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Technical Manual For WSOS Protocol Configuration Tool

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WSOS Protocol Configuration Tool

This document describes the features and operation of the Protocol Configuration Tool for

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Copyright Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Limited 2009

Protocol Configuration Tool

Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Limited.

80 Schneider Road
Eagle Farm 4009
Tel +61 7 3635 7500
Fax +61 7 3635 7560

This document is copyright and is provided solely for the use of the recipient. It is not to be copied
in any way, nor its contents divulged to any third party, nor to be used as the basis of a tender or
specification without the express written permission of Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Limited.
This document discloses confidential intellectual property that belongs to Schneider Electric
(Australia) Pty Limited. This document does not invest any rights to Schneider Electric (Australia)
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any of the intellectual property contained in this document to any other party unless authorised in
writing by Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Limited.

Public Access: \stdprod\N00\current\WSOS01-DOC-102.pdf



Protocol Configuration Tool


18 June 2004
17 Oct 2004



23 Nov 2004
25 Nov 2004



22 Jun 2005



07 July 2005



17 Oct 2005



30 March 2006
30 March 2006



8 July 2009



13 Jan 2010
30 Nov 2010


Created from N00-718R01
Updated for launch features, screen
shots, etc.
Updated screen shots again
Minor corrections as per document
New version of Protocol Configuration
Updated WSOS 5 sections to reflect new
Protocol Configuration Tool merged into
WSOS with Analog Input changes
Minor changes to update document
Clarify Analogue Inputs Dead-bands
Updated company name, address and
phone numbers.
Added IEC changes and updated
screenshots to reflect the current version


Protocol Configuration Tool






Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
Scope ........................................................................................................................... 1
Overview of Protocol Configuration....................................................................................... 1
Operation of Protocol Configuration Tool .............................................................................. 3
Creating New Files...................................................................................................... 3
Opening Existing Protocol Mappings ......................................................................... 4
Deleting Existing Protocol Mappings ......................................................................... 4
Main Interface ............................................................................................................. 5
Menu Items...................................................................................................................5
Toolbar .........................................................................................................................7
Input/Output and Counter Tabs....................................................................................7
Configuration Tool Box ...............................................................................................7
Upgrading Software Versions ..................................................................................... 8
Creating a Protocol Mapping ................................................................................................ 10
Binary Inputs and Binary Singles .............................................................................. 10
Analog Inputs and Measured Values......................................................................... 12
Counters and Integrated Totals.................................................................................. 16
Binary Outputs and Single Commands ..................................................................... 18
Double Commands.................................................................................................... 19
Binary Doubles.......................................................................................................... 20
Example of a double point made of distinct points............................................................... 20
Creating a double point with distinct points.......................................................................... 20
Using Protocol Mappings in WSOS...................................................................................... 25
Adding DNP3, IEC60870-5-101/104 and Modbus Protocol to controller
configuration ......................................................................................................................... 25
Reading Existing DNP3, IEC60870-5-101/104 and Modbus Mappings from the
Controller .............................................................................................................................. 26
Attaching Protocol Mappings to Switchgear Device Configurations ....................... 27
Writing New DNP3/ IEC60870-5-101/104/Modbus Mappings into the Controller. 29
Removing Protocol Mappings from the Controller................................................... 29
Technical Appendix ................................................................................................................ 1
File Locations .............................................................................................................. 1
DNP3 Term Glossary .................................................................................................. 1
DNP3 Classes...............................................................................................................1
DNP3 Specifications ................................................................................................... 1
Special Behaviour of CPMT for IEC60870-5-101/104............................................... 1
New parameters in IEC670870-5-101/4 Data Configuration dialog........................... 2
INDEX..................................................................................................................................... 3


Protocol Configuration Tool

1. Introduction
The Protocol Configuration Tool allows WSOS users to generate custom DNP3, IEC60870-5101/104 and Modbus I/O mappings and load them into a switchgear device controller.

1.1. Scope
The Protocol Configuration Tool can only create mappings that are compatible with ADVC
software versions A41-03.xx or higher for DNP3 protocol maps, version A42-00.00 or higher for
IEC60870-5-101/104 protocol maps, version A43-00.00 or higher for Modbus protocol maps.
The Tool is available with WSOS version 5.1.0 or later and will work on Microsoft Windows 2000
and XP. The IEC60870-5-101/104 protocol is supported in WSOS version 5.10.02 onwards. The
Modbus protocol is supported in WSOS version 5.6.23 onwards.

