also any American
or English P.O.W. In a roundabout way, Schellenberg experienced Kaltenbrunners
influence in his own interactions with Himmler, for Himmler coveted and clamored for
Hitlers approval. In early April 1945, for example, Schellenberg and Musy struck upon
the idea of a four-day truce on land and in the air, in order to use this time to conduct all
Jews and other foreign prisoners in an orderly manner through the front lines, and thus
show Germanys good will. Ultimately, Schellenberg held the expectation that this plan
wouldbeyond the rescue of these peoplesegue into the discussion of a
compromise, which would be to everybodys benefit. In other words, the truce would
lead to negotiations about a separate peace with the Western Allies. However, none of this
could be achieved without Hitlers approval, and Himmler, who by Schellenbergs
reckoning personally agreed with the plans merits, did not dare to discuss it with the
Fhrer. Instead, Himmler consulted with the chief of the Camarilla which surrounded
Hitler, Kaltenbrunner, who then indicated his refusal.36 All that stood between
Schellenberg, a solution to humanitarian crisis in the camps, and the end of the war was
Similar points are made in the Final Report, but Schellenberg provided additional,
damning details. He gleefully conveyed Kaltenbrunners bumpy career trajectory (owed
largely to Kaltenbrunners disbarment after his involvement in the 1934 Nazi coup attempt
in Austria) and compared it to his own much more successful one. He related
Kaltenbrunners jealousy and his efforts to make Schellenbergs professional life difficult,
one of the reports main themes. Kaltenbrunner brought about a deterioration of
Schellenbergs position, rebuffed Schellenbergs efforts, attempted to remove Schellenberg
from his position in Amt VI, and established himself as a relentless micromanager: All
documents and reports of importance had to be submitted to Kaltenbrunner and signed by
him and all important decisions and authorizations were taken by Kaltenbrunner
personally. As Kaltenbrunner was Schellenbergs superior, this should not have been a
shocking surprise. After Kaltenbrunners appointment, Schellenberg also found his own
direct access to Himmler, which he had until then enjoyed, much restricted; this was a
source of major irritation for him. Conversely, Kaltenbrunner was not amused that
Schellenberg kept going over his head and directly to Himmler still.37 Schellenberg also
made much of Kaltenbrunners attempt to circumscribe more precisely Schellenbergs
position in his office and in the RSHA in general or to undermine him by establishing
Kaltenbrunners cronies, such as Otto Skorzeny, Wilhelm Hoettl, or Wilhem Waneck, the
men of the Austrian Group, in Schellenbergs domain. Schellenberg countered by
putting his own allies in place.
Schellenberg furthermore reframed events that were indicative of a good working
relationship between him and Kaltenbrunner. When, in the aftermath of the usurpation of
the Abwehr, Kaltenbrunner put Schellenberg in charge of Amt Mil, Schellenberg let it
be known that this had been provisional.38 Schellenberg thus recast a career capstone
into a temporary arrangement; indirectly, this also implied that the responsibility for Amt
Mil was not his alone. Schellenberg also suggested that Kaltenbrunner forced upon him
the rank of Major General of the Police and strongly insinuated that he much preferred his
civilian titles.
Kaltenbrunner, according to Schellenberg, remained a threat to him until the end of the
war and occasionally tried to have him removed from his position. When this removal
happenedon May 1, 1945Schellenberg was with Himmler in Northern Germany and
the Reichsfhrer SS did not take Kaltenbrunners step seriously. Indeed, Schellenberg
stressed that Himmler appeared to regret not having taken a stronger stand against
Kaltenbrunner earlier.39 In sum, Kaltenbrunner was at the root of all problems. There was
plenty of information in this report that could be used against Kaltenbrunner, and it was
abundantly clear that Schellenberg would be all too glad to provide additional information
if the prosecution so desired.
Schellenbergs narrative about Kaltenbrunner and his insidiousness remained stable
from the Autobiography to the Final Report. The main difference can be found in the
level of detailwhereas the Autobiography focuses largely on Schellenbergs
humanitarian and peace-negotiating efforts in the last months of the war, the Final
Report, in which those very same efforts provide the main plot, covers a much broader
swath of history. It gave Schellenberg extended opportunities to paint Kaltenbrunner in an
unfavorable light and, conversely, to elevate his own standing. These efforts were not
restricted to Kaltenbrunners political demeanor. Schellenberg also made sure to include a
fair sprinkling of juicy personal tidbits, with Kalten brunners vanity taking pride of place.
However, if one fed his vanity, Schellenberg slyly advised his interrogators, Kaltenbrunner
was also a man who could be played.40
Kaltenbrunners personality and appearance take up even more space in Schellenbergs
memoir, written for a broad audience interested in recent history but also, just as much, in
salacious details about Nazi Germanys elite. On a basic level, Schellenbergs description
expertly delivers on German stereotypes about crude Austrians. Kaltenbrunner was a
giant in stature, heavy in movementsa real lumberjack. He was of rough-hewn
coarseness; his eyes were small, penetrating unpleasant like the eyes of a viper
seeking to petrify its prey. He had the hands of a gorilla, which made Schellenberg
feel quite sick, and would bang on the table before speaking. Schellenberg also noted
Kaltenbrunners very bad teeth and that he spoke very indistinctively; but then
Schellenberg could understand his strong Austrian accent only with great difficulty in
the first place. In a few broad strokes but with great alacrity, Schellenberg conjured the
epitome of an Austrian hickcrude, savage, and dangerous. And the very opposite of
Discussing Kaltenbrunners initial appointment, Schellenberg made it clear that the
choice of Kaltenbrunner was Hitlers and that he, Schellenberg, would have preferred just
about anyone else. But Kaltenbrunner was the right man for Hitler and background
mattered. Hitler was convinced that this countryman of his had all the necessary
qualifications for the job, of which unconditional obedience and personal loyalty to the
Fuehrer were not the least important.41 Schellenbergs implications were clearas much
as Kaltenbrunner was the right man for Hitler, he (Schellenberg) was not. Indeed, their
personalities were too much opposed for us ever to be able to work together
harmoniously. Kaltenbrunner was a doctrinaire, a fanatical adherent of National
Socialism, and followed the principle of absolute obedience. Kaltenbrunner, on the
other hand, regarded Schellenberg as just a careerist who held a position because of
professional ability, who had rendered no special service to the movement, and from
[Schellenbergs] opinions and associations it appeared that [he] was politically
unreliable.42 Schellenberg cast Kaltenbrunner as an ideological soldier and a fanatical
Nazi and himself as a professional.43 The differences could not be any starker.
In a virtuoso performance, Schellenberg then gave credit to Heydrichs personnel
politics and suggested that Kaltenbrunners animus toward him found its origins there.
Schellenberg let it be known that Heydrich, as long as he was alive, had blocked
Kaltenbrunners ascent in the SD. But when Kaltenbrunner took on Heydrichs former
position, his hatred of his predecessor led him to make mistake after mistake. Schellenberg
diagnosed Kaltenbrunner with a Heydrich Complex that made him surround himself
with his Austrian cronies to counteract Heydrichs still palpable influence in the RSHA.
Ultimately, though, Schellenberg claimed that he became its prime victim, as
Kaltenbrunner eventually transferred his Heydrich complex to me. I suddenly became
the object of all the animosity he had previously entertained against him [Heydrich]. For
example, Kaltenbrunner used the weekly lunches of the RSHAs department heads to
attack him in the most sadistic manner. Schellenberg made sure that his readers
understood that those terrible last years of the war seemed a real torture to him.44
Schellenberg took on the mantle of the Austrian bullys victim.
Schellenbergs allegedly antagonistic relationship with Kaltenbrunner serves, in turn,
as an explanation for his closeness to Himmler. Schellenberg cast Kaltenbrunner as evil,
like the distant Hitler. Himmler, on the other hand, he portrayed as weak and vacillating,
void of strong opinions and convictions, and open to influence from those closest to him.
Schellenberg crafted a heightenedand somewhat daringversion of the common
exculpatory story of an official staying in his position to prevent worse. Only in
Schellenbergs case, he justified having stayed with Himmler to make better.
Schellenbergs attempts to recast his relationship with Himmler hinged on his ability to
portray himself as a diplomat, a humanitarian, and a thwarted bringer of peace, for among
any number of wrong friends, Himmler certainly takes the prize. To some extent,
Schellenberg was in luck, for the Autobiography focused, almost in its entirety, on the
last two years of their relationship, which included Himmlers last-ditch, welldocumented, and very recent peace soundings. The Final Report and his later memoir,
while more detailed on his other exploits, similarly attempted to frame all of his
interactions with Himmler as stepping stones toward his alleged ultimate goal: a separate
peace with the West. Other activities of Schellenbergs, which brought him into close
contact with Himmler, fell to the wayside, for example, the times he reported to the RFSS
on the cultural genocide in recently occupied Poland.45 In his writings Schellenberg
emphasized his slowly growing influence with Himmler. He cast Himmler as an
exception to the whole, corrupt government set-up and emphasized this over the germane
fact that he did, indeed, serve at the RFSSs pleasure.46 With his own activities fading into
the background, Schellenberg used his allegedly long-standing plans to bring about peace
as the primary reason for his continuing close relationship with the purportedly pliable
Himmler. Schellenberg almost managed to square the circle. He turned his proximity to
Himmler from a liability into the very reason for, one, Himmlers offer of conditional
chief of staff. Ultimately, this connection allowed him, with some backing from Himmler,
to broker an agreement of neutrality between Germany and Switzerland in 1943. In other
words, Schellenberg claimed to have been central in averting a German occupation of the
country. Along the way and much to the ministers displeasure, Schellenberg managed to
best Ribbentrop.52 In sum, Schellenberg did his best to represent himself as a reasonable
alternative to Joachim Ribbentrop, who, conveniently enough, represented another bte
noir of the Allies. It was a dubious alternative to being Himmlers spymaster, but an
alternative it was, especially since Schellenberg was adept at portraying Himmler as under
his increasing influence. And the very basic fact that Schellenberg did, indeed, have a
hand in persuading Himmler to offer conditional surrender to the Western Allies in late
April 1945 supported his claim that he should not be regarded as the nefarious spymaster
of an SS agency.
The images of the ultimate insider and the cosmopolitan, Western-leaning diplomat
converge seamlessly in Schellenbergs overarching master narrative of his life and career
in Nazi Germany: the story of the humanitarian and thwarted bringer of peace. There is
little doubt about the more basic facts. In the fall of 1943, Schellenberg did meet with an
American, Abram Stevens Hewitt, who was connected to the OSS (Office of Strategic
Services) in Stockholm; the two men, with scant backing from their respective
supervisors, talked about the possibilities of a negotiated peace. Ultimately, nothing came
of this.53 In 1943 and 1944 Schellenberg did bat around ideas and plans as to how to make
contact with Western, preferably U.S., representatives on the Continent and beyond;
however, rarely did these ideas move much beyond their initial stages. And during the last
months of the war, Schellenberg, like others but with more determination and better
contacts abroad, did attempt to ransom concentration camp inmates to open lines of
communication and possibly negotiations with the Western Allies.54 Schellenbergs main
contact was the well-connected and well-respected representative of the Red Cross, Count
Folke Bernadotte; it was Bernadotte who brought to General Dwight Eisenhowers
attention Himmlers conditional surrender offer of late April 1945. As is well known, the
offer met with rejection. Yet, taken together, the humanitarian effort that led to the release
of several thousand concentration camp inmates in the last weeks of the war and the
conditional surrender offer from Himmler, late as it was, form the shiny centerpiece of
Schellenbergs narrativea narrative that focuses its attention on his efforts to save people
and to bring an end the war. While some of the above, such as the meetings with Hewitt,
can be confirmed independently, the problem remains that the main source for the events
is Schellenbergs stable and ultimately self-serving narrative, which should be treated with
the utmost care.
Schellenbergs Autobiography set the tone. Early on, one can find the almost
programmatic sentence proclaiming that Schellenberg regarded these last few weeks as
the manifestations of long-felt presentiments and forebodings, thus making it very clear
that he saw his dealings with Bernadotte and his attempt to bring about a separate peace as
central to his life and career and not as last-ditch efforts to save his skin.55 In this report,
Schellenberg gave a very short overview of his career that focused on the legal work he
allegedly did until 1941, effectively rebranding much of his earlier career in benign terms.
He then, equally briefly, developed his burgeoning interest in German foreign policy and
his realization that Germany and its decision makers had a completely false impression of
the entire outside world and no breadth of political experience. From this realization
originated his idea to create a Central Information office for foreign countries, a choice
of words indicating a vision that went beyond that of a foreign intelligence service.
According to Schellenberg, important positions were given to stupid and unworthy men,
and he bemoaned the absence of principle of selection in Germanys appointment
policies. Anything approaching the selection of the individual could be found in what
Schellenberg deemed the good elements of the SS. He alluded to Himmlers alleged
brutality but also noted that heSchellenbergnever made up his mind about the RFSS.
Indeed, he regarded Himmler as the only man I could see in the whole corrupt
Government set-up, who could with any success have stood as a factor for order and as
an antidote to the obstructive Fuehrer-Ribbentrop policy. Schellenbergs Himmler was
sensible and clever enough to be able to still reach a compromise with the outside
world.56 In short, Schellenberg laid out this fundamental opposition to Nazi Germanys
foreign policy and its inept practitioners; remade the foreign intelligence outfit he headed
into a foreign policy think tank or even an alternative foreign office staffed by good men;
and made a case for his proximity to and reliance on Himmler.
Schellenberg then brandished his difficult-to-verify credentials as an advocate for
peace. He claimed to have counseled peace with France in 1940; to have warned of war
against Russia in 1941; to have gotten into trouble for his reporting on Soviet potentials in
late 1942 and early 1943; to have saved Switzerland from a German invasion on 1943; to
have attempted to solve the Ukrainian and Tartar-Crimean questions in the same year; and
to have had connections via contacts in Sweden, Spain, and Portugal with British and
American personalities. This enumeration of his activities, real or imagined, then serves as
the perfect springboard to discuss his interactions with Bernadotte and the genesis of
Himmlers offer of conditional surrender. That discussion takes up the next thirty-three
pages of this thirty-seven-page document. In these, Schellenberg describes, in sometimes
mind-numbing and often impossible to double-check detail, his dealings with Bernadotte
and the many obstacles he encountered. Aside from pointing out that he was the one who
persuaded Himmler to meet with Bernadotte in the first place and who quietly assisted the
Swede in his discussions with different German dignitaries, he let it be known that he saw
Bernadottes visit as the opportunity of putting into effect [his] original idea of getting
Germany out of the war. He did not fail to mention the other side of these efforts either,
noting, There was also the humanitarian side which had always moved me deeply, and
about which I felt something absolutely had to be done.57
The discussion of the negotiations with Musy, which commenced in fall 1944 and
which Schellenberg regarded as an opportunity to provide some background on his
newfound humanitarian concerns, allowed him to discuss his involvement with the
Jewish question. It provides for some interesting insights. On the one hand, he claimed,
via his recollection of a conversation with Musy during which Schellenberg discussed
thoroughly with him the principles of the Jewish question in Germany, that he had had
no part in the events of the last few years and had no direct influence at all. Schellenberg
made sure that Musy knew that he could therefore not provide any concrete help, such
as their release from imprisonment, etc. Yet Schellenberg also did not fail to point out
that Musy appreciated [his] silent efforts to do good in individual cases and that he had
been the protector of many Jewish families, of many partial Jews and mixed couples.
Most importantly, Musy was aware of his attitude to the Jewish question and fully
understood [his] position and that he had endangered not only [his] own life, but what
was more important , [his] wife and children. These protestations notwithstanding,
Schellenberg still wished, despite all previous vain attempts[,] to bring about some
solution of the Jewish question in Germanythat is to save, so to speak, at the last minute
those Jews still alive in Germany.58 While he claimed to have had neither involvement
nor influence in an unnamed policy with which he was in some implied disagreement, he
still saw himself as the man who could solve the issue.
Schellenberg portrayed himself as someone thwarted at every corner. He claimed that
the January 12, 1945, agreement between Musy and Himmler, which was meant to allow
for twelve hundred Jews to leave the country for Switzerland every week in exchange for
positive press, was reached owing to his active intervention. This as well as other
schemes to free concentration camp inmates fell apart or hit serious roadblocks because of
Kaltenbrunners interventions with Hitler. Similarly, Schellenberg detailed his efforts to
persuade a dithering Himmler to offer conditional surrender to the Western Allies via
Bernadotte and his own prominent role in the process; how he eventually succeeded, only
to see his efforts come to naught; and, later on, his appointment as Gesandter with
plenary powers to negotiate with the Swedish Government, signed by Admiral Dnitz
on May 4, 1945. A day earlier, Schellenberg had taken his final leave from Himmler. He
made sure to include in his report that Himmler had finally understood the wisdom of his
counsel, wishing that he had only listened to [Schellenberg] sooner. Furthermore,
Himmler had trust in Schellenberg, allegedly saying, Perhaps you are the first German to
do something positive for his poor Vaterland again.59
Schellenberg clearly strove to establish his credentials in these pages. They were
buttressed by the accounts of Bernadotte and Schellenbergs assistant Franz Gring, which
largely confirmed Schellenbergs version of the events. These seemingly independent
statements also extended credibility to those of Schellenbergs statements that they did not
confirm directly: his early career, his early interest in and push for a negotiated peace, his
low-level humanitarian efforts, and his descriptions of meetings and what was said in
them. Schellenberg did not simply decidedly seize the narrative initiative; he had also
taken great strides in establishing himself as a reliable source.
Less blatantly self-serving and more defined by the concrete interests of his largely
British interrogators, the Final Report still managed to convey Schellenbergs message
and keep it intact. Once again, about 30 of the 120 pages of the Final Report focused on
Peace Negotiations Preceding Capitulation. Indeed, the compilers of the Final Report
simply took the Autobiography, supplemented by further interrogation where
necessary, and integrated it into the report, for allegedly it was more chronologically and
factually accurate than subsequent statements.60 Schellenberg had already cornered the
proverbial market.
1. Walter Schellenberg, The Labyrinth: Memoirs of Walter Schellenberg, Hitlers Chief of Intelligence, with an
introduction by Alan Bullock, trans. Louis Hagen (New York: Harper, 1956; reprint, Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press,
2000), 412. All citations refer to this edition.
2. On the publication schedule of Schellenbergs memoir, see Reinhard Doerries, Hitlers Intelligence Chief Walter
Schellenberg: The Man Who Kept Germanys Secrets, with an introduction by Gerhard L. Weinberg (New York: Enigma
Books, 2009), 286. Schellenberg died in 1952. The English edition was published in 1956, four years after his death, and
three years later, his memoir was released in Germany.
3. Bullock, introduction to Schellenberg, Labyrinth, xiii, xvii.
4. The most obvious cases are such individuals as Hans Globke, Hans Filbinger, and Hans Georg Kiesinger, but
others who come to mind are Hanns-Martin Schleyer, a good section of West Germanys diplomatic corps, the media and
polling elites, and many of West Germanys most influential postwar historians. Their careers show continuities between
Nazi Germany and the postwar Adenauer Republic and lay to rest claims of a Stunde Null (zero hour) in May 1945. See,
for example, Eckart Conze, Norbert Frei, Peter Hayes, and Moshe Zimmermann, Das Amt und die Vergangenheit:
Deutsche Diplomaten im Dritten Reich und in der Bundesrepublik (Munich: Karl Blessing, 2010); Hans-Jrgen Dscher,
Seilschaften: Die verdrngte Vergangenheit des Auswrtigen Amtes (Berlin: Propylen, 2005); Norbert Frei, Karrieren
im Zwielicht: Hitlers Eliten nach 1945 (Frankfurt: Campus, 2001); Norbert Frei, Ralf Ahrens, Jrg Osterloh, and Tim
Schanetzky, Flick: Der Konzern. Die Familie. Die Macht (Munich: Blessing, 2009); Ulrich Herbert, Best: Biographische
Studien ber Radikalismus, Weltanschauung und Vernunft (Bonn: Dietz, 1996); Ernst Klee, Was sie taten, was sie
wurden: rzte, Juristen und andere Beteiligte am Kranken- und Judenmord (Frankfurt: Fischer TB, 2004); Philipp
Gassert, Kurt Georg Kiesinger 19041988: Kanzler zwischen den Zeiten (Stuttgart: DVA, 2006); Norman Goda, Tales
from Spandau: Nazi Criminals and the Cold War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008); Lutz Hachmeister,
Der Gegnerforscher: Die Karriere des SS-Fhrers Franz Alfred Six (Munich: Beck, 1998); Lutz Hachmeister, Die
Herren Journalisten: Die Elite der deutsche Presse nach 1945 (Munich: Beck, 2001); Lutz Hachmeister, Schleyer: Eine
deutsche Geschichte (Munich: Beck, 2004); Kerstin von Lingen, Kesselrings Last Battle: War Crimes Trials and Cold
War Politics, 19451960 (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2009); Kerstin von Lingen, Conspiracy of Silence:
How the Old Boys Network of American Intelligence Shielded SS-General Wolff from Prosecution, Holocaust and
Genocide Studies 22, no. 1 (2008): 74109; Kerstin von Lingen, SS and Secret Service: Verschwrung des
Schweigens: Die Akte Karl Wolff (Paderborn, Germany: Ferdinand Schningh, 2010); Daniel E. Rogers, Restoring a
German Career, 19451950: The Ambiguity of Being Hans Globke, German Studies Review 31, no. 2 (2008): 30324.
5. These men were, nonetheless, fundamental for the functioning and wide-ranging radicalization of the system. See
Gellatelys comments on pencil pushers, the expertocracy, and genocidal thinking. Robert Gellately, The Third Reich,
the Holocaust, and Visions of Serial Genocide, in The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in the Historical Perspective,
ed. Robert Gellately and Ben Kiernan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 256.
6. On the politics of the past, see the pathbreaking study by Norbert Frei, Vergangenheitspolitik: Die Anfnge der
Bundesrepublik und die NS-Vergangenheit (Munich: Beck, 1996), published in English as Adenauers Germany and the
Nazi Past: The Politics of Amnesty and Integration (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002).
7. For example, Peter Padfield, Himmler: Reichsfhrer SS (New York: Holt, 1991); Yehuda Bauer, Jews for Sale?
Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 19331945 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994). Indubitably, any work dealing
with either of these topics has to rely on Schellenbergs memoirs, his other writings, or his interrogations to some extent.
My own work is certainly no exception. However, his musings should be treated with the utmost care.
8. There exists no book-length biography of Schellenberg, but for information on Schellenbergs biographical
background, see George Browder, Walter Schellenberg: Eine Geheimdienst-Phantasie, in Die SS: Elite unter dem
Totenkopf. 30 Lebenslufe, ed. Roland Smelser and Enrico Syring (Paderborn, Germany: Schningh, 2000), 41830; and
Reinhard R. Doerries, Hitlers Last Chief of Foreign Intelligence: Allied Interrogations of Walter Schellenberg (London:
Frank Cass, 2003), 355; as well as Doerries, Intelligence Chief, the most detailed biographical account of Schellenberg
yet. My own unpublished manuscript, tentatively entitled Making Intelligence Nazi: The SD, Foreign Intelligence, and
Ideology (to be published by Cambridge University Press) also contains much detail on Schellenbergs life and career,
but it is not meant as a biography either. See also Schellenberg, Labyrinth; RG 242 Foreign Records Seized, Berlin
Document Center (BDC), A 3343, SSO, reel 074B, frames 2067, Lebenslauf, U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration (hereafter NARA).
9. In his introduction to Doerriess most recent book, Gerhard Weinberg comments that the liberated concentration
camp inmates could not have cared less whether Schellenbergs humanitarianism was real or a means to an ulterior end;
this point is well taken and absolutely true. In any evaluation of Schellenbergs thinking and many schemes, though,
Schellenbergs motivations become an important issue. Gerhard L. Weinberg, introduction to Doerries, Intelligence
Chief, x.
10. This piece can be found in a number of places, for example, RG 226 Office of Strategic Services, entry 125A,
box 2, folder 21, NARA. Doerries includes it as Appendix I in his recent book on Schellenberg; his editorial comments
are extremely valuable. Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 294349.
11. During his month-long stay, Schellenberg moved around a bit; his exact residences and their sequence are
difficult to pin down. See Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 22433 and passim; and Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap.
12. Final Report on the Case of Walter Friedrich Schellenberg, RG 319 Records of the Army Staff, IRR, XE
001725, Walter Schellenberg, folders 7 and 8, NARA (hereafter Final Report). See also Doerries, Intelligence Chief,
229; Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap. 9.
13. Count Folke Bernadotte, The Fall of the Curtain: Last Days of the Third Reich (London: Cassell, 1945).
14. For a thorough discussion, see Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 22728.
15. The emphasis is mine. Grings account can be found in a number of places as well, for example RG 226, entry
125A, box 2, folder 21, NARA. This serves as the basis for Grings later affidavit written on Schellenbergs behalf.
Eidesstattliche Erklrung, Franz Gring, February 24, 1948, RG 238 War Crimes Records, M 897, reel 114, frame 1016
31, NARA. Doerries included Grings account in Intelligence Chief, 35056.
16. He gave his Autobiography to the Swedish foreign minister, Christian Ernst Gnther, and the Swedish
representative of the World Jewish Congress, Hillel Storch. Storch had Schellenberg initial every page of his copy to
authenticate it. Final Report, 117. See also Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 229; Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap.
17. For details, see Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 23033; Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap. 9.
18. Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 23334.
19. Rayens to Bissel, assistant chief of staff, G-2, Washington, May 30, 1945, RG 226, entry 119 A, box 26, folder
29, NARA. Doerries cites a few documents that suggest heightened interests in the British and American intelligence
community to keep Schellenberg stashed away, at least for some time. Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 234.
20. Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 234. Circumstantial evidence suggests that Hugh Trevor-Roper (Lord Darce) was
among the men who interrogated Schellenberg in Frankfurt. One stands to reckon that Trevor-Roper developed his
conviction that Schellenberg was a consummate liara notion that permeates his booksright then and there.
21. Report on Interrogation of Walter Schellenberg, June 27-July 12, 1945, RG 226, entry 125A, box 2, NARA. In
other words, the first interrogation took place on June 27, 1945, a detail Doerries confirms in a reference to the actual
interrogation (as opposed to the summary report). It is then even more curious that he notes that Schellenberg was kept
inactive as long as fourteen days at the safe house in Frankfurt, for he arrived on June 17, exactly ten days before his
initial interrogation. Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 234n453, 235. Schellenberg left for London on July 7, 1945; thus July
12, 1945, presumably refers to the date on which the report was completed. However, there is the possibility that the
report includes information from interrogations conducted in England before July 12, for it also contains tidbits about
Schellen-bergs flight to London on July 7.
22. SHAEF Forward to War Room, July 2, 1945, RG 226, entry 119 A, box 26, folder Schellenberg, NARA.
23. Report on Interrogation of Walter Schellenberg, June 27-July 12, 1945, RG 226, entry 125A, box 2, NARA.
24. Ian Cobian, Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture (London: Portobello Books, 2012), 274. I thank one of
the anonymous readers for alerting me to this book; Camp 020: MI5 and the Nazi Spies, the Official History of MI 5s
Interrogation Centre, ed. Oliver Hoare and with an introduction by him (Richmond, UK: Public Record Office, 2000),
1822, 81, 11931, 36365. As Schellenberg had always regarded the British Secret Service as the epitome of the ideal
intelligence serviceand the service on which his organization should model itselfit is reasonable to assume that
Schellenberg was also convinced that the British knew everything that needed knowing already.
25. Camp 020, 365.
26. Interrogation of Walter Schellenberg by R. W. M. Kempner (in German), November 13, 1947, Institut fr
Zeitgeschichte (IfZ), ZS 291/V. In the context of Cobians findings, the dark cell and the cold water baths take on a
more ominous tone, but not enough to call Schellenbergs treatment torture. After all, Cobians findings also suggest that
torture was used in perceived emergenciesthat is, during the Blitz, when British officials believed the invasion to be
imminentand on German personnel who had murdered British POWs; Cobian also stresses that violence was often
not needed. Cobian, Cruel Britannia, 15, 2332. Doerries claims that, despite British medical examinations to the
opposite effect, Schellenberg was neither fit nor in the right condition for what the British had in store for him, for
he was a very ill prisoner. Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 239. While it is clear that Schellenberg had been dealing with
various poorly defined ailments for some time, there is little clear evidence to support Doerriess assessment. The
opposite is true for Doerriess claim that Schellenberg was normally not one to dramatize. Doerries, Intelligence Chief,
240. Schellenberg tended to be quite dramatic when it came to himself. See, for example, his lengthy justification during
his divorce proceedings or the pertinent sections in his memoir. Bundesarchiv BerlinLichterfelde (BAL), R 58, Anhang
I/49. The National Archives in Washington, DC, also own a copy of these documents. I thank Robert Wolfe for
informing me about the NARA holdings.
27. Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 240.
28. The Final Report can be found in a number of places, for example, RG 319, IRR, XE 001725, Walter
Schellenberg, folders 7 and 8, NARA. It was among the lesser-known documents on Schellenberg and not frequently
used by historians; the recent declassification effort at NARA has uncovered the same document in thusfar-classified
CIA and FBI files. Doerries published the Final Report and its appendixes in Hitlers Last Chief; however, his
suggestion that the report was not known overshoots.
29. See, for example: Counter Intelligence War Room, London, War Room Monthly Summary No. 4, July 23, 1945,
RG 319, entry 134A (Impersonal), box 5, XE 003641 German Intelligence Service, NARA; The German Intelligence
Service and the War, December 1, 1945, RG 319, entry 134A (Impersonal), box 5, XE 003641, German Intelligence
Service, NARA. For a more charitable reading of the British assessments, see Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 240.
30. See Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap. 9; and Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 243. According to Doerries,
there were additional interrogations of Schellenberg by the American CIC as well as trips to various cities in the
American zone, presumably for fact-finding purposes. No details seem to be known about these trips.
31. Richard Breitman, Nazi Espionage: The Abwehr and the SD Foreign Intelligence, in U.S. Intelligence and the
Nazis, ed. Richard Breitman, Norman J. W. Goda, Timothy Naftali, and Robert Wolfe (Washington, DC: National
Archive Trust Fund, 2004), 113.
32. Camp 020, 81, 363. Schellenberg was found anxious to indict his former chief. Kaltenbrunner responded
with gratifying tu quoques (363).
32. 33. Peter Black, Ernst Kaltenbrunner: Ideological Soldier of the Third Reich (Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 1984), 260.
34. Brigadefuehrer Schellenberg, Amtschef VI, Autobiography, compiled during his stay in Stockholm, June 1945,
RG 226, entry 125A, box 2, folder 21, 7; 8; 11; 21, NARA (hereafter Autobiography).
35. Ibid., 34.
36. Ibid., 11.
37. Final Report, 4246.
38. Ibid., 47, 74.
39. Ibid., 100, 108, 110.
40. See, for example: Autobiography, 6.
41. Schellenberg, Labyrinth, 331, 332. Schellenberg claims that he was not alone in his dismay about
Kaltenbrunners teeth, for Himmler eventually sent him to the dentist.
42. Ibid., 333, 334.
43. Black, Ernst Kaltenbrunner.
44. Schellenberg, Labyrinth, 333, 334. Heydrich is given comparatively short shrift in the Final Report, an
indication of just how successful Schellenberg was in drawing attention away from his work with and for Heydrich and
his role in actively shaping the tasks Heydrich had given to him. In his memoir written for the public at large and meant
to make money, Schellenberg paints an intriguing and quite lurid picture of Heydrich, which draws on gendered
stereotypes and animal comparisons to drive home the point of Heydrichs insidiousness and untrustworthiness (1114).
45. On the so-called AB-Aktion in Poland and Schellenbergs role in it, see Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap.
46. Breitman, Nazi Espionage, 113.
47. See Schellenberg, Labyrinth, 23; Autobiography, 2; Final Report, 10.
48. Warsaw Swedes was the moniker for seven representatives of the Swedish Match Company, arrested in
Warsaw in 1942 for having supported the Polish resistance. The men were tried in 1943; their sentences ranged from the
death penalty to life in prison to acquittals (which did not translate into the mens release). Negotiations between highranking members of the Swedish Match Company and Schellenberg as well as other German authorities eventually led
to the conversion of the death sentence into lifelong prison sentences, and ultimately to the release of the men.
Schellenberg claimed credit for the positive outcome of this incident.
49. Final Report, 18, 3637, 43, 55, 79, 83, 85.
50. Ibid., 79.
51. Autobiography, 67. Almost the same words can be found in the published autobiography: Schellenberg,
Labyrinth, 384.
52. Final Report, 41, 45, 46. It is worth noting how Schellenberg played down his contacts with members of the
Japanese delegation in Berlin (85).
53. Richard Breitman, A Deal with the Nazi Dictatorship? Himmlers Alleged Peace Emissaries in Autumn 1943,
Journal of Contemporary History 30 (1995): 41330; Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 1069; Paehler, Making Intelligence
Nazi, chap. 8; Raymond Palmer, Felix Kersten and Count Bernadotte: A Question of Rescue, Journal of
Contemporary History 29 (1994): 3951.
54. Doerries, Intelligence Chief, chap. 4; Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap. 8.
55. Autobiography, 2.
56. Ibid., 23.
57. Ibid., 4, 6.
58. Ibid., 9.
59. Ibid., 32.
60. Final Report, foreword.
61. Ibid., 30.
62. See Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap. 8.
63. Final Report, 30.
64. Ibid., 35, 4142, 4546.
65. Ibid., 49, 55.
66. For a good sampling, see the many intelligence snippets in the most recent release of Schellenbergs CIA Name
File, RG 263 Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, entry ZZ 18, box 112, NARA.
67. See any number of name files in RG 263, entry ZZ 18, NARA.
68. See also Doerries, Intelligence Chief, 25375; Paehler, Making Intelligence Nazi, chap. 9.
Bad Nazis and Other Germans
The Fate of SS-Einsatzgruppen Commander Martin Sandberger in
Postwar Germany
Hilary Earl
In a book about the children of leading Nazis, My Fathers Keeper, Stephan Lebert writes
that in Germany there has been a theory of history doing the rounds, based on silence and
a simple formula: there are the bad Nazis and then there are the other Germans. This is a
great myth, writes Lebert. The truth is that there were only perpetrators, first and second
class, and maybe third too.1 SS officer Martin Sandberger, a brilliant and driven
university student who earned a PhD in law and was leader of Sonderkommando 1a, the
SS unit in charge of killing racial and political enemies of the Reich in Estonia, was a firstclass perpetrator. However, after serving only ten years in an Allied prison for crimes he
committed on the eastern front, he became one of those mythical other Germans Lebert
writes about, who seamlessly reintegrated into German society, his criminal past all but
forgotten and ignored. This process was not unique to Sandberger; rather, it was part of the
larger reconstruction (and rehabilitation) of German society in the context of the Cold
War. This was a process by which the perpetrators themselves were not the only ones
interested in remaking the past. The forces for forgetting came from all directions, from
German society and government and even from the Americans, who at the height of the
Cold War started to recast Germany as a democratic nation and therefore an ally, not an
Sandberger was captured and arrested in May 1945 and was tried by the Americans at
Nuremberg in 19471948 in a group trial against two dozen SS-Einsatzgruppen leaders.
The Einsatzgruppen were the mobile killing units attached to the German Army during the
Nazi campaign in the east. They were hybrid killers, giving orders in the field, and they
were also the vanguard of the Final Solution, killing Jews before the death camps
officially became operational. Between July 1941 and 1943, four units of Einsatzgruppen,
along with reinforcements and local helpers, killedin open-air shootingsbetween 1
and 1.5 million Soviet civilians, including the mentally ill, Soviet commissars, and Jews,
in what has been dubbed the Holocaust by bullets.2 The evidence against Sandberger
was overwhelming, and thus the court at Nuremberg found him guilty and sentenced him
and thirteen of his colleagues to death by hanging.3 As with so many of those tried after
the war, Sandbergers death sentence was commuted, and he was released from prison in
1958. One would think that his criminal past would have impeded his career as a
professional; instead it seemed to have had the opposite effect. With the exception of two
judicial processes initiated against him and subsequently dropped, from the day he was
released from prison until his death on March 30, 2010, he lived his life as if his Nazi past
had not existed, never speaking to anyone about what he had done during the warthat is,
until Walter Mayr, an investigative journalist for Spiegel, found him hiding in plain sight
in an elite Stuttgart nursing home a month before he died.4
that of a southwestern German, a region of the country where his family had deep roots.
His father, Karl Viktor, a merchant by trade who became a plant manager for I. G. Farben,
was born in Knigsbronn, and his mother, Hedwig, in Msingen.6 The couple married in
1910 in Stuttgart. According to his SS racial profile, Sandberger was able to trace his
family tree back hundreds of years. In fact, his records show a long line of Evangelical
(Lutheran) Christians, including a number of church ministers and other ancestors who
were deeply rooted in the state of Baden-Wrttemberg, mostly in and around Stuttgart.7
Sandberger was a religious man, but like all serious party members, he officially
renounced formal religion and became gottglubig when he joined the SS on May 11,
1935.8 Geography, religion, and the history of his family are important to understanding
Sandbergers postwar transformation. As we will see later, when he set out to remake his
life, it was in this region of Germany, and it was with the help of prominent religious and
political figures from Wrttemberg who enabled him to do so and with such success.9
Because he was so young, Sandberger did not have much of an established life before
he joined the Nazi Party; in fact his only pre-Nazi identity, aside from his connections
with Stuttgart and the Evangelical Lutheran Church, was as a student. Between 1917 and
1933 Sandberger had what could be described as a typical educational experience for
someone who was preparing for a life in the German civil service.10 By all accounts
Sandberger was an excellent student, regularly receiving high grades.11 He attended a
Volksschule and then a Reform Gymnasium, from which he received his Abitur in 1929.
He then went to several universities before transferring to Tbingen in 1931, where he
received his PhD in law in 1933. Importantly, this is also where he was introduced to
Nazism for the first time.12
Martin Sandberger was part of a cohort of German youth whose involvement with the
Nazi Party was the direct result of their university experience. It was this same experience,
ironically, that enabled Sandberger and others like him to later extricate themselves from
their involvement in the regime. Education has always been a social leveler, and in a
society as stratified as Germany was in the first half of the twentieth century, it is not
surprising that someone like Martin Sandberger, the son of a merchant, would seize the
opportunity for social mobility.13 Michael Wildt has shown quite convincingly that
German universities were prime recruiting grounds for the Reichssicherheitshauptamt
(RSHA), one of the most important party organizations to participate in the
implementation of Nazi racial policy, especially the Final Solution.14 Nearly every
leader of the Einsatzgruppen came from this organization, and most of these men were
unusually well educated.15 The cultural political milieu that operated at German
universities tended toward the political Right, and like their professors, German students
tended to be nationalists, anti-Communists, and anti-Semitic, a perfect match for the
burgeoning Nazi Party. In the period following Hitlers release from prison, when the
party was trying to remake itself, the National Socialist German Students League
(NSDStB) was founded; it was where many young university studentsincluding the
young Martin Sandbergerdiscovered their political calling.16
Sandberger cut his teeth on politics while he was an active member and then the leader
of the NSDStB at the University of Tbingen. Acting as a rallying point were a number of
motion in the summer of 1942, between 1 and 1.5 million Jews were murdered in the
Soviet Union, primarily in openair shootings in small towns and villages such as those
found in Estonia, the smallest of the Baltic states. According to Yitzhak Arad, Estonia had
a negligible Jewish minority, perhaps as few as 4,500 at its peak, but only 1,2001,500
Jews at the time of the German occupation in the summer of 1941 (German records
suggest it was slightly higher, about 2,000).29 Even though there were few Jews in Estonia,
Sandberger and his unit aggressively and actively sought to implement a [final] solution
there; this fact tells us something about his ideological commitment to the regime.30
Sandberger and his unit made fast work of their task. For twenty-four months, until the
fall of 1943, he oversaw the murder of all Estonian Jews, the persecution and murder of
Gypsies, and the arrest and murder of anyone else deemed undesirable, including political
enemies and Communists. Under Sandbergers watch, some 60,000 persons were
investigated, 5,634 were murdered, 5,623 were sent to concentration camps (it is unclear
how many survived), and 18,893 were incarcerated in prisons (also unclear how many
survived).31 All of Sonderkommando 1as work was reported to Berlin, and the reports
formed a substantial portion of the evidence used against Sandberger at Nuremberg to
prove his guilt.32 In December 1943, after a brief stint in Italy, he returned to Germany,
where he worked for the RSHA until the end of the war.
Sandberger spent the last weeks of the war worrying about his future. When the
writing was on the wall and surrender was imminent, he decided to go into hiding and
made his way to Austria, where he lived in a small mountain farmhouse incognito as a
civilian. Realizing he only had a small window of opportunity before he would be
arrested, wearing civilian clothes and referring to himself as a lawyer, SS
Obersturmbannfhrer Martin Sand-berger surrendered himself to the 42nd Counter
Intelligence Corps (CIC) Detachment of the 42nd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army in
Kitzbhel, Austria, on May 25, 1945.33 He immediately requested to be taken to [a]
SHAEF [Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces] Intelligence [office]
in order to give what [he claimed] was valuable information in regard to the German
Secret Service and German Intelligence.34 He was transferred to Camp 020. Described by
American counterintelligence agents as well-educated, intelligent, and capable,
Sandberger gave the Americans detailed accounts of plans for the creation of a small and
efficient secret intelligence service and how this might be put at their disposal (as opposed
to that of the Russians).35 While Sandbergers name was listed on the Central Registry of
War Criminals and Security Suspects wanted list, he was not officially arrested until
October 18, 1946, by the 318th HID (H Intelligence Detachment), who held him
responsible for war crimes. Specifically, he was charged with sending four hundred to six
hundred Estonian Jews to Pleskau, a work camp in Sandbergers area of responsibility,
where they were subsequently executed; this action made him a bona fide war criminal.36
Sandberger began the work of reconstructing his identity immediately. He tried to
convince his captors that he was one of those good Nazis. Almost as soon as he was
arrested, he set out to write his own history and bury or at least mitigate his guilt. One
intelligence report notes that he was the epitome of politeness, correctness and cooperation, for he was known to volunteer information. When asked to make conclusions
about his role in criminal activity, the reports all say the same thing: the 19411943 period
of Sandbergers career is a problem; however, he is a nice guy who just wants to return to
the legal profession for which he originally trained.37 This view of Sandbergers
professional life as a career interrupted is significant, and it was an argument he
returned to over time when he was more easily able to convince others of his clean record
during the war.
Until his trial in September 1947, Sandberger was held in detention and interrogated
on numerous occasions, always appearing to be helpful to his captors. His luck ran out,
though, when in the summer of 1947, the American Office of Chief of Counsel for War
Crimes (OCCWC), the legal organization that administered the twelve Subsequent
Nuremberg Trials, decided it had enough evidence to indict and try Sandberger and
twenty-three of his colleagues for the crimes they had committed in the occupied eastern
territories.38 Sandberger was charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity, and
membership in criminal organizations.39 Against Sandberger the prosecution had sixteen
individual pieces of documentary evidence, almost all of which were written by his own
hand, including sworn affidavits and his field reports from his time in Estonia. There were
excerpts from several Operational Situation Reports he had authored, as well as his
personnel records from the SS, all of which was particularly damning.40 On the stand
Sandberger did not deny knowledge of the order to murder the Jews, as did some of his
codefendants; however, he was extremely evasive, and his responses were often so
convoluted that the tribunal had difficulty making sense of them. Described as roundfaced and juvenile-looking (not surprising since he was the youngest defendant in the
dock), Sandberger maintained his innocence throughout the trial, claiming that on at least
seven separate occasions he asked to be released from his job in Estonia.41 His claim rings
false, however, since no Einsatzgruppen personnel were forced to stay in the east for
longer than eight weeks (Sandberger stayed for twenty-six months), and those who did
stay for extended periods did so by choice. Denying his past and positioning himself as a
victim of Nazism and an object of history was crucial to Sandbergers later reintegration.
In terms of the specific charges, Sandberger denied he was responsible for any illegal
executionsthe implication, of course, is that there is such a thing as a legal execution.
He told the tribunal he never openly protested the Fhrerbefehlthe Hitler order to
murder all Soviet Jewseven though he sincerely objected to it, because he feared
disobedience or dissent would lead to his own martyrdom. This myth is still alive today.
Like many of the Kommando leaders, Sandberger did not kill anyone himself; rather, he
gave orders to others who carried out the executions. There is absolutely no evidence that
he questioned the validity (morally or legally) of his orders. Instead he seems to have
believed the order was legal since it came directly from Hitler, via Heydrich, and morally
what was good for Germany was good for him.42 Even in the face of numerous documents
pointing to his culpability, he denied any wrongdoing whatsoever and maintained this
position until his death in 2010. He blamed the Estonian police and Home Guard for all
illegal executions, because they hated the Jews for the role they allegedly played in the
Commu nist takeover of their country.43 The few executions his group carried out, he said,
followed fair trials, the same procedure offered all suspected criminals, including Jews.
Jews were executed not because they were Jews, Sandberger insisted, but because after
exhaustive investigations it was determined they were Communist functionaries and
therefore a legitimate security risk.44
It is worth keeping in mind that Sandbergers SS personnel record cites the better
than average intensity in his work in the east as well as his irreproachable politics as
reasons for promotions he received when he returned from Estonia, strongly suggesting
that his later account of the activities of his group was fictitious.45 The presiding judge,
Michael Musmanno, recalled that Sandberger conveyed the impression of someone
telling tall stories, many of which were preposterous, especially Sandbergers claim that
each individual slated for execution was entitled to have his case reviewed and that indeed
this was done.46 That Sandberger thought the court would believe him seems outrageous,
but to admit guilt would have been tantamount to questioning the convictions he had
nurtured since his youth; and perhaps more importantly, it would have meant an automatic
verdict of guilt and potentially his own death. Thus it was easier to blame others, and this
is exactly what he did.
Quite telling of Sandbergers disposition was a palpable sense of the righteousness of
the cause as well as his own infallibility. Ideology is a powerful motivator. It ensures a
level of certainty that can only come when one relinquishes ones own moral choice in
favor of the prevailing one the ideology embraces. Sandberger was a servant of the state,
an obedient agent who felt as if he had no personal responsibility for what he participated
in. There can be no doubt that National Socialist ideology shaped his worldview and
morality, and ultimately it contributed significantly to his aberrant behavior. It also gave
him a moral out; by blaming the state for his actions, he could claim no personal
responsibility. Genocide is a corporate act and is not committed by individuals, even
though the individual forms part of the collective. The absence of individual intent is what
enables the state to get individuals who otherwise would not kill, to kill. Perpetrators such
as Sandberger feel innocent because they acted in the interest of something bigger than
themselves, the state. The absence of remorse is something we see in virtually all Nazi
perpetrators, and understanding this absence is central to understanding their behavior and
their ability to fit seamlessly back into ordinary postwar society.
Regardless of how Sandberger cast himself, evidence did not lie. He had taken a
consenting part in the murder of innocent civilians. The tribunal found him guilty of war
crimes and crimes against humanity. He, along with thirteen of his colleagues, was
sentenced to death by hanging. In the first Nuremberg trial, sentences were carried out
immediately; by the time sentences were pronounced in the Einsatzgruppen trial, however,
the political context in which the American trials were operating had changed
substantially. American officials were now far less eager to hang immediately those they
had sentenced to death, and this hesitance afforded Sandberger the opportunity to
convince American officials and Germans who might support him that he was really a
good man who had been misguided in his youth.
Immediately following the conclusion of the trial, Sandbergers lawyer, Kurt Mintzel,
sent an appeal to Lucius Clay, the U.S. military governor. The petition included nine
supporting documents. Among other things, the documents claimed that Sandberger did
not agree with the Fhrers order to kill all Jews. This was an issue that the tribunal had
already ruled on and therefore not a basis for an appeal.47 The petition also claimed that
Sandberger was a man of good character, as evidenced by the supporting documents
from important officials in the church, the government, and the legal profession. Among
these documents was a letter from Theophil Wurm, bishop of the Evangelical Church of
Wrttemberg from 1933 and one of the most active opponents of the American war crimes
trial program in Germany. Wurm claimed Sandberger was a loyal Christian and had been
unjustly convicted by American courts. Mintzel also included a letter from Carlo Schmid,
a well-known legal scholar (one of the authors of the German Basic Law, or das
Grundgesetz) and vice president of the German Bundestag. Schmid had known
Sandberger from his student days in the faculty of law at Tbingen, and during the Nazi
period Sandberger had had some contact with Schmid, even helping him avoid arrest at
one juncture.48 Schmid claimed that Sandberger should be given an opportunity to prove
himself anew in life, that prison had cleansed him, and that he would be more help
eliminating Nazism outside of prison than if he remained forever in his cell.49 In spite of
the very real crimes committed by the Nazi regime, the German people did not support the
death penalty and neither should the United States, argued Schmid.50 Schmid and Wurms
arguments are important to understanding the transformation from bad to good of men
such as Sandberger. When public officials who hold moral sway do not see you as a
murderer, it is easy to reintegrate into your community. Importantly, both Schmid and
Wurm actively and persistently campaigned for Sandberger, although Wurm died on
January 28, 1953, before his charge was released in 1958.51
The Sandberger family followed up the original appeal with a petition for clemency.
Written by Sandbergers father, the petition was heartfelt and indicative of a general
postwar attitude that positioned Germans as objects of history and the young Sandberger
in particular as a victim of Hitler and the party. In it we learn that the young Martin
possessed a good Christian character and that he was a naive idealist, duped into
supporting the National Socialists while he was a student. We also learn that the young
Sandberger was not one of those fanatical bad Nazis, nor was he pathological in any
way, but rather a kind boy who was always ready to help others and that ironically it
was this nature that got him involved with the Nazis in the first place. Disassociating
Sandberger from the crimes of the regime undoubtedly was intended to rehabilitate
Sandbergers moral character. One of the accompanying letters the Sandberger family
included in their petition attested to this. He was not and never had been hostile to Jews,
his father asserted; after all, his family had lots of Jewish friends. Letters from a Jewish
couple living in England were included in the petition. His sons only crime seemed to be
that he had fallen victim to a political error. Sandberger was a loving husband and
father, and they affirmed that, as a Christian, he rejects hatred and retaliation.52 For these
reasons, and many more, the Sandberger family pleaded with General Clay for mercy for
their son.
Sandberger had an army of supporters beyond those who knew him well. These
included the populist Republican senator from North Dakota, William Langer, who seems
to have come to Sandbergers defense from his own position as an active and vocal antiCommunist, but also from his connection with ministers of various Lutheran
congregations in the Midwest who had taken up Sandbergers cause.53 Frederick Libby,
the executive secretary for the National Council for the Prevention of War, wrote several
letters to President Truman pleading for Sandbergers release, based on the specious
argument that Truman and Sandberger had common experiences: both had served in war
and both had had to do unpleasant things. In Sandbergers case, he carried out executions,
which, Libby noted, must have cost him as much soultorture as [the presidents] decision
to drop the atomic bomb.54 Sandberger had dozens of supporters in Germany as well, the
most surprising of whom may have been Inge Scholl, the surviving sister of the brother
and sister team executed by the Nazis in Munich in 1943. Scholl, for some unfathomable
reason, wrote a letter claiming that she was convinced that Sandberger did not take part
in any criminal actions for which he was prosecuted. She believed if released from prison
he would be a useful, perhaps even valuable member of human society and therefore
should be granted amnesty.55
The fact that Sandberger had friends in high places, including the church, which was
one of the few organizations after the war that had any moral credibility, meant that he
stood a better than average chance of securing sentence revision. However, it is also
important to remember that his case was not isolated; hundreds of convicted war criminals
stood to gain their freedom from the clergys work, not just Sandberger. In this way his
fate was wrapped up in the larger campaign to reverse all death sentences and free
convicted war criminals.56
At the forefront of the campaign was a group of nationally minded German clergy, a
group one scholar considers to have been the most effective helpers of National Socialist
[war] criminals.57 Theophil Wurm, bishop of the Evangelical Church of Wrttemberg,
whose son Hans was an early joiner of the Nazi Party, was the most vocal opponent of the
Americans and one of the most important helpers of Sandberger.58
On the legal front, Wurm and other highly positioned clergy employed the assistance
of former Nuremberg attorneys to help in their campaign to discredit the war crimes trials.
Rudolf Aschenauer was foremost among those active in the opposition movement.
Aschenauer, a young and ambitious lawyer from Munich and a former Nazi Party
member, was a devout Catholic. He had a close relationship with Bishop Neuhusler,
another vocal opponent of the American war crimes program, who was his legal adviser.59
The German clergy worked with Aschenauer to establish the Committee for Church Aid
for Prisoners, or Komitee fr kirchliche Gefangenenhilfe, an organization whose main aim
was to legally assist so-called destitute war criminals housed in Landsberg prisonthe
committee also acted as the coordinating body for their lobbying efforts.60 The Protestant
and Catholic churches financed the organization, and they retained Aschenauer and fellow
attorney Georg Frschmann (a personal friend of bishop Hans Meiser, Landesbischof of
Bavaria, a former Nazi Party member, and a member of the SA) as their principal
attorneys, whose job it was to offer legal advice to the Landsberg prisoners.61 Thanks to
backing by the German churches, Aschenauer amassed a substantial client list
immediately.62 The work of the kirchliche Gefangenenhilfe helps explain why so many ex-
Christian Nazis, including Martin Sandberger, returned to the church during this period.63
Even if they werent true believers, it was in their interest to pretend to be, since they
would get free legal help in exchange.
Between 1948 and 1951, Wurm, in particular, lobbied on behalf of Sandberger and his
colleague Eugen Steimle, a fellow Einsatzgruppen leader who had also been a prominent
and active member of the Evangelical church before the Nazi seizure of power.64 With
the help of Wurm, after his release from prison in 1954, Steimle got a job at a Gymnasium
in Wilhelmsdorf teaching German history. As Sandberger did after he was released from
prison, Steimle lived his life unimpeded until he died in 1987.65 The German clergy took
up the work of freeing some of the least known but most committed mass murderers of the
Third Reich because, as they convinced themselves, the men were not war criminals but
decent human [beings] deserving of Christian charity, and besides, even if they were
not, the trials were unfair.66 Not only were they vengeful and an expression of victors
justice, they argued, but the laws under which the defendants were tried were ex post
facto; and, worst of all, the Americans lacked the moral authority to try these men.67 To
free the war criminals, they initiated letter-writing campaigns, lobbied American officials,
and used the press to call into question the jurisdiction and integrity of American war
crimes policy, especially convictions, all during a period when the American political
leadership was seriously concerned about reintegrating Germany back into the community
of nations as a bulwark against their new enemy, the Soviets.68
It is difficult to assess whether Martin Sandberger genuinely believed he was a victim
of Allied justicecertainly others in his position didbecause he was oddly silent on the
issue himself. It is also not easy to determine from his behavior in prison. He was one of
the longest-serving German prisoners in Landsberg; he received dozens of visitors over
the years, including many involved in lobbying efforts against the Americans; yet all the
prison records suggest he accepted his fate, that he could almost be described as contrite.
Whether this was a strategy is impossible to determine. What we can say with certainty is
that those who supported him understood the need to recast him, lest he be branded a bad
Nazi. Of course, rebranding takes time. In the 1950s the war was still too present and
those Americans involved in war crimes trials still too angry to allow men such as
Sandberger out of prison.
John McCloy, Clays replacement and the head of the High Commission for Germany
(HICOG), the new political body that came into being after the election of Konrad
Adenauer as the first chancellor of the new Federal Republic of Germany in September
1949, was the man responsible for saving Martin Sandbergers life. When McCloy
replaced Clay in 1949, sixteen Nuremberg prisoners remained on death row at Landsberg
prison. Among these were all fourteen of those sentenced to death in the Einsatzgruppen
case, including Martin Sandberger.69 These sixteen men were referred to as the red
jackets, owing to the distinctive red jacket the condemned men wore while awaiting
McCloy was responsible for reviewing their cases. His attitude toward the war
criminals issue differed significantly from that of his predecessor, who had adopted an
unwaveringly hard line. Like many in Washington, the new high commissioner believed
that a strong Germany and improved German-American relations could act as a bulwark
against the expanding Soviet Union.70 McCloy was under a tremendous amount of
political pressure at home as well as in Germany. Along with the endless stream of
requests for clemency, German officials also pressured him to grant amnesty to war
criminals, including all those with death sentences. Amnesty, the Germans concluded,
would not only go a long way toward improving relations between the two nations; it
would also have an important and lasting moral effect among the [German]
population, who uniformly rejected the American judicial process as it applied to its
From the very beginning of his tenure, McCloy was not inclined to carry out the death
sentences of the sixteen condemned men in Landsberg, but neither was he inclined to
grant amnesty to any or all war criminals.72 He realized that some solution to the war
criminals problem was necessary, especially since such a broad spectrum of Germans,
including the clergy, professionals, and officials of the Federal Republic, demanded
amnesty.73 Many Germans were of the opinion that even if justice had been served at
Nuremberg, it was inhumane to make the condemned men wait any longer to have their
sentences carried out.74 As Bishop Wurm stressed to McCloy, none of the prisoners
knows whether or not today is the last day of his life, and thus the severity of the death
sentence is increased to an unheard of degree and is at variance with all feelings of
decency.75 McCloy vehemently disagreed with Wurms interpretation of suffering, but
nonetheless he was persuaded that some course of action was necessary if relations
between the former enemies were to improve.
His solution was to establish an impartial body to review all remaining sentences: the
Advisory Board on Clemency, or Peck Panel, as it was called because its chair was
David W. Peck, a presiding judge of the New York Supreme Courts Appellate Division.76
The panels principal task was to make recommendations for sentence reductions,
clemency, and commutations of death sentences for the Nuremberg convicted and thereby,
McCloy hoped, solve the war criminals problem that now stood in the way of healthy
German-American relations.77
The Advisory Board on Clemency began its work in the spring of 1950, and for six
weeks the board speedily, some might say carelessly, reviewed all petitions submitted by
the war criminals, and there were a lot of themMartin Sandbergers legal team alone
submitted fifty-eight petitionsreviewed all of the judgments of the twelve Nuremberg
tribunals (nearly thirty-three hundred pages), interviewed 105 of the petitioners personally,
and heard oral arguments from as many as ninety attorneys.78 The panel was mandated to
temper justice with charity and generosity and thus consider all mitigating issues.79 Too
much charity toward the perpetrators, they were warned, though, would be a mistake as it
would undo what Nuremberg has accomplished.80 The panel nonetheless found many
reasons to recommend sentence reductionsbut not for Martin Sandberger, whose case
for mitigation they found wanting.
