Nyquist Plot and Stability Criteria - GATE Study Material in PDF
Nyquist Plot and Stability Criteria - GATE Study Material in PDF
Nyquist Plot and Stability Criteria - GATE Study Material in PDF
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Polar Plot and its Analysis
If we have a function q s =
!!!! !!!! .
!!!! !!!! .
The contour in s-plane is chosen arbitrarily and points are mapped in q(s) plane
accordingly. In any contour in s plane which does not pass through any point of singularity
contains p number of poles and z number of zeros inside, then corresponding q(s) plane
Let us say G s H s =
! !!!! !!!! .
!!!! !!!! .
Here z1, z2, are open loop zeros and p1, p2, p3 .. are open loop poles.
Thus, numerator of G(s)H(s) contains open loop zeros while the denominator contains
open loop poles.
Now, q s =
any point of singularity must encircle the point (-1, 0) in anticlockwise direction as many
times as the number of open loop poles in the right half of s-plane.
N = Number of encirclements in anticlockwise direction.
P = Number of open loop poles in right side of s-plane.
Z = Number of closed loop poles in right side of s-plane.
If N = P, Z = 0 which implies closed loop system is stable.
If N P, Z 0 which implies system is unstable and Z = P N
We can have better understanding of Nyquist stability criteria through an example.
G s H s = !!
!!! (!"!!)
G j H j = !!!
!!!! (!!!"!)
The polar plot of the system will cut negative real axis at =
At = , G j H j
= 0, G(j)H(j) = 270
L = G j H j
! !
In the above plot, we can observe that the point (-1,0) is encircled two times in clockwise
N = -2
In system, there are no open loop poles in right s-plane
Hence P = 0
the system is unstable
The number of closed loop poles in right s-plane, Z = P - N= 0-(-2) = 2
Thus, we can use Nyquist plot for determining the stability of the system and determining
the number of positive closed loop poles. In the next article, we will deal with the Bode plot
and its significance.