Note: A full description of the manufacturers DNP3 implementation is available in the DNP3
Protocol Technical Manual for Advanced Controllers, Part Number ADC01-DOC-146. The
corresponding description of the IEC60870-5-101/104 protocol is available in ADVC IEC 60870-5101/104 Protocol Technical Manual,. The corresponding description of the Modbus protocol is
available in MODBUS Protocol Technical Manual for ADVC Controller Range, Part Number
ADC01-DOC-357. It is important to read these documents before attempting to create protocol
mappings with this tool. A copy of this manual can be viewed by selecting Help -> Tech Manual
from the Tool menu.

2. Overview of Protocol Configuration

Figure 1: Overview of protocol configuration tool

Custom protocol maps can be created and loaded into a controller directly from WSOS. The
mappings and I/O logic are created using the tool and saved to a mapping file on the WSOS
computer. Once a valid file has been created, it is linked to switchgear device configuration in
WSOS and written into the controller. A file is treated as a library file. In other words, one protocol

Protocol Configuration Tool

map can be linked to multiple switchgear configurations. Refer to section 5 for a description of this
The types of actions that can be mapped are dependent on the software version loaded in the
Switchgear Devices controller. When the tool is started the user is asked to input the software
version. This is then used to retrieve a valid set of points to use when constructing mappings
within the tool.
The protocol configuration tool is intended to be used Off-Line only. Mappings are created, saved
and linked to a WSOS switchgear device configuration while disconnected from the switchgear.
Once these tasks have been completed the user connects to the device and writes the new
mapping into the controller along with the switchgear device configuration.

Warning: Make sure the Tool is closed after a mapping has been edited. If the Tool is left open
while the Automatic Data Retrieval feature is running it may attempt to update a mapping file that is
already open in the Tool. This will either cause the read operation to fail or result in a situation
where the newly read file differs from the file open within the Tool.

Protocol Configuration Tool

3. Operation of Protocol Configuration Tool

To start the protocol configuration tool select Customise -> Configurable Protocols from the
WSOS menu. This launches the tool and displays the Protocol Configuration dialog. The dialog
is used to create new blank mapping files or select existing mapping files for editing or deleting by
selecting the appropriate radio button.

3.1. Creating New Files

When creating a new file it is necessary to input the software version running within the controller.
The software version can be obtained from the relevant screen on the controller itself. The
software determines which points are available in the Configuration Toolbox.
After entering these details click the OK button to open the blank file.

Note: Default values that appear in the version information boxes are the latest version supported
by WSOS. There is no upper limit on the minor version and cut version numbers of the maps.
However the protocol points supported/available in the WSOS is limited by the default version

The following warning is displayed if the entered version is greater than the supported version

Figure 2: Creating a new file in the File Options dialog box.

Protocol Configuration Tool

Opening Existing Protocol Mappings
To select an existing protocol mapping file, select the Existing radio button to display a list of
files. Select a file and click Open to view the file in the tool. . Refer to Figure 3.

Figure 3: Selecting existing files.

3.2. Deleting Existing Protocol Mappings

This deletion will remove existing protocol mappings from local hard disk. This can be done from
within WSOS by going to Customise -> Configurable Protocol Tool. Select the Existing radio
button to list protocol mapping files. Then select the file to delete and click the Delete button. The
delete feature will not allow a mapping to be deleted if it is being referenced by a switchgear
device configuration in WSOS.

Protocol Configuration Tool

3.3. Main Interface

Once a new file has been created or an existing file has been selected the tools main screen is
displayed as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Main Screen showing a standard ACR mapping.

3.3.1. Menu Items

The Protocol Configuration Tool menu in WSOS has the following options:
Protocol File
Closes the current file and allows the creation
of a new file using the File Options dialog
described in section 3.1.
Closes the current file and allows the
selection of an existing mapping using the File
Options dialog as described in section 0.
Saves the current file to the hard drive. If the
file is new and this is the first time it has been
saved, the Save As dialog will be opened
allowing the user to type in a name before
Save As
Opens the Save As dialog box. This allows an
existing file to be saved under a new name.
The new filename is limited to 40 characters. This limitation is to make it compatible with the
naming convention used within the switchgear controller. Allowed characters in a file name are A-Z
a-z 0-9 [] space !@#$%^()_+-={}';., and `.

Protocol Configuration Tool

Note: The Tool expects files to be located in a particular directory on the hard drive. If the file is
saved in an alternative location it will not be listed in the File Options dialog box when opening
existing files. Refer to section 6.1 for further details.
Protocol Point
Insert Point

Inserts a new row at the current cursor

position on the grid so that a new point can be
added to the protocol map.
Deletes a row at the current cursor position on
the grid shifting rows in the table below the
deleted point upwards. (New row added to the
end of the grid).

Delete Point

Binary Inputs
Analog Inputs
Binary Outputs
Analog Outputs
Binary Singles
Measured Values
Set Point Commands

Lists the Binary Inputs used in the mapping.

