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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Teacher: Patricia Pérez Berrade

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Teacher: Patricia Prez Berrade

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

MR. UTTERSON: he is a lawyer. He is shy, serious, quiet, but he is also nice with
his friends and a good person. He is friendly with his clients (thieves, killers). His
best friend is his cousin: Richard Enfield.
RICHARD ENFIELD: he is a fun-loving man.
They were very different. No one understood how they could be friends. One day
Mr. Enfield told Mr. Utterson a story about something strange which happened in
an old building. They used to go for a walk around the city centre in London and as
they were walking near that building without windows he remembered the story.
The story: it talks about a short man, called MR. HYDE, who bumped into a girl and
then, instead of helping her, he walked all over the childs body with his heavy
boots. Richard saw him and told him that he was going to tell everybody what he
had seen. As the strange man didnt want that incident to be known, he paid the
family with a cheque. But the odd thing was that the name that was written on the
cheque was the name of a good man, famous for helping people and being generous.
He just got into that building and took the cheque.
Richard couldnt understand why a good man would give a cheque to that horrible
man. Mr. Utterson knew about the good man. He was an old friend. His name was


Mr. Utterson decided to investigate about Mr. Hyde. He was worried because he
had a paper that said that in case Dr. Jekyll died or disappeared for three
months, Mr. Hyde would inherit all his money and goods. It was Dr. Jekylls will.
So he went to visit another friend to ask him if he knew Mr. Hyde. The other man,
Dr. Lanyon, didnt know him. They talked about Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Lanyon told
Utterson that he didnt agree with Dr. Jekyll experiments and that was why they
hadnt been in touch for a long time.
One day Mr. Utterson waited for Mr. Hyde outside the old building. When he
appeared he could finally saw his strange face. Then Mr. Hyde wanted to know how
Mr. Utterson knew about him. He answered that Dr. Jekyll told him. But then Mr.
Hyde got angry and said that it was false.
Utterson also found out that Dr. Jekylls servants had to obey Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde
had his own key of the laboratory (the old building). Mr. Utterson was very

Teacher: Patricia Prez Berrade

A fortnight later Dr. Jekyll celebrated a party and he invited his old friends. Dr.
Jekyll was tall and had a friendly face. After the party Mr. Utterson asked him
about Mr. Hyde and told him he didnt like it. He advised him to change his will. But
Dr. Jekyll refused to do it and he told him: you dont have to like Mr. Hyde, you
just have to help him in case something happens to me.


One year later a woman who was Dr. Jekylls servant saw how Mr. Hyde killed an
old man by hitting him with a stick. The old man was called Mr. Carew and he just
asked something to Mr. Hyde. Mr Hyde hit him and left half of the stick next to
the body and a letter for Mr. Utterson.
Then the police called Mr. Utterson and he told him where Mr. Hyde lived. They
went to his house and found the other half of the stick and a book of cheques
ready to be fired.
With all this information they could accuse Mr. Hyde of murder and send him to
prison but first they had to find out where he was. The problem was that they had
no photographs of him and everybody described him in a different way. But
everybody agreed that he had an evil look.


Mr. Utterson went to visit Dr. Jekyll who seemed to be ill and very worried. He
was really upset about the murder. He told him that Mr. Hyde was not going to do
anything else. He was sure of that. Mr. Utteson didnt understand how Dr. Jekyll
could be so sure. Dr. Jekyll told him that his will had been Hydes decision. Then
he gave him a letter written by Hyde. He explained Utterson that Hyde had
handed it to him. In the letter Hyde apologized for behaving so badly.
But Dr. Jekylls servant told Utterson that nobody had come to hand a letter. And
later, a man specialised in handwriting found out that both handwritings Jekyll and
Hydes were too similar. So Utterson understood that Dr. Jekyll had written that
letter, but why?


Time passed. The police continued searching Hyde but nobody had a clue about
him. Meanwhile, Dr. Jekyll seemed to be calm and happy again. He went out with
friends and started to go to church very often.
One day he celebrated a party at his house and invited his friends. Dr. Jekyll and
Dr. Lanyon were talking for a long time. Some days later, Dr. Lanyon had a shock
and felt very ill. As for Jekyll, he refused to meet anyone else and he stayed alone
at home for a long time.