The Advisory Board submitted its report to McCloy on August 28, 1950. The Korean
War had broken out in June, and McCloy was duly convinced that now, more than ever,
the United States needed Germany as an ally against the bourgeoning Communist threat.
German opposition groups also took advantage of the changing political situation, using
the war criminals issue as a quid pro quo for the rearmament of Germany as protection
against Communism in Europe. In fact, by late 1950, most Germans, even those who had
been victims of Nazism, viewed the American war crimes trials as an attack on German
sovereignty, and many Germans wrote the high commissioner demanding clemency for
those convicted by U.S. tribunals and still incarcerated, such as Martin Sandberger was.
Even Adenauer personally requested that McCloy commute all pending death sentences.81
It was under tremendous pressure, including threats of death and political upheaval, that
McCloy considered the Advisory Boards recommendations. Not wanting to execute
anyone over the Christmas holiday, McCloy waited until January 31, 1951, to announce
his decisions regarding sentence modifications.
Only five men did not have their death sentences commuted, and they were hanged on
June 7, 1951.82 In the other cases, McCloy was much more lenient. For instance, whereas
the panel had upheld Martin Sandbergers death sentence, it was McCloys decision to
commute it to life in prison, seemingly on the basis that Sandberger was young and stood
a good chance of reintegrating into German society. It was also noted that he was a model
prisoner who denied killing anyone illegally and that he had been absent from his
command when those who were killed illegally were murdered.83 Under McCloys
decision, Sandberger would be eligible for parole on May 25, 1960.
McCloys successor, James Bryant Conant, a former president of Harvard University,
became the U.S. high commissoner in 1953 and then ambassador to Germany in 1955.
Conant presided over the final release of all remaining war criminals tried by the
Americans, including Martin Sandberger. On August 31, 1953, Conant created the Interim
Mixed Parole and Clemency Board, which included one representative each from Britain,
France, and the United States and two representatives from Germany.84 The job of the
Interim Board, as for the Peck Panel before it, was to find ways to release imprisoned war
criminals without challenging the legal basis for which they were tried.85 Sandberger
acquired more supporters at this juncture, including Carl Friedrich von Weizscker, a
friend of his sisters, who got his fathers lawyer, Helmut Becker, on board. Becker was
part of a group of leading German jurists (referred to as the Heidelberg Circle because one
of its founders, Eduard Wahl, was a professor of international law at Heidelberg
University) who worked together to coordinate a strategy to free all war criminals from
Allied prisons.86 They were a highly influential group, and Becker took his task seriously.
Beginning in August 1953, he submitted petitions on Sandbergers behalf every six
months. Beckers petitions always contained appeals from notable Germans, including
Carlo Schmid, whom he talked into supporting Sandberger again. It will be recalled that
Sandberger and Schmid knew each other from the early 1930s, when Sandberger was
studying law at Tbingen. Schmid had been a mentor of Sandbergers at that time, but this
was not the reason he felt compelled to stand up for his former charge; rather, it was
because Sandberger had saved Schmid from arrest by the Gestapo, who were investigating
claims that he was harboring Jewish students in his house.87 As it turned out, Schmid owed
Sandberger his life. As payback, he wrote a glowing letter spelling out in detail
Sandbergers many strengths, not the least of which was that prison had purged him of his
misguided ideas of youth, and claimed that if given the opportunity, Sandberger would
resume his career as a gifted jurist.88 Between 1953 and 1955, the Interim Board granted
parole or clemency to twenty-four Landsberg prisoners, including four who had been
prosecuted alongside Sandberger in the Einsatzgruppen case; in spite of Schmids support,
Martin Sandberger was not one of them.89
Sandbergers prison records suggest he was a popular man. Not only did his extended
family visit him regularly, but he had repeat visitors from a wide range of elites from
postwar German society. Helene Elisabeth, Princess von Isenburg (19001974), the force
behind Stille Hilfe, visited Sandberger in prison on several occasions, as did Prince
Friedrich von Schaumburg-Lippe, who seems to have acted as a sponsor for Sandberger.
He had visits from highranking ministers and lawyers, and even Werner Best visited him
on multiple occasions. His future boss, Bernhard Mueller, came several times during his
final years of incarceration as well.90 Whether these were individuals he had known before
he was incarcerated is impossible to determine; however, it seems quite clear that his wife
lobbied everyone she could for his release.
When Germany gained full sovereignty in 1955, the Interim Board became a
permanent fixture and was renamed the Mixed Clemency and Parole Board, or Mixed
Board for short.91 The new body reviewed the clemency and parole applications of the
remaining Landsberg prisoners, of which there were only seven from the Nuremberg trials
left in prison, including Sandberger.92 Between 1955 and 1958, when he was released from
prison, Sandberger applied for parole on ten separate occasions, and his supporters became
more high-ranking with each application. He even managed to get a heartfelt letter from
the German president, Theodor Heuss, but to no avail.93 Each time he filed an appeal it
was denied.94 His prison records from this time tell us something about his preparations
for release and his reintegration into German society.
Sandbergers time in prison was not squandered. He spent the last ten years of his
incarceration transforming himself and preparing to seamlessly reintegrate into German
society. He focused all of his attention on his future career as a lawyer, taking courses
when they were offered and blocking out and simply ignoring what he had done to land in
prison in the first place. Katharina von Kellenbach has argued that what made men like
Sandberger capable of killing so easily was the professional ethos of a disciplined SS
officer, which allowed them to overcome empathy for their victims. Ironically, it was
this same characteristic that enabled Sandberger to feel unburdened by what he had done
and to move on after the war.95 Von Kellenbach believes this was the norm, but by all
accounts Sandberger was unusual, a model prisoner, by which prison officials seemed to
mean he was no longer a bad Nazi but rather a good German.96 The new and
improved Martin Sandberger was patient and extremely cooperative with American
officials, and, importantly for someone who desired to fit back into society, he harbored no
ill will toward anyone. In fact, according to the prison warden, he had resolved himself to
make the best of the situation; it was gods will. Perhaps most importantly of all, the
warden noted that Sandberger was truly repentant and regretted ever having become
associated with Hitlerism, and as such he would make a good citizen in the new
Germany.97 Sandberger had reason to be optimistic. While he accepted his legal fate, he
was also ready to return to normal society, where, according to his parole plan(s), he had
secured an apartment, two sponsors (he actually had many more over the years), and two
potential jobs, one teaching for the Evangelical Academy in Bad Boll (Kreis Gppingen),
which he ultimately declined because it wasnt financially lucrative enough, and the other
with the Lechler business firm in Stuttgart.98 It was just a matter of time before the handful
of war criminals would be released, and Sandberger was well equipped for that transition.
By 1957 it was only a matter of time before Sandberger would gain his freedom. There
were only four war criminals remaining in Landsberg prison, Sandberger and two of his
Einsatzgruppen colleagues (Ernst Biberstein and Adolf Ott) and Otto Brinkmann, who had
also been sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity. The Americans hoped to
transfer them to German custody as part of the Transition Treaty, but the Germans would
settle for nothing less than full freedom.99 In early 1958, the Americans finally relented
and agreed to release all four prisoners. With little trouble and no fanfare, Martin
Sandberger and his three fellow prisonersNazi Germanys last remaining war criminals
were released from prison on May 5, 1958. Ten years and one month after he was
originally sentenced to death, Sandbergers life sentence was commuted to time served.100
Still a young man at the age of forty-six, Martin Sandberger was completely free and
transformed, ready to return to his family and community in Stuttgart and start the third
chapter of his life as a good citizen of the new West German state.
As one writer has aptly noted, Sandberger had a soft landing in postwar Germany,
never challenged for what he had done. Sandberger believed that his lengthy prison term
(in comparison to others) had cleansed him of his guilt, and no one ever said differently.
After his release from prison, he had help from a number of people, including his brother
Bernhard, who was a CDU member of the Baden-Wrttemberg parliament. Ultimately it
was Bernhard Mller who provided Sandberger the opportunity to become an ordinary
German. Mller was the general manager of the Lechler firm (it is not clear what type of
company Paul Lechler was, only that it had close ties to the Evangelical Church in
Wrttemberg), and he hired Sandberger as his legal adviser when he was released from
prison in 1958. In prison, Sandberger had taken specific classes in tax law that served him
well in this position. Prison had not stymied his ambition; just as he had as a young man in
Nazi Germany, Martin Sandberger worked his way up the corporate ladder and became a
fairly successful corporate lawyer.101
Sandberger tried to forget about his Nazi past, but as fate would have it, not long after
he was released from prison, he was called as a witness in the Ulm Einsatzgruppen trial;
two years later the Central Office for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes in
Ludwigsburg interviewed him, and in 1970 the Stuttgart public prosecutors office
initiated investigations against him for the crimes he had committed in Estonia. He was
three times lucky. On July 13, 1972, all charges were dropped. After the fall of
Communism in 1990 and the opening of the archives in the east, new evidence surfaced,
but somehow Sandberger again fell under the radarthat is, until Walter Mayr found him
in an affluent Stuttgart nursing home only months before his death on March 30, 2010.
What did Sandberger say to the Spiegel journalist? Nothing. Sandberger knew enough to
keep his mouth shut. By age ninety-eight he had learned his lesson that it was better to say
nothing at all; the past was the past, and as he told Mayr, What I remember is completely
irrelevant. Reverting to an old position and forgetting his past was familiar behavior for a
man whose past remained an open secret.102
How is it that a man who willingly spent two years of his life actively killing people
could say that his memory was completely irrelevant? A keen observer of postwar
German society, Norbert Frei, has argued that the silence that allowed for the amnesties of
National Socialist perpetrators and their release from prison also served to satisfy larger
collective emotional needs of a society which had undergone a singular political and moral
catastrophe.103 Put more simply, through the desire for rehabilitation German society
facilitated the reintegration of war criminals such as Sandberger. Germans wanted to
believe that men such as Sandberger were victims, not perpetrators. But context was not
the only reason for forgetting. The fact that a perpetrators immediate community was
unable and unwilling to critically engage with his crimes undoubtedly went some way
toward building a place where he could live unfettered by his criminal past. While
Sandberger laid the groundwork for his new identity, it could never have been
accomplished without the help of a forgiving and forgetful nation. To be sure, Sandberger
needed the help of the important and highly placed individuals who coordinated and
organized his release, but this took place within the larger context of postwar German
societys desire to forget its immediate past. It was that same quiescent society that
enabled a man such as the one Martin Sandberger had become under the Nazis to forget
his criminal past. This highlights an important fact: identity is never fixed; rather, it is
fluid and malleable depending on the place of the individual in society. In a country where
there were more fellow travelers than people who were not, Sandberger was easily able to
reconcile his past Nazi identity with his present position as a prominent lawyer. In some
ways Martin Sandberger did not have to recast his identity entirely; all he had to do was to
forget the past, rejoin his fellow Germans in life, and pick up where he might have left off
had the Nazi period never taken place; Germans and Cold War Americans did the rest. As
it turns out, his was a life barely interrupted. His point of entry to reconciliation and
reintegration was the Cold War. This allowed him unchallenged access to his postwar
German community, and everyone around him complied, even those who had originally
branded him a perpetrator.
The Sandberger case forces us to ask whether trials are little more than a pointless
exercise. As Donald Bloxham has so aptly noted, trials afforded Germans the opportunity
to either identify themselves against indicted criminals or with them. I would add
another category: to simply forget.104 The truth is that Sandbergers reintegration was
never challenged. Those in moral positions, as well as those in the political arena,
embraced the ambiguity of his past and in this way were able to deny his guilt, which
ultimately enabled him to rejoin his family and professional life. Thus it was with
conviction in 2010 that he could say to Walter Mayr that what he remembered about his
Nazi past was irrelevant. It was what Germany and his fellow citizens forgot that
I would like to thank Maria Wesoly and Rainer Vogeley for their help translating documents written in Stterlin script
and also for their encouragement and friendship while I was in Berlin doing research.
1. Stephan Lebert and Norbert Lebert, My Fathers Keeper: The Children of Nazi Leadersan Intimate History of
Damage and Denial, trans. Julian Evans (Boston: Back Bay Books; Little, Brown, 2000), 1718.
2. Patrick Desbois, The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priests Journey to Uncover the Truth behind the Murder of 1.5
Million Jews (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
3. For a history of the trial, see Hilary Earl, The Nuremberg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial: Atrocity, Law, and History
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
4. Walter Mayr, The Quiet Death of a Nazi: Martin Sandbergers Last and Only Interview, Der Spiegel ONLINE
International, April 15, 2010, www.spiegel.de/international/germany/the-quiet-death-of-a-nazi-martin-sandberger-s-lastand-only-interview-a-687922.html, accessed June 3, 2012.
5. Fragebogen #39957 and Lebenslauf of Martin Sandberger, Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt-SS (ehem. BDC),
Signatur F 140, document #3792, Federal Republic of Germany, Bundesarchiv BerlinLichterfelde (hereafter BA-L).
6. Mayr, Quiet Death of a Nazi, 2.
7. Fragebogen #39957 and Lebenslauf, Martin Sandberger, Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt-SS (ehem. BDC), Signatur
F 140, document #3792, BA-L.
8. Personal-Akte Martin Sandberger, file #6,249, undated, SS-Fhrerpersonalakten, Signatur 60-B, BA-L.
9. Sandberger family to Lucius Clay, June 1948, in RG 153 (AG), War Crimes Branch, Nuremberg Administrative
Records 19441949, box 11, 863-5 folder, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD
(hereafter NARA).
10. Benno Mller-Hill, The Idea of the Final Solution and the Role of the Experts, in The Final Solution: Origins
and Implementation, ed. David Cesarani (London: Routledge, 1996), 62.
11. Lebenslauf-Sandberger, Stuttgart, September 9, 1936, SS-Fhrerpersonalakten, Signatur 60-B and Personal
Bericht of Martin Sandberger, BA-L. Sandbergers dissertation from the faculty of law at Tbingen was completed on
February 3, 1934, three years after he joined the party. It is titled Die Sozialversicherung im nationalsozialistischen
Staat. Mller-Hill, in Role of the Experts, 65, describes it as a 91-page apology for the social security system in Nazi
12. Lebenslauf-Sandberger, Stuttgart, September 9, 1936, SS-Fhrerpersonalakten, Signatur 60-B, BA-L.
13. Michael Wildt, Generation des Unbedingten: Das Fhrungskorps des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (Hamburg:
HIS, 2003), 7576.
14. Ibid., 6780.
15. Ibid., 7475.
16. Ibid., 8283.
17. Ibid., 8992.
18. Personal-Akte Martin Sandberger, undated, SS-Fhrerpersonalakten, Signatur 60-B, BA-L; Eidesstattliche
Erklrung, Parteikorrespondenz ehem, BDC, Signatur K150, #9233 frames 02540256, BA-L.
19. Wildt, Generation des Unbedingten, 100101.
20. Personal-Akte Martin Sandberger, SS-Fhrerpersonalakten and Lebenslauf Martin Sandberger, September 9,
1936, Bundesarchiv-Licterfelde, Fhrerpersonalakten, Signatur 60-B, BA-L.
21. Personal Akte, Personal Bericht, and RSHA report, October 10, 1944, Martin Sandberger, SSFhrerpersonalakten, Signatur 60-B, BA-L.
22. Ronald Hedland, Messages of Murder: A Study of the Reports of the Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and
the Security Service, 19411943 (London: Associated University Press, 1992), 25.
23. Wildt, Generation des Unbedingten, 54850.
24. Interrogation Summary No. 2403, Martin Sandberger, May 23, 1947, in National Archives Microfilm Publication
M1019, Records of the United States Nuremberg War Crimes Trials Interrogations, 19461949, roll 61.
25. The issue under debate is whether the Einsatzgruppen were briefed on their extra-military task and whom they
would target and when.
26. Anton Weiss-Wendt, Murder without Hatred: Estonians and the Holocaust (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University
Press, 2009), 87.
27. Wildt, Generation des Unbedingten, 57879. Weiss-Wendt says there were only 105 members of SKO 1a in
Murder without Hatred, 87; Arad, The Holocaust in the Soviet Union (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2009),
28. Weiss-Wendt, Murder without Hatred, 84.
29. Operational Situation Report USSR No. 111, Reports: Jews in Estonia, October 12, 1941, in The
Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads Campaign against the Jews in
Occupied Territories of the Soviet Union, July 1941-January 1943, ed. Yitzhak Arad, Shmuel Krakowski, and Shmuel
Spector (New York: Holocaust Library, 1989), 183.
30. Wildt, Generation des Unbedingten, 583.
31. Ibid., 58889.
32. Individual Responsibility of Sandberger, A 1a and KdS Estonia, undated, Richard Dillard Dixon Records of
Nuremberg War Crime Trials #3567, Southern Historical Collection, Manuscripts Department, Wilson Library,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (hereafter SHC).
33. Memorandum of the 42nd CIC Detachment, 42nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, May 25, 1945, RG 319, Records
of the Army Staff, Records of the Office of the Assistant Chief of Intelligence, Records of the IRR, box 191, Sandberger
folder, and FBI Files, Sandberger 56543, NARA.
34. Memorandum of the 42nd CIC Detachment, 42nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, May 25, 1945, RG 319, box
191, Sandberger folder, NARA.
35. Preliminary Interrogation Report (PIR) of Martin Sandberger, June 23, 1945, in RG 319, box 191, Sandberger
folder, and FBI File on Sandberger, 56543, NARA.
36. Confidential CIC Report, Case No. 31C 6592 994 of Martin Sandberger, undated, RG 319, box 191, Sandberger
folder, NARA.
37. T. P. Bagge, Conclusions about Martin Sandberger, CIC Report, Camp 020, October 1945, RG 319, box 191,
Sandberger folder, NARA.
38. For a complete history of the trial, see Earl, Nuremberg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial.
39. Press release, September 1947, 5-1-4-62, Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Office of the Chief of Council for War
Crimes Press releases, 1947, Telford Taylor Papers, Columbia University, Diamond Law Library, New York, NY.
40. Individual Responsibility of Sandberger, A 1a and KdS Estonia, in RDD Records, SHC.
41. Michael A. Musmanno, The Eichmann Kommandos (London: Peter Davies, 1962), 174.
42. Testimony, Sandberger, November 7, 1947, in National Archives Microfilm Publication M895, Records of the
United States Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, United States of America v. Otto Ohlendorf et al. (Case 9) (hereafter
Trials), 2154 and 2157, and November 13, 1947, 2310. See also Sandbergers claim that he supported the total
extermination of the intelligentsia of the occupied eastern territories. Quoted in Weiss-Wendt, Murder without Hatred,
43. Trials, November 7, 1947, 2184, and November 13, 1947, 224953.
44. Trials, November 7, 1947, 2184, and November 1213, 1947, 224565.
45. Memorandum, SS Standartenfhrer Ehrlinger, July 20, 1944 (NO 5045), in Trials, roll 12, frames 040203.
46. Musmanno, Eichmann Kommandos, 174.
47. Petitions to the Military Governor filed by defendants in Case 9, April 26, 1948, in RG 466, U.S. High
Commissioner for Germany, Prisons Division, War Criminal Case File, box 4, Case 9 folder, NARA.
48. Pfarrer Seidel to Landesbischof Theophil Wurm, May 11, 1948, D1/311.2, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart
(hereafter LKA); and Norbert Frei, Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past: The Politics of Amnesty and Integration
(New York: Columbia University Press, 2002), 226.
49. Schmid quoted in Michael Wildt, An Uncompromising Generation: The Nazi Leadership of the Reich Security
Main Office (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2009), 386.
50. Petra Weber, Carlo Schmid, 18961979: Eine Biographie (Munich: C. H. Beck, 1996), 47677.
51. Petitions to the Military Governor filed by defendants in Case 9, April 26, 1948, in RG 466, box 4, Case 9 folder,
52. Petition for Clemency, Submitted to General Clay by Family Sandberger, June 9, 1948, RG 153 JAG Army, War
Crimes Branch, Nuremberg Administrative Records 19441949, box 11, 86-3-5 folder, NARA.
53. William Langer to Clarence R. Huebner, May 25, 1949, in RG 338 JAD, War Crimes Branch, Records of PostTrial Activities 19451957, box 11, petition of Martin Sandberger folder, NARA.
54. Frederick Libby to Harry Truman, May 10, 1949, in RG 238 Advisory Board on Clemency for War Criminals,
Office of the HICOG, Correspondence 19471950, box 12 E212, Martin Sandberger folder, NARA.
55. Inge Scholl to John McCloy, March 30, 1950, in RG 466, box 30, Sandberger folder, NARA.
56. Michael Phayer, The Catholic Church and the Holocaust (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000), 143.
57. Ernst Klee, Persilscheine und falsche Psse: Wie die Kirchen den Nazis halfen (Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch,
1991), 7. See also Daily Intelligence Digest no. 133, Clergy Continues to Favor Cause of Interned Nazis, March 15,
1946, in RG 260, OMGUS, Information Control Division, Opinion Survey Branch, box 145, Daily Intelligence Digest
folder, NARA; and Wurm to Justice Lawrence, September 19, 1946, D1/272, NL Wurm, LKA.
58. Klee, Persilscheine und falsche Psse, 1415, 6171; and Phayer, Catholic Church, 13844. Wurms son was
found to be a follower by the denazification court in Wiesbaden and was sentenced to one year in prison. Wurm to
Ambassador Murphy, January 19, 1949, D1/272, NL Wurm, LKA.
59. Klee, Persilscheine und falsche Psse, 7879.
60. Komitee fr kirchliche Gefangenenhilfe, Sddeutsche Zeitung, March 27, 1950, 305/94 Kriegsgefangenen
Allgemeines 1950, Federal Republic of Germany, Bundesarchiv-Koblenz (hereafter BA-K); Klee, Persilscheine und
falsche Psse, 79.
61. Memorandum, Special Agent Joe R. Cox to the JAG, re: Rudolf Aschenauer and the Church Aid Society,
September 5, 1950, 15, in RG 338, box 5, Aschenauer folder, NARA; and Evangelical Landeskirchenrat to Rudolf
Weeber, May 24, 1949, D1/293, NL Wurm, LKA. For synopses of Aschenauer and Frschmanns postwar activities, see
the reports by the CIC, Internal Route Slip, October 10, 1950, in RG 338, box 5, Aschenauer folder, NARA.
62. Klee, Persilscheine und falsche Psse, 80; Weeber to Frederick Libby, February 11, 1949, D1/293, NL Wurm,
LKA. Tom Bower, Blind Eye to Murder: Britain, America and the Purging of Nazi Germany: A Pledge Betrayed
(London: Andre Deutsch, 1981), 320, states that Frschmann had more than three thousand Landsberg inmates on
retainer at one point.
63. Bower, Blind Eye, 67.
64. Wurm took up the case of Eugen Steimle. Erich Meyer to Frau Steimle, April 12, 1948, and Dekan (signature
illegible) to Weeber, June 7, 1949, D1/311.6, NL Wurm, LKA.
65. Klee, Persilscheine und falsche Psse, 8.
66. Vermerk, Wurm, September 1, 1950, Mein Besuch in Landsberg zum 9. August 1950, B305/148 Deutsche
Kriegsverurteilte in Landsberg Einzelflle, BA-K; and Wurm to Robert Kempner, March 30, 1948, D1/289, NL Wurm,
67. Wurm to Kempner, January 28, May 5, 1948, D1/289, NL Wurm, LKA.
68. Taylor to Clay, memorandum, re: Inspection of War Criminal Prison No. 1 (Landsberg), June 3, 1949, RG 466,
box 1, Nuremberg Subsequent Proceedings Medical Reports folder, NARA. Wurm lobbied Clay for the creation of an
appellate court. Because Clay refused to establish one, Wurm and the Nuremberg defense attorneys embarked on a
media campaign to gain public support. Various newspaper articles, D1/332, NL Wurm, LKA, and Major Joseph L.
Haefele to Theater JA, memorandum, September 16, 1948, in RG 338, box 9, Bishop Wurm folder, NARA.
69. HICOG Frankfurt to U.S. Secretary of State, cable, October 5, 1949, in RG 466, box 28, 321.6 War Criminals
folder, NARA.
70. Thomas Alan Schwartz, John J. McCloy and the Landsberg Cases, in American Policy and the Reconstruction
of West Germany, 19451955, ed. Jeffry Diefendorf, Axel Frohn, and Hermann-Josef Rupieper (Washington, DC:
German Historical Institute and Cambridge University Press, 1995), 436.
71. German Federal Government to the High Commissioner, undated, circa July-September 1949, B305/141/36-40
Deutsche Kriegsverurteilte im Landsberg 19491952, BA-K.
72. McCloy told Neuhusler, I have not committed the United States to a program of wholesale commutation of
sentences of war criminals. McCloy to Neuhusler, January 16, 1951, D1/295, NL Wurm, LKA.
73. Gebhard Mller to Adenauer, October 21, 1949, B120/395 Nrnbergerprozesse, BA-K.
74. In early 1950, Konrad Adenauer wrote McCloy that the death penalty in the Federal Republic of Germany was
abolished. Under these circumstances it would be felt by the German people as particularly harsh, if nearly five years
after the end of the war executions were still carried out on German soil by the American occupation powers. Adenauer
to McCloy, February 28, 1950, B305/142/1415 Deutsche Kriegsverurteilte im Landsberg 19491952, BA-K.
75. Wurm to McCloy, January 27, 1950, D1/295, NL Wurm, LKA.
76. John Bross to Gerald Fowlie, memorandum, May 18, 1950, RG 238, box 2, Clemency Committee General
folder; Clemency Board Member Completes Preliminary Survey, Press Release No. 312, May 2, 1950, RG 466, John
J. McCloy, Classified GR 19491952, box 13, D(50) 12731318 folder, both NARA; and Besprechung, Bowie mit
Aschenauer, April 1, 1950, B305/142/25, Deutsche Kriegsverurteilte im Landsberg 19491952, BA-K.
77. Moran to Gerald Fowlie, memorandum, Re: Neuro-psychiatric examinations, July 12, 1950, in RG 238, box 2,
Clemency Committee-General folder, NARA.
78. Fowlie to Peck, Snow, and Moran, July 24, 1950, RG 238, box 1, Research for the Board folder; Supplemental
letters and petitions requesting clemency for Martin Sandberger, July 1950, in NARA RG 238, box 10, Ohlendorf Case 9
folder, NARA.
79. McCloy instructed them to be as charitable as possible. Rules of Procedure in Clemency Board Hearings, July
22, 1950; Fowlie to Peck, Snow, and Moran, July 20, 1950, RG 466, box 36, War Crimes Clemency Board Operational
History folder, NARA.
80. Peck Panel quoted in Bower, Blind Eye, 421.
81. Schwartz, McCloy and the Landsberg Cases, 44445.
82. Ibid.
83. Summary of McCloys decision regarding Sandberger, September 1, 1950, in RG 466, box 6, Report of HICOG
Advisory Board on Clemency for War Criminals, part II folder, NARA.
84. Edwin Plitt was the U.S. member, and later Spencer Phenix was; Gustave Laroque was the French member; and
Edward Jackson was the British member. Hellmuth von Weber, Emil Lersch, and Gottfried Kuhnt were the German
members. The Mixed Board began its work on August 11, 1955. See Vermerk, B305/758, Adolf Ott; and Vermerk,
Kriegsverurteilte in der Bundesrepublik, B305/53, Bereinigung des KriegsgefangenenproblemsGemischte deutsche
alliierte Ausschusse zu berprfung der Urteile, both BA-K.
85. John Mendelsohn, War Crimes Trials and Clemency in Germany and Japan, in Americans as Proconsuls:
United States Military Government in Germany and Japan, ed. Robert Wolfe (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University
Press, 1984), 253.
86. Frei, Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past, 12123.
87. Ibid., 227.
88. Schmid quoted in ibid., 22728.
89. Mendelsohn, War Crimes and Clemency, 25354.
90. Inmates Records of Visits and Visitors, 19521958, in RG 466, Prison Records for Martin Sandberger, NARA.
91. Foreign Service Despatch, U.S. Embassy Bonn, re: Composition of Mixed Board on War Criminals in Western
Allied Custody, September 16, 1955, in RG 466, box 164, 321.6 folder, NARA.
92. Mendelsohn, War Crimes and Clemency, 25254.
93. Frei, Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past, 228.
94. Supplement to the Records Officers Report concerning Sandberger, petition for parole 1955, in B305/785 Martin
Sandberger; Dr. Emil Lersch, Chair of the Board, to James B. Conant, November 28, 1956, in B305/836; and Minutes of
the meeting of the Board, November 7, 1956, in B305/836, all BA-K.
95. Katharina von Kellenbach, The Mark of Cain: Prison Chaplains Counsel Perpetrators of the Shoah (forthcoming
from Oxford University Press).
96. Institutional Record of Martin Sandberger, WCP#1430, September 24, 1957, RG 466, box 14, Sandberger folder,
97. Institutional Record of Martin Sandberger, WCP#1430, February 13, 1958, RG 466, box 14, Sandberger folder,
98. Parole plan for Martin Sandberger by Deforest A. Barton, Parole Officer, September 17, 1957, RG 466, box 14,
Sandberger folder, NARA.
99. Frei, Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past, 229.
100. Order of American Ambassador David Bruce with Respect to the Sentence of Martin Sandberger, May 9, 1958,
RG 466, box 14, Sandberger folder, NARA.
101. Mayr, Quiet Death of a Nazi, 6.
102. Ibid., 2.
103. Norbert Frei, Vergangenheitpolitik: Die Anfnge der Bundesrepublik die NS-Vergangenheit (Munich: C. H.
Beck, 1996), 401.
104. Donald Bloxham, Prosecuting the Past in the Postwar Decade: Political Strategy and National Myth-Making,
in Holocaust and Justice: Representation and Historiography of the Holocaust in Post-War Trials, ed. David Bankier
and Dan Michman (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem; New York: Berghahn Books, 2010), 3738.
Part 2
Networks of Recasting
Petitions to Franco
Arguments and Identities of Ex-Nazis in the Effort to Avoid Repatriation
from Spain, 19451950
David A. Messenger
On September 10, 1945, in Berlin, the Allied Control Council for Germany (ACC), made
up of France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States, passed a resolution
ordering all Germans who had been officials or intelligence agents of the Nazi regime and
now found themselves in territories that had been neutral during the war to return to
Germany and face denazification proceedings. Furthermore, the ACC requested that
governments in states where such Germans resided were to deport these individuals to the
territory under control of the ACC, occupied Germany. These Germans were Nazi
diplomatic personnel, National Socialist leaders, economic officials of state and para-state
organizations, and intelligence agents, who, had they been in occupied Germany, would
have been subject to denazification measures such as automatic arrest, interrogation, and
hearings or trials. Spain was the European country with the largest number of Alliedidentified obnoxious Germans, and the authoritarian regime of General Francisco
Franco had extensive dealings with the Nazi regime, going back to Adolf Hitlers decision
to intervene on Francos side in the Spanish Civil War.
The Spanish government agreed that the ACC had the right to request repatriation, but,
as a sovereign nation, it reserved its right to carry out its own investigations of those
named and to determine whether they deserved to be deported under Spanish law. The
process of Allied identification and subsequent Spanish investigation was well known
among ex-Nazis in the German colony. As a result, they took to their own defense. The
archives of the Spanish Foreign Ministry contain hundreds of petitions by former Nazi
intelligence agents seeking exemptions from the repatriation lists. The language and
arguments used by these ex-agents of the Nazi regime in Spain offer a unique insight into
the recasting of identities far from the center of denazification processes in occupied
Germany. It is no surprise that many arguments used inside Germany were repeated in
Spain. German Catholics in Spain, as in occupied Germany, put forward very specific
arguments about religion and Nazism. Yet the possibility of being in Spain also allowed
these individuals to argue that they had been motivated by ideology and had made a
political commitment through their service to the Nazi regimea commitment made to
Franco, not Hitler. This was obviously an argument unique to Spain. This chapter will
assess the range of arguments used by ex-Nazi agents in Spain to explain their wartime
activity and examine their efforts to claim a future in Francos Spain.
As Ronald Newton has written about the German colony in Argentina, between 1933
and 1939 a major transformation occurred within the German colony in Spain,
compared to the Abwehr in all regions of Europe.9 Finally, in March and April 1944,
Hitler allowed Himmler to direct the SD to take control of the Abwehr and consolidate
foreign intelligence operations under Schellenberg.10
Allied pressure on Spain in the last year of the war to intern and to deport German
agents largely failed; very few individuals from Allied lists were arrested. Once the war
ended, in May 1945, the Spanish government made an effort to demonstrate its desire to
conform to Allied wishes and dramatically increased the internment of suspect Germans,
but the policy was shortlived, and from a maximum of some two hundred internees in
June 1945, all but four were released by June 1946.11 Within the American Embassy in
Madrid, the fear that the German colony in Spain could develop into a source for the
maintenance of Nazi ideology, intelligence operations, and potential sabotage was
prominent.12 The Spanish failure to expel German agents during the last year of the war
underlined the necessity of a new, postwar policy. Developments within occupied
Germany concerning the internment of Nazi officials and agents, and specifically the
decision to create categories of individuals subject to automatic arrest, also influenced
thinking about Nazis outside of occupied Germany.13 Together, the work of Allied
policymakers in Germany on denazification and the concerns of American personnel in
Madrid and other neutral states resulted in the beginning of a program of forced
repatriation. This was made official with the adoption of the term obnoxious Germans to
define the targets and was officially enacted by the ACC in September 1945. The
American and British embassies in Madrid compiled a list of some sixteen hundred
Germans desired for repatriation, including all military and diplomatic personnel,
espionage agents, and Germans linked to businesses that had strong ties to the Nazi
Of the total number of Germans desired for repatriation, approximately 265 were
deported from Spain in 1946 and 1947. Others returned voluntarily to Germany, and the
British and American embassies established the British-American Centre for Repatriation
of Germans in Madrid to process these cases. However, voluntary repatriation rarely
involved those ex-Nazi intelligence agents most desired by the victorious wartime powers.
For example, of the 207 Germans who left for Bremen voluntarily on board an American
ship in August 1946, only two were from the agents list compiled by the British and
Americans as top priority.14 In a last-gasp effort to force the Spanish government to act,
the Allies came up with a list of 104 hard-core cases in 1947, but no members of this
final group were ever deported from Spain.15
Part of the reason for the failure of repatriation was the attitude of the Franco regime.
Many within it took actions to protect Germans inside Spain and to implement their own
espionage and repatriation investigations, without any concern for timeliness or efficiency.
Notices appeared in Spanish newspapers in May 1946 inviting Germans to voluntarily
repatriate to Germany via maritime transport that had been arranged by the United States
and Great Britain, but rarely were Germans forced to leave.16 When debate in the United
Nations over Spains international position led to charges that Spain hid Nazis, a full
publicity campaign outlining Spanish policies of internment and police oversight of
Germans in Spain was launched.17 In most cases, Germans on the Allied lists had to report
weekly to local police or spend some time in internment, usually at the spa resort town of
Caldas de Malavella near Girona.
The atmosphere created by the regimes tepid response to Allied demands meant that
many Germans felt no need to disavow their ties to Nazism and its history within the
German colony. Indeed, the continuation of Nazism remained a prominent part of life in
the German colony in Spain. Yet at the same time, Germans who either were targeted for
repatriation or feared they would be took their own initiative in requesting permission to
stay in Spain and made new arguments about their commitment to Francos regime. Those
with ties to Nazi espionage were chief among these. In the midst of Francoist Spain, they
had a unique opportunity to justify their wartime past and reframe their experiences
without immediately facing the specter of denazification.
German Advocacy
The earliest investigations were of the most prominent and publicly visible individuals
associated with Nazi activity in Spain, and many of these individuals, knowing they would
be investigated, directly contacted British and U.S. officials to plead their cases. The most
infamous case in this respect was that of Johannes Bernhardt, the director of SOFINDUS,
the Nazi firm that managed all trade between Spain and Germany during World War II.
Bernhardt was, simply put, the most engaged German in Spain from the beginning of the
Spanish Civil War through to the postwar period. A member of the Nazi Partys
Auslandorganization (Party organization abroad) in Spain, he had been instrumental in
securing Nazi Germanys assistance of Franco in the military rebellion of July 1936.18 He
later went on to lead Hispano-Marroqu de Transportes, S.L., which, partnered with the
company Rohstoff-Waren-Handelsgesellschaft, A.G. (ROWAK), managed all trade
between Germany and the Francoist zone during the Civil War.19 SOFINDUS was one of
the offshoots of ROWAK, created in 1939 to manage all German investments in Spain.
Bernhardt was its director from the beginning. He worked closely with Hitlers director of
the Four-Year Plan, Hermann Goering, in developing German economic plans for Iberia,
which also often coincided with military intelligence operations. The linkages between
German economic activity in Spain and German espionage were tight, and the distinction
between private, state, and para-state assets to be examined after the war was rarely clearcut. Bernhardt and SOFINDUS were involved in a number of operations that, ostensibly
commercial, were linked to supplying and assisting the German military. One of the
largest, and latest, was the supply of German troops in France from the Cantabrian coast
between January and March 1945.20 Beyond these specific operations, employment with
SOFINDUS and its many subsidiaries often provided cover for SD agents like Walter
Mosig.21 For this, Bernhardt ended the war with the SS rank of Oberfhrer.22
Bernhardt and SOFINDUS were of immediate priority to Allied investigators at the
end of the war. Bernhardt himself offered to work with Allied investigators in June 1945.23
Yet this was not all Bernhardt was up to, for he continued to maintain a prominent position
among the German colony in Spain as well as with his contacts in the Spanish
government. Such offers to assist Allied investigations were not uncommon, either in
Spain or in occupied Germany, where SS men in particular often volunteered their
services.24 Bernhardt himself eventually met with American and British Embassy officials
in Madrid in July 1945. His initial statement to these investigators demonstrates a good
deal about the inability of the Nazi community in Spain to separate their work for the
German cause, their ties to Spain and the Franco regime, and their fear for whatever fate
they might face at the hands of the Allies:
We know that Germany has lost the war; we are without a country and we do not
know what the future will bring us. We live in a neutral country to which we have
been united for many years in certain common interests and from time to time with
certain friendships. Everything we have done here has been done with all due
correctness and if occasionally there were certain actions, it was always done
with consent. We dispose of good, proved friendships. We are disposed to place
ourselves at your disposition, believing we can be useful. I only request that you
not ask things that go against our and my honor. Our idea must be to think, if
possible, in a constructive manner so that we not become slaves but can work and
be useful in constructive labor in Europe.25
Certainly one must be cautious of Bernhards wordshe was, after all, being interviewed
by U.S. and British officials as the leading Nazi in Spain. However, his words are
significant as representations of important sentiments within the Nazi community in
Spain. The end of the war left them, in Bernhardts description, stateless. In the interwar
period, numerous states denaturalized various groups, usually for ethnic reasons, as the
Nazis did to German Jews. Now Bernhardt was turning the idea of statelessness on its
head by claiming statelessness in the minimal sense of someone losing the states pro
tection.26 Of course there was a government in postwar Germany, provided by the
occupiers, the Allied Control Commission. Yet because Bernhardt did not recognize Allied
occupiers of Germany as the legitimate government there, he considered himself stateless.
However, Bernhardt and other Germans in Spain had another option besides seeking
international protection as stateless, an option that was not going to be offered in any
event. There was another state that could protect themSpain. While acknowledging the
lack of any legal tie between Germans resident in Spain and the regime of Franco, he used
the word united to describe the relationship of Germans resident there with the Spanish
state. The ties that Bernhardt had made in Spain, personal and otherwise, were used to
reject any consideration of repatriation to occupied Germany, to claim a status that, even if
not a legal one, would serve some of the same purposes, especially to protect them from
Across Germany, Allied occupation and reeducation policies coexisted with a
continuity of a bureaucratic, professional, political, military, and clerical elite that
consistently sought to undermine its [Allied policy] foundations to the end of creating a
usable past on which German national identity could be reconstructed.27 If one
perceives the search for obnoxious Germans in neutral states like Spain as part of a
broad Allied denazification program, then Bernhardts interpretation of his position in
Spain was simply a different take on the consistent unpopularity of denazification
measures inside Germany.28 As Jeffrey Herf has written about Konrad Adenauer and the
emerging Christian Democratic position on denazification in 1946 and 1947, The best
way to overcome Nazism was to avoid a direct confrontation with it.29 Arguably, that
sentiment was shared by the so-called obnoxious Germans in Spain, although they could
do more than ignore itas Bernhardt demonstrated, they could draw upon other ties, those
with Spain, to divert attention away from the immediate past or to cast that experience in a
different light.
1939 (the end of the war), such language and imagery was prevalent in Spain of the 1940s.
Commitment to this memory of the conflict was especially strong among Nationalist
military officers, with whom the German military attachs and intelligence agents had
considerable contact.34
Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez has built on these ideas in describing what Spaniards
understood as citizenship in the late 1940s, writing that nationalism and dictatorship were
used interchangeably in official language. Citizens accepted the regimes argument that
democracy meant a return to chaos and civil war, and they supported the regime in mass
demonstrations when the United Nations condemned it in December 1946. As CazorlaSanchez writes, Spaniards may or may not have completely believed these assertions, but
the mere possibility of again falling into civil strife drove ordinary people to support the
notion that peace could only be preserved by Franco.35 From this foundation, Spaniards
reinterpreted what it meant to be a Spanish citizen, and many did indeed participate in the
regimes projection of community and identity. Just as Spaniards participated in this time
of upheaval and redefinition of loyalty and citizenship, so too did their German neighbors,
in seeking to defend themselves from the threat of repatriation.
The first part of their argument was to underline service in the Condor Legion during
the Spanish Civil War as a service to Spain, not to Germany. Many people could justify
this claim with evidence of direct service to Franco as well as service in the Condor
Legion. One such example was Max Nutz, a former employee of the German Embassy
who served as an interpreter for the Air Attach in Madrid from 1939 to 1943. Nutz had
come to Spain in 1926 after serving in Morocco with the Spanish Foreign Legion. He
settled in Alicante, where he was an active member of the German colony there and joined
the NSDAP in 1934. During the Civil War, he served in the Condor Legion. He argued,
however, that any service to the Nazi cause was only based on patriotism and
obligation; the work that had inspired him the most was service in Morocco and in the
War of Liberation, fighting for Spain.36 Similarly, Alfred Giese wrote that he considered
Spain my second country, given his twenty years of residency and that his work in the
Condor Legion during the war of liberation had led to his being awarded two Spanish
military medals, the Cruz de Caballero de Isabel la Catolica and the Cruz de Caballero de
la Orden de Mehdauia. He thus found his arrest in 1945 shocking, especially considering
his service to Spain.37
Meino von Eitzen was a top target for American and British intelligence, arrested by
Spanish authorities in December 1944 based on American evidence that he was a German
intelligence agent, and he turned out to be one of the last internees held by the Spanish in
Caldas de Mallavella camp in mid-1946.38 Because of his prominence as a spy, Spanish
foreign minister Jos Lequerica considered von Eitzen too political to be granted special
consideration or protection on the part of the Spanish government.39 In his bids for early
release from internment, von Eitzen provided copies of his Condor Legion membership,
his military awards from Spain, and his membership in the Falange, Spains fascist
movement, which went back to 1936. Von Eitzen also had letters of support from the head
of the civil government in Vigo confirming no German political activity, as well as from
the office of Francisco Franco himself verifying military and political service for Spain.40
Eventually an official in the Ministry of the Navy, Salvador Moreno, advocated on von
Eitzens behalf, underlining his service not only to the Condor Legion, but also to the
Spanish Navy in Vigo.41
Alfred Genserowsky also played on his ties to serving Spain. Genserowsky was
identified by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as the leading Abwehr agent in San
Sebastian, and he played a prominent role in coordinating Abwehr naval intelligence
activity in northern Spain with agents of the Spanish military, especially the Spanish High
Command.42 His name first appeared on Allied lists for expulsion in March 1944.43 Orders
were issued for his internment in Caldas de Malavella in May 1945, and one of his
collaborators within Spanish Military Intelligence, Jose Jimenez y Mora, was arrested by
Spanish officials for being too close to Nazism.44 In appealing his own order for
internment, Genserowsky noted that he was an ex-combatant in the Spanish Crusade of
the Nationalist columns.45 His petition was supported by General Martinez de Campos of
the Spanish High Command, who emphasized that Genserowsky had been injured during
the Spanish Civil War when he acted as a translator for the Condor Legion and that he was
un mutilado [wounded veteran].46 Although Genserowsky eventually decided to
conform and was voluntarily deported to Germany in August 1946, he was never arrested
while in Spain and was permitted to settle in Segovia until he left. He returned to Spain in
April 1948.47
As early as 1944, before the war ended, investigations into potential German agents
carried out by the Direccin General de Seguridad were curtailed if service in the Civil
War was the background of the person under investigation. One of the earliest
investigations of Germans based on American and British accusations of spying focused
on three individuals, Hans Kellner, Ricard Herberg, and Alfred Klaevisch. None of them
were deemed to be spies; and the points mentioned most prominently were, first, their
time of residence in Spain, which in all cases began in the 1920s or earlier, and, second,
their service to the Nationalist cause in the civil war. In Klaevischs case, he worked for
the Spanish Red Cross during the Civil War and then for the Naval Ministry; Herberg
worked in Germany during the Civil War to help Spanish refugees; Kellner not only
served the Condor Legion but acted as a liaison for the legion with the Spanish Air Force
and continued to train pilots for the Spanish Air Force after the Civil War.48
In the case of Otto Hinrichsen, the most notable German activist in Bilbao during the
war, his long-term residency in Spain and his service in the Condor Legion led to a
position within the Spanish Army itself. This, and his subsequent work in Bilbao, made
him, in the eyes of one member of the Spanish Foreign Ministry, an ideological
enthusiast for the Franco regime, and his inclusion on Allied repatriation lists was an
The arguments that one might expect in 1944 still held prominence for the Spanish
much later. In 1947, the American and British embassies, facing the real failure of the
repatriation program in terms of the number of people actually deported from Spain, came
up with a final list of 104 Germans wanted for deportation.50 The Political Economy
division of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs categorized the names into three tiers:
first, intelligence agents, most of whom probably would have to go; a second tier of
friendly Germans who could be forced out if the Anglo-Americans became insistent; and a
third category of Germans to be protected without question. In this third group there were
certainly many Germans who had been, and continued to be, leaders in industry, such as
Karl Albrecht of AEG, Karl Andress Moser of Merck, and Johannes Bernhardt, the former
head of SOFINDUS. However, those with ties to the Condor Legion also appeared
prominently on the list, for example, Erich Gabelt and Alfred Menzell.51 Naturally these
figures were of economic and political importance within the German colony, and all had
Spanish defenders. But the fact that their service in the Condor Legion would be
mentioned here, as late as 1948, demonstrates the success of seeing prominent Nazi
activists and diplomats primarily as veterans of the Spanish Civil War.
another country; their role in the Spanish Civil War was justified because it was not a
purely civil war, but a dispute between nationalism and the ideas of order and civilization
against Communism. In a second statement, Burbach outlined his role at the outbreak of
the Civil War in 1936 in the Basque region, where he coordinated the evacuation of the
German colony from Republican territory; here, he claimed to have been personally
responsible for moving some seven thousand Germans by ship back to Germany to escape
red zones and that more than one thousand Spaniards also were saved in this way. He
requested that Franco and the Spanish government interpret his actions to assist Spaniards
as a humanitarian labor of saving Spaniards persecuted and condemned to death by the
Communist-Republican side.56
What is significant in Burbachs petition to Franco is that he never sought to distance
himself from the Nazi regime. Nor does he claim that service to Nationalist Spain
overrode his service to Germanyas consul-general since 1936, this would have been
even more difficult for him to do than for those who fought in the Condor Legion. What
he did do was to argue that the shared battle against Communism united Nationalists and
Nazis and that his service must be interpreted in that light and that light alone. A Nazi,
acting as a Nazi, therefore requested Francos assistance in resisting the U.S. order for his
repatriation as an unjust situation.57 It is worth noting that Burbach made similar
arguments in petitions to the U.S. Embassy, with the important difference that he
highlighted his opposition to Nazi anti-Semitism, which was not mentioned in his letters
to Spanish officials. Yet the anti-Communist element remained strong, for Burbach
emphasized in a letter to Harry Hawley of the U.S. Embassy that his work in evacuating
Germans and Spaniards from Bilbao in 1936 could only be interpreted as the
humanitarians work of all the nations we call civilized, given the fate that awaited those
politically condemned by Spanish reds.58
This line of argument can also be seen in one of the most notorious cases, that of Kurt
Meyer-Doehner, the former naval attach of the German Embassy in Madrid. In
petitioning the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prevent his deportation from the
village of Pozuelo de Laracon outside of Madrid, Meyer-Doehner outlined his
appointment as naval attach to the Condor Legion at the end of 1936, the position that
brought him to Spain for the first time. Like others, he characterized his service not as
service to Germany, but to Spain, outlining all of the Spanish (but not the German)
military awards he won during the Civil War. He then emphasized that he brought his
family to Spain in 1938, before the end of the conflict, and not only raised his four
German-born children in Spain but had three more once in Iberia. Since he had no contact
with his German family, except that he knew his mother had died and his family home had
been bombed by the Allies, he had no desire to return to Germany. Most significantly for
this analysis, however, was his argument that returning to Germany with young children
would mean a return to the Soviet zone, where his family residence had been, and that this
would expose himself and his children to a leftist government and education system. His
desire to maintain my family and educate and baptize my children could only be
realized in Spain.59 Implicit in this writing are suggestions not just of exposure to leftist
ideas, but also that Communist regimes would remove children from their families and
prevent religious education and practice. This mirrored the conceptualization of the
Republican movement present in Spain at the time, which was portrayed not only as
leftist, but also as foreign.60
The connection of the Spanish Civil War and World War II as fights against the same
Communist enemy is very clear in the petition for exemption from deportation made by
Richard Enge in April 1946. Enge had been employed by the German Embassy in Madrid
during the war on a contract basis, as an assistant to the commercial councilor. His
experience in Spain, where he had lived since 1919, was primarily with the Banco Aleman
Transatlantico, a leading German investment firm. His petition for assistance to avoid
deportation mentioned the loss of his home and personal assets during the Spanish Civil
War, on account of an attack by reds in Madrid; he then noted that if he returned to what
family he had left in Germany, he would be in the red zone of occupation.61 Without
explicitly stating it, the implication was that Enge would suffer the same fate twice if
repatriated. And there was no need to be blunt about what a terrible fate it would be to be
under Communist rule.
The public projection of the Franco regime as having emerged from civil war to
conquer a foreign, atheist socialism consistently shaped the rhetoric of the period after the
Civil War, into World War II, and afterward.62 It is thus unsurprising that the Spanish
government responded favorably to Germans wanted for repatriation when they picked up
elements of the general Francoist argument and applied them to themselves. Their
commitment to fight reds made them compatible with the mission of the Spanish
government; it made them, in essence, good Nationalists in the present, as well as in the
past. Alfred Menzell combined past and present when he explained his decision to fight in
the Spanish Civil War in the Condor Legion as a result of his having lived in red
Barcelona for a year after the outbreak of the conflict.63
Another target of the Allies, also arrested and interned from late 1944 through mid1946, Walter Leutner, highlighted not only his many years of residency in Spain but also
his service in the Condor Legion in the war of liberation and the fact that this experience
led him to be hired by the Spanish Army as an instructor. He served Spain in its Glorious
Moment and was most comfortable in the uniform of Spain.64 He urged the Spanish
government to consider these facts, rather than his work for the German Embassy in
19401941 and the German Consulate in Barcelona from 1941 until his arrest in
November 1944.65
protected from repatriation.68 Similarly, Gottfried von Waldheim, former German consul
general in Barcelona, used the existence of Catholic supporters to imply opposition to
Nazism. In his efforts to document that he was not a member of the Nazi Party, and
therefore did not deserve deportation despite his prominent diplomatic position, Waldheim
petitioned not only the Spanish Foreign Ministry, but also the U.S. Embassy in Madrid,
sending them testimonies from German Jews and Catholics from within and outside of
The use of Catholicism to distance oneself from the NSDAP, and to justify ones
actions as service to Spain, matched up well with the role of Catholicism in Francoist
memory of the Civil War. Catholicisms concept of sacrifice and martyrdom fit well with
Francoist rhetoric about coming through a crusade.70 The religious mission of the
Francoist regime was equal in its propaganda to its focus on Franco as Caudillo and
broader themes of nationalism.71 Indeed, in many prison camps the celebration of the
anniversary of Francos coup, July 18, was followed on July 19 by ceremonies and
discussions of La Religin y la Patria.72 Thus Catholicism was used by Germans in
Spain in two contexts, first as a way to downplay their commitment to Nazism and second,
and most importantly, to further reinforce their loyalty to Francos Spain.
There are numerous cases in which Germans sought for repatriation simply stated they
were Catholic on the assumption that this made it impossible to be a true Nazi. Jose
Lipperheide Henke, a prominent Bilbao mining company executive, expressed surprise at
the Anglo-American request for his repatriation to Germany, given that he was a Catholic
by birth and conviction, which explained why he never was involved with the NSDAP.73
His brother and business partner, Federico Lipperheide, was president of the Association
of German Catholics in Spain and also a fervent Catholic, according to the Archbishop
of Toledo.74 While the association was created for community-building purposes, its use in
the defense of Germans threatened with repatriation suggests that German Catholicism
could be politicized as a means to distance Germans from Nazi activities. Both brothers
were on the Allied lists for repatriation, Federico especially for his ties to Nazi propaganda
agents and the importation of German propaganda films into Spain during the war.75 In the
case of Federico, the many letters of support received on his behalf in the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and the U.S. Embassy in Madrid almost always mentioned his Catholicism
as evidence of his anti-Nazi stance, despite Allied evidence to the contrary. Most
significantly, Fr. Jos Maria Huber, head of the Association of German Catholics in
northern Spain, wrote that Allied accusations against F. Lipperheide were false in large
part because Nazism would not be compatible with his catholic convictions,
demonstrated by his incorporation into the movement Accin Catolica.76
Similarly, Georg Wolfgang Scuebel, former head of the Reichsbahn in Spain and the
German tourist office in Barcelona, explained in his interrogation that as a result of his
being Catholic he was only a nominal member of the NSDAP, having joined in 1938 for
employment purposes.77 Initially arrested by Spanish authorities and held in Yserias
Prison for repatriation before being released, Antonio Oboril mentioned his Catholicism as
well as that of his wife and two children.78 In all of these cases, there was an implicit
assumption that being Catholic was incompatible with being a Nazi. As a result, a
provide food and clothing for the interned. Begun as a program to help those in need
within the German colony during World War II, the program continued afterward. One of
the chief fund-raisers was Karl Albrecht, the head of AEG in Madrid, described as one of
the most dangerous Germans in Madrid from the political and party point of view.88 In
the autumn of 1945, he began to visit many pro-Nazi members of the German colony in
Madrid accompanied by two priests, seeking donations for Germans held in Spanish
custody; those priests were Boos and Huber.89 Indeed, the largest fund, the Correa Fund,
was set up and administered by Boos and was based in Barcelona. In addition to using
funds for the support of internees in the Spanish camps, early intelligence reports in 1946
suggested that the funds raised within the German colony were distributed primarily to the
wives and families of interned Abwehr members.90
Allied officials were eager to learn of the role that such Church-sponsored activities
had within the German colony. One contact U.S. officials had was Father Conrad
Simonsen, of the Order of Cappucines in Madrid. Simonsen reported to Earle Titus of the
U.S. Embassy on the role of Church leaders in the process of developing arguments that
used Catholicism as a defense against repatriation; he believed that many Nazis were
finding refuge within the Catholic community, regardless of their personal views on
religion. Such organized activities, approved by the Church and civil authorities in Spain,
suggested the acquiescence of the Spanish government in assisting or at least facilitating
the networks of support that emerged in the aftermath of World War II. To Simonsen, this
amounted to considerable mischief that went beyond simply supplying internees with
food and other goods, and he implied that the continuation of Nazi identity, now within the
framework of the Catholic Church, was really what was happening.91 Another source of
information within the German colony that U.S. officials used was Pastor Bruno Mohr, the
head of the German Protestant Church in Madrid. Mohr was a close friend of the former
German Embassy employee Hans Rothe, who served as an informant for the U.S.
Embassy and American intelligence and thus passed on Mohrs findings. By 1947, when
Rothe left for the United States, Mohr was put in direct contact with the U.S. Embassy and
continued to supply intelligence on Nazism within the German colony. As the leader of the
Protestant Church in Spain, Mohr visited Germans held in Spanish internment camps
while their repatriation status was being investigated. On one of these trips, in January
1946 to the camp at Carranza, which had four hundred internees, Mohr observed how
monies raised for the maintenance of internees, often by Catholic priests, were directed to
certain prisoners, the more vocal pro-Nazi elements, to administer. Thus, such funds were
linked not only to charity but to the intent, in Rothes words, to animate political life
within the camps.92
To a variety of U.S. officials, it became clear that there was a consistent defense of
Nazism and individual Nazis from German Catholic leaders, who worked openly within
the broader Catholic institutions in Spain, with the aim of maintaining a Nazi presence in
Spain, even if it was one without overt political or espionage goals.93 Fearful that German
Catholics and Nazis would become compatible in peoples minds, Father Simonsen and
other prominent German Catholics actively worked with the U.S. Embassy and created a
group of anti-Nazi German Catholics to advocate for themselves with both the U.S. and
the Spanish governments.94 This group did not achieve the significance of those already
established, however, and did not win the support of leading Church officials in Spain,
either. Earle Titus of the U.S. Embassy wrote that the Churchs assistance was sought by
many former Nazis so as to enable them to have the protection of the church by posing as
the defenders of Catholicism against Bolshevism.95 Such a strategy, of course, was well
under way across Europe, not only in Spain. In Italy, many former Nazis were rebaptized
as Catholics in the belief that this could assist their hiding, even though it was against
Canon Law; Gerald Steinacher has called this a form of church denazification.96
Moreover, many leading priests in Rome and other parts of Italy were deeply involved in
the hiding of wanted German war criminals in monasteries and other Church properties.97
Simonsen, although concerned about the politicization of Catholicism as a defense
against Nazism, was not immune to making the same arguments himself. He did so in the
case of Baron Joaquim von Knoblach, the honorary German consul in Alicante during
World War II and earlier. Writing on his behalf, Simonsen underlined that his primary
work as honorary consul before the war had been to organize the evacuation from Alicante
of Germans and Francoist supporters in 1936 when the Republicans attacked; he then
joined the Francoist side and was subsequently transferred to the Condor Legion at the end
of 1936. However, he was never a member of the Nazi Party and had attempted to resign
as consul, but his resignation was not accepted by the German government.98 Luis Carrero
Blanco, subsecretary of the government, characterized von Knoblachs actions as great
service to Spain and not as activism in favor of Nazi Germany.99
While much of the religious defense against claims of Nazism bore similarities to
arguments made in Germany, there was a specific Spanish variant. The interpretation
given by Carrero Blanco in von Knoblachs case suggested that not only did Catholicism
simply make it impossible to be a Nazi, but that religious belief also demonstrated loyalty
and service to the Franco regime. In many cases, like von Knoblachs, individuals religion
was combined with their service during the Civil War in order to make a complete
argument that they supported Francos Spain. Such rhetoric mirrored the regimes own
linkage of national renovation and religious inspiration. Hubert Hahn, an SD agent
arrested by the Spanish in May 1945, as the war ended, and still in prison at Yserias in
March 1946, wrote an appeal against his own deportation and signed his request to be
released as an admirer of Spain and a fervent Catholic.100 The bringing together of proSpanish and Catholic was more deliberate than simply stating that ones Catholicism
made it impossible to be a committed Nazi. Moreover, this led naturally to claiming that
one was better categorized as Spaniard than as German.
