QBASE 1 Radiology MCQs For The FRCR

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Some key takeaways from the passages include the importance of quality assurance testing for radiographic equipment and following guidelines for minimizing unnecessary radiation exposure to patients.

Quality assurance tests such as daily checks of automatic exposure control, weekly checks of kV accuracy and output, and annual assessments of focal spot size are important to ensure proper functioning of radiographic equipment. Parameters like beam alignment should be checked every 3 months.

The NRPB recommends that lateral chest views, coned views of the pituitary fossa, oblique cervical spine views, post-micturition IVU films, and post-evacuation barium enema films should not be included in routine exams due to low benefit versus radiation exposure risk.


Regarding the structure of an atom

A. In an electrically neutral atom, the number of neutrons is the same as the number of
orbital electrons
B. The atomic mass number (A) of an element is always equal to or greater than its atomic
number (Z)
C. An electron is characterised by having no mass and a unit negative charge
D. The binding energy of a K shell electron is greater than an M shell electron
E. Nuclear exchange forces are effective at distances up to 0.001 mm

Regarding a rotating anode tube

A. Cooling is achieved primarily by conduction of heat along the anode stem
B. A self-rectifying circuit may be used
C. Molybdenum is used in the anode stem due to its high thermal conductivity
D. A tungsten-copper alloy is often used to form the target material at the anode
E. A rotating anode tube has approximately the same efficiency of x-ray production as that of
a stationary anode tube

The following statements are true

A. Bone absorbs more radiation than muscle when a low beam energy is used
B. The absorption of radiation is greater for soft tissue in close proximity to bone rather than
soft tissue distant from bone
C. Filters act by removing high energy radiation whilst leaving low energy radiation
D. A filter attenuates radiation predominantly by the photoelectric effect
E. An example of a compound filter is of several layers of aluminium separated by a nonattenuating aterial


Radiographic contrast is decreased by

A. Increasing beam filtration
B. Reducing the field size irradiated
C. Increasing the kV
D. Increasing the focus to object distance (FOD)
E. Increasing the object to film distance (OFD)

At a constant mAs, an increase in the kVp will

A. Produce x-rays of increased wavelength
B. Increase the effect of scatter on an x-ray
C. Increase the amount of scatter produced within the patient
D. Increase film contrast
E. Increase film blackening

Regarding the "10 day rule"

A. Applies to radiography of the skull
B. Should be applied to women who have been taking the oral contraceptive pill for not
less than 3 months and found it effective
C. Should be applied to women who have an IUCD for not less than one month and have
found it effective
D. Should be applied to women who have been sterilised
E. Should be applied to women who are menstruating at the time of the examination

Regarding the Gamma camera

A. The resolution is increased by increasing the number of photomuliplier tubes
B. Collimators are not used
C. There is a light tight housing between the crystal and the photomultiplier tubes
D. The scintillation crystal consists of pure sodium iodide
E. Following a scintillation, light travels predominantly in the foward direction

Regarding the Larmor frequency of a nucleus

A. It is frequency of precession
B. Depends on the gyromagnctic ratio
C. Is unique for any nucleus
E. Is measured in Megahertz per tesla (MI-Iz)
D. Is approximately 42 MHz for a hydrogen atom at a field strength of one tesla


A. The radiological differentiation of normal and abnormal breast tissue is dependent upon
photoelectric attenuation in the normal breast
B. Maximum image contrast is obtained at photon energies of the order of 45 - 60 keV
C. The characteristic radiation of a molybdenum target occurs at 17.9 keV and 19.5 keV
D. For magnification mammography a focal spot of 0.5 mm diameter is normally used
E. A molybdenum filter attenuates the majority of characteristic radiation produced at a
molybdenum target


Regarding photographic density

A. Photographic density is a measure of the blackness of a film
B. Photographic density can only be measured objectively
C. The useful density range on a diagnostic x-ray film is from 0.25 - 4
D. The film base usually contributes a density of about 0.07
E. The background fog on an unexposed film usually contributes adensity of about 0.05


Comparing gas filled ionization chambers and scintillating crystals used as detectors in CT
A. Ionization chambers are more sensitive
B. Scintillation crystals provide a linear response to different radiation intensities
C. Ionization chambers suffer from the phenomenon known as after-glow
D. Scintillation crystals are more reliable and stable
E. The efficiency of ionization chambers can be improved by using xenon at high pressure as
apposed to air


The velocity of uitrasound in soft tissue

A. Is 1540 meters per second
B. Is the same as that in enter
C. Is greater then that in the skull
D. Is proportional to the frequency used in the diagnostic ultrasound range
E. Is to the proportional to the compressibility of the medium through which the ultrasound travels



Regarding x-ray tube shielding

A. It contains oil to lubricate the bearings of the rotor in a rotating anode tube
B. It provides support for permanent beam filters at the tube "window"
C. It forms part of the heat pathway
D. The max. permitted leakage of radiation at 1 m from the focal spot should be < 1
Gy/hour averaged over an area <= 100 sq. cm
E. Expansion of the lubricating oil secondary to overheating will activate the exposure interlock, thus
acting as a safety cut-out




Regarding ultrasound (U/S)

A. Acoustic impedance is measured in grams per centimeter per second
B. The greater the angle of incidence of a sound beam. The aerator the amount of sound
C. Smells law {sine of the angle of incidence/sine of the angle of refraction} is equal to the
Ratio {velocity of sound in the first material/velocity of sound in the second material}
D. Attenuation of U/S results in heating of tissues
E. In A-mode ultrasongraphy. Displayed as a series of dots


Regarding MRI
A. Generally speaking. Tissues with a long T1 have a short T2
B. Generally speaking. Tissues with a long T1 also have a short T2
C. Spatial encoding: - slice selection is achieved by frequency encoding
D. Spatial encoding: - line selection is achieved by phase encoding
E. Spatial encoding: - point selection is achieved by phase encoding


Regarding MRI sequences

A. T2 weighted images take a long time to acquire with spin echo pulse sequences
B. In fast spin echo. Time for repetition (TR) is generally longer then those employed in
Conventional spin echo
C. In fast spin echo. echo train length refers to the matrix size of final image
E. In fast spin echo. turbo factor refers to the namber of lines of data acquired during echo


Regarding the carotid vessels

A. CT is better then MRI in imaging the vessels at the thoracic inlet because of less bony
B. High frequency probe is used to assess the carotid artery bifurcation
C. Selective catheterisation of external carotid artery is performed to assess supply to vascular
tumours of neck
D. Intracranial pathology can cause enlargement of external carotid artery branches
E. Right subclavian artery may arise as last branch of the arch in 5% of people



The following statements are true

A. The occipital horn of the lateral ventricle is bilaterally well developed in 90% of subjects
B. Choroid plexus is usually seen in the occipital horn
C. The anterior choroidal artery is a branch of the internal carotid artery
D. The width of 3rd ventricle decreases with age
E. The nuclei of the 3rd, 4th and 5th cranial all periaqueductal grey matter


Regarding the hip joint

A. Retinacular fibers lie berween the synovial membrane and the femoral neck
B. The ligamentum terse is attached to the fovea of the acetabulum
C. The acetabular epiphysis is closed before puberty
D. The transverse ligament attached to ligamentum teres
E. Thigh extension is limited by ilio-femoral ligament


In the lower limb

A. The long saphenous vein is anterior to the medial malleolus
B. The medial meniscus is larger then the lateral menlscus
C. The popliteal artery lies against the capsule of the knee joint
D. The dorsalis pedis artery is a continuation of the posterior tibial artery
E. Tibialis anterior is an evertor of the foot


At the wrist
A. The pisiform is a scsamoid bone
B. The capitate articulates with the third and fourth metacarpals
C. The lunate is the second carpal bone to ossify
D. The triangular fibrocartilage is attached to the radial styloid process
E. The rediocarpal joint freely communicates with midcarpal joint


The following statements are true

A. The os styloideum










































Regarding the gamma camera

A. Sensitivity can be measured by imaging a line source
B. The use of a thinner crystal improves sensitivity
C. Quantum mottle is improved by using a shorter exposure
D. Spatial resolution is unaffected by high count rates
E. Gamma imaging is said to be "noise limited"

The following types of screen can be used with film sensitive to the blue region of the light
(a) Calcium tungstate screens
(b) Barium strontium sulphate screens
(c) Silver activated zinc sulphide screens
(d) Zinc cadmium sulphide screens
(e) Terbium activated screens
Answers: true true true false false

Explanation: The light emission from calcium tungstate, barium strontium sulphate and silver
activated zinc sulphide screens occurs in the blue region of the light spectrum
ZnCdS is used as the output phosphor in an image intensifier: It emits light in the yellow-green region
Terbium is an activator in rarer screens which emit light in the yellow-green region.
10 - Regarding the photoelectric effect
(a) The interacting photon disappears completely
(b) This involves the interaction between a photon and a free electron
(c) Characteristic radiation is produced
(d) Results in the production of an ionized atom
(e) As the photoelectron slows down and loses energy, no further ionization is produced
Answers: true false true true false
Explanation: In the photoelectric effect the interaction is between a photon and a bound electron
The photoelectron loses energy by interacting with matter resulting in further ionizations
11 - Regarding the interaction of x-rays with matter
(a) At 60 keV, the attenuation in fat is predominantly due to Compton interaction
(b) At 30 keV, attenuation in bone is predominantly due to the photoelectric affect
(c) In soft tissue, the majority of electrons may be considered as free electrons
(d) Regarding the Compton effect, the electron density is constant for all elements
(e) Scatter is more likely to occur in any direction with increase in photon energy
Answers: true true true false false
Explanation: At very low photon energies however, the photoelectric interaction becomes more
The electron density of hydrogen is about twice that of all other elements
With increasing photon energy, scatter is more likely to occur in a forward direction
12 - Patient dose may be reduced by
(a) The use of a bucky grid
(b) The use of tube filtration
(c) The use of a high kV
(d) The use of a lower mA
(e) The use of a larger focus to film distance
Answers: false true true false false
Explanation: The use of a secondary radiation grid requires an increase in exposure factors, and thus
increased dose to the patient
Filters remove the useless unwanted low energy photons which do not contribute to the useful image
The use of a lower mA will result in the need of a compensatory increase in exposure time. Thus the
total exposure will remain unchanged
The number of photons required to produce an x-ray image is independent of the focus to film
distance. Hence the dose is also independent of focus to film distance

