UH Lesson Plan Template
UH Lesson Plan Template
UH Lesson Plan Template
Adiba Ratani
Lesson Overview
Lesson Title
Energize it!
This lesson is created to help students review their skills on heat, light and sound energy. It
is not only interactive, but also engages students in how these types of energy can actually
be seen in everyday life.
Unit Title
Real world
Heat energy is used in daily life just by going outside and being in the sun! Light energy is used
every day from consuming electricity. Sound energy is used by every sound a student hears,
such as listening to the radio or playing his/her instruments for magnet.
Grade Level
this Lesson
(6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that forces cause change and energy exists
in many forms. The student is expected to:
(A) investigate the effects on an object by increasing or decreasing amounts of light,
heat, and sound energy such as how the color of an object appears different in dimmer
light or how heat melts butter
Supports), and
rationale for
why each is vital
for instruction:
Pinterest: This website assisted me in the development of the stations as well as find the sort
worksheet and the structure of the anchor chart. This was vital for instruction to find the best
ways to maximize the students learning.
resources and
rationale for
why each is
vital for
Materials needed: Lava lamp (to show heat energy), disco ball, music (to show light energy), three
jars (for the water), cold water, room temperature water, hot water (all waters are used to very
clearly show how heat makes a difference), an electronic kettle (for the hot water), thermometers
(placed in the water so students can see the varying temperatures), food coloring (to show how water
molecules in heated water reacts faster), three flashlights (to show light energy), foil (reflection),
clear page (to show translucent light), wax paper (to show opaque light), bowl (to serve as an amp),
saran wrap (to tightly hold the rice and show vibration), uncooked rice (to show the vibration), metal
pan and metal spoon (to bang together to produce sound), cup of water (to show vibrations), tuning
fork (to demonstrate the sound), scissors (to cut the sort), glue sticks (to neatly glue the sort), index
cards (for the exit ticket).
Lesson Procedures
Students will walk into the room with the lights off.
Students will be seated
They are to quietly sit down on the carpet. The
on the carpet and the
following instructions will be given: Good morning! As teacher will question
(motivational hook) you walk in, I want you notice three types of energies students from the front
in the room so we can talk about it. Give students a of the room.
minute to think about this. Then, we will discuss how
a disco ball is light energy, a lava lamp is heat/light
energy and how the music is sound energy.
Stage of Lesson
Questions to consider:
*Notice on the disco ball, the light only goes through
these colored parts. Why is that?
*If youve ever seen a lava lamp, you know that
when its off, it stops moving. Why do you think the
lava starts to move when I turn it on?
*One time I sat in my friends car and he turned his
volume all the way up to the point where I had the
hair on my head vibrating. Why do you think that is?
Content Input
(could include
content outline,
For this, a lava lamp
will be used to
demonstrate heat
energy and how
adding heat speeds
up molecules. A
disco ball will be
used to show light
energy. This is great
because it causes
students to think
about the black area
of the ball that
absorbs the light.
Music is used for
sound energy.
Guided Practice
students who
failed to master
nt Practice
expansions of
lessons; reteaching and
Students will be
working on this
independently at their
seats while the teacher
monitors the room and
ensure students are
working productively
and grasping the
Students will write down on an index card what they While students write
learned today and turn it in as they leave the room. this down, the teacher
will be at the door
collecting tickets.
Gifted and
For special education students, I could provide pictures on their lab sheets to specifically
show what to do. I can also have them paired up with someone who works at a similar
pace so the student fully comprehends the concept.
For these students I could have lab sheets translated in Spanish as well and provide a
Spanish/English cognates list for students to have at their desk to identify vocabulary. I
could also learn the cognates to communicate that as well to students. Lastly, I can pair
the student with a student who speaks a similar language.
For gifted and talented students, I would tell students to work with their small groups
instead of table partners. I could give a separate, more challenging lab sheet for them as
well. In addition, I could have a more difficult word sort for these students and require
elaboration for the exit ticket.
For students that are hard of hearing I will create lab sheets for them to read. I think it would be
a great idea to learn a few basic sign language words to help communicate vocabulary with
them. In addition, the anchor chart will be visible to them. I will write the exit ticket prompt on
the board so theyre able to understand what to do in that area as well. Most everything they
will be able to have a visual.
Since students will be conducting their own labs, a concern I have is making sure that we have enough time to complete the l
Another concern I have is that students will not follow instructions. In a lab, its especially important to do so and more so bec
Throughout the lesson I will be monitoring the room to see if students understand the concept as formative assessment. In ad