Germans as Spaniards
The final strategy for Germans defending themselves against the threat of repatriation, of
those who spoke up and tried to shape their own fate in the face of U.S. policy and the
Spanish governments response, was to be even more blunt than the petitioners already
examined and simply argue that they were, in effect, Spaniards. For the most part they
were Germans who had lived in Spain since before the Nazi rise to power in 1933. They
usually had come to Spain for business and only became involved in politics and service
to the Nazi state much later. Most of them had married Spanish women and had children
born in Spain. These people, however, made up the core of the Abwehr in Spain, which by
1944 employed 220 people directly and had more than one thousand agents, most of
whom came from the German colony already in existence in Spain or were employees of
German businesses that developed in Spain after 1936.101 Friedrich Burkhardt combined
his conversion to Catholicism, his first marriage to a Spaniard, his service in Francos
army, and his residence in Spain since 1913 to declare Spain as my second country; he
did, he claimed, only a little work for the German Embassy during the war and viewed
what happened to Germany under Nazism as a Spaniard.102 According to OSS records,
Burkhardt had served the Abwehr in Seville, where he was based, from 1943 onward.103
Marriage was the primary argument through which the claim to effectively be Spanish
was made, with length of time in Spain usually also a featured component. In most cases
these two circumstances went hand in hand. This was true whether the petitioner was on
one of the priority lists and his arrest was potentially imminent or whether he was on a
lower priority list and was simply contacted by the U.S. and UK embassies and asked to
consider voluntary repatriation. In the first instance, higher-priority candidates for
repatriation, such as Wilhelm Meyer, protested the Spanish order to intern him at Caldas
de Malavella in May 1945. He cited his residency in Bilbao for thirty-two years and his
marriage to a Spaniard for twenty-four years and noted that his only political activity was
not as a German, but as a Spaniard, joining the Falange during the Civil War.104 In the
second instance, for expulsion candidates of lower priority, Max Ludwig Muller-Bohm,
for example, received requests for voluntary repatriation from his local police in
Barcelona and from the British-American Repatriation Centre in February 1946. He
argued against these requests based on his residency in Spain since 1930 and his marriage
to a Spaniard. He went on to note that his two children were born in Barcelona and
baptized in the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. To him, these facts mattered more than his
absence from Spain to work in Germany during the Republican period in Barcelona, his
work in Tetuan, Spanish Morocco, from 1938 to 1943, or his membership in the German
Labor Front (DAF) of the Nazi Party.105
These arguments also proved to be the most convincing to Spanish officials, many of
whom used the same arguments in petitioning their Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protect
their German friends under the line of argument that whether these Germans were actual
Spanish citizens did not matter. When citizenship was not possible, the Spanish
government used the idea of Germans incorporated into Spanish life. This phrase was
first used by the political director of the Foreign Ministry, Roberto Satorres, in a
December 1945 discussion with American and British officials, indicating that it referred
to Germans with many years residency in Spain, a Spanish spouse, or children of Spanish
nationality.106 In the case of Alfred Menzell, formerly of the German naval attachs office,
one of the leading figures in Spanish government, Luis Carrero Blanco, wrote to Artajo
with Francisco Francos approval. He advocated that Menzell be exempted from
repatriation in part on the basis of his residency in Spain since 1918, his marriage to a
Spaniard in 1925, and the birth of three children on Spanish soil. These facts, argued
Carrero Blanco, meant Menzells inclusion on a repatriation list could only be a
bureaucratic error.107 This, despite the fact that the U.S. Embassy made the protection of
Menzell by Spanish officials, including the security services, a major point of complaint in
a subsequent meeting with Artajo, suggesting he was in fact one of the prominent targets
for repatriation.108
Most of the Germans with ties to Nazi espionage, diplomacy, and party activity facing
Allied repatriation policy in Spain sought to avoid deportation to occupied Central Europe.
In many cases, they were able to draw upon arguments used within occupied Germany and
Austria. This was especially so of Catholic Germans, whose reinterpretation of their recent
past echoed interpretations used by Catholics at home. However, the advantage of being in
Spain also allowed them to tap into interpretations of the war used by the Franco regime
itself. In these instances, service in wartime could be connected to Civil War service, even
if for Germany in the Condor Legion, to represent a long-term commitment to Francoism,
not Nazism. Anti-Communism played an important role in this, as well as more broadly
defined Spanish nationalism.
Given the international politics of the time period and the reluctance of the Franco
regime to cooperate with the Allied Control Commission in rounding up Germans and
Austrians after the war, it was unlikely that the postwar repatriation of obnoxious
Germans would have any chance of success. Francoist stalling was clear and consistent
throughout this time period, for the Spanish regime did not accept the legitimate right of
the ACC to order deportation, and any agreements made with the United States and
Britain were concluded purely for political reasons, to preserve the regimes position
with the Western powers.109 The result was the minimal level of cooperation.110 By 1947,
the onset of the Cold War and the beginning of the end of denazification in occupied
Germany combined to weaken support within the U.S. government to pursue the
remaining cases for deportation from Spain.111
Nonetheless, interpretations of the recent past used by Germans in Spain are worth
examining. In their petitions to the Franco regime, these Germans, of various backgrounds
and various levels of commitment to Nazism, used their unique situation to make
arguments that were often more political than one might suspect. In placing themselves
within the Spanish context, as advocates of Francoism, they defended their personal
histories as advocates of nondemocratic regimes. Here, then, we have an instance of
denazification that was not developed with an eye to the inevitability of democracy and
change as perceived by the victorious Allied powers in western Germany or occupied
Austria. Even if we interpret those who used Catholicism as employing a tool to distance
themselves from Nazism, the implication in Spain was that their future lay there, within
the context of a very pro-Catholic government, a regime that would elevate the status of
Catholics more than whatever might come into existence in Germany. The appeal to
Catholicism in Spain, therefore, needs to be interpreted as a political commitment to
Francoism in a way that Catholicism as a means of distancing oneself from Nazism was
not in occupied Germany. Naturally, in each case of a German in Spain, it is impossible to
measure the level of an individuals commitment to Nazism, or democracy, or anything
else, with the evidence gathered from Spanish and American official archives. Yet it is
striking that these individuals not only were attempting to limit the extent of
denazification proceedings they may have faced; they also were seeking to make a
commitment to Francoism, which provides a strange twist on the development of
denazification outside of occupied Germany that the members of the Allied Control Coun
eil could never have foreseen when they developed a policy to hunt Nazis in neutral states
like Spain.
Portions of this chapter were published in David Messenger, Hunting Nazis in Francos Spain (Baton Rouge: Louisiana
State University Press, 2014).
1. Ronald Newton, The United States, the German-Argentines, and the Myth of the Fourth Reich, 194347,
Hispanic American Historical Review 64, no. 1 (1985): 8586.
2. Manuel Ros Agudo, La guerra secreta de Franco (19391945) (Barcelona: Crtica, 2002), 20910.
3. Carlos Collado Seidel, Espaa y los agents alemanes 19441947: Intransigencia y pragmatism politico, Espacio,
Tiempo y Forma, Serie V., Historia Contempornea (1992): 436.
4. Ros Agudo, La guerra secreta, 21017.
5. RG 226 Office of Strategic Services, entry 127, box 28, Haig Files, January 31, 1946, U.S. National Archives
and Records Administration, College Park, MD (hereafter NARA).
6. RG 457 National Security Agency/Central Security Service, The German Intelligence Series: Spain, October 1,
1944, NARA. This document from 1944 clearly defines Paul Winzer as different from Walter Eugen Mosig, another SD
agent in Spain, although other sources, including the German Wikipedia (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Winzer,
accessed February 28, 2012), argue they were one and the same. My research indicates a high likelihood that they were
in fact two different people.
7. Ros Agudo, La guerra secreta, 191201.
8. RG 226, entry 190A, box 24, NARA, contains information on one such case of an agent under cover in a trading
firm, that of SD agent Walter Schwedke and the Hamburg-based business Harder & De Vose; see the series of memos by
the OSS, beginning July 11, 1946, in this file.
9. Katrin Paehler, Foreign Intelligence in a New Paradigm: Amt VI of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA), in
Secret Intelligence and the Holocaust, ed. David Bankier (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2006), 279.
10. Richard Breitman, Nazi Espionage: The Abwehr and SD Foreign Intelligence, in U.S. Intelligence and the
Nazis, by Richard Breitman, Norman Goda, Timothy Naftali, and Robert Wolfe (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2005), 107.
11. RG 226, entry 210, box 35, British Passport Control Officer to British Chancery (copied to U.S. Embassy), June
27, 1946, NARA.
12. Carlos Collado Seidel, Espaa: Refugio Nazi (Madrid: Temas de hoy, 2005), 54.
13. Most important here were a series of policies developed as the war ended and the occupation of Germany began:
the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF) November 1944 Directive for Military
Government in Germany, which emphasized the necessity of automatic arrest and internment of various Nazi Party
members; the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Resolution 1067 for U.S. Occupation Policy; and the Allied Control Council
(ACC) Directive 24, issued in January 1946, which used JCS 1067 as a model to outline ninety-nine categories of Nazis
subject to automatic arrest and detention. See Perry Biddiscombe, Denazification: A History, 19451950 (Stroud, UK:
Tempus, 2007), 3339; and Frank M. Buscher, The U.S. War Crimes Trial Program in Germany, 19461955 (New York:
Praeger, 1989), 19.
14. RG 226, entry 127, box 3, U.S. Embassy Madrid to State Department, September 10, 1946, NARA.
15. Jose Mara Irujo, La lista negra: Los espas Nazis protegidos por Franco y la Iglesia (Madrid: Aguilar, 2003),
16. ABC (Madrid) and ABC (Sevilla), May 18, 1946.
17. ABC (Madrid), May 7, 1946.
18. Wayne H. Bowen, Spaniards and Nazi Germany: Collaboration in the New Order (Columbia: University of
Missouri Press, 2000), 29.
19. Stanley Payne, Franco and Hitler: Spain, Germany and World War II (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,
2008), 29.
20. Ros Agudo, La guerra secreta, 133.
21. Ibid., 200.
22. Ibid., 321.
23. RG 226, entry 183, box 8, Report XX-7785, June 28, 1945, NARA.
24. Hilary Earl, The Nuremberg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial, 19451958: Atrocity, Law and History (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2009), 49.
25. RG 226, entry 183, box 8, Memo. of Conversation with Logie, Copeland and Milton, Bennett and Horwin and
Bernhardt, July 26, 1945, NARA.
26. Seyla Benhabib, The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents and Citizens (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2004), 55.
27. Donald Bloxham, The Genocidal Past in Western Germany and the Experience of Occupation, 19456,
European History Quarterly 34, no. 3 (2004): 307.
28. Jeffrey Herf, Divided Memory: The Nazi Past in the Two Germanies (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
1997), 202.
29. Ibid., 225.
30. Paloma Aguilar, Memory and Amnesia: The Role of the Spanish Civil War in the Transition to Democracy, trans.
Mark Oakley (New York: Berghahn Books, 2002), 30.
31. Ibid., 46.
32. Ibid., 61.
33. Javier Rodrigo, Cautivos: Campos de concentracin en la Espaa franquista, 19361947 (Barcelona: Crtica,
2005), 127, 128.
34. Michael Richards, From War Culture to Civil Society: Francoism, Social Change and Memories of the Spanish
Civil War, History and Memory 14, nos. 12 (2002): 99.
35. Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez, Fear and Progress: Ordinary Lives in Francos Spain, 19391975 (Oxford: WileyBlackwell, 2010), 25.
36. Archivo Renovado (R) 2159/6, Nutz to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 22, 1946, Spain, Archivo General
del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Madrid (hereafter AMAE).
37. R 2159/3, Giese to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 31, 1945, AMAE.
38. RG 226, entry 210, box 35, British Passport Control Office to British Embassy Madrid, copied to U.S. Embassy,
Madrid, June 27, 1946, NARA.
39. R 21690/4, Lequerica to Carrero Blanco, November 22, 1944, AMAE.
40. R 2159/4, von Eitzen to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, August 11, 1945, AMEA; R 2159/6, von Eitzen to Ministry
of Foregn Affairs, January 18, 1946, AMAE; R 2159/6, Casa Civil de El Jefe del Estado y Generalissimo de los
Ejercitos to Artajo, February 20, 1946, AMAE.
41. R 2160/4, Moreno to Lequerica, November 15, 1944, AMAE.
42. RG 226, entry 127, box 1, Agent SAINT BC 012 to SAINT BC 001, May 19, 1945, NARA.
43. R 2159/1, British Embassy Madrid to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 16, 1944, AMAE.
44. RG 226, entry 127, box 1, Agent SAINT BC 012 to SAINT BC 001, May 31, 1945, and August 31, 1945,
45. R 2159/3, Genserowsky to Foreign Minister, May 28, 1945, AMAE.
46. R 2160/4, Martinez de Campos to Lequerica, June 16, 1945, AMAE.
47. R 5161/7, DG Seguridad General Memo., May 7, 1948, AMAE.
48. R 2159/1, DG Seguridad General to DG Politica Exterior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, August 8, 1944, AMAE.
85. R 5161/19, Cardinal Enrique Pla y Deniel to Artajo, May 13, 1946, AMAE.
86. R 2160/2, Memo., DG Politica Exterior to DG Seguridad General, June 5, 1946, AMAE.
87. R 2160/1, Boos to Artajo, June 1, 1946, AMAE.
88. RG 226, entry 190A, box 23, Gillie Howell Memo., February 26, 1946, NARA.
89. RG 84, entry 3161, box 98, Titus to Park, November 18, 1946, NARA.
90. RG 84, entry 3162, box 97, Rhodes to Ford, January 21, 1946, NARA.
91. RG 226, entry 190A, box 27, Memo by Titus, December 2, 1945, NARA.
92. RG 226, entry 210, box 35, Rothe Report, January 16, 1946, NARA.
93. RG 65 Federal Bureau of Investigation, box 152, FBIU.S. Embassy Report, February 10, 1947, NARA.
94. R 5161/19, Simonsen to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 26, 1946, AMAE.
95. RG 226, entry 190A, box 27, Memo by Titus, December 2, 1945, NARA.
96. Gerald Steinacher, Nazis on the Run: How Hitlers Henchmen Fled Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2011), 154.
97. Ibid., 10158.
98. R 2160/4, Simonsen to Doussinague, July 22, 1945; copied to Artajo on November 16, 1945, AMAE.
99. R 2160/4, Carrero Blanco to Doussinague, February 19, 1946, AMAE.
100. R 2159/6, Hahn to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 1, 1946, AMAE.
101. Ros Agudo, La guerra secreta, 217.
102. R 2160/1, Burkhardt to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, no date, AMAE.
103. RG 226, entry 127, box 3, Consolidated List of Persons Who Worked for the German Intelligence Services in
Spain, Compiled from Sources within Germany, September 26, 1946, NARA.
104. R 2159/3, Meyer to Minister of Foreign Affairs, May 26, 1945, AMAE.
105. R 2159/6, Muller-Bohm to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 29, 1946, AMAE.
106. R 5161/19, Satorres, Note of Meeting with Baldwin and Bramwell, December 28, 1945, AMAE.
107. R 2160/4, Carrero Blanco to Artajo, September 4, 1946, AMAE.
108. RG 226, entry 210, Titus to Bonsal, November 29, 1946, NARA.
109. R 5161/19, Memo., Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 10, 1946, AMAE.
110. David A. Messenger, Beyond War Crimes: Denazification, Obnoxious Germans and US Policy in Francos
Spain after the Second World War, Contemporary European History 20, no. 4 (2011): 473.
111. Ibid., 477.
Siegfried Zoglmann, His Circle of Writers,
and the Naumann Affair
A Nazi Propaganda Operation in Postwar Germany
Susanna Schrafstetter
In 1991 the famous spy novelist John Le Carr wrote in a new introduction to A Small
Town in Germany, his 1967 thriller, The West Germany of Konrad Adenauer was not all
lovely by any means: old players from the Hitler time were two-a-penny, whether they
were such men as Adenauers own minence grise Herr Globke, or such luminaries of
the Free Democratic Party as Herr Achenbach, or the ebullient Herr Zoglmann, who
only eighteen years before had been a high-ranking figure in the Hitler Youth.1 By 1991
Globke and Achenbach had become emblematic of those former National Socialists who
had managed to rebuild careers in West Germany after the collapse of Nazism. By
contrast, Siegfried Zoglmann has remained an underexamined old player from the Hitler
time. The head of the Reich Youth Leadership (Reichsjugendfhrung) in Bohemia and
Moravia, an editor of Hitler Youth newspapers, and a member of the Waffen-SS,
Zoglmann enjoyed an illustrious career in the Free Democratic Party (FDP). As a member
of the Bundestag from 1957 to 1976, he served as deputy chairman of the FDP
parliamentary group until 1968. In 1969 he entered the political limelight for his
spectacular breakaway from his party in protest against Chancellor Willy Brandts
Ostpolitik. Yet in 19521953, Zoglmann had played a part in the notorious Naumann
Affair. In January 1953 British authorities, using their prerogatives under the Occupation
Statute, had arrested a number of former National Socialists for attempted subversion of
the FDP. The conspiracy, named after its main protagonist, Werner Naumann, the former
deputy of Joseph Goebbels in the Propaganda Ministry, involved a diffuse circle of former
Nazis active at high levels of the FDP in the state of North RhineWestphalia. Zoglmann
was one of the conspirators who also ran a circle of journalists that provided the
propagandistic platform of the conspiracy. While West German democracy had not been
under immediate threat from the activities of the Naumann circle, the subsequent
investigation highlighted the political activities and influence of former Nazis and certain
failures of the earlier denazification process.
Much has been written on the Naumann Affair and its repercussions on German
politics and Vergangenheitsbewltigung (coping with the Nazi past), as well as on its
impact on Anglo-German relations.2 Most recently, Kristian Buchnas detailed study of the
subject has led to considerable attention from the media and to renewed questions about
whether the FDP has failed to confront its problematic postwar past.3 Buchna detailed the
connections among former Hitler Youth officials in the Naumann circle, including
Zoglmann. However, both the investigation into the affair in 1953 and the historiography
since then have centered largely on the key protagonists, especially Werner Naumann
himself; Friedrich Middelhauve, the head of the FDP in North RhineWestphalia;
Wolfgang Diewerge, Middelhauves personal assistant, who had been a high-ranking
official of Goebbelss Ministry of Propaganda; and Ernst Achenbach, a former attach in
the German Embassy in Paris during the Nazi period and a member of the FDP State
Board (Landesvorstand) in North RhineWestphalia. By contrast, Zoglmanns role in the
conspiracy, and his activities in National Socialist networks more generally, have attracted
little attention. Zoglmann was not only a politician but also a journalist. As editor of the
FDP weeklies Die Plattform and Die Deutsche Zukunft, he oversaw the dissemination of
revisionist ideas and cultivated a close circle of former Nazis in Germany and Austria,
providing them with an ideological home and an outlet for their political views. Zoglmann
was at the center of this journalistic network of former National Socialists that understood
itself as the propagandistic spearhead of the national rallying (Nationale Sammlung)
envisaged by the Naumann circle. Among them were the key protagonists of the Naumann
conspiracy (often publishing under pseudonyms) as well as a range of lesser-known,
second-tier National Socialist journalists and writers such as Werner Beumelburg, Gnter
Kaufmann, once a top assistant to Baldur von Schirach, or Wolfgang von Wolmar, former
head of the press department in the Reich Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The
network, its papers, and their contributors have never been examined in detail; they are at
the center of the following analysis.
Opening of the 5th Training Camp of the Curatorium for the Education of Youth in
Bohemia and Moravia in Mnicha Palace, Prague, November 22, 1942. Right to left: Willy
Dressler, Siegfried Zoglmann, Ernst Schaschenk, unidentified, Emanuel Moravec,
unidentified. Bpk, Berlin/Art Resource, NY.
Born in 1913 in Neumark/Sudetenland (today Veruby, Czech Republic), Siegfried
Zoglmann was the fifth son of the farmer Josef Zoglmann and his wife Maria. He attended
the German Trade Academy in Plze, graduating in 1931. He was already a Nazi activist
by this time, having joined the German National Socialist Workers Party in the
Sudetenland and its youth organization in 1928 (at age fifteen). After leaving school he
was employed as a party activist, engaged in editing work. Following his arrest by Czech
officials in 1933 on account of his political activity, for which he served a short prison
sentence, Zoglmann fled to Germany in 1934, where he joined the NSDAP and the Hitler
In 1935 Zoglmann was appointed head of the Foreign Press Office
(Auslandspressestelle) of the Reich Youth Leadership, a position he held until 1939. In
this position, he served as editor of the Hitler Youth newspapers Der Morgen and Der
Pimpf from February to July of 1937 and coauthored further publications.5 Especially
striking in the volumes of Der Morgen and Der Pimpf edited by Zoglmann was the strong
focus on Hitler. While his successor published several issues in a row without articles on
Hitler, the volumes that appeared between March and July 1937 were full of articles about,
and pictures of, the Fhrer.6 Similarly, Zoglmanns 1938 publication Sudetenland
Marschiet was fully focused on Hitler as liberator and savior of the Sudetenland.
In 1939 Zoglmann was sent to the Reich Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia as a
representative of the Reich Youth Leadership. Subsequently, he volunteered for service in
the Waffen-SS, and in March 1943 he was assigned to the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler. He
was posted to the eastern front in March 1943. From July 1943 he participated in the
occupation of northern Italy, where he engaged, in his own words, in anti-guerilla
warfare [Bandenbekmpfung] in Istria.7 Bandenbekmpfung was a cynical Nazi
euphemism for killing anyone suspected of real or perceived activity against the German
occupation. In November Zoglmann returned to the eastern front. He spent the first half of
1944 at the SS-Junker-Schule Braunschweig in Posen (Poznan), from which he graduated
with high marks. His superiors remarked that, as an old fighter and Hitler Youth leader,
he showed a special interest in National Socialist ideology. They also noted, somewhat
cryptically, He has a special talent for organizing celebrations.8 In October 1944
Zoglmann, now promoted to Untersturmfhrer, returned to the front, where he served as
Ordonanzoffizier, personal adjutant to Sturmbannfhrer Karl Rettlinger, the commander of
the SS-Panzerjger Abteilung 1.9
In 1955 Zoglmann claimed that at the end of the war he had moved to Bavaria to work
at his cousins farm, in the hope that this would facilitate the issuing of a release certificate
(Entlassungsschein) from the American authorities, as agricultural laborers were
desperately needed at the time. He claimed to have been released by the Americans shortly
after reporting to the U.S. POW camp in the town of Landshut.10 However, he did not
provide an exact date of his release, and Zoglmanns CIA file maintains that he was
captured in Austria and interned there until August 1945. Also unclear are his
whereabouts until 1950, when he resurfaced in Dsseldorf and became press officer of the
FDP for North RhineWestphalia. All of Zoglmanns CVs contain gaping holes for the
years 19451950.
According to a report in his CIA file, Zoglmann remained in Austria until 1949 to
avoid denazification proceedings in Germany.11 Given that no evidence of Zoglmanns
denazification, or of his professional activities between 1945 and 1950, could be found,
the view of the CIA report seems credible. How it was that he came to surface in North
RhineWestphalia thus remains an open question. What is clear is that by 1950, several
old acquaintances of Zoglmann were in charge of administering the FDP Landesverband
attention, as did appeals to end denazification and release German war criminals. The
following examplesdrawn from among manyprovide an overview of the papers key
The specialist for anti-Western, and specifically anti-American, sentiment was a
certain W. Breidenbacher, who regularly raged against Allied victimization of Germany.
Under the headline Everything Is the Germans Fault, Breidenbacher ranted about Allied
commissioners who had asked Adenauer to deprive North Koreans of materials by
inhibiting West German exports to the Eastern bloc. He wrote, This time Generals of
German blood cannot be hanged, this timeunfortunatelythey were not involved.
Hence it had to be the German merchant, German industry, German trade that wereas
the biggest smugglers of all timeaccused of planning to stab the UN in the back.42
Breidenbacher also wrote a defamatory personal attack against Ludwig Rosenberg, a
member of the board of the German Trade Union Association (and its chairman starting in
1962). A Jewish-German trade union activist, Rosenberg had been forced to flee the Nazis
in 1933, returning to Germany from exile in London after the war. Under the headline
Another Amt Rosenberg, Breidenbacher claimed that Rosenberg had become an enemy
of Germany during his exile and that, since his return from Britain, he had been fueling
the propaganda machinery in preparation for a seizure of power by the trade unions.43 The
victim had been turned into the perpetrator. As there is no record for the existence of a real
journalist by the name of W. Breidenbacher, the name was in all probability the
pseudonym of one of Zoglmanns FDP friends.44
The piece on Rosenberg appeared in the July 20, 1951, edition of Die Plattform,
together with an unsigned article on the Battle of El Alamein. Titled The Victory [in
Alamein] Dangled by a Thread, it claimed that German troops may well have won the
battle had they not accidentally drunk some salt water. Placed directly beneath the El
Alamein story was a piece, also unsigned, on the annual Lippoldsberger Dichtertreffen, a
meeting of poets organized by Hans Grimm, the author of Volk ohne Raum, a book
published in 1926 that is widely seen as a blueprint for Nazi expansionist ideas. Die
Plattform did not neglect to mention that the Nazi poet Grimm declared that today it is
more important than ever to show the German Volksgenossen that there is a free, healthy
German poetry growing out of the German soil like trees.45 The issue appearing on the
anniversary of the failed coup of July 20, 1944, against Hitler contained a highly
polemical piece by Egmont Roth on the German military resistance. Defaming the men of
July 20 was a major themeDie Plattform ran a whole series in 19511952 titled
Bendlerstrasse: Betrayal and Espionage in Hitlers Secret Service.46
Felix Haen, aka Wolfgang von Wolmar, typically contributed articles devoted to
France, contemporary political affairs, and sentimental war stories. In a lengthy review of
the memoirs of Otto Abetz, Wolmar endorsed the authors claims that Hitler had wanted
peace after Poland was defeated and that France and Britain had been at fault for refusing
it.47 A similar piece, titled Whos Fault Was Rotterdam, contended that the Dutch
general Henri Winkelmann had foolishly provoked the bombing of the city, an action that
was still branded a German war crime in international propaganda.48 Nobody took
responsibility for this unsigned article.
It was also common for the contributors to use their articles to whitewash one another.
Celebrating the professional career of Professor Friedrich Grimm, Gnter Kaufmann,
former head of the press department of the Reich Youth leadership, defended Grimms
record with a summary of dubious accomplishments: Te Cairo trial of Jews against
Germany, the Gustloff trial, the Berne Zionists trial, the trial against Grnspan, the
murderer of vom Rathall those are the big political trials before the start of the Second
World War in which Grimm can still effectively defend the idea of the rule of law.49
Kaufmann had a long postwar record of distributing Nazi propaganda that continued well
into the 1990s.50 In 1999 he published Auf Teufel komm raus: Unwahrheiten und Lgen
ber die nationalsozialistische Jugendbewegung, which not only exposed him as an
unreconstructed National Socialist who had learned absolutely nothing, but also contained
a section entitled People Who Shouldered Responsibility in the Hitler Youth and in the
Democratic Rechtsstaat. It provides a list of sixty-six exemplary Germans, among them
Siegfried Zoglmann, Heinz Schmidt (FDP), Heinz Lange (FDP), Horst Huisgen (another
former HJ-Gebietsfhrer who was part of the Naumann circle), Wolfgang Dring, and
Otto Abetz.
In 1951 one of the contributions by Carl Albert Drewitz was a eulogy to the Dnitz
government. It concluded with the lines, Looking back, one has to say that the Dnitz
government accomplished something practically impossible. Much pain and suffering
could have been avoided, if the Allies had followed the competent advice of the caretaker
government of the Reich. The circumstances under which the arrests of Admiral Dnitz,
his cabinet, and the members of the OKW took place were humiliating. Those responsible
for these orders should be ashamed of themselves.51 In addition to articles published
under his own name, Drewitz also likely penned other articles signed C. Albert.52
In November 1951 Die Plattform published an article by Felix Rothberg about the
Sudeten German Tragedy. The author juxtaposed the murder of Sudeten Germans, for
which he gave the highly exaggerated number of 700,000, with the German massacre of
Czechs in Lidice, which had claimed 184 lives. The author then asked how it had been
possible for a people like the Czechs to fall into such a murderous frenzy (Blutrausch).
According to Rothberg, the Czechs had never had it as good as they did under the
Germans. When in the final days of the war, Dr. Benesch called on his people to change
sides, the Czech people had to silence their bad conscience as collaborators. Now they had
to demonstrate to the Allies that only under the pressure of violent German rule had they
collaborated. The Czechs had to rise against the German oppressors, a bloody and cruel
fake revolution had to be unleashed, and Dr. Benesch called on the Czechs to take
everything from the Germans.53
An even more defamatory version of the article appeared six months later in Die
Deutsche Zukunft. The argument was similarwith one exception. The author claimed
that Dr. Benesch had also been responsible for both the assassination of Reinhard
Heydrich and the Lidice massacre. Supposedly, Benesch had wanted both the
assassination and the massacre in order to turn the Czechs against the Germans. The piece
included a full page of pictures, among them a stamp featuring Heydrichs image that had
been issued after his assassination and a picture of Wenceslas Square in Prague over the
caption, After 1945 the worst mass torture of Germans took place here.54 The number of
German victims had risen from 700,000 in the earlier article to 800,000 in this one. This
time Egmont Roth, not Felix Rothberg, signed as author. Most likely, Felix Rothberg
(occasionally Dr. Felix Rothberg) and Egmont Roth were pseudonyms used by an author
who frequently contributed to Die Plattform and Die Deutsche Zukunft. Real journalists
with those names did not seem to have existed.55 Egmont Roth often signed for the most
vicious articles in both papers.
From 1954 onward, Die Deutsche Zukunft and Der Fortschritt, the extreme-right-wing
paper of the Hilden industrialist Gert Spindler, closely cooperated. Zoglmann became
editor-in-chief of both papers.56 Spindler was a confidant of Naumann and a close
associate ofWalter Brand and Zoglmann, and Zoglmann had been invited to Spindlers
notorious Altenburger Treffen, meetings who attendees included former National
Socialists at Spind lers estate in 19501951.57 Interestingly, at Der Fortschritt the
editorial comment alternated between SZ and ERthe writing style is very similar.58
Following the demise of Der Fortschritt in 1960, Egmont Roth also wrote for the FDP
paper Das freie Wort.
In the 1980s Egmont Roth contributed to Das Ostpreussenblatt, the weekly paper of
the Landsmannschaft Ostpreussen, in his usual vein. The editor-in-chief of Das
Ostpreussenblatt was an old acquaintance of Zoglmann, Hugo Wellems, a former HJBannfhrer and former official of both the Reich Youth Leadership and the Goebbels
Ministry. During the war he had led the NS-Propagandaamt in Kowno. After Siegfried
Zoglmann left the FDP in protest against Brandts Ostpolitik in 1971 to form a new party,
the German Union, Hugo Wellems served as its press liaison. He also served as editor-inchief for the Deutschland-Journal, a newspaper published by the Nordwestdeutscher
Zeitungsverlag, which Zoglmann had bought in 1958. Zoglmann had also been a member
in Wellemss Staats- und Wirtschaftspolitische Gesellschaft, which used obscure big
business financial donations to mobilize against Ostpolitik.59 Who ultimately wrote under
the pseudonym Egmont Roth cannot be clarified with certainty.60 What is certain is that
either the person was close to Zoglmann or it was Zoglmann himself.
Following the Naumann Affair, Siegfried Zoglmann was asked about the 1952 version
of the Lidice article, as it had caused some protest. A couple of concerned voices had used
it as evidence to complain that the FDP paper possessed a Nazi agenda.61 Zoglmann was
confronted with complaints about Fhrerverherrlichungglorification of the Fhrerin
his paper. He claimed to have reread the piece on Lidice, maintaining that it may have
been misunderstood. He also said that, at the time, the article must have slipped his
attention.62 Die Plattform and Die Deutsche Zukunft had a clear ideological agenda. There
was a heavy emphasis on relativizing German crimes, on the glorification of the German
military effort, on the promotion of revisionist history, on the victimization of Germans
by the Western Allies, and, above all, on the suffering of the Sudeten Germans (and all
ethnic German expellees more generally). It was not, as one critic claimed,
Fhrerverherrlichung. While Fhrerverherrlichung is evident in Zoglmanns
publications from the late 1930s, he was smart enough to understand that crude Hitler
apologias and anti-Semitism would be politically and legally unacceptable in postwar
Germany. The themes, centering on the exculpation of National Socialism and the millions
who had supported it, formed the framework for the papers main aimpromoting the
national rallying (Nationale Sammlung) envisaged by the Naumann circle.63 Die
Deutsche Zukunft provided the fanfare and popular mobilization for the German
Program of the FDP in North RhineWestphalia, which Zoglmann had coauthored with
Middelhauve, Diewerge, and others. Framed in black, white, and red and announced at the
state party conference (Landesparteitag) in Bielefeld to the sound of Franz Liszts Les
Preludesas Kristian Buchna observed, this was the music that had introduced news from
the Russian front during the Third Reichthe German Program centered on the notion
of a Deutsche Sammlung, claiming, [The] German Reich was the traditional way of life
of our people.64
In his calls for a national rallying in Die Deutsche Zukunft, Zoglmann presented the
FDP as a genuinely new party of the German youth, one without ties to the Nazi or
Weimar pasts. According to Zoglmann, it was also the only party that did not owe its
formation to the Allied powers, as it had been built by a new generation emerging from
POW and internment camps. These young forces, Zoglmann wrote, who had
consciously overcome the collapse of a totalitarian state which they had served out of
youthful drive and utterly selfless enthusiasmalways a prerogative of the youngare
the basis on which a combative and committed democracy can build the solid walls of its
new house.65 New, different from the other parties, young, genuinely German, formed in
the land of our peoples destiny (Schicksalsraum unseres Volkes), the FDP in North
RhineWestphalia was, in actuality, a club of middle-aged former Nazi functionaries eager
to seek positions of influence and power in the guise of a purportedly new movement,
advertising some all-too-familiar characteristics of fascist partiesyouthful, new,
different, combative, genuinely national. The language was intended to appeal to old and
young alike. Zoglmanns call for a rallying of Germanys youth appeared repeatedly in
Die Deutsche Zukunft.66 On one occasion it was garnished with the claim that if the SPD
were to come to power, the result would be much worse than Hitlers having come to
power in 1933.67
In 1951 Zoglmann attended meetings of the NS-Bruderschaft, where he declared that
he had only joined a democratic party because he thought this would be the best way for
former Nazis to return to power.68 Zoglmann accepted the necessity of playing by the rules
of parliamentary democracy. His circles major goal was to facilitate a merger of the FDP
with the parties on the Far Right, most importantly the Deutsche Partei, into a united
front of the righteous.69 Zoglmanns party colleague Reinhold Maier, the prime minister
of Baden-Wrttemberg, who represented the opposite end of the political spectrum in the
FDP, described the threat realistically at the FDP party conference in Bad Ems in
November 1952: It [the danger] lies in the possibility that a national movement of the farright is formed which does not necessarily present itself as radically anti-democratic,
but sees democracy as an issue of lesser importance, and, as a consequence, willingly or
unwillingly, develops authoritarian structures You can win the first round with a move to
the right and, at the same time, more or less remain within the framework of parliamentary
democracy. The second round will be won by members of a younger generation in that
movement. They have strong elbows.70 The united front of the righteous would be led
by people like Werner Naumann, and Zoglmanns paper was its most vocal organ.
Naumann had also tried to make suggestions about hiring of newspaper staff to Zoglmann
something that Zoglmann later denied.71 Some of Wolfgang Diewerges testimony
indicated that Naumann may have worked on the final draft of the program with
Diewerge, Middelhauve, and Dring.72 Whether or not Naumann had any direct contact
with Zoglmann is irrelevant, as the political tenor of the FDP papers and the background
of their staff speaks for itself.
The united front of the righteous extended into Austria, where old contacts were
maintained. The investigation into the Naumann Affair identified Zoglmann as a liaison
to Austrian National Socialists.73 Given the likelihood that Zoglmann had hidden himself
in Austria between 1945 and 1950, this is not all that surprising. The connections were
manifold. Zoglmann was in direct contact with Alfred Frauenfeld, former Gauleiter of
Vienna and Generalkommissar for Tauria (Crimea). Fearing arrest in Austria, Frauenfeld
lived in Germany after the war. Frauenfeld was also a friend of Gnter Kaufmann, one of
the former Reich youth leaders and a former head of the Reich Propaganda Office in
Vienna, who wrote for Die Deutsche Zukunft. When they were prisoners of war,
Frauenfeld wrote numerous articles under various pseudonyms for the camp newspaper,
which was edited by Kaufmann.74 Quite possibly, he continued writing under pseudonyms
for Die Plattform and Die Deutsche Zukunft. Werner Naumann was in contact with a
Salzburg lawyer, Dr. Hans Freyborn, a founding member of the Verband der
Unabhngigen (VdU), who intended to send greetings to Zoglmann from very old
friends.75 Freyborn had been a writer for the Vlkischer Beobachter. The VdU (League of
the Independent) was a reservoir of former Austrian National Socialists formed in 1949
under the leadership of Viktor Reimann, deputy to the editor-in-chief of the Salzburger
Nachrichten, which was notorious as a hotbed of former National Socialists.76
Middelhauve, Dring, and Wilke went to Salzburg in the summer of 1952 to meet with
Freyborn and VdU members to discuss the German Program.77 Wolfgang Wolfram von
Wolmar worked not only for Die Deutsche Zukunft, but also for the Salzburger
Nachrichten.78 Middelhauve reported about the meeting with the VdU members: We
totally agreed in our discussions. Because the VdU also is an organization, a political
party, that thinks that we are one great Volk that has to come together, no matter what the
political path to do so might be.79
These activities came to an abrupt halt with the British raid against the Naumann circle
in January 1953. While Die Deutsche Zukunft raged against the British intervention,
presenting it as an attack against all Germans that was intended to torpedo the friendly
relations between Bonn and Washington, the national leadership of the FDP
(Bundesvorstand) started its own investigation.80 The Bundesvorstand saw Zoglmanns
role criticallyduring the Bundesvorstands discussion of the affair in April of 1953, his
resignation seemed almost a foregone conclusion.81 One member of the Bundesvorstand,
Alfred Gnzel, acknowledgedself-criticallythat we had looked at Die Deutsche
Zukunft with a little concern but what we should have really admitted to ourselves is that
Die Deutsche Zukunft tried desperately hard to look like Der Angriff [the National
Socialist newspaper for Berlin].82 (A certain similarity in the logo is indeed discernible.)
However, in a June 1953 memorandum from the FDP Landesverband (state association) of
North RhineWestphalia, Zoglmanns role in the affair was whitewashed, and the
Landesverband did not see any reasons to take any action against him.83 Zoglmann was
given ample opportunity to present himself in the best possible light during questioning by
leading members of the FDP in North RhineWestphalia. As Kristian Buchna and others
have shown, none of the FDP dignitaries who had been compromised by the affair had to
face any serious consequences.84 Friedrich Middelhauve remained head of the
Landesverband and deputy head of the party until 1956. Ernst Achenbach and Siegfried
Zoglmann proceeded to become members of the Bundestag and leading personalities of
the FDP on a national level. And while Naumann had to bury his dreams about political
revival, his trial ended with an acquittal.85
The report of the FDP Bundesvorstand about the affair questioned whether Die
Deutsche Zukunft should be allowed to continue, concluding that, at the very least, the
direction of the paper had to change.86 In the wake of the scandal, however, nothing
changed at Die Deutsche Zukunft. The same people kept writing for it, and some of them,
including Zoglmann and Roth, also wrote for its right-wing ally, Der Fortschritt. Later,
both Wolmar and Egmont Roth published in Das freie Wort, the new major FDP weekly
paper founded in 1956. By the 1960s, complaints about the right-wing tendencies in Das
freie Wort multiplied.87 Among them was one by Hans Reif, who noted bitterly that if one
talked to members of the FDP Bundesvorstand about the problem, one noted nothing but
tired resignation.88 Efforts to terminate Wolmars contract were subverted.89 Clearly,
Egmont Roth and Wolmar had powerful friends in the FDP. In 1966 the Central Office for
the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes in Ludwigsburg started to investigate
Wolmars activities in Prague. One of the witnesses who testified in favor of Wolmar was
Siegfried Zoglmann.90
The cases of Die Plattform, Die Deutsche Zukunft, and the other rightwing newspapers
mentioned in this chapter raise broader questions about the extent to which former
National Socialists were able publish their views in newspapersoften under the guise of
pseudonymsin postwar Germany and Austria. Appearing in the organs of ostensibly
democratic parties was intended to legitimize their viewpoints. One might discount the
influence of a paper with a circulation of forty thousand copies, but Die Deutsche Zukunft
clearly was not the only newspaper of its kind. Also, some of these former National
Socialists were eager to publish their views, writing for several papers, including major
newspapers. According to Zoglmann, Wolmar also wrote for the Sddeutsche Zeitung, one
of Germanys most prominent newspapers.91
Siegfried Zoglmanns role in the Naumann Affair had been central. His network of old
National Socialists writing in the FDP newspapers provided the groundwork for the
national rallying championed by the German Program. Men such as Wolfgang von
Wolmar, Manfred Zapp, Gnter Kaufmann, Friedrich Grimm, Werner Beumelburg, and
many voices that preferred to remain anonymous, set the tune. Zoglmann himself had
coauthored the German Program and orchestrated the propaganda from his newspapers.
Neither Zoglmann nor the content of his papers and the background of his writers were
Wolfgang W.
von Wolmar
Egmont Roth
Felix Rothberg
Felix Haen
Manfred Zapp
Carl Albert
Personal assistant to F.
Middelhauve, contributor to Die
Plattform and Die Deutsche
Walter Brand
General manager
(Geschftsfhrer) of the FDP in
North RhineWestphalia,
contributor to Die Plattform and
Die Deutsche Zukunft
Gnter Prager
General manager
(Geschftsfhrer) of the FDP in
the Ruhr district
Heinz Lange
Heinz Schmidt
Heinz Wilke
Willi Weyer
Otto Abetz
Gert Spindler
Hugo Wellems
Gauleiter of Vienna,
Generalkommissar for Tauria
Hans Freyborn
1. John Le Carr, A Small Town in Germany (1991; New York: Scribner, 2008), vii.
2. On the Naumann Affair, see Kristian Buchna, Nationale Sammlung an Rhein und Ruhr: Friedrich Middelhauve
und die nordrheinwestflische FDP, 19451953 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2010); Norbert Frei, Vergangenheitspolitik: Die
Anfnge der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die NS-Vergangenheit (Munich: Beck, 1996); Jrgen Dittberner, Die
FDP: Geschichte, Personen, Organisation, Perspektive. Eine Einfhrung (Wiesbaden: Sozialwissenschaften, 2005);
Christof Brauers, Die FDP in Hamburg, 1945 bis 1953 (Munich: M-Verlag, 2007).
3. Der Spiegel, November 29, 2010; Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), Frontal 21, November 16, 2010.
4. NS-Archiv, ZA VI 0312A.07, Leiter der Personalabteilung an Staatsekretr: Lebenslauf Siegfried Zoglmann,
October 20, 1943, Federal Republic of Germany Bundesarchiv Koblenz (hereafter BA-K). It is not clear exactly when
Zoglmann joined the party and the Hitler Youth. In his SS file Zoglmann stated that he joined the Sudetengerman
National Socialist Workers Party in 1928, equating the Sudetendeutsche Bruderpartei with the NSDAP. On
Zoglmanns 1943 CV cited above, the date 1934 is given (with the date 1940 crossed out). A CIA dossier of Zoglmann
mentions that he may not have been a party member until 1939that is also what Zoglmann claimed after 1945 to
downplay his affiliations with National Socialism.
5. Der Pimpf was called Der Morgen before May 1937. Heinrich Hoffmann and Siegfried Zoglmann, Jugend erlebt
Deutschland (Berlin: Kunstpflege, 1936); Siegfried Zoglmann, Sudetenland Marschiert (Berlin: Osmer, 1938).
6. Compare volumes of Der Pimpf from March to July 1937 to later volumes.
7. SSO SS Fhrerpersonalakten, Personalakte Zoglmann Siegfried, Lebenslauf, Federal Republic of Germany,
Bundesarchiv-Berlin Document Center (hereafter BDC).
8. SSO, SS-Fhrerpersonalakte, Zoglmann Siegfried, Abgangzeugnis der SS Waffen Junkerschule Braunschweig,
allgemeine Beurteilung der Persnlichkeit, BDC.
9. Rudolf Lehmann, Die Leibstandarte (Osnabrck: Munin-Verlag, 1982), 3:482.
10. Siegfried Zoglmann, Dem Unheil entgegentreten von Anfang an, in Es wird nicht mehr zurckgeschossen
Erinnerungen an das Kriegsende 1945, ed. Reinhard Appel (Bergisch Gladbach: Lingen, 1995), 34950. See also the
huge gap in his CV (19451954) on page 392 of this publication.
11. RG 263, Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, entry ZZ-18, box 144, U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration, College Park, MD (hereafter NARA).
12. Brauers, Hamburg, 462, 464.
13. Ralf Gebel, Heim ins Reich! Konrad Henlein und der Reichsgau Sudetenland, 19381945 (Munich:
Oldenbourg, 2000), 16668.
14. Buchna, Sammlung, 8687.
15. N 1080/256, Bl. 001, Der Geschftsfhrerstab des Verbandes Nordrhein-Westfalen, undated, BA-K.
16. According to the head of the Berlin Document Center in 1954, Walter Mueller, there was no record that
Zoglmann had submitted an editorial licensing application for the British zone, which was required until 1949.
Zoglmann must have waited until the licensing requirement was dropped. Mueller was certain that Zoglmanns
application would have been denied. RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 144, Mueller to State Department, October 12, 1954,
17. LV NRW 26989, Naumann Affre, 8992, Archiv des Liberalismus (hereafter AdL).
18. LV NRW 26989, Naumann Affre, 9495, AdL.
19. See also Lehmann, Leibstandarte, 3:480.
20. Gerhard Papke, Liberale Ordnungskraft, nationale Sammlungsbewegung oder Mittelstandspartei? Die FDPLandtagsfraktion in Nordrhein-Westfalen, 19461966 (Dsseldorf: Droste, 1998), 172.
21. LV NRW 26989, Sitzung des erweiterten Landesverbandsvorstandes der FDP, Befragung von Herrn Zoglmann,
April 29, 1953; see also LV NRW 26987, Eidesstattliche Erklrung, April 24, 1953, AdL.
22. On Grimm, see Frei, Vergangenheitspolitik; Roland Ray, Annherung an Frankreich im Dienste Hitlers?
(Munich: Oldenbourg, 2000).
23. See Die Tagebcher von Joseph Goebbels, im Auftrag des Instituts fr Zeitgeschichte, herausgegeben von Elke
Frhlich, Teil I Aufzeichnungen 19231941, Band 5 (Munich: Saur, 2000), 162, 350.
24. Ibid., 84.
25. Michael Buddrus, Totale Erziehung fr den totalen Krieg, Hitlerjugend und nationalsozialistische Jugendpolitik
(Munich: Saur, 2003), 93; see also Buchna, Samm-lung, 86.
26. NW 1005-G40-463, Entnazifizierungsakte Ernst Achenbach, Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen (hereafter LA
27. Jaroslava Milotova, Die Protektoratspresse und die Judenfrage, Theresienstdter Studien und Dokumente 3
(1996): 156.
28. Miroslav Karny, Jaroslava Miltova, and Margita Karna, eds., Deutsche Politik im Protektorat Bhmen und
Mhren unter Reinhard Heydrich 19411942 (Berlin: Metropol, 1997), 86; Milotova, Protektoratspresse, 171.
29. Karny, Miltova, and Karna, Politik, 86.
30. Livia Rothkirchen, The Jews of Bohemia and Moravia (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2005), 123. See
also Karny, Miltova, and Karna, Politik, 137.
31. Jaroslava, Protektoratspresse, 173.
32. Tim Fauth, Deutsche Kulturpolitik im Protektorat Bhmen und Mhren, 1939 bis 1941 (Gttingen: V&R
Unipress, 2004), 3536.
33. Information provided by the Dokumentationsarchiv des sterreichischen Widerstands.
34. NI-2335, NL Dehler, Betr. Deutsche Zukunft, Personalien, undated, AdL.
35. Biographical data from Helge Dvorak, ed., Biographisches Lexikon der Deutschen Burschenschaft, vol. 1,
Politiker (Heidelberg: Universittsverlag Winter, 2005), 37677.
36. Manfred Zapp, Zwischen Wallstreet und Kapitol: Politiker und Politik in den USA (Berlin: W. Limpert, 1943).
37. Klaus Kipphan, Deutsche Propaganda in den Vereinigten Staaten, 19331941 (Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1971),
38. Herbert Blankenhorn quoted in Birgit Ramscheid, Herbert Blankenhorn, Adenauers aussenpolitischer Berater
(Dsseldorf: Droste, 2006), 195.
39. Buddrus, Totale Erziehung, 116263.
40. For details, see Ernst Klee, Das Kulturlexikon zum Dritten Reich: Wer war was vor und nach 1945? (Frankfurt:
Fischer, 2007), 50. In January 1953, on the tenth anniversary of the battle of Stalingrad, Beumelburg celebrated the
heroes of Stalingrad on an entire page, Die Deutsche Zukunft, January 10, 1953.
41. Hans Sarkowicz and Alf Mentzer, Literatur in Nazi-Deutschland (Hamburg: Europa, 2002), 97.
42. Die Plattform, June 15, 1951.
43. Ibid., July 20, 1951.
44. On the article by W. Breidenbacher, see also Julia Angster, Konsenskapitalismus und Sozialdemokratie. Die
Westernisierung von SPD und DGB (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2003), 34748.
45. Die Plattform, July 20, 1951.
46. See, for example, ibid., June 28, 1951.
47. Ibid., May 1, 1951.
48. Ibid., March 8, 1952.
49. Die Deutsche Zukunft, December 19, 1953.
50. Gnter Kaufmann, Jugendbewegung im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Kapitel ihrer Geschichte im Rckblick:
Hitlerjugend (Rosenheim: Kultur und Zeitgeschichte, 1997); Gnter Kaufmann, Auf Teufel komm raus: Unwahrheiten
und Lgen ber die nationalsozialistische Jugendbewegung (Berg: Vowinckel, 1999).
51. Die Plattform, June 1, 1951.
52. See, for example, ibid.
53. Ibid., November 1, 1951.
54. Die Deutsche Zukunft, June 14, 1952.
55. Neither Roth nor Rothberg is listed in the Journalisten Handbuch for the years 1956 and 1960 or in the relevant
literature. Inquiries at a number of archives yielded no results.
56. Heinz-Dietrich Fischer, Parteien und Presse in Deutschland seit 1945 (Bremen: Schnemann Universittsverlag,
1971), 394. Die Deutsche Zukunft ceased to exist in 1957, Der Fortschritt in 1960.
57. For the net of contacts, see also Kurt Tauber, Beyond the Eagle and the Swastika: German Nationalism since
1945 (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1967), 142, 27577.
58. Cf. editorial comments in Der Fortschritt for the year 1957.
59. Der Spiegel, November 24, 1945. In the 1950s he had been a member of the Deutsche Partei (DP), a small
nationalist party, and editor of the DPs newspaper, Deutsches Wort. The Staats- und Wirtschaftspolitische Gesellschaft
is a privately funded society, politically to the right of the CDN/CSN, that offers public lectures in the areas of history,
politics, government, and economics.
60. The editors of the Preussische Allgemeine Zeitung, the successor of Das Ostpreussenblatt, claim to have no more
information about staff working for the newspaper in the 1980s.
61. LV NRW 26989, Sitzung des erweiterten Landesverbandsvorstandes der FDP, Befragung von Herrn Zoglmann,
April 29, 1953, AdL.
62. Ibid.
63. Die Deutsche Zukunft, September 6, 1952.
64. Buchna, Sammlung, 1056; the German Program cited in Edgar Wolfrum, Geschichtspolitik in der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1999), 94.
65. Die Deutsche Zukunft, December 6, 1952.
66. See ibid., June 7, September 6, December 6, 1952.
67. Ibid., June 7, 1952.
68. LV NRW 26986, NWDR: Der Fall Naumann, 11, AdL.
69. Theo Rtten, Der deutsche Liberalismus 19451955 (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1984), 242. These efforts were well
under way in 1952 and even included efforts to bribe DP members into cooperation. Brauers, Hamburg, 632; Die
Deutsche Zukunft, June 7, 1952.
70. Reinhold Maier cited in Rtten, Liberalismus, 244.
71. LV NRW 26989, Befragung von Drewitz und Zoglmann, AdL. Apparently Naumann suggested Dr. Mahlberg,
another ex-member of the Goebbels Ministry, and Albert Urmes, Gaupropagandaleiter in Luxemburg.
72. Buchna, Sammlung, 118.
73. LV NRW 27034, Protokoll der Sitzung des Geschftsfhrenden Vorstandes am 13. Dezember 1952, AdL.
74. Alfred Frauenfeld, Und Trage Keine Reu: Vom Wiener Gauleiter zum Generalkommissar der Krim:
Erinnerungen und Aufzeichnungen (Leoni: Druffel-Verlag, 1978), 292.
75. LV NRW 26988, Bericht zur Lage im Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen (Neumayer, Dehler, Onnen), June 5,
1953, 12, AdL.
76. Fritz Hausjell, Journalisten gegen Demokratie oder Faschismus: Eine kollektivbiographische Analyse der
beruflichen und politischen Herkunft der sterreichischen Tageszeitungsjournalisten am Beginn der Zweiten Republik,
part 1 (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1989), 209.
77. LV NRW 26988, Bericht zur Lage im Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen (Neumayer, Dehler, Onnen), June 5,
1953, 12, AdL.
78. In 1950 Wolmar was involved in a bizarre scandal. During the war, he had taken the Mussolini-Diary, which
had been in the possession of Ernst Kaltenbrunners adjutant, Wilhelm Httl, and, unbeknownst to the latter, who had
considered it lost, sold it to the Salzburger Nachrichtenwhich planned to publish the diary. Another paper, Der Abend,
got wind of the story and reported about forthcoming fascist propaganda in the Salzburger Nachrichten and the papers
close connections to SS circles. Der Abend, April 14, 1950, printed in Unerhrte Lektionen: Journalistische
Spurensuche in sterreich 19451955, ed. Fritz Hausjell and Wolfgang Langenbucher (Vienna: Picus, 2005), 18487.
Salzburger Nachrichten sued Der Abend for slander. The scandal also revealed that Wilhelm Httl, Kaltenbrunners
right-hand man, was working as a journalist, writing under the alias Walter Hagen.
79. LV NRW 26988, Bericht ber die Lage im Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen, June 5, 1953, AdL.
80. Die Deutsche Zukunft, January 24, 1953.
81. FDP Bundesvorstand, Die Liberalen unter dem Vorsitz von Theodor Heuss und Franz Blcher,
Sitzungsprotokolle 19491954, bearbeitet von Udo Wengst, herausgegeben von Karl Dietrich Bracher, Rudolf Morsey,
und Hans-Peter Schwarz, Bd. 7/1, zweiter Halbband (Dsseldorf: Droste, 1990), 107071.
82. Ibid., 934.
83. RWN 172/9, Stellungnahme des Landesverbandsvorstandes von Nordrhein-Westfalen, June 6, 1953, LA NRW.
84. Only Drewitz, Diewerge, and Brand were formally excluded from the party. RWN 172/9, Stellungnahme des
Landesverbandsvorstandes von Nordrhein-Westfalen, June 6, 1953, LA NRW.
