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On-Line SF6 Monitoring Breaking Paradigms - Qualitrol

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On-line SF monitoring Breaking Paradigms


C. Deligi
Qualitrol Company LLC

Abstract This paper endorses the monitoring of SF6 gas to help

identify leakages and possible changes in moisture content at an
early stage, then track and compare over time. An end-user
software solution is proposed that tracks SF6 leakage rate/amount
of loss in real time, possesses an artificial intelligence based on
international standards and experience shared from High Voltage
field service experts, and provides valuable condition base
information to fulfill SF6 management tools to establish controls
through on-line monitoring. Currently, SF6 on-line density
monitoring is used primarily as back-up protection for current
temperature compensated pressure gauges standard for electrical
Index TermsSF6 density monitoring, dew point monitoring,
SF6 software management, State of the art SF6


HE OXFORD English dictionary defines the basic

meaning of the term paradigm as "a typical example or
pattern of something; a pattern or model." A better example in
daily life would be when one does something without knowing
why. Today following the Smart Grid wave sometimes we
catch ourselves looking only to the common answer without
knowing how to break the barrier and make something really
helpful that saves time, money and that actually can help to
prevent the worst from happening.
Sulphur hexafluoride gas (SF6) provides superior electrical
insulation in electrical equipment and serves as a higlyeffective arc-quenching medium. Approximately 2.5 times
better than air under the same pressure and temperature
conditions, SF6 gas is usually used at three to five times
atmospheric pressure having the dielectric properties ten times
better then air. SF6 gas is non-flammable, non-corrosive to
metals at ambient temperatures and is non- toxic unless
decomposed in electrical arcs. When SF6 gas is subjected to
electrical arcs, the gas molecules may be disrupted, but return
to their original form. [1]. The high dielectric strength is the
result of SF6 being an electronegative gas, as it tends to trap
free electrons and convert them into negative ions.
These qualities have made SF6 use desirable worldwide for
over thirty years in circuit breakers, gas insulated substations
(GIS) and related equipment in electrical transmission and
distribution systems. SF6 continues to progress towards being
Paper sent for reviewing on August 22nd. The author is with Qualitrol
[email protected])

the main dielectric and insulator for new circuit breakers and
gas insulated substations.
A powerful gas that is difficult to break down, SF6 is the
most potent greenhouse
gas evaluated
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and on the list of
the greenhouse gases of the Kyoto Protocol. It has a global
warming potential about 23,900 times greater than the carbon
dioxide (CO2) and an estimated lifetime of 3200 years on
Earth. Every effort must be made to minimize both intentional
and accidental releases of gas into the atmosphere.[5]
The greenhouse effect is a real concern for the future of our
life on Earth. Electric power generation industries are leading
the way by pushing for the reduction of greenhouse gases
mainly through the generation of electricity and the related
CO2 production. However, the lesser-known SF6 is widely
used in the electricity industry, has a rather strong global
warming potential. It is therefore important to know the most
accurate figures concerning this gas and its emissions in the
atmosphere [2], for today and for the mid-term.



To ensure safe performance of SF6 breakers, GIS, GIT,

and GIB humidity have to be kept at sufficiently low levels in
order to avoid the detrimental effect of reducing dielectric
strength on insulator surfaces and chemical reactions with
decomposition products of SF6, especially on breakers.
The dielectric strength of free SF6 gas gaps is not
substantially affected by moisture in the gas (see Fig.1, top
curve "free gas gap"). However, the dielectric influence of
moisture is important for insulator surfaces, especially if there
is a risk that water will condense on them. Except for circuit
breakers, where SF6 decomposition products may react
chemically with water, only the dielectric effects of water
have to be considered.
Extensive tests [4] have shown that in GIS beginning
with around 30% relative humidity in SF6, the a.c. voltage
withstand capability across insulators begins to decrease (see
Fig.1, top curve "Moist isolator"), as water in its molecular
form (and electrolytes from decomposition products in circuitbreakers) may collect on the insulator surface and thus reduce
its dielectric strength. On the other hand, the dielectric effect
is small, if non-conducting ice forms on insulator surfaces.