Lists the Analog Inputs used in the mapping.
Lists the Counters used in the mapping.
Lists the Binary Outputs used in the mapping.
Lists the Analog Outputs used in the mapping.

Single Commands
Integrated Totals
Binary Doubles
Double commands

Lists the Binary Inputs used in the mapping.

Lists the Analog Inputs used in the mapping.
Lists the Set Point commands used in the
List of single commands used in the mapping
List of Integrated totals used in the mapping
List of binary doubles in the mapping
List of double commands used in the mapping

Binary Inputs
Analog Inputs
Binary Outputs
Analog Outputs

Lists the Binary Inputs used in the mapping.

Lists the Analog Inputs used in the mapping.
Lists the Binary Outputs used in the mapping.
Lists the Analog Outputs used in the mapping.


Open in HTML
Protocol Configuration Tool Help
DNP3 Technical Manual

Open the the mappings used in the current

file in HTML format.

DNP Protocol Technical Manual For

Automatic Circuit Reclosers with Advanced
MODBUS Technical Manual MODBUS Protocol Technical Manual for
ADVC Controller Range
IEC60870-5-101/104 Technical Manual for
ADVC Controller Range
Points List
HTML file containing list and description of
configurable points
Technical Manual for WSOS Protocol
Configuration Tool
ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual: IEC101/104 Technical Manual for ADVC
Controller Range.
Protocol View
Generic Toolbar
See section 3.4.4 for detailed description
Protocol Toolbar
Hides and displays the toolbar

Protocol Configuration Tool

3.3.2. Toolbar
Below the menu is a tool bar with two buttons with icons and three or five buttons depending on
which protocol map you are configuring. The buttons with the icons are used to launch the
input/output Configuration Toolbox and Upgrade Software Version dialog.
DNP3 & Modbus Toolbar

IEC 101/104 Toolbar

Figure 5: Toolbars

3.3.3. Input/Output and Counter Tabs

There are five tabbed pages in the tool for DNP3:
Binary Inputs Lists the Binary Inputs used in the mapping.
Analog Inputs
Lists the Analog Inputs used in the mapping.
Lists the Counters used in the mapping.
Binary Outputs
Lists the Binary Outputs used in the mapping.
Analog Outputs
Lists the Analog Outputs used in the mapping.
There are four tabbed pages in the tool for MODBUS:
Binary Inputs Lists the Binary Inputs used in the mapping.
Analog Inputs
Lists the Analog Inputs used in the mapping.
Binary Outputs
Lists the Binary Outputs used in the mapping.
Analog Outputs
Lists the Analog Outputs used in the mapping.
There are seven tabs for IEC60870-5-101/104
Binary Singles
Lists the Binary Inputs used in the mapping.
Measured Values
Lists the Analog Inputs used in the mapping.
Set Point Commands Lists the Set Point commands used in the mapping.
Single Commands
List of single commands used in the mapping
Integrated Totals
List of Integrated totals used in the mapping
Binary Doubles
List of binary doubles in the mapping
Double commands
List of double commands used in the mapping

3.3.4. Configuration Tool Box

The configuration tool box panel is launched by clicking the Toolbox button or by using the [CtrlShift-T] keyboard shortcut. It can also be launched by double clicking on any non-blank line of the
grid. When invoked by this method the tool box will automatically scroll to the point that was
double-clicked on.

Protocol Configuration Tool

Figure 6: Configuration Toolbox

For a selected device and given software version the tree contains every available point.
The tree displays different points depending on which tab is selected. For example, if the Counters
tab is selected then only accumulators and protocol specific data will be displayed on the tree.
When a point is selected on the tree the Point Information window below displays relevant details
such as a short description of the point, resolutions and units.
The tree can be searched entering words into the Search for textbox. The toolbox uses these
letters to limit what appears on the tree. For example, typing the word phase into the box filters
the tree to show all points with the word phase as part of its title.

Note: A full points list is available in HTML format by selecting Protocol Configuration Tool Help > Points List from the Tools menu.

3.4. Upgrading Software Versions

This feature allows the user to take advantage of additional features that may be available when
the controller software version has been upgraded to a later version. Clicking this button will have
the effect of making extra points available in the configuration toolbox for creating mappings.
The Upgrade Software Version button will only be activated if the Tool detects that the software
version actually loaded in the controller from which the mapping has been read, is greater than the
software version stored within the mapping. In all other cases it will be de-activated.

