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Should we send our troops overseas

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Should we send our troops overseas?

Taylor Peterson

Salt Lake Community College

Should we send our troops overseas

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This paper's sole purpose is to go over and help the reader understand the necessity of
having troops and fighting evil, while at the same time helping the reader come to the conclusion
with their own understanding and point of view. Throughout this paper, different arguments will
be presented. For example, the paper will go over the negative sides of having soldiers stay in
foreign lands, and to fight that argument, another side will be presented in later paragraphs as to
why troops in foreign lands is a good idea. Specifically, this paper will take information from
over 9 different sources, and it will be presented. The importance of fighting terrorism will be
mentioned throughout the paper as well. With this research, again, as stated above, it will help
the reader come to their own conclusion on whether troops should stay at home or abroad.
Keywords: troops, terrorism, United States, Russian Federation, ISIS, Libya, Iraq, Syria

Should we send our troops overseas

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Taylor Peterson
Draft Issue Exploration
English 1010
11 November 2016
Should we send our troops overseas to fight terrorism?

Following this question, research was done through a couple of research databases at
Salt Lake Community College. This helped uncover incredibly useful information regarding the
topic at hand. Terrorism is a very depressing topic, and it is also a topic that can bring hatred and
anger among many nations and people. Almost all nations on this Earth have been subject to this
form of barbarity in one way or another. Before beginning the paper, the reader must research
for anything that may harm the papers authenticity or value. The readers and researchers must
watch out for the False Dilemma, or the Bifurcation Fallacy. The fight against Islamic terrorism
in foreign countries was either there or non-existent due to political, military, or religious ties.
This was something that needed to happen in order to purge the world of barbarism -- not just in
The United States but in the world as well.

The four voices found through the research gave different viewpoints and a chance to
give readers the choice to think critically and come up with their different voices and opinions.
The first voice is of those who have fallen and will fall victim to this act of barbarism. Annual
terrorism-related deaths rose nearly tenfold from 2000. According to the Global Terrorism
Index, 32,685 deaths were reached in 2014. These reports are backed by nationally recognized
groups, such as the Global Terrorism Index, and the U.N. The second voice are the countries

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who have been affected by the acts of terrorism. Take France, for example, which has seen an
increasingly frightening surge of immigrants from war-torn middle eastern countries, like Syria.
The people of France have suffered because of this increase in immigration. For example, take
the recent Paris attacks, where multiple officers and people were killed. Unchecked immigrants
flowing in can create a plentiful environment for increased terrorism. Is there a way to stop this?

The third voice are the citizens of the war-torn and terrorism infested countries. This
puts a strain on any developing country, and in particular, relations at a larger scale. For
example, take The United States and The Russian Federation. One backs many groups of
Moderate Syrian rebels which have ties to terrorism (HuffingtonPost), The United States, and
the other protects the legitimate government forces of the country, The Russian Federation
(Quora). This can create unneeded tensions and can lead to a global war.

Backing the legitimacy can also protect the citizens from power vacuums and an increase
in terrorism. Take ISISs control of portions of Libya, Iraq, and Syria. These were created by
power vacuums. Can these be fixed by sending in United States personnel? The last voice are
the citizens of the developed and civilized nations. Helping prevent terrorism isnt as simple as
someone might think. Information gathering and reporting something seen is always necessary.

The issue selected is extremely complex. In the modern day, this is something that can
and could happen to any person of any country. The belief of this topic is incredibly important
and the reader must figure it out amongst themselves to quell the unneeded violence that is
associated with Islamic Terrorism. The United States and its foreign policy has directly and
indirectly created one of the biggest humanitarian crisis in the modern day. With migrants

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pouring into Europe and certainly bringing terrorism, the United States owes it to the world to
help solve the problem it created. The only question is -- should the United States send its troops

Sending troops overseas can not only have a positive impact, but it can also have a
negative impact on those living in the surrounding area. Here in the United States, it affects
families who have to see their sons, fathers, or daughters deploy into a foreign nation. The
deployment of war creates additional issues for a family to handle ( The negative
side effects include concern, loneliness, sadness, feeling overwhelmed, and to top it all off, the
pressure and weight of increased financial difficulties. Not only that, but the stress and sadness
can be felt by children, too (

