Purpose of Report
A. The U.S government has started a system to send drones to countries that they believe have a
terrorist or terrorist group. In reality, the drone program they have created, is more of a terrorist
act than the actual terrorists. Micah Zenko, a New York Times writer, states, Troubling
questions endure about who is targeted, how sure we are of who is being killed and what
oversight of the program is enforced. The thing that makes the drone dangerous is the bomb
stored inside the drone. It has been bombing
buildings and government structures that harms
innocent citizens as well. Over the years, the U.S.
government has been aiming toward the middle east
part of the world, including:
because thats what they believe obtains
the highest population of terrorists.
Therefore, the purpose of the report is to eliminate the drones that have been
attacking innocent citizens which leave them in
desperate situations.
B. The main problem of the bombings is that, more often than
not, they are killing civilians who did nothing wrong. Forzas
goal is try and stop the drone bombings before more innocent
people get hurt. As the New York Times states, Every
independent investigation of the strikes has found far more
civilian casualties than administration officials admit, The
Child Victims of War also states, ...average of 53 children
were killed or injured every week. This led to a lot of other
wonderings and questions about why the government would
send those bombs in the first place if they would lead to these repercussions.
Major Findings
A. Besides drones accidently killing people, they are also an incentive for people to join terrorist
groups. In fact, Noam Chomsky states, From the highest levels and the most respected
sources, its recognized that the drone attacks create potential terrorists on quite a substantial
1. This means that some people related to the victims of drone attacks may see the U.S as an
opposing force, making them want to join militant groups for defense.
2. Terrorists also know how to use this fear of drones as a motive to join their ranks.
3. Additionally, the U.Ss goal is to eliminate terrorists, but they end up creating more. Basically, as
soon as one terrorist perishes, another one joins.
A. There are many methods that could solve drone attacks, however the most useful way is to
speak with the government, especially President Obama, using persuasive
words to let them know the danger they are causing. By this, it should ingrain
into their brain and stop the drone program. Nevertheless, these arent
methods that are currently used to solve the problem, these are methods that
can be done. People have attempted to block the drone system. Some are
currently in action, while others solutions have been attempted but failed.
Some other alternative solutions would be:
1. Petitions
2. Closing down the U.S drone bases
3. Reimbursing innocent citizens. (Doesnt help stop Drone attacks, but helps the
victims get their lives back together after the destruction drones have caused.)
4. Stop advocating tyranny and reinforce non-violence
A. As stated before, the bombings are causing more civilian deaths than anything else. When a
drone strikes, an explosion occurs, causing extensive damage to the surrounding areabuildings and people in particular. They hit without warning,
giving people in the targeted buildings very little time to
escape the drone.
B. According to the CDCs (Centers for Disease Control)
report, bombs cause damage in a myriad of ways. It
causes damage in the initial explosion, when the debris
comes into contact with someone or something, and when
the shockwaves effect buildings that, as a result, collapse.
All of this damage leads to lots of different types injuries
that can be fatal and devastation everywhere. Questions
are being posed as to how the damage done by the bombs
is worth what they were sent to do originally.
To conclude, we hope that though our evidence, and with our plan to publicize this issue, we as
a league, will be able to produce change for the better of our world.
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