FIDIC Suite of Contracts PDF
FIDIC Suite of Contracts PDF
FIDIC Suite of Contracts PDF
Green Book
Short Form of Contract
First Edition 1999
Contents of Contract Book
General Conditions
Rules for Adjudication
Notes for Guidance
Red Book
General Conditions
Guidance for the Preparation of the
Particular Conditions
Forms of Tender and Contract Agreement
Dispute Adjudication Agreement
Yellow Book
Conditions of Contract for
Plant and Design-Build
For electrical and mechanical plant, and for
building works, designed by the Contractor
First Edition 1999
Contents of Contract Book
General Conditions
Guidance for the Preparation of the
Particular Conditions
Forms of Tender and Contract Agreement
Dispute Adjudication Agreement
The Yellow Book provides conditions of
contract for construction works where the
design is carried out by the Contractor. The
current Yellow Book bears little resemblance
to its predecessors. The current edition drops
the words electrical and mechanical works
from the title and in line with the rest of the
FIDIC suite the focus is now more on type of
procurement rather than the nature of the
The Yellow Book is therefore applicable to the
provision of electrical and/or mechanical
plant, and for the design and execution of
building or engineering works. Under the
usual arrangements for this type of contract,
the Contractor designs and provides the
works in accordance with the Employers
combination of civil, mechanical, electrical
and/or construction works.
Orange Book
Conditions of Contract for
Design-Build and Turnkey
First Edition 1995
Contents of Contract Book
General Conditions
Guidance for the Preparation of the
Particular Conditions
Forms of Tender and Agreement
The Orange book was published in 1995 to
provide a design and build option to the then
current FIDIC suite. The Orange Book was the
first FIDIC contract to adopt the now current
FIDIC style of drafting and was a template for
the drafting teams when preparing the 1999
suite of contracts.
When the Orange book was published the Red
and Yellow Books were still aimed at
procurement of civil engineering and plant
installation respectively. At the time it added
a clear design and build and turnkey option
into the available suite of contracts.
Since the publication in 1999 of the latest Red
and Yellow Books there is now less focus on
the type of project and more focus on the
implementation of different procurement
strategies. It is now likely that an Employer
requiring a design and build or turnkey
project under a FIDIC contract would use a
1999 edition of the Yellow Book for design
and build or a Silver Book for Turnkey.
Silver Book
Conditions of Contract for
EPC/Turnkey Projects
First Edition 1999
Contents of Contract Book
General Conditions
Guidance for the Preparation of the
Particular Conditions
Forms of Tender and Contract Agreement
Dispute Adjudication Agreement
The Silver Book is suitable for use on process,
power and private-infrastructure projects
where a Contractor is to take on full
responsibility for the design and execution of
a project. Risks for completion to time, cost
and quality are transferred to the Contractor
and so the Silver Book is only suitable for use
with experienced Contractors familiar with
sophisticated risk management techniques.
For many large projects construction is only
one part of a wider complicated commercial
venture and financial or other failure of the
construction project will jeopardize the whole
venture. The Silver Book approach may suit
such projects as it will provide a greater level
of cost certainty than can be achieved under
the more traditional forms of the FIDIC suite.
To obtain this increased cost certainty the
Silver Book requires the Contractor to accept
a higher level of risk than is typical under
most other forms of contract. The Silver Book
transfers the risk of ground conditions to the
Contractor. Similarly the Contractor also
DBO Contract
Conditions of Contract for
Design, Build and Operate Projects
First Edition 2008
Contents of Contract Book
General Conditions
Particular Conditions
Sample Forms
Following publication of the Orange Book in
1995 and the Red, Yellow and Green Books in
1999 it became clear that there was a
growing need for a contract combining a
design-build obligation with a long-term
operation commitment.
The approach and layout of the DBO contract
is more similar to the FIDIC Silver book than
any other contract within the FIDIC suite.
The DBO contract adopts a green-field DBO
scenario with a 20 year operation period and
a single contract awarded to a single
contracting entity (which will almost certainly
be a consortium or joint venture) to optimise
the coordination of innovation, quality and
performance, rather than award separate
contracts for design-build and for operation.
Under the DBO contract the Contractor has no
responsibility for either financing the project
or for its ultimate commercial success.