Protocol Configuration Tool

Warning: If a mapping is upgraded to a newer software version it will then be incompatible with
other switchgear devices running older software. Make sure the software version you are
upgrading to is compatible with all other switchgear devices you wish to use the mapping in before
upgrading. If the mapping software version is incompatible you will not be able to write it into the

Protocol Configuration Tool

4. Creating a Protocol Mapping

The Protocol Configuration Tool allows the user to build custom mappings to suit their own
Points are added by selecting a row on one of the tabbed pages then double clicking or dragging a
point from the Configuration Toolbox. If a row is not selected, the point will either be entered at the
end of the table.
Points are deleted by right-clicking on the Address column of the row and selecting Delete from
the right-click menu or by selecting Edit -> Delete Point from the menu. The Delete function can
also be accessed by Protocol Configuration Tool >> Protocol Point 1>> Insert Point A a blank row
can be inserted by right clicking on the Address column of the row and choosing Insert. The
insert function can also be access by Protocol Configuration Tool >> Protocol Point >> Insert
Point. A blank point represents a reserved or unused DNP Address, IEC 101/104 Address or
Modbus point. Its value is defaulted to zero.
All point supported by the WSOS will be visible in the point list. Points that are introduced after the
version of the map are not allowed to be used in the map.

4.1. Binary Inputs and Binary Singles

Attributes of Binary status points are described below. Binary status points are configurable under
the tab Binary Singles in IEC 101/104 and under Binary inputs for all other protocols.

Protocol Configuration Tool

Figure 7: Binary Input Tab (For DNP3, IEC 101/104 & Modbus protocols respectively)

Specifies the address of the point.

Range: 0 to 255 . This field is read-only
The name of the point as defined in the Configuration Toolbox.
This field can be changed in two ways:
By dragging a point from the configuration tool box into the cell.
Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration toolbox.


Gives the user the ability to deactivate a point in the protocol map without removing
the configured point. If the point is disabled, data for this point is still included in the
map when it is uploaded to the Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). The point will be
configured, however, the settings will have no effect on the RTU. This field is
unavailable in the Modbus protocol.


The DNP3 or IEC 60870-5-101/104 class of the point. The default class can be
modified by selecting from the dropdown list. This field is unavailable in the
Modbus protocol.
Range: 0, 1, 2, 3.
See section 6.2.1 for a description of Classes in DNP3.
See ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual for details of Classes
for IEC


Specifies whether the point will be inverted. If the point is inverted it will be
transmitted when the condition is false rather than true.
Range: Yes, No.

Protocol Configuration Tool


Used to add descriptive comments about the point. The comment is saved to the
mapping file when saved but is not written into the controller.
Additional Column for IEC 101/104


The group of the point as described in IEC60870-5-101/104 standard.

4.2. Analog Inputs and Measured Values

Attributes of Analog status points are described below. Analog status points are configurable under
the tab Mesured Values in IEC 101/104 and under Analog Inputs for all other protocols. Analog
Points are used to transmit analog data such as line currents, voltages and contact life. Analog inputs
are created by adding points as required, then modifying the parameters from the defaults if

Protocol Configuration Tool

Figure 8: Analog Input Tab for DNP3, IEC101/104 and Modbus protocols.


Specifies the address of the points.

Range: 0 to 127
This field is read-only


The name of the point as defined in the Configuration Toolbox.

This field can be changed in two ways:

By dragging a point from the configuration tool box into the cell.
Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration

Point Min

Represents the minimum value in engineering units that can be measured by

the device. The precision of data for all items in the row in engineering units
is given by the number of decimal places after the number- in most instances
with some exceptions this value will be to the nearest integer.
Represents the maximum value in engineering units that can be measured by
the device. The precision of data for all items in the row in engineering units
is given by the number of decimal places after the number- in most instances
with some exception this value will be to the nearest integer.
Gives the user the ability to deactivate a point in the protocol map without
removing the configured point. If the point is disabled, data for this point is
still included in the map when it is uploaded to the RTU. The point will be

Point Max


Protocol Configuration Tool


configured, however, the settings will have no effect on the RTU. This field is
unavailable in the Modbus protocol.
The DNP3 or IEC 60870-5-101/104 class of the point. The default class can
be modified by selecting from the dropdown list.
Range: 0, 1, 2, 3.
See section 6.2.1 for a description of Classes in DNP3.
See ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual for details of Classes
for IEC

Protocol Min

The minimum returnable value for the analog input. For DNP3 and IEC
101/104, the default value displayed is determined by the Return Min,
Resolution and Multiplier values listed in the Configuration Toolbox.
For Modbus, the default value displayed is determined by the Point Min,
"Multiplier", Divisor and Conversion.
This field is read-only. Its value will change if the Multiplier is modified.

Protocol Max

The maximum returnable value for the analog input. For DNP3 and IEC
101/104, the default value displayed is determined by the Return Min,
Resolution and Multiplier values listed in the Configuration Toolbox.
For Modbus, the default value displayed is determined by the Point Max,
"Multiplier", Divisor and Conversion.
This field is read-only. Its value will change if the Multiplier is modified.


