Outsourcing Policy
Outsourcing Policy
Outsourcing Policy
Table of contents
Activities that are proposed to be outsourced by the Bank
Activities that are already outsourced by the Bank
Activities that should not be outsourced
Material Outsourcing
Banks role and Regulatory and Supervisory requirements
Risk Management practices for outsourced Financial Services
Need for an Outsourcing Policy
Role of Board and Senior Management
Evaluation of the Risks
Evaluating the Capability of the Service Provider
The Outsourcing Agreement
Confidentiality and Security
Responsibilities of DSA/DMA/Recovery Agents
Business Continuity and Management of Disaster Recovery Plan
Monitoring and Control of Outsourced Activities
Redressal of Grievances related to Outsourced services
Reporting of Transactions to FIU or other competent authorities
Centralized list of Outsourced Agents
Off-shore outsourcing of Financial Services
Outsourcing within a Group/Conglomerate
Self Assessment of Existing/Proposed Outsourcing Arrangements
Review of the Policy
Page No.
1. Introduction.
1.1 The world over, banks are increasingly using outsourcing as a means of both reducing
cost and accessing specialist expertise, not available internally and achieving strategic
aims. Outsourcing may be defined as a banks use of a third party (either an affiliated
entity within a corporate group or an entity that is external to the corporate group) to
perform activities on a continuing basis (including agreements for a limited period), that
would normally be undertaken by the bank itself, now or in the future.
In keeping with this international trend, banks in India too have been extensively
outsourcing various activities. Such outsourcing activities results in banks being exposed
to various risks. Further, the outsourcing activities are to be brought within regulatory
purview and the interests of the customers have to be protected.
It is against this background, that Reserve Bank of India has put in place a set of
guidelines to address the risks that a bank would be exposed to in lieu of growing
outsourcing activity and to ensure that the bank concerned and Reserve Bank of India
have access to all books, records and information available with the service provider. The
guidelines also cover issues relating to safeguarding of customer interests. These
guidelines are concerned with managing risks in outsourcing of financial services and are
not applicable to technology related issues and activities not related to banking services
like usage of courier,catering of staff,housekeeping and janitorial services,security of the
premises,movement and archiving of records etc. Moreover, audit-related assignments to
Chartered Accountant firms will continue to be governed by the instructions/policy as laid
down by the Departmnet of Banking Supervision of RBI. Based on these guidelines this
policy is formulated.
Typically, outsourced financial services include application processing (loan origination,
credit card), document processing, marketing and research, supervision of loans, data
processing and back office related activities etc.
1.2 The Joint Forum, a tripartite body comprising Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,
International Organization of Securities Commission and International Association of
Insurance Supervisors, had issued guidelines on outsourcing in financial services in
February, 2005. Internationally, several countries like USA, UK, Germany, Hong Kong,
Australia and Singapore, have put in place, guidelines on outsourcing in financial
services. Based on these international best practices, Reserve Bank of India has now
issued certain guidelines for outsourcing in financial services.
1.3 Outsourcing brings in its wake, several risks like Strategic Risk, Reputation Risk,
Compliance Risk, Operational Risk, Legal Risk, Exit Strategy Risk, Counter party Risk,
Country Risk, Contractual Risk, Access Risk, Concentration and Systemic Risk. The
failure of a service provider in providing a specified service, a breach in
security/confidentiality, or non-compliance with legal and regulatory requirements by
either the service provider or the outsourcing bank, can lead to financial losses or loss of
reputation for the bank and could also lead to systemic risks within the entire banking
system in the country. It would therefore be imperative for the bank outsourcing its
activities to ensure effective management of these risks.
1.4 The guidelines on managing risks in outsourcing are intended to provide direction and
guidance to banks which choose to outsource financial services to adopt sound and
responsive risk management practices for effective oversight, due diligence and
management of risks arising from such outsourcing activities. The guidelines are
applicable to outsourcing arrangements entered into by a bank with a service provider
located in India or elsewhere. The service provider may either be a member of the
group/conglomerate to which the bank belongs, or an unrelated party.
1.5 The underlying principles behind these guidelines are that the bank should ensure that
outsourcing arrangements neither diminish its ability to fulfill its obligations to customers
and RBI nor impede effective supervision by RBI. Banks, therefore, have to take steps to
ensure that the service provider employs the same high standard of care in performing the
services as would be employed by the banks, if the activities were conducted within the
banks and not outsourced. Accordingly, banks should not engage in outsourcing that
would result in their internal control, business conduct or reputation, being compromised
or weakened.
1.6 Banks which desire to outsource financial services would not require prior approval from
RBI whether the service provider is located in India or outside India.
1.A. Activities that are proposed to be outsourced by the Bank.
