Garduino: Gardening + Arduino: Liseman
Garduino: Gardening + Arduino: Liseman
Garduino: Gardening + Arduino: Liseman
Table of Contents
Garduino: Gardening + Arduino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
luke iseman
bicycles, gardening, and other important stuff
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1. relays, ac power
2. garduino
3. pump in bucket; water runs up to milk jug and then directly to planters
4. fluorescent grow light
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1. to relays
2. nails, to put in the dirt:)
3. to nails
4. photocell
5. thermistor
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1. relays
2. thermistor
3. cds photocell
4. diodes
5. resistors
6. breadboard
7. wire
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1. moist paper towel
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1. this will plug into your wall
2. plug in lights or pump here
3. to a digital i/o pin on the arduino
4. to ground on arduino
5. to black wire from end of extension cord into which you plug things:)
6. to black wire from wall end of extension cord (middle pin from left side of relay)
7. not used for this circuit, the top right lead of the relay is normally closed; for our
circuit, that means current flows through here when the relay is switched off
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1. to 120v ac from the wall
2. not used
3. to ac outlet: when digital i/o is high, this is switched on
4. to ground on arduino
5. to a digital i/o pin on arduino
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1. lights plug into ac outlet
2. normal ac outlet, like on a wall
3. relay, viewed from above (leads down)
4. 120 volts ac: the wall plug in your house
5. ground
6. to digital i/o on arduino
7. diode (remember, the triangle points to the end with the band)
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1. 5v on arduino
2. an analog i/o on arduino
3. ground on arduino
4. 10k resistor
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1. solder
2. dirt on nails. appropriate, and kinda beautiful imho:)
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1. +5v on arduino
2. sensor: circuit is same for light and temperature
3. 10k resistor
4. ground
5. analog i/o on arduino
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1. little bit of mold: didn't have enough drainage initially...
2. milk jug cut at most of the way up the handle
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1. bricks; the milk jugs rest on these
2. yellowing leaf: soil too moist?
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1. 1 moisture probe
2. the other moisture probe
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1. sensor in direct light = digital i/o pin 7 low = red light on
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1. sensor in finger shade = digital i/o pin 7 high= green light on
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1. cord runs to relay/outlet setup
2. light fixture rests on containers
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1. pump and water in here
2. pump cord runs to relay-controlled extension cord
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1. bike tube connected to pump. i used one of those wires coated with white paper
stuff that holds bread bags closed, but a ziptie, hose clamp, or anything else
similar would also work
2. power cord for pump
digitalWrite(lightSwitch, HIGH);
//turn on temp alarm light if temp_val is less than 850 (approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit)
if (temp_val < 850)
digitalWrite(tempLed, HIGH);
Note the inclusion of the datetime library, which you can install from here. Place the contents of the file in the libraries directory of the arduino folder and you should be
good to go. See the readme in the download if you run into problems.
Monitoring needs to be greatly improved, as Garduino should sit there doing nothing most of the time when it's working properly. You should be able to pull the moisture
sensors from the soil and have them turn on within a few seconds (air = 0 conductivity between them), but you can't do this with the light sensor: it's just trying to turn on
for 16 hours every 24 hours. Currently, connecting your Arduino to your computer and then monitoring the serial port will give you some meaningful feedback. But, this is
resetting the time counter to 0, so you don't get any useful historical data unless you leave the Garduino with a computer connected during the period you want to
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1. hit this button to monitor serial port
2. don't forget to download this!
3. i avoided pins 0 and 1 b/c of their weirdness with rx / tx
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1. woohoo! a bean grown in my window, in my mouth!
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1. the yield from the better version you're gonna build:)