13 - Regarding the "air gap" technique

(a) An air gap of at least 30 cms is required
(b) The mAs should be increased
(c) A screen with a high intensification factor should be used

(d) The object to film distance is increased

(e) Scattered radiation travelling obliquely misses the film
Answers: true true true true true,
Explanation: With air gaps of less than 30 cms, a high proportion of scattered radiation still reaches
the film
Due to the increased exposure factors required in the air gap technique, a screen with a high
intensification factor is required to reduce tube loading
14 - Heat loss from an x-ray tube
(a) Heat is transferred by conduction from the anode disc to the oil in the tube housing
(b) Heat is transferred by radiation from the anode disc to the oil in the tube housing
(c) The oil in the tube housing acts as both an insulator and as a cooling agent
(d) Heat is transferred by convection through the oil to the tube housing
(e) Minimal heat is conducted along the anode stem in a rotating anode tube
Answers: false true true false true,
Explanation: Heat is transferred by conduction through the oil to the tube housing, and then by
convection to the surrounding air.
15 - Regarding unsharpness
(a) Parallax unsharpness is usually seen when viewing wet film
(b) In order to minimise total unsharpness, the values of the separate unsharpness components should
approximate each other
(c) Screen unsharpness results from diffusion of light within the screen phosphor
(d) Poor film screen contact increases the degree of unsharpness
(e) Fast screens have an unsharpness of about 0.3 mm
Answers: true true true true true,
16 - The following are true regarding the half-value thickness
(a) It is the absorber thickness required to reduce the intensity of the original beam by half
(b) In the diagnostic energy range, the half-value thickness is usually measured in mm of aluminium
(c) Is inversely proportional to the linear attenuation coefficient
(d) Is a measure of the penetrating power of a beam
(e) The product of half value layer and the linear attenuation coefficient is always a constant

18 - The amount of scatter reaching the film may be reduced by

(a) Restricting field size
(b) Decreasing the part thickness irradiated
(c) Using an air gap technique
(d) Using a secondary radiation grid
(e) Placing a filter between the x-ray tube and the patient
Answers: true true true true false
Explanation: A filter in this position removes the useless low energy radiation which would not have
had sufficient energy to reach the film
19 - Regarding x-ray production

(a) The filament is raised to incandescence to produce a space charge of protons around the filament
by the process of thermionic emission
(b) Tungsten is used as the filament material because it is relatively inexpensive
(c) A compound anode is usually made of copper and tin
(d) The mA is related to the filament current
(e) X-ray production is over 99% efficient
Answers: false false false true false
Explanation: A space charge of electrons is produced around the filament
Tungsten is used as the filament material because it is a good thermionic emitter and does not vaporize
A compound anode is usually made of copper and tungsten
X-ray production is less than 1% efficient, the remaining energy is lost as heat
20 - Regarding the focal spot
(a) Focal spot size decreases with an increase in the tube current
(b) Focal spot size increases with an increase in kVp
(c) The modulation transfer function (MTF) worsens with an increase in the focal spot size
(d) A star test pattern imaging tool is useful for assessing focal spot sizes of less than 0.3 mm
(e) The star test pattern measures the actual focal spot size
Answers: false false true true false
Explanation: Focal spot size increases with an increase in the tube current. This effect is called
'blooming' and is more marked at low kVp and high mAs
The focal spot size decreases slightly with increasing kVp
The pinhole camera technique measures actual focal spot size, whereas the star test pattern measures
the resolving capacity of the focal spot
21 - The following are true of x-ray film
(a) In an unexposed film, base plus fog is approximately 0.5
(b) Film fogging is independent of the film age
(c) Film fogging is independent of the processor temperature
(d) The greater the film latitude the lower the film gamma
(e) The greater the film latitude the higher the film gamma
Answers: false false false true false
Explanation: Base plus fog is approximately 0.2
Fogging is increased with both the age of the film and with an increase in processor temperature
22 - Regarding the Geiger-Muller (GM) tube
(a) The outer cylinder is the anode
(b) Detection of ionising radiation occurs through the process of gas amplification
(c) The anode and the cathode are surrounded by hydrogen gas
(d) The tube is sensitive to the detection of high energy radiation
(e) A voltage of 25 kV is applied across the tube
Answers: false true false false false
Explanation: The outer case is the cathode
The tube is usually surrounded by an inert gas usually argon which is combined with either alcohol
vapour or a halogen gas, and maintained at low atmospheric pressure (10cmHg)
High energy radiation tends to pass through the tube and is thus less likely to be detected

A voltage of 900-1050 volts is applied across the tube when alcohol vapour is used. Alternatively a
voltage of 200-400 volts is applied when a halogen gas is used

24 - Regarding film storage

(a) Film fog increases when the film is stored at low humidity
(b) Films should ideally be stored horizontally with film packets stacked on top of each other
(c) Bending the film is not detrimental to the final image quality
(d) The maximum storage temperature should be 21 degrees centrigrade
(e) Films should be handled at its edges
Answers: false false false true true,
Explanation: When film is stored it should be stored at low humidity, side on and care must be taken
not to flex the film. Increased humidity tends to increase film fog
26 - Regarding positron emission tomography (PET)
(a) A positron has a unit positive charge and mass identical to that of an electron
(b) Positrons tend to be emitted from nuclides with an excess of neutrons
(c) The scintillation detector is usually made of bismuth germinate
(d) The emitters that are used in PET imaging generally have long half lives
(e) Annihilation radiation occurs resulting in the coincident production of high energy photons
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: Positrons tend to be emitted from nuclides with an excess of protons. A proton is
converted into a neutron and a positron
The radionuclides used in PET imaging have very short half lives e.g Flourine-18 (110 minutes),
Carbon-11 (20.5 minutes), Nitrogen-13 (10 minutes), Oxygen-15 (2 minutes)
27 - Regarding film badge dosimetry
(a) Double emulsion film is used, one with a high gamma and one with a low gamma
(b) The cadmium-lead filter is used to detect exposure to neutrons
(c) Use of plastic, tin and Al filters in film badges allows differentiation between penetrating
radiations in radiotherapy and radiodiagnosis
(d) Latent imaging fading does not occur if there is a delay between exposure and development of a
film badge
(e) Control films must be processed with each batch of film dosemeters going through the processor
Answers: true true true false true,
Explanation: The slow emulsion allows extension of the range of measurement up to 100 Sv in case of
large accidental exposures
The different filters allow a distinction to be made as to whether the exposure resulted from beta
emission, high or low energy x-rays or gamma emission
Latent image fading can occur, particularly in humid conditions, if there is a delay between exposure
and development. This is due to the gradual loss of electrons which formed the latent image by
conversion of the sensitivity speck to metallic silver
The processing conditions have a critical affect on film badges and so control films must be processed
with each batch of film dose meters
28 - Regarding non-stochastic effects
(a) All non-stochastic effects are dose dependent

(b) Above a threshold dose level, the severity of non-stochastic effects is proportional to the radiation
(c) Lung fibrosis is an example of a non-stochastic effect
(d) Skin necrosis is an example of a non-stochastic effect
(e) Diarrhoea is an example of a non-stochastic effect
Answers: true true true true true,
29 - The air gap technique
(a) There is a significant degree of filtration within the air gap itself
(b) In the diagnostic energy range there is a strong bias towards forward scattering
(c) The results are equivalent to using a grid, but higher patient exposures are necessary
(d) To preserve image sharpness, focus to film distance should be increased in conjunction with
increase in object to film distance
(e) The ratio of scattered to primary radiation reaching the film for a given thickness of absorber
depends on the size of air gap present
Answers: false false false true true,
Explanation: The air gap technique is effective because scattered photons simply "miss" the film
No forward scattering bias exists. In the diagnostic energy range a photon is likely to be scattered
equally in any direction
Lower patient exposures are necessary than with a grid
A large air gap will reduce the ratio of scattered to primary radiation reaching the film
30 - Regarding modulation transfer function (MTF)
(a) Has units of line pairs per mm
(b) Is normally greater than one
(c) MTF is a ratio of the information recorded to the information available
(d) The MTF can be used to compare the resolving power of one imaging system versus another
(e) A 10% response on an MTF curve is the definition of the resolving power of an imaging system
Answers: false false true true true,
Explanation: Modulation transfer function has no units
As the recorded information can never exceed the available information, the MTF is always less than
32 - Types of radioactive emission
(a) Beta particles tend to be emitted from nuclides with an excess of protons
(b) Gamma rays have unit negative charge
(c) Alpha particles have an atomic number of 4 and an atomic mass of 2
(d) K-electron capture tends to happen with nuclei which have excess neutrons
(e) Occasionally, following emission of an alpha particle, daughter nucleus decays by isomeric
transition, with emission of a gamma ray
Answers: false false false false false
Explanation: Beta particles tend to be emitted from nuclides with an excess of neutrons
Gamma rays are uncharged rays
The atomic number can never be greater than the mass number. Alpha particles have an atomic mass
of 4 and an atomic number of 2
K-electron capture tends to happen with nuclei which have an excess number of protons