85. Buchna, Sammlung, 197.
86. LV NRW 26988, Bericht ber die Lage im Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen, June 5, 1953, AdL.
87. Ulrich Keitel, Sehr geehrter Parteifreund Parteiinterne Rundbriefe gegen alte Nazis (Frankfurt: Societas,
88. Reif to Keitel, March 3, 1960, in ibid., 23.
89. Keitel to Rubin, January 19, 1961, in ibid., 13334.
90. B 162/6086, von Wolmar Wolfram, Federal Republic of Germany, Bundesarchiv, Ludwigsburg.
91. LV NRW 26989, Befragung von Drewitz und Zoglmann, 92, AdL.
92. Der Spiegel, June 17, 1990.
German Diplomats and the Myth of the Two
Foreign Offices
Thomas W. Maulucci
In 1970 the West German Foreign Office (Auswrtiges Amt), which considered itself the
institutional descendant of the ministry first led by Otto von Bismarck, issued an official
history commemorating its own one-hundredth anniversary. What this publication
contained about the National Socialist years was revealing. In the preface Foreign Minister
Walter Scheel emphasized that the Auswrtiges Amt itself did not establish the overall
lines of foreign policy but instead implemented that policy. However, Scheel asserted that
while the ministry was an excellent instrument for statesmen like Bismarck and [Gustav]
Stresemann, it had been one of the worst imaginable for the National Socialists: The
[foreign] service opposed the will of the usurpers [i.e., the Nazis] with a tenacious,
temporizing, if admittedly seldom successful resistance. Where it was implicated in the
political crimes of that time, almost always National Socialist henchmen
[Vollzugsgehilfen] had to be forced upon the service from outside in order to break its
internal resistance. A number of outstanding members of the old ministry [Behrde] paid
for it with their lives.1 In the same volume Heinz Gnther Sasse, head of the Foreign
Offices Political Archive (Politisches Archiv), also put the blame for Nazi crimes on the
noncareer diplomats bought into the ministry by Joachim von Ribbentrop. Only rarely
had an old member of the office incurred personal guilt out of human weakness or in order
to hold their position.2
Scheel and Sasse had stated in dramatic form what historian Sebastian Weitkamp later
called the minimal guilt thesis. It posited that the Auswrtiges Amt and the core of
career diplomats were passive instruments while outside interlopers made the ministry into
a tool for Nazi policies.3 This thesis was based on the notion that there had been two
foreign offices, the real one with roots in the pre-1933 period and a criminal version
superimposed upon it by the National Socialists. During the Third Reich, career diplomats
indeed had complained about Ribbentrop and his policies, about the massive influx of
Nazi outsiders into influential positions in the ministry, and about their own increasing
lack of influence. After the war, when faced with internment, denazification, and various
criminal proceedings, they expanded these criticisms into a much broader narrative about
two foreign offices that exonerated the career officials and emphasized their resistance
activities. Although greatly exaggerated, this story proved useful to the diplomats in
avoiding sanctions and reestablishing their careers, and starting in 1951 it became part of
the official history of the new West German Auswrtiges Amt, continuing as such for
three decades. However, from the start it also had its critics, including diplomats, and new
developments in historical scholarship made it largely untenable by the 1980s.
and for the Foreign Offices wartime polices overall. But even in areas where the NSDAP
outsiders clearly determined the Auswrtiges Amts policies, such as the Holocaust, many
career diplomats proved to be willing accomplices.7
like a lunatic, unbearable in office, and has lost whatever friends he ever had (August 7,
1939); the chief danger because of his disastrous counsels (August 29, 1939); lusting
for war (August 30, 1939); along with Hitler, seized by the spirit of criminal
recklessness (August 31, 1939); and with Hitler, General Wilhelm Keitel, and others,
guilty of criminal irresponsibility for starting the war (September 22, 1940).11 Through
1941 Hassells diaries repeatedly mention Weizsckers troubles with Ribbentrop.12 On
April 20, 1943, Hassell wrote, Ribbentrop has now become totally rabid. He hates the
entire old Foreign Ministry (in which I also found much to criticize, but for other
reasons).13 For his part, Weizscker described Ribbentrop as Hitlers instrument, who
often engaged in fruitless conflicts with other party and government offices.14 In May
1941 Ribbentrop accused Weizscker of always being negative about great decisions,
such as the effort to annex the Sudetenland and the plans to attack France and then the
USSR.15 On April 30, 1943, in one of his last official acts as state secretary, Weizscker
congratulated Ribbentrop on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. He wrote with a great
deal of sarcasm, I quite correctly credited him with straightforward policies. At the same
occasion H[err] von R[ibbentrop] confirmed that we sought peace with neither the West
nor the East, but that we thought of victory; that means force and no diplomacy
[Politik].16 Despite his greater sympathy for Nazism, Prfer joined Hassell and
Weizscker in their dislike of Ribbentrop, whom he considered an unqualified outsider
who had replaced the veteran diplomat Neurath. This comes out occasionally in his
original diaries from 1942 to 1943, as when he refers to Ribbentropin Arabicas the
crazy administrator (February 2, 1943) and the foreign minister and his close co-workers
as our noble lords (February 18, 1943). On November 23, 1942, he also made an
unflattering comparison of Ribbentrop to Wilhelm II.17
German expansion to the east in principle, especially if it entailed limited risk. Not only
did he greet the annexation of Austria with approval; he also played a role in the
diplomatic preparations for the annexation of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939 and
the invasion of Poland the following September.18 There is also the larger question that is
the focus of Rolf Lindners 1997 dissertation: Why and how did he remain state secretary
for five years if he did not enjoy the trust of both Ribbentrop and Hitler? Lindner even
speculates that Weizscker used Hitlers personal support to stay in Berlin in 1937 against
Neuraths wishes and then to become Ribbentrops deputy.19 For his part, Prfer displayed
no hesitation in participating in an investigation of Martin Luther, the outsider who served
as deputy state secretary and head of the Abteilung Deutschland, that led to Luthers
removal in early 1943 and thereby helped keep Ribbentrop in office.20 After the war the
criticism of Ribbentrop was sharpened by the diplomats into a narrative of fundamental
opposition to his policies and methods.
Complaints about the influx of Nazi outsiders and the marginalization of the traditional
Foreign Office and its diplomats also abound in these wartime documents. On December
20, 1938, Hassell wrote, The pace in the Foreign Ministry, it seems, borders on the
unbearable: it is a frantic merry-go-round with everybodys nerves frayed. Even the
highest officials, with the possible exception of Weizscker, and he to a limited extent,
know nothing of the political objectives and general lines of policy.21 On June 26, 1940,
one day after the armistice with France went into effect, Weizscker protested against
plans to restructure the Auswrtiges Amt by pensioning off twenty-four career diplomats
(ironically, Hitlers intervention with Ribbentrop proved decisive in halting the plan).22
The foreign minister and his state secretary continued to clash over internal Foreign Office
matters, and the latter clearly had set his sights on a transfer to a foreign post since, as
Hassell put it, it was clear that he was fighting a lost war; the best at the Foreign Ministry
[were] becoming fewer and fewer.23 On July 13, 1941, Hassell wrote, The dissection of
the Foreign Ministry continues, but not in the direction of objective reform. Favors are
distributed to the Party mercenaries, the SS and SA, including diplomatic posts in Eastern
Europe.24 In the wake of Luthers failed attempt to depose Ribbentrop in early 1943,
Hassel reported that the foreign minister supposedly had told Hitler that the only thing
that mattered in the Foreign Ministry [was] a National Socialist mentality, and he wanted
forty SS men, forty SA men and forty Hitler Youth leaders to replace the older members at
the Ministry. The recent reassignment of several senior career officials was a blow
struck against the old bureaucracy.25 Meanwhile, Prfers original diaries from 1942 and
1943 note the proliferation of useless bureaucracy in the Foreign Office as well as growing
dilettantism by officials from Ribbentrops outfit. On January 14, 1943, he
commented, The confusion in the office is boundless. Everyone acts on his own
authority26 As an ambassador for special assignments, he also noted that he personally
had no influence in the ministry.27
only Hassell no longer worked in the ministry during the war years, and only he moved
toward active resistance, motivated by his outrage over Nazi policies. By 1943 his sharply
critical attitude toward his old colleagues who would not stand up to Ribbentrop,
including Ambassador to Spain Hans-Heinrich Dieckhoff, Under State Secretary Ernst
Woermann of the Political Division, head of the Legal Division Friedrich Gaus,
Ambassador to Fascist Italy Rudolf Rahn, and Weizscker himself, was also amply
evident.35 Most damningly, Hassell commented on his own efforts to assist a prominent
German Jew in August 1942, saying, Success at either the Foreign Ministry or with the
military is doubtful because everybody in the Jewish question has a fear of being a Jew
lover (or worse a relation).36
As Weizscker wrote to his defense counsel Helmut Becker on July 20, 1948, he
considered himself neither a criminal nor a member of the resistance circle in the
narrow sense.37 But even before the war ended, one of Weizsckers younger colleagues
and close co-workers, Albrecht von Kessel, harbored no such inhibitions about shaping his
patrons image. While at the Vatican with Weizscker, Kessel wrote a memoir titled
Verborgene Saat (Hidden Seed). In it, he argued that Hitler relied only on Ribbentrop, not
the career diplomats, for foreign policy advice. The one exception was the crown jurist
Friedrich Gaus, the most despicable and guilty figure ever produced by the Auswrtiges
Amt, who willingly assisted the foreign minister.38 Kessel credited Weizscker with using
a side channel with Hitler to frustrate Ribbentrops 1940 plan to reorganize the ministry
and to make the old style of diplomacy superfluous.39 Weizscker was encouraged to stay
in his post by the resistance, both to maintain Germanys international reputation and to
preserve the old diplomatic corps, and Kessel called Weizsckers reassignment to the
Vatican in 1943 the end of the Foreign Office. By this time he claimed that Weizscker
already had managed to have all of the protagonists [Exponenten] of our circlei.e.,
younger officials of the diplomatic resistancetransferred abroad in order to be ready
when the right time came.40 Kessels account demonstrated that the veteran diplomats
collective experience during the war could be and easily was synthesized into a broader
myth that portrayed them as steadfast opponents of National Socialism.
closely associated with the NSDAP. For example, Bohle remarked that although there
initially had been tensions between his Auslandsorganisation and the Foreign Office, these
disappeared after his appointment as state secretary in the Auswrtiges Amt in January
1937, and full coordination of work was achieved. Once Ribbentrop became minister,
however, bitter conflicts developed, culminating in Bohles dismissal. He told the U.S.
War Departments Owen J. Hale that Ribbentrop was regarded as unfit for his duties by
most of his colleagues. At one time or another all attacked himGoering, Goebbels, and
at the end even Himmlerbut up to 1944 his position with the Fhrer was unassailable.42
Hermann Neubacher, a NSDAP outsider who, starting in 1940, served as Reich
plenipotentiary for economic issues in Romania and Greece as well as the Foreign
Ministrys special envoy for southeastern Europe in 19431944, told Hale that not only
did Ribbentrop have no positive ideas, but he also sought to avoid responsibility and
blame for what was done.43 When the War Departments George Shuster commented that
Ribbentrop honestly seemed to know nothing about German plans to declare war on the
USSRhere Shuster had been greatly deceivedand wondered how such a person could
have been appointed foreign minister, his interview subject Franz von Papen, of all people,
agreed that the man was a catastrophe, the man.44
Those interviewed also tried to obscure the ties between the career diplomats and the
NSDAP and its representatives. Although Bohle mentioned Gaus and Ambassador for
Special Assignments Karl Ritter as two of Ribbentrops closest advisers, he downplayed
the ties between the Nazi Party and the Foreign Office. Hale wrote that [Bohle] knew
from his records that there were 600 Party members employed in the Foreign Ministry.
One could walk all day through the corridors and offices and not see more than three Party
buttons.45 Werner Gregor, in British internment in 1945, commented on a list of his
former colleagues through the letter K plus Ribbentrop, Neurath, and Luther (illness
prevented him from getting further). He wrote that German diplomats had been reserved
toward National Socialism, and only those who were young and ambitious or who had
poor prospects for advancement had been attracted to it. In October 1945 Paul Otto
Schmidt, the senior Foreign Office translator and the last head of Ribbentrops personal
office, asserted that there was a sharp distinction between the moderate career diplomats
such as Weizscker, his friend Erich Kordt, and himself, on one hand, and the HitlerRibbentrop extremists brought into the ministry by the NSDAP, on the other.46 Werner
von Bargen, the Foreign Office plenipotentiary in northern France and Belgium until
1943, expressed contempt and scorn for the Fhrer, Ribbentrop and the Nazis in general
and blamed the SS for stirring up Flemish and Walloon nationalists. He claimed that the
Foreign Office exerted no influence in the occupied territories and during his service in
Belgium he never received a directive from the Foreign Office. He and other diplomats
did not know what to make of vague Nazi plans for a new order in Europe, but as far as
the Party was concerned there would be no place in this system for a German diplomatic
service and a Foreign Office. Bargen also mentioned that he clashed with the German
ambassador to France, the outsider Otto Abetz, and could not work with him.
Unbeknownst to his interrogators in 1945, Bargen had raised no fundamental objections
when asked by the Foreign Office about plans to deport Belgian Jews.47
Remarkable testimony along these lines came from Gunther Seyd, who worked in the
section Inland from 1942 to 1944 before being drafted into the military and then captured
in February 1945. The American interrogator who interviewed him on March 22 described
him as an opportunist who was a reluctant informant and who, in spite of his
disavowals, was still sympathetic to the NSDAP, which he had joined in 1934. Although
he had worked only briefly in the ministry in a unit closely associated with the outsiders,
Seyd nonetheless praised the old core of career diplomats and criticized the growing
influence of the SS, SA, and other extremists associated with the party. The Foreign
Office was generally very wary about accepting anyone other than a professional
diplomat into their circle, and took pains to cultivate a kind of politics which would
enhance international relations.48
Finally, the diplomats emphasized the growing irrelevance of the Auswrtiges Amt
under Ribbentrop. This was a constant theme in interviews conducted by the State
Departments Special Interrogation Mission in 1945.49 Other American agencies, such as
the War Department, heard much the same story. Gustav Adolf Steengracht von Moyland,
who had entered the ministry in 1938 from the Ribbentrop Bureau and who succeeded
Weizscker as state secretary in 1943, called Hitler a pathological liar whose ambitions
knew no bounds and who listened fundamentally only to those who said what he wanted
to hear. In the organized disorganization that characterized Germanys government
administration, the Foreign Office was virtually eliminated for the duration. Steengracht
asserted that there were no diplomatic discussions with other powers, and even the
German diplomats were not consulted about invasions. In particular, Hitler ignored good
advicewhich Ribbentrop himself was enlisted to deliverabout the dangers of attacking
the USSR. The Foreign Office also counseled sound occupation policies in the USSR
and self-government in other parts of occupied Europe. However, in the east all was
hopelessly lost, since the occupation was quickly turned over to party offices and the
SS.50 Gaus told his American interrogators on November 30, 1945, that as a technical
official he was unable to influence the foreign policy of the Third Reich. He had merely
served as Ribbentrops adviser on handling competency conflicts between the Auswrtiges
Amt and other ministries and on the drafting of diplomatic notes and other documents.51
After the attack on the Soviet Union, Eastern Expert Gustav Hilger said he was assigned
to Ribbentrop as an adviser and had no real work to do, especially since he declined to
write propaganda and the minister ignored his warnings about the USSRs strength.52 Kurt
von Kamphoevener described his activities leading negotiations with the USSR on
population transfers in Poland in 1939 and with Italy about ethnic Germans in Croatia in
1941. He claimed that Hitler ignored advice from the German ambassador in Belgrade that
might have prevented the invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941.53
In interviews with Allied interrogators in the internment camps, Heinz Trtzschler von
Falkenstein and Paul Otto Schmidt pushed the argument about the professional German
diplomats irrelevance during the Third Reich to its logical extent. Trtzschler served in
the Political Division from 1939 to 1945 and helped compose various White Books and
the official speaking points (Sprachregelungen) provided to diplomatic missions to justify
Germanys policies. In September 1945 he contended that the career officials played no
important part in the formulation of high policy during Ribbentrops ministry and merely
served as technical experts, a situation that only intensified after Weizsckers
reassignment in April 1943. He added that a strict security code had been promulgated
around 1942 that required every official to limit his information to those matters strictly
necessary for the performance of his specific duties from day to day. The whole system
was designed to prevent the spread of news of military affairs and certain internal
matters through the government; however, Trtzschler admitted that the diplomats
evaded many of these restrictions.54 On May 1, 1946, at Nuremberg, Schmidt went a step
further when asked about how German intelligence networks in the Western Hemisphere
operated. He provided the following justification for his lack of knowledge:
You see, the system which was perfected to a very high degree was the system of
water-tight compartments: that everybody should know just as much as was
necessary for his own work and [be] kept away from everybody elses work. There
was even an order issued by Hitler to the effectprinted in all the offices later on
during the warthat every officer or civil servant should only just know the things
that were necessary for him to do his work and not more. That system of what I
called a moment ago water-tight compartments was one of the fundamental
characteristics of Nazi bureaucracy or the way they handled things, and that is why
you find it so difficult now to get to people who really saw anything. There would
hardly be a man in Germany.
His interrogator responded bitingly: Yes, I have found that. Of course one wonders
immediately, are these people withholding [information] or is the witness cooperative? It
is difficult to make up ones mind.55
Later other diplomats attempted to use this argument about their limited knowledge
and competence to exonerate themselves, at least until confronted with clear documentary
evidence to the contrary. For example, Curt Heinburg, who led the Foreign Offices desk
for southeast Europe in the Political Division from 1936 to 1943, flatly denied any
knowledge of the deportation of Jews from that region during his interrogation on July 7,
1947, by American prosecutor Robert Kempner, in preparation for the Ministries Trial at
Nuremburg. When shown documents that he had signed, Heinburg admitted that he was
implicated, although he continued to claim he neither bore responsibility for initiating the
policy nor had any idea the Jews were going to be murdered. In subsequent interviews on
July 16, July 27, and August 21, he proved much more candid, and on September 5, 1947,
he even provided a sworn statement that detailed how the Abteilung Deutschland regularly
asked the Political Division for its position on anti-Jewish measures.56 A similar scenario
played out on May 27, 1947, during Kempners interrogation of Ernst Woermann, deputy
state secretary and director of the Political Division from 1938 to 1943. Woermann finally
conceded to Kempner that the Foreign Office had initially attempted to protect all foreign
Jews in German-occupied territory but then moved to a policy of the least resistance.
We did not fight in our foreign policy for Jews whose countries did not protect them,
including those who were citizens of Germanys own allies.57 A memo in the files of the
West German Federal Chancellery, without author or date but probably from 1951, pointed
out that many of the diplomats subjected to preliminary interrogations at Nuremburg did
not know that the Allies were in possession of the Foreign Offices files. Therefore they
provided false testimony under oath until confronted with papers they had signed or
An obvious question regards the extent to which the diplomats coordinated their
stories with one another. It is unlikely that those captured by the Allies in the winter or
early spring of 1945, such as Seyd, had much opportunity to do so before interrogation.
However, there are clear signs that coordination increased as time went on. Higherranking officials were held together from late April until the start of August 1945 in the
Annex of the American collection center for prominent enemy personnel called the
Ashcan, located in Belgium and then Luxemburg. They were subsequently relocated
both to Nuremberg as witnesses for the International Military Tribunal and to the civilian
internment camp at Oberursel. Those who were not in the Ashcan were held in Allied
camps throughout occupied Germany. Since the diplomats were so widely dispersed,
many escaped careful scrutiny of their wartime activities. Because they seemed willing to
talk freely and candidly, they also made a good impression on their captors and even
recommended themselves as witnesses for upcoming war crimes trials.59
The case of Horst Wagner at the Allied Ministerial Collection Center at HessischLichtenau near Kassel illustrates this phenomenon. Wagner entered the Auswrtiges Amt
from the Ribbentrop Bureau in 1939 and later led Referat Inland II from 1943 to 1945. In
1945 he was one of a team of nearly sixty former diplomats supervised by Andor Hencke,
the career diplomat who was the last head of the Political Division in the Auswrtiges
Amt. The teams mission was to describe the Foreign Offices structures as background
evidence for the prosecution at the upcoming International Military Tribunal trials in
Nuremberg. These officials had the opportunity to present a sanitized version of their
ministrys activities during the Third Reich. Wagner reduced the role of Referat Inland II,
which coordinated relations with Heinrich Himmlers SS and Reich Main Security Office
(RSHA), as well as the Auswrtiges Amts participation in anti-Jewish policies, to that of
a simple liaison office. His account was not only accepted without question by Allied
authorities but even found its way into the Akten zur Deutschen Auswrtigen Politik, an
official collection of diplomatic documents, in 1979.60 In his postwar interviews with
occupation authorities, Wagner consistently repeated the story that his office was merely a
messenger service for communications with party and government offices and had no real
responsibilities of its own, and he was even used in March 1948 as a prosecution witness
at the Nuremberg Ministries Trial. Already by that time, however, American authorities
had accumulated so much evidence about his role in the Holocaust and other crimes that
he felt it wise to flee the lightly guarded camp he was being held in, eventually getting to
Because of the need to restart their careers, get through denazification, and help former
colleagues who faced war crimes trials, other diplomats corresponded with one another
throughout Germany already before the end of 1945 and developed a common line of
defense. For example, Vollrath von Maltzan, who worked at the Ministry for Economics
and Transportation in Hesse and later in the Frankfurt Economics Administration, received
requests for help with denazification proceedings from Bargen (his former housemate in
Berlin), Hasso von Etzdorf, Rainer Kreuzwald, Wilhelm Melchers, and Erica Pappritz. In
sworn statements for denazification boardsEidesstattliche Erklrungen, mockingly
called Persil certificates in Germany after a famous brand of laundry detergenthe
emphasized that all of them had rejected the NSDAPs political and racial ideologies. In
fact, only Kreuzwald had not been a party member, and Etzdorf, although linked to the
resistance, had belonged to the SA. Maltzan also stated that his friends had all been in
conflict with party authorities or experienced career setbacks. His statements had
particular weight because he had been forced to leave the Auswrtiges Amt in 1938
because he had a Jewish mother, although he worked for Ambassador Ritter between 1939
and 1942. He credited Etzdorf with intervening on behalf of his sister when both she and
his mother were arrested by the Gestapo in 1942.62 Both his statements and those provided
by other colleagues served to underline the differences between the career and the Nazi
diplomats. Especially notorious was Hans Schroeder, former head of the Foreign Offices
personnel division, who wrote many sworn statements for diplomats seeking to distance
themselves from the NSDAP and admitted, I refused no one.63
Other lines of defense against denazification were also developed by applicants,
including playing up their ties to the resistance and asserting that they had joined the
NSDAP or other party organizations in order to stay at their posts and to prevent the worst
from happening.64 This last idea had its roots before 1945 as well. Weizscker emphasized
in March 1933 that he saw the continued presence of Neurath and Blow as a guarantee
of reason in Germanys foreign policy.65 After the war, junior diplomats and others,
including former chancellor Heinrich Brning, went further and asserted that the Foreign
Office leadership had asked younger officials to stay at their posts in order to prevent
Nazis from entering the ministry, even if this required them to join the NSDAP.66 In one
variation on this theme, Wilhelm Melchers stressed in the materials he prepared for his
denazification that he had applied to the NSDAP while stationed in Palestine in 1939,
upon the recommendation of acquaintances, including Jews whom he knew, for purposes
of camouflage [Tarnung] so that he could continue to counteract harmful Nazi policies.67
A diplomat who propagated the story of the two foreign offices: Wilhelm Melchers. PA
AA, Bildsammlung.
A diplomat who propagated the story of the two foreign offices: Heinz Gnther Sasse. PA
AA, Bildsammlung.
In stark contrast to Weizscker and other career officials in similar circumstances,
Melchers later argued against the deportation of Palestinian and Turkish Jews living in
occupied Europe and thereby helped save many of them. But his objection arose from
professional concerns about Germanys relations with the Middle East. There is little
evidence that he actively attempted to undermine Nazi policies, despite his friendship with
diplomats who did resist. His focus on foreign policy perhaps explains why he had no
difficulty arguing that Weizscker and other career diplomats were also anti-Nazi.68 In a
lengthy account of his own role in the resistance that he submitted to denazification
authorities in Bremen in 1946, Melchers recalled that on July 18, 1944, he and Adam von
Trott zu Solz, who was executed by the Nazis after the failed assassination attempt against
Adolf Hitler on July 20, had expressed their astonishment and admiration that those
employed in the ministry already in 1933 had behaved irreproachably (tadellos) over the
subsequent eleven years. Melchers quoted Trott as saying the Nazification attempts of
Ribbentrop, Bohle and the notorious Deputy State Secretary Luther were absolute failures.
Certainly a lot of undesirable elements found their way into the press, information, radio
and Inland divisions. But, Trott continued, the core of the office with the really
important divisions was healthy.69 Here was the story of the two foreign offices fully
However, diplomats only went public with this story in response to Allied war crimes
trials. The 19451946 proceedings of the International Military Tribunal against the major
Nazi war criminals did not produce particular controversy among them. The case against
Ribbentrop was clear, and his defense inept. At least twelve diplomats, including Erich
Kordt, a former head of his personal office, actually offered to testify against him. The
career diplomats did have more sympathy for Neurath, who was one of their own. Kessel,
his personal assistant during the two years after he left the ministry, wrote a sworn
statement stressing that Nazi foreign policy had become truly expansionist only after
Neuraths removal in 1938. Neurath may have been naive in thinking that he could limit
National Socialist influence in the ministry by staying in office, Kessel argued, but that
was not a crime, nor were his attempts to shelter colleagues whom the Nazis had
targeted.70 Neurath himself argued before the tribunal that he had stayed in office to
prevent the worst. But the brutal activities of the SS and the Gestapo during his time as
Reich protector in Czechoslovakia gave the lie to this assertion. His contradictory answers
while on the witness stand, his unwillingness to take any responsibility whatsoever for
what had happened during the Third Reich, and the impression that he had profited
financially also damaged his credibility.71
The American-led Subsequent Nuremberg Trials from 1946 to 1949 were a different
matter. In particular, Case XI, The United States against Ernst von Weizscker et al.
(also known as the Ministries Trial), which ran from 1947 to 1949, threatened to bring the
entire Auswrtiges Amt into disrepute, not just the supposed Nazi diplomats, and with it
the new careers and future prospects that had begun to open up after the war. Now the
diplomats actively collaborated not only to defend Weizsckerand later to work for his
full pardonbut also to pull together all of the elements of the story of the two foreign
ministries. These developments were triggered by a March 17, 1947, statement in the
American paper Neue Zeitung by Gaus, who was working with the American prosecutors
at Nuremberg, that posited the collective guilt of German civil servants. Former diplomats
and Weizsckers defense team rushed to the counteroffensive, and by 1949 any number
of accounts existed that spelled out the story of the two ministries.72
A good example is a memo prepared by Melchers in October 1948, entitled The
Balance of Forces in the Foreign Office during the War. It argued that in 1938 the
Auswrtiges Amt was still quite homogeneous compared to other ministries because of the
specialized nature of its work. Although some had joined the NSDAP as early as 1933 in
the false hope of being able to influence Nazi foreign policy, in imitation of Italian
diplomats who had stayed on under the Fascists, as time went on the majority of diplomats
decided to join the party in order to preserve the career civil service. Only a few Higher
Service officials became party members out of true conviction. Ribbentrop deeply
mistrusted the career officials but needed their expertise, while these same officials saw
the opportunity to exercise a diversionary, delaying, and braking effect on his initiatives.
The office quickly split into Ribbentrops own staff on the one hand and the old experts
under Weizscker on the other. However, the actual situation was very complicated and
difficult for outsidersespecially foreigners, the memo stressedto understand. Owing to
the Fhrer principle and Ribbentrops own peculiarities, the career diplomats played no
role in political decision making, and many outsiders flooded into the ministry, with the
SS and SD especially well represented among the support staff. However, the foreign
minister still needed to work with experts, and Weizscker and the Personnel Division
assigned trusted diplomats throughout the ministry to keep an eye on things. Weizscker
did not give these diplomats special instructions, nor had he himself been chosen to lead a
resistance movement, but he was nonetheless viewed as the spiritual head of the
opposition. The memo asserted that only those who kept this peculiar situation within the
Foreign Office in mind could truly understand the diplomatic documents in the archives
and determine whether they could be taken at face value. Camouflaged resistance activity
demands fictional cooperation [Getarnte Gegenarbeit erheischt fiktive Mitarbeit].73 The
new twist here was that documents, even those obviously signed or initialed by career
officials, did not necessarily mean what they seemed to mean. Erich Kordt argued much
the same in his 1950 book on Weizscker and the Foreign Office resistance, Nicht aus den
Akten (Not From the Documents).74 By the 1950s any number of diplomatic memoirs,
including Weizsckers own and a heavily revised, unpublished version of Prfers
wartime diaries, pinned full responsibility for the Foreign Offices activities during the
Third Reich on Ribbentrop and other outsiders in the ministry.75
The story of the two foreign offices had its roots in the experiences of the career German
diplomats during the Third Reich. However, only after the war were these elements
collected into a coherent account of their opposition to National Socialism. It should be
noted that this story was questioned right from the very beginning. In particular, the
evidence presented at the Nuremberg Ministries Trial did not support the idea that the
career diplomats had resisted Hitler and Ribbentrop. Documents from the trial were used
among others by Michael Mansfeld in his 1951 article series in the Frankfurter Rundschau
to criticize the return of Wilhelmstrae veterans to the Federal Republics new Foreign
Office and by West German prosecutors who, in the mid-1960s, initiated no less than ten
proceedings against former diplomats for mass murder.76 By the early 1960s, a number of
scholarly works, including Raul Hilbergs The Destruction of the European Jews (1961),
as well as the Eichmann Trial, also had called attention to the Foreign Offices role in Nazi
From the start some career diplomats also questioned aspects of the story, both
explicitly and implicitly, even though such criticism remained private. For example, while
still in internment, Hencke wrote in a memo for his American captors that some NSDAP
outsiders had taken on the career services mentality and worldview once in office and had
become useful diplomats.78 Discussions within the Circle of Friends (Der Freundeskreis
ehemaliger Hher Beamter des Auswrtigen Amtes), which for several years, starting in
1948, collected donations from former diplomats and distributed them to needy colleagues
and their immediate relatives, revolved around how to treat career diplomats who
obviously had collaborated with the NSDAP. One of the circles coordinators, Fritz von
Twardowski, wrote Werner von Fries in December 1948 that, while all members of the
Foreign Office were eligible to join, the Circle of Friends would admit only those who had
demonstrated a disposition [Verhalten] in accord with the traditions of the professional
civil service. We wont accept people like Gaus or Ritter, for example.79 Three months
later, at the meeting of the board of directors, Twardowski raised the question of
membership for career diplomats who previously had been prominent members of the
NSDAP, such as Alexander Freiherr von Drnberg zu Hausen, Gustav Adolf von Halem,
and Rudolf Rahn. The board agreed that the key question was how these men had treated
their former colleagues, not that they had used their party ties to advance their careers.
Board member Wolfgang Freiherr von Welck, who had been arrested by the Nazis in 1943
and dismissed from the foreign service the following year, took it upon himself to mollify
Gottfried von Nostitz, a member of Hassells circle who had threatened to leave the Circle
of Friends if it admitted undesirable elements.80 In September 1948 Twardowski also
described the defenses attempt to portray Weizscker as a resistance fighter at
Nuremberg as unfortunate, since witnesses like Kessel could not describe any concrete
assignments they had received from the state secretary.81 To take one final example,
Rudolf Holzhausen, who had been forced out of the Foreign Office due to his Jewish wife
questioned the very solidarity of the career diplomatic corps. In August 1949 he refused to
become a representative (Vertrauensmann) of the Circle of Friends because he and his
wife felt they were written off by the vast majority of their former colleagues after his
dismissal.82 The same year he wrote a memo detailing divisions within the ministry during
the war, which asserted that a group of those who could see againincluding career
diplomatsdeveloped only after the war began to turn against Germany.83 Perhaps the
only aspect of the story of the two foreign ministries that was unassailable was
Ribbentrops poor performance as foreign minister.
A diplomat who questioned the story of the two foreign offices: Fritz von Twardowski. PA
AA, Bildsammlung.
A diplomat who questioned the story of the two foreign offices: Rudolf Holzhausen. PA
AA, Bildsammlung.
Nonetheless, the new West German Foreign Office founded in 1951 officially
endorsed the story of the two foreign ministries and the minimal guilt thesis. For example,
in 1967 the Auswrtiges Amt informed the Federal Justice Ministry that Luther and his
Jewish expert Franz Rademacher, both brought into the ministry by Ribbentrop, had
been the first to make Jewish affairs an instrument of Nazi racial and anti-Semitic
policies.84 In a last major public statement in 1978, the Foreign Office published a
brochure entitled Foreign Policy Today (Auenpolitik heute) that said the [Auswrtiges
Amt] offered a tenacious and temporizing resistance to the plans of the [National
Socialist] rulers, without however being able to prevent the worst. The office long
remained an unpolitical administration [Behrde] and was considered a site of opposition
by the National Socialists.85
However, the Auswrtiges Amt could not ignore new developments in historical
research beginning in the late 1970s. In 1978, Christopher Browning published his
landmark book on Referat III D of the Abteilung Deutschland and its role in the
Holocaust, to be followed in 1987 by Hans-Jrgen Dschers investigation of the role of
the NSDAP and the SS in the Foreign Office.86 By this time considerable doubt had also
been cast on Weizsckers role as a resistance figure.87 It is also worth bearing in mind that
in 1977 lawyers associated with the Central Investigation Center for Nazi Crimes in
Ludwigsburg announced that all active investigations against Foreign Office personnel
concerning their role in the Holocaust had ended.88 This fact plus the simple passage of
time probably permitted a more open historical discussion for the ministrys current and
former employees, even if the 2004 Obituary Affair [Nachruf-Affre] and its aftermath
clearly indicated that no consensus existed within these circles about how to interpret their
ministrys role during the Third Reich.89
In any event, by the time of its 125th anniversary in 1995, the ministry had moved
toward a more balanced and realistic official history. Ludwig Biewer of the Political
Archive wrote:
The low number of active resistance fighters from the foreign service demonstrates
that the Auswrtiges Amt between 1933 and 1945 was no hotbed [Hort] of
resistance against the brown tyranny, but it was just as little a National Socialist
institution [Behrde] ruled by the SS. The truth lies somewhere in the middle:
among the German diplomats there were a few convinced opponents of National
Socialism and a few fanatical adherents of this ideology. Alongside them however
[were] a considerable number of fellow travelers and those who were indifferent,
and also people who wanted and had to come to terms [with it] somehow. In this
respect the foreign service was not better but also not worse than other Germans.90
Notably, this new interpretation maintained the strict distinction between the career
diplomats (the foreign service) and the Nazi outsiders, a distinction that the
controversial 2010 report of the Independent Historians Commission to Examine the
History of the German Foreign Office during National Socialism attempted to demolish.91
But the ministry had finally conceded the ideological overlap and cooperation between the
two groups. The story of the two foreign offices was no longer tenable.
1. Walter Scheel, Geleitwort, in 100. Jahre Auswrtiges Amt 18701970, ed. Auswrtiges Amt (Bonn: Thene
Druck KG, 1970), 78, here 7. All translations are by the author unless otherwise indicated.
2. Heinz Gnther Sasse, Zur Geschichte des Auswrtigen Amts, in ibid., 2346, here 44.
3. Sebastian Weitkamp, Braune Diplomaten: Horst Wagner und Eberhard von Thadden als Funktionre der
Endlsung (Bonn: Dietz, 2008), 46263.
4. Ibid., 463.
5. For an overview of the Auswrtiges Amt during the Third Reich, see Thomas W. Maulucci Jr., Adenauers
Foreign Office: West German Foreign Policy in the Shadow of the Third Reich (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University
Press, 2012), 2240.
6. Eckart Conze, Norbert Frei, Peter Hayes, and Moshe Zimmermann, Das Amt und die Vergangenheit: Deutsche
Diplomaten im Dritten Reich und in der Bundesrepublik (Munich: Karl Blessing, 2010), 13. The present author
contributed the sections in this study on denazification and new careers for diplomats after 1945, 34262.
7. For an overview, see Maulucci, Adenauers Foreign Office, 2240. On the policymaking role of the career
diplomats and the NSDAP outsiders, see Johannes Hrter, Das Auswrtige Amt, die NS-Diktatur, und der Holocaust:
Kritische Bermerkungen zu einem Kommissionsbericht, Vierteljahreshelfte fr Zeitgeschichte 59, no. 2 (April 2011):
16792; and Michael Mayer, Akteure, Verbrechen und Kontinuitten: Das Auswrtige Amt im Dritten ReichEine
Binnendifferenzierung, Vierteljahreshefte fr Zeitgeschichte 59, no. 4 (October 2011): 50932. On the Foreign Office
resistance, see Jan Erik Schulte and Michael Wala, eds., Widerstand und Auswrtiges Amt: Diplomaten gegen Hitler
(Munich: Siedler, 2013).
8. Gregor Schllgen, Ulrich von Hassell 18811944: Ein Konserativer in der Opposition, updated ed., Becksche
Reihe (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2004); Ulrich von Hassell, The Ulrich von Hassell Diaries: The Story of the Forces against
Hitler in Germany, trans. Geoffrey Brooks (1946; London: Frontline Books, 2011).
9. Donald M. McKale, Curt Prfer: German Diplomat from the Kaiser to Hitler (Kent, OH: Kent State University
Press, 1987), quote 132. The quote about Hitler is from Rewriting History: The Original and Revised World War II
Diaries of Curt Prfer, Nazi Diplomat, ed. McKale., trans. Judith M. Melton (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press,
1988), 114.
10. Leonidas E. Hill, Die Weizscker Papiere 19331950 (Berlin: Propylen, 1974), quote 109; Hill, Die Weizscker
Papiere 19001932 (Berlin: Propylen, 1982); Ernst von Weizscker, Erinnerungen (Munich: Paul List, 1950). The
most recent scholarly account of Weizsckers career is by Lars Ldecke, Offizier und Diplomat: Ernst von Weizscker
in Kaiserreich, Weimarer Republik und Drittem Reich, in Schulte and Wala, Widerstand und Auswrtiges Amt, 225
11. Hassell, Ulrich von Hassell Diaries, quotations 6, 35, 43, 44, 45, and 99.
12. Ibid., diary entries of October 10, 1938; August 7, 1718, 31, 1939; and March 2, 1941, 6, 35, 39, 46, 112.
13. Ibid., diary entry of April 20, 1943, 196.
14. Hill, Die Weizscker Papiere 19331950, 246.
15. Ibid., 252. See also Weizsckers note from April 21, 1941, in ibid., 248.
16. Ibid., 337.
17. McKale, Rewriting History, 13, 47, 52.
18. See Rolf Lindner, Freiherr Ernst Heinrich von Weizscker, Staatssekretr Ribbentrops von 1938 bis 1943
(Lippstadt: ROBE, 1997), 20349.
19. Ibid., 154202. However, Lindner concludes that [Weizscker] pledged [einsetzen] his career and diplomatic
arts less to Hitler personally than to the nation and Greater Germany (467).
20. McKale, Curt Prfer, 17273.
21. Hassell, Ulrich von Hassell Diaries, 13; see also the diary entry of August 1718, 1939, 39.
22. Hill, Die Weizscker Papiere 19331950, 20811.
23. For example, on June 16, 1942, Weizscker offered his resignation after an argument about German military
representatives being incorporated into the foreign missions. Ibid., 293; Hassell diary entry of March 2, 1941, in Ulrich
von Hassell Diaries, 112.
24. Hassell, Ulrich von Hassell Diaries, 131. See also the diary entry for August 30, 1941, 13839.
25. Ibid., diary entry of April 20, 1943, 196.
26. See the diary entries in McKale, Rewriting History, 3639, 10910.
27. Ibid., diary entry of January 23, 1943, 41.
28. Hassell, Ulrich von Hassell Diaries, diary entry of March 6, 1943, 189.
29. Ibid., 146.
30. Walter Manoschek, The Extermination of the Jews in Serbia, in National Socialist Extermination Policies:
Contemporary German Perspectives and Controversies, ed. Ulrich Herbert (New York: Berghahn Books, 2000), 163
85, here 172.
31. Hill, Die Weizscker Papiere 19331950, 323.
32. Ibid., 327.
33. See Lindner, Freiherr Ernst Heinrich von Weizscker, 286350.
34. Diary entry of November 22, 1942, in McKale, Rewriting History, 11.
35. Hassell, Ulrich von Hassell Diaries, 176, 196, 210.
36. Ibid., diary entry for August 1, 1942, 169.
37. Hill, Die Weizscker Papiere 19331950, 437.
38. Albrecht von Kessel, Verborgene Saat: Aufzeichnungen aus dem Widerstand 1933 bis 1945, ed. Peter Steinbach
(Berlin: Ullstein, 1992), 17374, quote 173.
39. Ibid., 200201. He neglected to mention that Weizscker had presented Ribbentrop with thirty to forty names of
officials who could be released and also had argued that this large-scale reorganization at the moment of victory was a
slap in the face of the ministers own diplomats who had loyally served the Fhrer. Hill, Die Weizscker Papiere 1933
1950, 2089.
40. Kessel, Verborgene Saat, 2012, 24041.
41. These issues are well described in Conze et al., Das Amt und die Vergangenheit, 319439.
42. Owen J. Hale, Historical Interrogation Commission, War Department General Staff, G2, Historical Branch, MID,
interview with Ernst W. Bohle, Gauleiter of the NS Foreign Organization (Auslandsorganisation) at Ashcan (PWE
No. 32), July 2627, 1945, RG 165, Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, Captured Personnel and
Materials Branch, Reports Relating to POW Interrogations 19431945 (hereafter RG 165), Shuster Files, box 1, U.S.
Amt und die Vergangenheit. Conze et al., Das Amt und die Vergangenheit, 705711.
90. Ludwig Biewer, 125. Jahre Auswrtiges Amt. Ein berblick, in 125. Jahre Auswrtiges Amt. Ein Festschrift,
ed. Auswrtiges Amt (Bonn: Auswrtiges Amt, Referat ffentlichkeitsarbeit, 1995), 96.
91. Conze et al., Das Amt und die Vergangenheit. On the debate over Das Amt und die Vergangenheit, see Forum:
The German Foreign Office and the Nazi Past, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC 49 (Fall
2011): 51109. For references to virtually all of the important articles and reviews that have appeared in Germany, see
Wikipedia.de contributors, Unabhngige HistorikerkommissionAuswrtiges Amt, Wikipedia, die freie Enzyklopdie,
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_Amt_und_die_Vergangenheit, accessed October 22, 2013.
Hitlers Military Elite in Italy and the
Question of Decent War
Kerstin von Lingen
For Hitlers military elites, the surrender in May 1945 meant not only a national
catastrophe, for which the officers had to take professional responsibility, but also social
degradation and de-legitimation. From the moment of defeat, but even more during
internment and their later testimony at Nurembergs International Military Tribunal,
Hitlers officers fought for a reconstruction of their military honor: to win the memory
battle, while also hoping to continue their professional military careers with immaculate
personal records.
A sharp distinction between the clean Wehrmacht and the dirty Nazi War of the SS
framed the discourse among Hitlers army veterans between 1945 and 1955. The
affiliation with one group or the other, as defined by war crimes trials and denazification
courts, divided the former comradesin-arms and became a determining factor in who was
to receive a second chance in postwar German society. What was at stake after 1945
was the very individual definition of what honorable behavior during war meant and
how this concept had an impact on the feeling of total defeat and professional disaster.
Discussions with different groups reveal varied narratives if one takes a closer look at
individual theaters of war, as this chapter does with its focus on the German military elite
in Italy. The chapter focuses in particular on a group of German officers who brought
about the first surrender in Europe on May 2, 1945.
Gero von Schulze-Gaevernitz visited German headquarters in Bolzano on May 12, 1945,
to express his thanks for the officers cooperation during the surrender of the southern
front. Enjoying a relaxed moment in the courtyard of SS headquarters are (left to right)
Hans Rttinger, Gaevernitz, Heinrich von Vietinghoff-Scheel, and Karl Wolff; in the
background: SS officers Eugen Wenner and Eugen Dollmann. NARA RG 226, entry 110,
box 01, OSS photos. Photograph by T. S. Ryan.
This chapter deals with group identities of former Nazi military elites, comparing
Wehrmacht and SS officials who served in the Mediterranean theater of war in Italy. It
looks at their postwar defense strategies in automatic arrest or prisoner-of-war camps, in
denazification courts, and during war crimes trials and is based on sources such as official
army records, trial proceedings, private correspondence, and the records of individuals
lawyers. The group under consideration consists of a relatively homogeneous set of highranking officers of Army Group C in the Mediterranean theater, whoafter months of
secret negotiations in Switzerlandsurrendered about eight hundred thousand men in
northern Italy on May 2, 1945; this action, coordinated by Allied intelligence, was codenamed Operation Sunrise.1 A group of conspirators, formally under the command of Field
Marshal Albert Kesselring, who had already left to achieve the overall command for
southern Ger many, was grouped around his successor as commander in chief in Italy, Lt.
Col. General Heinrich von Vietinghoff-Scheel, on one side; the SS-staff was grouped
around Supreme SS and Police Leader SS-Obergruppenfhrer Karl Wolff. This group of
officers from the Wehrmacht and the SS had established close ties during the final year of
war and especially during the occupation of Italy; these ties were reaffirmed when
negotiating secret surrender. Thus, there was no visible divide between the two groups, as
was the case in other theaters. Commander-in-chief Vietinghoff emphasized in an affidavit
that there had never been such a fair and decent war as the one fought in Italy; and most of
the officers agreed with him.2 However, in court, hard evidence challenged this narrative.
Italy was a special case for German officers; following the Allied landing on Sicily in
July 1943 and the subsequent armistice with Italy in September 1943, Germany lost its
noblest and oldest ally. Italy came under German occupation and its status shifted from
Axis partner to occupied enemy territory. Two special areas of northern Italy were
annexed to the Reich: the so-called operational zones Alpenvorland (basically southern
Tyrol) and Adriatisches Kstenland (the area around Trieste), which came under the
respective rule of Gauleiter (party district leaders) Franz Hofer and Friedrich Rainer. For
the rest of Italy, the Wehrmacht, under Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, and the rear
troops, under SS-Obergruppenfhrer Karl Wolff, were forced to conduct a war of retreat
from Sicily to the Alps, especially after the Allies took Rome in spring 1944. Their retreat
was hindered by acts of sabotage carried out by the Italian resistance movement
Resistenza.3 From the start, ambushes by the Resistenza posed a significant problem for
the Wehrmacht.4 The unbelievably brutal German retaliation measures indicate the
perceived severity of the threat that confronted the Wehrmacht in the second war behind
the front, which cost nearly ten thousand civilian lives between 1943 and 1945.5 Rampant
fear among the ranks of German soldiers, coupled with bitterness over the death of
comrades, and the inability to move about freely and securely in the territory of a former
Axis ally led to overreactions by individual units, which quickly took the form of a
coordinated antipartisan campaigneuphemistically called the war on bands
(Bandenbekmpfung).6 Even if its scale still differed quantitatively from the war in the
east,7 the brutality of the measures differed very little from practices common on the
eastern front.8
The Allied war crimes trials after 1945 were the first platform on which to reconstruct
military identity and to separate the army from the record of the SS; consequently, these
trials benefited the formation of an agreed upon version of veterans identity. Concurrently
with the distinctions established in court, a debate developed among veterans about
military codes such as honor and dutyterms that had to acquire new meaning in order to
make sense of wartime sacrifices. This was part of a hidden agenda of former officers that
allowed them to reconstruct a useful group identity, to justify actions of the past, and to
create plausible roles for themselves in the future. Ex-Wehrmacht soldiers came together
for the first time during the occupation period in POW and internment camps, and from
this experience and the process of recasting their identities emerged the first demands that
formed the basis of a concrete veterans policy. Of particular interest were issues such as
German rearmament and the reestablishment of the army; for most officers, the
opportunity for individuals to return to military service was crucial, as there were few
other options.9 Wehrmacht officers relationships to former SS officers soured, and they
soon distanced themselves from their former comrades-in-arms, as they became aware that
some SS officers had been given more favorable conditions by the disclosure of insider
knowledge about the eastern enemy and about spy networks, so that they benefited from
their dirty wartime experiences.10
Research on Hitlers military elite is located in a field of tense dialogue that
encompasses a record of war crimes and a discourse of victimization. It concentrates on
questions about the experience of total defeat and the nature of war crimes trials, pension
debates, and discussions about financial recognition for former wartime service, as well as
the broader public discourse about military guilt.11 Norbert Frei coined the term
Vergangenheitspolitik to describe the political process that took place between West
Germany and its Allies and by which (West) German society tried to deal with the legacies
of the Third Reich.12 The term refers not only to issues of amnesty, integration, and setting
the boundaries of how to talk about Nazism, but also to policies adopted in trials or for the
benefit of veterans and to the lobbying and publicrelations campaigns that this group
conducted on its own behalf. All of their lobbying helped to influence the atmosphere of
the early 1950s in Germany and molded a so-called Schlustrich mentality: the desire to
wipe clean the slate and conclude the Allied war crimes program and the debate about
pardoning prominent generals.13
Former Wehrmacht officers played an active role in the construction of their memory
of the war, focusing on differences between themselves and the SS, emphasizing their
decency as compared to their SS counterparts. Theoretical works, such as studies by
Anderson and Assmann on national communities and their coming to terms with a
traumatic past, have underlined the impact of memory formation on group identity.14
According to French scholar Maurice Halbwachs, societal groups create for themselves a
frame of reference to give meaning to crucial national events.15 Koselleck introduced
into the debate the distinction between narratives with the intent of giving meaning
(Sinnstiftung) and those requesting meaning (Sinnforderung), between active and passive
interpretations, between the results of ones own experience and a socially accepted
national narrative.16 So, how was the idea of a clean military perceived and created?
How did such a common group identity actually benefit individual officers in the early
postwar period? How was the segregation between Wehrmacht and SS accomplished,
given the degree of close collaboration during war years?
In the group under investigation here, the lines between Wehrmacht and SS blur. After
the war, the Sunrise conspirators developed a narrative about honor and duty that differed
from that of other veterans, because they had to defend their surrender from the allegation
of military treason and, in addition, their version against competing narratives. It is
remarkable that this internal dispute went unnoticed by the public for many years.
Italy, played a key role in creating the new group identity, as he was the defense lawyer
who represented the Wehrmacht General Staff in Nuremberg. Owing to his defense
strategy, one particular charge was dropped for lack of evidence: namely the allegation
that the senior Wehrmacht leadership constituted a criminal organization. This strategy
could only work at the cost of demonizing the SS and thus destroying the wartime
comradeship. A memorandum prepared by high-ranking officers of the former General
Staff, Franz Halder, Erich von Manstein, Walter Warlimont, and Siegfried West-phal and
the former commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht, Walther von Brauchitsch, played a
crucial role in this defense strategy.18
Laternsers text emphasized the strict separation between the army and the SS, the
strategic powerlessness of army commanders, their ignorance of internal Nazi affairs, and
their alleged objections to war crimes.19 The whole manuscript argued for the separation of
ordinary military affairs from SS crimes. The Wehrmacht, the memorandum stated, had
distanced itself tacitly from dirty warfare on the eastern front. Parallel to this dirty war, the
army officers emphasized, an honorable war took place, in which the army commanders
were disconnected from SS troops and Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads). This
Generals Memorandum (Generals Denkschrift) paved the way for a recasting of military
identity and served as a guideline for the memory of the war. It also prefigured subsequent
narratives of the Wehrmachts clean war, which were not challenged until the mid-1990s
by the Wehrmacht Exhibit and the subsequent historiographical debates.
In testimonies, however, some generals remembered that the war in the east was not
always honorable, as the memorandum suggested. When Hans Rttiger, one of the officers
and Kesselrings later chief of staff in Italy, was interrogated at the IMT, he testified to SD
crimes he had witnessed while serving as staff officer with Army Group 4 in Russia under
the command of General Gotthard Heinrici. He underlined that everybody in the higher
Wehrmacht ranks knew that Jews and partisans were executed without trial in Russia.20
Rttiger was silenced quickly during cross-examination by the defense counsel,
Laternser.21 There were also personal threats against him within the witness wing of the
Nuremberg prison; it was claimed that Rttiger had sold out to the Allies.22 He later
hastened to declare to the court that his statement had been misunderstood.23 This is one
of the rare examples of an officers honest testimony in court. In general, officers on trial
tended to separate themselves from their real wartime experiences, to keep silent about
crimes, and to close ranks.24
Although the defense did win in rejecting the charge that the General Staff was a
criminal organization, the Nuremberg judgment represented a devastating critique of
Hitlers Wehrmacht.25 The Allied judges did not follow Laternsers distinction between
clean Wehrmacht and dirty SS but, in their final sentence, described the German Army as
a general disgrace to the honorable profession of arms. Furthermore, the judges bitterly
criticized the generals for their unwillingness to assume command responsibility.26 Chief
U.S. Judge Robert Jackson made it clear that he would have preferred to see the individual
generals convicted in the IMT trial; failing this, however, he announced that there would
be further trials. Given that nearly 20 million men served in the Nazi armies during the
war, another trial of Hitlers officers could become quite decisive in proving widespread
complicity in Nazi crimes. The subsequent trials at Nuremberg did indeed include four
more trials dealing with crimes committed during the war.27
hoped to present the court with a picture of fair and decent warfare in Italya picture that
the media disseminated throughout the world. The prosecution worked around two fixed
points. On the one hand, they had to address the proportionality of the reprisal killings in
the Ardeatine Caves near Rome, where 335 hostages had been shot in March 1944. On the
other hand, they had to address the issue of whether Kesselrings Bandenbefehle
(antipartisan orders) of June 1944 had been deliberately couched in such a manner that
they could be interpreted as giving license to murder. After all, they had resulted in nearly
ten thousand dead civilians during the summer campaign of 1944.
The trial offered both the accused and his witnesses a platform from which to tell a
story of soldierly solidarity in the wake of defeat. Kesselring stood trial as a placeholder,
and many of his witnesses used the metaphor of the final Italian battle to describe the
trial in private correspondence; they saw it as a battle that had to be won to ensure that the
Wehrmacht could at least look back on a moral victory in the lost war.34 The officers
considered themselves duty-bound to line up for this final battle in Italy to save the
honor of Kesselring and of the decent Germans soldiers in the Italian theatre and to
vindicate what they had agreed upon as the truth.35 Kesselrings attorneys also viewed
the pending trial as an investment in the future of the German military, thus emphasizing
memory politics.36 What was at stake in Venice in 1947 was nothing less than a public
rehabilitation of the reputation of German military leadership in Italy and the justification
of Kesselrings military actions in particular. The appointment of a distinguished defense
team, Laternser being among the most prominent lawyers of the time, showed that the
German side understood the symbolic nature of the Kesselring trial and used it to draw a
positive picture of the war in Italya picture that, in turn, could be used to construct an
official war memory. The old military rank structures still held sway, and the General Staff
coordinated the witness statements.37 The legal team assembled for the trial was greatly
helped by the fact that many members of the officer corps were still interned in the autumn
of 1946; this facilitated the collection of affidavits on Kesselrings behalf during the first
phase.38 The erstwhile brothers-in-arms interned in Allendorf worked together to prepare
affidavits for their revered field marshal. The veterans statements corroborated one
another to such an extent that they were almost interchangeable.
Kesselrings own view of his actions was that of a nonpolitical soldier who had done
only his duty, thereby building on myths used earlier at Nuremberg that argued that the
generals were victims of their profession. Khne has named this phenomenon the selfvictimization trap.39 The code word duty was used to absolve any officer from any
individual sense of guilt he might feel and from the obligation to define his own position
and responsibility within the larger political frame, which had been revealed to be a
criminal regime.40 For example, Kesselring made the following observation during the
prosecutions opening statement: The prosecutors demands are too great: should I verify
all my orders? This goes beyond the power of an individual and a military staff charged
with conducting a war, who wanted nothing to do with such pettiness and degradation.41
This note revealed Kesselrings attitudean attitude that utilized military categories of
good and bad soldiers. It also left it to the SD and SS troops to wage war on the
civilian population, thus meeting Kesselrings demands for a pacified hinterland. In
contrast, his view of the Wehrmacht soldier was a positive one: Soldiers will understand
that one cannot do everything, that criminal activity takes place behind the lines of honest
warfare, and that one cannot intervene in the command areas of others.42
For strategic reasons, Laternserwho had initially avoided calling witnesses from the
ranks of the SSalso requested statements from Waffen-SS general Max Simon and SS
Obergruppenfhrer Willy Tensfeld and Alois Brunner.43 The request reveals that
Kesselring was well aware of the atrocities that had taken place in Italy.44 The SS officers
approached by Laternser clearly used the opportunity to exonerate themselves of any
suspected involvement in antipartisan warfare. This is exemplified by the statement of SS
Obersturmbannfhrer Ekkehardt Albert, chief of operations of the Sixteenth Panzer
Grenadier Division, who was interned with other veterans of the war in Italy at camp
Allendorf.45 Albert stated that his troops had been unaware of Kesselrings orders. Since it
was the Sixteenth SS Panzer Grenadier Division that had carried out numerous massacres,
Alberts statement was particularly valuable to the defense, buttressing the idea that the
troops had committed atrocities on their own initiative rather than as a result of
Kesselrings order. However, Laternser was reluctant to use Alberts affidavit, since in
court he might have testified to the close ties between the Wehrmacht and the SS in Italy.
In a telegram following the operation in Marzabotto, which resulted in the killing of nearly
eight hundred civilians, Kesselring had indeed congratulated the commander of the
Sixteenth Panzer Grenadier Division on his success in combating partisans, and he put
the commander forward for promotion. There can therefore be no doubt that Kesselring
was aware of the Sixteenth Panzer Grenadier Divisions activities behind the lines, thus
shedding light on the complicity between the Wehrmacht and the SS in operations against
so-called partisans.46
The complicity was evident also during cross-examination, when some witnesses gave
substance to the charge that the Wehrmacht failed to ensure what British prosecutor
Richard Halse termed the humane execution of the shootings, meaning with more
traditional military-style firing squads. For example, Kesselrings former intelligence
officer, Ernst Zolling, stated that they paid no further attention to the reprisal once the
execution order had been transferred to the SD.47 The affidavit by General Joachim
Lemelsen, whose last posting had been as commander-in-chief of the Fourteenth Army in
Italy, was also unambiguous. As a long-serving officer, Lemelsen had told the British
interrogation officers that he felt that Kesselrings antipartisan orders posed a grave risk
to discipline and order, given the critical situation at the time and the fact that emotions
were running high among the troops.48 Lemelsen grasped the basis of the charges against
Kesselring earlier than his colleagues: he understood that Kesselring was charged with
issuing orders that could be viewed as a license to killand given the military and
political tensions prevailing at the time, they were seen as such, at least by the SS troops.
He thus demonstrated that the Wehrmacht had by no means completely forfeited its sense
of justice.
In court, Laternser confronted Lemelsen with his affidavit. Under the scrutiny of
former comrades, the general tried to take back his words, terming the affidavit a major
error.49 However, his courtroom avowals of solidarity with Kesselring came too late.
