Dream Walking
Dream Walking
Dream Walking
with u as center, see energy spread to every corner of room, flowing up and up u
ntil it raches celing
and then flowing inward across ceiling
as u extend energy through room,
keep in mind you are establishing ur boundaries
nothing can get in that you don't want to enter, but the energy will allow you f
ree passage
relaxed but in touch with more than physical reality
before energy completely closes off celing, take moment to turn attention inward
while not losing mental grip on pillar beneath you or rippling fluid energy inf
uesed every corner of room around u
reach up to heavens with thin line of pure energy
gossamer thin but tensile and strong that nothing can break it
send it up, straight out of top of head, literally reach for stars with it
ine of expansion-a point that connects from the microcosm of u to macrocosm of e
verything elese
allow energy holding around a hole in the ceiling flow around it.
don't seal energy completely shut: easy passage
sphere, not right angles
lotus flower
-draw upon thousand of yars of meaning
be well rested
avoid artificial stimulants for at least 3 hours
eat light, eat early 24 hours
Grounding-to earth
centering - up and find center between foot and head
unwanted energy down and fresh and vital energy up
stabilize, foundation
raise arms over head and imagine branches
feel urself stretching and spreading between earth and sky
earth grounds and stabilizes
sky bend and flow
when balanced,
take hands and hold them over center
glowing sphere of energy
cupt it in hands and fix sensation of internal balance, stability, flow into thi
s central point
let image of tree slowly fade away until ur you again, but balance remains
build from center and let focus spread thourhgout u
breathe slowly in and out and start thinking what you want to accpmlish with dre
evoke person in mind
foucs on srengths
feel confident
say it out loud
d dream, think about particular dream. "Tonight I will lucid dream" repeat keep
intent focused in mind
a prayer for the dream king- call on higher power (ur belief in them)"Dream King
, Dream King, help me lucid dream tonight"
the buddy system-REM-"Name, you are dreaming. you know you are dreaming. Repeat.
(buddy) quieter. rem stop-wake u up and ask about dream
dreaming machines- goggles, HemiSync
emotional links
resolve emotional entanglement-remove door
wards, dreamcatcher -cover reflective surfaces
shield others
feeding pool/avoid pool
toy-construct protective
circle of salt/pentagram below bed
survival, food, sex
crisis dreams
can alter body-use mirror
placebo effects
subliminal info
psychosomatic illness
classifying dreams
dream consolidation-memory dump
REM sleep reinforce memory patterns
psychoanalysis-anxieties, stress, tension
problem solving-data processing, subconsicous messaging
4distinct types of dreams
Memory Dreams, connected with information processing
messages from the subconscious
problem-solving dreams
story dreams, for entertainment
paranormal dreams-telephatic, recently deceased, future events, dreamwalking
Dream Telephaty
Bisenbud-Pederson-Krag-Fodor-Ellis Controversy
Jan EHrenwald-psychic leakage
1. interest in dream telepathy on part of psychiatrist
therapist exhibited some need in his/her life dovetailed with pt's own needs
anxiety on part of therapist that dovetailed with pt's own anxieties
Alfred Adler, Freuid-debunked psychic experiences
-unconscious memory or subliminal perceptions
sleep creates favorable conditions for telepathy