For DNP3 and IEC 101/104, the multiplier is used to multiply/divide the
reported analog value by the amount entered. For example, a multipler of ten
will divide the protocol max, protocol min and deadband (protocol units)
relative to a multiplier of 1. For example, a multiplier of 10 given an initial
multiplier of 1 will divide the values by 10. A multiplier of 10 given and
initial multiplier of 100 will multiply the values by 10.
For Modbus, the multiplier is used to multiply the reported analog value by
the amount entered. Entered value will be converted to an integer, if the
conversion fails 1 will be used. The range for multiplier is between 1 and
32767 (inclusive).
For IEC 60870-5-101/104 and DNP3 the allowed range for multiplier is
between 0.1 and 32767 (inclusive). This column allows a maximum of one
decimal point


This is only used in Modbus. The divisor is used to divide the reported analog
value by the amount entered. Entered value will be converted to an integer, if
the conversion fails 1 will be used. The range for divisor is between 1 and
shown protocol max value (inclusive).


Displays the units represented by the point such as Amps, kVA and Volts.
This field is read-only and cannot be changed.


the change in value required to stimulate a points change of state status.

Right click the column heading to select protocol or engineering unit deadbands. Modbus does not use a dead-band.

Deadband (Eng Units) Displays the deadband value for the point in engineering units with
reference to the Point Min and Point Max values.

Used in Modbus to convert 32 bits scaled value to 16 bits data.

Protocol Configuration Tool

NORMAL means least-significant 16-bits from 32-bits signed conversion.
LS16 means least-significant 16-bits unsigned conversion.
MS16 means most-significant 16-bits unsigned conversion.
Conversion is done after scaling.
ScaledValue = PointValue multiplier divisor
( short ) ScaledValue; (if conversion is NORMAL)

ProtocolValue = (unsigned short )( ScaledValue & 0 xffff ); (if conversion is LS16)

(unsigned short )( ScaledValue >>16); (if conversion is MS16)


Used to add descriptive comments about the point. The comment is saved to
the mapping file when saved but is not written into the controller.
Additional Columns for IEC 101/104
Represents the interrogation group associated with the point. Please see the
IEC101/104 Standard documents for more details
Normalisation Max IEC670870-5-101/4 grid provides two views for the maps older than A4416.06. Scaled view and Normalised view. The views are selected using the
Scaled/Normalised dropdown that appears at the right hand side end of the
protocol toolbar. When in normalised view a Norm Max Eng-Units column
appears. The values for normalisation max for each point can be specified in
this column. This value takes effect when the data type is configured as
Normal from the IEC670870-5-101/4 Data Configuration dialog. For the
details of how normalised values are calculated based on engineering values
and normalisation max values please refer the IEC670870-5-101/4 technical
manual. For details regarding normalised data type please refer to the
IEC670870-5-101/4 Protocol Standard document. Point specific
normalisation is supported only for the map files newer than A44-16.06.
WSOS 5.10.02 and later provides three new input fields for global
normalisation values for Currents, Voltages and Power. These new fields are
added in IEC670870-5-101/4 Data Configuration dialog. Please see the
section 6.5 for more details. The normalisation max column is made visible
by selecting the Normalised item from the Scaled/Normalised

Protocol Configuration Tool

4.3. Counters and Integrated Totals

Attributes of Counters are described below. Counters are configurable under the tab Integrated
Totals in IEC 101/104 and under Counters for all other protocols. Counters are used to count
data and events such as Outages and Accumulated kWH.
This item is not part of the Modbus protocol and is not available for Modbus but these points are
accessible in the Modbus analog inputs.

Figure 9: Counter Tab


This field specifies the Address of the point.

Range: 0 to 40.
This field is read-only


The name of the point as defined in the Configuration Toolbox.

This field can be changed in two ways:
By dragging a point from the configuration tool box into the cell.
Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration toolbox.


The minimum value the counter can return.

This field is read-only and cannot be changed.


The maximum value the counter can return.

This field is read-only and cannot be changed.


Gives the user the ability to deactivate a point in the protocol map without removing
the configured point. If the point is disabled, data for this point is still included in the
map when it is uploaded to the RTU. The point will be configured, however, the
settings will have no effect on the RTU.

Protocol Configuration Tool


Displays the units represented by the point such as Seconds and kWH.
This field is read-only and cannot be changed.
Used to add descriptive comments about the point. The comment is saved to the
mapping file when saved but is not written into the controller.
Additional Column for IEC 101/104
Represents the interrogation group associated with the point. Please see the
IEC101/104 Standard documents for more details

Protocol Configuration Tool

4.4. Binary Outputs and Single Commands

Attributes of Binary Outputs are described below. Binary Outputs are configurable under the tab
Single Commands in IEC 101/104 and under Binary Ouputs for all other protocols Binary Outputs
are used to perform operations on the switchgear device and change settings.