Any quick, dramatic change in dew point indicates a leak

that should be detected by both dew point and density on-line
In order to maintain the insulation properties of SF6 and
reduce the formation of corrosive by-products from SF6
decomposition, the amount of water vapor in high-voltage
equipment must be kept at a minimum. Although initially
filled with dry gas and being closed equipment at elevated
pressure with no external gas flow, the high penetration ability
of water molecules may increase the moisture level, especially
when the equipment ages.
Suitable adsorbers are usually provided in the gas
compartments, thus keeping moisture permanently below
required safety levels if no leakage is in place. This comment
supports the theory of on-line density measurements to
indicate any drop of nominal pressure at an early stage and
control rapid change of moisture. This takes into consideration
that sensor technologies can monitor density + dewpoint. This
kind of sensor can increase the price high enough to make it
cost prohibitive in new equipment, especially GIS substations.
Also the software/hardware solutions cannot be overlooked.
Therefore, density (not pressure) is a decisive factor
governing the electrical performance of SF6. However, it is
found that many end users rely on pressure instead of density
for two reasons: the density monitors indicate temperature
compensated pressure where the manufacturers establish the
equipment nominal pressure value at a certain temperature; it
is easier to read pressure instead of density. The major
difference is that density will not change with temperature
unless there is SF6 leakage or decomposition of the gas byproducts.
In an example where one breaker type consumes 10Kg of
SF6 gas, if there is no SF6 leakage or decompositon of the gas,
the weight of the gas will not change but pressure will and it
might lead to unnecessary concerns. Table 1 below indicates
measurements at 20 and 2 degrees Celsius with variation of
pressure but not in the gas weight.

The only intrinsic feature of the pure gas, which has an

essential influence on its dielectric strength, is SF6 density,
not pressure. Therefore, it can be monitored and kept constant
by a low leakage rate.
Density sensor manufacturers today look for pressure and
temperature in order to calculate the density, which brings the
concern of a true realistic value since both bits of information
can change drastically during the day. The solution for that is
to build an electronic technology to prevent it from happening
or a software correlation to avoid false alarms.
State-of-the-art HV electric power equipment is applied in
closed pressure systems. The typical time between two
consecutive maintenance operations is around 25 years. In
practice, on-site SF6 handling is already minimized, as it is
only required for installation, extension and/or end-of-lifedisposal/dismantling of equipment.[6]
Because of their high leakage rate, controlled pressure
systems should no longer be used in new equipment and those
already installed should be replaced by closed pressure
The permissible leakage rate Fp for closed pressure
systems should not exceed 0.5 % p.a. and per gas
compartment and the time between two consecutive
replenishments should be in line with the expected service life,
typically 25 years;
Appropriate measures should be arranged to locate and
eliminate a leak as soon as it is detected and intermediate
repair should be limited;
Frequent topping off of leaking compartments should be
avoided as it can also move particles inside and possibly lead
to a breakdown;
Checking the SF6 quality in the gas compartments should be
done on a reliability-based system instead of a time-based
If the SF6 on-line monitoring system is not developed with
quality and understanding of the main concern, it might
generate leaking prediction alarms when its not a real issue.
Formulating the wrong conclusion can and will cause conflicts
with the OEMs by giving a false alarm and calling for a
repair if the 0.5% leak rate limit is crossed, especially if the
equipment is under warranty. The main concern worldwide is
to build credibility of the SF6 monitoring system where the
OEMs and end-users can rely on the same technology.
According to studies conducted by "CIGRE working group
A3.12 on Fig.2 below"), 14% of breaker failures occur on
temperature compensated pressure switches. These pressure
switches are commonly used to operate auxiliary relays (28%
failure rate) to disable or block the tripping or closing of the
circuit breaker if the SF6 gas density in the enclosure falls


below critical levels, not forgetting the wiring and joints (10%
failure rate) that also can lead to a critical failure. [3]

(Fig.4) Alarm Events Indication

(Fig.2) SF6 failure vs Components

B. Increasing credibility as a back-up protection:

Another study in Fig.3 below concluded that 57.3% are
failures caused by insulation on gas insulated substations
(GIS). Those statistics could potentially be reduced with a
combined partial discharge and SF6 density on-line monitoring
(Fig.3) CIGRE Task Force 23-102(1998)[8]

The interfaces appearance is important for the user to

easily understand how to set up alarms and navigate through
the settings as example on fig.5, not only for low stage 1 and 2
but also for higher density levels in case a mistake was made
during filling procedures. The softwares solutions must be
developed by software engineers, yet in tandem with experts
in the electrical substation field. Cooperation with experts who
actually deal with issues in person can augment the artificial
intelligence in the software. [9]
(Fig.5) Interface appearance

