Article 2
Article 2
Article 2
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If youre a teacher, you know these kids: The one who stares out the window, substituting the arc of
a bird in ight for her math lesson. The one who wouldnt be able to keep his rear end in the chair if
you used Krazy Glue. The one who answers the question, Who can tell me what the 6th
Amendment guarantees? with Mrs. M, do you dye your hair?
Students who exhibit ADHDs hallmark symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity can
be frustrating. You know the brainpower is there, but they just cant seem to focus on the material
youre working hard to deliver. Plus, their behaviors take time away from instruction and disrupt the
whole class.
What you can do
1. Seat a child with ADHD away from windows and near your desk
2. Create a quiet area free of distractions for test-taking and study
3. Give instructions one at a time
4. Make sure the student has a system for writing assignments and important dates
5. Keep instructions simple and structured using charts and other visual aids
6. Allow for frequent breaks
Your most eective tool, however, in helping a student with ADHD is a positive attitude. Make the
student your partner by saying, Lets gure out ways together to help you get your work done.
Assure the student that youll be looking for good behavior and quality work and when you see it,
reinforce it with immediate and sincere praise. Finally, look for ways to motivate a student with
ADHD by oering rewards on a point or token system.
Dealing with disruptive classroom behavior
To head o behavior that takes time from other students, work out a couple of warning signals with
the student who has ADHD. This can be a hand signal, an unobtrusive shoulder squeeze, or a
sticky note on the students desk. If you have to discuss the students behavior, do so in private.
And try to ignore mildly inappropriate behavior if its unintentional and isnt distracting other
students or disrupting the lesson.
Divide long-term projects into segments and assign a completion goal for each segment. Create
worksheets and tests with fewer items
Accept late work and give partial credit for partial work.
Have the student keep a master binder with a separate section for each subject, and make sure
everything that goes into the notebook is put in the correct section. Color-code materials for each
Provide a three-pocket notebook insert for homework assignments, completed homework, and
mail to parents (permission slips, PTA yers).
Make sure the student has a system for writing down assignments and important dates and
uses it. Allow time for the student to organize materials and assignments for home. Post steps for
getting ready to go home.
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help others, read FEELING LOVED.
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