Macmillan Test 1 Listening
Macmillan Test 1 Listening
Macmillan Test 1 Listening
The important of loyalty is significantly focused in this lecture, and it comprises that
loyalty is vital to running successful company. In addition to put more emphasis on
the loyalty, it also denotes that in old time people were working for one company,
however nowadays people are changing jobs frequently. Considering the insights, it
can be concluded that today loyalty is not dead but it changes the emphasis.
The history of Latin writing is significantly focused in this lecture, and it also denotes
that Latin writers were used Greek writers as their role models. In addition to put
more emphasis on the Latin writing, it also denotes that Latin tongue was excellent
for their writing. Considering the insights, it can be concluded that the education
system played very vital in it, however it was only for royal families.
The financial aid to developing countries is significantly focused in this lecture, and
it comprises that there are long term and emergency aid providing to them. In
addition to put more emphasis to the financial aid, it also denotes that in long term,
only pumping money is not enough. Considering the insights, it can be concluded
that to solve the problem teaching them skills to develop economy is more
Relatively, influence, manufacture, quantities, financial
Specialization, impact, familiar, composition, hearing
Gathering, permanently, tools, erosion, colonists
Hundreds of scientific papers were published on global warming.
Political power only disappears when this stage has been completed.
Social networks are changing the way we communicate.
The cotton industry purchased its all raw cotton from abroad.