A Simple Method For Simultaneously Tensi PDF
A Simple Method For Simultaneously Tensi PDF
A Simple Method For Simultaneously Tensi PDF
Mooring systems normally comprise multiple catenary legs often arranged in clusters with
individual legs anchored to the seabed by driven / suction piles, or drag anchors. For submerged
turrets and Single Point Mooring (SPM) buoys it is important to establish the tension in the mooring
system during installation since it may be difficult or impossible, to adjust the mooring leg tension
during service. For these types of installation it is therefore standard practice for each leg to be pretensioned to a specific load before connecting with the buoy to establish the shape of the buried
inverse catenary between the anchor and the dip down point.
On a recent project a new method of simultaneously pre-tensioning multiple mooring legs was
conceived and executed offshore that resulted in a much faster installation than would otherwise been
possible using reaction anchors or other specialist proprietary tensioning tools. Offshore installation
methodology involves connecting multiple mooring legs to a chain tensioning tool and lifting them up
through the water column by means of the installation vessel crane. The vertical uplift force produces
a resultant horizontal tension in the legs in bowstring fashion. Depending on water depth and tension
required, tensioning may be achieved in a single lift however in shallow water, or where high tensions
are specified, multiple bites may be required using pre-installed grommets.
This paper describes the components of the multiple leg tensioning system, the offshore installation
methodology together with the design calculations and analyses used to plan the operation and how
tensions achieved in the field are validated.
Keywords: Mooring, pre-tensioning, catenary, multiple leg
1 Introduction
Mooring systems consist of multiple catenary
mooring legs often arranged as individual legs
or in leg clusters in rotationally symmetric
patterns. Although exceptions to these rules
exist when unidirectional wave and wind
loading require asymmetric mooring, they
form a very small number of the total installed
moorings. However, an interesting case, and
one that particularly benefits from the multiple
tensioning system described in this paper, is
Proceedings of MTEC2011
13-15 Apr, 2011, Singapore
2 Pre-Tensioning
As mentioned previously, it is important to
establish tension in the mooring system when
installing certain floating structures and buoys
to ensure that neither the tension nor the
mooring centre exceeds design limitations once
the system becomes operational.
This is
accomplished by pre-tensioning the mooring
legs to a specified load before final hook up.
The main objectives of pre-tensioning are
therefore to:
Proceedings of MTEC2011
13-15 Apr, 2011, Singapore
Pre-Tension (kN)
OrcaFlex 9.3c: untitled.dat (modified 14:36 on 13/10/2010 by OrcaFlex 9.3c) (azimuth=270; elevation=0)
Static s Complete
Lh/Le (%)
Proceedings of MTEC2011
13-15 Apr, 2011, Singapore
4 Conventional Pre-tensioning
Several methods for pre-tensioning mooring
legs exist but the choice of which one to use
depends on several factors including amongst
others; water depth, type of installation
vessels, type of fixed anchor (e.g. pile or drag
anchor) and configuration of the mooring
Tensioning can either be performed as a
subsea operation or above water on deck. The
more common methods for pre-tensioning
mooring systems are described below noting
any particular advantages or disadvantages of
Deck tensioning
Deck tensioning is usually performed using an
Anchor Handling Tug (AHT) or similar vessel
with adequate bollard pull. Once the anchor is
installed, the ground chain is picked up by the
anchor handler with a grommet and brought
onto the deck. The chain is then fixed to the
deck using shark jaws and the vessel moves
towards the mooring centre tensioning the
anchor chain to a specified load. This is a
relatively simple and straightforward operation
but only one mooring leg can be tensioned at a
time utilising this method and it requires a
specialist vessel with sufficient bollard pull.
Deck Cross-hauling
This method does not necessarily need a high
bollard pull vessel but does require specialist
deck tensioning equipment. Once the anchor
pile or drag anchor is installed, the ground chain
is picked up using a grommet by the AHT or
installation vessel and brought to the deck. The
chain is then fed into a powerful hydraulic
tensioning unit which provides the required
tension. Reaction can be provided by using
either a pre-installed temporary anchor or a
diametrically opposed mooring leg if one is
available and sufficiently close. Again, this is a
relatively straightforward operation and multiple
mooring legs can be tensioned but it is generally
limited to two. There are also considerable
safety issues to be considered when using this
system because of the risks associated with
wires and chains under high tension on the deck.
Subsea Tensioning
Subsea tensioning works on the principle that a
vertical uplift load on a horizontal string
(bowstring) imparts large resultant forces in the
correspondingly high pretension loads in the
mooring legs. In practice subsea tensioning
may, or may not, involve the use of specialist or
proprietary installation aids such as mechanical
ratchet systems (e.g. Vryhof Stevtensioner) but
in its simplest configuration requires the use of a
tri-plate to cross tension two anchors legs.
Subsea cross tensioning methods are somewhat
analogous to those performed above water but
Proceedings of MTEC2011
13-15 Apr, 2011, Singapore
Proceedings of MTEC2011
13-15 Apr, 2011, Singapore
7 Analysis
Proceedings of MTEC2011
13-15 Apr, 2011, Singapore
recovered onto the deck
using grommets and the
pennants are installed.
8 Installation
The key activities in the installation sequence
are illustrated in the following sketches.
9 Conclusions
Pre-tensioning mooring legs is a standard
procedure that can be achieved in different
ways; however most standard methods only
tension one or two mooring legs at a time. This
method is more efficient by simultaneously
tensioning multiple legs and can be used for
most common mooring patterns.
Comparative studies between this method and
comparable mooring installation projects where
multiple tensioning was not used have revealed
the following key findings:
Proceedings of MTEC2011
13-15 Apr, 2011, Singapore
Cross-tensioning 3 anchors at a time
proved to be 15 % faster when compared
to a comparable project where two anchors
were cross-tensioned at a time.
Pre-tensioning activity time was just half
of that compared to another project where
the reaction anchor method was employed
to tension single legs at a time.