In isomeric transition a daughter nucleus does decay with the emission of a gamma ray. However the
daughter nucleus is formed by the emission of a Beta particle not an Alpha particle
33 - Regarding x-ray generating apparatus
(a) In the transformer assembly the filament circuit is supplied by a step-down transformer
(b) In the transformer assembly the potential difference across the step-up transformer is usually 50
(c) The transformer assembly contains oil which acts to prevent electrical sparking between the
transformer assembly components
(d) In the filament circuit a potential difference of about 100 volts is applied across the filament
(e) In the filament circuit a current of 3-5 amps is usually produced through the filament
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: The potential difference across the step-up transformer may be as much as 150 kV
In the filament circuit, an incoming mains supply of 220 volts is stepped-down to provide a potential
difference of about 10 volts across the filament
34 - Regarding rectification
(a) Rectification refers to the process of changing direct current into alternating current
(b) Full wave rectification utilises the full potential of the electrical supply in the production of x-rays
(c) In a three phase generator, three separate voltage pulses in phase with each other are produced to
provide almost constant potential
(d) The ripple factor for a six pulse generator is 13%
(e) The ripple factor for a single phase generator is 3%
Answers: false true false true false
Explanation: Rectification refers to the process of changing alternating current into direct current
Three phase generators produce three separate voltages which are 120 degrees out of phase with each
other to produce almost constant potential
The variation in the voltage across an x-ray tube expressed as a percentage of the maximum value is
the ripple factor. For a six pulse generator this is 13%, and for a twelve pulse generator 3%. Single
phase generators have a ripple factor of 100%
35 - The following are ways in which x-ray interact with matter
(a) Coherent scattering
(b) Photoelectric effect
(c) Compton scattering
(d) Pair production
(e) Photodisintegration
Answers: true true true true true,
36 - Regarding scattered radiation
(a) Scattered radiation adds to the final image quality achieved
(b) Scatter makes up about 15% of the total number of photons emerging from a patient
(c) Apart from scattered radiation, the only other secondary radiation reaching the film arises from
contrast media such as barium
(d) Increasing scatter is produced with large fields of view
(e) Increasing scatter is produced when irradiating thick body parts

Answers: false false true true true,

Explanation: Scattered radiation serves no useful value, and if it reaches the film impairs film quality:
It decreases contrast resolution
Scatter makes up about 50-90% of the total number of photons emerging from a patient
37 - The following are methods of dosimetry
(a) Erythema test dose
(b) Conversion of ferric sulphate to ferrous sulphate
(c) A colour change induced in barium platinocyanide
(d) Change in the colour of litmus paper from blue to red
(e) Fluorescence
Answers: true true true false true,
Explanation: Litmus paper is used in the detection of acid or alkali and is not a method of dosimetry
38 - Concerning thermoluminescent materials in dosimetry (TLD)
(a) The electron traps in the forbidden zone of thermoluminescent materials are normally full
(b) The electron traps are well below the conduction band
(c) Electrons in the electron traps enter the conduction band when the material is heated to 100
degrees centigrade
(d) When the TLD material is heated, the total amount of light emitted is proportional to the amount of
radiation absorbed
(e) The material most commonly used in TLD's is zinc cadmium sulphide
Answers: false true false true false
Explanation: Thermoluminescent materials contain electron traps which are normally empty
Electron traps are well below the conduction band, so there is little chance at ordinary temperatures of
electrons being elevated into the conduction band
Electrons enter the conduction band when the material is heated to 200-300 degrees centigrade
The material most commonly used in TLD's is lithium fluoride powder

40 - Intensifying screens
(a) Calcium tungstate fluoresces blue light
(b) The efficiency of production of light with a calcium tungstate screen is 50%
(c) Lanthanum oxybromide emits green light
(d) Intensification factor is the ratio of exposure needed with the screen to the exposure needed
without the screen
(e) Film cassette containing double-sided emulsion film and 2 intensifying screens results in 2x
exposure speed and contrast
Answers: true false false false true,
Explanation: The efficiency of production of light in a calcium tunsgtate screen is only 5%, whereas
that in rare earth screens approaches 20%
Lanthanum oxybromide fluoresces blue light
Intensification factor is the ratio of the exposure needed without screens to exposure needed with the
41 - Secondary radiation grids

(a) They absorb only secondary radiation

(b) The usual range of grid ratio is 4-16
(c) In general, the higher the lead content of a grid the more efficient it becomes
(d) The focal point of a parallel grid is at infinity
(e) Grid factor is the ratio of incident radiation to transmitted radiation
Answers: false true true true false
Explanation: In practice some primary radiation is also absorbed in conjunction with a secondary
radiation. As a result the exposure factors need to be increased when a grid is used
The ratio of incident to transmitted radiation describes Bucky factor. Grid factor is the ratio of the
exposure required with a grid to that without a grid. The usual range is 2-6
42 - Regarding resolution of an image
(a) Resolution may be expressed as line pairs per mm (LP/mm)
(b) Line spread function (LSF) is calculated from an image produced by a narrow line source of x-rays
(c) When measuring LSF, image boundaries are less well recorded with high speed screens than with
slower speed screens
(d) The line spread function of an x-ray exposed without a screen deteriorates as compared to a film
exposed with a screen
(e) The resolving power of an imaging system is its ability to record, as separate images, small objects
placed very close together
Answers: true true true false true,
Explanation: The LSF of an x-ray film which is exposed without screens is improved as there is no
light diffusion from the screen
43 - Regarding spot film fluorography
(a) 100 mm cameras have a slight increase in dose compared to 70 mm cameras
(b) Both 70 mm and 100 mm film record the image directly from the image intensifier output
(c) There is a substantial reduction in patient exposure dose compared to film screen techniques
(d) There is a loss of resolution with spot film compared to film screen techniques
(e) The exposure time for spot film fluorography is about one-quarter to one-sixth of that required for
a full size x-ray
Answers: true true true true true,
Explanation: As the images are recorded directly from the intensifier output phosphor, there is some
loss of information as the film is square and the output phosphor circular. 70 mm cameras are capable
of operating at up to 6 frames per second. Due to the short exposure times required a photo-timer is
necessary for consistent results.
44 - The following are true regarding tomography
(a) In autotomography the x-ray tube moves in a circular arc
(b) In autotomography exposure times in the order of 250 m/s are used
(c) Pantomography is a technique which produces a panoramic radiograph of a curved surface
(d) In pantomography both the x-ray tube and film rotate during an exposure
(e) In orthopantomography the x-ray apparatus changes its axis of rotation twice during a single
Answers: false false true true true,

Explanation: Autotomography is a technique which involves patient movement while keeping the xray tube and film stationary. Long exposure times, in the order of 5 seconds, are used for this
The OPG machine needs to change its axis of rotation twice to allow for angulation of the jaw
45 - Regarding film copying
(a) Film copying utilises the principal of solarization
(b) With solarization film, an increase in exposure produces an increase in density
(c) The theory of solarization involves the re-bromination hypothesis
(d) Solarization emulsion is exposed with a red light source
(e) Copy film is processed in the same way as standard x-ray film
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: Solarization means that increased exposure actually destroys the developable state.
Hence an increase in exposure produces a decrease in density
Solarized film is exposed with an ultra violet light source. Low density areas in the original x-rays
allow more light through and are hence reproduced as areas of low density on the copy film

47 - The following are true of xeroradiography

(a) There is better edge contrast
(b) Developing speed of a xeroradiographic plate is longer than conventional techniques
(c) The dose incurred to the patient is generally higher than film screen systems
(d) Special handling is required for the plates
(e) The resolution achieved with this technique is relatively poor
Answers: true false true true false
Explanation: As it is possible to use high kV's, with associated less tissue absorption, there is still
better edge contrast than with conventional techniques
There is approximately 30 second development which is dry as no chemicals are involved
A high resolution is obtained with this technique
48 - Regarding radioactivity
(a) Is a random process
(b) Is produced when annihilation radiation is produced
(c) Is an exponential decay process for a given radionuclide
(d) Is more likely to happen when a radioactive source is heated
(e) Beta particles have a range of only a few mms
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: When a positron and an electron annihilate each other, electromagnetic radiation is
The process of radioactivity is not influenced by external factors
49 - Comparing the radionuclides krypton - 81m (Kr-81m) and technetium-99m (Tc-99m)

(a) Kr-81m has a longer half life

(b) Kr-81m emits a lower energy gamma ray
(c) Tc-99m is less widely used than Kr-81m
(d) Tc-99m has a longer half life than its parent Mo-99
(e) Kr-81m is used for lung ventilation studies
Answers: false false false false true,
Explanation: The half life of Kr-81m is 13 seconds compared to the half life of
Tc-99m of six hours
Kr-81m emits a 190 KeV gamma ray, whereas Tc-99m emits a 140 KeV gamma ray
Tc-99m is the main stay radionuclide used in every day practice
Molybdenum-99 has a half life of 67 hours
50 - Regarding a photomultiplier tube
(a) Electrons are accelerated through a series of dynodes
(b) It needs to be shielded from light
(c) The insides of the tube are coated with a reflective layer
(d) The tube contains a vacuum
(e) Radiations of different energies can be distinguished from each other
Answers: true true true true true,
Explanation: If external light were not excluded, incident light would stimulate the photocathode and
produce a pulse. The inside is coated to reflect back any light that might otherwise have escaped.
Different energies can be assessed as the size of the electrical pulse emitted is proportional to the
amount of light emitted from the photocathode. This in turn is proportional to the energy of the
incident photon. The dynodes act as an amplification process for the photoelectrons emitted, so as to
produce a readable output current from the tube.

