In order for a professional to demonstrate their skills in their area of
specialization planning is key. My area of specialization, Mathematics
education, is no different. I never take lightly the exchanges that take place
in the classroom and for this reason I believe I must always prepare before I
face students. In order to prepare the most basic tool is the lesson plan. For
every lesson each day a teacher should have a plan.
However, plans must not be in isolation they should be linked with each
other. Having a lesson plan has many advantages. One advantage which is
key to me is that plans allow me to be reflective of what is to come in the
to the variety of learners in the average classroom. The class I was assigned
during student teaching had English Language Learners as well as special
needs students with IEPs. Every lesson plan I did had some form of
differentiation for example providing English Language Learners with a
translation of the lesson activities, class work, and homework.
When the time comes to implement a lesson most teachers rely on lecture as
the main form of interaction. I have been guilty of this practice. However,
exposure to research in the field as well as the student teaching experience
has encouraged me to adjust my strategies and rely less on lecture as a
means of interaction. I must admit, that students are a lot more receptive to
new material when the focus shifts from lecture. The teacher is not the focus
but students are at the center of the lesson. I employed activities such as
guided inquiry, think pair- share, and group work. The interactions which
took place during group work provided a lot of support for students. Both
struggling and proficient students benefited from these interactions. Most of
the students looked forward to these activities during my student teaching.
Group work had to be included in each lesson. I had to develop learning
tasks which had some element of group work. Most times I encourage
students to work in pairs. During classroom activities students did group
work while individual work was done as homework.
Technology is an important component of Mathematics education. The
graphing calculator is one of the main tools students use in the classroom to
help facilitate learning. The graphing calculator can be used in all content
areas taught in High school math. The calculator allows students to develop
the conceptual understanding without the frustrations of computational
processes they should have had as prior knowledge. In my student teaching
experienced I encouraged the use of the calculator. In the Algebra I course I
taught it was used in all my lessons. This allowed my lessons to flow
smoothly as students focused on the concepts to be learnt and not
necessarily on computations.
Assessment must be ongoing. In my experience, I focused a lot on formal
assessment. Usually in the form of an end of unit test. This course of study
has assisted me in developing my informal assessment skills as a teacher. I