The document outlines a series of public input sessions and budget development meetings for a school district's 2016-17 budget planning process. It provides details on opportunities for public input through an online survey and public meeting in February. It then lists several special committee meetings in March through May where staff will present information on budget changes made in 2015-16, resource allocation recommendations to meet district goals, suggested investment and reduction areas, and ultimately the draft and final budgets for board discussion and approval.
The document outlines a series of public input sessions and budget development meetings for a school district's 2016-17 budget planning process. It provides details on opportunities for public input through an online survey and public meeting in February. It then lists several special committee meetings in March through May where staff will present information on budget changes made in 2015-16, resource allocation recommendations to meet district goals, suggested investment and reduction areas, and ultimately the draft and final budgets for board discussion and approval.
The document outlines a series of public input sessions and budget development meetings for a school district's 2016-17 budget planning process. It provides details on opportunities for public input through an online survey and public meeting in February. It then lists several special committee meetings in March through May where staff will present information on budget changes made in 2015-16, resource allocation recommendations to meet district goals, suggested investment and reduction areas, and ultimately the draft and final budgets for board discussion and approval.
The document outlines a series of public input sessions and budget development meetings for a school district's 2016-17 budget planning process. It provides details on opportunities for public input through an online survey and public meeting in February. It then lists several special committee meetings in March through May where staff will present information on budget changes made in 2015-16, resource allocation recommendations to meet district goals, suggested investment and reduction areas, and ultimately the draft and final budgets for board discussion and approval.
Public Input Session: Investing in Student Learning
February 29, 2016 (Monday) John Barsby Secondary at 7:00 PM The intent of this meeting is for the public to provide their views on how to invest the districts finite resources while trying to enhance student learning. A high-level review will be provided on the changes the district has made in an effort to become sustainable. As this is a public input opportunity, an on-line survey will also be made available, which will be open for input until March 11, 2016. The summarized input will be used by the district as it develops the 2016-17 Budget. Special Business Committee: 2016-17 Budget Development Meeting #1 March 31, 2016 (Thursday) Boardroom at 4:00 PM This meeting will report to the Board the information received from the Public Input process. A more in-depth review of the changes, which were made in 2015-16 to help become sustainable, will be presented and will be compared to similar-sized districts. The overall intent of this meeting is to determine how best to allocate resources to support the district goals. This information will help the Budget Committee develop recommendations for the Board to consider when approving the 2016-17 Budget. Special Business Committee: 2016-17 Budget Development Meeting #2 April 13, 2016 (Wednesday) Boardroom at 4:30 PM This meeting will summarize areas where investment of resources is suggested to meet Board goals and where reductions will be considered to fund these requirements. This will also be an opportunity for the Board to provide further or specific direction to staff as to the Boards priorities as staff are tasked to develop a balanced budget. Special Business Committee: Budget Draft Meeting #1 - Board Receives Budget April 20, 2016 (Wednesday) Boardroom at 4:30 PM The Superintendent to present the budget to the Board. High-level descriptions by department of how the proposed budget aligns with Board goals. Narratives will describe what goal is being supported, how we plan to do it and how success will be measured. Information will be structured to develop a high level understanding of the proposed budget. Options/recommendations may be presented and further decisions may need to be made. Special Business Committee: Budget Draft Meeting #2 - Board Discussion April 25, 2015 (Monday) Boardroom at 4:30 PM The Board discusses budget as presented by staff on April 20, 2016. Special Business Committee: Budget Final Meeting May 2, 2016 (Monday) Boardroom at 4:30 PM Special Board Meeting: Budget Final Meeting Wednesday, May 4, 2016 - Boardroom at 5 PM
Coaching across the Globe: Benchmark results of the Bresser Consulting Global Coaching Survey with a supplementary update highlighting the latest coaching developments to 2013