52 - Regarding the exposure to natural background radiation

(a) Contributes about 2.2 mSv of the total per caput annual dose
(b) Is greatest at sea level
(c) 50% of the total natural background exposure is from radon and thoron emissions
(d) Contributes ten times the dose as that from occupational exposure
(e) Food and drink contribute about 300 micro-sieverts to the total per caput annual dose
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: Natural background radiation contributes 85% of the total background exposure. Of this
50% is due to radon and thoron, 12% to food and drink, 13% to gamma rays and 10% to cosmic rays.
Artificial exposure contributes 15% of which diagnostic medial radiation is the largest artificial source
(14%). Occupational exposure contributes 0.3%. The total per caput annual dose is about 2.6 mSv
53 - The linear attenuation coefficient of an x-ray beam
(a) Is defined as the reduction in intensity per unit area of absorber
(b) Is greater in bone than in fat at 35 KeV
(c) Can be used to calculate half value thickness (HVT)
(d) Applies to both monochromatic and polychromatic radiations
(e) Is a constant for a monochromatic beam

Answers: false true true false true,

Explanation: The linear attenuation coefficient is defined as the fractional reduction in intensity per
unit length of absorber. The units are per cm
The HVT equals 0.693 divided by linear attenuation coefficient
Linear attenuation coefficient applies to monochromatic radiation only, and is specific both for the
energy of the x-ray beam and for the type of absorber
54 - Regarding grids used in radiography
(a) They improve contrast
(b) The grid ratio is defined as the ratio of: total area covered by the lead foil strips to the total area
covered by the interspace material
(c) Consists of a series of lead strips separated by a transparent spacing material
(d) The grid ratio for a crossed grid is equal to the product of the ratios of the two superimposed linear
(e) An x-ray tube can be angled when using a linear grid without cut-off occurring
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: The grid ratio is defined as a ratio of the height of the lead strips to the distance between
The grid ratio of a crossed grid is equal to the sum of the two superimposed linear grids
55 - The following are true regarding the stationary anode tube
(a) The "real" focus is the area bombarded by electrons emitted from the filament
(b) The principal heat path is via conduction
(c) X-ray output is limited primarily because the anode is made of copper
(d) It has very limited use in diagnostic radiology
(e) The "quality" of an x-ray beam will equal that of a rotating anode tube if both have target materials
of tungsten and operate at the same kVp
Answers: true true false true true,
Explanation: The x-ray output is limited from stationary anode tubes due to the heat limitation from
tube loading characteristics

56 - The line focus principle

(a) Maximises the area over which heat is generated
(b) Minimises the geometric unsharpness of an image
(c) Ensures that the effective focal spot is larger than the true focal spot
(d) Ensures that the real focal spot is larger than the effective focal spot
(e) In the majority of x-ray tubes the target is at an angle within the range of 6-20 degrees
Answers: true true false true true,

58 - Regarding the interactions which result in x-ray production

(a) Vary with the atomic number of the target material
(b) Are always the result of an interaction between an electron and an orbital electron

(c) Includes characteristic radiation

(d) Are subject to a maximum energy limit related to the energy of the incident electron
(e) Bremsstrahlung occurs at only discrete energies
Answers: true false true true false
Explanation: Interactions which produce x-rays may be the result of kinetic energy lost by an electron
as it is deflected by the positive charge of a nucleus. The energy lost is emitted as photons of
radiation. A continuous spectrum of energies is produced. Interactions of electrons with a bound
orbital electron produces characteristic radiation
Bremsstrahlung is a continuous spectrum of energies
59 - Regarding coherent scattering
(a) It is responsible for the majority of scatter which reaches a film
(b) Includes Thompson scattering
(c) Results in a change in the wavelength of the scattered photon
(d) Does not result in ionization within the patient
(e) Accounts for 25% of the interactions in the diagnostic energy range
Answers: false true false true false
Explanation: Coherent scattering counts for less than 5% of the interactions in the diagnostic energy
In coherent scattering, radiation undergoes a change in direction without a change in wavelength and
therefore no change in energy
60 - Regarding the photoelectric effect
(a) It is the predominant interaction between x-rays and tissues when the photon energy exceeds 60
(b) Occurs only when the binding energy of an electron and the photon energy are identical
(c) May result in the generation of x-rays
(d) Results in ionization
(e) Causes tissue heating in MRI, during the application of the radiofrequency pulse
Answers: false false true true false
Explanation: Photoelectric interactions predominate at low photon energies (e.g 30 keV). The
interaction is proportional to the cube of Z and inversely proportional to the cube of the photon
Photoelectric interactions can only occur if the photon energy applied is greater than the nuclide
binding energy of, for example, a K-shell electron
In MRI, the tissue heating during the application of a radiofrequency pulse is due to the
electromagnetic energy contained within the radio frequency applied . X-rays, and as a consequence
their interactions, are not involved in MRI
61 - Regarding an x-ray tube
(a) Bremsstrahlung radiation makes up the majority of the useful beam throughout the diagnostic
energy range
(b) 10% of the total x-ray production occurs as a result of an interaction between filament electrons
and M-shell electrons in the target
(c) At 20 keV the photoelectric effect accounts for greater than 50% of the total interactions
(d) The kVp is responsible for the tube current
(e) The interaction between an electron from the cathode filament and the target anode produces
Bremsstrahlung radiation

Answers: true false true false true,

Explanation: As long as the tube KVp is high enough, the majority of interactions occur between
filament electrons and K-shell electrons of the target material
The mA is responsible for the energy of any electrons that make up tube current
62 - Regarding the mass attenuation coefficient (MAC)
(a) Of an absorber, is proportional to the linear attenuation co-efficient of the absorber
(b) Of water is greater than that of ice
(c) Of an absorber, varies with the physical density of that absorber
(d) Has units of grams per square cm
(e) Is equal to the density of an absorber divided by its linear attenuation coefficient
Answers: true false false false false
Explanation: The MAC of water is identical to that of ice
The MAC is independent of the physical density of an absorber
Has units of square cm per gram
The MAC equals the LAC divided by the physical density of an absorber
63 - Gamma imaging
(a) Rectilinear scanners produce images more slowly than gamma cameras
(b) A high energy collimator is routinely used when imaging with Technetium-99m
(c) Radioisotopes are less well resolved at depth in tissue compared to those near the skin
(d) A desirable isotope should have a short half life to reduce patient dose
(e) The greater the sensitivity of a collimator, the lower its spatial resolution
Answers: true false true true true,
Explanation: Tc-99m emits a gamma ray of 140 KeV. This is usually used in conjunction with a low
energy general purpose collimator
64 - Regarding x-ray tubes
(a) Rating of a tube is optimised if an exposure occupies less time than 1 revolution of the anode
(b) The rating of a tube is greater from a 3-phase supply than a half-wave rectified one
(c) Rotating anode tubes conduct heat as fast as possible via their bearings
(d) The rating of a tube is increased when a small focal spot is used
(e) A rotating anode tube cannot be used with a self-rectifying circuit
Answers: true true false false false
Explanation: Minimal heat is conducted along the anode stem to the bearings. Heat is lost via
radiation through the vacuum to the insulating oil. From here it is conducted to the tube housing
Rating falls with the use of a small focal spot
A self-rectifying circuit can be used with rotating anodes, but x-rays are only produced during half of
the AC voltage supply
67 - Radiation Protection
(a) The whole body dose limit for a member of the public is 50 mSv per year
(b) Brick walls do not provide any useful shielding against diagnostic x-rays
(c) Any individual who wears a film badge/TLD should be "classified"
(d) For a given film density, increasing the focus - film distance reduces the skin dose to the patient
(e) The dose limit for a member of staff who is pregnant is 13 mSv over the declared term of her

Answers: false false false true false

Explanation: The whole body dose limit for a member of the public is 5 mSv per year
120 mms of concrete provides approximately equal protective power against x-rays as 1 mm of lead
Staff who are likely to exceed 30% of any annual dose limit for workers need to be designated as
Once pregnancy has been declared the mother should not receive more than 10 mSv for the remainder
of her pregnancy
68 - The following are true
(a) The nucleus of an element is composed of neutrons and electrons
(b) The half life of a radio-isotope is analogous to the decay constant
(c) Beta particles tend to be emitted from nuclides with an excess of electrons
(d) When a radioisotope emits a positron, its atomic number decreases by unity
(e) A radioisotope in a metastable state emits a gamma ray and turns into another element
Answers: false false false true false
Explanation: The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons
The half life of an isotope is the time taken for the amount of the radioactivity present to decay to 50%
of its original value
Beta particles tend to be emitted from nuclides with an excess of neutrons
A metastable isotope emits a gamma ray and becomes the stable daughter product of the same element
69 - The following are true
(a) In a tomogram the contrast is independent of the thickness of the cut
(b) The shadow of a circular object held parallel to a film is also circular
(c) Magnification is increased when the focus to object distance is increased
(d) Radiographic contrast is D2 - D1, where D2 and D1 are optical density on two adjacent areas of a
(e) Contrast depends upon both the thickness and the difference in
attenuation coefficients in the structures that go to create it
Answers: false true false true true,
Explanation: In Tomography contrast is diminished with the very thin cuts
Magnification is the ratio of the focus-film distance (FFD) to focus-object distance (FOD). Usually
the FOD is kept as long as possible relaive to the FFD to reduce the amount of magnification to a
70 - The following are criteria for attaining a radiograph of satisfactory quality
(a) The choice of contrast is unimportant
(b) A wide contrast scale should be used
(c) A narrow contrast scale should be used
(d) The contrast scale used should be such that differences between densities can be readily made
(e) Contrast is controlled by the choice of target material used
Answers: false false false true false
Explanation: Naturally the use of contrast media is important, hence its extensive use in radiology.
Radiographic contrast is dependent on many factors such as selection of kV, mA, patient factors and
film factors.
72 - Electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
(a) The velocity of EMR in air is about half of that in a vacuum