Figure 10: Binary Output Tab for DNP3, IEC101/104 & Modbus protocols

Protocol Configuration Tool


Specifies the DNP ID number of the point.

Range: 0 to 95 for Binary Outputs
This field is read-only


The name of the point as defined in the Configuration Toolbox.

This field can be changed in two ways:
By dragging a point from the configuration tool box into the cell.
Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration toolbox.


Gives the user the ability to deactivate a point in the protocol map without removing
the configured point. If the point is disabled, data for this point is still included in the
map when it is uploaded to the RTU. The point will be configured, however, the
settings will have no effect on the RTU. This field is unavailable in the Modbus


Sets whether the point will accept a Pulse command.

Range: Yes, No. (DNP3 only)


Sets whether the point will accept a Latch command.

Range: Yes, No. (DNP3 only)


Sets whether the point will accept a Trip/Close command. This columns is replaced
by No Additional Definition in IEC60870-5-101/104.
Range: Yes, No. (DNP3 only)


Specifies whether the point will be inverted.

Range: Yes, No.


Used to add descriptive comments about the point. The comment is saved to the
mapping file when saved but is not written into the controller.
Additional Columns for IEC 101/104
No Additional Definition Sets the No additional Definition parameter for the point.
Select Before Execute
Sets the Select Before Execute parameter for the point.

4.5. Double Commands

IEC60870-5-101/104 supports double information binary commands. These are configured under
the tab Double Commands. There attributes of double commands are identical to Single
Commands described above.

Protocol Configuration Tool

4.6. Binary Doubles

IEC60870-5-101/104 support double points. These points are configured under Binary Doubles.
Binary double points are points comprised of two binary single points. The two single points can be duplicates
of a point or they can be two distinct points.

Example of a double point made of duplicate points

Example of a double point made of distinct points

Behaviour of invert column will depend on whether the point is made of duplicate points or distinct
points. The invert tick boxes of a double point made of duplicate single points cannot have same
values. When the invert of one point is changed the invert of the other toggles.
If the double point is made of distict single points then the invertcheck boxes are independent of
each other.

Creating a double point with distinct points

When a point is double clicked or dragged into the grid from the configuration tool box by default a
double point is created by duplicating both the lines with that points. One can assign a binary single
point to either of the two lines of the double point to make a double point with distinct point

Protocol Configuration Tool

For example follow the following steps to create a double point with Switchgear tripped and
Switchgear Opened.
Step1: Double click/drag drop switchgear tripped

Step2: Drag and Drop another point to one of the lines. Selecting a point-line and double clicking on
a point in Configuration Tool Box has the same effect

Resulting Point

All columns except Address are identical to Binary Singles.

The address column is in the format of <Index>.<Offset>. Index is the IOA address of the point and
Offset is the bit position of the point in the double-point information.

Protocol Configuration Tool

Analog Outputs
Attributes of Analog Outputs are described below. Analog Outputs are configurable under the tab
Set Point Commands in IEC 101/104 and under Analog Ouputs for all other protocols Analog
Outputs are used to change analog settings such as Protection Groups.

Protocol Configuration Tool

Protocol Configuration Tool

Figure 11: Analog Output Tab for DNP3, IEC/101/104 & Modbus protocols

This field specifies the DNP ID number of the point.

Range: 0 to 255.
This field is read-only


The name of the point as defined in the Configuration Toolbox.

This field can be changed in two ways:
By dragging a point from the configuration tool box into the cell.
Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration toolbox.


The minimum valid value that can be written to the analog output.
This field is read-only.


The maximum valid value that can be written to the analog output.
This field is read-only.


Displays the units represented by the point such as Amps, kVA and Volts.
This field is read-only and cannot be changed.


Gives the user the ability to deactivate a point in the protocol map without removing
the configured point. If the point is disabled, data for this point is still included in the
map when it is uploaded to the RTU. The point will be configured, however, the
settings will have no effect on the RTU. This field is unavailable in the Modbus


Used to add descriptive comments about the point. The comment is saved to the
mapping file when saved but is not written into the controller.
Additional Columns for IEC 101/104
Select Before Execute
Sets the Select Before Execute parameter for the point.

Protocol Configuration Tool

5. Using Protocol Mappings in WSOS

The Protocol Configuration Tool is designed for off-line use. All on-line operations such as reading
existing protocol mappings or writing new mappings are performed using WSOS.

5.1. Adding DNP3, IEC60870-5-101/104 and Modbus Protocol to controller

DNP3 and/or IEC101/104 and/or Modbus can be made unavailable in the controller. Only 2
protocols are selectable at the same time. The user should ensure that it is available by ticking the
ticking the Available option on the Feature Selection screen.