General Lemelsens reputation among his fellow soldiers seems to have suffered heavily
as a result of his Venice testimony. Lemelsens affidavit was criticized as going against the
rules laid down in Nuremberg never to testify against a German comrade.50 In court,
however, Kesselring tried to downplay any disunity among German officers; instead, he
stressed the loyalty that existed within the military. He acknowledged that Lemelsens
affidavit had left him with a bitter aftertaste and that he was extremely sorry that he
now had to once again raise this matter between two officers in public.51 The Times
carried these references to the military honor code and the imperative of silence in full,
thus stressing military solidarity more than Lemelsens noble attempt to find the truth.52
The judges sentenced Kesselring to be shot, but the outcome of Kesselrings final
battle was certainly not decided by the verdict of the court. After it was announced on
May 6, 1947, it became apparent that the fight would continue on another level during the
years to come. Kesselrings reaction to the death sentence reveals the pattern of recast
identity used in Italy, most notably in a letter dated May 6, 1947, which Kesselring later
also included in his memoirs. The letter expressed his views on the death penalty:
although he had sought an acquittal, he said he would welcome the execution. An
acquittal would have demonstrated to world opinion that there were and are millions of
decent Germans, but the death sentence imposed would also be of public benefit
because it would create a martyr for the German people, whose memory and continued
presence could provide an impetus to the youth. Because of the exemplary function he
saw himself performing, he decided to continue fighting until the end for justice for
myself and my soldiers.53
The growth of a veterans of Italy legend, which had started during the trial, now
continued with a fictitious closing statement by the former field marshal that was, indeed,
authored by Laternser.54 Until the trial, Kesselrings image had been that of the upstanding
general who assumed responsibility for his subordinates errors and would, if necessary,
pay for them with his life. Laternsers closing statement reinvented that image. Kesselring
was now presented as a general suffering the insult of a wrongful conviction. Tried in
combat, he now demanded justice. This image of the soldier on duty was also presented
to the outside world. Expressions of personal regret or reflections on the trial would
merely get in the way of this newly sculpted image.
However, Kesselrings sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment, partly
owing to the eruption of political controversy in London, led by former prime minister
Winston Churchill and supported by Field Marshal Harold Alexander.55 Numerous English
politicians deplored British victors justice, church leaders preached reconciliation, and
senior British officers raised their voices to praise Kesselrings military skill. They were
all given plenty of media coverage, thus creating the British version of the upright and
fair Italian theater of war. In addition, these men triggered a debate on the very purpose
of war crimes trialsa bitter debate that continued to rage in England until Kesselrings
release in 1952. It showed the British victory in court to be a Pyrrhic one, at least with
respect to memory politics.
Kesselrings Venice trial was of particular importance to the subsequent rehabilitation
campaigns, because it established the elements of the positive narrative that cast the war in
Italy as a legal and clean one. Even from the British side, there was an interest as early
as 1947 in establishing the Italian theater of war as clean, for there was no interest in a
discussion on whether British arms shipments and supplies sent to the resistance had, in
fact, escalated the partisan war in Italy.56 Once it became clear that lower-ranking officers
awaiting Italian trials were likely to get a lighter sentence than the ones that were to be
handed down to their senior officers, it became politically impossible to execute
Kesselring.57 In February 1948, the British Foreign Office announced the end of the
British war crimes program for Italy: The decision is that no Germans will in future be
tried by British Military Courts for war crimes committed against Italian victims.58 All
these factors combined to form a fog of exculpation and obfuscation from which, just a
short time later, the myth of the unjustly convicted field marshal was to emerge.
The other high-ranking commander in Italy was lucky as well: Supreme Police
Commander and SS-Obergruppenfhrer Karl Wolff escaped Allied prosecution altogether,
for he was actively shielded by U.S. intelligence authorities with whom he had conducted
the surrender negotiations in Switzerland.59 Three factorsstrategic cooperation on the
part of the accused, Dulless personal commitment, and the political interests of the
Western Alliesfacilitated Wolffs evasion of prosecution. There can be no doubt,
however, that, as Himmlers adjutant, Wolff was aware of the extent of the Holocaust. Yet
his role in organizing rail transports of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka
Extermination Camp became the basis for criminal proceedings against him in the Munich
Regional Court in 1962 only. As it was, Wolffs involvement in the Holocaust already had
been briefly discussed in Nuremberg during preparations for the trial against Oswald Pohl
and other officers from the SS Economics and Administration Department, and it would
have been possible to put him on trial at that time, but the issue was then dropped for
political reasons.60
The Allied failure to prosecute Wolff had its origins in the agreement on a partial
surrender in northern Italy. The German capitulation on the southern front was in the
American interest, and it was vital that the anti-Soviet nature of the negotiations be
concealed from the public after the war. Wolff had been able to offer the Allies the
advantage of a relatively self-contained theater of war, which made a hand-over of arms
easier. Moreover, the Western Allies had a vital political interest in curtailing the Soviet
sphere of control and not allowing it to extend to southern Europe.61 In 1946, the
American head of the military mission in Moscow, General John Deane, judged that
Sunrise had represented the turning point in American policy toward the Soviet Union:
after that, the United States displayed a new self-confidence in its dealings with Stalin.62
The military benefits offered by a partial surrender were obvious. In this regard, the handover of southern Tyrol and the Trieste harbor played a key strategic and military role.63
And thanks to the peace agreement, two Allied armies in Italy were spared and could be
redeployed to southern Germany to counter any further advance of the Red Army in the
final days of the war.
Cold War considerations helped to delay decisions and thus helped Wolff evade
justice. The Western Allied authorities willingness to address Nazi crimeswhether those
did not ignore these new ideas. Justice, not mercy was the phrase used by the war
criminals lobbyists in their attempt to interpret Kesselrings release in 1952.
By analyzing the campaign for Kesselring, it becomes clear that one of the aims
espoused by the campaign for clemency for the officers imprisoned in Germany was to
achieve a shift in German public opinion and a more positive attitude toward the
Wehrmachts military legacy. It was hoped that the rehabilitative efforts would enable the
German publicin particular ordinary soldiers who had served in Italyto attach
retrospective purpose to their war service, thus helping foster public acceptance of
German rearmament.
In this way, the rearmament debate influenced and distorted the debate on German war
crimes to such an extent that several issues became confused: the crimes committed during
the war against civilians and POWs, the crimes committed by the National Socialists
against concentration camp inmates, and the frequently arbitrary sentences imposed on
German POWs still in Soviet custody were linked to the continued imprisonment of
Wehrmacht generals. Even Chancellor Adenauer, who had initially regarded the issue of
war criminals as tangential to his policy of Western integration, quickly recognized the
integrative power of the demand for the release of those officers still in custody and its
potential to contribute to the republics domestic stabilization. The public rehabilitation of
the soldiers honorand the exceptions made for some good SS menpaved the way
for public repression of large parts of the memory of the Nazi war. Yet it is undeniable that
in the early 1950s the representatives of officers interests, in interviews and memoirs, did
not establish the idea of a clean Wehrmacht but rather cemented what had already been
built during the IMT and trials like the one against Field Marshal Kesselring.69
operations in the war, but this time it was his clear aim to win at least the memory battles.
In a draft study about the cessation of hostilities in Italy, Kesselring continued to
propagate the explanation that the surrender had been the option necessary to protect his
soldiers in light of the threat posed by Communist forces advancing from the Balkans.76
His former chief of staff, General Rttiger, objected to Kesselrings assertion.77
Rttiger reminded Kesselring that, even at an earlier date of surrender, more troops would
have fallen into the hands of the Western powers had Kesselring ordered the troops to
retreat with sufficient lead time, rather than ordering them to hold their ground. Here
Rttiger formulated what later became the central argument for the cease-fire: a feeling of
responsibility for the welfare of the troops. He concluded: What is easier, to order your
men to fight until the last bullet or instead to assume complete responsibility for a
voluntary surrender? Thanks to my own bitter experience, I myself have no doubt how to
answer this question. Rttiger.78
If Kesselring could perhaps dismiss Rttigers actions as a rather presumptuous
intrusion, this was not possible when an officer of nearly equal rank intervened,
specifically his successor as supreme commander of Army Group C, Colonel General
Heinrich von Vietinghoff-Scheel. Vietinghoff, who had been stripped of his post by
Kesselring and threatened with court-martial execution for treason during the
aforementioned putsch, also wrote to Kesselring. He, too, pointed out historical
falsifications in Kesselrings memoirs: By the way, I ask the Field Marshal to check once
more whether this study could not unintentionally give new impulse to rumors or legends
that the Party actually attempted to have spread during the war. The Field Marshal knows
better than I what bitter injustice would thus be done. Germany could never and under no
circumstances have won this war against nearly the entire world. It is the fatal blame of
the highest office alone that the German people were put in such a situation. Signed: v.
In 1949, Vietinghoff was playing with the idea of publishing his own memoirs.80 He
decided definitely against the idea in 1951out of consideration for Kesselring. In 1951
Kesselring personally had a lot at stake. While serving his sentence in a British POW
prison, he pinned his hopes on possible denazification and a pardon. In order not to
endanger Kesselrings chances, Vietinghoff, ever the gentleman comrade, retracted his
manuscript from the Corriere della Sera, even though Kesselring had humiliated him,
degraded him, and threatened him with death in the final days of April 1945. Vietinghoff
emphasized: Owing to various background information that I have received just recently,
I can no longer release for publication my memoirs, sent to you a year ago, without first
editing these myself. The need is to assess the actions of several key figures. Therefore I
ask you to please return the manuscript to me.81
In Vietinghoffs account, the key figures were indeed criticized harshly. About
Kesselring, he wrote in his manuscript in 1946: He emphasizes that an end [to the
fighting] will not be considered at all as long as the Fhrer is still alive.82 Vietinghoff
maintained that Kesselring wanted to know nothing about the negotiations in order to
avoid the necessity to intervene; but he then ordered Vietinghoff to appear before him on
April 30, 1945, to threaten him with dismissal. Vietinghoff reacted by offering his
resignation: So ended this ignoble comedyignoble especially because the Field
Marshal knew everything and silently approved it, but had dared not profess it out of
timidity toward [Gauleiter] Hofer.83 In 1952 the field marshal was pardoned, and the
topic of surrender was not mentioned by any of the rivals.84
The debate among the veterans heated up again in 1953after Kesselring left prison
and prior to the publication of his memoirswhen a prerelease of his account was
distributed among the higher-ranking officers who had served in Italy. In his memoirs,
Kesselring justifies his refusal to accept the early surrender initiated by Vietinghoff and
Rttiger in Italy on May 2, 1945, as a fait accompli: It was now no longer the struggle to
achieve a respectable peace. It was solely about fulfilling an absolute duty of camaraderie,
not to allow German comrades to fall into the hands of the Russians. For this and only this
reason, the continuation of the fight was necessary to the bitter end.85 Despite the
historical evidence, Kesselring maintained that he had known of the secret plans for a
cease-fire in Italy since October 1944.86 He had wanted to be the one to choose the proper
moment for such a cease-fire, but his officers went behind his back and took the initiative
themselves. Kesselrings version was backed by the generals Schulz and Wentzell, who
were not at all interested in having their determination to fight to the end understood as
dumb vassal loyalty to Hitler.87
Now Kesselrings comrades broke their silence and argued for the importance of
Wolffs role. At a meeting in Heidelberg in late June 1953, Rttiger; the field marshals
former first officer within the general staff in Italy, Josef Moll; Wolff; and Rahn agreed to
have a memorandum sent to Kesselring. As Vietinghoff had died unexpectedly in 1951,
his 1948 comments on Sunrise gained even more weight. This is one of the rare examples
in which former officers of the Wehrmacht and the SS came together to form an alliance
that countered the ruling narrative of the separation of Wehrmacht and SS in wartime
actions. However, Wolff remained the only witness from the ranks of the SS, even though
other participants such as Wenner or Dollmann could have testified. The divide between
the Wehrmacht and the SS was a distinct one after the war, despite their shared success in
the Sunrise story, and apparently only Wolff, reimagined as a Waffen-SS general and not
as the police leader that he was, was accepted in the Wehrmachts circles.
Apparently group cohesion was still strong enough to prevent a public debate about
Sunrise, so as not to damage the clean reputation of the Wehrmacht in Italy. These men
evidently felt obligated to maintain their public silence out of the Wehrmacht esprit de
corps and also in light of the fierce debate on German rearmament; one was at a point
when it is crucial to restore confidence in the German officer, as one of them noted.88 In
their memorandum, the authors deliberately alluded to Kesselring when they emphasized
that the real blame lay with all of those who assumed or hoped until the very last days
in April 1945 that the situation on the fronts would again take a favorable turn of events.
Therefore, contradictory narratives were to be repudiated: out of the abovementioned
conviction, we the undersigned [Rttiger, Wolff, Rahn, and Moll] find the kind of remarks
expressed about the cease-fire in Italy as an unfair and insulting defamation of their
actions, the correctness of which has been fully affirmed by political developments in
recent years.89
Kesselring did not react to the memorandum but neither was any further edition of the
memoirsKesselrings revised version of the surrenderever published.90 This
permanently burdened Kesselrings relationships with his former comradesparticularly
with Rttiger, who later became the Bundeswehrs first inspector of the army, whereas the
former field marshal was never asked for his expertise.91
The group of generals led by Rttiger did, however, succeed in publicly setting the
record straight and embedding an accurate account of Sunrise in German societys
collective memory. A broadcast by the Nordwestdeutsche Rundfunk in Cologne on April
25, 1955, basically followed the account presented in the memorandum written by
Rttiger and Vietinghoff-Scheel. The narrator openly read Vietinghoffs verdict on
Kesselring from the formers unpublished memoirs, which until then no one else had
dared to publicize: The Field Marshall approves Wolffs action but does not want to go
out on a limb as long as the Fhrer is alive.92 Kesselring first had to be convinced by
Wolff in a long late-night telephone conversation to approve the surrender ex post facto.93
By 1955 it had become possible to publicly criticize Kesselring, because his popularity
had suffered considerably after a few unfortunate appearances as an expert witness in
court. The press even openly speculated whether Kesselring had been a Nazi general.94
Karl Wolff was later the only one to express publicly his opinion on Sunrise, and he
had personal motives for doing so: he wanted to draw attention to his own good deeds, for
in 1962 he was awaiting trial. Sunrise could serve to exonerate him. Already back in 1955,
the Sddeutsche Zeitung had published an interview with Wolff in which he expressed the
accusations against Kesselring in detail. He directly accused Kesselring of letting himself
be influenced by Gauleiter Hofer to remove Vietinghoff and Rttiger from their
commands.95 It was the first public criticism of the commander-in-chief expressed by a
participant. Moreover, it came from an SS general who openly linked Kesselring to a Nazi
Gau leader. The Rttiger group deeply resented Wolff for making this connection,
especially since he was an SS Obergruppenfhrer. Not one of the Wehrmacht officers
testified on Wolffs behalf at his later trial in Munich, where Wolff was convicted of
murder of three hundred thousand Jews from Treblinka, having organized railway
transportation for deportation, and sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment.96
Much laterin 1966Der Spiegel wrote about Sunrise, when the book The Secret
Surrender by Allen Dulles and Gero von Gaevernitz was published. By this time,
Kesselring and Rttiger were both dead; the trial of Karl Wolff was over; the Bundeswehr
had been in existence for ten years; and integration into the West could be regarded as
successful.97 No longer were there any negative reactions, because the merit of
persevering in a fight to the bitter end had finally been discredited.
If one seeks to grasp the military group identity of personnel involved in the Italian
campaign after 1945, one can observe at least two opposing narratives. The first of these
originated with the manifesto of former generals in Nuremberg and advanced further after
the formal acquittal of the general staff in 1946 as a criminal organization. This was the
view that while the Wehrmacht had been abused by Hitler and his clique, it had, apart
from individual wrongdoers, remained essentially decent. This image could only be
upheld at the cost of demonizing the SS troops, as was done at Nuremberg. When one
takes a closer look, however, it is apparent that both groups (Wehrmacht and SS officers),
despite their efforts to exclude the other officials from their own concepts of dignity and
comradeship, still shared the concept of military honor. Both groups referred frequently
to itin trials as well as in private correspondence.
Thus, the slogan of restoring honor was associated with the idea that the Wehrmacht
had not lost its honor as a result of the way in which it had conducted itself during the war;
rather, it was claimed that the Allies had taken away the officers honorby the trial and
conviction of representative leaders, by the imposition of humiliating collective measures,
and by the deliberate social degradation of German soldiers. In subsequent trials, such as
Kesselrings, the defense further advanced such claims.
This view was then bolstered by the clemency campaigns of the 1950s to release
convicted soldiers. Motivated by foreign policy interests, such as the aim to integrate West
Germany into the emerging bloc system of the Cold War and its potential as a future ally,
Germanys erstwhile opponents granted additional concessionsmore than any evidence
warranted. This recasting was bolstered by a political turn in 1949, when West German
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and other members of the Parliament spoke in favor of the
former elite, restoring them to good positions in order to achieve the political goal of
building a new German military and a new secret service.
Nevertheless, as a whole, the Allies war crimes trials program did create a different
narrative. Although prosecution did not have access to anything like the details known
about Wehrmacht and SS atrocities today, the trialswith the one against Kesselring as a
striking exampledemonstrated clearly to a majority of the German people that Hitlers
Wehrmacht had been involved in the planning and execution of a war of aggression. In
this war, certain units were not only witnesses but also perpetrators of and responsible for
crimes that had been committed behind the front line.
However, thanks to the manner in which the Kesselring trial was conducted and the
pictures of the crimes that were drawn in the courtroom, the proceedings still helped to
mold a myth of a clean Wehrmacht in Italy; this development can be traced back to
Laternsers defense strategy during the trial. It was then fortified additionally by studies
written by German officers for the Historical Division of the U.S. Army. This myth
accompanied Kesselring through all phases of his clemency campaign, and it was
eventually incorporated into the collective war memory of postwar German society. Even
today, it is repeatedly said that it had been impossible to prove Kesselrings involvement
in war crimes.98
The combination of the two narrativesinnocent General Staff and innocent field
marshal in Italywas, however, challenged by individual memory and led, behind the
scenes, to a significant memory battle about military codes such as duty and honor. At
stake, as is underlined clearly by the private correspondence analyzed in this chapter, was
the reframing of these terms for postwar use. Again, the decent war was the key term of
this debate, even though it took on a new meaning.
The German officers of Army Group C in northern Italy benefited from their recasting
as honorable soldiers who had acted decently and independently from Nazi hardliners and
had surrendered early, pragmatically recognizing defeat. This recast group identity, with
reference to a decent war in Italy, benefited most officers in this group for quite some
timeno matter whether Wehrmacht or SS officer. In fact, after the reemergence of the
German Army in 1956, many of this group enrolled in veterans associations, influenced
defense policy by taking on government positions, or even advanced to new military
ranks. One of them was General Hans Rttiger.99 He later became the first general
inspector of the new Bundeswehr in 1956, advocating all his remaining life for what he
termed the Gewissensentscheidung (a decision of honor and conscience, and not of
ideology) as the highest virtue of a decent army officer.
Given the close involvement of SS-Obergruppenfhrer Wolff in the events leading to
surrender, it is particularly striking how the group first tried to integrate Wolff into the
positive narrative by pointing to his military service as a general of the Waffen-SS, which
in the immediate postwar years was perceived as equivalent to an ordinary army
commandera notion that changed in the early 1950s. The groups unity only broke open
in the late 1950s when Wolffs involvement in the Holocaust was discussed publicly and a
trial was scheduledconnecting him back to his dirty SS past and relocating him to the
dark side of memory.
The author wants to thank Katrin Paehler for her valuable help with the English manuscript of this chapter, making it
read more smoothly.
1. The standard work on Operation Sunrise continues to be the extensive study written in 1979; the authors take
approaches endemic to political science: Elena Agarossi and Bradley F. Smith, Operation Sunrise: The Secret Surrender
(New York: Basic Books, 1979); Kerstin von Lingen, SS und Secret Service: Verschwrung des Schweigens: Der Fall
Karl Wolff (Paderborn: Schningh, 2010). The English translation is available as Kerstin von Lingen, Allen Dulles, the
OSS and Nazi War Criminals: The Dynamics of Selective Prosecution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).
See also the books of participants: Allen Dulles and Gero v. Schulze-Gaevernitz, The Secret Surrender (New York:
Weinfeld and Nicolson, 1967); and Max Waibel, 1945-Kapitulation in Norditalien: Originalbericht des Vermittlers
(Basel: Helbing und Lichtenhahn, 1981).
2. N 431/935, Vietinghoff to Laternser, June 21, 1946, attached to the draft of the study Der Feldzug in Italien, 7,
Federal Republic of Germany, Bundearchiv-Militrarchiv, Freiburg (hereafter BA-MA).
3. Research on the German occupation of Italy is quite vast. See, as a selection, Lutz Klinkhammer, Zwischen
Bndnis und Besatzung: Das nationalsozialistische Deutschland und die Republik von Sal 19431945 (Tbingen:
Niemeyer, 1993); Michael Wedekind, Nationalsozialistische Besatzungs- und Annexionspolitik in Norditalien 1943 bis
1945 (Munich: Oldenbourg: 2003); Gerhard Schreiber, Deutsche Kriegsverbrechen in Italien: Tter, Opfer,
Strafverfolgung (Munich: Beck, 1996); Carlo Gentile, Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Partisanenkrieg: Italien 19431945
(Paderborn: Schningh, 2012).
4. Gerhard Schreiber, Partisanenkrieg und Kriegsverbrechen der Wehrmacht in Italien 1943 bis 1945, in
Repression und Kriegsverbrechen: Die Bekmpfung von Widerstands- und Partisanenbewegungen gegen die deutsche
Besatzung in West- und Sdeuropa, ed. Guus Mershoek (Berlin: Assoziation A, 1997), 114.
5. The numbers are taken from Giorgio Rochat, Una ricerca impossibile: Le perdite italiane nella seconda guerra
mondiale, Storia Contemporanea 201 (1995): 691.
6. Research into the escalation of brutality within the German Army during World War II offers, for example, Omer
Bartov, Hitlers Army: Soldiers, Nazis and War in the Third Reich (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992); and Thomas
Khne, Kameradschaft: Die Soldaten des nationalsozialistischen Krieges und das 20. Jahrhundert (Gttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006).
7. Lutz Klinkhammer, Stragi naziste in Italia: La Guerra contro i Civili (1943/44) (Rome: Universale Donzelli,
1997), 102. Lutz Klinkhammer has worked out in detail why the Italian theater of war represented a special case in
occupation policy and what emergency regulations were in force on a day-to-day basis. He also calculated that only five
out of every hundred soldiers in Italy were involved in war crimes, whereas this ratio was nearly reversed on the eastern
8. On the dirty war on the eastern front, see Hannes Heer and Klaus Naumann, eds., Vernichtungskrieg: Verbrechen
der Wehrmacht 19411944 (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 1995).
9. Georg Meyer, Soldaten ohne Armee: Berufssoldaten im Kampf um Standesehre und Versorgung, in Von
Stalingrad zur Whrungsreform: Zur Sozialgeschichte des Umbruchs in Deutschland, ed. Martin Broszat, Klaus-Dietmar
Henke, and Hans Woller (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1988), 683750. Research on continuity, that is, the question of whether
incriminated individuals were accepted into the Federal Republics new armed forces, and what influence they had on
society, has just started. See Klaus Naumann, Generale in der Demokratie: Generationsgeschichtliche Studien zur
Bundeswehrelite (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2007); Helmut R. Hammerich and Rudolf Schlaffer, eds., Militrische
Aufbaugeneration der Bundeswehr 1955 bis 1970 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2011).
10. Michael Salter, Nazi War Crimes, US Intelligence and Selective Prosecution at Nuremberg: Controversies
regarding the Role of the Office of Strategic Services (London: Routledge-Cavendish, 2007); Kerstin von Lingen,
Conspiracy of Silence: How the Old Boys of American Intelligence Shielded SS-General Karl Wolff from
Prosecution, Holocaust and Genocide Studies 22, no. 1 (2008): 74109; von Lingen, Allen Dulles.
11. Alaric Searle, Wehrmacht Generals, West German Society, and the Debate on Rearmament, 19491959
(Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003). Jay Lockenour, Soldiers as Citizens: Former Wehrmacht Officers in the Federal Republic
of Germany, 19451955 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2001). Bert-Oliver Manig, Die Politik der Ehre: Die
Rehabilitierung der Berufssoldaten in der frhen Bundesrepublik (Gttingen: Wallstein, 2004). Manig comments:
Social degradation and delegitimation, however, are not to be confused with discrimination and defamation, two
slogans which soon shaped the group identity of the career soldiers, and would bring it back to life (585).
12. Norbert Frei, Vergangenheitspolitik: Die Anfnge der Bundesrepublik und die NS-Vergangenheit (Munich: Beck,
1996), 14; in English: Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past: The Politics of Amnesty and Integration (New York:
Columbia University Press, 2002).
13. Kerstin von Lingen, Kesselrings Last Battle: War Crimes Trials and Cold War Politics, 19451960 (Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 2009), 24988; Oliver von Wrochem, Erich von Manstein: Vernichtungskrieg und
Geschichtspolitik (Paderborn: Schningh, 2006), 128212.
14. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections of the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (London:
Verso, 1991); with regard to the German case most prominently: Aleida Assmann, Der lange Schatten der
Vergangenheit: Erinnerungskultur und Geschichtspolitik (Munich: Beck, 2006), 17.
15. Basic research about the frame of reference is offered by Maurice Halbwachs, Das Gedchtnis und seine
sozialen Bedingungen (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1985); also Halbwachs, Das kollektive Gedchtnis (Frankfurt am
Main: Fischer, 1991).
16. Reinhart Koselleck, Formen und Traditionen des negativen Gedchtnisses, in Verbrechen erinnern: Die
Auseinandersetzung mit Holocaust und Vlkermord, ed. Norbert Frei and Volkhart Knigge (Munich: Beck, 2002), 31.
17. Manfred Messerschmidt, Vorwrtsverteidigung: Die Denkschrift der Generle fr den Nrnberger Gerichtshof,
in Militarismus, Vernichtungskrieg, Geschichtspolitik: Zur deutschen Militr- und Rechtsgeschichte, ed. Messerschmidt
(Paderborn: Schningh, 2006), 315.
18. Ibid., 315.
19. Ibid., 317, calls the memorandum one of the most decisive documents in terms of belittlement of the role of
OKW and OKH.
20. N 431/828 (private papers of Hans Laternser), questions for cross-examination of Hans Rttiger, BA-MA. See
also Wrochem, Erich von Manstein, 113.
21. N 431/829, cross-examination of Rttiger, BA-MA.
22. N 431/828, Fragen an Rttiger, 5 (para. 25 and 26), BA-MA, demonstrates that internally many comrades urged
Rttiger to take back his statement. Additionally, Westphal started the rumor among other officers in the witness wing at
Nuremberg that Rttiger had been rewarded for this affidavit with immediate release.
23. N 431/828, Fragen an Rttiger; and /829, Vorbereitung Kreuzverhr Rttiger, BA-MA; see correspondence and
notes here.
24. On the loss of reality, see Wolfram Wette, Die Wehrmacht: Feindbilder, Vernichtungskrieg, Legenden
(Darmstadt: Primus, 2002), 192.
25. Wolfram Wette, Das Bild der Wehrmacht-Elite nach 1945, in Hitlers militrische Elite, ed. Gerd R. Ueberschr
(Darmstadt: Primus, 1998), 2:297.
26. Lawrence D. Egbert and Paul A. Joosten, eds., Der Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem
Internationalen Militrgerichtshof (IMT), Nrnberg, Nrnberg, 14. November 19451. Oktober 1946; [gem den
Weisungen des Internationalen Militrgerichtshofes vom Sekretariat des Gerichtshofes unter der Autoritt des Obersten
Kontrollrats fr Deutschland verffentlicht], 41 vols. (Nuremberg, 1947); When it suits their defense they say they had
to obey; when confronted with Hitlers brutal crimes, which are shown to have been within their general knowledge, they
say they disobeyed. The truth is they actively participated in all these crimes, or sat silent and acquiescent, witnessing
the commission of crimes on a scale larger and more shocking than the world has ever had the misfortune to know
27. See Valerie Genevive Hbert, Hitlers Generals on Trial: The Last War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg
(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2010), 5; Kim C. Priemel and Alexa Stiller, eds., Reassessing the Nuremberg
Military Tribunals: Transitional Justice, Trial Narratives, and Historiography (Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012); Kevin
Jon Heller, The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2011); see also Wolfram Wette, Fall 12: Der OKW-Prozess, in Der Nationalsozialismus vor Gericht:
Die alliierten Prozesse gegen Kriegsverbrecher und Soldaten 19431952, ed. Gerd R. Ueberschr (Frankfurt am Main:
Verlag, 1999), 199212.
28. Kerstin von Lingen, Partisanenkrieg und Wehrmachtjustiz: Italien 19431945, Zeitschrift fr Genozidforschung
2 (2007): 840; also Schreiber, Partisanenkrieg.
29. War Office (WO) 310/127, JAG memorandum, 5, United Kingdom, The National Archives (hereafter TNA). As
early as 1945, British investigators had found that the SS forces were not the only ones to get their hands dirty in the
fight against the partisans. Individual Wehrmacht units had also been involved in massacres.
30. Lingen, SS und Secret Service, 14f.
31. Most prominently, Kesselring himself; see N 431/936, Kesselring to Laternser, October 26, 1946, 12 sheets, sheet
3, BA-MA; WO 310/127, Judge Advocate Halse to the War Crimes Group Caserta, Major McKee, January 1, 1947,
TNA. Colonel Halse had indicated confidentially, as early as January 1, 1947, that no concrete charges could be made
against SS Obergruppenfhrer Karl Wolff.
32. WO 310/123, Voluntary Statement by SS Sturmbannfhrer Heinrich Andergassen, February 21, 1946, TNA.
33. Ibid.; Andergassen was former head of the Gestapo in Bozen, and the file noted: He wanted a clean exit and for
that reason did not mention who gave him the orders. He said that later or sometime, it will be spoken about by those left
behind, and they can say Schiffer was a real guy. Schiffer was convicted by an American military court in 1946 and
subsequently shot; see Gerald Steinacher, Sdtirol und die Geheimdienste (Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 2000), 267.
34. N 750/3, Kesselring trial diary, February 9, 1947, BA-MA: The battle commences!; N 750/7 includes reactions
to the death sentence, including Beelitzs and Rttigers. In N 750/6, Boehme to Laternser, April 27, 1951, BA-MA,
Albrecht Bhme offered himself as a witness for Kesselrings denazification proceedings, reasoning as follows: The
defense of the Field Marshal is a defense of the honor of non-Nazi German soldiers who only knew their duty to the
Fatherland, and it is one of our most honorable concerns to do the best that we can!
35. Dept. 47, Hiemer Papers, Keller to Hiemer, January 18, 1947, Archiv Monacense Societatis Jesu, Munich.
36. N 431/932, Laternser to Hamsher, June 9, 1947, BA-MA; Laternser emphasized that Kesselring had not been
concerned for himself; rather, he had been concerned for his honor and the honor of German soldiers and the German
military leadership. Kesselring is convinced that he conducted the war in Italy as decently and humanely as possible. In
his final address to the court, Laternser stressed that Kesselring had not defended himself but had defended the ideals
he represented (see also Foreign Office 642 [preserved in the Imperial War Museum, London], vol. 5, 59th day, May 6,
1947, TNA).
37. N 431/932, Hauser to Laternser, August 29, 1946, BA-MA; thus General Major Wolf Hauserformer chief of
General Staff of the Fourteenth Armyasked Laternser, then still involved in the Nuremberg IMT trial, to take custody
of the affidavits he had gathered on behalf of Kesselring and von Mackensen.
38. N 431/933, Laternser to the camp commandants of Dachau, Garmisch, Bridgend, and Rimini and Field Marshal
von Manstein, September 21, 1946, BA-MA.
39. Thomas Khne, Die Viktimisierungsfalle: Wehrmachtsverbrechen, Geschichtswissenschaft und symbolische
Ordnung des Militrs, in Der Krieg in der Nachkriegszeit: Der Zweite Weltkrieg in Politik und Gesellschaft der
Bundesrepublik, ed. Michael Th. Greven and Oliver von Wrochem (Opladen: Leske & Budrich, 2000), 18396.
40. Ibid., 186.
41. N 431/888, notes made by Kesselring for Laternser on Halses opening statement, probably February 17, 1947, 6,
42. Ibid.
43. N 431/935, Laternser to von Seidel in Bridgend, December 21, 1946, BA-MA. Laternsers wording was
ambiguous: Simon, Brunner, Tensfeld should be aware of events in In his letter he wrote that Simon was
in the best position to issue a statement on events in Apuana (this probably referred to the Apuanian Coast near
Pietrasanta, especially the reprisal at SantAnna di Stazzema), whereas Brunner would be best informed regarding
Caprane, Bassano, and Sassina; further, he said that Tensfeld would be able to provide information on Vercelli and
Crescentino and that General Roth should issue statements on Valdarno and Fibocchi.
44. N 431/936, Kesselring to Laternser, October 26, 1946, BA-MA; here Kesselring himself suggested SS and police
commanders as potential witnesses to antipartisan operations, since they were extremely well informed regarding the
war waged on the partisans and in some cases had carried out the alleged actions themselves. Laternser initially advised
against seeking statements from SS witnesses. Kesselring thus advised that Laternser should approach former Gauleiter
Rainer Hofer and SS Commander Alois Brunner, seeking statements on the Caprane and Bassano case.
45. N 431/935, Rttiger to Laternser, October 7, 1946, BA-MA. Ekkehardt Albert was also interned in Allendorf,
where he was unable to withstand the pressure exerted by the defense staff under Westphals command.
46. Carlo Gentile, Politische Soldaten: Die 16. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division Reichsfhrer-SS in Italien 1944,
Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 81 (2001): 540; and BA-MA, RH 2014/41,
AOK 14, War Journal No. 4, September 30, 1944, 377.
47. JAG 260 Prozess Kesselring JAG 260/2, Zolling cross-examination, 36th day, April 1, 1947, 2, Federal Republic
of Germany, Bundesarchiv-Ludwigsburg, Zentrale Stelle zur Verfolgung von Nationalsozialistischen Gewaltverbrechen
Ludwigsburg (hereafter ZSL).
48. N 431/305, Lemelsen, copy of a deposition, February 22, 1946, in London for the War Office (Italian Theatre of
War, pt. 2), 2, BA-MA.
49. JAG 260/3, trial transcripts, 46th day, April 16, 1947, 21, ZSL.
50. N 431/933, Lemelsen to Laternser, May 12, 1947, BA-MA. General Lemelsen believed that the media coverage
of the trial would expose him to the charge of having incriminated the field marshal. He feared that this view, if spread
at home, could show him in a bad light vis--vis his comrades.
51. JAG 260, trial transcripts, 17th day, March 10, 1947, 29, ZSL.
52. Times (London), March 11, 1947, German Softness to Partisans: Kesselrings Claim, p. 3.
53. Albert Kesselring, Soldat bis zum letzten Tag (Bonn: Athenum, 1953), 444.
54. Lingen, Kesselrings Last Battle, 123.
55. Ibid., 17180.
56. Wette, Wehrmacht, 223. Wette pointed out that there was great interest outside Germany in promoting the image
of a clean Wehrmacht.
57. WO 310/127, JAG, July 8, 1947, TNA.
58. WO 310/127, letter JAG to War Crimes Group South East Europe, February 19, 1948, TNA.
59. See Lingen, Allen Dulles.
60. Lingen, Conspiracy of Silence, 75, 76.
61. Georg Kreis, Das Kriegsende in Norditalien 1945, Schweizer Monatshefte 65, no. 6 (1985): 515. The concerns
of the Western Allies are particularly evident in the correspondence between Churchill and Roosevelt after March 8,
1945; see Francis L. Loewenheim et al., Roosevelt and Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence (New York:
Saturday Review Press, 1975), Doc. 905.
62. John R. Deane, The Strange Alliance: The Story of American Efforts of Wartime Co-operation with Russia
(London: Viking Press, 1947), 165: It marked a distinct turn in the attitude of the United States toward the Soviet Union
and gave notice that we were not to be pushed around.
63. G. A. Lincoln to Dulles, December 27, 1966, box 59, folder 10, Princeton University, Mudd Library, Allen
Dulles Private Papers (hereafter DCMLP); Dulles had asked Lincoln to give his opinion on the anti-Communist
background considerations in respect of Sunrise, since Lincoln was then a staff officer with the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and had drafted the outlines sent to Moscow. Lincoln confirmed that attempts had been made to conceal the true extent
of the capitulation efforts from Stalin; the goal was to improve the U.S. position around Trieste and Venezia-Guilia.
However, the delays and complications surrounding Sunrise meant that these attempts were only partially successful.
64. Vier Jahre Gefngnis fr Wolff: Haftbefehl aufgehoben: Die Anklage konnte keine Belastungszeugen
vorfhren, Hamburger Allgemeine Zeitung, June 7, 1949; Sie gehen mit fleckenlosem Kleide, SS General Wolff
erhielt 4 Jahre Gefngnis, Die Welt, June 4, 1949; Vier Jahre Gefngnis fr General Wolff: Der Angeklagte verlt mit
fleckenlosem Kleide den Gerichtssaal, Hamburger Freie Presse, June 4, 1949.
65. For more detail, see Lingen, Allen Dulles.
66. Lingen, Conspiracy of Silence, 85.
67. Robert Wolfe, Coddling a Nazi Turncoat, in U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, by Richard Breitman, Norman J.
W. Goda, Timothy Naftali, and Robert Wolfe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 320, 326; E 4320/17, vol.
101, Dossier on Eugen Dollmann, Swiss Federal Archive, Bern, includes a safe pass dated November 7, 1947, U.S.
Counter Intelligence Corps, Miesbach, confirmed in Bad Tlz November 12, 1947; Dollmann and Wenner escaped
justice together with the help of U.S. secret service; see Institut fr Zeitgeschicte (IfZ), Munich, AG TS/53/4,
Exemption of certain German nationals from denazification (Eugen Dollmann, Eugen Wenner). See also Richard
Breitman, Analysis of the name file of Guido Zimmer, www.archives.gov/iwg/declassified-records/rg-263-ciarecords/rg-263-zimmer.html.
68. Lingen, Kesselrings Last Battle, 21127.
69. Klaus Naumann, Nachkrieg als militrische Daseinsform: Kriegsprgungen in drei Offiziersgenerationen der
Bundeswehr, in Nachkrieg in Deutschland, ed. Naumann (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2001), 44472; Friedrich
Gerstenberger, Strategische Erinnerungen: Die Memoiren deutscher Offiziere, in Heer and Naumann,
Vernichtungskrieg, 62033.
70. Lingen, Kesselrings Last Battle, 92127.
71. The only critical memoirs were written by Frido von Senger und Etterlin, Krieg in Europa (Berlin: Kiepenheuer
& Witsch, 1960). In retrospect, however, Senger also succumbed in his details to the temptation of heroic glory, as is
shown in connection with the disarming of the Italians, in Hans Meier-Welcker, Aufzeichnungen eines
Generalstabsoffiziers 19381943 (Freiburg: Rombach, 1981), 218.
72. N 422 (Rttiger)/15, Antrge und Einwendungen gegen Art. 33 und 34 des Befreiungsgesetzes, Albert
Kesselring, December 14, 1951, 19, BA-MA. Rttiger underlined here that the soldiers, if these assaults should have
happened and should have been committed by my troopswhich is not yet proventhen they had acted out of an
unleashable warriors instinct against the brutal partisan bands and their unlawful approach.
73. N 422/15, Affidavit Hans Rttiger, December 20, 1951, 26, BA-MA.
74. This and the following passages refer to Lingen, SS und Secret Service, 17887.
75. Frei, Adenauers Germany, 235.
76. N 422 (Rttiger)/4, Fragment of draft study by A. Kesselring, Fortsetzung des Krieges, January 8, 1948, BAMA.
77. See N 422/4, statement of Rttiger on a point raised by Field Marshal Kesselring about the continuation of the
war, January 8, 1948, 8, BA-MA.
78. N 422/4, statement of Rttiger on a point raised by Field Marshal Kesselring about the continuation of the war,
January 8, 1948, 12, BA-MA.
79. N 422/4, statement by Vietinghoff to Kesselring, January 8, 1948, 14, BA-MA.
80. N 574 (Vietinghoff), Montanelli to Vietinghoff, November 26, 1949; and Montanelli to Vietinghoff, January 13,
1950, BA-MA.
81. N 574 (Vietinghoff), Vietinghoff to Montanelli, February 2, 1951, BA-MA.
82. N 574 (Vietinghoff), Vietinghoff to Montanelli, February 2, 1951, 4, BA-MA.
83. N 574 (Vietinghoff), Vietinghoff to Montanelli, February 2, 1951, 6, BA-MA.
84. Lingen, Kesselrings Last Battle, 248.
85. A comparison between this study and Kesselrings memoirs reveals that he incorporated the quoted passage
nearly verbatim but cleaned up some of the ideological vocabulary, such as Nazi phrases like the biggest battle for
survival and the failure of leadership. See Kesselring, Soldat, 40911.
86. Ibid., 409f.
87. See especially the correspondence found in the private papers of Friedrich Schulz, N 318, BA-MA.
88. N 422/4, Moll to Rttiger, March 20, 1953, BA-MA.
89. N 422/4, draft memorandum on cease-fire for Kesselring, July 1953, 2, BA-MA.
90. In his memoirs from 1978, Westphal once again evoked Kesserlings version of events. He writes that
Vietinghoff had temporarily turned over his command, for whatever reasons. But Westphal strongly criticizes his
successor Rttiger, whom Schulz and Wentzell simply locked up. Siegfried Westphal, Erinnerungen (Mainz, 1975),
91. N. Bumler, private papers, Kesselring to Bumler, January 3, 1958, in authors collection.
92. N 1245 (Lindner)/45. Manuscript from the broadcast program Fnf Minuten vor Zwlf of the
Nordwestdeutschen Rundfunks Cologne, written by Dr. Edgar von Schmidt-Pauli and broadcast April 25, 1955, 7:158:00 p.m., Federal Republic of Germany, Bundesarchiv Koblenz.
93. MC 019/72, 20 (Secret Surrender correspondence), Rahn to Dulles, July 1, 1965, DCMLP. This account was
taken up in particular by Dulles in his later book Secret Surrender (see note 1). Rahn pointed out once again to Dulles in
this letter the importance of this clarification.
94. Lingen, Kesselrings Last Battle, 27483.
95. Sddeutsche Zeitung, April 22, 1955, Der Sturz ins Dunkel: Die Sondervereinbarungen an der Italien-Front:
Interview mit General der Waffen-SS Karl Wolff.
96. Marcus Riverein, Das einwandfreie Leben des Waffen-SS Generals Karl Wolff: Der Mnchner Prozess gegen
Himmlers Adjutanten 1964, in NS-Prozesse und deutsche ffentlichkeit: Besatzungszeit, frhe Bundesrepublik und
DDR, ed. Jrg Osterloh and Clemens Vollnhals (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011), 32348.
97. Allen Dulles and Gero von Gaevernitz, Warum kmpft ihr nicht, statt zu verhandeln? Die Entscheidung im
Unternehmen Sunrise, Der Spiegel 43 (1966): 13953.
98. Even today, the fact that Albert Kesselringof all peoplewas brought to trial occasions some surprise. This
surprise has been voiced not only in publications issued by veterans associations but even in encyclopedia articles. See,
for example, the article Albert Keelring [sic], by Thilo Vogelsang, Neue Deutsche Biographie (Berlin: Propylen,
1977), 11:54243; Hans-Dietrich Ahrens, Albert Kesselring, in Alte Kameraden 48, nos. 78 (2000): 89; and KarlHeinz Meissner, Gedenkfeier zum 40. Todestag des GFM Kesselring, September 2000, unpublished manuscript,
Deutsche Montecassino Vereinigung.
99. Kerstin von Lingen, Von der Freiheit der Gewissensentscheidung: Inspekteur des Heeres, Generalleutnant Hans
Rttiger, in Hammerich and Schlaffer, Militrische Aufbaugeneration, 383409.
Part 3
I Am the Man Who Started the War
Alfred Naujocks and His Postwar Stories about His Adventures
Florian Altenhner
I am the man who started the war. This quote by Alfred Naujocks opens his biography
written by Gnther Peis. In this book, published in 1960 in London, the Austrian journalist
narrates Naujockss career with the SS and the SD. The book is full of dramatizations,
faultiness, and exaggerations; yet these point to a key element of Naujockss postwar
biography, for his was the story of a perpetrator, told again and again in order to recast his
wartime past of murder and crime as nothing more than an adventure.
Naujocks joined the SD in 1934 and rose within the ranks over the course of the next
few years. In 1938 he was promoted to SS-Sturmbannfhrer, a rank roughly equivalent to
a major in the Wehrmacht.1 In times of peace, such a rank was hard to reach for a man of
Naujockss agewhen World War II began, he was only twenty-eight years old. In
January 1939 the SD-Hauptamt (SD Main Office) numbered 865 officials, and only 28 of
them held SS-Sturmbannfhrer or higher ranks.2 Even if Naujocks did not belong to the
SDs inner circle around Heydrich, he was definitely part of the SDs leadership. Yet
Naujocks was no ordinary high-level perpetrator; his status in the SD and the
Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA [Reich Main Security Office]) cannot be explained by
his rank and position alone. Within the SD he was used for covert operations. Missions
like the mock raid on the Gleiwitz radio station at the beginning of World War II and the
kidnapping of British intelligence officers in Venlo in November 1939 made him well
known in the SD. Some of these missions were ordered by high-ranking SS officers such
as Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Mller, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Gottlob Berger, and even
Heinrich Himmler. These missions make it hard to define Naujocks as an average
perpetrator, a mere bureaucrat, or a desk murderer; his exceptional career cannot be
categorized within the common types of Nazi perpetrators. He was working at his desk but
also in the field as forger, kidnapper, and assassin.
Naujockss life and his career with the SD and then analyzes the representations of his
biography in East and West German magazines, paying particular attention to Naujockss
own role in the recasting of his life in Nazi Germany.
Life, 19111966
Alfred Naujocks was born in 1911 in Kiel-Gaarden, a working-class neighborhood. His
father ran a small business. At age sixteen, he left school and began an apprenticeship as
an orthopedic technician. In 1930 he gave up this apprenticeship and worked as a car
mechanic, because it seemed more interesting. In the summer of 1931, before his
twentieth birthday, he became a member of the NSDAP and the SS. At that time the SS in
Kiel was a rather small organization of some sixty to seventy members. The background
for Naujocks decision to join the party and the SS is hard to determine. In 1945 he
justified his decision by highlighting the increasing political tensions in his hometown,
noting that he simply had to decide for one side or the other, Left or Right. Between 1931
and 1933, he took part in several street battles between Nazis and Communists, and all
over town he was known as a notorious rowdy. A newspaper called him a rough fighter
(rauher Kmpfer).5
In the beginning of 1934, Naujocks moved to Berlin. Werner Gttsch, one of his SS
comrades in Kiel, arranged a job for him with the SD-Oberabschnitt Ost (SD Superior
District East), which controlled all SD operations in Berlin and the neighboring
provinces.6 Nothing qualified him for intelligence work, the SDs mainstay. Billeted by his
office, he initially worked as a driver and was used as such during the so-called RhmPutsch in June 1934. After the war he stated that he had driven some of the people who
were arrested to the barracks in Berlin-Lichterfelde, where they were executed.7
In January 1935 Naujocks killed the German emigrant Rudolf Formis in
Czechoslovakia. For this murder, he was promoted to the rank of SS-Untersturmfhrer
(lieutenant) and transferred to the counterespionage department of the SD-Oberabschnitt
Ost. Little is known about the work of this department. Before the RSHA was formed in
1939, counterespionage and foreign intelligence were within the responsibility of Amt III
of the SD Main Office (SD-Hauptamt), headed by Heinz Jost. In the SDs early years, no
centrally organized, permanent foreign intelligence service existed, although from its
beginnings there was a clear SD interest in foreign countries, especially neighboring
countries.8 Still, most contacts in foreign lands were efforts by individual SD officials.
This did not change until the RSHA came into being in 1939.
In 1945 Naujocks stated that in 1935 his work consisted almost entirely of internal
espionage and the enforcement of security measures designed to protect the clandestine
armaments industry. This involved the careful watching of all people known to be opposed
to the regime, and considered to be at all dangerous; [they] were rounded up and either
thrown into concentration camp or liquidated. After a few years, Naujocks began to work
in the field of foreign intelligence. The SDs foreign-intelligence mission initially
developed from cooperation with businessmen traveling abroad; the SD also used the
foreign branches of German companies for intelligence purposes. Naujocks set up a
network of agents operating all over Europe by contacting branches of AEG, the
electronics giant. He proved himself capable and in 1937 was promoted to head of the
counterespionage department in the SDs main regional office in Berlin (SD-Oberabschnitt
Ost). In 1938 he was posted to the SD Main Office and was attached to the emerging
foreign-intelligence department. Although he lacked expertise and language skills, he was
promoted to SS-Sturmbannfhrer in March 1938 and became head of its southeastern
Europe section.9 When the RSHA was created in 1939, Naujocks was put in charge of the
technical section of the SDs foreign intelligence service. He was responsible for all of the
foreign-intelligence services technical affairs: coding and decoding, secret inks, forgery
of documents and bank notes, developing radio equipment, and explosives.
The SD deployed Alfred Naujocks as a hit man, a counterfeiter, an agent, and a
terrorist. On August 31, 1939, he set up the mock raid on the Gleiwitz radio station, which
Nazi propaganda then used as a pretext for the German invasion of Poland. During the
raid the pro-Polish Silesian Franz Honiok was killed and his body was left behind as
evidence for an alleged Polish assault. Earlier in 1939, Naujocks was deeply involved with
the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and the proclamation of Slovak independence.10 He
arranged for a series of bomb explosions in Bratislava that carried all the hallmarks of a
Czech assault on Slovaks; they were meant to provoke an even greater rift between the
two main ethnicities in the state and lead to a Slovak declaration of independence. In
November 1939 he was heavily involved in the kidnapping of two British intelligence
officers from the neutral Netherlands. During a shoot-out, the Dutch intelligence officer
Dirk Klop was killed. From 1939 to 1941 Naujocks was involved with the forgery of
British banknotes. By 1941 he was discharged from the SD after being accused of
corruption; he was then drafted into the Waffen-SS. Naujocks survived the carnage of the
Russian front; by 1942 he headed the Fahndungsdienst, an investigative and surveillance
office focusing on economic matters such as black-market trades, in the German Military
Administration in Belgium. In 1944 he was appointed head of the German
counterterrorism campaign (Gegenterror) in Denmark, and in the fall of the same year he
defected to the Western Allies. A British intelligence officer stated in 1945 that over a
period of many years he was regarded by the leaders of Nazi Germany as desperado and a
thug who could be relied upon to carry out any mission, however dangerous and however
His discharge from the SD in 1941 meant that Naujocks lost any benefits from his SS
rank and his job with the SD. A soldier like millions of other Germans, he fought in the
Russian campaign until early 1942. It is quite likely that his assignment to the SS-Waffen
division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler prevented him from being deployed with one of the
Einsatzgruppen, for their leadership was recruited mainly from RSHA officials.
Consequently, he was not directly involved with the mass shootings of Jewsa
precondition for recasting his biography after the war.
Despite being kicked out of Berlin, Naujocks still drew upon his contacts. After
spending only a short time on the eastern front, he managed, based on his connections, to
get a safe and comfortable position with the German military government in Brussels in
1942. Soon after arriving, he was charged with combating the black market and
corruption. But this was only one part of his mission. At the same time he was working
the Reeperbahn.18 In the 1965 BBC documentary The Man Who Started the War, on the
other hand, he was presented as a rather well-off, average German.19 The documentary
showed him driving a Volkswagen and described him as having a weakness for mohair
suits. He married for the second time twenty months ago and has a ten-month-old baby
daughter. He earns fifty pounds a week, complains that he is overtaxed. But he has
enough left over to rent a sixteen guinea a week flat in one of Hamburgs most exclusive
Even though Allied intelligence services, as well as the West German
Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND [Federal Intelligence Service]), recruited many former SD
and Gestapo officials, it is wrong to presume a general continuity of West German
intelligence services from the Nazi past. There was no such automatic recruitment.
Naujocks was not employed by any intelligence service after his release from prison in
1950, even though the federal commissioner for the Stasi Archives holds some documents
showing that the East German Stasi was convinced that Naujocks worked for the BND.20
But the sources are weak, and in any case such an affiliation seems implausible: in the
1950s and 1960s a number of articles and books were published about Naujocks. He was
thus a far too prominent man to be used for any undercover work. According to HansHenning Crome, who in 1963 was assigned to screen the BND for war criminals,
Naujocks was not among the BNDs employees.21 In Werner Gttschs CIA file, Naujocks
is briefly mentioned in the 1960sbut only with the remark no traces.22
The historian Jrgen Runzheimer explains the course of the robbery. Bild und Funk,
August 30, 1964.
In 1962 the historian Jrgen Runzheimer interviewed Naujocks in Ham burg while
writing an article on the mock raid on Gleiwitz radio station. Naujocks, in this interview,
was still proud of his work with the SD: I was an intelligence professional beyond good
and evil. Asked about Gleiwitz specifically, he said he only remembered setting up the
mock raid alongside his other work. He could not remember the details because to him the
raid had been small fry (ein kleiner Fisch). As an intelligence professional, he had to
execute too many missions like that, he said.23
Not the least because of statements like these, Runzheimer regarded him as a typical
intelligence officer. The historian described Naujocks as a gifted autodidact, a semieducated man, well-spoken, and knowledgeable and conversant about a good many things.
He stated explicitly that Naujocks did not give the impression of a gangster or of a rowdy,
as Gerald Reitlinger had characterized him in his book.24 Naujocks seemed to be, instead,
petit bourgeois (kleinbrgerlich), a person who, despite his dirty collar and worn cuffs,
attempted to appear like a cosmopolitan man (weltmnnisch). At the time of the interview,
Naujockss financial situation was dire. He mentioned that once in a while a bailiff came
looking for him, that he was insolvent and did not want to be found by local authorities.
Runzheimer characterized him as canny and cynical but not unpleasant. He seemed to be
unburdened by a conscience and ready to take any orders and to return to a life as an
intelligence officersuited equally well for U.S. or Soviet intelligence services.25
But even if there is no evidence that Naujocks worked for various intelligence
services, there have always been speculations about his connections to the mysterious
ODESSA (Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehrigen [Organization of Former SS
Members]). Frederick Forsyth, for instance, refers briefly to Naujocks in his 1972
bestseller The Odessa File, in which he brought several historical characters into his plot.26
Even if the real Naujocks was not participating in a completely fictitious ODESSA
network, there is no doubt that in the 1950s and 1960s he was in touch with former
colleagues from the SD. Heinz Jost, Naujockss former superior in the SD, in 1962 still
was deeply impressed by him: Naujocks was a great comrade, someone you could always
rely on.27
In 1966 Alfred Naujocks died from a heart attack at age fifty-four. After his release
from the Danish prison, he was never charged for his crimes by a West German court. He
was, however, questioned as authorities conducted various investigations into wartime
crimes. In the 1960s, for example, Naujocks visited his former driver; the two men
discussed the Gleiwitz and Venlo incidents before they were both interrogated about
them.28 Indeed, there were five preliminary investigations into Naujockss actions;
investigators had an eye on Naujocks because he was regarded as an expert for special
missions.29 None of the investigations led to an indictment. At the time of his death, the
state attorney in Hamburg was still investigating Naujocks for the murder of Rudolf
Formis in Czechoslovakia in 1935, the murder of Franz Honiok in Gleiwitz in 1939, and
the shooting of Dirk Klop in Venlo in November 1939.30
It is quite remarkable that most of these investigations did not originate from the
prosecuting authorities, but rather from the outside. In 1960 the Society of People
Persecuted by the Nazi Regime (Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes) reported
Naujocks to the Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of
National Socialist Crimes in Ludwigsburg for the murder of Rudolf Formis. It took
German authorities almost three years to identify and locate Naujocks in Hamburg, which
is surprising since several newspapers and magazines had written about him, mentioning
that he lived in Hamburg, where he was even listed in the telephone book.31 Regarded as a
flight risk, Naujocks was arrested in July 1963 but released from custody after a few days.
Both men accused, Naujocks and Gttsch, stated that Heydrich had only ordered the
kidnapping of Formis, not his assassination. Both denied having fired the deadly shots and
blamed each other. During his investigation the state attorney could not refute their claim
that Formiss death was nothing but a failed kidnapping. Premeditation would have been a
condition for a conviction of murder. In 1965 the state attorney wanted to dismiss the case,
and after Naujockss death, the case against Gttsch was dismissed in 1966. However, the
state attorney had ignored a tiny detail: the SS-Dienstaltersliste, an official listing of all SS
officers, reveals that both men were promoted one day after Formiss death. Naujocks
became SS-lieutenant (Untersturmfhrer), and Gttsch became SS-captain
(Hauptsturmfhrer). The date of these promotions indicates clearly that they had fulfilled
their mission and exposes as a lie their claim of a failed kidnapping.
In 1961 Naujocks was suspected of being involved in the murder of Theodor Lessing,
a German Jewish philosopher who had been assassinated by Nazis in Marinsk Lzn,
Czechoslovakia, in 1933. The investigators assumed that Naujocks was the man
mentioned by several witnesses but known only by his first name (Karl). There was no
evidence that linked Naujocks to the crime, only that Karl was tall and blond and spoke
with a north German accent. The case against him was dismissed.
In 1965 Robert Kempner, who during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg
was assistant U.S. chief counsel and later a lawyer in Frankfurt am Main, requested that
the Hamburg state attorney examine the Venlo incident of 1939; he also reported Naujocks
for the murder of the Dutch intelligence officer Dirk Klop during the ensuing shoot-out.
Under questioning, Naujocks and his accomplice Werner Gttsch stated that they only
returned the fire Klop had opened on them. Consequently, they were accused of
manslaughter rather than first-degree murder. As at the time of the investigation, this
offense fell under the statute of limitations, and the case was dismissed.32
The investigation into Naujockss role in the Gleiwitz raid began after the East
German movie Der Fall Gleiwitz (The Gleiwitz Case) was shown in Hamburg in 1963.
After a person from the audience reported Naujocks to the police for murder, the state
attorney began to investigate. When Naujocks died in 1966, the case had not yet been
brought to court, for at that time many details of the mock raid, for example, the identity
of the person killed in Gleiwitz, were still unknown. Only by 1968 did investigators
identify the victim as Franz Honiok. They then proceeded to charge in absentia Heinrich
Mller, former head of the Gestapo, for the crime.
Although Naujocks told Runzheimer that he did not read about Nazi Germany, he was
well informed about the statute of limitations and the Central Office of the State Justice
Administrations for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes in Ludwigsburg.33
There is no doubt that Naujocks considered himself innocent; no statement of regret, selfdoubt, or remorse by him is documented. In the 1950s he applied to German authorities
for compensation for his imprisonment in Denmark. It is unknown whether this request
was approved, but this episode shows that he thought he had acted dutifully and legally.