(b) In air, all forms of EMR obeys the inverse square law
(c) The wavelength and frequency of EMR are always inversely proportional to each other
(d) The intensity of EMR is the amount of energy passing through a unit area per unit time
(e) X-rays and Gamma rays are of lower photon energy than visible light
Answers: false false true true false
Explanation: All forms of EMR travel with the same velocity as light when in a vacuum. The velocity
is NOT significantly less in air
All forms of EMR obey the inverse square law only when in vacuuo.
Intensity = watts per square millimetre
The energy of X-rays and Gamma rays = MeV's. Visible light = eV's
73 - X-ray production
(a) In all forms of diagnostic radiology, 80% or more of the x-rays emitted are bremsstrahlung
(b) The photon energy of the K-radiation increases as the atomic number of the target increases
(c) Increasing the kV shifts the x-ray spectrum curve to the left
(d) Increasing the mA does not affect the shape of the x-ray spectrum
(e) The ripple factor for a 6 phase generator is less than that of a 12 phase generator
Answers: false true false true false
Explanation: In mammography, characteristic radiation forms the majority of the x-ray spectrum.
Increasing the kV shifts the x-ray spectrum curve to the right.
Increasing mA increases tube output.
Ripple factor: - 6 phase generator 13%; 12 phase generator - 3%
74 - The following are true
(a) Attenuation = absorption minus scatter
(b) Coherent scattering accounts for generally less than 5% of all x-ray interactions
(c) The photoelectric effect results in ionisation of an atom
(d) For pair production to occur, the incident radiation must have a minimum energy of at least 1.02
(e) Attenuation of polychromatic radiation is usually exponential
Answers: false true true true false
Explanation: Attenuation = absorption + scatter
Attenuation of monochromatic radiation is exponential

75 - Regarding filtration
(a) In a compound filter, the higher atomic number material should face the patient
(b) Aluminium and tin are the most commonly used compound filters
(c) Filters used in diagnostic radiology, reduce the exposure dose to a patient
(d) Filtration increases both the minimum and effective photon energies of an x-ray spectrum
(e) Excess filtration increases exposure times
Answers: false false true true true,

Explanation: In a compound filter the material with the higher atomic number should face the x-ray
A compound filter normally consists of aluminium and copper.
Filters however increase the exit dose to entry dose ratio.
Filtration does not affect the maximum photon energy. The area of the x-ray spectrum and the total
output of x-rays is reduced by filtration.
76 - The following are true
(a) The absorbed dose is the energy deposited per unit area of a material
(b) Kerma is the kinetic energy released per unit mass of an irradiated material
(c) A "thimble" chamber can be used to measure air kerma
(d) A standard free air chamber is commonly used in most departments to measure air kerma
(e) Silver bromide is used for dosimetry in thermoluminescent dosemeters (TLD)
Answers: false true true false false
Explanation: Absorbed dose is the energy deposited per unit mass (J/Kg)
Kerma and absorbed dose are more or less synonymous with each other and are measured in Grays (1
Gy = 1 J./Kg)
Standard free air chambers are 800 times larger than thimble chambers and are therefore impracticable
for use in most departments
Silver bromide is used in film badge dosimetry
77 - The following statements are true
(a) A material is relatively transparent to its own characteristic radiation
(b) Barium and iodine are suitable contrast agents as their "K-edges" are closely related to the mean
energy of the incident x-ray beam
(c) Total linear attenuation coefficient (LAC) = sum of LAC's of the contributions from elastic, photoelectric and Compton scattering
(d) In the diagnostic imaging range, the Compton effect predominates for air, water and soft tissue
(e) The SI units for mass attenuation coefficient are square centimetres per gram
Answers: true true true true true,
78 - The following are true
(a) The thicker the structure irradiated, the greater the subject contrast
(b) The greater the difference in linear attenuation coefficients (LAC) between 2 tissues the less the
subject contrast
(c) Increasing kV increases subject contrast
(d) Increasing filtration increases skin dose
(e) Reducing the field size irradiated decreases contrast
Answers: true false false false false
Explanation: Subject contrast, C, depends on a) the thickness, T, of the structure and b) the differences
in LAC's of the tissues involved. Hence C is proportional to (LAC 1 - LAC 2) x t.
Increasing kV decreases subject contrast.
Increasing filtration decreases skin dose.
Decreasing the field size reduces the amount of scatter radiation and thus improves contrast.
79 - Secondary radiation grids
(a) The line density of a moving grid is typically 25 lines per millimetre
(b) Grid lines reduce fine detail definition on an x-ray

(c) Crossed grids are more efficient at removing scattered radiation than uncrossed grids
(d) Decreased exposure doses are required when using a crossed grid as opposed to an uncrossed grid
(e) Moir fringes are typically seen with uncrossed grids
Answers: false true true false false
Explanation: Line density of a moving grid = 5 lines per millimetre
Increased exposure doses and careful centring are required with crossed grids
Moire fringes are a coarse interference pattern seen when the crossed grids are not at right angles to
each other
80 - The following are true:
(a) Magnification is reduced by using a shorter focus to film distance (FFD) or by increasing the
object to film distance (OFD)
(b) Distortion is increased by using a longer FFD
(c) Geometric unsharpness is reduced by using a smaller focal spot
(d) Geometric unsharpness is increased by increasing the OFD
(e) Movement unsharpness may be reduced by immobilisation
Answers: false false true true true,
Explanation: Magnification is reduced by increasing the FFD or decreasing the OFD
Distortion is increased when using a shorter FFD
81 - Regarding tomography
(a) The greater the tomographic angle of swing, the thinner the cut
(b) Only structures at right angles to the film are imaged sharply
(c) The further a structure is from the pivot plane, the greater the movement blur
(d) Tomography is most useful when imaging structures of high inherent contrast
(e) Larger tomographic angles are used in zonography as compared to tomography
Answers: true false true true false
Explanation: Structures parallel to the film are imaged sharply, those at right angles tend to be blurred
to a greater extent
Tomography is useful when imaging, for example, the inner ear and in pyelography
Zonography: 5-10 degrees, tomography: 30-50 degrees
82 - Regarding rotating anode tubes (RAT)
(a) RAT's cool by conduction of heat along the anode stem
(b) RAT's have a limited use in diagnostic radiology
(c) In routine diagnostic radiology RAT's rotate at approximately 15,000 rpm
(d) The target anode disc is usually made from pure Tungsten alone
(e) Heat dissipation from the anode assembly is proportional to the fourth power of the Kelvin
temperature of the anode
Answers: false false false false true,
Explanation: Cooling is via radiation of heat to the insulating oil and then conduction to the tube
RAT's are widely used in diagnostic radiology
RAT's usually rotate at about 3,000 rpm. High speed RATs e.g. 15,000 rpm are used in angiography
The target is usually tungsten with about 10% rhenium. This has better thermal properties and is less
likely to roughen with use

83 - The following are true

(a) The heel effect is most prominent at the cathode end of the tube
(b) The steeper the target the greater the heel effect
(c) The shorter the focus to film distance (FFD), the less is the heel effect for a given film size
(d) When a body part of varying thickness is to be x-rayed, it is best placed with the thicker part
towards the cathode side of the tube
(e) The intensity of an x-ray beam is uniform across its field
Answers: false true false true false
Explanation: It is known as the anode heel effect
For a given film size, the heel effect is reduced when the FFD is increased
Placing the thicker part of the body towards the cathode side decreases the anode heel effect
The intensity of an x-ray beam is non-uniform for 2 reasons:
i) Firstly because of the anode heel effect and
ii) The inverse square law :- x-rays at the edge of the field have further to travel
84 - Regarding films and screens
(a) The front of an x-ray cassette is usually made of aluminium or carbon fibre
(b) The back of an x-ray cassette usually incorporates a thin lead sheet to reduce backscatter
(c) An intensifying screen consists of a polyester base 0.25 millimetres thick with phosphor crystals 310 microns in size
(d) The most frequently used phosphers in an intensifying screen are calcium Tungstate, Lanthanum
and Gadolinium
(e) Rare earths greens are more efficient than Tungsten in converting absorbed x-rays into light
Answers: true true true true true,
Explanation: Aluminium and carbon fibre reduce attenuation of an x-ray beam thus reducing patient
Lanthanum and Gadolinium are classed as rare earth phosphors
Rare earth screens are 20% efficient, calcium tungstate screens have an efficiency of 5%
85 - The following are true
(a) Photographic emulsion is a suspension in gelatin of 50% iodide and 50% bromide
(b) Photographic emulsion is not affected by creasing or mechanical pressure
(c) In silver halide crystals, sensitivity specks absorb electrons to form a latent image
(d) About 90% of x-rays falling on a film cassette are absorbed by the front intensifying screen
(e) Silver halide crystals are about 1 micron in size
Answers: false false true false true,
Explanation: Photographic emulsion consists of about 90% bromide and 10% iodide
Emulsion is also affected by chemical liquids and static electricity, which all have implications for
About a third of the xrays are absorbed by the front screen
86 - The following are true
(a) Optical density depends upon the number of silver grains per unit area of film
(b) Optical density = Log to base 10 [transmitted light : incident light]
(c) A logarithmic scale is used for optical density primarily in order to make graphical analysis easier

