Cns220finalproject Personalactionplan
Cns220finalproject Personalactionplan
Cns220finalproject Personalactionplan
I must conform to the ideals and personalities of those already hired in the jobs I desire.
My twenties will be the only time I am this elastic and able to grow so freely and outwardly.
All of my experiences are worthy of being unpacked and made available for interviews and the world
of work.
What are the key points you have learned about yourself as it relates to your current ideas related to career
goals? Which projects, experiences or readings provided this learning? List 3-5 key learnings and the
rationale/or sources for class that help clarify this self-assessment.
According to the Strong Interest Inventory, I am Enterprising, Conventional, Artistic (ECA) which
makes sense, as I have a new interest in marketing and advertising (a top job listed under the
suggested career choices).
Learning about the various career paths helped me understand that I am an open-ended explorer
who knows what she wants in the end but is open to how she gets there.
The Strong Interest Inventory helped me understand how high I scored in enterprising compared to
others, even within my gender. This helped me better situate myself when applying for jobs and gave
me a sense of accomplishment and validity in my interests.
What has been the most valuable piece of information you have learned about yourself as it relates to
opportunities of value to you? How did you learn this as part of our course?
One of the most valuable pieces of information I have learned about myself, and truly have gained an
understanding of how to further develop it, is that goals do not have to be rigid, but can be flexible
and open and willing to take on many different facets and forms. I learned this through my
informational interviews, my restructuring of my bio in my LinkedIn profile, and through my OPCD
learning experiences of resume review, career coaching, and cover letter review.
How did you explore and research career-related opportunities and options? How would you summarize
the resources/experiences that have been most helpful?
Through the three informational interviews I completed, I learned what worked for my lifestyle,
what was inspiring, and what I can take with me into the next phase of my life. Connecting with Ms.
Rachel Vass was one of the most enlightening and incredible connections I could have ever made, and
she has helped me better understand not only myself but also my positioning in this world. Utilizing
the resource of LinkedIn and all of its many facets has been one of the greatest takeaways this
What do you need to be doing now based on your class year at Wake Forest and the options you are
exploring? hint: take a look at the OPCD site (it lists activities by year and the explore careers
tab here: gives a timeline for specific career fields)
As I am a senior, I need to be applying for jobs that are inspiring and the right fit (i.e. consulting and
advertising agencies), prepping interviews and questions, and growing my network to connect and
expand in the business world.
Journal Entry
perspective gained at an OPCD workshop, data you explored on particular career-related web sites or from our
readings or experiences. Example short-term goals might look like:
Apply for 10 different marketing related internships before April 30th. Rationale: I need to build
professional experience on my resume before junior year (source: informational interview with alumni
contacted through LinkedIn as part of Informational Interview Projects).
Arrange 2 Job Shadows in hometown for June. Rationale: increasing my network gives me more access to
hidden job market (source: Job Shadow Preparation Presentation).
In this table, list two (2) short-term goals for next thirty (30) days and action steps to reach them. Include a
date to complete the goals and action steps (column 1). You should support your goal with an appropriate
rationale/source from the course or your exploration that explains your reason or motivation for the short-term
goals (column 2).
Short-Term Goals for the Next Thirty (30) Days
Goal 1: Apply for 10 different consulting or
advertising/marketing related careers before December
Action Step a. Use Handshake and the individual
company websites to research different marketing
and sales resources available by December 14th.
Action Step b. Look up deadlines in order to get
organized and start applying by December 23rd.
Join the Executive Committee of Wake and Shake. Rationale: recruiters like to see leadership on a resume
(source: Internship Presentation in Class & OPCD Job Search Workshop)
Conduct informational interview with attorneys in my county by end of August. Rationale: explore law
schools that may network or offer recruiting options within my home state/region to determine top choices
for law school applications (Source: Graduate/Professional School Panel information)
Take Computer Science course next semester. Rationale: basic programming important skill for one of my
industries of choice (Source: informational interview #2 with alumnus at Red Ventures)
Long-Term Goals for the Next Three (3) Months
Goal 1: Get involved again with the Exec Board of
PREPARE in Spring 2017
Action Step a. Set up a meeting with Beth Montplaisir
before December 14th.
Action Step b. Reach out to the current exec board to
gain their insight before December 14th.
Part 2: Meta-Reflection
Now that you have a clear action plan developed for yourself, the second part of your final project involves
taking a step back and thinking about all that youve learned, in class, as well as through your career research,
exploration and experiences.
