Nyquist Plot and Stability Criteria - GATE Study Material in PDF

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Nyquist Plot and Stability Criteria - GATE

Study Material in PDF

In our previous GATE Preparation Notes, we dealt with Frequency Response

Analysis and Polar Plots. Along with these concepts, Nyquist Plot and Stability
Criteria related to it forms some of the bedrock of Control Systems. In these free
GATE Notes, we will go through Nyquist Plot.
Stability of a system depends on the location of roots of characteristic equation in the splane as we saw in Concept of Stability for Control System. The closed loop poles must lie in
the left side of s-plane for the system to be stable. Here Nyquist Plot has its own Stability
Criteria. It relates the information about location of poles with the open loop frequency
response. The Nyquist Criteria is based on Cauchy Theorem of Complex Variables.
You can download this GATE Study material in PDF. It is useful for BSNL, DRDO, BARC, IES
and other exams. It also forms part of the syllabus of GATE EC and GATE EE. But before we
can begin with Nyquist Plot and Stability Criteria, you must read up on some previous

Recommended Reads
Polar Plot and its Analysis

Frequency Response for Control System Analysis

Root Locus Diagram

Time Response of Second Order Systems

Routh Hurwitz Stability Criteria

Stability of Control Systems

Nyquist Stability Criteria

A function is called analytic at a point if the function as well as its derivative exists at that
point. The points where function is not analytic are called singular points.

If we have a function q s =

!!!! !!!! .
!!!! !!!! .

q(s) can also be written as u + jv

Also, we have s = + j
Then for every point in s plane, we can map the corresponding point in q(s) plane.
The contours for both s and q(s) plane are supposed to be as below

The contour in s-plane is chosen arbitrarily and points are mapped in q(s) plane
accordingly. In any contour in s plane which does not pass through any point of singularity
contains p number of poles and z number of zeros inside, then corresponding q(s) plane

contour undergoes phase change of [(p-z) 2]. It means pz number of encirclements

anticlockwise if p>z or (z-p) number of encirclements clockwise if z>p.

Now regarding stability, suppose for a feedback system the characteristic polynomial is
q(s) = 1 + G(s)H(s)

Let us say G s H s =

! !!!! !!!! .
!!!! !!!! .

Here z1, z2, are open loop zeros and p1, p2, p3 .. are open loop poles.
Thus, numerator of G(s)H(s) contains open loop zeros while the denominator contains
open loop poles.

Now, q s =

!!!! !!!! !! !!!! !!!!

!!!! !!!! .

Poles of q(s) = open loop poles

Zeros or roots of q(s) = closed loop poles
It is because the roots of characteristic polynomial give the closed loop poles.
For the system to be stable, the zeros of q(s) which are closed loop poles must lie on the left
side of s-plane. Even if the open loop poles lie on the right side the closed loop system may
be stable.
Now, G(s)H(s) = (1+ G(s) H(s)) 1.
The above equation signifies that the contour of GH will be same as contour of q(s) but
shifted by -1 + j0. Thus the encirclement by q(s) of origin is equivalent to the encirclement
by GH of point -1 + j0.
Therefore, the Nyquist stability criteria states that for a closed loop system to be stable, the
GH plane contour drawn corresponding to the s plane contour that does not pass through

any point of singularity must encircle the point (-1, 0) in anticlockwise direction as many

times as the number of open loop poles in the right half of s-plane.
N = Number of encirclements in anticlockwise direction.
P = Number of open loop poles in right side of s-plane.
Z = Number of closed loop poles in right side of s-plane.
If N = P, Z = 0 which implies closed loop system is stable.
If N P, Z 0 which implies system is unstable and Z = P N
We can have better understanding of Nyquist stability criteria through an example.

Examples of Nyquist Plot & its Stability Criteria

Example: Consider a system with open loop transfer function as

G s H s = !!

!!! (!"!!)

Draw the Nyquist plot and also comment on stability.

Given system is a type 2 system, hence the Nyquist plot will have two infinite semi circles.

G j H j = !!!

!!!! (!!!"!)

The polar plot of the system will cut negative real axis at =




(Try to solve it yourself)

At = 0, |G(j)H(j)| = , G(j)H(j) = 180

At = , G j H j

= 0, G(j)H(j) = 270

The polar plot of the system will be

L = G j H j



! !

= 10.67 (Try to find it yourself)

Inverse polar plot of the system with reversed direction is

Thus the Nyquist plot of the system will be drawn as

In the above plot, we can observe that the point (-1,0) is encircled two times in clockwise
N = -2
In system, there are no open loop poles in right s-plane
Hence P = 0
the system is unstable
The number of closed loop poles in right s-plane, Z = P - N= 0-(-2) = 2
Thus, we can use Nyquist plot for determining the stability of the system and determining
the number of positive closed loop poles. In the next article, we will deal with the Bode plot
and its significance.

More articles here

Relative Stability and Bode Plot

Shortcut to Draw Polar Plot for All Pole Systems

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