The negative impacts can be felt by the military personnel as well. Not being able to live
a normal life, or the ability to not be with a loved one surely has a negative feeling to those
serving. In fact, this can lead to inappropriate behavior and public disturbance in foreign
countries where these soldiers are based. According to a source, a former marine who was
stationed at Kadena airbase confessed to a rape, and murder ( Not only that, but
after six weeks another issue with US stationed troops emerged. A sailor who was assigned to
Camp Schwab was arrested for the rape of a Japanese woman in a Naha hotel. According to
Lt. General Lawrence Nicholson, a visit was made to the Governor Onaga Takeshi to express
my deepest regret and remorse at the incident (General Lawrence).

In fact, even more research suggests that sending American and foreign troops to fight
ISIS could backfire. According to an article, Washington and the people it was trying to help

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often end up worse off than before troops were sent (Forbes). Sending troops to Iraq and Syria
could be an incredible major miss-step. Some suggest that sending in American or foreign troops
would only make ISISs job easier. Some articles suggest that sending in troops will provide
captives for influencing U.S. policy (Forbes). The ability to influence U.S. policy by using
captives can be extremely destructive to those who are trying to solve the problem.

However, sending US troops overseas can also have a positive impact. Around Easter
weekend of 2016, a string of Easter bombings shook the public spaces, in the Pakistani city of
Lahore. These bombings targeted Pakistani Christians (Washington Post). More than 70
people were killed within the blast -- taking with it Christians and Muslims alike. Within this
blast alone, it was reported that 29 children were among the dead (Washington Post). The
United States may not be allowed to send in troops to fight groups that are in Pakistan, but these
instances are very similar to events that have been happening in the area. For example, take the
fight to eradicate ISIS. The United States and its allies may be able to help rid the area of
continual and common terrorism strikes.

Supporting foreign nations abroad is something that The United States is well known for,
be it good or bad. According to Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, the troops that are provided
to fight ISIS and any other terrorist group, will help provide logistics, and intelligence to the
local militia or army that is in the area, or country (NYtimes). With the information provided,
US troops or foreign troops can clear the area, and help the surrounding communities heal. With
the introduction of US troops, areas can, as mentioned above, begin the process of helping
eliminate a dangerous group of people, and help begin the transition from fear, to living a normal
life. US troops can also be a positive force of change.

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In conclusion, while the subject of sending troops over to fight an enemy may be
extremely debated, one thing is certain: the problem cannot be ignored. Islamic terrorism is
something that takes lives with no mercy -- and with the 2016 election cycle over, and with a
new president-elect, only time will tell. Should we let the nations fight their own battles, or
should The United States send its troops overseas?

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Works Cited
"Salt Lake Community College." Salt Lake Community College. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.

Visser, Reidar. "An Unstable, Divided Land." The New York Times. The New York Times, 15
Dec. 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.

"Fighting Terrorism May Actually Increase the Risk of Terrorist Attacks. Heres How."
Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

US News. U.S.News & World Report, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

"Fighting Terrorism May Actually Increase the Risk of Terrorist Attacks. Heres How."
Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

@truthout. "Okinawan Women Demand US Forces Leave After Another Rape and Murder."
Truthout. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016.

Ferdinando, By Lisa, and Department Of Veterans Affairs. "How Deployment Stress Affects
Families." N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016.

Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016.

"What a Horrific Week of Terrorism Tells Us about the World." The Washington Post. WP
Company, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

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Cooper, Helene. "U.S. to Send 600 More Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS."
The New York Times. The New York Times, 29 Sept. 2016. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

Hughes, Michael. "U.S. Support for Al Qaeda-Linked Rebels Undermines Syrian Ceasefire."
The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

Sivan, Misha. "Civil War in Syria (2011present): Why Does Russia Support the Al-Assad
Regime?" Quora. N.p., 20 Oct. 2016. Web. 7 Dec. 2016.

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