(d) If 1% of light from a viewing box is transmitted through an xray film, then the optical density is
(e) If both front and rear emulsions of an x-ray film provide an optical density of 1.2, total optical
density = 1.44
Answers: true false false true false
Explanation: Optical density = Log to base 10 [incident light : transmitted light]
A log scale is used as the eye responds logarithmically to the brightness of light
Optical densities are additive therefore the total optical density = 2.4
87 - The following are true
(a) The speed of a film is the reciprocal of the exposure needed to produce an optical density of 1
above base + fog
(b) Inherent fog has typically an optical density; D = 0.12
(c) Storage conditions affect inherent fog
(d) Emulsions with rounded crystals are faster than those with flat crystals
(e) The speed of a film decreases with increasing average grain size
Answers: true true false false false
Explanation: Inherent fog arises from some silver halide crystals acquiring latent images during
manufacture, and also from the film base absorbing light when viewed. Storage conditions affect
additional fog.
Emulsion film with flat crystals are faster than those with rounded crystals
Film speed increases with increasing average grain size
88 - The following statements are true
(a) Increasing developer temperature increases speed of development and reduces fog
(b) Increasing the developer temperature may cause an initial increase in film gamma
(c) Developer concentration and developing time have little effect on the quality of film development
(d) Quality assurance (QA) of a processing unit may be carried out with a sensitometer
(e) In QA of a processing unit, a daily variation in densities of 30% is acceptable
Answers: false true false true false
Explanation: Speed of development is increased by increasing the developer temperature but there is
also an associated increase in fog
When the developer temperature rises above a temperature recommended by the manufacturer, there
is an increase in fog which reduces the average film gamma
Increasing developer concentration and increasing developing time have similar affects to those of
increasing developer temperature
QA involves measuring the density, following processing, of a film on which a step wedge image is
In QA a 0-15% daily variation in densities are acceptable
89 - The following statements regarding exposure latitude are true
(a) Exposure latitude (EL) is the range of exposure factors which will give a correctly exposed image
of a subject
(b) EL is independent of subject contrast
(c) EL is dependent on film gamma
(d) EL can be increased by using a lower kV
(e) EL can be increased by using a film of lower gamma
Answers: true false true false true,

Explanation: With an increase in kV, with mAs reduced to compensate, subject contrast is reduced.
This results in some gain of exposure latitude.
90 - The following statements regarding intensification factor (IF) are true
(a) IF is defined as the ratio of :- [exposure required for a film + screen] : [exposure required for film
(b) Typical values for IF are 120-150
(c) IF decreases when the kV is increased
(d) IF is increased by using both smaller phosphor crystals and reducing the thickness of the phosphor
layer on a screen
(e) Tungstate screens have a larger IF than rare earth screens
Answers: false false false false false
Explanation: IF = [exposure required for film alone] : [exposure required for the film + screen]
A typical range for IF = 30-100
IF increases with increasing kV
IF is increased with larger crystals and increasing thickness of the phosphor layer
Rare earth screen have a larger IF than tungstate screens
91 - The following statements are true
(a) Poor film screen contact increases screen unsharpness
(b) Unsharpness due to parallax commonly occurs in single emulsion films
(c) Unsharpness due to crossover occurs most commonly in films with tabular grains
(d) Single emulsion films are used in nuclear medicine and digital imaging
(e) Single emulsion films are used when copying x-rays
Answers: true false false true true,
Explanation: Parallax is only seen with double emulsion films
Unsharpness due to crossover commonly occurs with granular / globular grains.
92 - Exposure factors
(a) A high mAs is generally desirable when selecting exposure factors
(b) The kV chosen should be as high as possible when selecting exposure factors
(c) Exposure times can be reduced by using a larger focal spot
(d) Exposure times can be reduced by using a single phase generator rather than a three phase
(e) Exposure times can be reduced by using both a lower speed and smaller diameter anode disc
Answers: false true true false false
Explanation: The mAs should be kept as low as is needed in order to reduce exposure times
Increasing kV increases penetration and latitude of exposure. However the kV should not be so high
that insufficient contrast results.
Exposure times are reduced by using a three phase generator rather than a single phase generator
Exposure times can be reduced by using a higher speed and larger diameter anode disc
93 - The following statements are true
(a) Automatic exposure control (AEC) cannot be performed with a plate ionisation chamber
(b) AEC may be carried out using a phosphor coupled to a photomultiplier tube
(c) AEC devises are generally larger than the film cassette

(d) When measuring the kV for quality assurance, the actual tube kV should be within +/-5% of the set
(e) A penetrameter is not a suitable method for measuring tube kV
Answers: false true true true false
Explanation: The tube kV may be estimated indirectly by the penetrameter method
94 - The following statements are true
(a) Focal spot modulation transfer function (MTF) is reduced with macro-radiography
(b) Screen MTF is increased with macro-radiography
(c) In macro-radiography, screen unsharpness is also magnified
(d) In mammography, subject contrast is achieved primarily via photoelectric absorption
(e) In mammography, an appropriate operating kVp would be 28 kV
Answers: true true false true true,
Explanation: Screen unsharpness is not magnified although the image is

95 - The following statements are true

(a) In mammography, the average dose to glandular tissue in the breast is 2mGy per mammogram
(b) In xeroradiography, double emulsion film in a light tight cassette is used
(c) In xeroradiography, the final image is transferred to paper as opposed to film
(d) Xeroradiography generally incurs a lower dose to the patient than the use of film-screen
(e) In xeroradiography, the boundaries of a structure are particularly well delineated
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: The average dose of 2mGy per mammogram carries a risk of inducing a fatal cancer of
approximately 20 per million at 30-50 years of age and 10 per million at 50-65 years of age
In Xeroradiography a sheet of aluminium coated with a layer of selenium is used instead of film. The
final image is transferred to paper which is then heated to permanently bond the toner particles
Xeroradiography generally incurs a higher dose to the patient than the use of film-screen
This is known as edge enhancement
96 - Regarding image quality
(a) Spatial resolution (SR) of an imaging system is defined as the spatial frequency of the finest
resolvable pattern in a test tool
(b) Spatial frequency is usually denoted as the number of line pairs per millimetre (lp/mm) detectable
(c) The SR of an xray film is about 100 lp/mm
(d) A detailed intensifying screen has a SR of about 30 lp/mm
(e) A fast screen has a SR of about 15 lp/mm
Answers: true true true false false
Explanation: Detail screen: SR - 10 lp/mm
Fast screen: SR - 5 lp/mm

97 - The following statements regarding doses and dose rates are true
(a) Fluoroscopy: - dose rate at the input phosphor: 1 micro - Gy per second
(b) Cine-radiography: dose rate at the input prosper: 1 micro Gy per frame
(c) Digital imaging: - 1 micro Gy per frame
(d) Photospot film: - 10 micro - Gy per frame
(e) Skin doses may be up to 300 times greater than the dose to the input phosphor
Answers: true false false false true,
Explanation: Cine-radiography: 0.1 micro - Gy per frame
Digital imaging: 10 micro - Gy per frame
Photospot film: 1 micro - Gy per frame
98 - Digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
(a) The mask image is taken before the administration of contrast
(b) A small field image intensifier with good contrast resolution is required
(c) Following subtraction the signal to noise ratio is reduced
(d) In energy subtraction, a mask image is routinely taken
(e) In hybrid subtraction two energy subtracted (ES) pre-contrast & two ES post-contrast images are
temporally subtracted from each other
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: A large field intensifier (300mm) is needed
Following subtraction, the signals subtract but the noise is reinforced thereby reducing the SNR
With energy subtraction, rapid switching between a high kV e.g. 140 and a lower kV e.g. 65, avoids
the need for a mask image
In hybrid subtraction, the temporal subtraction would eliminate bone for example leaving the vessel
filled with contrast medium
99 - Regarding computed tomography (CT)
(a) The spatial resolution (SR) in CT is better than that in conventional radiography
(b) The contrast resolution in CT is better than that in conventional radiography
(c) The CT number for air is -100
(d) The CT number for water is 0
(e) The x-ray tube in a CT gantry is mounted with its axis parallel to the slice chosen
Answers: false true false true false
Explanation: The SR in CT is only 1 lp/mm whilst a detailed film-screen combination may have a SR
of 10 lp/mm
The improved contrast resolution of CT is visualised by the use of windowing
The CT number of air is -1000
The x-ray TUBE is mounted perpendicular to the slice chosen, in order to reduce any heel effect
100 - Regarding noise in computed tomography (CT)
(a) Noise may be reduced by decreasing the number of photons absorbed in each voxel
(b) Noise may be reduced by either decreasing slice thickness or reducing pixel size
(c) Noise may be reduced by either increasing mA or increasing the scan time
(d) Narrow windowing makes noise more noticeable
(e) Zoom enlargement of a CT display increases noise
Answers: false false true true true,
Explanation: Noise is reduced by increasing the number of photons absorbed in each voxel