The financial services proposed to be outsourced by our bank include application
processing (loan origination, credit card, account opening), document processing,
marketing and research, supervision of loans, data processing and back office related
activities etc. Though the RBI guidelines are concerned with managing risks in
outsourcing of financial services and are not applicable to technology related issues, we
have included the same, on the premise that ours being 100% CBS, due diligence should
be exercised while outsourcing such activities and ensure that risks in this regard are
1.B. Activities that are already outsourced by the Bank.
The following activities are already outsourced by the Bank.
Outsourcing Activities
R&T Agencies/Certification works
Taxation Consultant/Audit Services
Database Management, Application Management, Server Management
and Network Management, DR site lease / rental.
Contract Works
Credit cards
The Bank has bought various softwares like Finacle for core banking, BALM for ALM,
ITMS for Treasury/Forex, Loanflo for Credit Appraisal/monitoring, Cheque Truncation
software etc which are licensed software whose license is owned by the Bank. However, the
Annual Maintenance Contract for both the bought software and hardware is generally carried
out by vendors. All RBI supplied softwares like RTGS family, NDS family, Cheque
truncation etc. are supported by RBI or RBI entities. These software and hardware is however
used/operated by Bank.
We also propose to buy software, with necessary approval from appropreate authorities, for
Cash Management services, Payment Solutions, Online Trading in stock, commodities,
bullion and currency futures and entrust the AMC relating to those softwares to the vendors.
Material Outsourcing.
During Annual Financial Inspections, RBI will review the implementation of these
guidelines to assess the quality of related risk management systems, particularly in
respect of material outsourcing. Material outsourcing arrangements are those, which if
disrupted, have the potential to significantly impact the business operations, reputation or
profitability. Materiality of outsourcing would be based on:
Banks role and Regulatory and Supervisory requirements (As per RBI guidelines).
4.1 The outsourcing of any activity by bank does not diminish its obligations,and those of
its Board and Senior Management, who have the ultimate responsibility for the
outsourced activity. The bank would therefore be responsible for the actions of their
service provider including Direct Sales Agents/Direct Marketing Agents and Recovery
Agents and the confidentiality of information pertaining to the customers that is available
with the service provider. The bank should retain ultimate control of the outsourced
4.2 It is imperative for the bank, when performing its due diligence in relation to
outsourcing ,to consider all relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and conditions of
approval, licensing or registration.
4.3 Outsourcing arrangements should not affect the rights of a customer against the bank,
including the ability of the customer to obtain redress as applicable under relevant laws.
Since the customers are required to deal with the service providers in the process of
dealing with the bank, the bank should incorporate a clause in the product
literature/brochures etc., stating that they may use the services of agents in
sales/marketing etc. of the products. The role of agents may be indicated in broad terms.
4.4 Outsourcing, whether the service provider is located in India or abroad, should not
impede or interfere with the ability of the bank to effectively oversee and manage its
activities nor should it impede the Reserve Bank of India in carrying out its
supervisory functions and objectives.
4.5 Banks need to have a robust grievance redressal mechanism, which in no way should
be compromised on account of outsourcing.
4.6 The service provider, if it is not a subsidiary of the bank, should not be owned or
controlled by any director or officer/employee of the bank or their relatives having the
same meaning as assigned under Section 6 of the Companies Act,1956.
Approving a framework to evaluate the risks and materiality of all existing and
prospective outsourcing and the policies that apply to such arrangements.
Laying down appropriate approval authorities for outsourcing depending on risks and
Undertaking regular review of outsourcing strategies and arrangements for their
continued relevance, and safety and soundness and
Deciding on business activities of a material nature to be outsourced, and approving
such arrangements.
Evaluating the risks and materiality of all existing and prospective outsourcing, based
on the framework approved by the Board.
Developing and implementing sound and prudent outsourcing policies and procedures
commensurate with the nature, scope and complexity of the outsourcing.
Reviewing periodically the effectiveness of policies and procedures.
Communicating information pertaining to material outsourcing risks to the Board in a
timely manner.
Ensuring that contingency plans, based on realistic and probable disruptive scenarios,
are in place and tested.
Ensuring that there is independent review and audit for compliance with set policies.
Undertaking periodic review of outsourcing arrangements to identify new material
outsourcing risks, as they arise.
Past experience and competence to implement and support the proposed activity over
the contract period.
Financial soundness and ability to service commitments even under adverse
Business reputation and culture, compliance, complaints and outstanding or potential
Security and internal control, audit coverage, reporting and monitoring environment,
business continuity management.
External factors like political, economic, social and legal environment of the
jurisdiction in which the service provider operates and other events that may impact
service performance.
Ensuring due diligence by service provider of its employees.
The contract should clearly define what activities are going to be outsourced,
including appropriate service and performance standards.