German cinemas. Blow-by-blow, the film reveals how SD officer Naujocks staged the
outbreak of war in 1939 at the Gleiwitz radio station in cold blood, unaffected by any
emotions. A brief flashback shows the paradigmatic life of a young Nazi: a bad student
from a nationalistic home, who had conservative teachers; a member of the SS; a snitch, a
torturer, and a secret agent, whose activities resulted in promotion. Besides documenting
the events leading to the mock raid, the movie offers deep insights into the character of a
typical Nazi.34 The movies story kept close to the facts known up to then. Director
Gerhard Klein underlined: We have adhered to the facts. But it is no documentary, rather
a documentation with artistic means.35 The movie was, indeed, shot at the radio station at
Gliwice, and the scenes showing the raid were shot in the stations broadcasting studio.
From the beginning, reviews of the film were deeply influenced by events in Germany
in the 1960s. The initial screenplay used as a framework a story about NATO maneuvers
during which West German soldiers dressed in Soviet uniforms; East German
propagandists clearly meant to draw attention to the unbroken continuity between Nazi
Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany.36 However, the directors and the
screenwriters protest prevented such overt political influence on the final product. Yet
even without this explicit reference, East German newspapers linked the Gleiwitz incident
to current affairs. After the building of the Berlin Wall on August 13, 1961, which was
labeled an anti-fascist protective rampart (antifaschistischer Schutzwall), reviews hinted
that current Western actions were nothing more than continuations of fascist provocations.
According to one newspaper, the movie showed the essence and the activities of the many
little and big Naujocks who, on behalf of the West German government, were preparing
for war today and who might have set up another Gleiwitz Casehad it not been for a
world more alert and the forces of peace being stronger than ever.37
Most reviews alluded to the fictional character and the real Naujocks. One East
German newspaper saw in Naujocks, as played by the actor Hannjo Hasse (19211983),
exactly the disturbing mlange of blond beast and egotistic petty bourgeois rioting on the
western side of the Berlin Wall.38 To the Neue Deutschland, the official party newspaper of
the East German Socialist Unity Party, Naujocks was an evil piece of work (ein bles
Subjekt), who repeatedly has shown himself to be a snitch, a spy, and a bruiser.39
This is not the place to give a complete and exhausting outline of the movie and its
reception in East Germany. However, it is worth noting that, all things considered, the
reviews were ambivalent. On the one hand, critics praised the achievements of the director
and the cameraman; yet, on the other hand, they lamented the lack of an overt antifascist
perspective. Indeed, The Gleiwitz Case is told without the clear assignment of roles of
fascists and antifascists that were typical for the DEFA (Deutsche FilmAktiengesellschaft), the East German state-owned film studio.40 On the contrary, with its
focus on Naujocks and his perspective, the movie refrains from any narration of
Communist resistance. His antagonist is a mute, anonymous inmate of a concentration
camp, who is murdered by Naujocks at the radio station. Unlike the scenario in most East
German films, this man was not portrayed as a Communist hero who stood up against the
forces of evil.
The Gleiwitz Case was not screened in West German cinemas, but a few privately
organized film clubs presented it there. The reviews by West German newspapers were
generally favorable. The rather conservative daily Welt, published by the Axel Springer
Publishing House, usually free of any sympathies for the German Democratic Republic
(GDR), praised the movie as excellent.41 To the Bonner Rundschau, the movie was an
almost perfect example of a semidocumentary motion picture.42 Notwithstanding this
praise, the very few screenings caused irritations between East and West Germany. When
the left-wing Friends of Nature Youth organization (Naturfreunde-Jugend) in Frankfurt am
Main presented the film in October 1963, the police interrupted the screening and
confiscated the reels. Their action was justified by the claim that the East German movie
lacked the needed import license and that the West German motion picture rating
organization run by the movie industry (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle) had not approved the
movie.43 The East Berlin daily BZ am Abend was outraged: DEFA-movie confiscated.44
Only a few days after the incident, the movie was approved by the West German
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle after all and screened by other West German film clubs.45
In Hamburg in 1963, the local film club organized a presentation of The Gleiwitz Case
and invited Naujocks to comment on the incident. The former SD officer agreed to give a
factual account and to participate in a discussion.46 East German papers interpreted the
planned event as further clear evidence for West Germanys neofascist tendencies.47 Soon
the screening was canceled: Hamburgs school authorityin charge because the movie
was to be screened in a school auditoriumannounced that Naujockss presence was
undesirable.48 Thereupon the Hamburger Abendblatt editorialized that adult citizens,
knowledgeable about the facts, should not be deprived of the possibility to encounter those
men who during the Third Reich co-determined the evil tragedy of our history. The
article closed by stating, We also come to terms with history by countering the statements
of the persons involved. Thus the school authoritys decision was ham-fisted.49
journalists in shaping the popular image of Nazi Germany in the 1950s and 1960s. Their
research and writing was filling gaps of the publics knowledge about the years between
1933 and 1945. Sometimes even state attorneys had to rely on articles published in
popular magazines: when a serialization of Peiss book was published in Quick in 1964,
the state attorney in Hamburg who investigated Naujocks pointed to the article for his
colleague in Berlin, for he thought it contained good information. The Berlin colleague
had the article copied immediately.52
An adventurer settles down. He is living with his family in Hamburg, solidly middle
class (gutbrgerlich), inconspicuously. Quick, September 6, 1964.
Naujocks clearly collaborated with journalists such as Gnther Peis, who wrote the
primary biography; it is obvious that the pieces were written with Naujockss approval and
his cooperation.53 One of the few known details about this cooperation is that Naujocks
received money from Peis, but the total sum is unknown. Naujocks obviously agreed with
Peiss reading of his life and career, as their cooperation did not end with this book. In
1964 Peis wrote an article on Naujocks for Quick; Naujocks contributed up-to-date private
photos showing himself with his wife and daughter. Consequently, and even though the
details of their cooperation are unknown, Naujocks has to be regarded as a coauthor of the
process by which his biography was recast.
About what did journalists like Peis write, and which stories about Nazi Germany
were featured in magazines like Quick? On which crimes and which perpetrators did these
articles focus, and which issues were not considered? The 1950s popular magazines like
Stern, Quick, Revue, and Kristall were some of the most important forms of media in West
Germany. Around 1955 their circulation peaked at 1 million, with about 20 million
Germans reading these magazines every week. They not only presented current events but
also featured reports on historical events, such as stories about Nazi Germanywhether as
serializations of books or as so-called factual reports (Tatsachenberichte). There were also
article series that promised the readers historical and political authenticity, although the
storys protagonists were frequently fictional characters presented as if they had been
historical characters.54 It would be wrong to assume that the Nazi era was eliminated from
West German popular culture. As Michael Schornstheimer has shown, these media
sources told Nazi history with excitement, commitment, and enthusiasm.55 But they
remained silent about war crimes and the murder of millions. In the popular media, as well
as in the historical scholarship of the early Federal Republic, the Holocaust did not matter.
Whereas the East German film The Gleiwitz Case pictured Naujocks as acting cool
and businesslike, almost like a machine, West German magazines presented a completely
different character. According to them, he was a hotheaded secret agent and adventurer.
Such portrayals left Naujocks occupying a niche of German popular culture that linked
him to his actual activities but did not incriminate him. So what is an adventurer? An
adventurer experiences thrilling and extraordinary adventures, behaves boldly, and faces
an uncertain outcome. Adventure stories are usually not told within politicized
surroundings, for the political world is nothing more than the actions framework. Within
narrations that treat historical events as adventures, Naujockss actions are thrilling stories,
not crimes.
In these articles and books, Naujockss biography was not meant to tell the history of
Nazi Germany; rather, the biography served simply as a means to tell stories and
anecdotes. Articles on Naujocks did not focus on reporting a historical truth in any factual
sense but tended to narrate adventures. The telling and retelling of the Gleiwitz incident
serves as a good example in this context, as does the shoot-out at Venlo, for the stories
focus on the incidents special-operations character and the danger and thrills associated
with them. That Nazi Germany fabricated the events at the Gleiwitz radio station as a
pretext for its war of aggression against Poland, leading to millions of peoples deaths,
falls to the narratives wayside. The Venlo incident, an actual tactical triumph for German
intelligence without any direct impact on politics, is presented as a thrilling shoot-out; not
discussed are its consequences on existing (and future) contacts between the British
government and the German resistance. Tall tales of spies and dangers like the ones
encountered at Venlo and Gleiwitz dominate representations of Naujockss biography and
thereby of Nazi Germany. Anecdotes have replaced analysis.
From the 1950s to the beginning of the 1960s, representations of Nazi perpetrators and
their activities were deeply influenced by very schematized patterns. A basic element was
the clear distinction between the principal culprits like Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler,
and Reinhard Heydrich and the rest of Nazi Germanys population. Only the leaders were
sketched as truly guilty and fully responsible for Nazi crimes. In contrast to this, most
members of the police, the Gestapo, and the SD were characterized as followers or fellow
travelers to varying degrees, who struggled to remain as decent and honorable throughout
the Nazi era as they had been before. The Nazi era, for its part, was interpreted as outside
of regular German history and demonized as a breeding ground of the abnormal, a period
understandable only in terms of pathological categories.56 The perpetrators who had
committed crimes were regarded as demons and desperadoes with whom German
society at large had nothing in common. They were seen as the absolute other or as the
incarnation of evil.57 A fine example of this mentality was the German translation of the
subtitle of Gerald Reitlingers book on the SS. Originally published as The SS: Alibi of a
Nation, it was entitled, in German, Die SS: Tragdie einer deutschen Epoche (The SS:
Tragedy of a German Epoch).58
In the following years, Naujocks was mentioned in several serials on Nazi Germany
published by major West German magazines. These magazines presented him as a lowlevel subordinate to Heydrich, who, in turn, was presented as an embodiment of evil who
had misled others to follow him in his crimes. Accordingly, one key element of
Naujockss representations was his relationship with Heydrich: Reinhard Heydrich, the
intelligent, ice cold Mephisto of the Third Reich had met Naujocks during the movements
time of struggle [Kampfzeit] in Kiel. Naujocks was the complete opposite of Heydrich. He
was sentimental, emotional, full of fantasy, but with the disposition of a mercenary
[Landsknechtnatur][;] a daredevil, a womanizer, Heydrich was intelligent, a matter-of-fact
person, insensible, a clear and businesslike realist.59 Whereas Heydrich was sketched as a
man of cold reasoning, Naujocks was characterized as emotional and impulsive.
While West German authors distinguished between low-ranking bureaucrats and
officers like Naujocks on the one hand and principal perpetrators like Hitler, Himmler, or
Heydrich on the other, East German authors emphasized the commonality between the
two groups. The lower-level men differed from their leaders mainly in the willingness to
comply with orders. West German magazines presented Naujocks as an adventurer and
secret agent but not as a villain. East Germanys The Gleiwitz Case cast Naujocks as a
National Socialist and devoted follower of Heydrich and also as a coldblooded killer. West
German articles almost never described Naujockss adventures as crimes with a judicial
aftermath, and there was almost no coverage of the investigations against him. The
Hamburger Morgenpost was one of the very few papers that published an articleunder
the headline Three Bodies Indict!on the investigations against Naujocks in 1965.60
More consistently, East German newspapers demanded a conviction, decried the failings
of West German courts, and pointed out the continuities between Nazi Germany and the
Federal Republic.
Episodes from Naujockss life that might incriminate him were faded out of the
narrative or were altered and sanitized. Many articles, for instance, tried to explain
Naujockss demotion in 1941 as a consequence of Heydrichs resentment against him.
Heydrich was annoyed with Naujocks and thus was looking for means to get rid of
Naujocks, as a Stern article put it.61 According to the same magazine, Heydrich used a
present given to Naujocks by Wolfgang Sanner to charge Naujocks with corruption, to let
him go from the SD, and to post him with the Waffen-SS, hoping that this would spell
Naujockss end at the front. Another article claimed that Naujocks, formerly a favorite of
Heydrichs, fell out of grace on account of an affair. Allegedly, he had eavesdropped on
his superior while the latter visited the infamous Salon Kittysupposedly a brothel
operated by the SD to snoop on diplomats and German dignitariesand was therefore
prosecuted by Heydrich and finally dismissed from the SD.62
No article or book mentioned the actual reasons for Naujockss demotion: in 1940 he
and Wolfgang Sanner were involved in selling visas to Dutch Jews. A story that involved
Jewish refugees would have been too close to the Holocaust, which was only rarely
referred to in those magazinesand the context of mass murder would have spoiled the
recasting of Naujocks as a rather harmless adventurer.
Also omitted from these stories and articles was Naujockss participation in a number
of counterterrorism murders, as well as his conviction in Denmark for these crimes.
Without any explanation, Peis, for instance, mentioned only Naujockss SD activities in
Denmark.63 While murders of innocent civilians were ignored, stories about Naujockss
role in the deaths of Rudolf Formis, Franz Honiok, and Dirk Klop seem to be justifiable,
since they were embedded into adventurous stories of spy games.
Given his role in numerous murders from the 1930s through the 1940s, Naujocks
seems to have been one of the abnormal and rather pathological perpetrators. Yet he was
one of the characters who was allowed a symbolic return to German society. Most articles
presented Naujocks as merely an instrument of Heydrich, who treated him like a cat
[that] plays with a mouse knowing it has it in its grip.64 In articles like these, Naujocks
was presented as a perpetrator as well as a victim. On the one hand, he fell prey to the
dangerous, begrudging, and alluring Heydrich, who seduced Naujocks to commit his
deeds. In that sense he was a perpetrator. Yet Naujocks was also described as a victim of a
German postwar society that was ungrateful and unappreciative of his sense of duty as an
intelligence agent and set out to prosecute him. Naujocks considered these investigations
by German authorities as an unfounded persecution that endangered his peaceful life as a
family man. According to Quick, Naujocks was living inconspicuously in Hamburg,
neither rich nor poor, neither burdened by guilt nor boastful, one of millions of
Germans.65 The same article presented him as a husband and a family man, showing him
with his young wife and his baby daughter. One of the captions read: An adventurer
settles down. He is living with his family in Hamburg, solidly middle class
(gutbrgerlich), inconspicuously.66 Reframing the perpetrator as another victim of the
war made him a fellow citizen. Recast as an adventurer by the press, a process in which he
had played an important part, Naujocks could be integrated into postwar West Germany.
During the 1960s the all-too-naive coverage of the Nazi past finally but slowly came to an
end in the Federal Republic, and as it did, traditional views of perpetrators and their deeds
were discarded. The turning point was the trial against Adolf Eichmann.67 The media
coverage of his kidnapping (1960), his conviction (1961), and his eventual execution
(1962) introduced the German public to a new type of perpetrator, the desk murderer, and
broadened the perspective on the range of previously suppressed crimes. Until then Nazi
perpetrators had been sketched as rather abnormal personalities, but with Eichmann all
those honorable men and bureaucrats and their crimes came into focus.68 Instead of
thrilling adventures and trivial glorifications, the guilt and responsibility of the Germans
more and more became the focus of coverage of the Nazi era.69
By the 1960s, the methods of journalists and historians changed also. Instead of using
the perpetrator as the primary witness, his view was replaced by the voices of the victims
and the legitimacy of documents. When the historian Jrgen Runzheimer published his
inquiry into the Gleiwitz incident in the scholarly journal Vierteljahrshefte fr
Zeitgeschichte in 1962, Naujocks finally lost control over the interpretation and
representation of the events.70 Until then Naujocks had been the only eyewitness of the
incident and had told and retold his story.71 On the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary
of the outbreak of World War II, German television began preparing a documentary on the
Gleiwitz incident. The original plan held that Naujocks should be questioned about the
orders received from Heydrich and the incidents details.72 But the TV station refrained
from this approach, and finally Runzheimer and a former head of the Gleiwitz radio
station gave a reconstruction of the events. Even this minor detail shows the changing
coverage of National Socialist crimes and the professionalization of reporting on the Nazi
past in the 1960s.
In the foreword to the biography written by Gnter Peis, Naujocks was enthralled by
his own role in history and compared the shots fired at the Gleiwitz radio station with the
assassination of the Archduke of Austria in Sarajevo that sparked World War I. He boasted
that he had triggered the chain-reaction of violence and bloodshed and regarded himself
as one of the worlds most wanted men.73 Yet he was neither wanted nor in hiding. When
the book was published in 1960, he was living in Hamburg; and contrary to his big words,
he was not the man who had started the war. Gleiwitz was an act of propaganda without
any impact on the events. Even the German propaganda of September 1939 did not put
much faith in this staged attack. Only in the first days of the conflict did the National
Socialist newspapers even cover it at all. Naujocks made headlines but not history. His
relevance lies not in his doings but in the story of how he and others represented their
wartime crimes and thus the German past.
The author wishes to thank Katrin Paehler for her help with the translation of this chapter from German to English.
1. On the biography of Alfred Naujocks, see Florian Altenhner, Der Mann, der den 2. Weltkrieg begann: Alfred
Naujocks: Flscher, Mrder, Terrorist (Mnster: Prospero, 2010). This chapter is based upon this book; references are
given only for specific citations.
2. R 58/8001, Federal Republic of Germany, Bundesarchiv Berlin (hereafter BA-B).
3. Alfred Naujocks, foreword to The Man Who Started the War, by Gnter Peis (London: Odhams, 1960), 14. The
book was never translated into German, but in 1964 it served as a model of a serial in German by the same author in the
magazine Quick.
4. Outside of such public representations of his life, nothing can be said about how Naujocks told his life in private
surroundings or to his family. No relatives could be traced.
5. Schleswig-Holsteinische Volkszeitung, December 12, 1932.
6. KV 2 (Secret Service Release), 279/129a, United Kingdom, The National Archives, Kew (hereafter TNA).
7. KV 2/280/168b, TNA.
8. On the foreign-intelligence SD before 1939, see George C. Browder, Hitlers Enforcers: The Gestapo and the SS
Security Service in the Nazi Revolution (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), chap. 9; Katrin Paehler, Espionage,
Ideology and Personal Politics: The Making and Unmaking of a Nazi Foreign Intelligence Service (PhD diss.,
American University, 2004); Michael Wildt, Generation des Unbedingten: Das Fhrungskorps des
Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2002), 391410.
9. KV 2/279/129a, TNA.
10. Florian Altenhner, SS-Intelligence, Covert Operations and the Slovak Declaration of Independence in March
1939, Journal of Intelligence History 8 (2008): 1524.
11. KV 2/280/183a, TNA.
12. SSO Alfred Naujocks, BA-B.
13. KV 2/280/169a, TNA.
14. Document PS 2751, Trial of the Major War Criminals (Nuremberg, 1948), 31:90-92.
15. KV 2/ 279/ 129a, TNA.
16. Naujocks, foreword to Peis, Man Who Started the War, 14.
17. Staatsarchiv Hamburg Staatsanwaltschaft Landgericht/Strafsachen 18135/68, vol. 1.
18. Charles Whiting, Heydrich: Henchman of Death (Barnsley, UK: Leo Cooper, 1999), 35.
19. The Man Who Started the War, Gordon Thomas, TV Documentary, British Broadcasting Cooperation, London,
1965. It is not entirely clear why the BBC was interested in Naujocks in 1965. Probably the documentarys author had
come across some German articles on Naujocks.
20. MfS All. P. 15667/78, Federal Republic of Germany, Archives of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi
Archives (hereafter BStU).
21. Hans-Henning Crome, message to the author, October 31, 2010.
22. RG 263 Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, ZZ 18, box 43, U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration, College Park, MD.
23. Hauptstaatsarchiv Dsseldorf (hereafter HStAD) 8 I Js 532/66, Alfred Naujocks, interview by Jrgen
Runzheimer, May 25, 1961. Runzheimer was researching the Gleiwitz incident on behalf of the Institut fr
Zeitgeschichte (IfZ) in Munich. Jrgen Runzheimer, Der berfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz im Jahre 1939,
Vierteljahrshefte fr Zeitgeschichte 10 (1962).
24. Gerald Reitlinger, The SS: Alibi of a Nation, 19221945 (London: Heinemann, 1956), 12223.
25. 8 I Js 532/66, Naujocks interview, HStAD.
26. On the ODESSA myth, see Uki Goni, The Real Odessa: How Pern Brought the Nazi War Criminals to
Argentina (London: Granta, 2002); Heinz Schneppen, Odessa und das Vierte Reich: Mythen der Zeitgeschichte (Berlin:
Metropol, 2007).
27. Rep. 382/ 1512, Heinz Jost, interview by Jrgen Runzheimer, February 17, 1962, HStAD.
28. 8 I Js 532/ 66, Handakte, HStAD.
29. NDS. 721 Hannover Acc. 90/99 Nr. 71, 71/1 and 71/2, Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover.
30. The first investigation dates from 1950. Its reasons remain unknown; only the investigations file number is still
31. MfS HA IX/11, RHE-West, Nr. 289, BStU.
32. B 162/20569, Federal Republic of Germany, Bundesarchiv Ludwigsburg.
33. 8 I Js 532/66, Naujocks interview, HStAD.
34. The screenplay by Gnther Rcker, Die Verlobte: Der Fall Gleiwitz: Texte zu 7 Spielfilmen (Berlin: Henschel,
1988), 1162. See the final report on the films production, DR 117/A 131 b, BA-B.
35. Filmspiegel 8 (February 24, 1961).
36. DR 117 A 131 b, BA-B.
37. Junge Welt, July 29, 1961.
38. Wochenpost, September 6, 1961.
39. Neues Deutschland, August 27, 1961.
40. Konrad Schwalbe, Der Fall Gleiwitz, Beitrge zur Film und Fernsehwissenschaft 30 (1989): 19.
41. Die Welt, September 14, November 27, 1963. On the censorship of DEFA movies in West Germany, see Andreas
Ktzing, Zensur von DEFA-Filmen in der Bundesrepublik, Politik und Zeitgeschichte 59 (2009): 12.
42. Bonner Rundschau, November 11, 1963.
43. Frankfurter Rundschau, October 14, 16, 1963.
44. BZ am Abend, October 14, 1963.
45. An assessment of the movie produced nothing subversive, and the film was approved. Die andere Zeitung
(Hamburg), October 24, 1963.
46. Handout by the Filmklub Hamburg, HStAD 8 I Js 532/66.
47. Thringer Tageblatt, March 18, 1963.
48. Die Zeit, September 20, 1963.
49. Hamburger Abendblatt, September 17, 1963.
50. Jrgen Thorwald, Der Mann der den Krieg auslste, Stern, June 7, 14, 1953.
51. Spiegel, November 13, 1963.
52. B Rep. 05701 P n 5, Landesarchiv Berlin.
53. There is a photo showing Naujocks being interviewed by Peis. Lothar Hbelt, Gnter Peis: Journalist und
Historiker: Fact-Finder der Zeitgeschichte, Das Fenster 59 (1995).
54. Michael Schornstheimer, Die leuchtenden Augen der Frontsoldaten: Nationalsozialismus und Krieg in den
Illustriertenromanen der fnfziger Jahre (Berlin: Metropol, 1995), 11.
55. Ibid., 211.
56. Ibid.
57. Gerhard Paul, TterbilderTterprofileTaten: Ergebnisse der neueren Tterforschung, in Hier wird der
Kampf des Menschen exemplarisch ausgefochten: Jdischer Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus, ed. Hans Erler
(Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2003), 14344.
58. Gerald Reitlinger, Die SS: Tragdie einer deutschen Epoche (Vienna: Desch, 1957).
59. Wolfgang Lhde, Geld wie Heu, Stern, August 1, 1959. Again and again it was claimed that Heydrich and
Naujocks knew each other from their times together in Kiel. But actually they first met in Berlin. It stands to reason that
this piece of information was meant to enhance Naujockss status. On the chronology of Heydrich in Kiel, see
Altenhner, Der Mann, 14849.
60. Morgenpost, February 3, 1965.
A Man with a Wide Horizon
The Postwar Professional Journey of SS Officer Karl Nicolussi-Leck
Gerald Steinacher
In his biography of SS Obergruppenfhrer Werner Best, the German historian Ulrich
Herbert coined the phrase Ausgrenzung in den Wohlstand, or exclusion into prosperity.
According to Herbert, for those excluded from politics and public service, there remained
the liberal professions and business, mostly provided by old contacts, some dating from
their student days.1 Yet there are few studies on the postwar professional lives of former
high-ranking Nazis and SS officers. Among them are Norbert Freis edited volume
Karrieren im Zwielicht (Careers in the twilight) and a dozen or so biographical studies,
such as Herberts work on Best.2 Former SS officer Karl Nicolussi-Leck and his post-1945
network of comradesbusiness associates and friendsexemplify Herberts assertion
that former Nazis and SS men reinvented themselves after 1945, transforming from
political actors into successful apolitical businessmen.
Nicolussi-Leck and his circle provide excellent examples of the postwar careers of
former midlevel SS officers and Nazi officials, many of whom managed to start new
careers in the private sector, especially with big German companies in the Rhine-Ruhr
region. This traditional heartland of German industry started to boom again in the 1950s,
and with it many careers took off too. Indeed, it is striking how swiftly and easily former
SS officers reintegrated into German and Austrian social and economic life. By no means
an exception, Nicolussi-Lecks career was a product of the Cold Warera economic and
political climate, and as such it is a telling case. It was not until the late 1980s that hard
questions about former Nazi officials began to be asked: To what degree were they
involved with the crimes of the Hitler regime? Did they bear any legal or moral
responsibility for these crimes? What did they do after the war? While researching
Nicolussi-Lecks postwar career, I came across a number of similar cases that can only be
touched upon here. Given the scarce research on the postwar careers of former Nazis with
major German companies, this chapter seeks to raise awareness of this understudied topic
and begin to fill in the gap in scholarship.3
Karl Nicolussi-Leck was born to a South Tyrolean farming family on March 14, 1917,
in Vadena (Pfatten in German), near Bolzano (Bozen in German). He was one of eleven
children. The Nicolussi-Leck family had for centuries lived in the German-speaking
enclave of Luserna in the northern Italian province of Trentino in the Dolomites. During
World War I, the region erupted in fighting between the Austro-Hungarian and Italian
armies. In May 1915, the town of Luserna was shelled from nearby Italian forts,4 forcing
the Nicolussi-Leck family to flee the front for a little farmhouse called Kreithof in Vadena.
Karl attended elementary school in Kaltern and later the well-respected Franciscan
Gymnasium in Bolzano, graduating in 1936. Soon after, he began studying law at the
University of Padua.5
After World War I, Italy annexed the mostly German-speaking South Tyrol, which had
up to that point been part of the Austrian province of Tyrol. Under Benito Mussolinis
Fascist regime (19221943), South Tyrols German-speaking population experienced
harsh discrimination and oppression. The use of German in schools and on official
documents was forbidden, and German names for towns, mountains, and valleys, and even
some German surnames, were Italianized. At the same time, tens of thousands of Italians
began to pour into the region. Almost overnight, the people of South Tyrolwho had for
centuries belonged to the powerful German-speaking majority of the Habsburg Empire
became a powerless ethnic minority in the Italian state.6
After Adolf Hitler became German chancellor in 1933, many South Tyroleans placed
their hopes for liberation from Italian rule in Nazi Germany.7 They supported National
Socialism mostly because it was German and rejected Fascism mostly because it was
Italian. As the South Tyrolean journalist Claus Gatterer explains, in the eyes of the South
Tyroleans, Mussolinis Fascism was more human, more corrupt, and, precisely in its
human imponderables, more easily predictablebut it spoke Italian; it was alien.
Although Nazism was more brutal and inhuman, many South Tyroleans embraced it
because it spoke our language.8 South Tyrol was a region where Italian nationalism and
German nationalism met and often clashed. This ethnic conflict also burdened the
relationship between Hitler and Mussolini.
Nicolussi-Leck became involved as a teenager with the Vlkischer Kampfring Sdtirol
(VKS)a pro-Nazi movement opposing the Italian Fascists denationalization policy.
According to his friend Christoph Pan, When VKS leaders were exiled by the Italian
rulers in 1936, three people assumed the lead in the movement. One of them was Karl
Nicolussi-Leck, at the time just nineteen years old.9 Beginning in 1933, the VKS came
increasingly under Nazi influence. According to the South Tyrolean historian Leopold
Steurer, from 1933 to 1939 the VKSs main goal was to lay the groundwork for the
Anschluss (annexation) to the Third Reich by Nazifying South Tyrol through teaching and
In his curriculum vitae, Nicolussi-Leck wrote: When I was 14 years old, I started my
political career in the national fight [Volkstumskampf] for the South Tyrolean people and
with it, my career as a National Socialist.11 Nicolussi-Leck soon became one of the
leading and most active members of the VKS. On his SS documents, he listed his
profession as political leader and organizational head of the Nazi movement in South
Tyrol.12 He received an appropriate ideological education in Germany at the NSSchulungsburg in Krssinsee. His superiors ascribed to him a leaders personality and
comradeship. His commitment to Nazi ideology was described as firm and clear.13
Four months after accepting German citizenship in January 1940,14 Nicolussi-Leck
enlisted in the Waffen-SS.15 The Second World War had started, wrote Christoph Pan
about his friends decision, and Karl Nicolussi volunteered immediately after the Option
because he thought that the war had to be won by Germany if his homeland, South
Tyrol, was not to be lost for good.16 In November 1941, SS-Scharfhrer Nicolussi-Leck
was sent to officer-candidate training at the SS-Junkerschule in Bad Tlz. On April 20,
1942, he was promoted to SS-Untersturmfhrer.17
Nicolussi-Lecks wartime service showed his daring and fearlessness, qualities that
also served him well in his postwar life. During the last year of the war, he served with
distinction while leading his tank company. He was promoted to SS-Hauptsturmfhrer in
January 1945 and awarded the German Cross in gold in March 1945 after being wounded
several times on the eastern front.25 In early April 1945, Nicolussi-Leck was transferred
with a unit of 150 men from Hungary to northwest Germany. After fighting fierce battles
while retreating, Nicolussi-Leck finally gave the order in mid-April to dissolve the unit.
Each soldier had to make his own way home. Nicolussi-Leck and most of his men either
surrendered or were captured and then interned in U.S. prisoner-of-war camps in Austria
and Germany.26
In 1947 Nicolussi-Leck was released from the Glasenbach camp near Salzburg and
began to work as an escape agent for SS men and Nazis fleeing to South America via
Italy. Like Nicolussi-Leck, they had been interned for two years in Glasenbach. The
American internment camp for the bad Nazis [was] well known all over Austria,
remarked one former SS man.27 The friendships forged in the confines of Glasenbach
evolved into escape networks. In the period leading up to their escapes, the bad Nazis
were less concerned with politics than with camaraderie and mutual assistance, keys to
starting over after 1945. One Glasenbach prisoner wrote, We are closely connected and
help each other as much as we can.28 Indeed, groups of SS comrades helped one another,
mostly to start over at home but also to emigrate overseas. Word began to spread that SS
men were escaping from Europe, and the group from Glasenbach knew there must be a
reliable friend facilitating the getawaysKarl Nicolussi-Leck.
the smugglers, coordinating his efforts with Fuldner and the Argentine authorities.
Nicolussi-Leck was one of the most important organizers of escape assistance via Italy
for Nazi fugitives. Among those whom he smuggled into Italy and then hid in Bolzano
were the well-known Luftwaffe fighter pilots Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Adolf Galland, and
Herbert Bauer.32 The Argentine government under Juan Perndesperate for specialists,
particularly technicians, in every professionwelcomed German experts with open
arms.33 Nicolussi-Leck knew this. Fuldner had told him that Pern was going to buy out
all of Germany and bring the German experts to Argentina.34 Indeed, it was likely
Nicolussi-Leck who guided colleagues of airplane designer Kurt Tank, who went on to
build the first fighter jet for the Argentine air force, over the Brenner Pass to Bolzano.35
Holocaust perpetrators like Adolf Eichmann also escaped overseas via South Tyrol.
Eichmann and other high-ranking Nazis received new papers and new identities from the
town of Tramin (Termeno). This is how Eichmann became the South Tyrolean Riccardo
Klement from Bolzano.36 We still dont know who provided these Nazi criminals with
new papers and identities, but certain possibilities should be researched further. One of the
closest friends of Nicolussi-Leck was the former Nazi official Kurt Heinricher. Heinricher
was the brother-in-law of Viktor Walch, who belonged to the richest and most influential
families in Tramin and was the powerful Nazi-Kreisleiter (district leader) there. Is this just
a remarkable coincidence?37
The escape route via Austria and Italy was an open secret. A 1953 CIA document
stated that many Wehrmacht and SS veterans went from a center in Munich through
Innsbruck, Bern and Rome, to Beirut and Damascus. Some of those going to Spain and
South America also passed through Rome. A transit and recruiting center existed there
under the protection of German [actually, Austrian] Bishop Alois Hudal.38 The Austrian
police believed that the flight of Nazis across the Brenner Pass was controlled and
financed by a secret organization. As early as 1949, after receiving tips about wellorganized Nazi human-smuggling operations, the Austrian Public Prosecutors Office
launched an investigation that uncovered Nicolussi-Lecks escape network and even
caught some smugglers, including Nicolussi-Lecks brother-in-law. It was not until 1969,
however, that the Austrian government connected Nicolussi-Lecks group to the mythical
Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehrigen (Organization of former SS members),
known as ODESSA. That year, the Austrian Ministry of Justice placed a new cover page
titled ODESSA Organization in the file for the Tyrolean human smugglers.39
Nicolussi-Leck himself longed to start a new life away from ruined Europe. His
professional and political prospects in South Tyrol were bleak. Because of his Nazi past,
the Italian government very likely refused to restore his citizenship. A business career in
Argentina seemed to be a realistic alternative. In a 2004 interview, Nicolussi-Leck said
that the Argentines had invited him to go to Argentina.40 So, in 1948, using the same
routes along which he had guided so many others, Nicolussi-Leck headed for South
America via Italy.
On August 31, he applied for a Red Cross travel document in Rome together with the
family of Luftwaffe officer Otto Behrens.41 Nicolussi-Leck had no need to lie on his
application forms. He could declare his citizenship truthfully: he was stateless. But he
had no proof of identity. Fortunately, he had close contacts with the Fascist Croatian priest
Krunoslav Draganovic in Rome. According to Nicolussi-Leck, the good Father
Draganovic was the most important contact and colleague of Fuldners in Italy.42 On the
morning of August 31, 1948, Nicolussi-Leck met with Draganovic in Rome. The Vatican
aid mission for refugees issued Nicolussi-Leck a letter of recommendation, and
Draganovic himself signed his application for the Red Cross travel document. NicolussiLeck and his wife were placed on Draganovics list of 169 Croatians and received their
visas for Argentina as Croatians. Nicolussi-Leck deliberately left his nationality of
origin open, saying only that he was stateless and that his place of birth was Wadena
(Vadena). The lack of data seemingly enabled Draganovic to present him as an ethnic
German from Croatia.43
Once their papers were in order, Nicolussi-Leck and his wife and daughter immigrated
to Argentina. With Fuldners help, Nicolussi-Leck became a business manager for a group
of industrial designers that included former Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, and Nazi technicians
and other experts who had formed the Compaa Argentina para Proyectos y
Realizaciones Industriales (CAPRI).44 As early as 1950, Nicolussi-Leck worked in
agricultural planning, probably within the framework of CAPRI, for the Argentine
provinces of Tucumn and Santiago de Estero. In 1952 in Buenos Aires, he founded
Nicolussi-Leck Aspersin, a watering-system company, which was a great success.45 He
also lectured on thermodynamics at Buenos Aires University. At this point, NicolussiLeck and Fuldner shared an office on the sixth floor of 375 Avenue Crdoba in Buenos
Aires. Their firms in the Argentine capital employed former Nazis and even war criminals
such as SS-Brigadefhrer Hans Fischbck.46 Nicolussi-Leck and his comrades in
Argentina won numerous contracts from President Pern and quickly established new
myriad positions for the Reich, including director of the Reichsgruppe Industrie, substitute
director of the Reichswirtschaftskammer (the Reichs economic ministry), and war
industry leader.50 His name was even on the U.S. list of suspected Nazi criminals to be
called to justice, but he never was. Instead, in 1956 he received the Bundesverdienstkreuz
mit Stern (Federal cross for merit with star) from the West German government. The
historian Tim Schanetzky makes the point that in this context, the processes carried out in
Nuremberg after 1947 against a total of 36 owners, leaders and managers of the concerns
Flick, IG Farben and Krupp could be interpreted as a symbolic and substitute accusation
of the German Industry.51
In addition to Zangen, SS-Obersturmbannfhrer Bernhard Baatz, exleader of the
Einsatzkommando 1 and commander of the Sicherheitspolizei and the SD in Estonia,
became director of Mannesmann-Wohnungsbaugesellschaft in Duisburg.52 And, at
Zangens urging, in 1962 Egon Overbeck, ex-officer of the Wehrmacht chief of staff, was
made general director of Mannesmann (through a Zangengeburta forceps delivery
according to the German weekly Der Spiegel).53
Despite a short interruption owing to war damages and Allied intervention,
Mannesmann managed to reconstruct its international organization by 1949 and to open
sales offices in the United States and Canada.54 It also quickly resumed its operations in
Argentina and Brazil. U.S. authorities recognized that Argentina was the perfect locale for
German interests: The German commercial and political penetration in Argentina went so
deep that it was disturbed only slightly by Germanys military defeat. Neither domestic
nor foreign anti-Axis forces were able to induce the Argentine government to take
effective action against the principal German [businesses] which had provided funds and
cover for Nazi operations.55
Notwithstanding Allied interferences, Mannesmann regained the Sociedad Tubos
Mannesmann in Buenos Aires, with its numerous branch offices in Argentina as well as in
Chile and Brazil. Soon Mannesmanns Milan-based partner company Dalmine established
a pipe factory in Argentina. According to Zangen, The demand increases steadily. Who
satisfies it is another question. It is impossible to stop a country from industrializing, and
the international concerns must ask themselves if they will deal with the question.
Mannesmann will always be present in foreign countries. Mannesmann also hoped to
profit from Perns ambitious plans for modernizing Argentina. Zangen talked about
Entwicklungshilfe (assistance in development).56 Nicolussi-Leck later explained that
Mannesmann was very interested in regaining its influence all over the world.57
It was not only in Argentina that former SS men helped one another professionally. In
Europe, groups of former Nazis set up thriving businesses, sometimes working with their
friends in South America. Perns escape assistants in Italy again played a key role.
Connections from Germany, Italy, Spain, and Argentina often came together in companies
and SS circles in South Tyrol. Thus the borderland evolved from an escape hub into a
business hub. A good example is the company Mengele & Steiner in Merano (Meran) and
Ora (Auer). Founded in 1969, it was probably established to provide financial security for
Nazi doctor Joseph Mengeles wife and son, who had returned from South America and
settled down in South Tyrol. In South Tyrol, Mengeles family could rely on old networks.
Joseph Mengele himself had escaped justice in 1949 under the alias Helmut Gregor,
thanks to a South Tyrolean ID from the town of Tramin.58 Like other companies of former
comrades in South Tyrol, the Mengele & Steiner Company sold German agricultural
equipment in Italy and elsewhere. Harvesters with the company name Mengele were
soon seen on farms all over Alpine Europe.
Many former Nazis in South Tyrol who needed jobs turned to the agricultural sector.59
There were ideological networks within the South Tyrolean farming community, which
was in large part organized into the Chief Agricultural Association (Landwirtschaflicher
Hauptverband).60 These networks were hardly secret. Based on information provided by
local anti-Nazis, the British consulate in Bolzano reported to the embassy in Rome in May
1949 that the headquarters of the Nazi movement in S. Tyrol is the exhotel Sti[e]gl at
Bolzano, now occupied by the Hauptverband Landwirtschaftlicher Genossenschaften
(Consorzio delle Co-operative Agricole), a very powerful body[;] the prominent Nazis
inside this body [include] Nicolussi.61 These associations, which were based on
friendship, a shared worldview, and business interests, lasted until the 1980s. NicolussiLecks close comrades included Michael (Much) Tutzer, Ferdinand (Ferdl) Lauggas, and
Paul Hafner. Tutzer and Nicolussi-Leck may have known each other since their school
days.62 SS-Sturmmann Tutzer was one of the top organizers of the Nazi movement in
South Tyrol. In 1943, he wrote to his SS superiors: In 1939, I had to interrupt my
university studies, since, due to the relocation of our South Tyrolean people, I had to
put myself [completely] at the service of the secret Nazi movement, of which I had been a
member since 1933, and in the Landesfhrung (regional direction) since 1934. I could
contribute significantly to the achievement of a unique adherence to Germany of the South
Tyrolean people.63
Tutzer had worked closely with South Tyrolean Nazi leader Peter Hofer, had attended
courses on Nazi ideology for political leaders at the Ordensburgen in Sonthofen,
Krssinsee, and Erwitte, and was decorated with the Alte-Kmpferwinkel.64 In May 1942,
he was severely wounded in the Soviet Union and hospitalized in Italy. SSHauptsturmfhrer Robert Kukla and Nicolussi-Leck intervened on his behalf so that he
could obtain leave to complete his Diplomvolkswirt (economics degree).65
Ferdinand Lauggas was also a leading figure in the VKS who was educated in the
Reichpolitical courses in Rossiten in 1935 and in Berlin-Hubertushhe in 1937, and
ideological training at the Ordensburg Hohenwerfen in 1943. He listed his profession that
year as leader for political training in the Volksgruppenfhrung.66 Lauggas later became
Nazi-Kreisleiter of the Bolzano district during the German occupation of Italy in 1943
command. The chair of the supervisory board, Anton Lun of Bolzano, had attended
courses at the Nazi Ordensburg Sonthofen in 1940 and in Hohenwerfen in 1943. He stated
that he had been involved in the illegal movement of South Tyrolean Nazis in 1943 and
had served as the economic expert for the Sdtiroler Volksgruppe.83
Former SS-Hauptsturmfhrer Nicolussi-Lecks postwar career was flourishing. His
position at ABG was secure, and his businesses were profitable, particularly in the area of
irrigation devices. The market was strong for Mannesmann sprinklers, used for
agricultural frost protection and irrigation, from South America to North Africa.
According to the introduction to Mannesmanns 1959 irrigation handbook, The
increasing linkage of agriculture and economic development presents serious challenges,
the solution to which must interest industry as well as agriculture. Mannesmann addresses
these challenges, further developing techniques with its two firms, Porsche-Diesel
Motorenbau and Mannesmannregner.84
In December 1956 ABG became a subsidiary of Mannesmannregner GmbH in
Dsseldorf, thereby substantially raising ABGs capital.85 During these years,
Mannesmanns business in Italy was growing, and Nicolussi-Leck frequently worked with
Dalmine and other companies in Milan.
In 1954, Hafner took a job with Mannesmann in Spain. He gained the position via his
connections with Nicolussi-Leck and Tutzer.86 Hafner started a small company for
Mannesmann in Madrid that specialized in sprinkling systems for large agricultural areas
and sold Mannesmann pipes. It eventually branched out into steel silos and livestock
breeding. The company grew to fifty-five employees. Hafner later started a pig-breeding
business, boasting in 1999 that there are at least two million Spanish pigs with German
blood in their veins today!87 He also joined the community of exiled Nazis in Madrid
playing tennis with SS officer Otto Skorzeny, who had rescued the imprisoned Benito
Mussolini in 1943, and becoming acquainted with the prominent Belgian Waffen-SS
officer Leon Degrelle.88 Hafner also attended yearly gatherings of former Waffen-SS
members to celebrate Hitlers birthday. Even as an old man, he still believed that Hitler
[was] the most important personality in world history.89 He also denied the Holocaust to
the end, claiming that Hitler was not the gasser of the Jews, but the promoter of efforts to
establish the Jewish national state (Zionism!). Not a single Jew was killed because he
was a Jew! For me, Hitler is the savior of Europe and Christianity!90
Rudolf von Unterrichter, who was secretary of the supervisory council for the Natz
project.93 The assistant chief of the project, Hans Stanek, had been mayor of Bressanone
(Brixen) during the Nazi occupation of South Tyrol.94 The Natz plant opened in 1958.
Among the honorary guests at the grand opening were members of the state parliament
such as Mario Gnther von Unterrichter, a key figure in the Consorzio Agrario, and Italian
MP Karl Tinzl, who had been governor of South Tyrol during the Nazi occupation,95 as
well as many representatives of Mannesmann AG from Dsseldorf.96
Nicolussi-Leck held a variety of positions with Mannesmann through the years. He
was active as technical consultant for the agricultural-industrial sector for Mannesmann
AG Dsseldorf from 1957 until 1969. Between 1960 and 1967, he also worked for
Mannesmann-Export GmbH in Dsseldorf.97 When Mannesmann bought Nicolussi-Leck
Aspersin in 1957, Nicolussi-Leck purchased some property near Bolzano with the profits
and built a villa, using Mannesmann pipes.98 In 1957, Nicolussi-Lecks old friend Michael
Tutzer started the Bolzano-based Agria Mediterranea firm, which distributed agricultural
machinery as a subsidiary of the Agria Werke engineering works in Mckmhl in
Germany.99 In 1959, with the assistance of Mannesmann, ABGs capital was again
increased, and the board gave Nicolussi-Leck far-reaching authority to realize the firms
ambitious goals.100
Over the years, ABG changed names several times. In 1963, it was renamed
Mannesmann Agrotecnica GmbH.101 This decision was made, wrote Nicolussi-Leck,
by the Administrative Council, in order to adapt the name of our company to those of the
Mannesmann branches that are active in the agricultural sector in European countries.102
According to Hafner, in 1972 the Mannesmann main office in Germany decided to
abandon its business in agriculture and instead to focus on major projects such as oil pipe
lines from Siberia to Germany. With the retreat of Mannesmann from the agricultural
sector, Mannesmann Agrotecnica slid into crisis. In 1978, it was dissolved.
speaking South Tyroleans were. On the other hand, many Italians in the region were antiNazi but pro-Fascist. Nicolussi-Lecks purported anti-Fascism was therefore nothing
other than anti-Italianism born of his desire to defend the German identity of his native
South Tyrol. The Sdtiroler Volkspartei, the political party of the German-speaking South
Tyroleans, received the Wehrmacht generation with open arms after the war. But
Nicolussi-Leck had no postwar political career in mind.
In the postwar era, Nicolussi-Leck, who always valued his wartime relationships,
shifted his focus away from politics and toward culture. He founded the South Tyrolean
Educational Center (Sdtiroler Bildungszentrum) and the Museum for Modern Art in
Bolzano, of which he was a long-serving president. His villa, not far from Bolzano,
became a center of cultural life in South Tyrol. Over the years, he adorned the walls of his
home and the surrounding vineyard with modern art and resided there like a Master in the
Magic Garden.104
Nicolussi-Leck was also at the center of the community of former Wehrmacht soldiers
and members of the Waffen-SS in South Tyrol. In 1975, the Sdtiroler Kamerad, the
journal of war veterans, wrote of him: Karl Nicolussi needs no introduction. He is one of
those comrades who has distinguished himself a thousand times on the battlefield, as his
decorations clearly show.105 He gave big speeches at gatherings commemorating the war
heroes. In 1959, for example, he spoke together with former high-ranking SS officer
Sepp Dietrich, who had been commander of the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler. Dietrich was
sentenced to life in prison at the 1946 trials in Dachau for his involvement in the murder
of U.S. prisoners of war during the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944January
1945.106 But Dietrich spent only a few years in prison and was released in 1955. In 1957
he was again imprisoned but set free six months laterjust in time for the memorial
speech with Nicolussi-Leck.107 This was not unusual. German Nazi officials and SS
officers could expect a warm welcome in the German South Tyrol (im deutschen Sdtirol).
It is therefore not surprising that during the Cold War era, many former Wehrmacht and
SS officers, including SS general Karl Wolff, Himmlers right-hand man, enjoyed their
vacations in South Tyrol and were even sometimes honored by the local tourist boards.108
Until his death, Nicolussi-Leck liked to spread the word about his heroic deeds, sending
all over the world letters with an enclosed autographed picture of himself wearing his SS
The French author Jean Mabire, in his book on the Viking tank division, wrote that
Nicolussi-Leck came from Bozen in South Tyrolwhich the Italians renamed Bolzano in
1918and thus belongs to the southernmost German minority abroad. He was a young,
slim, and dashing daredevil, who waged war in the Hussar style, and attracted attention
even in the battles in the Caucasus.109 Journalist Erich Kern, a former SSSturmbannfhrer, described him as a courageous officer from South Tyrol who, with the
help of his unit, destroyed the plans of the Communists, at least [in Kovel].110 Indeed,
Nicolussi-Lecks reputation for being a reckless daredevil endures even today,
especially online.
In 2006 Nicolussi-Leck wrote the foreword to Peter Mooneys book Waffen-SS
Knights and Their Battles. He seems to assert there that Hitlers war of aggression and
annihilation was fought based on knightly ideals and that the majority of SS officers
served honorably: In the first decades after the war, the public opinion was stamped by
the victor powers. Nevertheless, not even in those days could it be denied that also on the
German side brave soldiers and extraordinary achievements were to be found. Actions
led by knightly ideals occurred far more often than the opposite and after sixty years of
peace this should be admitted in any publication.111
Nicolussi-Leck died in the summer of 2008 as a respected art collector in Bolzano. In
an obituary in the widely read South Tyrolean cultural magazine Der Schlern, not a word
was devoted to his involvement in National Socialism, the SS, or helping Nazis to flee
Europe.112 His obituary in the South Tyrolean daily Dolomiten, titled A Man with a Very
Wide Horizon, stated that the greatest patron of the arts in South Tyrol has died at the
age of 91. The notice makes no mention of his Nazi and SS past, but the accompanying
photo of his funeral shows members of a veterans organization carrying a large flag
bearing the black cross of the Wehrmacht.113
The impressive postwar business careers of Karl Nicolussi-Leck and his circle of
former Nazi and SS comrades were not exceptions. By 1950, as the Cold War was heating
up, the Nuremberg trials and the denazification process were basically over, and former SS
men and Nazis were being integrated into the new democratic societywhether they had
renounced Nazism or not. And few did. According to Ulrich Herbert, West Germanys
political and economic ascent offered former Nazi elites the possibility of social
elevation; thus their interest in new political activity, particularly in the field of the
radical right, constantly diminished.114 Yet this does not mean that they ever broke with
their Nazi pasts, or that they stopped glorifying their heroic deeds during Hitlers
Thousand Year Reich. At heart, Nicolussi-Leck, Michael Tutzer, Ferdinand Lauggas, and
Paul Hafner remained proud Nazis until the end. At least it very much appears that way.
Just as Cold War geopolitics encouraged the reintegration of former high-ranking
Nazis, West Germanys postwar economic miracle, or Wirtschaftswunder, rewarded the
old comrades for staying out of politics and tolerating democracy. Private-sector
enterprises, including the large German industrial firms on the Rhine and the Ruhr, offered
many opportunities to men such as Nicolussi-Leck. Rudolf Rahn, the former Nazi
ambassador to Italy, became secretary-general of the Coca-Cola Company in Essen;
Konstantin Canaris, commander of the security police in Belgium, found a position with
Henkel-Werke in Dsseldorf. Both Werner Best, the former Reich commissioner for
occupied Denmark, and the former Hitler Youth leader Heinz Wilke worked for the Hugo
Stinnes Company in Mlheim.115 Franz Hofer too, the former Gauleiter of Tyrol, became
an entrepreneur in Mlheim, and SS-Oberfhrer Reinhard Hoehn became West Germanys
leading expert in management training.116
Even more than Germany in some ways, South Tyrol presented an ideal locale for
starting over after the war. There was no Italian Nuremberg, no consequent
defascistization or denazification. Moreover, the war had done nothing to diminish the
long-standing tensions in the region between German-speaking South Tyroleans and
Italian immigrants, which continued to dominate the sociopolitical landscape there. Thus
many Tyroleans, Austrians, and Germans of the Wehrmacht generation revered men like
Nicolussi-Leck for having fought on what they deemed to be the right side of important
battlesopposing the Italianization of South Tyrol during Mussolinis Fascist regime and
battling against the Soviets during World War II. Given the impressive anti-Fascist and
anti-Communist credentials of Nicolussi-Leck and his ilk, West German companies
could easily and openly welcome such men into their folds.
Much of the detailed information about Nicolussi-Leck and other Nazi businessmen in this chapter is new and based on
years of research. All the former Nazis discussed in this chapter were highly respected businessmen, men of the arts, or
men of politics after 1945. Thus I faced considerable resistance and am therefore extremely grateful for the support that I
did receive while researching this paper. In particular, I would like to thank Leopold Steurer and Franz Haller for sharing
important archival and library sources. Tracy Brown did a fantastic job copyediting and proofreading this chapter. For
the larger context, see Gerald Steinacher, Nazis on the Run: How Hitlers Henchmen Fled Justice (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2011). All translations are mine or are taken from Nazis on the Run.
1. Ulrich Herbert, Best: Biographische Studien ber Radikalismus, Weltanschauung und Vernunft, 19031989 (Bonn:
J. H. W. Dietz, 1996), 475.
2. Norbert Frei, ed., Karrieren im Zwielicht: Hitlers Eliten nach 1945 (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2001). See also
the important book by the Austro-American historian and political scientist Kurt P. Tauber, Beyond Eagle and Swastika:
German Nationalism since 1945, 2 vols. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1967). For South Tyrol, see
Gerald Steinacher, Ausgrenzung in die Wirtschaft? Karrieren von Sdtiroler Nationalsozialisten nach 1945, in
Regionale Zivilgesellschaft in Bewegung/Cittadini innanzi tutto: Festschrift fr/Scritti in onore di Hans Heiss, ed.
Hannes Obermair, Stephanie Risse, and Carlo Romeo (Bozen: Folio 2012), 27286.
3. A recently published novel by Ferdinand von Schirach dramatizes such a case. In The Collini Case: A Novel (New
York: Viking, 2013), Schirach tells the story of a former SS officer and war criminal who after 1945 went on to an
impressive career in a big German company, before his dark past caught up with him.
4. Franz Kurowski, Panzer Aces II: Battle Stories of German Tank Commanders of WWII (Mechanicsburg, PA:
Stackpole, 2010), 273.
5. Christoph Pan, Lebenspfade des Karl Nicolussi-Leck (Bozen: Eigenverlag, 2007), 34.
6. See Stefan Lechner, Die Eroberung der Fremdstmmigen: Provinzfaschismus in Sdtirol 19211926,
Verffentlichungen des Sdtiroler Landesarchivs 20 (Innsbruck: Wagner, 2005). See also Leopold Steurer, Sdtirol
zwischen Rom und Berlin 19191939 (Vienna: Europa, 1980), 25671. See also Martha Verdorfer, Zweierlei
Faschismus: Alltagserfahrungen in Sdtirol 19181945 (Vienna: Gesellschaftskritik, 1990). See also Gnther Pallaver
and Leopold Steurer, eds., Deutsche! Hitler verkauft euch!: Das Erbe von Option und Weltkrieg in Sdtirol (Bozen:
Raetia, 2010).
7. See Anthony E. Alcock, The History of the South Tyrol Question (London: Joseph, 1970); Rolf Steininger, South
Tyrol: A Minority Conflict of the Twentieth Century (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2003).
8. Claus Gatterer, Sdtirol 193045: Eine politische Landschaftsskizze, in Aufstze und Reden (Bozen: Raetia,
1991), 17184 at 177; see Steinacher, Nazis on the Run, 33.
9. Pan, Lebenspfade des Nicolussi-Leck, 56.
10. Leopold Steurer, Sdtirol zwischen schwarz und braun, in Teilung Tirols: Gefahr fr die Demokratie, ed.
Godele von der Decken, Beiheft Sturzflge No. 23 (Bozen: Redaktion Sturzflge 1988), 2540, at 32.
11. RG 242, Berlin Document Center (BDC), RuSHA, roll E0295, File Karl Nicolussi-Leck. Als 14-jhriger begann
ich meine politische Bettigung im Volkstumskampf der Sdtiroler und damit meinen Werdegang als Nationalsozialist.
Handgeschriebener Lebenslauf Karl Nicolussi-Leck, 1943, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
(hereafter NARA).
12. RG 242, RuSHA, roll E0295, File Karl Nicolussi-Leck, R. u. S.-Fragebogen, Karl Nicolussi-Leck, NARA.
13. RG 242, RuSHA, roll E0295, File Karl Nicolussi-Leck, Personalbogen und Beurteilungsbogen Karl NicolussiLeck, Schulungsburg Krssinsee, November 23, 1940, NARA.
14. RG 242, EWZ, Sdtiroler, File Karl Nicolussi-Leck, Einbrgerungsurkunde, January 24, 1940, NARA.
15. His SS number was 56.834.
16. Pan, Lebenspfade des Nicolussi-Leck, 89.
17. Kurowski, Panzer Aces, 276.
18. Ibid., 401.
19. Bernd Wegner, Hitlers politische Soldaten: Die Waffen-SS 19331945: Leitbild, Struktur und Funktion einer
nationalsozialistischen Elite (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schningh, 1997), 310ff., 315.
20. Kurowski, Panzer Aces, 401.
21. RG 242, RuSHA, roll E0295, File Karl Nicolussi-Leck, Gebhrniskarte, NARA.
22. Kurowski, Panzer Aces, 401.
23. Ibid., 398, 400.
24. Leopold Steurer, Meldungen aus dem Land: Aus den Berichten des Eil-Nachrichtendienstes der ADO (JnnerJuli 1943), Sturzflge: Eine Kulturzeitschrift, 2930 (1989): 31125, at 41. See also Ulrich Saft, Der Krieg in der
Heimat: Das bittere Ende zwischen Weser und Elbe (Langenhagen: U. Saft, 1990), 54.
25. RG 242, RuSHA, roll E0295, File Karl Nicolussi-Leck, Gebhrniskarte, NARA; see Wilhelm Eppacher and Karl
Ruef, Hohe Tapferkeitsauszeichnungen an Tiroler im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Verffentlichungen des Innsbrucker
Stadtarchivs 6 (Innsbruck: Stadtmagistrat, 1975), 41.
26. Saft, Der Krieg in der Heimat, 5366.
27. U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, Fort George G. Meade, MD. Counter Intelligence Corps, 430th
CIC Detachment, City of Vienna, Subject: Possible Nazi Group, June 1948 (Confidential), Records concerning
Austrian Intelligence Services ZF400006WJ, Department of the Army, 107ff. (copies of the files in the possession of the
28. U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, Fort George G. Meade, MD. Counter Intelligence Corps, 430th
CIC Detachment, City of Vienna, Letter from Ambros Murbitzer, Vienna, Civil Censorship Group Austria, APO 777
U.S. Army, Vienna Station, March 20, 1948 (Confidential).