Noise is decreased by either increasing slice thickness or increasing the pixel size
Increasing mA or increasing the scan time reduces noise at the expense of increased patient dose
Noise becomes more noticeable with narrow windowing as each grey scale covers a smaller range of
CT numbers, and hence there are fewer x-ray photons absorbed in each voxel
As the available information is spread more thinly over the pixel matrix with zoom enlargement
101 - Regarding CT artefacts
(a) Cardiac motion produces streak artefacts
(b) In fourth generation scanners, detector malfunction is manifest as ring artefacts
(c) Dental amalgam gives rise to star artefacts
(d) "Cupping" occurs as a consequence of beam hardening
(e) Aliasing may occur at sharp and high contrast boundaries
Answers: true true true true true,
Explanation: Ring artefacts usually signify detector malfunction in third generation scanners
Star artefacts may also occur with metal implants or high density contrast medium
102 - Regarding spiral helical scanning
(a) Partial volume artefacts are reduced compared to conventional axial scanning
(b) Slice to slice misregistration is exaggerated compared to conventional axial scanning
(c) 'Pitch' is the slice thickness (mm) divided by the distance (mm) moved by the table during one
rotation of the tube
(d) When a pitch of greater than 2:1 is used, artefacts may arise due to gaps in the volume data
(e) Heat loading of the tube is greater with conventional axial scanning compared to helical scanning
Answers: true false false true false
Explanation: Partial volume artefacts are reduced since the volume acquisition data can be
reconstructed in small steps
As there is volume acquisition of data, the problem of slice to slice misregistration is overcome
especially in the region of the diaphragm
'Pitch' is defined as the distance moved by the table during one rotation divided by the slice thickness
As there is no cooling period between slices in helical scanning, heat loading of the tube is greater
than in conventional axial scanning
103 - Regarding radioactive decay
(a) In beta minus decay there is no change in the atomic number, but the mass number increases by
(b) In isomeric transition, the parent nucleus decays directly to the daughter nucleus by the emission
of a negative beta particle
(c) In beta plus decay, there is no change in the atomic number, but the mass number decreases by one
(d) In positron emission, two photons of annihilation radiation are emitted at right angles to each other
(e) The SI units of radioactive decay is the becquerel (Bq), where one Bq = the number of
disintegrations per minute
Answers: false false false false false
Explanation: Beta minus: there is no change in mass number, the atomic number increases by one
Isomeric transition: the daughter nucleus remains in a metastable state for a variable length of time,
prior to emitting a gamma ray and decaying to the ground state
Beta plus: there is no change in mass number, the atomic number decreases by one

The photons of annihilation radiation are emitted in opposite directions

1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second
104 - Regarding gamma imaging
(a) A multi-hole collimator consists of a lead disc, typically 25cm thick and 400mm in diameter
(b) A single large phosphor crystal of NaI (activated with thalium) is positioned adjacent to the
(c) The gamma crystal is hygroscopic
(d) The gamma crystal absorbs about 90% of Tc-99m gamma rays
(e) Tc-99m emits a 190 keV gamma ray
Answers: false true true true false
Explanation: Multi-hole collimator: the lead disc is typically 25mm thick, and is drilled with about
20,000 hexagonal or circular holes
As the crystal is hygroscopic, it is encapsulated in an aluminium cylinder to protect it from changes in
temperature, light and atmosphere
Tc - 99 m emits a 140 keV gamma ray
105 - Regarding gamma imaging
(a) There are usually between 37 and 90 photomultiplier tubes (PMT) connected to the gamma crystal
(b) Each PMT consists of a glass envelope containing xenon gas at 4 atmospheres
(c) Photoelectrons emitted in a PMT undergo amplification by interacting with a series of dynodes
(d) The purpose of the pulse arithmetic circuit is to combine the pulses from all the PMTs and
generate three separate voltage pulses
(e) The purpose of the pulse height analyser is to reject pulses which are either lower or higher than
pre-set levels
Answers: true false true true true,
Explanation: Each PMT consists of an evacuated glass envelope
Typically a single photoelectron may be amplified by a factor of 1 million
Three voltage pulses are generated: X, Y and Z. X and Y give positional information. The Z pulse is
proportional to the gamma ray energy absorbed
The pulse height analyser may be set to only let through those pulses which lie within a window of +/10% of the photopeak energy

106 - Regarding collimators used in gamma imaging

(a) The greater the number of holes in a collimator, the better the spatial resolution (SR)
(b) The wider the holes in a collimator - improved SR
(c) The shorter the holes in a collimator - improved SR
(d) Spatial resolution and sensitivity of a collimator are inversely related
(e) The SR of a collimator is improved if it is placed as close as possible to the patient
Answers: false false false true true,
Explanation: The resolution deteriorates but the sensitivity improves with increasing the number of
holes in the collimator
There is improved sensitivity at the expense of decreased SR when using collimators with both wider
and shorter holes

107 - The following are true

(a) 400mm general purpose gamma camera is optimised for Tc-99m
(b) Mobile gamma cameras are designed primarily for renal imaging
(c) A large field of view camera is used principally for cardiac imaging
(d) A general purpose collimator has a resolution of 5mm
(e) Low energy collimators can be used with gamma rays of up to 400 keV
Answers: true false false false false
Explanation: Mobile gamma cameras are used in cardiac imaging: 250mm field and 5mm thick
crystal. This makes it relatively easy to position.
A large field of view camera is used for bone and gallium imaging. These cameras can take in the
whole width of a patient
A general purpose collimator has a resolution = 9mm
Low energy collimators can be used with gamma rays of up to 150 keV eg Tc-99m
108 - Regarding quality assurance (QA) in gamma imaging
(a) Field uniformity is typically 1-2%
(b) Cobalt-57 may be used to assess flood field uniformity
(c) Intrinsic resolution of a gamma camera can be improved by using a thinner crystal
(d) Intrinsic resolution refers to the resolution of the gamma camera plus the collimator
(e) System resolution is worsened by scattering of gamma rays within the patient
Answers: true true true false true,
Explanation: Intrinsic resolution refers to the resolution of the camera only
System resolution is the additional blurring caused by the collimator and by scattering within the
patient. Consequently it is worse for fat rather than thin patients

110 - Regarding radionuclides

(a) An ideal radionuclide should be polyenergetic
(b) An ideal radionuclide should emit both beta particles and gamma rays
(c) In a Technetium (Tc) generator, at transient equilibrium, Tc- 99m decays with a half life of 6 hours
(d) In a Tc generator, Mo-99 is absorbed onto an alumina exchange column
(e) Tc-99 m is eluted with sterile dextrose saline solution
Answers: false false false true false
Explanation: An ideal radionuclide should be monoenergetic: so that scatter can be easily eliminated
by the pulse height analyser
An ideal radionuclide should emit gamma rays only: these produce the image. Beta (and alpha)
particles contribute only to patient dose
At transient equilibrium, both the "parent" Mo-99 and the "daughter" Tc-99m decay together with the
half life of the parent - 67 hours
Tc-99m is eluted with a sterile saline solute
111 - Tc-99m is labelled to the following compounds for the following uses
(a) Sestamibi: cardiac perfusion imaging
(b) Diphosphonates: bone imaging
(c) Hexamethyl Propylene Amine Oxime (HMPAO): imaging the liver, spleen and red bone marrow
(d) Aminodiacetic acid (HIDA): renal imaging
(e) Human serum albumin macroaggregates: imaging of the liver, spleen and red bone marrow

Answers: true true false false false

Explanation: HMPAO: cerebral imaging
HIDA: biliary imaging
Macroaggregates of albumin: lung perfusion imaging
112 - Radionuclides and administered activities
(a) Kr-81m gas in lung ventilation studies: 6,000 MBq
(b) Tc-99m MAG3 in renal imaging: 100 MBq
(c) Tc-99m phosphonates in bone imaging: 100 MBq
(d) Tc-99m DTPA in renal imaging: 80 MBq
(e) Tc-99m DTPA aerosol in lung ventilation studies: 80 MBq
Answers: true true false true true,
Explanation: Tc-99m phosphonates: administered activity 600 MBq
113 - Regarding Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
(a) The process of annihilation radiation produces two photons of 511 keV moving in opposite
(b) The detectors usually used are NaI (activated with traces of thalium)
(c) The photomultiplier tubes are coupled to a parallel hole collimator
(d) The effective dose to the patient is much higher than in planar gamma imaging
(e) The spatial resolution in PET may be 5mm or less
Answers: true false false false true,
Explanation: Bismuth germinate is usually used for the detectors
Collimators are not routinely used in PET imaging
The effective dose to a patient is much the same as in routine gamma imaging as the short half lives of
the radionuclides used compensates for their beta emission
The resolution in PET is better than in SPECT and is the same at all depths in a patient. In SPECT
however spatial resolution worsens with increasing depth
114 - Radiation protection
(a) Absorbed dose = energy deposited per unit area
(b) In most medical applications, the equivalent dose is numerically equal to the absorbed dose in
(c) The radiation weighting factor for neutrons and alpha particles is five times greater than that of
(d) The units of equivalent dose are the Sievert
(e) The effective dose is the sum of the weighted equivalent doses for all the tissues which have been
Answers: false true false true true,
Explanation: Absorbed dose = energy deposited per unit mass (J/Kg or Gy)
The equivalent dose is numerically equal to the absorbed dose as both x-rays and gamma rays have a
radiation weighting factor of 1
Neutrons and alpha particles have a radiation weighting factor 10-20 times greater than that of
One Sv = J/Kg

115 - The following statements are true

(a) A dose of 1Sv to the testes produces sterility
(b) Non-stochastic effects are threshold dependent
(c) Stochastic effects are threshold dependent
(d) A dose of 2 Sv to the eyes will produce cataracts
(e) A whole body dose of 10 Sv or more is 100% lethal to humans
Answers: false true false false true,
Explanation: 4 Sv to the testes causes sterility
For stochastic effects, the probability of an effect occuring increases with dose
A threshold of about 5 Sv produces cataracts
116 - The following statements are true
(a) The annual background radiation exposure per caput of the UK population is about 1.5 mSv
(b) Natural radiation contributes 60% of the total per caput radiation exposure from all radiation
(c) The largest contributor to natural background radiation is from gamma ray exposure
(d) Medical exposure contributes approximately 13% of the total per caput radiation exposure from all
radiation sources
(e) Food and drink contributes approximately 5% of the total per caput radiation exposure from all
radiation sources
Answers: false false false true false
Explanation: Annual background radiation = 2.5 mSv
Natural radiation contributes 85%
Radon gas is the largest contributor to natural background radiation. This permeates through the
ground into buildings
Food and drink contribute 12%
117 - The following actions are measures for reducing patient dose
(a) Using a fast film screen combination
(b) Using low attenuation (e.g. carbon fibre) materials for table tops
(c) Using digital radiography equipment
(d) Use of gonad shields
(e) Use of compression techniques where possible
Answers: true true true true true,

