Annotated Bibliography - Vanessa Murillo
Annotated Bibliography - Vanessa Murillo
Annotated Bibliography - Vanessa Murillo
Vanessa Murillo
RWS 1301 - Jose Gomez
science and engineering. She also adds how the United States is ranked number 19 in
terms of gender inequality on the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report of
2010. This article proves how failing to recognize the problem of gender inequality in the
U.S. is the perfect way to assure that we'll never solve the problem. This is relevant to my
report and most important because it provides specific examples of what companies are
failing to recognize.
International Labour Organization (2016.) Gender Inequality and Women in the US Labor Force.
This article describes how gender inequality in the work force is happening and persisting
all around the world, and not just in the United States. One important thing that this
article talks about is the large pay gap between men and women working the same roles,
and having the same degrees. Unfair isn't it? Although equal pay has improved in the
U.S. since 1979, it persists in various companies, and nobody is doing anything about it.
Ignoring this problem leads to potential loss and unhealthy competition between coworkers within the company. This article is perfect to explain how serious inequality is in
the work force.
Jayachandran, S. (November 2014.) The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries.
How did gender inequality start exactly you may ask yourself? Jayachandran is effective
in preparing a report describing the early roots of gender inequality. The economic
underdevelopment is one cause of gender inequality. Young boys were preferred to have
an education more than girls, and girls were considered to grow up and be "housewives."
She also describes how labels and stereotypes came into play in the early ages where it
Vanessa Murillo
RWS 1301 - Jose Gomez
was said "a woman can't do a man's job, and a man cant do a woman's job." For example
women were prohibited in working in fields, because they were "too weak" to carry and
pick fruit, and men would never be taught how to sow, wash dishes, make dinner or any
simple task similar to these because "that was a girl job." This report is relevant to my
own report because it gives me facts and examples of early gender inequality and
discrimination, which ties in to my question of definition: "What was the influence
behind gender inequality in the workplace?"
PBS News Hour (February 2014.) How Can Women Continue the fight for Gender Equality.
The famous hour news channel takes its say on gender inequality in this article. It starts
by giving us a good background on how women didn't have many rights not so long ago,
as we do now, like for example voting, being secretary of state, or even president.
However, as PBS talks about the enormous progress women have made, they also talk
about how inequality in the workplace persists, and how women are doing their very best
to declare equality between the sexes. This article goes in hand with my question of
quality on who is influencing our determination to solve this problem based on its facts. It
is women themselves who have become inspired with one another, and realize what other
women have accomplish to give this sex higher expectations.
Trachsel, H. (October 29, 2014.) Six Ways to Fix Gender Inequality at Work.
Helena Trachsel starts this informative article stating how women earn on average 24%
less than men, and continues on how women are more at risk of poverty than men.
Trachsel believes society should embrace gender equality starting at school, where we
Vanessa Murillo
RWS 1301 - Jose Gomez
need to teach both girls and boys to strive for a great career, demand better and equal pay,
and lastly learn how to negotiate. She also adds her six ways of promoting gender
equality at every stage of a job, which consists of rethinking job interview questions such
as "What do you think your salary should be?" naturally women ask for less than men,
instead applicants should be able to position themselves in a salary range that is offered
to everyone, also make gender equality part of training and education, be proactive about
welcoming women, make flexible and work-life balance a part of the wider company
culture, use the power of networking, and finally don't limit your talent. This article ties
in with my main question, "What are some of the things that need to happen in order to
solve gender inequality in the work place?" because it explains some very important
points that answer the question perfectly.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency (2015.) About Workplace Gender Equality.
This short article is effective in explaining what needs to be done or has already been
applied to some companies and any work force around the world, in order to achieve
100% equality in every aspect within your workplace. Not only does this article give us
tips on what should be done to realize equality, but gives us visions of what gender
equality is associated with, along with many of its benefits not only to the company, but
for their employees as well. This article is one of the most important for my report,
because it gives me important reasons to persuade people on why they should fight and
support gender equality in the workplace. This is beneficial for both men and women, and
not just men as some might think.