Figure 12: Add DNP3, IEC101/104 and Modbus Protocols

Protocol Configuration Tool

5.2. Reading Existing DNP3, IEC60870-5-101/104 and Modbus Mappings

from the Controller
Existing DNP3, IEC60870-5-101/104 and Modbus mappings in controllers can be read and saved
into a file for editing purposes.
Make sure WSOS is On-Line. Select Options -> Read Switchgear Settings from the Switchgear
from the menu in WSOS. A message box will appear allowing the user to choose what information
to read from the switchgear controller. Tick the Protocol Mapping (or DNP3 Mapping if the
controller software version V41 or below) checkbox and enter a password when requested. Click
the OK button to start the read operation.
During a Switchgear Read the DNP3, IEC60870-5-101/104 or Modbus mapping will be written into
a file if the controller has valid mapping. The filename used will be the mapping name displayed on
the DNP3 Point Configuration status page and on the IEC60870-5-101/104 Communications
Configuration page and on the Modbus Communications Configuration page. If a file of this
name already exists in the WSOS DNPADVC directory it will only be overwritten if the mapping
itself is different from the one in the file.

Note: The comments within a mapping file are not written into the controller. Therefore overwriting
an existing file by reading a mapping from a controller will have the effect of wiping the comments
from the file.

Figure 13: Reading a protocol map from a controller

After a read switchgear operation has been performed the resulting mapping file can be opened
and edited off-line using the Protocol Configuration Tool.

Note: Ticking Protocol mapping only reads the IO map. To read the controller IEC60870-5101/104 Settings, DNP3 settings or Modbus settings for transmission services, unsolicited,
communications, and database configuration then the Telecontrol tick box should also be

Protocol Configuration Tool

5.3. Attaching Protocol Mappings to Switchgear Device Configurations

Once a IEC60870-5-101/104 /DNP3/Modbus mapping is ready, it must be attached to a WSOS
switchgear device configuration in order to write the mapping into the switchgear. This can only be
done with the switchgear offline and by selecting the Point Mapping drop down list on the DNP3
Point Configuration screen for DNP3 mapping as shown below in Figure 14 or IEC60870-5101/104 Communications Configuration screen for IEC60870-5-101/104 as shown in Figure 15 or
Modbus Communications Configuration screen for Modbuss as shown in Figure 16. Then save
the Switchgear Device Configurations information by selecting File -> Save or Save All from
WSOS main menu.

Figure 14: Selecting a DNP3 map

The DNP3 Standard ACR map is the default IO map. It reflects points that are available with
default settings in the controller. If a feature is made available via configuration then the user is
required to manually add any related points to the IO list as required
A DNP3 Legacy 27-17 ACR map is also available with the tool. It contains an IO map that
emulates PTCC V27-17 or newer DNP3 IO points list.

Protocol Configuration Tool

Figure 15: Selecting a IEC60870-5-101/104 map

Figure 16: Selecting a Modbus map

Protocol Configuration Tool

5.4. Writing New DNP3/ IEC60870-5-101/104/Modbus Mappings into the

New DNP3/ IEC60870-5-101/104/Modbus mappings are attached to the switchgear device
configuration as described in section 5.3 and then written to the controller using the normal
switchgear write procedure.
Make sure WSOS is On-Line. Select Options -> Write Switchgear Settings to Switchgear from
the WSOS menu. A message box will appear allowing the user to choose what information is
written to the controller. Tick the Protocol Mapping checkbox and enter a password when
requested. Click the Next button to start the write operation.

Figure 17: Writing a map to a controller

If the map is incompatible with the version of software currently loaded into the controller or if it is
in some way invalid, a warning message will appear and the write operation will be terminated.

Note: Ticking Protocol mapping only writes the IO map. To write to the controller IEC60870-5101/104/DNP3/Modbus settings for transmission services, unsolicited, communications, and
database configuration then the Telecontrol tick box should also be selected.

5.5. Removing Protocol Mappings from the Controller

Map assigned to a Protocol can be removed from the Controller if it is no longer needed. That can
be done with the controller offline with WSOS and by selecting <None> from the Point Mapping
drop down list on the DNP3 Point Configuration screen for DNP3 mapping as shown in Figure 14
or IEC60870-5-101/104 Communications Configuration screen for IEC60870-5-101/104 as shown
in Figure 15 or Modbus Communications Configuration screen for Modbuss as shown in Figure
16. Then save the Switchgear Device Configurations information by selecting File -> Save or Save
All from WSOS main menu. And lastly, perform a Switchgear Write as described in section 5.4 by
selecting Options -> Write Switchgear Settings To Switchgear while the controller is On-Line
with WSOS.