118 - The following statements are true

(a) The annual whole body dose limit for a patient undergoing treatment is 500 mSv
(b) The dose limit to the abdomen of a female of reproductive capacity is 13 mSv per year
(c) Once pregnancy has been declared, the dose limit to the pregnant abdomen must not exceed 10
mSv for remainder of the pregnancy
(d) Under the new proposed legislation for 1999/2000, the whole body annual dose limit is set to be
reduced to 30 mSv
(e) In proposed legislation for 1999/2000, dose limit to the pregnant abdomen will be reduced to 5
mSv over the term of the pregnancy

Answers: false false true false false

Explanation: There are no dose limits for patients undergoing treatment. However ALARA must be
The dose limit to the abdomen of a female of reproductive capacity is 13 mSv per quarter
The proposed whole body dose limit is set to be reduced to 20 mSv
The proposed dose limit to the pregnant abdomen is set to be reduced to 2 mSv over the term of the
119 - The following statements are true
(a) A controlled area is required where constant exposure to a shielded source would result in 3/10ths
of a dose limit being exceeded
(b) A 'controlled area' is required if the exposure dose rate were to exceed 5 micro Sv per hour
(c) Areas where the exposure dose rate lies between 2.5 and 5 micro Sv per hour are known as
'supervised areas'
(d) The radiation protection supervisor is often an experienced physicist
(e) The radiation protection advisor is often a senior radiographer
Answers: true false false false false
Explanation: Controlled area: exposure dose rate >7.5 micro Sv per hour
Supervised area: exposure dose rate - 2.5-7.5 micro Sv per hour
The radiation protection supervisor is a senior radiographer
The radiation protection advisor is an experienced physicist
120 - The following are true regarding the:- Medicines (Administration of Radioactive
Substances) Regulations 1978: [M(ARS)R 78]
(a) Administration of radioactive substances should only be carried out by an ARSAC certificate
(b) ARSAC certificates are issued by the Department of Health
(c) ARSAC certificates are issued to a set group of clinicians within an x-ray department
(d) Employers are responsible for the patients treated under the Act
(e) An application for an ARSAC certificate must be signed by the radiation protection supervisor
Answers: false true false false false
Explanation: Administration of radioactive substances can be carried out under the clinical
supervision of a person holding the ARSAC cerficate
The ARSAC certificate is issued to an individual clinician
Clinicians are responsible for the patients treated under the Act
The application for an ARSAC certificate must be signed by a radiation protection advisor
121 - The following effective doses are appropriate for the following radiographic procedures
(a) CXR: 0.02 mSv
(b) IVU: 2 mSv
(c) Barium meal: 2 mSv
(d) Barium enema: 5 mSv
(e) CT abdomen: 4 mSv
Answers: true false false false false
Explanation: IVU: 5 mSv
Ba Meal:5 mSv
Ba Enema: 9 mSv
Ct abdomen: 8 mSv

122 - The following statements are true

(a) If a tube is operated for 1 hour, the leakage of radiation at a distance of 1 metre from the focus
must not total more than 10 mSv
(b) The housing and support plate of an image intensifier have a lead equivalence of 1.0 mm
(c) When palpating a patient, a glove of at least 0.25 mm lead equivalence should be worn
(d) A 0.25mm lead equivalent body apron typically transmits only 10% of 90 degree scatter
(e) In interventional radiology, body aprons should have a minimum of 0.35mm lead equivalence
Answers: false false true true true,
Explanation: The maximum permitted leakage is 1 mSv
The housing and support plate have a lead equivalence of 2.5mm
123 - Regarding film badge dosimetry
(a) Personal monitoring film is exposed with a single intensifying screen
(b) Personal monitoring film badges are double coated; one emulsion is slow, the other emulsion is
(c) A film badge contains at least 3 pairs of filters
(d) Spots of intense blackening seen on a personal monitoring film badge, suggests exposure to high
energy photons
(e) A single exposure to direct x-rays from one direction, would produce a sharp edge to the shadow of
a film badge filter
Answers: false true true false true,
Explanation: Film badges are exposed without screens
The film badge contains a thick plastic filter, aluminium filter and tin-lead filter
Spots of intense blackening suggests exposure to a radioactive spill
124 - Regarding the Geiger-Muller (GM) tube
(a) It is able to detect any type of ionising radiation
(b) It is able to distinguish between different types of radiation and different energies of the same
(c) It is more efficient in detecting lower energy as opposed to higher energy beta particles
(d) The efficiency of detection for gamma rays is only 10%
(e) The principle use is one of contamination monitoring
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: The GM is able to detect any ionising radiation but not able to distinguish between them
The efficiency of detection of gamma rays is only 1%. This can be increased to 5% by the use of a
lead cylinder as a cathode
125 - The following statements are true
(a) Any individual is allowed to be present in an xray room when radiation is being generated
(b) The doors of an xray room should be closed during examinations
(c) For persons of reproductive capacity, gonad shields must always be used
(d) An anteroposterior rather than a posteroanterior, projection of the chest can greatly reduce the dose
to the breast
(e) Phantoms should be used for training in radiography and research into examination techniques
Answers: false true false false true,

Explanation: Only those persons whose presence is essential should remain in an xray room when
radiation is being generated; they should stand well away from the radiation beam and preferably
behind a protective screen.
For young persons and persons of reproductive capacity, gonad shields should be used in
examinations which are likely to give high gonad dose, unless these shields interfere with the
proposed examination.
A posteroanterior, rather than anteroposterior, projection can greatly reduce the dose to the breast
126 - The following statements are true
(a) Body aprons should be available with a protective equivalent of not less than 0.25mm lead for
xrays over 100 kV
(b) Gloves and aprons should be thoroughly examined at least once a month to ensure that no cracks
have developed
(c) During operation of a CT scanner, an operator should be present at the control panel while high
voltage is applied to the xray tube
(d) Gloves should be available with protective equivalent of not less than 0.35mm lead for x-rays up
to 150 kV
(e) Body aprons should not be folded
Answers: false false true false true,
Explanation: Body aprons with a protective equivalent of not less than 0.25mm lead for xrays up to
100 kV and not less than 0.3mm lead for xrays over 100 kV should be available.
Gloves and aprons should be examined thoroughly at least once a year to ensure that no cracks have
An operator should be at the control panel of a CT scanner while high voltage is applied to the xray
tube, since the equipment will not normally have an exposure switch which has to be pressed
Gloves should be available with not less than 0.25mm lead for xrays up to 150 kV.
127 - Regarding quality assurance performed by a radiographer in mammography
(a) Processor performance and sensitometry should be assessed daily
(b) Automatic exposure control should be assessed weekly
(c) Xray kV accuracy and output should be assessed weekly
(d) Screen film contact should be assessed monthly
(e) A full change of chemicals and servicing of processor is suggested every 4 weeks for a screening
Answers: true false true false true,
Explanation: Automatic exposure control: Exposure of a 4cm perspex phantom should yield a film
giving a consistent optical density from a consistent exposure mAs. This should be checked on a daily
Screen film contact should be assessed every 3 months.
128 - Regarding quality assurance as assessed by a physicist
(a) Focal spot measurement should be assessed annually
(b) Focal spot size is usually assessed by the pinhole method
(c) Beam alignment is usually assessed every 3 months
(d) The tolerance limits for beam alignment are +/- 2%
(e) Xray tube output and kilovoltage should be assessed every 3 months

Answers: true false false true true,

Explanation: The pinhole method is the oldest method for assessing focal spot size, and is now
outdated. It could only be used for focal spots greater than 0.3mm. Focal spot size is now assessed via
a "STAR" test tool.
Beam alignment is assessed annually.

129 - The National Radiation Protection Board (NRPB) recommend that the following views
should not be part of a "routine" x-ray examination
(a) Lateral chest view
(b) Coned view of the pituitary fossa
(c) Oblique views of the cervical spine
(d) Post micturition film of an IVU
(e) A post evacuation film after a barium enema
Answers: true true true true true,
Explanation: The NRPB also recommends that the following views should not be performed as part of
"routine" radiography:
1) Flexion and extension views of the cervical spine
2) Coned L5/S1 and obliques of the lumbar spine
3) Skyline and tunnel views of the knees
4) 1 minute film from an IVU.
The NRPB also recommends the following:
i) The occipito-mental view should be the only view performed when examining the sinuses
ii) The submento-vertical view should not be routinely performed when examining the skull iii) An
AP odontoid peg view should not be taken unless there is a history of trauma.
Ref: Report by the Royal College of Radiologists and the National Radiation Protection Board (1990).
Patient Dose Reduction in Diagnostic Radiology. National Radiation Protection Board.
RRM 02/99
Radiation Protection
2 - Regarding atoms and their structure
(a) The mass number defines the number of nucleons within an atom
(b) The L shell contains a maximum of 18 electrons
(c) Isotopes of an element have different physical properties
(d) An alpha particle is four times heavier than an electron
(e) An isobar is any nucleus which has the same atomic mass number as another nucleus
Regarding the metallic replacement method of silver recovery
A. This can be used in conjunction with an automated processor
B. Requires electric power
C. Uses steel wool
D. It is possible to reuse the fixer after silver recovery with this method

E. The silver produced is 90-95% pure metallic silver

Regarding intensifying screens
A. A phosphorescent film is used
B. A reflecting coat of iron oxide is used
C. Rare earth phosphors have a higher absorption efficiency compared to calcium
tungstate phosphors
D. Light absorbing dyes are used to improve the sharpness of the image
E. Light absorbing dyes are used to minimise the effect of quantum mottle

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