First, take a few minutes to review the readings we used from the beginning of our course
(Path Finding, Road Trip Nation, Luck Is No Accident). Now, think about the career beliefs and interests
you had as you entered the course.
What did you believe about the world of work and specifically, your engagement with or vision for
yourself in it? You have explored a host of perspectives, had real experiences and gained competencies
that may have been new or refined though this course. You have documented your progress and gained
skills with the construction of your ePortfolio.
Initially, I felt a mix of emotions and had multiple perspectives in regards to my place in the
working world. I felt confident with some pieces and absolutely insignificant in others. I felt I
must conform to the ideals and personalities of those already hired in the jobs I desired, but also
that my twenties will be the only time I am this elastic and able to grow so freely and outwardly
in my personal brand. This lack of cohesion in my mind was also met by trying to value all of my
experiences as worthy of being unpacked and made available for interviews and the world of
work. Rightfully, this was a confusing time. I thought back on Luck is No Accident and how we
create the outcomes we want by positioning ourselves best for success along with Road Trip
Nation outlining how non-linear our career paths can be in life. I know that I am far more
marketable after gaining the skills to present myself professionally as discussed in class and with
our guest lecturer. I also know how to answer the dreaded question so as to facilitate
connection and growth rather than pitying looks. In Path Finding, it truly helped me to
understand my current exploration process, and how I know where I ultimately hope to be in
career but am open to how I will navigate various jobs to get there. As I look for my first job, I
know it is not where I will be in 10, 20, or 30 years. Instead, it is simply where I will begin,
knowing that one day I hope to land as CEO or Partner of a company or firm.
What do you notice about your ePortfolio and what it says about your growth and preparation?
In regards to my ePortfolio, I notice my ePortfolio is written with pride rather than shying away
from accomplishment or activity. It does not focus on weakness or stress but on success and
moving forward and onward. I really appreciate this positive perspective and attitude. In doing
this, I find I look at my own events and experiences in a more positive light. I think finding value
in my own experiences allows me to rework them into experiences my future employers in
consulting or advertising or marketing would appreciate. It helps to formulate the STAR and
reflect how we will impact their company by bringing our past with us to our future position.
What do you notice in the difference between the way you conducted or synthesized information early
in the course and how your thinking has evolved?
I definitely value my experiences more, as I know they are in some way shaping how I relate as a
future hire and am portrayed as a whole. They articulate who I am whereas before this class I
might not have linked them together, so as to keep distance between my many sides. I thought
that was interesting, because I have always thought my various interests could not be brought
together for one purpose. Between my first and last informational interview, I would say my
open-mindedness has greatly improved. I am far more interested in various perspectives than I
was even two months ago, and I am so eager to speak with anyone and everyone I can, whereas
before I stayed away from this. The Strong Interest Inventory made me value what I bring to the
table and companies that encourage that kind of skillset, which I attribute this to helping to
change my mindset as well.
What was the process you used to select your informational interview subjects or areas of exploration?
I honestly wanted to take advantage of these resources and truly use it for information on a wide
set of careers or activities that catch my interest; firms and agencies, men and women, corporate
and holistic, I wanted these interviews to truly be expansive rather than limiting. This is
definitely different than the path I took in prior counseling classes, being very restrictive of the
selection so as to create a closed network in one career field. I find this to be detrimental now and
significantly inhibiting of a fluid and growth-filled career.
I now am considering becoming more involved with our campus and philanthropy; pursuing
marketing and advertising or positions revolving around sales; and not being so rigid in my idea
of the ideal first job.
Think about how youve changed. What changes do you notice in your thinking as a result of creating
your ePortfolio and your experiences in class? What do you notice in your ePortfolio? How do these
examples demonstrate that you have learned (made a measurable change) as a result of this process?
The ePortfolio is a truly tangible piece of evidence of what I have accomplished and contributed
to this world over the past four years but most importantly the past six months. It synthesizes my
time here at Wake Forest in a way I can be proud of, and tailoring this to fit the positions I am
most interested in is a helpful way to demonstrate who I am as a creative, analytical woman.
Describe how focusing your attention on exploring the world of work, has impacted your thinking?
How do you see your own growth and changes in your perspective? How is your individual education
preparing you for your professional aspirations as you currently understand them? How will you use
the rest of your time at Wake Forest as a result? In other words, what is next for you in this process?
Look at your ePortfolio as a whole. How has the creation of the ePortfolio impacted your thinking
regarding yourself as a young professional, as a student engaged in preparing for a career and the
career development cycle?
