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Mark Lemoine

Ms. Coco
English 1001
November 10, 2016
Annotated Bibliography
BELLIN, JEFFREY. "The Inverse Relationship Between The Constitutionality And
Effectiveness Of New York City "Stop And Frisk." Boston University Law
Review 94.5(2014): 1495-1550. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
In this article, Jeffrey Bellin provides many different resources on the act of stop and
frisk with his opinions about what the act is about. Bellin, an Associate Professor, William &
Mary Law School, states that the act of stop and frisk was a minor component for a large
strategy. The strategy was to hunt down and take down armed men. Throughout the process,
there seem to be many cases where the people being stopped were not armed. With most of the
people stopped being of the African American culture, many suspicions came about. This shows
the aggressive policing and the failed crime of the task force being exposed throughout the
community. The officers are supposed to work together to stop the violence and crimes but it
seems they are the ones that are committing the crimes.

Bergner, Daniel. "Is Stop-And-Frisk Worth It?." Atlantic 313.3 (2014): 54-65. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

In the article by Daniel Bergner, he tells real life examples of police stops in Newark,
New Jersey and how the act of stop and frisk is a problem. Throughout the article, pictures are
shown of black males being treated poorly by the police during stops. The article is to shown that
the unlawful practices by the police are unconstitutional and against the law. These acts show
that this is an act of racial profiling and should be stopped immediately. The facts and statistics
are there showing that the Blacks and Latinos are being targeted by the police based off of their
Clark, David. "Stop And Frisk" Under Floyd V. City Of New York: The Difficulty Of
Proving A Fourteenth Amendment Violation." George Mason University

Rights Law Journal 25.3 (2015): 341-377. Academic Search Complete.

Web. 10

Nov. 2016.

In this article by David Clark, shows a court case between Floyd versus the City of New
York. Floyd was involved in an altercation with police that turned out to be an act of racial
profiling. Floyd was stopped and frisk for being in the wrong neighborhood at the time. Clark, a
student at the George Mason University School of Law, gives information on the acts of racial
profiling by the police in New York. He also gives background information on the first act of
stop and frisk and why the act was but the unit was disbanded after too many acts turned out to
be a form of racial profiling.
started in the first place. A unit was involved with all the stop and frisk altercations
Dunn, Ronnie A. "Racial Profiling: A Persistent Civil Rights Challenge Even In The
Twenty-First Century." Case Western Reserve Law Review 66.4 (2016):

992. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

In this article by Ronnie Dunn, focuses on the race and crime going on throughout the
criminal justice system. Dunn, an associate professor of Urban Studies at the Maxine Levin
Goodman College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University, provides examples of the acts
trying to reduce the act of racial profiling throughout the streets of Cleveland. The article gives
examples of cases of unarmed black males being shot and killed by the police to provide a sense
of urgency to the communities as a cry for help. Help to stop these unlawful, hatred crimes being
committed by the people who are there to protect and serve the communities. All cases of black
males are shown to have ties to some sort or racial bias.
FILIMON, Luiza Maria. "Police Practices In New York: Between Racial Profiling,
Discrimination And Unconstitutionality." Bulletin Of The Transilvania
200. Academic

Of Brasov. Series VII: Social Sciences. Law 8.2 (2015): 189Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

In this article by Maria Luiza Filimon, the act of stop and frisk is shown to be racial
profiling through stops by the police in New York. A judge argued that in order for a stop to be
conducted there must be some sort of reasonable suspicion. Through all the stops, the reasonable
suspicion is the victim being black or Latino which is why this act was ruled unconstitutional.
Filimon, a Ph.D. student, Doctoral School of Political Science, provides information on the
broken system and how crime passes through every day. The ones that are committing the most
crimes are the ones that are enforcing the law. The system is crooked and the truth will come out
one day with the digging of Journalist.
Rengifo, Andres F., and Lee Ann Slocum. "Community Responses To Stop-And-Frisk
In New York City." Criminal Justice Policy Review 27.7 (2016): 723746. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

In the article by Andres Rengifo and Lee Ann Slocum, they give information on
neighborhood law practices by the police such as the act of stop and frisk. Rengifo, an
associate professor at the School of Criminal Justice, and Slocum, an associate professor in the
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Missouri St. Louis, both
give credible information on the unlawful practices of stop and frisk. The many organizations
that surround the community, help shield the terrible things that can happen in the town. The
residents of the town just want to see less crime without the hassle of police brutality.

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