Insulation failures constitute the majority of defects

measured on gas insulated substations with 57.3%.
Understanding the need not only for breakers but also for
GIS brings attention to support the continued development of
a technology that looks to build credibility and gain space in
the energy sector.
A. SCADA and Remote Communications
The reasons for the failures mentioned on fig.2 and fig.3
above, further support the need to look for a back-up solution
that can both connect to SCADA and forward SMS or emails
to notify alarm events such as those indicated in Fig.4
regarding the condition of the equipment. Software does not
only indicate leakage rate, but also has an artificial
intelligence designed to offer a smart solution tailored to
substation environments. [9]

C. Tracking SF6 leakage supporting EPA requirements:

If there are density sensors installed in all gas
compartments, the possibilities to trend and compare with data
from other SF6 vessels can certainly contribute, for instance it
is understood that annually the EPA (United States
Environmental Protection Agency) requests a report from the
OEMs and utilities dealing with high volumes of SF6. For
this, software can manifest the past, present and future with
data that has been managed through databases (SQL, Oracle,


The importance of having such information in hand can
result in better resource management, discerning an
emergency issue from a normal speed job, localizing issues
before they run out of warranty, the freedom to purchase SF6
without hurry, and much more benefits. At the same time,
there is a constant forward-looking goal of reducing the SF6
released in the atmosphere that, according to the EPA and
European environmental agencies, is considered harmful.
An example of good software management is proper
prioritization of repair by determining the higher leakers
being monitored. The SF6 network can be tracked from a
desk, thereby minimizing resources going out to the field to
visually inspect temperature compensated pressure switches.
The top 10 leakers can be selected for visualization, or
alarms set up to notify when one crosses a specific level.
Creating density groups will help the user to properly manage
risk, generate reports and take immediate action when
D. Mapping, Viewing and Analysis Solution
To make it robust, smart condition base monitoring
solutions have to take the lead on the Smart Grid, by not only
supporting the SF6 monitoring solution but also general
substation maintenance, providing tools to map the end user
substations, quickly visualize the site, and receive smart
analyses without losing time and by saving money.

So why the need for SF6 on-line monitoring system?
Answers would be to have absolute control of territory,
properly management and reduce cost, have the option to
measure only SF6 leaks - and by that control the dew point that
increases quickly due to leakage.
SF6 monitoring has a more far-reaching purpose: Its
availability in and of itself alters the perspective of how we
take care of the electrical equipment that we rely upon for
energy production in our countries and how to make our
systems reliable to support longer periods without
maintenance when perhaps it is not needed.
Utilities will undoubtedly continue to follow the same,
costly steps of time-based maintenance that dont necessarily
help to prevent the worst from happening. Breaking paradigms
will change the way smart maintenance is conducted. Do
maintenance when needed, not when told to do so.


National Grid. TGN(E) 178 Issue 1 -January 2002. Guide to SF6 Handling
CIGR WG A3.12-319 2007. Failure survey on circuit-breaker controls.
CIGR 1980, Contribution by D. Schlicht to paper 15-04 (Factors
influencing the ageing of insulation structures in SF6 by Douon and


Environmental Protection Agency. SF6 Leak Rates from HV Circuit
Breakers U.S EPA Investigates Potential Greenhouse Gas Emissions
CIGR Task Force B3.02.01 (Guide for the preparation of customized
Practical SF6 Handling Instructions 276.
CIGR WG B3.18 (SF6 Tightness Guide 430).
CIGR WG 23-102_1998 (Report on the second international survey on
High Voltage gas insulated substations (GIS) service experience.
SmartSUB ISGM 101, DM-00457 rev A, Qualitrol Company LLC,
Glasgow, UK, 2013, pp 10-31

Carlos Deligi was born in

Guarulhos, SP, Brazil, in 1985. He
Specialist, with 12 years as an
Industry expert in GIS and HV
Carlos is a member of the TAS
Technical Application
Company LLC and also a member
of CIGR Brazilian National
committee working group CE A3 High Voltage
Equipment. Mr. Deligi worked for ABB for almost 12 years,
during which time he obtained experience from work
performed worldwide in HV equipment for ABBs Business
Units in Brazil, Sweden, the USA and Germany. Mr. Deligi is
the current technical resource for Qualitrol sales, product
managers and end user support on GIS and HV Breaker
monitoring solutions. He may be reached at 1385 Fairport Rd.,
Fairport, NY 14450, USA or at [email protected]

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