Protocol Configuration Tool

6. Technical Appendix
6.1. File Locations
Protocol mapping filenames are also the map identification shown on the controller panel.
Filenames must therefore not be longer than 40 characters to conform to the filename length
restrictions within the controller.
Note: .D3M/.PTM/.MBM/.I101 files cannot be edited outside of the Tool. The tool retains a
checksum of the filename and contents. If it detects a difference then it rejects the map as corrupt.

6.2. DNP3 Term Glossary

6.2.1. DNP3 Classes
There are four classes in DNP3. These are defined as follows:
Class 0 is not an event class. It is used when reporting current (static) data values and not
change of state events.
Note: Setting a point to Class 0 will prevent the controllers protocol handler from reporting
change of state events for that point to the master station. The point still remains
accessible through static data polls.
Class 1 is used to report high priority events. Events in this class take precedence.
Class 2 is used to report medium priority events.
Class 3 is used to report low priority events.

6.3. DNP3 Specifications

The DNP3 implementation used by the manufacturer is described in the following documents.
Basic Four Documentation Set
DNP3 Application Layer, DNP3 User Group, dnpal.doc Rev 0.03
DNP3 Transport Functions, DNP3 User Group, dnptf.doc Rev 0.01
DNP3 Data Link Layer, DNP3 User Group, dnpdl.doc Rev 0.02
DNP3 Data Object Library, DNP3 User Group, dnpol.doc Rev 0.02
Subset Definitions Document
DNP3 Subset Definitions, DNP3 User Group, subset.wp6 rev 2.00

6.4. Special Behaviour of CPMT for IEC60870-5-101/104

1. Configurable normalisation is only supported for maps that are newer than 44-16.06.
2. The invert parameter of double point is not supported in ADVC version A44-16.06 or
earlier. When a map older than that is operated the following warning is shown. The
behaviour of the check box is as usual but the values are discarded by ADVCs older than


Protocol Configuration Tool

6.5. New parameters in IEC670870-5-101/4 Data Configuration dialog

Four new fileds are added to the IEC670870-5-101/4 Data Configuration dialog in WSOS 5.10.02
and earlier.

Voltage: Value in Volts for normalisation max for all points under A_2.2
Current: Value in Amps for normalisation max for all points under A_2.1
Power : Value in KW for normalisation max for all points under A_2.3

Protocol Configuration Tool

Add DNP3 Mapping Capability .........................................................................................................24
Analog Input Class .............................................................................................................................15
Analog Input Deadband......................................................................................................................16
Analog Input Return Max...................................................................................................................15
Analog Input Return Min ...................................................................................................................15
Analog Input Scale Factor ..................................................................................................................15
Analog Input Units .............................................................................................................................16
Analog Inputs .....................................................................................................................................13
Analog Output Max............................................................................................................................23
Analog Output Min ............................................................................................................................23
Analog Output Units ..........................................................................................................................23
Analog Outputs ..................................................................................................................................22
Attaching DNP3 Mappings to Switchgear Device Configurations ....................................................27
Binary Input Class ..............................................................................................................................12
Binary Inputs ......................................................................................................................................10
Binary Output Latch ...........................................................................................................................21
Binary Output Pulse ...........................................................................................................................21
Binary Output Trip/Close...................................................................................................................21
Binary Outputs ...................................................................................................................................19
Comment ..........................................................................................................................16, 18, 21, 23
Configuration Tool Box .......................................................................................................................7
Counter Max.......................................................................................................................................17
Counter Min .......................................................................................................................................17
Counter Units .....................................................................................................................................18
Counters .............................................................................................................................................17
Creating New Files...........................................................................................................................3, 5
Deleting Existing DNP3 Mappings......................................................................................................4
DNP ID.......................................................................................................................12, 14, 17, 20, 23
DNP3 Term Glossary ...........................................................................................................................1
File Locations .......................................................................................................................................1
Input Example ..............................................................................................................................12, 21
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................1
Invert Binary Input .............................................................................................................................12
Invert Binary Output...........................................................................................................................21
Main Interface ......................................................................................................................................5
Menu Items...........................................................................................................................................5
New File ...............................................................................................................................................3
Open .....................................................................................................................................................5

Protocol Configuration Tool

Opening Existing DNP3 Mappings......................................................................................................4
Overview of DNP3 Configuration .......................................................................................................1
Point Name.................................................................................................................12, 15, 17, 21, 23
Print ......................................................................................................................................................6
Reading DNP3 Mappings from the Controller...................................................................................25
Save ......................................................................................................................................................5
Save As.................................................................................................................................................5
Toolbar .................................................................................................................................................7
Upgrading Software Versions ..............................................................................................................8
Using DNP3 Mappings in WSOS ......................................................................................................24
Writing New DNP3 Mappings into the Controller ............................................................................29

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