29. Uki Goi, The Real Odessa: How Pern Brought the Nazi War Criminals to Argentina (London: Granta, 2002),
30. RG 263, Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, 62-00865R, box 0003, folder 0003, 22, NARA. German
Nationalist and Neo-Nazi activities in Argentina, July 8, 1953.
31. Karl Nicolussi-Leck, video interview by Franz Haller and Gerald Steinacher, May 10, 2004, Film-Archives Franz
Haller, Meran, Italy. Statement by Franz Haller, July 10, 2010.
32. Steinacher, Nazis on the Run, 236ff.
33. For more information about Argentina and its immigration policy after 1945, see Holger Meding, Flucht vor
Nrnberg? Deutsche und sterreichische Einwanderung in Argentinien 19451955 (Cologne: Bhlau, 1992).
34. Nicolussi-Leck interview.
35. Jrgen Leyerer, Argentinien der Flieger und wir (Vienna: Liber Libri, 2010), 300301.
36. Steinacher, Nazis on the Run, 52ff.
37. RG 242, EWZ Sdtiroler, File Viktor Walch, born in Tramin on April 22, 1906, NARA; Walch attended the
Schulungsburgen Sonthofen and Hohenwerfen and is referred to in these files as Kreisleiter der Bewegung. Trude
Heinricher married Viktor Walch on July 15, 1933. See letter from the town of Tramin to the author, August 14, 2012.
See also obituary for Ida Heinricher in Dolomiten, July 29, 1942. Thanks to Leopold Steurer, Meran, for important
information and materials in this case.
38. RG 263, 62-00865R, box 0003, folder 0003, 1112, German Nationalist and Neo-Nazi Activities in Argentina,
July 8, 1953, NARA.
39. Bestand Landesgericht, Akt 10 Vr 873/49, Bundesministerium fr Inneres an das Landesgericht Innsbruck,
Betr.: Organisation Odessa, July 1, 1969, Tiroler Landesarchiv.
40. Nicolussi-Leck interview.
41. Titres de Voyage CICR 19451993, application 83,520, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Archive, Geneva; Barbara Kummer-Behrens, Mosaiksteine aus Rom. Ein alter Filmstreifen fhrt zurck in die
Vergangenheit, Manuskript, 2003; see also Titres de Voyage CICR 19451993, application 83,520, Application for a
Travel Document for Gertrud Behrens, August 31, 1948, ICRC Archive.
42. Nicolussi-Leck interview.
43. Titres de Voyage CICR 19451993, application 83,519, Application for a Red Cross travel document for Karl
Nicolussi-Leck, Italian Red Cross in Rome, August 31, 1948, ICRC Archive.
44. RG 263, 6200865R, box 0003, folder 0003, 22, German Nationalist and Neo-Nazi Activities in Argentina,
July 8, 1953, NARA.
45. Nicolussi-Leck interview; Uki Goi, email, July 28, 2010.
46. Uki Goi, email, July 28, 2010.
47. Nicolussi-Leck interview.
48. Rolf Wiggershaus, The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories, and Political Significance (Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 1994), 479.
49. Horst A. Wessel, Kontinuitt im Wandel: 100 Jahre Mannesmann 18901990 (Dsseldorf: Mannesmann-AG,
1990), 211.
50. Ernst Klee, ed., Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich: Wer war was vor und nach 1945? (Fischer: Frankfurt,
2005), 690, states that Zangen joined the SS and the Nazi Party in 1927; Zangens Nazi Party membership card at the
National Archives in College Park gives the year 1937. I found no evidence for his membership in the SS in the BDC
files at NARA; see RG 242, NSDAP Ortsgruppenkartei, roll 2065, NARA. NSDAP-Karteikarte Wilhelm Zangen, born
September 30, 1891.
51. Tim Schanetzky, Unternehmer: Profiteure des Unrechts, in Frei, Karrieren im Zwielicht, 73129, at 84.
52. Herbert, Best, 475. See also Schanetzky, Unternehmer, 73129, at 96.
53. Mannesmann AG: Zangen-Geburt, Der Spiegel, October 17, 1962, 37.
54. Wessel, Kontinuitt im Wandel, 284.
55. RG 263, 62-00865R, box 0003, folder 0003, 17, German Nationalist and Neo-Nazi Activities in Argentina,
July 8, 1953, NARA.
56. Wessel, Kontinuitt im Wandel, 28485.
57. Nicolussi-Leck interview, Mannesmann war damals interessiert wieder in der Welt Fuss zu fassen.
58. Steinacher, Nazis on the Run, 41ff.
59. Steurer, Sdtirol zwischen schwarz und braun, 2540, at 36.
60. See also Walter Pichler and Konrad Walter, Zwischen Selbsthilfe und Marktlogik: Geschichte des
Genossenschaftswesens in Sdtirol (Bozen: Raetia, 2007).
61. British Consulate in Bolzano to British Embassy in Rome, Savingram, May 27, 1949 (Confidential), copy in the
possession of the author.
62. Karl Kompatscher, interview by Franz Haller, February 5, 2011.
63. RG 242, EWZ, Sdtiroler, roll S028, Tutzer, Michael, April 18, 1916, Much Tutzer CV, June 18, 1943, NARA.
64. RG 242, EWZ, Sdtiroler, roll S028, Tutzer, Michael, April 18, 1916, Personalbogen Ordensburg Sonthofen,
1940, NARA; RG 242, EWZ, Sdtiroler, roll S028, Tutzer, Michael, April 18, 1916, Beurteilungsbogen
Reichsschulungsburg Erwitte, 1941, NARA.
65. RG 242, EWZ, Sdtiroler, roll S028, Tutzer, Michael, April 18, 1916, Robert Kukla and den Reichskommissar
fr die Festigung des deutschen Volkstums, June 18, 1943, NARA.
66. RG 242, EWZ. Sdtiroler, roll 0006, Lauggas, Ferdinand, November 9, 1906, Personalbogen Ferdinand Lauggas
Schulungsburg Hohenwerfen, February 17, 1943, NARA.
67. Georg Mair, Ein Leben als Nazi, FF-Sdtiroler Illustrierte, May 2008, 3237.
68. His SS number was 490,167.
69. RG 242, SS Lists, roll SS-A0006, p. 1732, List number 1396 Hafner, Paul, February 24, 1923, Liste der zur
Waffen-SS einberufenen volksdeutschen Freiwilligen, March 1941, NARA.
70. RG 242, SS Lists, roll SS-A0009, pp. 2798ff., Hafner, Paul, February 24, 1923, Amt Fhrerausbildung, SSGebirgsdivision Nord, 1942, NARA.
71. RG 242, SS Lists, roll SS-A0012, p. 4199, Hafner, Paul, February 24, 1923, Kriegs-Junkerlehrgang an der SSJunkerschule Tlz, October 7, 1943, NARA.
72. RG 242, SS Lists, roll SS-A0014, Hafner, Paul, February 24, 1923, Kriegsjunkerlehrgang an der SSJunkerschule Bad Tlz, March 14, 1944, NARA.
73. RG 242, SS officers, roll 051A, SS File Paul Hafner, February 24, 1923, NARA; CV Pablo Hafner fr die
Universitt Innsbruck, July 3, 1999. Copy in possession of author.
74. Steurer, Sdtirol zwischen schwarz und braun, 2540, at 36.
75. Verbale, assemblea straordinaria, December 22, 1953, Anhang, Statut der Generalpioggia, Bolzano-Bozen, Files
of the company Agrotecnica Bolzano, Handelskammer Bozen, Archiv.
76. Letter to Karl Nicolussi-Leck, September 17, 1951 (copy in possession of the author).
77. Files of Agrotecnica Bolzano, Grndungsakt, Allgemeine Beregnungsgesellschaft mbH, August 25, 1950,
Handelskammer Bozen, Archiv.
78. Pan, Lebenspfade des Nicolussi-Leck, 15; files of the company Agrotecnica Bolzano. Verbale, assemblea
straordinaria, December 22, 1953, Anhang, Statut der Generalpioggia, Bolzano-Bozen, Handelskammer Bozen, Archiv.
79. George Tinzl, interview by the author, September 6, 2004.
80. RG 242, NSDAP-File, Zentralkartei, Rolle H058, Kurt Heinricher, June 15, 1911, NARA. See Michael
Wedekind, Nationalsozialistische Besatzungs- und Annexionspolitik in Norditalien 1943 bis 1945die Operationszonen
Alpenvorland und Adriatisches Kstenland, Militrgeschichtliche Studien, 38 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2003), 124.
81. RG 242, EWZ, Sdtiroler, Rolle M008, Dr. Kurt Heinricher, June 15, 1911, Personalbogen Schulungskurs
Krssinsee, November 24, 1940, NARA.
82. RG 242, RuSHA, Rolle G0197, SS-File Georg Thaler, July 7, 1923, NARA; Tinzl interview; files of the
company Agrotecnica Bolzano, Procura Speciale, November 15, 1955, Handelskammer Bozen, Archiv.
83. RG 242, EWZ, Sdtiroler, Rolle 0014, File Dr. Anton Lun, August 31, 1906, NARA.
84. Mannesmannregner GmbH, Beregnungs-Taschenbuch, 2nd ed. (Dsseldorf: Mannesmann, 1959), foreword, 3.
85. Files of the Agrotecnica Bolzano, Verbale di Assemblea Straordinaria, Repubblica Italiana, December 28, 1956,
Handelskammer Bozen, Archiv.
86. Mair, Ein Leben als Nazi, 3237.
87. CV Pablo Hafner for the University of Innsbruck, March 7, 1999 (copy in possession of author). Fr Spanien
ein groer Erfolg, denn es gibt so mindestens 2 Millionen spanische Schweine mit deutschem Blut in den Adern!
88. Mair, Ein Leben als Nazi, 3137, at 31. See Paul Hafner on Leon Degrelle in the documentary Hafners
Paradise, 2007, directed by Gnter Schwaiger. Special thanks to Gnter Schwaiger for helping me with this research and
for the photo of Hafner in Spain. Courtesy of Mosolov-P (Gnter Schwaiger). For more information about the
documentary, see www.mosolov-p.com.
89. Paul Hafner in Hafners Paradise: Ich betrachte Hitler als die bedeutendste Persnlichkeit der bisherigen
90. Pablo Hafner to the University of Innsbruck, February 24, 1999 (copy in possession of the author). Hitler war
nicht der Judenvergaser, sondern der Frderer des jdischen Nationalstaatsbestrebens (des Zionismus!). Nicht ein
einziger Jude wurde umgebracht, weil er ein Jude war! Fr mich ist Hitler der Retter Europas und des Christentums!
91. Ernst berbacher, Wasser auf durstige cker: 50 Jahre Bodenverbesserungskonsortium Natz (Brixen: Weger,
2008), 42.
92. Dolomiten, June 19, 1958, 9; berbacher, Wasser auf durstige cker, 67.
93. RG 242, NSDAP-Zentralkartei, File Rudolf Unterrichter, May 2, 1914, Aufnahme: January 1, 1940 (handwritten
correction, December 1, 1940), NARA.
94. berbacher, Wasser auf durstige cker, 41. See Wedekind, Nationalsozialistische Besatzungs- und
Annexionspolitik, 147.
95. See Wedekind, Nationalsozialistische Besatzungs- und Annexionspolitik.
96. Dolomiten, June 19, 1958, 9; berbacher, Wasser auf durstige cker, 67.
97. Pan, Lebenspfade des Nicolussi-Leck, 13, 15.
98. Nicolussi-Leck interview.
99. Handelskammerauszug aus dem Firmenregister bezglich der AGRIA Mediterranea Spa, March 9, 2005,
Handelskammer Bozen. Cf. Company charter for AGRIA Mediterranea, December 13, 1957, articles of incorporation,
AGRIA Mediterranea, Handelskammer Bozen, Archiv.
100. Akten der Firma Agrotecnica Bolzano, Verbale di Assemblea Straordinaria, August 31, 1959, Handelskammer
Bozen, Archiv.
101. Akten der Firma Agrotecnica Bolzano, Schreiben Karl Nicolussi-Leck an Walter von Walther, Handelskammer
Bozen, December 1962, Handelskammer Bozen, Archiv.
102. Akten der Firma Agrotecnica Bolzano, Karl Nicolussi-Leck to Walter von Walther, Handelskammer Bozen,
December 1962, Handelskammer Bozen, Archiv.
103. Steurer, Sdtirol zwischen schwarz und braun, 2540, at 37.
104. Marina Kramper Meister im Zaubergarten, Bunte, May 26, 2007, www.stern.de/reise/europa/hochfrangartder-meister-im-zaubergarten-589622.html.
105. Quoted by Leopold Steurer, foreword to Die versteinerten Helden: Kriegerdenkmler in Sdtirol, by Elmar
Heinz (Bozen: Raetia, 1995), 712, at 11.
106. For more information on the Malmdy case, see James J. Weingartner, A Peculiar Crusade: Willis M. Everett
and the Malmdy Massacre (New York: New York University Press, 2000); James J. Weingartner, Crossroads of Death:
The Story of the Malmdy Massacre (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979); John M. Bauser-man, The
Malmdy Massacre (Shippensburg, PA: White Mane, 1995).
107. Mair, Ein Leben als Nazi, 3237, at 33.
108. For Karl Wolff, see Kerstin von Lingen, SS und Secret Service: Verschwrung des Schweigens: Die Akte Karl
Wolff (Paderborn: Schningh, 2010).
109. Jean Mabire, Die SS-Panzer-Division Wiking (Eggolsheim: Drfler, 2002), 28297, here 282.
110. Erich Kern, Kampf in der Ukraine 19411944 (Gttingen: Plesse, 1964), 134.
111. Karl Nicolussi-Leck, foreword to Waffen-SS Knights and Their Battles: The Waffen-SS Knights Cross Holders,
vol. 1, 19391942, by Peter Mooney (Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 2008), 78.
112. Christoph Pan, In Memoriam Karl Nicolussi-Leck, Der Schlern, August 2008, 4849.
113. Ein Mann mit sehr groem Weitblick, Dolomiten, September 3, 2008, 17. Der wohl grte Kunstmzen
Sdtirols war am vergangenen Samstag 91-jhrig verstorben.
114. Herbert, Best, 475.
115. Ibid.
116. Tim Schanetzky, Unternehmer, 73126, at 116. For postwar networks, see also Nina Grunenberg, Die
Wundertter: Netzwerke der deutschen Wirtschaft 1942-1966 (Munich: Siedler 2006).
Revision of Life Story/Revision of History
Gertrud Slottke, from National Socialist Coperpetrator to Expellee
Elisabeth Kohlhaas
National Socialisms womens and gender history has witnessed a particularly productive
phase in the past few years. The majority of these studies show a broad spectrum of
participation in National Socialist crimes by nonpersecuted women. Having documented
the mobilization of women for the warboth on the home front and in Germanoccupied Europe1scholars have focused on women who could be considered
perpetrators or coperpetrators, despite concerns about the terminologys appropriateness;
this is particularly true for women in the SS and the police.2
The current scholarship also considers the post-1945 period but largely focuses on the
judicial treatment of womens (co-)perpetration. Questions as to how denazification took
place and whether and how women were punished by Allied or German courts stand at the
fore.3 The impact of female gender roles and stereotypes of female perpetration on these
judicial proceedings plays an important role in these investigations as well.4 Additional
studies consider gender-specific aspects of memory, commemoration, and writing about
National Socialism.5
Many female perpetrators and coperpetrators had a simple answer to this volumes
guiding question of how individuals hushed up their Nazi past and recast it into a
presentable biography: they simply did not encounter this problem. Very few women were
held responsible for their participation in Nazi crimes or genocide and punished for it
rather than simply acquitted. Female participation in crimes often escaped the judicial
category of guilt. Most strongly affected by the search for postwar justice were those
women who, as doctors, nurses, and orderlies, took part in the euthanasia program,
thereby committing murder, as well as women who worked as concentration camp guards,
such as Irma Grese, sentenced to death in the first British Bergen Belsen trial and executed
in December 1945. However, no woman stood trial in front of the International Military
Tribunal at Nuremberg. And among the 209 defendants during the Subsequent Trials, only
two women could be found: the physician Herta Oberheuser and the special
representative of the SS-Lebensborn, Inge Viermetz.6 And even though the IMT had
declared the Gestapo a criminal organization, it had also extended a blanket exemption
from this designation to personnel in charge of non-official routine tasksin effect, all
of the Gestapos female administrative and office staff.
This chapter focuses on the Gestapo employee Gertrud Slottke. It investigates how this
particular (co-)perpetrator dealt with her past after the end of the war and how she recast
Gertrud Slottke, 1967. Image Bank, Image no. 37269, WW2/NIOD, Netherlands Institute
for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam.
This inquiry into Slottke is based on archival sourcesmost notably the documents
from her denazification proceedings and those dealing with the later trial in Munich.
Unfortunately, Slottke left no private papers.9 However, many of her own statements can
be found in those judicial files, giving us some sense of her voice in the process of
investigation and recasting. Despite their judicial origin, these statements have to be
treated with the greatest care, for they can be characterized best as apologias. Yet, they
allow insights into Slottkes attitudes after the war all the same. Also of importance are the
trial reports by Robert Kempner, who participated in the Munich trial, and Heiner
Lichtenstein, who observed it.10 On Slottkes work for the Bund der Danziger, its
newsletter serves as the main source.
party membership likely played a role in securing this position. However, scholarship on
women during the Nazi era has also shown that party membership was not a requirement
for employment in the Nazi administrative or persecutory apparatus.17
Slottke embarked for her position in the Netherlands in early summer 1941. During
her first interrogation in the preliminary proceedings against her in Munich, she said she
had been interested in employment abroad and that acquaintances had facilitated the
assignment.18 It is also possible that she applied for an assignment abroad with Heinrich
Himmlers Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt [RSHA]), as other
female employees had. Because her statement would have indicated personal agency,
Slottke tried to correct this later with a frequently used postwar justification: she claimed
to have been conscripted during an Auskmmaktion (a search for qualified people) and
thus was subject to coercion.19 Today it is known, however, that even in cases of
conscription for service (Notdienstverpflichtung), women could exert influence with the
local employment office about their specific posting.20 It is quite possible, then, that
Slottkes personal motivations and wartime necessities went hand in hand: while she was
able to make true her wish for an assignment abroad, she was also a valuable resource for
the Security Police. There was much need for qualified female clerks in German-occupied
Wilhelm Zoepfs right-hand woman, for he was frequently absent.23 She prepared Zoepfs
meetings with BdS Harster, wrote his reports to the Reich Commissar, and prepared his
correspondence for signature. In all of it, she worked independently and held a large
scope for action: she maintained communication with the RSHA and answered
diplomatic inquiries about the whereabouts of deportees; she participated in central
discussions in Amsterdam and traveled several times to the concentration camp BergenBelsen, where, in the so-called Star Camp, those Dutch Jews slated for exchange for
Germans interned abroad were held hostage. Most importantly, though, she traveled
regularly to the Westerbork transit camp, which, from mid-1942 on, fell under the
authority of the Jewish Section. Most Dutch deportation trains originated there. At
Westerbork she had at her disposal a number of existing deferral and transport lists, and,
working closely with the camp leader, she determined who would have to leave the camp
with the next transport. For the victims, this was a life-or-death decision. In his book on
the persecution and murder of the Dutch Jews, historian and Dutch Holocaust survivor
Jacob Presser describes Slottkes conduct: She insisted on seeing everyone whose case
she had to review. On the whole, she was to the point and friendly, although more often
than not she would give a negative decision. While she pretended to be friendly, she was
in fact an inhuman automaton, working from early morning to late at night.24
Gertrud Slottke had the authority to make assessments and decisions, even though she
had to act within the given guidelines. During the investigations in the 1960s, she tried to
pretend that she held no decision-making responsibilities, but stacks of documents show
that she did, indeed, make decisions. An impression of her former powers can be gleaned
from a postwar interrogation during which she stated that she checked and qualified
Jews who had distinguished themselves during World War I and had filed applications for
deportation deferrals.25 This was a distinctive slip in her defense strategy that focused on
portraying herself as a small-time clerk without any individual scope for action. Zoepf,
quite to the contrary, described her independent scope for action with the following
words: Slottke only gave to me for decision issues from her own work sphere if there was
doubt or for signature of [her] suggestion; other than that, she decided herselfwithin the
given regulations. [She] knew, as I was aware, her regulations [by heart] and never
needed to be pushed.26
Slottkes work was in the administration; she was a desk murderer. Her works focus
was the bureaucratic decision whether Jews were to be deported or whether their
deportation, for reasons of National Socialist expediency, was to be deferred for a brief
time. Her activity can thus be described as selection by radical administrative action.
She worked with a level of independence that has not been documented for any other
female employee of the Security Police, even though it has been noted that the
competencies and responsibilities of female Gestapo employees became broader over the
course of the war.27 In Slottkes case several factors led to this development. Wilhelm
Zoepf, the leader of the Jewish Section, left a supervisory vacuum that could be filled.
Slottke, on her part, had the personality traitsambition and diligencethat led her to
grasp the opportunity. She was a few years older than both of her supervisors, Zoepf and
Harster, and her age and her work experience made her an employee who could be
confidently expected to do reliable work. And her work ethic made her pour all her energy
into her activities for the Jewish Section. Harster characterized the situation this way after
the war: The broadening of her area of responsibility presumably related to the fact that a
lack of any interests outside of her work made her particularly work-eager and that based
on her actual age and her seniority she could be employed for demanding [qualifiziert]
tasks. This led to a situation in which she was entrusted tasks that are normally not given
to a police employee.28 She acted rigorously against Jews. According to Zoepf, she made
decisions radically and consistently. Regarding her attitude, he remarked pointedly that
within the given regulations, she never tried to decide as open-heartedly as possible
for the benefit of the Jews. Rather the opposite[;] for several deferral groups she pressed
for a sharper RSHA gait.29
Within the National Socialist machinery of persecution, Gertrud Slottke exemplifies
many activists who operated on seemingly subordinate hierarchical levels. They
contributed to a radicalization from below, for as members of the fighting
administration, they again and again took the path of deciding life and death without
mercy.30 Participants such as Gertrud Slottke in these Nazi crimes were not small cogs in a
big machine, as they portrayed themselves after the war. They had room for initiative,
pressed for acceleration and intensification, steered clear of delays, and formulated ideas
for an ever-more-concentrated organization of the persecution.
Like many other women in Security Police deployment in German-occupied Europe,
Slottke was awarded the Kriegsverdienstkreuz (War Merit Badge) in 1943. She remained
part of the Jewish Section in Den Haag until the end. After the end of the war, she was
detained briefly in the Netherlands but released at the end of May 1945. By June, she
made her way to her sister in Wrttemberg. She was, in the judgment of the historians De
Mildt and Meizhuizen, expelled overly quickly, because the Dutch judicial system had a
difficult time with the prosecution of Germans in the immediate aftermath of the war
and thereafter.31
court, the judges sentenced Harster to fifteen years in the penitentiary, Zoepf to nine, and
Slottke to five; they were convicted of joint accessory to murder (gemeinschaftliche
Beihilfe zum Mord).41 Thus, Slottke was one of the very few women who stood trial for
their activity with the Gestapoand of that group, fewer still were, like Slottke, sentenced
rather than acquitted.
In this trial the defendants Harster and Zoepf represented two of the so-called desk
murderers of the middle or higher Nazi functional elite, people who had not committed
murder themselves but had run the administrative machinery that performed the essential
spadework for systematic murder. The trial relied exclusively on documentary evidence;
no witnesses took the stand. Among the trials in the Federal Republic, it also represented
an oddity, as for the first time confessions had been entered by some of the defendants.42
Harster and Zoepf admitted to knowing that the Jews, after their deportation, were
murdered. Gertrud Slottke did not confess. From the beginning she stuck with her defense
that she neither knew nor suspected that the deported Jews were killed in the
(extermination) camps.43 While she assumed that they would meet a terrible fate, she
claimed to have learned about their murder only after the end of the war. The court,
however, saw it as proven that Slottke, too, knew about the systematic murder of those
who were deported. The court held that she could have recognized and known this by
March 1943 at the latest.
In its verdict, the Munich court drew the picture of a tremendously reliable, competent,
dutiful, and ambitious employee of the Nazi persecution machinery in the Netherlands:
Slottkes factual competence had been almost total. In the view of the judges, it was,
above all, her diligence and her factual knowledge in all Jewish issues that made her
an indispensable resource.44 The court also emphasized her independent and far-reaching
work: [Her] area of responsibility extended to the entire area of the Netherlands and
[extended beyond] the regular tasks of a police employee. It also noted that the focus of
her work evolved from pure administrative work to security policing.45
The court fastened on her zeal (Diensteifer) for the smooth implementation of the
deportations as the most important reason for Slottkes rigorous activities. The court
concluded that the three defendants zeal for their work was motivated less by ideological
commitment to Hitlers race policies and more by their desire to be effective managers and
to gain professional recognition.46 This evaluation, once out there, foregrounded a
nonideological drive for action that was detached from National Socialism, giving minor
relevance to motivations that could have been connected to Nazi ideology and antiSemitism. The court here followed a perspective on Nazi perpetrators that had gained
currency with Hannah Arendts characterization of Adolf Eichmann and her descriptive
phrase banality of evil.47 Under these terms, Slottke was a diligent, ambitious woman
desk murderer, a female Eichmann in the Netherlands. In the evaluation of anti-Semitism
as a potential motivation, the court assumed that mitigating circumstancessuch as the
conditions of the time and the effects of anti-Semitic Nazi propagandaalso played a role
but were not as central.48
Rather unsurprisingly, Slottke drove the same point and presented herself as a woman
who was not anti-Semitic at all but was defined strongly by Prussian secondary virtues,
most importantly the desire to be seen as committed to her job. Yet she also clearly
showed the extent to which she had integrated brutality into her daily work. Her pithy
words revealed a social coldness. She knew that Jews were not handled all that humanely
at Auschwitz, as she put it in one of her interrogations. She did not have any thoughts
about the deportation of old and sick people, for it was said that the Auschwitz was a big
camp.49 And she thought nothing about the deportation of fourteen-year-old children.50
On her visits to Bergen-Belsen, she saw that the Jews there were miserable.51 Her
statements lacked even belated empathy and were defined by Slottkes cold detachment.
Trial observer Heiner Lichtenstein noted that not a smidgen of penitence, not even shame
or empathy crossed her lipsan eerie echo of the cold and efficient professionalism she
displayed while on the job with the Judenreferat.52
in the shipment of packages from her state to the GDR and to Danzig.61 And when Slottke
was first detained in 1960, the Stuttgart priest Kurt Walter, the regional representative of
the Bund der Danziger, wrote in support of her to the State Attorneys Office in Munich.
His letter indicates that she filled her voluntary position as expertly and efficiently as she
had participated in the deportations of Jews from the Netherlands. His words are strikingly
similar to those used by her former supervisors of BdS Netherlands: Slottke, stated Walter,
temporarily took on the leadership position in Stuttgart and worked independently in it, for
he himself had been sick for a long time. Her efficiency and lack of self-interest then
brought her into leading positions, he noted further.62 As a state womens leader, she
created a new field of responsibility from scratchand she did so independently. He
praised her willingness to sacrifice, for she had devoted to her voluntary position her
entire free time, much money, and her private life.
According to Walter, Slottkes engagement for the Bund der Danziger had been close
to boundless. In contrast, there is little information on how she herself conceptualized her
voluntarism. As indicated above, there are no materials authored by Slottke; and, with one
exception, she also did not write for the Bund der Danzigers newsletter. She remained
largely invisible to the public; it was always others who talked about and praised her. Just
once she is cited in the newsletter, and her remark indicates that she held a politicizedmilitant understanding of womens services and womens tasks in the Bund der Danziger.
She had emphasized during a general delegates meeting that women had to be educated
politically, to have the armor [Rstzeug] for the political fight for the East.63
Slottkes activities in the Bund der Danziger could not possibly contribute to a
questioning of her self-image as someone seduced by National Socialism and as a victim
of World War II. There is no detailed study on the personnel structure of the Bund der
Danziger, and the existing scholarship cannot gauge how much of a National Socialist
spirit and related mind-sets remained in effect in expellee organizations in general.64 It can
be determined, though, that Danzigmuch like all the other eastern regions of the Reich
was a stronghold of the Right before 1933. Indubitably, there were members with
burdened pasts [belastete Vergangeheit] in the expellee organizations, for in the immediate
postwar years local elites, who before 1945 determined the tone in the old homeland,
reconnected, writes Andreas Kossert about postwar continuities.65 He also notes that well
into the 1960s, leading offices in the expellee organization were staffed by people who had
been active in Nazi organizations before 1945.66 From the trauma of the expulsion and the
loss of home emerged a distinctive memory culture in the Bund der Danziger. Peter Oliver
Loew describes it with the term encapsulation.67 Silence and embitterment reigned
among Danzig expellees, who, at the same time, created a new, overarching narrative that
subsumed under it both silence about Nazism and concealment of ones role in it, glorified
the prewar period, and conserved from a distance the image of an idyllic Danzig.68 This
memory left out the war and the loss of Danzig. The same happened to Slottke and her
role during the Nazi era, for neither her environment nor its memory culture gave her a
reason to reflect on her own activities during Nazism, let alone to call them into question
the slightest bit. She could simply fade her own war years out of memory as well.
This development is all the more remarkable since, from the very beginning and for
about a decade, Gertrud Slottke worked very closely with the above-mentioned pastor
Kurt Walter; they remained close until his death in 1963. As an expression of their good
relationship, she wrote his obituary for the newsletter of the Bund der Danzigerher only
known postwar document.69 In the obituary, Slottke called herself his closest co-worker.
Walter, who had been a cofounder of the Confessing Church in Danzig, had been
persecuted under Nazism and had been imprisoned in the pastors block in Dachau.70 It
cannot be determined whether Slottke and Walter knew each other from Danzig, but as of
summer 1945 the formerly persecuted pastor and the former participant in the organization
of deportations worked together closely. Even that did not lead Slottke to reflect on her
activities during the Nazi era. Quite to the contrary, she claimed for Walter and herself a
narrative of immediate postwar opposition to Allied rules and regulations.
Owing to the Allied meeting ban, early get-togethers of former Danzigers in Stuttgart
took place clandestinely and were code-named Die Kogge (The Cog). In the obituary,
Slottke described how an Advent celebration in December 1945 almost led to their arrest.
Walter had mustered a lot of courage and boldness to call meetings despite the Allied
ban.71 Here Slottke indirectly also talked about herself. In her words resonates her selfperception as someone persecuted and victimized by restrictions imposed by the American
victors justice.
In July 1968 Slottke started her prison term in the womens penitentiary Gotteszell in
Schwbisch Gmnd. After rejecting numerous applications for early release, the Bavarian
Ministry of Justice granted her medical parole in May 1971. Harster and Zoepf, who had
confessed during the trial, had been released from prison significantly earlier. At the time
of her parole, Slottke had been in a Stuttgart hospital for nine months already; this is also
where she died from a neurological disease on December 17, 1971. She was sixty-nine.
Gertrud Slottkes biography described here is that of a woman whoduring the Nazi
era and thereafteractively and aggressively filled her scope for action. She grabbed
her chances to influence and to shape, politically as well as otherwise, even though she
always acted from subordinate positions. After the war she remade her participation in
Nazi crimes as a committed administrative employee into the biography of a victim. She
regarded herself, without any notable fractures and with multiple overlays, as a victim of
the Nazi government and of Germanys military defeat. And after the Munich trial, Slottke
also came to see herself as a victim of the Federal Republics judicial system. I had to
pay for my idealism with a pretty penny [bitteres Lehrgeld] became the mantra of her
postwar life; she thus expressed how National Socialism had disappointed and betrayed
her.72 Her 1967 sentence she called a miscarriage of justice.73
The environment in the Bund der Danziger, as well as, to use Norbert Freis term, the
politics of the past prevalent in the society of the Federal Republic, which was silent
about the Nazi past while downplaying it all the same, provided the context for the
recasting of Slottkes life story.74 After the war, West Germans, in need of shared modes of
identification, fashioned a myth of victimization. They put at its center the German
victims of the war: the expellees, the prisoners of war, and, in the most general terms,
themselves. In this process, they overlooked the victims of the Germans: Jews, Sinti and
Roma, homosexuals, and many others.75 Slottke epitomized this self-victimization that
was so dominant in the 1950s and 1960s. While certainly presenting a heightened version
of this narrative, she fit into her times. Her recasting was both exceptional and all too
The author would like to thank Katrin Paehler for the translation of this chapter from German to English.
1. Elizabeth Harvey, Der Osten braucht Dich! Frauen und nationalsozialistische Germanisierungspolitik
(Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2010); Franka Maubach, Die Stellung halten: Kriegserfahrungen und Lebensgeschichten
von Wehrmachthelferinnen (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009); Nicole Kramer, Volksgenossinnen an der
Heimatfront: Mobilisierung, Verhalten, Erinnerung (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011).
2. For a discussion about the usage of the term perpetrator, see Christina Herkommer, Frauen im
Nationalsozialismus: Ein diskursgeschichtlicher berblick, Terezin Studies and Documents 14 (2007): 288327. On
women with the SS and the police, see Simone Erpel, ed., Im Gefolge der SS: Aufseherinnen des Frauen-KZ
Ravensbrck (Berlin: Metropol, 2007); Jutta Mhlenberg, Das SS-Helferinnenkorps: Ausbildung, Einsatz und
Entnazifizierung der weiblichen Angehrigen der Waffen-SS 19421949 (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2010); Bettina
Blum, Weibliche Polizeisoziale Polizei? Weibliche (Jugend)Polizei zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur 19271952,
in Die Polizei im NS-Staat: Beitrge eines internationalen Symposiums an der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei in
Mnster, ed. Wolfgang Schulte (Frankfurt am Main: Polizeiwissenschaft, 2009), 51138; Elisabeth Kohlhaas,
Weibliche Angestellte der Gestapo: Ttigkeiten, biografische Profile und weltanschauliche Formierung, Beitrge zur
Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung in Norddeutschland 15 (2013): 13646.
3. Ulrike Weckel and Edgar Wolfrum, eds., Bestien und Befehlsempfnger: Frauen und Mnner in NSProzessen nach 1945 (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2003). Compare also the relevant contributions in Erpel, Im
Gefolge der SS.
4. Anette Kretzer, NS-Tterschaft und Geschlecht: Der erste britische Ravensbrck-Prozess 1946/47 in Hamburg
(Berlin: Metropol, 2009); Alexandra Przyrembel, Ilse Kochnormale SS-Ehefrau oder Kommandeuse von
Buchenwald?, in Karrieren der Gewalt: Nationalsozialistische Tterbiographien, ed. Klaus-Michael Mallmann and
Gerhard Paul (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004), 12633.
5. Elke Frietsch and Christina Herkommer, eds., Nationalsozialismus und Geschlecht: Zur Politisierung und
sthetisierung von Krper, Rasse und Sexualitt im Dritten Reich und nach 1945 (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2009);
Insa Eschebach, Sigrid Jacobeit, and Silke Wenk, eds., Gedchtnis und Geschlecht: Deutungsmuster in Darstellungen
des nationalsozialistischen Genozids (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2002); see also Gedenken und Erinnern:
Perspektiven der Aufarbeitung des Nationalsozialismus, special issue, Ariadne 59 (2011).
6. Harald Schmid, Gender gap Erinnerungskultur: Frauen in der westdeutschen Auseinandersetzung mit dem
Nationalsozialismuseine Spurensuche, Ariadne 59 (2011): 6. On Oberheuser, see Wendy A.-M. Sarti, Women and
Nazis: Perpetrators of Genocide and Other Crimes during Hitlers Regime, 19331945 (Palo Alto, CA: Academica
Press, 2011), 16988; on Viermetz, Andrea Bltken, Inge Viermetz: Eine weibliche Karriere im Dritten Reich, in
Historische Rassismusforschung: Ideologen, Tter, Opfer, ed. Barbara Danckwortt, Thomas Querg, and Claudia
Schningh (Hamburg: Argument, 1995), 179207.
7. Elisabeth Kohlhaas, Gertrud Slottke: Angestellte im niederlndischen Judenreferat der Sicherheitspolizei, in
Mallmann and Paul, Karrieren der Gewalt, 20718. Parts of this article are used here.
8. Kirsten Heinsohn, Barbara Vogel, and Ulrike Weckel, eds., Zwischen Karriere und Verfolgung: Handlungsrume
von Frauen im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1997), 13.
9. Spruchkammerakte Gertrud Slottke, Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, EL 902/24, Az. 49/1/8373 (hereafter
Spruchkammerakte); Spruchkammer Waiblingen; Verfahren vor dem Landgericht Mnchen II gegen Dr. Wilhelm
Harster, Wilhelm Zoepf und Gertrud Slottke, Bayerisches Staatsarchiv Mnchen, Staatsanwaltschaften 34879 (hereafter
10. In Munich, Robert Kempner represented the families of Anne Frank and Edith Stein, who were coplaintiffs
(Nebenklger); Heiner Lichtenstein followed the trial as an observer. Robert M. W. Kempner, Edith Stein und Anne
Frank: 2 von 100000 (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1968); Heiner Lichtenstein, Dr. Wilhelm Harster: Der
niederlndische Holocaust, in Im Namen des Volkes? Eine persnliche Bilanz der NS-Prozesse, ed. Heiner Lichtenstein
(Cologne: Bund, 1984), 16373.
11. Many women, most of them unmarried, allowed themselves to be mobilized for the war effort and to be deployed
in German-occupied Europe. However, generally speaking, these women were significantly younger than Slottke. Nazi
Germany thus achieved a very public upgrade of a time period in a womans life that thus far had been regarded solely as
a waiting period before marriage. See Elizabeth D. Heineman, What Difference Does a Husband Make? Women and
Marital Status in Nazi and Postwar Germany (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999). For biographical
information, see Slottkes statements for the trial in Munich as well as press reports about the trial in Harsters file.
Wilhelm Harster, 16.2.-Ende 1967, Niederlndisches Institut fr Kriegsdokumentation Amsterdam, KB I, Nr. 3027.
12. Ute Frevert, Traditionale Weiblichkeit und moderne Interessenorganisation: Frauen im Angestelltenberuf 1918
1933, Geschichte und Gesellschaft 7, nos. 34 (1981).
13. NSDAP-Mitgliedsnachweis Gertrud Slottke, BArch, NSDAP-Zentral- und Gaukartei. The possibility remains
that she joined the party before Hitlers ascension to chancellor and that her membership came into effect on May 1,
14. Martin Broszat, Die Anfnge der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft in Danzig (19331936), in Gutachten, ed.
Institut fr Zeitgeschichte, vol. 1 (Munich: Institut fr Zeitgeschichte, 1958), 39294; Dieter Schenk, Hitlers Mann in
Danzig: Albert Forster und die NS-Verbrechen in Danzig-Westpreuen (Bonn: Dietz, 2000), 12543.
15. NSDAP Membership Record Maria Slottke, BArch, NSDAP-Zentral- und Gaukartei; no such record for Leopold
16. Vernehmung Slottke vom 19.1.1966, Prozessakten, Bd. 6, Bl. 118895.
17. Lavern Wolfram, KZ-AufseherinnenParteigngerinnen der NSDAP?, in Erpel, Im Gefolge der SS, 18797.
18. Vernehmung Slottke vom 14.4.1960, Prozessakten, Bd. 2, Bl. 28792.
19. Vernehmung Slottke in der Hauptverhandlung am 23.1.1967, ebd., Bd. 8, Bl. 16851704.
20. Stefanie Oppel, Marianne Emann: Von der Kontoristin zur SS-Aufseherin: Dienstverpflichtung als
Zwangsmanahme?, in Erpel, Im Gefolge der SS, 8188; Mhlenberg, SS-Helferinnen, 6284.
21. In 1936, Himmler combined the Gestapo and the Kripothe criminal policein the Main Office Security
Police. The Befehlshaber der Sipo und des SD (BdS) and the subordinated Kommandeure (commanders), established in
the occupied territories, mirrored the structure of Heinrich Himmlers main instrument of persecution, policing, and
genocide, the RSHA. Regarding the German occupation of the Netherlands, see Johannes ten Houwink Cate, Der
Befehlshaber der Sipo und des SD in den besetzten niederlndischen Gebieten und die Deportation der Juden 1942
1943, in Die Brokratie der Okkupation: Strukturen der Herrschaft und Verwaltung im besetzten Europa, ed. Wolfgang
Benz, Johannes ten Houwink Cate, and Gerhard Otto (Berlin: Metropol, 1998), 197222. With a focus on the murder of
the Dutch Jews, see, in addition, Jacob Presser, Ashes in the Wind: The Destruction of the Dutch Jewry (Detroit: Wayne
State University Press, 1988); Guus Meershoek, Machtentfaltung und Scheitern: Sicherheitspolizei und SD in den
Niederlanden, in Die Gestapo: Mythos und Realitt, ed. Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Gerhard Paul (Darmstadt:
Wissenschaftliche., 1995), 383402.
22. Of all Western European countries, the Netherlands had the highest deportation rate. Eberhard Jckel, Peter
Longerich, and Julius H. Schoeps, eds., Enzyklopdie des Holocaust: Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europischen
Juden, 4 vols. (Munich: Piper, 1995), 2: 1008; Marnix Croes, The Holocaust in the Netherlands and the Rate of Jewish
Survival, Holocaust and Genocide Studies 20, no. 3 (2006): 47499.
23. Vernehmung Dr. Harster vom 30.10.1959, Prozessakten, Bd. 1, Bl. 4348. Zoepf was not the most eager to fulfill
his duties and frequently went on trips or spent large amounts of time in the sanatorium Hohenlychen, where he had
formerly worked as a PE instructor. In those instances, he had his employees represent himincluding the other female
clerk of the Jewish Section, Margarete Frielingsdorf. It was therefore said that in his office, the women wore the pants.
24. Presser, Ashes in the Wind, 343.
25. Vernehmung Slottke vom 16./17.2.1966, ebd., Bd. 6, Bl. 1266ff.
26. Vernehmungen Zoepf vom 31.1. und 23.2.1966, ebd., Bd. 6, Bl. 122333, 12971304.
27. Elisabeth Kohlhaas, Meine Ttigkeit bestand darin, die Frauen der Juden krperlich zu durchsuchen: Frauen
als Beschftigte der Gestapo und ihre Handlungsfelder 19331945, in Frauen als Tterinnen und Mittterinnen im
Nationalsozialismus: Gestaltungsspielrume und Handlungsmglichkeiten, ed. Viola Schubert-Lehnhardt (Halle:
Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 2006), 13346.
28. Vernehmung Dr. Harster vom 8.2.1966, ebd., Bd. 6, Bl. 1234ff.
29. Vernehmung Zoepf vom 23.2.1966, ebd., Bl. 12971304.
30. The concept of a fighting administration originated with Reinhard Heydrich: here I follow Michael Wildt,
Generation des Unbedingten: Das Fhrungskorps des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition,
2002), 227.
31. Dick de Mildt and Joggli Meihuizen, Unser Land muss tief gesunken sein : Die Aburteilung deutscher
Kriegsverbrecher in den Niederlanden, in Transnationale Vergangenheitspolitik: Der Umgang mit deutschen
Kriegsverbrechern in Europa nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, ed. Norbert Frei (Gttingen: Wallstein, 2005), 283325, esp.
32. Einstellungsbeschluss des ffentlichen Klgers der Spruchkammer Waiblingen vom 5.1.1948,
Spruchkammerakte, Bl. 18.
33. Kontrollratsdirektive Nr. 24: Entfernung von Nationalsozialisten und Personen, die den Bestrebungen der
Alliierten feindlich gegenberstehen, aus mtern und verantwortlichen Stellungen vom 12. Januar 1946.
34. Gesetz Nr. 104 zur Befreiung von Nationalismus und Militarismus vom 5. Mrz 1946.
35. These are also the findings of my research on the female employees of the Staatspolizeistelle Frankfurt am Main.
36. Gabriele Lotfi, KZ der Gestapo: Arbeitserziehungslager im Dritten Reich (Stuttgart: Dt. Verl.-Anst., 2000).
37. Kathrin Meyer, Entnazifizierung von Frauen: Die Internierungslager der US-Zone Deutschlands 19451952
(Berlin: Metropol, 2004).
38. Kathrin Meyer, Die Frau ist der Frieden der Welt: Von Nutzen und Lasten eines Weiblichkeitsstereotyps in
Spruchkammerentscheidungen gegen Frauen, in Weckel and Wolfrum, Bestien und Befehlsempfnger, 132; see
also Daniel Kck, Bei den Gefangenen trug die L. den Spitznamen das blonde Gift: Die Stenotypistin Margarethe
Lcke als informelle Gestapo-Beamtin?, in Was verstehen wir Frauen auch von Politik?: Entnazifizierung ganz
normaler Frauen in Bremen (19451952), ed. Eva Schck-Quinteros and Jan-Hauke Ahrens (Bremen: Universitt,
Institut fr Geschichtswiss., 2011), 23172.
39. Beide Zitate aus schriftl. uerung Slottkes vom 19.2.1947, Spruchkammerakte, Bl. 2.
40. Anhang Slottkes zum Meldebogen vom 28.6.1946, ebd., Bl. 1.
41. Urteil vom 24.2.1967, Prozessakten, Bd. 12, S. 1625; esp. 498; also BArch Ludwigsburg, B 162/Vorl. SA 192.
The sentence is published in Justiz und NS-Verbrechen: Die deutschen Strafverfahren wegen nationalsozialistischer
Ttungsverbrechen, ed. Rter and Dirk de Mildt (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2001); Bd. 25: Die vom
24.11.1966 bis zum 16.03.1967 ergangenen Strafurteile, lfd. Nr. 645.
42. Christian Ritz, Schreibtischtter vor Gericht: Das Verfahren vor dem Mnchner Landgericht wegen der
Deportation der niederlndischen Juden (19591967) (Paderborn: Schningh, 2012).
43. Ibid., 175.
44. Urteil vom 24.2.1967, Prozessakten, Bd. 12, 49394.
45. Beschluss des OLG Mnchen vom 29.4.1966, ebd., Bd. 6, Bl. 138790. Urteil vom 24.2.1967, ebd., Bd. 12, 498.
46. Beschluss des OLG Mnchen vom 29.4.1966, ebd., Bd. 6, Bl. 138790. Urteil vom 24.2.1967, ebd., Bd. 12, 572.
47. Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: Ein Bericht von der Banalitt des Bsen, 9th ed. (Munich: Piper, 1995).
48. Urteil vom 24.2.1967, Prozessakten, Bd. 12, 57172.
49. Vernehmung Slottke vom 14.4.1960, ebd., Bd. 1, Bl. 28792.
50. Vernehmung Slottke vom 16./17.2.1966, ebd., Bd. 6, Bl. 126678.
51. Vernehmung Slottke vom 20., 21. und 26.10.1960, ebd., Bd. 4, Bl. 63152.
52. Lichtenstein, Im Namen des Volkes?, 171.
53. Karteikarte Gertrud Slottke, Kartei des Bundes der Danziger. Sie trat rckwirkend zum 31.10.1965 aus.
54. Bericht aus der Ortsstelle Schwenningen, Unser Danzig 9, no. 11 (1957): 23.
55. Wachsende Aufgaben und Pflichten: Mitarbeit der Frauen tut dringend not, Unser Danzig 7, no. 11 (1955): 4.
56. Andreas Kossert, Kalte Heimat: Die Geschichte der deutschen Vertriebenen nach 1945 (Mnchen: Siedler
Verlag, 2009), 146.
57. Die Aufgabe der Danziger Frauen: Glauben, Lieben, Hoffen, Unser Danzig 2, no. 9 (1950): 7.
58. Thus argued the national womens leader in her article Die Leistungen der Frau: Aus verborgenen Quellen
The Gehlen Organization and the Heinz Felfe
The SD, the KGB, and West German Counterintelligence
Norman J. W. Goda
The case of the Gehlen Organization and Heinz Felfe is one of the Cold Wars great
espionage tales. Felfe was a former Sicherheitsdienst (SD) officer recruited in 1950 by the
Soviet Ministry for State Security (MGB), known after 1954 as the Committee for State
Security (KGB). In 1951 he entered the Gehlen Organization, West Germanys foreign
intelligence service, known after 1956 as the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). Felfe
moved up the ladder in BND counterintelligence, becoming the chief officer charged with
counterespionage against the Soviets by 1956. Because he in fact worked as a penetration
agent for the KGB rather than for the BND, he wrecked BND counterintelligence
operations against the Soviets as well as U.S. counterintelligence operations run by the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In the process he revealed hundreds of West German
and U.S. agents in East Germany.
After Felfes arrest in 1961, both the BND and the CIA tried to assess the damage.
The BND damage report, wrote David Murphy, chief of the CIAs European Division,
must have run into tens of thousands of pages.1 To this day, the BND has not made
public its damage assessmentsor any other materials from the Felfe affair. Murphys
own assessment noted that all major BND CE [counterespionage] operations were
compromised and that the majority of the [BND]s tactical sources in East Germany
were compromised or under hostile control. And because Felfe worked with the CIAs
Berlin Operations Base, numerous CIA operations there were similarly compromised.2
Historians have not joined journalists in looking more deeply. Partly they view the
Soviet penetration of the BND as an intelligence tale rather than an episode of
VergangenheitspolitikGermanys fraught politics of memoryand thus less appealing to
the contemporary academic eye.3 But the latter term applies. The Felfe case involved a
clandestine yet very effective reinvention of numerous SD officers in the Federal
Republic, all within the context of broader reinvention and venality at the highest levels of
West German intelligence and the West German state. Yet historians also struggle with
source problems regarding work on West German intelligence. In 2010 the BND opened
bits of information revealing 47 partial names of 216 BND members (as of 1960) who had
careers in the SS or related police organizations.4 And though the BND appointed a
commission of academic historians in 2011 to examine the BNDs formative years, it is
also true that the BND, as revealed the same year, had destroyed more than 250 relevant
files, including a very large file on Alos Brunner, one of Adolf Eichmanns top deputies,
who worked for Syrian intelligence after the war.5 It is unclear at this writing whether the
commission will be able to produce a study on par with that recently completed on the
wartime and postwar German Foreign Ministry, a study that itself suffered at times from
official obstruction and the earlier destruction of relevant documents.6
On the other hand, the U.S. government after 2001 released hundreds of CIA files on
former SS and SD officers, owing to the 1998 Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act. Many of
these officers worked for the Gehlen Organization (and some for the Soviets as well).
Hundreds of relevant files from the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC)
concerning the Gehlen Organization and its employees have also been released under this
law.7 It is possible from these records to write on the Gehlen Organization in general and
the Felfe case specifically as never before, because both the CIC and the CIA penetrated
the Gehlen Organization where they could, even coming to understand certain matters that
surely did not make their way into the BNDs own records. The result is unusually rich
information on the complicated intersection of Vergangenheitspolitik and espionage, to be
understood within the broad framework of the Gehlen Organizations struggle for
independence from both the U.S. and West German governments. In the Felfe case, these
factors opened the BND to Soviet manipulation to create the greatest intelligence disaster
of the Cold War.
Understanding the Felfe case depends on a contextual understanding of the Gehlen
Organization and its founder, General Reinhard Gehlen.8 From 1942 until Hitler dismissed
him in April 1945, he was chief of the German Army General Staffs Fremde Heere Ost
office, where he made (mostly incorrect) intelligence predictions concerning the Red
Army.9 Gehlen surrendered to U.S. Army forces on May 22 in Bavaria and quickly recast
himself as a knowledgeable, anti-Communist army officer willing to work for the
Americans. He offered a trove of documents, his expertise, his staff, and his intelligence
assets to the United States. Gehlen and several staff members were taken to Fort Hunt,
Virginia. They returned to Germany in July 1946, where they became an intelligencegathering and -evaluation group known as the Gehlen Organization or by its U.S. Army
cryptonym, RUSTY.10 In December 1947 Gehlen established his own headquarters at
Gehlen, in fact, viewed himself as working for a reconstituted conservative German
state. Able to create intelligence jobs while solidifying his power base, he and his staff
quickly hired former German Army staff and intelligence (Abwehr) officers, but also
former Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Main Office [RSHA]) officers,
including former SS and SD personnel, who fell within Allied automatic arrest categories
but who also could be blackmailed by the Soviets as potential war criminals.11 The CIC
quickly noticed a spiraling mess. In the summer of 1946, shortly after Gehlens return to
Germany, the CIC arrested a number of his agents. Some of the agents, read a later
report, were SS personnel with known Nazi records and, in most cases, undesirable
people.12 In 1948 the CIC learned that Gehlen had hired former SD officers, some of
whom tried to recruit still other SD and Gestapo officers, who themselvesin an ironic
twistalready worked for the CIC.13 This state of affairs, said one CIC officer, should
definitely be considered a security menace.14 In 1949, Gehlens chief U.S. Army liaison,
Colonel William Philp, complained that RUSTY was at best a reconstitution of German
Army staff without firm U.S. control and at worst a potentially hostile organization that
had been penetrated by the Soviets. The Gehlen Organization, he said, was becoming
increasingly uncooperative, U.S. field agents were intentionally kept uninformed, and
discipline and security were unsatisfactory.15
The U.S. Army wanted the CIA, which was created in 1947, to assume firmer control
of RUSTY. CIA assessments, conducted by James Critchfield, then the CIAs chief of
station in Karlsruhe, were mixed. In the recruitment methods, reported Critchfield, no
attention was paid to the character of the recruits, security, political leanings, or quality
with the result that many of the agents were blown almost immediately.16 But, Critchfield
said, the organizations four thousand associates made it Germanys foremost intelligence
group, whose nucleus would be part of any future German states defense establishment. It
also produced certain types of intelligence, such as Soviet air force radio traffic, that the
U.S. could not obtain otherwise. Critchfield argued that better control by the CIA, typified
by closer liaison and a tighter budget, would alleviate past problems.17 The CIA assumed
control of the Gehlen Organization, now code-named ZIPPER, on July 1, 1949.
Critchfield became the chief CIA liaison at Pullach. He established ground rules for
cooperation within an anti-Communist partnership to be dominated by the CIA. Gehlen
was to follow U.S. directives and to provide complete details of operational activities,
including agent backgrounds.18
But Gehlen refused to act as a subordinate. Western Germany, he argued, was on the
front line of the East-West divide. Its intelligence organization had to make snap decisions
and assume risk. The mechanical application of American principles, which stressed
central control, was inefficient. We operate with German methods, he explained,
applying to [the] German mentality. He further refused to produce agent files owing to
the operational delays that it would cause. If such red tape spreads out, Gehlen insisted,
every creative impulse also from the lower ranks will disappear.19 The CIA still
controlled Gehlens funding. But it could never adequately supervise Gehlens operations
or his security methods.
The West German government, formed in October 1949, had similar frustrations,
though the available records on the relationship between the government and the Gehlen
Organization are spotty.20 As it moved toward sovereignty and integration into NATO in
1955, the West German government created an armed forces establishment, the
Bundeswehr, which, unlike past German military establishments, was under civilian
control. It sat under a cabinet-level minister of defense who in turn answered to a defense
committee within the elected Bundestag. Officer candidates were carefully screened to
weed out those without commitment to democratic principles. The Bundestag launched
inquiries to discuss even public speeches by officers that seemed like apologias to the Nazi
Gehlen avoided parliamentary oversight. In 1956 the Gehlen Organization left CIA
tutelage and became a legal part of the West German state as the Bundesnachrichtendienst.
But the Gehlen Organization had come into existence four years before the West German
government did, and Gehlen had prepared for the eventuality of state control. From 1949
to 1955 he out-maneuvered his potential intelligence rivals and gained the ear of
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and his trusted state secretary Hans Globke. Gehlen
convinced Adenauer that his intelligence mission was too sensitive for parliamentary
meddling. The BND thus became a free-floating organization within the
Bundeskanzleramt. Gehlen developed an especially close relationship with Globke.22
Outspoken SPD leader Kurt Schumacher expressed misgivings over this
extraconstitutional arrangement. He also wondered aloud how many former RSHA
officials worked for Gehlen.23 But Schumacher died in 1952, and his successors were
unable to press for effective oversight or even personnel screening.
Even within the Bundeskanzleramt, Globke liked to talk intelligence with Gehlen
rather than perform actual supervision. Globkes appointment calendar refers to Gehlen as
Dr. Schneider, Gehlens cover name, suggesting that Globke was too taken with spy
craft to press Gehlen on hard questions. German records of their discussions are either
nonexistent or closed to scholars, but CIC files record an instance in September 1952
when Globke asked Gehlen for information on Karl Schtz, a former SS officer who was
then working in counterintelligence. Adenauer himself, Globke said, had expressed
personal interest in the man. Gehlen replied that he could furnish nothing on Schtz
because, as he put it, the British held Schtzs background information. Schtz had indeed
submitted a sanitized career history to the Gehlen Organization in April 1951, but his SS
filewhich included Schtzs service in wartime Lodz and Romewas available under
U.S. control had Gehlen wished to have Schtzs past traced.24 Indeed, Gehlen had enough
background information on Emil Augsburg, a former SD officer wanted for war crimes in
Poland and now a counterintelligence officer, that he had Augsburg work outside of the
Pullach complex after 1954.25
After 1956 Bundestag leaders managed to create a small, nonpublic intelligence
committee (Vertrauensmnnergremium) that met with Gehlen and Globke once a year, but
like Globke, the committee discussed the intelligence product rather than the methods of
its collection. The chief topic of the 1956 meeting was Nikita Khrushchevs secret speech
to the Twentieth Communist Party Congress. SPD leaders expressed concern about former
RSHA personnel in the BND, but Gehlen put them off. Only in the meeting of June 1958
was the issue of former RSHA personnel discussedthat is, whether they could be
employed by the BND. Gehlen assured his listeners that each case would be examined
thoroughly and that it was self evident, that they could not be considered for influential
leadership positions.26 Numerous examples show that party leaders in the new West
German state had no control over Gehlens hires, even in leadership positions.27
That the Soviets penetrated the Gehlen Organization under these circumstances is not
surprising. The CIA posited in 1969based partly on information from Soviet defectors
that the Soviets had
a well-targeted, well-developed recruitment campaign directed against former
police and intelligence officers of the Nazi Reich. The thesis was simple: old
intelligence hands will flock together, will seek to return to what they know best.
hated the Americans like [poison] for bombing Dresden. Max sent Clemens west with
instructions to join the Gehlen Organization and to recruit known former SD co-workers
for the Soviets. This was easy once Clemens met Krichbaum, who informed Clemens
that he was with the old gang again. The Gehlen Organization officially hired Clemens
in 1951.36 Clemens recruited fellow Dresdener Heinz Felfe the same year.
