Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Teacher: Patricia Pérez Berrade
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Teacher: Patricia Pérez Berrade
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Teacher: Patricia Pérez Berrade
After reading Doctor Lanyons letter, Utterson was frightened but he went on
reading Dr. Jekylls confession. There Jekyll explained that he had invented a drug
to be able to become another person, just to have another appearance for his
worst personality.
It meant that, as everybody, Jekyll had his strengths and weaknesses. But he
didnt let himself to show any fault, he tried to be perfect, as he had worked very
hard to be a famous and respectable doctor. He didnt want to spoil his reputation
so he found out a way to do both things: enjoy his life and do embarrassing things
and save his reputation.
He invented a drug to change his look depending on his personality. In other
words, he created another human being called Hyde, which was only his evil
character, and he had an unpleasant and shorter body. His hands were bony and
hairy, his skin was grey and his look was terrifying.
On the other hand, Jekyll had a good look; he was taller, attractive, intelligent,
generous, very responsible, hard-working, polite and nice.
Hyde was the opposite. He only felt hate and fear. He was wild, rude, violent,
selfish No one liked him and everybody felt uneasy when they saw him because
all in him was evil. Even a murderer, explained Jekyll, has some good feelings, but
Hyde was made only with the worst character of Dr. Jekyll.
In the end, Jekyll lost control over Hyde and he became Hyde without taking the
drug. That was so often that he soon finished his drug. He couldnt prepare a new
one, because he realised that the first experiment was successful because
something dropped into the powders by chance. He couldnt guess which ingredient
So Jekyll, disappeared as he couldnt drink the drug to become him again, and
Hyde remained. But, when Hyde was about to be caught by Utterson, he drank a
poison and he died. So, both of them died.