What has surprised you in the process of completing informational interviews, networking, exploring
resources and evaluating your options? What has been most valuable in light of your goals? How can
this process be helpful to all undergraduates?
gaining the skills to present myself professionally as discussed in class and with our guest lecturer. I also
know how to answer the dreaded question so as to facilitate connection and growth rather than pitying
looks. In Path Finding, it truly helped me to understand my current exploration process, and how I know
where I ultimately hope to be in career but am open to how I will navigate various jobs to get there. As I look
for my first job, I know it is not where I will be in 10, 20, or 30 years. Instead, it is simply where I will begin,
knowing that one day I hope to land as CEO or Partner of a company or firm.
In regards to my ePortfolio, I notice my ePortfolio is written with pride rather than shying away from
accomplishment or activity. It does not focus on weakness or stress but on success and moving forward and
onward. I really appreciate this positive perspective and attitude. In doing this, I find I look at my own events
and experiences in a more positive light. I think finding value in my own experiences allows me to rework
them into experiences my future employers in consulting or advertising or marketing would appreciate. It
helps to formulate the STAR and reflect how we will impact their company by bringing our past with us to
our future position. The ePortfolio is a truly tangible piece of evidence of what I have accomplished and
contributed to this world over the past four years but most importantly, the past six months. It synthesizes my
time here at Wake Forest in a way I can be proud of, and tailoring this to fit the positions I am most interested
in is a helpful way to demonstrate who I am as a creative, analytical woman.
I definitely value my experiences more, as I know they are in some way shaping how I relate as a future hire
and am portrayed as a whole. They articulate who I am whereas before this class I might not have linked
them together, so as to keep distance between my many sides. I thought that was interesting, because I have
always thought my various interests could not be brought together for one purpose. Between my first and last
informational interview, I would say my open-mindedness has greatly improved. I am far more interested in
various perspectives than I was even two months ago, and I am so eager to speak with anyone and everyone I
can, whereas before I stayed away from this type of action. The Strong Interest Inventory made me value
what I bring to the table along with better understanding companies that encourage my kind of skillset. I
attribute this to helping to change my mindset as well.
I honestly wanted to take advantage of these informational interviews and resources to truly use it for
gaining perspective and knowledge on a wide set of careers or activities that catch my interest; firms and
agencies, men and women, corporate and holistic, I wanted these interviews to truly be expansive rather than
limiting. This is definitely different than the path I took in prior counseling classes, being very restrictive of
the selection so as to create a closed network in one career field. I find this to be detrimental now and
significantly inhibiting of a fluid and growth-filled career. At the close of this course, I now am considering
becoming more involved with our campus and philanthropy; pursuing marketing and advertising or
positions revolving around sales; and not being so rigid in my idea of the ideal first job.
Overall, I think this experience in CNS 220 has been a very tangible and growth-filled one. I have learned
more about myself through self-assessments like the Strong Interest Inventory than I ever imagined and am
more determined to find the best next step for me than ever. These hands on approaches to learning, coupled
with the constant reflection and self-check were some of my favorite aspects of the course. I look forward to
translating these skills to next semester and my place of work next year. Thank you so much for this
Personal Action Plan
25 points total
Action plan
short-term career
goals and
(7 points)
Action plan
demonstrates use
of long-term goals
and rationale
(7 points)
Action plan
includes name of
partner, potential
obstacles and
resources to
(3.5 points)
Name of accountability
partner is listed,
obstacles/barriers and
resources to overcome
obstacles/barriers are listed.
Action plan
answers prompts
growth or
perspective from
start of course
(3 points)
Student completes
career coaching
appointment to
review plan
(3 points)
25 points total
Reflection on
experience of
(5 points)
Reflection on
(5 points)
Reflection includes 3
references to actual process
of selecting artifacts,
creating ePortfolio and
editing portfolio for a
targeted audience
Reflection includes 2
references to actual process
of selecting artifacts,
creating ePortfolio and
editing portfolio for a
targeted audience
Reflection includes 1
reference to actual process
of selecting artifacts,
creating ePortfolio and
editing portfolio for a
targeted audience
Reflection on
growth and
(5 points)
Reflection indicates
inadequate consideration of
topic and no planning;
rushed quality to writing
and thought
Meta-reflection added to
ePortfolio and turned into
class on time
Quality of
(5 points)
(2.5 points)
(2.5 points)