Unlike Clemens, Felfe was something more than a common thug. Felfe was born in
Dresden in 1918. He joined the Hitler Youth in 1931 and the SS in 1936. He served in a
Wehrmacht construction unit during the Polish campaign but was discharged in 1940
owing to health problems. He entered the Security Police in 1941 as an officer in the
Criminal Police branch, and by 1943 he was a member of the SD. Felfe was assigned to
the Amt VI (RSHA Foreign Intelligence) Swiss Desk, where he worked at least partly on
matters related to the Red Orchestra, an extensive Soviet espionage network in western
Europe. In December 1945 he was sent to the Netherlands as the deputy head of Amt VI
in Enschede, which the Allies liberated on April 1.37 Felfes superiors stated that he had
fine capabilities and a strong work ethic. And there was, said one SS report, no doubt
concerning his political reliability. He finished the war at the rank of Obersturmfhrer
(first lieutenant). Felfe had an ego, often telling his superiors that he was destined for
greater responsibilities.38
Canadian forces in the Netherlands arrested Felfe on May 31, 1945. The British
interrogated him at length concerning SD men who broke through Allied lines late in the
war. Felfes British interrogators noted: He admits freely to having been an ardent Nazi
and to having great hopes of what the party could do for GERMANY. At the same time,
Felfe displayed contempt for the poor organization of Amt VI, while giving the British full
breakdowns of its operations in Switzerland and the Netherlands.39 He was, in fact,
already reinventing himself for the postwar world as a seemingly reliable spy for the West.
Later CIA assessments of his SS file and of earlier British interrogations noted that Felfe
was a highly intelligent man with very little personal warmth; a person with high regard
for efficiency, and for authority, but susceptible to flattery; venal; and capable of almost
childish displays of vindictiveness. Infinitely cool and brazen in the face of danger,
thoroughly aware at all times what he was doing, Felfe was the ice-cold calculator.
The only emotions detectable in him are his enjoyment of the game and his disdain for his
fellow man.40
After the British released Felfe in October 1946, he settled in the British occupation
zone and struggled to make ends meet for himself and his family, which had moved west
from Dresden. In the summer of 1947, Felfe offered to work for the British, who
employed him and a few other former Amt VI officers in the Cologne region. Felfe
provided intelligence on the German Communist Party (KPD) and left-leaning student
groups at the University of Bonn. In his capacity as a British agent, he joined the KPD,
traveled to Sovietcontrolled Berlin several times to attend student rallies, and attended
Communist meetings including the third Peoples Congress (Volkskongress) in the Soviet
sector of Berlin.41 Here he was so eager to read the list of attendees that a U.S. source at
the meeting had to snatch it away from him.42
The British dropped Felfe in April 1950. Nearly twenty years later, the CIA noted that
as early as April 1950, British files contained sufficient information on Felfe to make
anyone wary at the very least.43 Felfe tried to sell information collected for the British to
other intelligence agencies and to the East German Socialist Unity Party (SED). He had
also, despite British objections, maintained contact with former colleagues in the RSHA
from Dresden.44 Not until after Felfes arrest by German authorities in November 1961,
however, did the British share with Gehlen that Felfe was dropped for security reasons
namely that he accepted money from the KPD to work as a double agent and that he
provided false intelligence on the KPD to the British.45
For now, Felfe looked for work in the West German government, initially in the
Bundeskriminalamt. He sanitized his past carefully. His application to the Ministry of the
Interior for a position in the Bundeskriminalamt in January 1950 noted that his last
residence in Germany was Gleiwitz, where he had been stationed for four months in 1943
but which was now part of Poland. This, said Felfe, made him a refugee. And though Felfe
mentioned his training and employment in the Criminal Police, he said nothing about his
service in the SD. He further maintained that in 1947 and 1948 he had worked for the
British government, but with the Geographical Survey Unit. The Interior Ministry did a
thorough background check and eventually determined in 1954 that Felfe was lying.46
Felfe had already begun working in the West German Ministry for All-German Affairs in
February 1950.47 He interrogated refugees from the newly formed German Democratic
Republic (DDR) and gathered information on the East German Volkspolizei, the Soviet
order of battle, and Soviet agents.48 To get this position, Felfe used wartime contacts. And
by the time the Interior Ministry noted that he had lied about his past, the Gehlen
Organization had hired him.
In September 1951 Hans Clemens set up a meeting with Max, who recruited Felfe
into the MGB. Like Clemens, Felfe was sent west, where Krichbaum hired him into GV
L.49 Other figures hired in this wave included former SD associates of Clemens, all with
wartime criminal backgrounds stretching from France to Poland.50 But Felfe emerged as
the most dangerous. Once hired, Felfe rose in the Gehlen Organization more quickly than
his SD comrades. From November 1951 to August 1953 he served as a GV L assistant in
Karlsruhe and as a branch leader in the Rhineland. By August 1953 he was moved to the
counterintelligence section at the Pullach headquarters.
From 1952 to their arrest in 1961, an MGB/KGB officer called Alfred handled
Felfe, Clemens, and other SD penetration agents. He created an excusea dummy source
code-named Balthasar who provided fake information on a Soviet uranium plantfor
Clemens to travel periodically to Berlin. In 1952 and 1953 Felfe and Clemens reported to
Alfred on GV Ls bases in Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Cologne, and the Pullach headquarters.
By 1953 Gehlens counterintelligence operations in East Berlin and the DDR suffered. His
sources there were either recalled or arrested. The East German press even revealed where
Gehlens field bases were located.51
Yet it was in 1954 that Felfe began to run immensely complicated operations whereby
the increasingly venal Gehlen depended on him in order to impress his own superiors in
the Bundeskanzleramt. Felfe built his reputation that year with the so-called LENA case.
LENA was the CIA cryptonym for Gnther Hofe, an East German publisher and senior
member of the National Democratic Party of Germany. He traveled often to West
Germany, providing information to the Gehlen Organization on East German politics. In
March 1954 Hofe revealed that the Soviets had recruited him to gather information on
personnel within different West German agencies, including the Foreign Ministry and the
Bundeskanzleramt itself. Felfe received the mission of turning Hofe into a double agent
and playing him back against the Soviets.
LENA became typical of Felfes increasingly bold operations, run from positions of
leadership within West German intelligence. Felfe convinced Gehlen that LENAS Soviet
handlers in Bonn were loose talkers who, in the midst of conversations with LENA,
revealed details of Soviet agents in West Germany. Such information, he said, was
invaluable for counterintelligence work. LENA, Felfe argued, should thus provide the
Soviets with information in order to keep them talking, whereby they would unwittingly
provide far more sensitive information themselves. Gehlen subsequently persuaded
Adenauer and Globke to allow LENA to pass information already known to the Soviets as
build-up informationthat is, true information that was not particularly sensitive that
would build up LENAS own bona fidesthus making him reliable and valuable to the
In return LENA supposedly elicited information on Soviet agents in West Germany,
which Felfe ostensibly developed in order to uncover them. But in this particular
operation, the KGB gave up nothing more than pawns and decoys, many from rival Soviet
services such as Soviet military intelligence. In the meantime the dummy KGB orders to
LENA contained statements to the effect that information unknown to the KGB was
actually already known. Felfe was thus able to pass new and sensitive information through
LENA, which led to further Soviet successes. In 1955 the KGB used this information even
to recruit a construction worker to place microphones in the newly built
In the meantime, Felfes apparent value grew in Pullach. He became more trusted by
Gehlen, who in turn became more trusted by Globke and Adenauer. In 1956, when the
Gehlen Organization was reorganized as the BND, Felfe became the deputy chief of the
Soviet Operations Section of the Counter Espionage Group.52 His place secure, Felfe
worked after 1956 to protect KGB espionage operations against West Germany. He
provided Alfred with information on West Germanrun anti-Soviet operations in West
Germany, Berlin, or the USSR. Felfe had reinvented himself so convincingly as a reliable
West German official and security expert that officials in the Federal Office for the
Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt fr Verfassungsschutz [BfV]) outlined their
counterespionage cases for Felfe in order to elicit his opinion. In this way Felfe wrecked
BfV operations against Soviet spies such as Dmitry Ivanovich Kirpichev, a KGB operative
with the Soviet Freight and Transport Office. Shortly before Kirpichevs planned arrest by
the BfV in February 1961, Kirpichev made a business trip to East Berlin, became
mysteriously ill, and did not return.53 Only later was it apparent that Felfes curiosity about
the operations of other agencies blew their operations against eastern bloc spies.
in such a way that the most important KGB agents were protected.
The victim in 1955 was Ludwig Albert himself. Albert, as mentioned, was a triple
agent. Gehlen ran him against the CIC, and the East Germans ran him against both the
CIC and Gehlen. Albert truly despised Felfe and the SD clique, but he also wished to
divert attention from himself. The question was who would be exposed first, Albert or
Felfe. The Soviets seem to have protected Felfe by exposing Albert through a man named
Herbert Weinmann, who was surely a KGB plant. Albert was arrested in May 1955, and
his home was searched. West German authorities found wads of cash, intelligence reports,
correspondence with CIC, and a microfilm reader manufactured in East Germany. If he
cant explain, said Alberts wife, he can hang himself. Indeed, after a series of
interrogations by Emil Augsburg, Albert did just that.64
The Gehlen Organization refused to share much information on the Albert case with
the Americans. But the CIA surmised that the immediate effect of the Albert case was that
Gehlen trusted Felfe more than ever. Gehlen believed, evidently, that Albert, the true
mole, had tried to divert attention from himself to Felfe as a deception maneuver. It was
now that Felfe began his true ascent within the BND. As Critchfield put it, FRIESEN [the
CIA cryptonym for Felfe] enjoys a peculiar close relationship to UTILITY [the CIA
cryptonym for Gehlen]. While he is not one of UTILITYS boys in the sense of having
served with him during the war, he appears to have made a rapid-rise prestige-wise within
UPSWING [the BND] and now certainly enjoys a great measure of UTILITYS confidence.65
The CIA later noted, One thing is clear: The net effect of the Albert case was to solidify,
rather than weaken, Felfes position.66 A senior Gehlen official noted, not until 1962, It
now seems obvious that Albert and Felfe were parallel KGB penetration agents
unwitting of each other, and that once Felfe was placed in headquarters the KGB
apparently went to a good bit of trouble to neutralize Albert.67
But at the time, Felfe also managed to build unusual trust with the CIA. He
complained to Critchfield about what he called ALBERTS vendetta against former GV L
members who had been transferred to UPSWING headquarters.68 Despite seeing Felfes SS
file, Critchfield even swallowed Felfes nonsensical tale that he became an SD officer by
accident. His story, reported Critchfield, is that he happened to be in Berlin and
available one day when [RSHA Amt VI Chief Walter] SCHELLENBERG went to the Kripo
[Criminal Police] headquarters and levied a request for 20 bodies. My guess,
Critchfield added, is that [Felfe] is more reconstructed in his political orientation than are
a number of his colleagues. He is a man who apparently ties his personal future to the
West and has made a decision to fight Communist ideologies and practice within the best
framework available to him.69
It was with this trust that Felfe targeted CIA operations, and particularly the CIAs
Berlin Operations Base, which worked against Soviet military headquarters in Karlshorst.
In September 1956 Felfe was part of a delegation that visited CIA headquarters in
Washington. As a hook, he gave a talk on the LENA case, revealing that it had produced
valuable intelligence on KGB operations from Karlshorst, including safe-house addresses
and license plate numbers. He offered to provide information garnered by LENA. As CIA
analysts put it later, We responded with alacrity. Not only did we wish to keep our foot in
the door now that the newly legalized BND was often eager to dispense with us. Even
more important was the need to have as many sources as possible within Soviet controlled
territory such as Karlshorst. The Soviets now even allowed LENA to provide early
warning on a few minor developments, and the CIA believed that it had additional
coverage of the Karlshorst compound.70
Felfe, meanwhile, collected information on the CIAs operations against Karlshorst. He
was briefed by the CIA three times in 1958 and 1959 and managed to place a BND liaison
officer (whom he himself supervised) with the U.S. Army Berlin Base and the CIAs
Berlin Operations Base. He met with Alfred in December 1959 to report on CIA
operations against Karlshorst.71 Felfe thus revealed not only the identities of hundreds of
BND sources and agents in the east. He also blew the identities of numerous CIA sources
and agents there.
The Soviets often reacted with care. Rather than arrest one key female CIA recruit in
their compound in Karlshorst, they limited her access to information, thus protecting
Felfe, since her sudden disappearance would have caused CIA suspicion of him. Until the
construction of the Berlin Wall in August 1961, other CIA agents identified by Felfe
received similar treatment. Afterward the KGB moved in, made arrests, or doubled CIA
agents for work against the CIA and BND. As a result of such aggressive manipulation
by Felfe and the KGB, a major CIA report concluded, the hitherto unilateral Berlin Base
program against Karlshorst was largely compromised.72
CIA suspicion of Felfe resurfaced in 1959 owing to Michal Goleniewski, Polands
deputy chief of army counterintelligence, who worked for the KGB and who in that year
began funneling information to the CIA (he defected in 1961). Goleniewski revealed that
two KGB agents were part of the BND delegation that visited CIA headquarters in
September 1956. He further revealed that the KGB had an agent who reported on joint
BND-CIA operations. It could only have been Felfe. The CIA soon began to study Felfe
seriously, but without telling the BND.73 They followed him on his visits to Berlin and
Rome in 1959 and 1960. They tapped the phone in his Munich apartment. They also
discovered, much to their surprise, that there had seemingly been no check of Felfes SS
file in the CIA-controlled Berlin Document Center as of January 1960.74
As they looked over past reports, Felfe indeed seemed suspicious to his CIA
interlocutors. He had asked repeatedly about his SS file in the Berlin Document Center.
He owned a second home in Oberaudorf, conveniently on the border with neutral Austria.
He disappeared briefly during a trip to Berlin with Critchfield in March 1957. But Felfes
treachery was hard to believe, partly because he seemed so reliable and competent. There
is not much doubt that he should be ranked high, wrote Clare Edward Petty, now the CIA
liaison to Gehlen in Munich. Of course, the tendency to give him very good marks is
affected by the fact that we compare him with his UPSWING [BND] colleagues, and a
fair number of these would be quite easy to beat on any rating test. Petty concluded,
[Felfe] is undoubtedly a man who will be around a long time. All the little items could
mean he has eastern contacts. They could mean nothing. For my part I tend to conclude,
at least on the basis of what we now have to go on (or do not) that PRIESEN [Felfe] is not
a penetration agent. Certainly if he is such an agent, it must be presumed that he is a
very good one.75 Indeed he was. During a meeting with Petty in January 1960, Felfe
pressed for a closer operational relationship with the CIA. There was much, said Felfe,
that he did not know about operational possibilities against Soviet intelligence.76
But the circumstantial and accumulated evidence against Felfe was strong enough that
the CIA informed Gehlen himself in February 1961. Gehlen, according to later CIA
studies, immediately agreed that his heretofore favorite case officerFelfewas the
major suspect.77 Gehlen set up a small task force under his security chief Walrab Rudolf
von Buttlar (code-named BERNHARDT), and the subsequent investigation was code-named
Fall Mexiko. Buttlar picked up the leads Ludwig Albert had developed back in 1953. He
reviewed all information on Krichbaum. He discovered that Kurt Ponger, a Soviet spy
arrested by the Americans in Vienna in 1953, had been in contact with Krichbaum and
other Gehlen Organization members.78 Emil Augsburg, meanwhile, closely reviewed the
LENA case. Buttlar told Petty in March 1961 that he had in fact had his eye on Felfe since
1957. He further relayed that PRIESEN [Felfe] was a dangerous man because he was an
inordinately skillful manipulator and elicitor, was much sharper than most of the people
around him, and was the sort of guy who could really, without being too obvious, get his
hands on almost anything. Buttlar noted, however, that, even UTILITY [Gehlen] had
succumbed to FRIESENS [Felfes] charm and that FRIESEN, unlike almost any other officer
of his level at UPHILL [the BND], for many years had had the privilege of personally
briefing UTILITY on especially interesting and sensitive Soviet matters. Gehlens
comments in these briefings surely reached the Soviets thereafter.79
Gehlens task force concluded by April 1961 that Felfe was a penetration agent.80
Buttlar placed Felfes Oberaudorf home under visual and telephone surveillance. He
discovered that Felfe and his former SD colleague Hans Clemens spoke often about secure
matters, that Clemens retained contacts in Dresden, and that Felfe became aggressively
inquisitive after his visits to Clemens in Cologne (Clemens having relayed Soviet orders to
Felfe there).81 The CIA diverted personnel in Germany and Austria to help in the
surveillance of Felfe, Clemens, and another former SD counterintelligence officer named
Friedrich Busch, all of whom traveled to Berlin in August 1961 and to Vienna in
September, allegedly on operational business. The British, meanwhile, helped with
surveillance of Clemens in Cologne.82
But Gehlen remained indecisive. In August 1961after the Berlin Walls construction
somehow surprised the Western worldGehlen told his CIA liaison that some concrete
action must be taken by [the] end [of] September [to] neutralize leading security subjects,
especially UJDROWSY [Felfe] himself. But Gehlen spoke only of moving Felfe away from
the Pullach head-quarters.83 As late as October 25, Gehlen talked about creating a new
Munich Dienststelle for Felfe, compartmentalized from the rest of the BND. It is likely
that Gehlen did not want Adenauer or Globke to know how badly Felfe had fooled him.
Or, as the CIA posited, maybe he wished to have a channel to the Soviet government via
the KGB, owing to the tense political situation.84 Why he finally approved the arrest of
Felfe and Clemens on November 6 is not entirely clear and must await the opening of
BND records.85
Felfe and Clemens were tried for treason in 1963, receiving fourteen- and ten-year
sentences, respectively. Felfe was released in 1969 in exchange for the freedom of two
West German studentsWalter Neumann and Peter Sonntagwho had been arrested by
the Soviets for espionage in September 1961. He spent the rest of his life in East Germany,
later spreading more disinformation through his memoir Im Dienst des Gegners (1986)
and eventually outliving the German Democratic Republic and the Cold War themselves
(he died in 2008). In the meantime, the scandal relating to the Felfe trial resulted in
Gehlens estrangement from Adenauer, a slow, albeit incomplete, housecleaning of the
BND that included Gehlen himself in 1968, and proper government oversight thereafter.
In retirement, Gehlen bitterly complained, For week after week the [Felfe] affair
continued to hold the newspaper headlines: his character, his Nazi past, and his subsequent
treachery were all grist for their mill, resulting in exaggerated reports about us. He
insisted, I have reason to believe that [Felfe] did not work as successfully as Moscow had
More importantly, the treason trials of Felfe and Clemens in 1963 resulted in national
scandal. In 1954 the cover of Der Spiegel referred to Gehlen as the Chancellors favorite
general.87 Now newspapers wondered aloud how many former SS members polluted the
West German foreign intelligence establishment, the degree to which they compromised
national security owing to their vulnerability to blackmail, and the degree to which the
Bundeskanzleramt had learned their pasts after the BND became part of the West German
government in 1955. Publicly anyway, Globke insisted in 1963 that fewer than 1 percent
of Gehlens men had held rank in the SS, his inference being that it was not a significant
Indeed, we know more now concerning these questions than was known at the time.
But complete answers must await the opening of BND records that have not been
destroyed, and an analysis of these records against U.S. intelligence files. Thorough
consideration will reveal the number of SS officers in the BND and the operational ways
in which the shadow of the SD carried forward into Cold War intelligence. At the same
time, it will reveal a tale of Vergangenheitspolitik by which we can discern the reasons for
those individuals continued inclusion in the most sensitive of agencies, as we broaden the
early conflicted political history of the Federal Republic of Germany.
1. Christopher Andrew, The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB (New
York: Basic Books, 1991), 439.
2. David E. Murphy, Memorandum for Deputy Director (Plans), February 7, 1963, Heinz Felfe Damage
Assessment, RG 263, Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, entry ZZ-19, box 35, Felfe, Heinz: Damage
Assessment Report, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD (hereafter NARA).
3. Studies on East German intelligence under the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) form an exception. On
operations, see primarily Kristie I. Macrakis, Seduced by Secrets: Inside the Stasis Spy-Tech World (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2008); Kristie I. Macrakis, Thomas Wegener Friis, and Helmut Mller-Engbergs, eds., East
German Intelligence: Myth, Reality and Controversy (London: Routledge, 2009). Much work on the Stasi concerns the
relationship between East German citizens and the police state. See, for example, Barbara Miller, Narratives of Guilt and
Compliance in Unified Germany: Stasi Informers and Their Impact on Society (London: Routledge, 1999).
4. An assessment of the BNDs limited revelations in 2010 is in Stephen Tyas, Smoke and Mirrors: The German
Foreign Intelligence Services Release of Names of Former Nazi Employees, Holocaust and Genocide Studies 25, no. 2
(Fall 2011): 29099.
5. The commissions official title is the Unabhngige Historikerkommission zur Erforschung der Geschichte des
Bundesnachrichtendienstes 19451968. Its website is www.uhk-bnd.de/. On its formation, see Sven Felix Kellerhoff,
Nazi Verstrickungen des BND werden endlich geklrt, Die Welt, January 13, 2011. On the destruction of relevant files,
see Georg Bnisch and Klaus Wiegrefe, Braune Vergangenheit: BND vernichtete Akten zu SS-Verbrecher Brunner,
Der Spiegel, July 20, 2011; Klaus Wiegrefe, BND vernichtete Personalakten frhere SS-Leute, Der Spiegel,
November 29, 2011. Poor BND record-keeping is also a factor in limiting what we might learn from that agencys
records. Unit 85, a task force created in 1961 to discern the Nazi backgrounds of BND members, depended on help from
the Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltung zur Aufklrung nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen in Ludwigsburg, an
investigative authority set up in 1958 to investigate Nazi crimes. Unit 85 concluded that BND chief Reinhard Gehlen
simply did not want to know the backgrounds of the men that his organization hired in the 1950s. See Peter Carstens,
NS Verbrecher im BND: Eine zweite Entnazifierung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 18, 2010.
6. See Eckhart Conze, Norbert Frei, Peter Hayes, and Moshe Zimmermann, Das Amt und die Vergangenheit:
Deutsche Diplomaten im Dritten Reich in der Bundesrepublik (Munich: Blessing, 2010). On the destruction of Foreign
Ministry records, see Eckhart Conze, Norbert Frei, Peter Hayes, and Moshe Zimmermann, Panzerschrank der
Schande, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitiung, May 5, 2012. The independent commission researching the BND reported
in 2014 that its research on the Gehlen Organization/BND from 1945 to 1968 would be complete in 2016. A study
appeared in the interim, based on papers presented in December 2013. See Jost Dlffer, Klaus-Dietmar Henke, Wolfgang
Krieger, and Rolf-Dieter Mller, eds., Die Geschichte der Organisation Gehlen und des BND 19451968: Umrisse und
Einblicke, posted at www.uhk-bnd.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/UHK-BND_Bd2_online-12.pdf. It mentions the Felfe
affair but provides little analysis.
7. Researchers should be aware that the CIA files at NARA that have been made public under the Nazi War Crimes
Disclosure Act underwent two separate releases between 2000 and 2007. Files in the first release of CIA Name Files and
CIA Subject Files (RG 263, Entries ZZ-16 and ZZ-17, respectively) have more redactions and more pages withheld. CIA
Name and Subject Files in the second release (RG 263, Entries ZZ-18 and ZZ-19) are of higher quality. For an online
guide to these entries, see www.archives.gov/iwg/declassified-records/rg-263-cia-records/. U.S. Army
Counterintelligence Corps Records based on names and subjects are in RG 319 (Records of the Army Staff,
Counterintelligence Corps Collection, Records of the Investigative Records Repository), NARA. Various entries are
relevant, but additional entry 134A contains three thousand pages, released in 2004, specifically on the Gehlen
Organization. Online guides to the relevant records include www.archives.gov/iwg/declassified-records/rg-319-armystaff/rg-319-records.html.
8. For Gehlens own self-serving account, edited by Holocaust denier David Irving, see Reinhard Gehlen, The
Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen (New York: World, 1972). For older journalistic attempts, see Heinz
Hhne and Hermann Zolling, The General Was a Spy: The Truth about General Gehlen and His Spy Ring (New York:
Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1972); and the more academic Mary Ellen Reese, General Reinhard Gehlen and the
CIA Connection (Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Press, 1990), 14373. More recently, see Timothy Naftali,
Reinhard Gehlen and the United States, in US Intelligence and the Nazis, by Richard Breitman, Norman J. W. Goda,
Timothy Naftali, and Robert Wolfe (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 375418; Peter-Ferdinand Koch,
Enttarnt: DoppelagentenNamen, Fakten, Beweise (Salzburg: Ecowin, 2011), 158205; Rolf Dieter-Mller, Frhe
Konflikte: Annherung an eine Biographie Reinhard Gehlens, in Dlffer, et al., Die Geschichte der Organisation
Gehlen und des BND, 1725.
9. A good assessment of Gehlens failings is in Geoffrey P. Megargee, Inside Hitlers High Command (Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 2000).
10. Documents on the U.S. relationship with Gehlen until 1949 are in Kevin Ruffner, ed., Forging and Intelligence
Partnership: The CIA and the Origins of the BND, 19451949, RG 263, entry ZZ-19, box 3031, NARA, now also
available at the online National Security Archive, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB146/index.htm. See also
Kevin Ruffner, American Intelligence and the Gehlen Organization 19451949, Studies in Intelligence, RG 263, entry
ZZ-19, box 61, NARA. The memoirs of Gehlens CIA liaison James H. Critchfield, Partners at the Creation: The Men
behind Postwar Germanys Defense and Intelligence Establishments (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2003),
21108, are illuminating but best used cautiously. See also Reese, General Reinhard Gehlen, 37103.
11. A recent analysis, which points to the decentralized structure of the Gehlen Organization as the cause of this
questionable recruiting, is Gerhard Slter, Nazi Netzwerke und die Rekrutiering hauptamtlicher Mitarbeiter, in Dlffer
et al., Die Geschichte der Organisation Gehlen und des BND, 4152.
12. Chief of Station Karlsruhe to Chief, Foreign Branch M, August 19, 1948, Ruffner, ed., Forging an Intelligence
18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. II, NARA. For a version that emphasizes Felfes own role more, see Lt. Col. Sam
Boone to Commanding Officer, 66th CIC Group, III-35714, June 23, 1954, RG 319, entry 134A, box 141A, file
ZF015120WJF v. III, f. 3, NARA.
34. See statements from Georg Weickert and Willi Papenfuss, January 25, 1962, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 24, Name
File Hans Clemens, v. II, f. 2, NARA.
35. Bern to OSS Headquarters, IN 18776, received August 31, 1944, and CSDIC-CMF/SD 7, First Detailed
Interrogation Report on SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Clemens, Hans, May 23, 1945, both in RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 21,
Name File Hans Clemens, v. I, NARA.
36. Chief of Base, Bonn, to Chief, EE, EGNA-27257, March 23, 1964, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 21, Name File
Hans Clemens, v. III, f. 2, NARA. See also RG 263, entry ZZ-19, box 35, Felfe, Heinz: KGB Exploitation, 20, NARA.
37. Chronology based on Felfes SS file, RG 242, Microfilm Publication A3343 SSO (Records of the Berlin
Document Center, SS Officer Files), roll 201, NARA. On the Red Orchestra, see Attachment A to EGMA 54025, March
23, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. I, NARA.
38. Beurteilung ber den SS-Unterstrmfhrer Heinz Felfe, November 3, 1943, RG 242, Microfilm Publication
A3343 SSO, roll 201, frames 25758, NARA.
39. Tactical Interrogation Report, July 14, 1945, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. I, NARA;
Tactical Interrogation Report, August 4, 1945, RG 319, entry ZZ-6, box 4, file XE 220949Felfe, Heinz, NARA.
40. RG 263, entry ZZ-19, box 35, Felfe, Heinz: KGB Exploitation, 1516, NARA.
41. See the card on Felfe dated April 12, 1950, RG 319, entry ZZ-6, box 4, file XE 220949Felfe, Heinz, NARA.
42. See the card on Felfe dated June 23, 1950, RG 319, entry ZZ-6, box 4, file XE 220949Felfe, Heinz, NARA.
43. RG 263, entry ZZ-19, box 35, Felfe, Heinz: KGB Exploitation, 81, NARA.
44. RG 263, entry ZZ-19, box 35, Felfe, Heinz: KGB Exploitation, 17, 8182, NARA.
45. Memorandum on Felfe dated January 1962, RG 319, entry 134A, box 142A, file ZF015120WJF, v. VIII, f. 1,
46. Felfe to Bundesminister des Innern, January 13, March 10, 1950; Vermerk, May 18, 1954, RG 263, entry ZZ-18,
box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. I, NARA.
47. See Lt. Col. Ira Ewalt to Commanding Officer, 66th CIC Group, III-35714, July 13, 1954, RG 319, entry ZZ-6,
box 4, file XE 220949Felfe, Heinz, NARA.
48. The information is from Ludwig Albert in the Gehlen Organization. See the report dated June 10, 1954, III35714, RG 319, entry ZZ-6, box 4, file XE 220949Felfe, Heinz, NARA. See also the report of June 23, 1954, III35714, RG 319, entry ZZ-6, box 4, file XE 220949Felfe, Heinz, NARA.
49. For the versions of Felfes hiring emphasizing the roles of Krichbaum and Oskar Reile, see RG 263, entry ZZ-19,
box 35, Felfe, Heinz: KGB Exploitation, NARA. See also the BNDs chronological account of Felfes career dated July
3, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. II, NARA. For a version that emphasizes Felfes own
role more, see Lt. Col. Sam Boone to Commanding Officer, 66th CIC Group, III-35714, June 23, 1954, RG 319, entry
134A, box 141A, file ZF015120WJF, v. III, f. 3, NARA. On Krichbaums own hiring of Felfe, see RG 263, entry ZZ-18,
box 72, Name File Wilhelm Krichbaum, NARA.
50. Clemens recruited the aforementioned Karl Schtz, a former SS major who served in Lodz in 1939 and 1940 and
who later joined the SD and worked in Rome. In 1954 he was transferred to headquarters to work in counterintelligence.
RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 116, Name File Carl [sic] Schuetz, NARA. Clemens also recruited Friedrich Busch, another
former SD officer, convicted in France for war crimes and released in 1952. See Clemens, Hans Max, Att [EGLA-2254],
page 3 [1955], RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 21, Name File Hans Clemens, v. I, NARA; Chief, EE to Chief, Munich Liaison
Base, October 6, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. II, NARA; RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box
19, Name File Friedrich Busch, NARA. Felfe in 1953 recruited Friedrich Frank, who escaped war crimes prosecution in
the Netherlands. See Contact Report, @BERNHARDT, @FLEMING, May 29, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34,
Name File Heinz Felfe, v. I, NARA. Other hires in this period whose loyalties cannot be determined were Hans Sommer
and Walter Vollmer. Sommer was a former member of Amt VI in France, fired in 1952 for falsely claiming travel
expenses. Gehlen sources said that he worked for French intelligence thereafter. Vollmer joined the SS in 1931 and
served the SD after 1936. After working for the Gehlen Organization, he was dismissed in 1953. On Sommer, see RG
263, entry ZZ-18, box 122, Name File Hans Sommer, NARA. On Vollmer, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 133, Name File
Walter Vollmer, NARA.
51. See the BNDs chronological account of Felfes career dated July 3, 1961, in RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34,
indeed Ponger tried to penetrate the Gehlen Organization through Krichbaum and Httl. Chief, EE to Chief, Munich
Liaison Base, EGMW-10731, no date, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. I, NARA.
79. Attachment A to EGMA-54025, March 23, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. I,
80. Munich Liaison Base Contact Report: April 12, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. I,
81. Attachment to EGMA-54269, April 5, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. I, NARA;
Contact Report, @BERNHARDT, @FLEMING, May 31, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe,
v. I, NARA.
82. Documents on this surveillance are in RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. II, NARA.
83. Munich to Director, August 21, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. II, NARA.
84. Munich to Director, IN 11604, October 25, 1961, RG 263, entry ZZ-18, box 34, Name File Heinz Felfe, v. II,
85. Gehlen later ascribed the delay to our quaint West German laws of evidence. See Gehlen, Service, 247. Also
arrested was Erwin Tiebel, a former SD officer recruited into the KGB, who entered the Gehlen Organization and served
as a courier to Max in Berlin.
86. Gehlen, Service, 245.
87. I am grateful to Thomas Boghardt for this reference to Der Spiegels cover story of September 22, 1954.
88. Marion Grfin Dnhoff, Gehlens Geheimdienst: Der Mann im Zwielicht und die Mnner im Dunkeln, Die Zeit,
July 26, 1963.
We, the editors, wish to thank the contributors for their hard work to see this volume
through to publication. In addition to exchanges via e-mail and at conferences, we
benefited from many conversations with our contributors that have expanded our own
understandings of recast identities and postwar developments in West Germany and
beyond. It has been a pleasure to work with such a diverse group of excellent and
committed historians.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers of the manuscript for their
comments and suggestions, which improved the manuscript greatly. Special thanks go to
Jonathan Wiesen for his prescient comments that helped us tremendously with the
introduction. His assistance went well above and beyond the call of duty, and his
generosity reminded us that some of the smartest people are also some of the kindest.
Allison Webster and Stephen Wrinn at the University Press of Kentucky have been
patient supporters of this project from the outset. Working with the Press has been a real
Finally, the editors would like to thank each other. This project developed from a
sideline conversation at a conference quite a few years ago, and while putting plenty of
work into the project, we also acquired new levels of patience and discovered, to our great
delight, that our talents are quite often complementary. The editor is, as the saying goes,
the chief herder of cats: it was good to share this responsibility, for this volume could not
have been completed by one of us alone. It has been a joy to see a project move from
conversation, to idea and proposal, to completion.
Florian Altenhner, the recipient of numerous prestigious scholarships in Germany and
Great Britain, is an independent historian based in Berlin. He is the author of two books:
Kommunikation und Kontrolle: Gerchte und stdtische ffentlichkeiten in Berlin and
London, 1914/1918 (2008) and Der Mann, der den Zweiten Weltkrieg began: Alfred
Naujocks (19111966) (2008). He edited Kollektive Identitten und Kulturelle
Innovationen: Ethnologische, Soziologische und Historische Studien (2001) with K.
Buchenau, G. Knauthe, and W. Rammert and has authored a host of scholarly articles on
intelligence history.
Hilary Earl is associate professor of European history at Nipissing University, North Bay,
Ontario, Canada. She has published extensively on genocide, war crimes trials, and
perpetrator testimony. Her book The Nuremberg SSEinsatzgruppen Trial, 19451958:
Atrocity, Law, and History (2009) won the 2010 Hans Rosenberg book prize. She is
currently working on an examination of the reintegration of war criminals into German
(and Canadian) society.
Norman J. W. Goda is the Norman and Irma Braman Chair in Holocaust Studies at the
University of Florida. He is the author of Tomorrow the World: Hitler, Northwest Africa,
and the Path toward America (1998), Tales from Spandau: Nazi Criminals and the Cold
War (2007) (both also in German and Spanish editions), and the coauthor with Richard
Breitman of US Intelligence and the Nazis (2005) and Hitlers Shadow: Nazi Criminals,
US Intelligence and the Cold War (2010). He has served since 2001 as a congressional
consultant for U.S. government declassification efforts under the Nazi War Crimes
Disclosure Act.
Elisabeth Kohlhaas is an independent scholar whose research focuses on National
Socialism, the Holocaust, child survivors, and female perpetrators, as well as Jewish
history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, oral his tory, gender history, and history
education. Her most recent publications include edited volumes on women and the
Holocaust and on Jewish knowledge cultures.
Kerstin von Lingen is lecturer in the Department of Contemporary History at Heidelberg
University and is the independent research group leader on Transcultural JusticeWar
Crimes Trials after 1945 at the Cluster of Excellence: Asia and Europe in a Global
Context, Heidelberg. She has testified in court as an expert witness in recent war crimes
trials concerning Nazi war crimes committed in Italy during World War II, and between
2009 and 2012 she was appointed to be a scholar for the German-Italian Historical
Commission, an intergovernmental working group related to World War II history. She is
the author of Allen Dulles, Nazi War Criminals and Selective Prosecution (2013) and
Kesselrings Last Battle: War Crimes Trials and Cold War Politics, 19451960 (2009) and
numerous articles for journals such as Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
Thomas W. Maulucci is assistant professor of history at American International College
in Springfield, Massachusetts. He is the author of articles and book chapters on West
German foreign policy as well as on depictions of Cold War Berlin in film and the book
Adenauers Foreign Office: West German Diplomacy in the Shadow of the Third Reich
(2012). He also contributed sections on the denazification and new postwar careers of
German diplomats for Das Amt und die Vergangenheit: Deutsche Diplomaten im Dritten
Reich und in der Bundesrepublik (The office and the past: German diplomats in the Third
Reich and in the Federal Republic), edited by Eckart Conze, Norbert Frei, Peter Hayes,
and Moshe Zimmermann (2010).
David A. Messenger is associate professor of history and director of the Global and Area
Studies Program at the University of Wyoming. He is the author of Hunting Nazis in
Francos Spain (2014) and LEspagne Rpublicaine: French Policy and Spanish
Republicanism in Liberated France (2008). He has also written chapters in edited volumes
and several articles in journals such as Contemporary European History, Journal of
European Studies, and Intelligence and National Security. His research interests focus on
World War II and its immediate aftermath, particularly in Spain, early Cold War Europe,
and on the memory of war and dictatorship in contemporary Spain.
Katrin Paehler is associate professor at Illinois State University. In her research and
teaching she specializes on Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, foreign intelligence, genocide,
and mass violence, as well as on history and memory and their representations. She is the
author of chapters and articles on the Nazi Security and Intelligence Service, on foreign
intelligence and the Holocaust, and on memories of World War II. Her monograph on
Office VI of the RSHA is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.
Daniel E. Rogers is professor of history at the University of South Alabama, where he
teaches courses on modern Germany, the world wars, the Holocaust, and contemporary
Europe. He is the author of Politics after Hitler: The Western Allies and the German Party
System (1995) and coeditor, with Alan E. Steinweis, of The Impact of Nazism: New
Perspectives on the Third Reich and Its Aftermath (2003)
Susanna Schrafstetter is associate professor of history at the University of Vermont. She
is the author of Die dritte Atommacht: Britische Nichtverbreitungspolitik im Dienst von
Statussicherung und Deutschlandpolitik, 19521968 (1999), and coauthor, with Stephen
Twigge, of Avoiding Armageddon: The United States, Europe and the Struggle for
Nuclear Non-Proliferation, 19451970 (2004). She has also published numerous articles
on nuclear diplomacy and on the role of the Nazi past in the West German debate over
acquisition of nuclear weapons. Her most recent research focuses on indemnification for
victims of National Socialist persecution and on West German government officials and
their Nazi pasts for journals such as German History. She is currently working on a book
about the role of reparations for victims of National Socialism in Anglo-German relations,
1945 to the present.
Gerald Steinacher is assistant professor of history and Hymen Rosenberg Professor of
Judaic Studies at the University of NebraskaLincoln. He has served as Joseph A.
Schumpeter Research Fellow at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University
and in 2006 was a Visiting Fellow at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in
Washington, D.C. He was also an independent researcher for the museums Oral History
Project. He is the author of three books and has edited seven volumes. His latest book,
Nazis on the Run: How Hitlers Henchmen Fled Justice (2011), which was translated into
four languages, was awarded the 2011 National Jewish Book Award.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from
the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of
interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abetz, Otto
Abteilung Deutschland
Abwehr (Nazi military intelligence service); former officers recruited by Gehlen; in Spain
Action Catolica
Achenbach, Ernst
Adenauer, Konrad; commutation of death sentences and; Gehlen Organization and; Globke and; rehabilitation of
soldiers honor and; Sandberger and
Advisory Board on Clemency (Peck Panel)
AEG (electronics company)
Aguilar, Paloma
Albert, Ekkehardt
Albert, Ludwig
Albrecht, Karl
Alexander, Harold
Allgemeine Beregnungsgesellschaft mbH (ABG)
Allied Control Council (ACC)
Altenburger Treffen
Altenhner, Florian
Andergassen, Heinrich
Anderson, Benedict
Angriff, Der (Nazi newspaper)
Anti-Bolshevik League
Arad, Yitzhak
Ardeatine Caves massacre (Italy)
Arendt, Hannah
Armour, Norman
Aschenauer, Rudolf
Assmann, Aleida
Auf Teufel komm raus (Kaufmann)
Augsburg, Emil
Auschwitz extermination camp
Austria; Allied occupation of; National Socialists in; Nazis smuggled out of
Axel Springer Publishing House
Baatz, Bernhard
Bargen, Werner von
Bauer, Herbert
BdS (Befehlshaber der Sipo und des SD)
Becker, Helmut
Beer Hall Putsch
Behrens, Otto
Bell, George (bishop of Chichester)
Benzinger, Alfred
Benzler, Felix
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Berger, Gottlob
Berlin Wall
Bernadotte, Folke (count); in Germany; Himmlers conditional surrender offer and
Bernhardt, Johannes
Best, Werner
Beumelburg, Werner
Biess, Frank
Biewer, Ludwig
Blankenhorn, Herbert
Bloxham, Donald
Blcher, Franz
BND [Bundesnachrichtendienst] (West German intelligence); former Nazis in; Soviet Operations Section; Soviet
penetration of; Unit 85 task force; See also Gehlen Organization
Bohle, Ernst Wilhelm
Boos, Josef
Bormann, Martin
Brand, Walter
Brandin, Axel
Brandt, Willy
Brauchitsch, Walther von
Breidenbacher, W. (pseudonym)
Brinkmann, Otto
British-American Centre for Repatriation of Germans (Madrid)
British Military Court
British Secret Service
Brochhagen, Ulrich
Browder, George
Brown Book
Browning, Christopher
Brning, Heinrich
Brunner, Alois
Buchna, Kristian
Bullock, Alan
Blow, Bernhard von
Bund der Danziger
Burbach, Friedhelm
Burkhardt, Friedrich
Busch, Friedrich
Buttlar, Walrab Rudolf von
Canaris, Konstantin
Canaris, Wilhelm
Carrero Blanco, Luis
Catholic Center Party
Catholic Church
Cazorla-Sanchez, Antonio
Christanell, Nikolaus
Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
Christmas Amnesty (1947)
Churchill, Winston
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); assessments of Felfe; Berlin Operations Base; escape of Nazis from Europe and;
Gehlen Organization and; Operations in East Germany compromised by Felfe
CIC (Counter Intelligence Corps), U.S. Army
Circle of Friends (Der Freundeskreis ehemaliger Hher Beamter des Auswrtigen Amtes)
Clay, Lucius
Clemens, Hans
Cold War; bloc system of; emergence of; Francos Spain and; Gehlen Organization and; German-German propaganda
battle; Nazis evasion of prosecution and; recasting processes of former Nazis and; reconstruction of Germany and;
reintegration of Nazi war criminals and
Committee for Church Aid to Prisoners (Komitee fr kirchliche Gefangenenhilfe)
Communism/Communists; fall of Soviet bloc; KPD (German Communist Party); postwar German rearmament and;
Spanish Civil War and; street battles with Nazis in Germany
Compaa Argentina para Proyectos y Realizaciones Industriales (CAPRI)
Conant, James Bryant
concentration camps
Condor Legion; bombing campaigns in Spain; German intelligence agents and
Conspiracy (2001)
Correa Fund
counterintelligence, West German
Galland, Adolf
Gatterer, Claus
Gaus, Friedrich
Gegenterror (counterterrorism campaign in Denmark)
Gehlen, Reinhard
Gehlen Organization; GV L [Generalvertretung L] (counterespionage); RUSTY code name for; Soviet penetration of
ZIPPER code name for. See also BND [Bundesnachrichtendienst] (West German intelligence)
Generals Memorandum (Generals-Denkschrift)
Genscher, Hans Dietrich
Genserowsky, Alfred
German Democratic Republic [GDR] (East Germany); end of; Globke attacked by; Naujocks viewed as perpetrator by;
Socialist Unity Party (SED); Stasi; U.S. and West German agents in
Germany, Federal Republic of (West Germany); Adenauer as chancellor; Bundestag (parliament); Bundeswehr (army);
Cold War and; emergence from occupation; full sovereignty gained by; Interior Ministry; judicial system; liberal
democracy of; Nazi continuities emphasized in East German propaganda; Nazi pulp fiction in culture of; popular
image of Nazis in West German media Soviet espionage operations in; Student Movement in. See also BND
[Bundesnachrichtendienst] (West German intelligence)
Germany, Nazi (Third Reich); anti-Semitic policies of; bureaucratic infighting of; collapse of; foreign intelligence
service; Foreign Office (Auswrtiges Amt) during; Francoist Spain and; Ministry of Propaganda; popular image in
West German media; Reichswirtschaftskammer (Reich economic ministry); South Tyrol annexed by
Germany, occupied; British Occupation Statute; British zone; French zone; Soviet zone; U.S. zone
Gestapo; Counterintelligence Department; in Denmark; female employees of; Foreign Office and; former Gestapo
recruited into Western intelligence services; Gleiwitz incident and; in the Netherlands; in Spain
GFP (Geheime Feldpolizei)
Giese, Alfred
Gleiwitz radio station, mock raid on; East German film about; scholarly inquiry into; West German media and
Globke, Hans; in Adenauers government; Gehlen Organization and
Goda, Norman J. W.
Goebbels, Joseph
Goering, Hermann
Goleniewski, Michal
Gring, Franz
Gttsch, Werner
Gregor, Werner
Grese, Irma
Grimm, Friedrich
Grimm, Hans
Grynszpan, Herschel
Guisan, Henri
Gnzel, Alfred
Gypsies, murder of
Haen, Felix (pseudonym)
Hafner, Paul
Hahn, Hubert
Halbwachs, Maurice
Halder, Franz
Hale, Owen J.
Halem, Gustav Adolf von
Halse, Richard
Handlungsrumer (scopes for action)
Hankey, Maurice (1st Baron Hankey)
Harster, Wilhelm
Hasse, Hannjo
Hassell, Ulrich von
Hauser, Wolf
Hawley, Harry
Hayse, Michael R.
Heidelberg Circle
Heinburg, Curt
Heinricher, Kurt
Heinricher, Trude
Heinrici, Gotthard
Helene Elisabeth, Princess von Isenburg
Hencke, Andor
Henke, Jose Lipperheide
Henlein, Konrad
Herberg, Ricard
Herbert, Ulrich
Herf, Jeffrey
Hering, Hermann
Herr, Traugott
Heuss, Theodor
Hewitt, Abram Stevens
Heydrich, Reinhard; Foreign Office and; Formis assassination and; Naujocks and; as a principal Nazi culprit in W.
German media; rumored Jewish ancestry of; Schellenberg and; SD inner circle around
High Commission for Germany (HICOG)
Hilger, Gustav
Hillberg, Raul
Himmler, Heinrich; conditional surrender offer of; Gestapo combined with Kripo by; Naujocks and; as a principal Nazi
culprit in W. German media; Schellenberg and; in Schellenbergs narrative; SD control over Abwehr and; selection of
personnel for mobile units and; South Tyrolean Nazis and; suicide of; Wolff as adjutant of
Hinrichsen, Otto
Hispano-Marroqui de Transportes, S.L.
Hitler, Adolf; appointment as chancellor; assassination plot against; expansionist foreign policy of; Foreign Office
diplomats and; Fhrerbefehl (order to murder all Soviet Jews); Gehlen and; German colony in Spain and;
Kaltenbrunners proximity to; literary supporters of; postwar admiration for; as a principal Nazi culprit in W. German
media; racial ideology of; SD control over Abwehr and; South Tyrolean Germans and; Wehrmacht generals and
Hitler Youth
Hoehn, Reinhard
Hoettl, Wilhelm
Hofe, Gnther
Hofer, Franz
Hofer, Peter
Holocaust; Einsatzgruppen and; Foreign Office and; silence about Holocaust in early Federal Republic; survivors of. See
also Final Solution; genocide
Holzhausen, Rudolf
Honiok, Franz
Httl, Wilhelm
How the Steel Was Tempered [Kak zakayalas stal] (Ostrovsky)
Huber, Jos Maria
Hudal, Alois (bishop)
Huisgen, Horst
I. G. Farben
Im Dienst des Gegners (Felfe)
Interim Mixed Parole and Clemency Board
Interior Ministry, in Third Reich
International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg); absence of women defendants at; distinction between Wehrmacht and SS
at; Globkes testimony at; Naujocks at; Schellenberg at; Wehrmacht officers testimony at
internment camps
Invisible Front, The [Die unsichtbare Front] (Stern article)
Isenburg, Helene Elisabeth von (princess)
Italy; Allied landings in; annexation of South Tyrol after World War I; Ardeatine Caves massacre; Catholic church and
Nazis in; German military elite in; German occupation of northern Italy (1943); honorable war of Wehrmacht in;
Nazis smuggled out of; partisan war in; regions annexed to German Reich; Soviet influence in; war crimes trials in,
See also Tyrol, South
Jackson, Edward
Jackson, Robert
Jannsen, Berndt
Jaskot, Paul
Jewish question
Jews; clemency efforts in support of Sandberger and; Communism associated with; deportations of; Einsatzgruppen
open-air shootings of; extermination of; Fhrerbefehl (Hitlers order to murder all Soviet Jews); full Jews and mixed
race, mass murder of; ordered to wear yellow Star of David; rumored Jewish ancestry of Nazi officials
Jimenez y Mora, Jos
Jost, Heinz
Kalhne, Anni
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst; as head of RSHA, Schellenbergs portrayal of
Kamphoevener, Kurt von
Karrieren im Zwielicht [Careers in the Twilight] (Frei, ed.)
Kaufmann, Gnter
Keitel, Wilhelm
Kellenbach, Katharina von
Kellner, Hans
Kempner, Robert
Kern, Erich
Kessel, Albrecht von
Kesselring, Albert, memoirs of; Operation Sunrise and; release from prison; trial against; Wolffs public criticism of
KGB (Soviet intelligence)
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kiesinger, Hans Georg
Kirpichev, Dmitry Ivanovich
Kirschstein, Eva
Klaevisch, Alfred
Klein, Gerhard
Kleyensteuber, Arno
Klinkhammer, Lutz
Klop, Dirk
Knoblach, Joaquim von (baron)
Kohlhaas, Elisabeth
Kordt, Erich
Korean War
Koselleck, Reinhart
Kossert, Andreas
Krapf, Franz
Kreuzwald, Rainer
Krichbaum, Wilhelm
Kripo (Criminal Police)
Kristall magazine
Kuhnt, Gottfried
Kukla, Robert
Landsmannschaft Ostpreussen
Lange, Heinz
Langer, William
Laroque, Gustave
Laternser, Hans; on symbolic nature of Kesselring trial; veterans of Italy legend and; witnesses from SS and
Lauggas, Ferdinand (Ferdl)
Lebert, Stephan
Le Carr, John
Lechler, Paul
Meyer, Wilhelm
Meyer-Doehner, Kurt
MGB (Soviet intelligence)
MI5 (British domestic intelligence)
Middelhauve, Friedrich
Middle East
minimal guilt thesis,
Mintzel, Kurt
Mischlinge (mixed blood people)
Mitlufer (Germans who went along with Nazis)
Moeller, Robert
Mohr, Bruno
Moll, Josef
Mller, Alvar
Mooney, Peter
Moreno, Salvador
Morgen, Der (Hitler Youth newspaper)
Moser, Karl Andress
Mosig, Walter Eugen
Mueller, Bernhard
Mueller, Walter
Mller, Heinrich
Muller-Bohm, Max Ludwig
Murphy, David
Mussolini, Benito
Musy, Jean-Marie
My Fathers Keeper (Lebert)
National Democratic Party of Germany
National Socialist German Students League (NSDStB)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Naujocks, Alfred; biography of; East German film about Gleiwitz incident and; postwar life in West Germany; in SS;
Naumann, Werner
Naumann Affair
Nazi Party. See NSDAP [National Socialist German Workers Party]
Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act (1998)
Neubacher, Hermann
Neuhusler, Johannes (bishop)
Neumann, Walter
Potsdam Conference
POWs (prisoners of war); amnesty and release of; in Soviet custody
Prager, Gnter
Presser, Jacob
Protestant churches
Prfer, Curt
Quick magazine
Rademacher, Franz
Rahn, Rudolf
Rainer, Friedrich
Rayens, Charles E.
rearmament, postwar German
Red Orchestra
Referat Inland
Reich Youth Leadership
Reif, Hans
Reimann, Viktor
Reitlinger, Gerald
resistance movement, in Nazi Germany; Foreign Office and; military
Rettlinger, Karl
Ribbentrop, Joachim von; declaration of war on Soviet Union and; diplomats postwar scorn for; Foreign Office and
Ribbentrop Bureau
Ritter, Karl
Rodrigo, Javier
Rogers, Daniel E.
Rohstoff-Waren-Handelsgesellschaft (ROWAK)
Rosenberg, Alfred
Rosenberg, Ludwig
Rosenfeld, Gavriel
Roth, Egmont (probable pseudonym)
Rothberg, Felix (probable pseudonym)
Rothe, Hans
Rttinger, Hans; interrogated at International Military Tribunal; in postwar Bundeswehr
RSHA [Reichssicherheitshauptamt] (Reich Main Security Office); Foreign Office and; formation of; former officers
recruited by Gehlen; Globke and; Heydrich as chief of; Kaltenbrunner as head of; Naujocks and; Office VI (Amt VI);
Sandberger and; Swiss Desk; universities as recruiting ground for
Rudel, Hans-Ulrich
Ruffine, Rodney C.
Runzheimer, Jrgen
Slottke, Gertrud; biography (until 1941); denazification of; in Jewish Section of Gestapo; Munich Trial of; as NSDAP
member; as voluntary functionary for Bund der Danziger
Small Town in Germany, A (Le Carr)
Sobibor extermination camp
Social Democratic Party (SDP)
Society of People Persecuted by the Nazi Regime (Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes)
SOFINDUS (Nazi trade firm in Spain)
Sonntag, Peter
South America
Soviet Union (USSR); Cold War and; Einsatzgruppen killings in; Gehlen Organization penetrated by; Germany at war
with; influence in southern Europe; mass murder of Jews inside; Nazi intelligence about; as new Cold War enemy of
United States; Spanish Civil War and
Spain; Allied pressure to deport German agents, Catholicism versus Nazism of Germans in service to Franco; Francos
relations with Nazi Germany; German advocacy in; German colony in; nationalism and anti-Communism of Germans;
Nazi influence in; Nazis in service to Franco; Spanish citizenship of Germans
Spanish Civil War; Catholicism and Francoism; World War II and. See also Condor Legion
Spiegel, Der (magazine)
Spindler, Gert
SS (Schutzstaffel); anti-partisan warfare of; connections through, dirty Nazi War of; Economics and Administration
Department; Foreign Office and; former officers recruited by Soviet intelligence; former officers recruited by Western
intelligence; heroic depictions of, honorable SS men, Naujocks in; Nuremberg testimony of Wehrmacht generals
and; postwar reinvention of SS men; racial profiles of members; reintegrated into postwar German society; RFSS
(Reichs Fhrer SS); Schellenberg in; spy networks on eastern front; war crimes trials in Italy and; Wehrmacht ties to;
women in. See also Einsatzgruppen; SD (Sicherheitsdienst); Waffen-SS
SS, The: Alibi of a Nation (Reitlinger)
Stackelberg, Curt von
Stahlecker, Franz Walter
Stalin, Joseph
Stalingrad, battle of
Stanek, Hans
Star Camp
Stasi (East German intelligence)
Steengracht von Moyland, Gustav Adolf
Steimle, Eugen
Steinacher, Gerald
Stern magazine
Steurer, Leopold
Stille Hilfe
Streckenbach, Bruno
Stresemann, Gustav
Stuckart, Wilhelm
Stunde Null (zero hour)
Sudetenland; Germanys annexation of; Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft; Sudetendeutsche Partei
Sdtiroler Volkspartei
Sunrise, Operation; honor-and-duty narrative; narrative of Wehrmacht separation from SS and; as turning point in
American policy toward Soviet Union
Switzerland; intelligence service of; RSHA operations in; World War II negotiations in
Tank, Karl
Tensfeld, Willy
Thaler, Georg
Theresienstadt concentration camp
Tiebel, Erwin
Tinzl, Karl
Titus, Earle
Tonn, Gnter
Transition Treaty
Treblinka extermination camp
Trott zu Solz, Adam von
Troy, Maria
Truman, Harry
Trtzschler von Falkenstein, Heinz
Tur, Roger
Tutzer, Michael (Much)
Twardowski, Fritz von
Tyrol, South; absence of Stunde Null (zero hour) in; community of former Waffen-SS members in; Italian annexation
of; Nazi anti-Fascism in; Nazi occupation of; postwar SS circles in
United Nations (UN)
United States; Cold War and; embassy in Spain; Germany needed as ally against Communist threat; Historical Division
of U.S. Army; Nazis shielded by U.S. intelligence authorities; State Department
universities, Nazi recruiting at
Unterrichter, Mario Gnther von
Unterrichter, Rudolf von (baron)
Untersuchungsausschuss Nr. (Investigative Committee No. 47)
VdU (League of the Independent)
Venlo incident
Verborgene Saat [Hidden Seed] (Kessel)
veterans, German; escape to Argentina; honor-and-duty narrative and; postwar reemergence of German army and; in
South Tyrol; of Spanish Civil War; veterans of Italy legend; war crimes trials and veterans identity
victimhood, German self-conception of; Naujocks and; revisionist history and; Sandberger and; Schellenberg and;
self-victimization trap, Slottke and
victors justice,
Viermetz, Inge
Vietinghoff-Scheel, Heinrich von
VKS (Vlkischer Kampfring Sdtirol)
Wolff, Karl; involvement in Holocaust; Operation Sunrise and; shielded from prosecution by U.S. intelligence; in South
Wolmar, Wolfgang von; Mussolini-Diary and; positions held before/after
women: in Nazi movement
World War I
World War II; German victims versus victims of the Germans,; murder of American POWs in Battle of Bulge;
Spanish Civil War and; twenty-fifth anniversary of outbreak of
Wundt, Max
Wurm, Theophil (bishop of the Evangelical Church of Wrttemberg)
Zangen, Wilhelm
Zapp, Manfred
Zimmer, Guido
Zoepf, Wilhelm
Zoglmann, Siegfried; biography of; Free Democratic Party (FDP) and; as Hitler Youth leader; Naumann Affair and;
positions held before/after 1945; pseudonyms associated with
Zolling, Ernst