HW3 Solution

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PNG 410: Applied Reservoir Engineering

Home work assignment #3 Solution

Problem 1:
We have a single phase gas reservoir with the following field data:
Contour Contour Thickness Pressure Water Porosity
number area (acre) (ft) psia saturation
1 551 5 4200 0.34 0.22
2 410 6 4185 0.25 0.22
3 290 5 4102 0.20 0.22
4 142 4 4055 0.20 0.22
5 80 5 4044 0.20 0.22
6 0 - - - -

1.1 Please calculate the reservoir volume using trapezoidal rule and pyramidal rule. What
is difference you get using the two different integration rules?
a. Calculation of reservoir volume using trapezoidal rule:
Vtrapzoidal 1 ( A1 A2 ) 2 ( A2 A3 ) 3 ( A3 A4 ) 4 ( A4 A5 ) 5 ( A5 A6 )
2 2 2 2 2
5 6 5 4 5
= (551 410) (410 290) (290 142) (142 80) (80 0)
2 2 2 2 2
= 6226.5 acre-ft
V pyramidal 1 ( A1 A2 A1 A2 ) 2 ( A2 A3 A2 A3 ) 3 ( A3 A4 A3 A4 )
3 3 3
4 ( A4 A5 A4 A5 ) 5 ( A5 A6 A5 A6 )
3 3
= 6113.1 acre-ft

1.2 Please calculate the area-averaged and volume-average pressure of the reservoir.

Ap i i
551 4200 410 4185 ... 80 4044
pavg , area i
4154.08 psia
551 410 ... 142 80
A i

V p i i
551 5 4200 410 6 4185 ... 80 5 4044
pavg , area i
4157.58 psia
551 5 410 6 290 5 142 4 80 5
V i

1.3 Please calculate the original gas in place, using the trapezoidal rule for the reservoir
Vgas Vi i (1 S wi ) 998.767 acre-ft , here Vi is the volume of reservoir portion
i 1

calculated from trapzoidal rule, and i and Swi are the corresponding porosity and water saturation.

1.4 If the gas formation volume factor at the average initial pressure is 0.00453 cu ft/SCF,
what is the original gas in place in units of SCF?
Vgas 43,560 cu ft/acre-ft 998.767 acre-ft = 43.5 MM CF
convert to SCF under standard condition using Bgi,

G Vgas / Bg 9.60 MMM SCF

Problem 2:
A small gas reservoir has an initial pressure of 3200 psia and temperature 220 deg F. The
pressure-production history and gas volume factors are as follows:
Pressure Gp Bg Z factor p/z slope Estimated G
(psia) (MM (cu (MMSCF)
SCF) ft/SCF) assuming volumetric
3200 0 0.0052622 0.875337 3655.733
2925 79 0.0057004 0.866741 3374.711 -3.55725 1027.685
2525 221 0.0065311 0.857427 2945.476 -3.02278 1116.427
2125 452 0.0077360 0.854542 2486.711 -1.98599 1483.124

2.1 Calculate the initial gas in place using production data at the end of each production
intervals, assuming volumetric behavior.
For each pressure, calculate the z factor using
zT Bg pr
Bg 0.02829 r , z = 0.0609Bg pr
pr 0.02829 (220 460)
use the above z formula to calculate z at each p, and p/z values.
( )
For each interval, p/z vs Gp plot has slope of z =- pi .
G p ziG
G can be estimated for each interval, as seen in the table.

2.2 Is this reservoir a volumetric reservoir or water drive reservoir? Explain.

2.2 G value is not a constant, indicating water drive reservoir.

2.3 Plot p/z vs cumulative production.

p/z vs Gp


0 100 200 300 400 500

2.4 If the initial volume of gas in place is 1018 MM SCF, and if there is no appreciable
water production, what is the volume of water invaded at the end of each period?
Using the following equation: G(Bg Bgi ) We G p Bg BwW p
Because Wp is negligible, We G p Bg G (Bg Bgi )
at each interval, there is G p , Bg ,Bgi , and G values.
First interval; We1 79 MM SCF 0.0057004 cu ft/SCF - 1018 MM SCF (0.0057004-0.0052622)
= 0.004244 MM SCF
= 4244 SCF = 4244 SCF/(5.615 cu ft/bbl)= 755.8 STB
We2 27004.97 STB
We3 174237.5 STB

Problem 3:
The production of a gas field is given below:
p/z (psia) Gp (MMM SCF)
6553 0.393
6468 1.642
6393 3.226
6329 4.260
6246 5.504
6136 7.538
6080 8.749
3.1 draw p/z vs Gp. Is this a volumetric reservoir?
p/z vs Gp
p/z = -56.889Gp + 6569.5
6,600 R = 0.998

p/z (psia)
0 2 4 6 8 10

This is a volumetric reservoir, because the p/z vs Gp figure is linear.

3.2 what is the initial gas in place?

Initial gas in place is the Gp when p/z is zero. This give about 6569.5/56.889 = 115.5

3.3 What percentage of the initial gas in place will be recovered at a p/z of 900?
At p/z = 900 psia, Gp = (900 6569.5) /(- 56.889) = 99.66 MMM SCF
Recovery factor at that point = 99.66 / 115.5 * 100% = 86.3%

Problem 4:
Calculate the daily gas production including the condensate and water gas equivalents for
a reservoir with the following daily production:
Separator gas production = 6 MM SCF
Condensate production = 100 STB
Stock tank gas production = 21 M SCF
Fresh water production = 10 bbl
Initial reservoir pressure = 6000 psia
Current reservoir pressure = 2000 psia
Reservoir temperature = 225F
Water vapor content of 6000 psia and 225 deg F = 0.86 bbl/MM SCF
Condensate gravity = 50API

API 50
o 0.78
131.5 API
42.43 o
M wo 144.84
1.008 o
GEgasCondensate 133000 716.51 SCF
M wo
GE water 7390 SCF
G p G ps Gst GEgasCondensate GEwater
= 6000000+21000+716.51100+7390 10
= 6,166,551 SCF

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