The bank must ensure that it has the ability to access all books, records and
information relevant to the outsourced activity available with the service provider.
The contract should provide for continuous monitoring and assessment by the bank of
the service provider, so that any necessary corrective measure can be taken
5.6.5. The bank should immediately notify RBI in the event of any breach of security and
leakage of confidential customer related information. In these eventualities, the bank would
be liable to its customers for any damage.
5.7. Responsibilities of DSA/DMA/Recovery Agents.
5.7.1. Code of conduct for Direct Sales Agents formulated by the Indian Banks Association
(IBA) could be used in formulating the banks own codes for Direct Sales Agents/Direct
Marketing Agents/Recovery Agents. Banks should ensure that the Direct Sales Agents/Direct
Marketing Agents/Recovery Agents are properly trained to handle with care and sensitivity,
their responsibilities, particularly aspects like soliciting customers, hours of calling, privacy
of customer information and conveying the correct terms and conditions of the products on
offer etc.
5.7.2. Recovery Agents should adhere to extant instructions on Fair Practice Code for lending
(Circular DBOD.Leg.No.BC.104/09.07.007/2002-03 dated 5th May 2003) as also banks own
code for collection of dues. It is essential that the Recovery Agents refrain from action that
could damage the integrity and reputation of the bank and that they observe strict customer
5.7.3. The bank and their agents should not resort to intimidation or harassment of any kind
either verbal or physical against any person in their debt collection efforts, including acts
intended to humiliate publicly or intrude the privacy of the debtors family members, referees
and friends, making threatening and anonymous calls or making false and misleading
5.8. Business Continuity and Management of Disaster Recovery Plan.
5.8.1. The bank should require its service providers to develop and establish
framework for documenting, maintaining and testing business continuity and
procedures. Bank need to ensure that the service provider periodically tests the
continuity and recovery plan and may also consider occasional joint testing and
exercises with the service provider.
a robust
5.8.2. In order to mitigate the risk of unexpected termination of the outsourcing agreement or
liquidation of the service provider, bank should retain an appropriate level of control over the
outsourcing and the right to intervene with appropriate measures to continue its business
operations in such cases without incurring prohibitive expenses and without any break in the
operations of the bank and its services to the customers.
5.8.3. In establishing a viable contingency plan, bank should consider the availability of
alternative service providers or the possibility of bringing the outsourced activity back inhouse, in an emergency and the costs, time and resources that would be involved.
5.8.4. Outsourcing often leads to the sharing of facilities operated by the service provider.
The bank should ensure that service providers are able to isolate the banks information,
documents, records and other assets. This is to ensure that in adverse conditions, all
documents, records of transactions and information given to the service provider, and assets
of the bank, can be removed from the possession of the service provider in order to continue
its business operations, or deleted, destroyed or rendered unusable.
5.9. Monitoring and Control of Outsourced Activities.
5.9.1. The bank should have in place, a management structure to monitor and control its
outsourcing activities. It should ensure that outsourcing agreements with the service provider
contain provisions to address their monitoring and control of outsourced activities.
5.9.2. A central record of all material outsourcing that is readily accessible for review by the
Board and senior management of the bank should be maintained. The records should be
updated promptly and half yearly reviews should be placed before the Board.
5.9.3. Regular audits by either the internal auditors or external auditors of the bank should
assess the adequacy of the risk management practices adopted in overseeing and managing
the outsourcing arrangement, the banks compliance with its risk management framework and
the requirements of these guidelines.
5.9.4. The bank should at least on an annual basis, review the financial and operational
condition of the service provider to assess its ability to continue to meet its outsourcing
obligations. Such due diligence reviews, which can be based on all available information
about the service provider should highlight any deterioration or breach in performance
standards, confidentiality and security, and in business continuity preparedness.
5.9.5. In the event of termination of the agreement for any reason, this should be publicized
so as to ensure that the customers do not continue to entertain the service provider.
5.10. Redressal of Grievances related to Outsourced services.
a) The bank should constitute Grievance Redressal Machinery within the bank and give
wide publicity about it through electronic and print media. The name and contact
number of designated grievance redressal officer of the bank should be made known
and widely published. The designated officer should ensure that genuine grievances of
customers are redressed promptly without involving delay. It should be clearly
indicated that banks Grievance Redressal Machinery will also deal with the issue
relating to services provided by the outsourced agency.
b) Generally, a time limit of 30 days may be given to the customers for preferring their
complaints/grievances. The grievance redressal procedure of the bank and the time
frame fixed for responding to the complaints should be placed in the banks website.
c) If a complainant does not get satisfactory response from the bank within 60 days from
the date of his lodging the complaint, he will have the option to approach the office of
the concerned Banking Ombudsman for redressal of his grievance/s.