Teacher: Patricia Prez Berrade

Mr. Utterson visited Dr. Lanyon and he told him that he had found out a terrible
secret about Jekyll but he couldnt tell him. Some days later Dr. Lanyon died.
Utterson tried to visit Jekyll, too, but he didnt let him and he explained him that
he had made some terrible mistakes and now he had to pay for them. He had to be


One day Mr. Utterson and his cousin Enfield were walking near Jekylls house and
they thought it could be a good idea to look through the window and greet him. At
first, Jekyll seemed to be happy to see his friends, but later, his face changed
with fear and he quickly disappeared.
Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield were really worried about Jekyll but they could do
nothing about it, so they left.


One night Dr. Jekylls servant, Poole, went to Uttersons house. He was really
frightened. His master had disappeared and instead of him, there was someone
else in the laboratory. He thought that the man in the laboratory was Hyde and
that he had killed Jekyll. He had realised that the voice of the man who was
talking inside the laboratory was not Jekylls.
He also explained Utterson that Hyde had not gone out from that room for a week
and he only sent papers with orders to buy some chemical products and he was
quite nervous and uneasy.
Finally, Utterson and Poole took an axe and broke down the door. They entered
the laboratory but it was too late because Hyde was lying on the floor, after
drinking some poison.
They looked for Jekylls body but they didnt find it. However, they found three
important letters written by Jekyll. In those letters Jekyll asked Utterson to go
home and read Lanyons confession about his terrible secret and then read his own
confession. And that is what he did.


In his letter Dr. Lanyon explained how he discovered the terrible secret about Dr.
Jekyll. It was because Dr. Jekyll sent him a letter asking him to do him a favour.
He needed Dr. Lanyon to go to his laboratory and, with a locksmith, break the door
and get into. Then, he had to take some chemicals powders and return home. After
that, at midnight, a man would go to his house to take those powders and he just
had to hand them to him.

Teacher: Patricia Prez Berrade

When he read that letter from his friend, he thought that Jekyll had gone crazy.
But, in spite of this, he did everything as Jekyll had asked him to do it. However,
in the last moment, he decided to stay next to Hyde and see what happened when
he drank the powders.
It was a terrible decision, because when he saw that horrible man turning into his
friend, he got sick with fear and, some days later, he died.


After reading Doctor Lanyons letter, Utterson was frightened but he went on
reading Dr. Jekylls confession. There Jekyll explained that he had invented a drug
to be able to become another person, just to have another appearance for his
worst personality.
It meant that, as everybody, Jekyll had his strengths and weaknesses. But he
didnt let himself to show any fault, he tried to be perfect, as he had worked very
hard to be a famous and respectable doctor. He didnt want to spoil his reputation
so he found out a way to do both things: enjoy his life and do embarrassing things
and save his reputation.
He invented a drug to change his look depending on his personality. In other
words, he created another human being called Hyde, which was only his evil
character, and he had an unpleasant and shorter body. His hands were bony and
hairy, his skin was grey and his look was terrifying.
On the other hand, Jekyll had a good look; he was taller, attractive, intelligent,
generous, very responsible, hard-working, polite and nice.
Hyde was the opposite. He only felt hate and fear. He was wild, rude, violent,
selfish No one liked him and everybody felt uneasy when they saw him because
all in him was evil. Even a murderer, explained Jekyll, has some good feelings, but
Hyde was made only with the worst character of Dr. Jekyll.
In the end, Jekyll lost control over Hyde and he became Hyde without taking the
drug. That was so often that he soon finished his drug. He couldnt prepare a new
one, because he realised that the first experiment was successful because
something dropped into the powders by chance. He couldnt guess which ingredient
So Jekyll, disappeared as he couldnt drink the drug to become him again, and
Hyde remained. But, when Hyde was about to be caught by Utterson, he drank a
poison and he died. So, both of them died.

Teacher: Patricia Prez Berrade

Teacher: Patricia Prez Berrade

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